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Quality Culture in the Public Sector

Definition of Quality Culture (in the public sector)

It is an organizations value system that practices excellent work cultures which leads to the establishment and continual improvement of quality.

environment that supports the quality products or services that are offered to the organizational public which exceeds their needs and expectations.

Behavior matches slogan

Characteristics of Quality Culture

Customer input is actively sought and used to continually improve quality.

Reward and promotion systems are based on contributions to the continual improvement Education and training are provided to employees. Sufficient resouces are made available.

Employees are both involved and empowered

Work done in team.

Quality culture To satisfy customer as well as to exceed their expectation

Areas of differences Operating philosophy

Traditional culture Its primary focus is return on investment and making short term profit Normally adopt short-term objectives managers think while employees do whatever instructed to them more concerned on their needs rather than their customers. Often use defensive approach when problems occur.

Strategically planned.


Both managers and subordinates (employees) are sharing the vision, mission, goals, etc of the organization aims to meet and exceed customers satisfaction. Greater focus is given to identify and rectify the roots of the problems Suppliers are treated as partners Besides being proactive

Management approach

Attitude towards customers Problem solving approach

Supplier relationships Performance improvement approach

Suppliers are pressured Reactive towards problems rather than proactive

Maintaining Quality Culture in the Public Sector

Maintain an awareness of quality as a key cultural issue.

Make sure that there is plenty of evidence of managements leadership.

Empower employees and courage selfdevelopment and self-initiative

Recognize and reward the behaviors that tend to nurture and maintain the quality culture.

Keep employees involved.

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