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Monday 22nd April

MON 22nd Lord, we give thanks for all those who work in childrens homes in our city and surrounding areas. May they show love in all they do. TUES 23rd George, martyr, patron of England, c. 304 St Georges Edgbaston: Please pray for us as we host our second lunchtime St Georges Day community event under the heading St George, a Gift for the whole Community in which we will be celebrating musical traditions from different periods in British history and different strands of British culture. We pray that around the country people of all cultural and ethnic backgrounds may be able to come together to celebrate our national day. WED 24th Mellitus, bishop, 624 Pray for the ongoing ecumenical work of Birmingham Churches Together. Pray that we would continue to work harmoniously to see Gods glory in our city. THURS 25th Mark the Evangelist Almighty God, who enlightened your holy Church through the inspired witness of your evangelist Saint Mark: grant that we, being firmly grounded in the truth of the gospel, may be faithful to its teaching both in word and deed; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen. FRI 26th Alfred, king scholar 899 Please pray for the congregation of St Mark, Stockland Green, during their interregnum. Pray that God will strengthen them and aid them during this period of uncertainty. SAT 27th Christina Rossetti, poet, 1894 Church crawl for Malawi: Remember all those who are walking, cycling, running, driving or going by bus today to visit churches in the diocese and collect sponsorship for the Malawi Partnership, and those waiting in churches to receive them.

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