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Setting up Operation modes.

1) Create Operation mode Day and Night. a) Type in transaction RZ04 .

b) Following screen will appear and press Create button.


Give the name of operation mode (DAY) and give some short description and press

TASK : Similarly create one more operation mode named NIGHT.

d) You should have two operation mode on operation mode window.


Now we will assign work process to the operation mode .So press generate.

tab and press


Following screen appears which assigns work process to both operation modes.

g) Now double click on the operation mode and you can see that you can actually change the number of work process . Now make changes as shown in screen shots and press save at the bottom(Note: changes made in other work process affects dialog ).

Schedule Operation mode a) Go to transaction /nSM63 and select normal operation and press change.

b) Now assign the operation mode which we created according to the timing for example 00.0 01.00 to 12.00-13.00 assign day operation mode and for 13.00-14.00 to 23.00 -00.00 as night operation mode. (Note: For multiple assignment double click on first and again double click last one for particular operation mode ). Press assign and select the desired operation mode.

TASK : repeat the same task with from 13.00-14.00 to 23.00-00.00 but make sure you assign night task screen should look like following.

Manual switch of operation modes. a) Enter transaction /nRZ03 transaction to assign operation mode.

b) And to switch server on to particular operation mode and follow the screen below

c) And press yes on the pop up screen . d) Now got to /nSM50 and check the change in the number of work process.

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