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Bank Reconciliation Program Version 2

Copyright 2013 Rupert Parsons Some Rights Reserved You can copy, distribute & modify this program under the conditions stipulated in the copyright licence. Click the link below to see the details of the copyright licence which applies to this program:

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Bank Reconciliation Program Version 2

Program Features
For those who prepare bank reconciliations the program provides the following: - An intuitive template. - Macros which add & delete rows for reconciling items at a press of a button. - The ability to enter explanations / observations for reconciling items. - The ability to sort reconciling items by date so that older items always appear first. - Bank reconciliation reports (available in two formats). The setup menu makes it easy to enter the organisation name, bank & currency symbol.

Who might benefit from this program?

Those who want to learn how to do a bank reconciliation.* Small businesses, Churches & NGOs for their monthly bank reconciliations. Larger organisations that use accounting software to do their bank reconciliation but at the year end require the reconciliation to be presented in a more professional & transparent manner. Those who want to learn how to write Excel macros.** * also view / download: Bank Reconciliation Manual **also view / download: Excel Macros / VBA Bank Reconciliation Program


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Bank Reconciliation Program Current a/c February 2013

Bank Reconciliation Program Setup Manual (online) Copyright Donate (to charity)
Help & Documentation

Bank Rec.





In order for the program to function correctly you must: Enable macros* Set up the program If you are using Excel 2010 or later, excel may open the program in 'protected mode'. Click 'Enable Editing' if this is the case (the file is safe). *Macros are not enabled if nothing happens when you press the buttons on the spreadsheet (to enable macros see instructions below). How to enable macros To learn how to enable macros click the link below: Then go to the chapter that corresponds with your version of Excel.

The macros in this program are completely safe and are virus free. How to set up the program Click Setup on this page. On the setup page you must enter all details required under ' Essential'. How to use the program Click Manual on this page. If you are already familiar with bank reconciliations you just need to read the short chapter: The Bank Reconciliation Page How to modify the program You must first unprotect the worksheet. There is no password. The following modifications can corrupt formulas and / or affect the correct functioning of the macros unless you have a reasonable knowledge of Excel and Visual Basic for Applications: - Deleting columns - Changing the number format of currency cells (amount) It is safe to insert columns on the 'Bank Reconciliation Page' and in the bank reconciliation reports providing that the column(s) are not inserted to the right of the 'Observation' column. Click the link below to view the program code & see how the code is organised: You are free to modify the program but click Copyright on this page to make sure you understand the terms of the licence if you are intending to publish a modified version.

Bank Reconciliation Program Setup


Name of Company / Organisation Bank Account Name Currency Symbol


Currency: no decimal places Currency: 2 decimal places Drop Down Lists

Bank Reconciliation Current a/c February 2013


Create a copy of this spreadsheet Save As Enter month & year Enter bank balance
Bank Reconciliation & print

Bank Reconciliation Page Print Bank Reconciliation (format 1) Print Bank Reconciliation (format 2)

Bank Balance per statement Difference Bank Balance per accounts (cashbook) Reconciling Items Unexplained Difference

Current a/c BANK RECONCILIATION 3,802.87 February 2013 250.00

Back Sort by date

4,052.87 250.00 The bank statement has been reconciled to the accounts: the ''Reconciling Items'' total - matches the ''Difference''.

1. Receipts in the accounts, not on the bank statement (e.g. deposits not cleared the bank) Date Deposit Amount Reconciling Item Observation Ref. ### D566902 250.00 250.00 Deposit not cleared the bank

Insert Row

Delete Last Row

2. Payments in the accounts, not on the bank statement (e.g. unpresented cheques) Date Payment Amount Reconciling Item Observation Ref. -

Insert Row

Delete Last Row

3. Receipts on the bank statement, not in the accounts (e.g. income credited directly to the bank acco Date Bank Ref. Amount Reconciling Item Observation -

Insert Row

Delete Last Row

4. Payments on the bank statement, not in the accounts (e.g. bank charges & interest) Date Bank Ref. Amount Reconciling Item Observation -

