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1. Derive the e.m.f. equation of alternator. 2. What is the necessity of starter in a DC motor? 3. Why transformer rating is given in kVA?

4. Derive the e.m.f. equation of a transformer. 5. Draw and explain T - Ia characteristics of a D.C. series motor 6. What are the cooling methods of a transformer 7. Draw and explain the characteristics of DC shunt motor. 8. What are the advantages of stationary armature in alternator. 9. Draw and explain the equivalent circuit of a practical transformer on load 10. Draw and explain the characteristics of DC series motor. 11. Write a note on three phase transformers 12. Explain why synchronous motors are not self starting. 13. i) A 250V, DC shunt motor takes a no load current of 5A from supply and runs at 1000 r.p.m. Find the speed at which it will run, when it takes a line current of 30A. The armature and field resistances are 0.5 and 125 respectively. 14. i) Explain how efficiency and regulation of a transformer can be predetermined from OC and SC tests. ii) A 20kVA, single phase, 50Hz, 2200/200V transformer gave the following results. O.C test : 2200V applied to primary, power taken 220W S.C test : Power required to circulate full load current in short-circuited secondary 240W. Calculate the efficiency at full load and half full load at p.f 0.8 lagging. 15. Explain Brake load test and Swinburnes carried out on DC motors. 16. i) Explain the method of determining alternator regulation by synchronous impedance method. ii) A three-phase 600kVA alternator has a rated terminal voltage of 3300V (line value). The stator winding is star connected and has a resistance of 0.37/phase and a synchronous reactance of 4.3/phase. Calculate the voltage regulation for full load at 0.8 lagging. 17. i) Explain the losses in a transformer. Why core loss is taken as constant? ii) A 100kVA 2200/440V transformer has R1 = 0.3 ; X1 = 1.1 ; R2 = 0.01 ; and X2 = 0.035. Calculate a) The equivalent impedance of the transformer referred to the primary b) total copper losses. 18. Explain different Speed control methods for DC shunt motors.

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