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Analysis of Financial Statement

PROJECT: Objective:
This project is designed to prepare future managers to effectively analyze, interpret, and evaluate an entitys financial statements and related information (i.e. external information). The entities subject to analysis will be drawn from a wide variety of different industries. Emphasis should be placed on the interpretation of
financial data by means of comparative statements, trend percentages, detailed analysis of working capital and extensive use of various financial ratios.

How to work:
Make a group of THREE members Select sector of your interest excluding Bank, Insurance and Modarbas. Submit your group member name and sector name.

Note: It is possible that more than one group may assign single sector, care must be taken that each group will have different companies. Last date of submission is fourth session
Select ONE company of your sector and then collect their atleast 5 years financial data. STEPS 1. OVERALL ECONOMY POSITION 2. INDUSTRY ANALYSIS 3. COMPANY ANALYSIS Select benchmark company and also gather industry averages.

i. i. ii.

Pakistan Ecnomic Survey is maain source of information about Pakistan (SBP) Select information from following newspaper, magazine or web side. Business Records newspaper

iii. iv. v. vi. vii.

The Dawn The Economist SBP Web page Financial Times newspaper KSE web side

Read and select information which you think is affecting or will affect your sector of economy. Demand and supply side of your company. You can select specific information like import/ shortage of raw material or general information that is affecting all sectors including your sector. For example if oil prices going up, all sectors will badly affected but oil companies will show better profit.

Identify information in bullet form. You can use table or attach data sheet with your comments. Reference is must form where you obtained this information

Final report:
Detail report with selected information and their interpretation will be presented by group in 14 th and 15th session. Note: Marks will be awarded on each submission as well as final presentation

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