Insert Row

Delete Last Row

5. Receipts both in the accounts and on the bank statement but registering different amounts (e.g. ac Date Deposit Accounts Bank Reconciling Observation Ref. Amount Amount Item -

Insert Row

Delete Last Row

6. Payments both in the accounts and on the bank statement but registering different amounts (e.g. a Date Payment Accounts Bank Reconciling Observation Ref. Amount Amount Item -

Insert Row

Delete Last Row

Reconciling Items


Name of your organisation

Bank Balance per statement Difference Bank Balance per accounts (cashbook) Reconciling Items Unexplained Difference 3,802.87 250.00 4,052.87 250.00 BANK RECONILIATION Current a/c February 2013

Receipts in the accounts, not on the bank statement Date Deposit Amount Reconciling Item Observation Ref. ### D566902 250.00 250.00 Deposit not cleared the bank Payments in the accounts, not on the bank statement Date Payment Amount Reconciling Item Observation Ref. -Receipts on the bank statement, not in the accounts Date Bank Ref. Amount Reconciling Item Observation -Payments on the bank statement, not in the accounts Date Bank Ref. Amount Reconciling Item Observation -Receipts both in the accounts and on the bank statement but registering different amounts Date Deposit Accounts Bank Reconciling Observation Ref. Amount Amount Item -Payments both in the accounts and on the bank statement but registering different amounts Date Payment Accounts Bank Reconciling Observation Ref. Amount Amount Item --

Reconciling Items



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Name of your organisation

Prepared by:

Approved by:


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Name of your organisation

Bank Balance per statement Difference Bank Balance per accounts (cashbook) Reconciling Items Unexplained Difference Balance per bank statement 3,802.87 250.00 4,052.87 250.00 3,802.87 BANK RECONILIATION Current a/c February 2013

Receipts in the accounts, not on the bank statement Date Deposit Amount Reconciling Item Observation Ref. ### D566902 250.00 250.00 Deposit not cleared the bank Payments in the accounts, not on the bank statement Date Payment Amount Reconciling Item Observation Ref. -Receipts on the bank statement, not in the accounts Date Bank Ref. Amount Reconciling Item Observation -Payments on the bank statement, not in the accounts Date Bank Ref. Amount Reconciling Item Observation -Receipts both in the accounts and on the bank statement but registering different amounts Date Deposit Accounts Bank Reconciling Observation Ref. Amount Amount Item -Payments both in the accounts and on the bank statement but registering different amounts Date Payment Accounts Bank Reconciling Observation Ref. Amount Amount Item -Balance per accounts (cashbook) 4,052.87


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Name of your organisation

Prepared by:

Approved by:


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Enter data in the orange Back Home spreadsheet cells.

Year & Month

Year Month

2013 February

Bank Balance Bank Balance Per bank statement Per accounts (cashbook) 3,802.87 4,052.87



Name of Company / Organisation

Company / Organisation

Name of your organisation

Bank Account Name

Bank Account Name

Current a/c

Currency Symbol

Currency Symbol

Drop Down Lists: 1. Receipts in the accounts, not on the bank statement (e.g. deposits not cleared the bank) Explanation 1 Explanation 2 Explanation 3 Explanation 4 Explanation 5 2. Payments in the accounts, not on the bank statement (e.g. unpresented cheques) Explanation 1 Explanation 2 Explanation 3 Unpresented cheque Accounting error Bank error Deposit not cleared the bank Accounting error Bank error Bounced cheque (name of customer)



Explanation 4 Explanation 5

Lost in transit (name of payee)

3. Receipts on the bank statement, not in the accounts (e.g. income credited directly to the ban Explanation 1 Explanation 2 Explanation 3 Explanation 4 4. Payments on the bank statement, not in the accounts (e.g. bank charges & interest) Explanation 1 Explanation 2 Explanation 3 Explanation 4 Bank charges & interest Accounting error Bank error Bank interest Accounting error Bank error

5. Receipts both in the accounts and on the bank statement but registering different amounts ( Explanation 1 Explanation 2 Explanation 3 Accounting error Bank error

6. Payments both in the accounts and on the bank statement but registering different amounts Explanation 1 Explanation 2 Accounting error Bank error



Explanation 3

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