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Design Steps and Equations

To design a braced cut follow these steps (click on item for details): If the soil stratum is multi-layered go here first then perform steps (1) to (3) If the soil stratum is single-layered continue with steps (1) to (3) (Click here for an EXAMPLE ON THE DESIGN OF BRACED CUTS) 1) Estimate lateral pressure on braced cut 2) Calculate the forces and moments on various components a) Determine the load distribution b) Estimate forces on struts and select section c) Estimate the maximum moment on sheet pile and select section d) Estimate the maximum moment on wales and select section 3) Check for bottom heave (in clays)

Lateral Earth Pressure on Braced Cuts a) Sands: c = 0 pa = 0.65 H ka where k a = tan2 45 2

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b) Soft to Medium Clay: = 0 and

4 c pa = H 1 H

h c


or 0.3 H Whichever is higher



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Advanced Foundation Engineering Braced Cuts (Excavations)

c) Soft to Medium Clay: = 0 and pa = 0.2 H to 0.4 H with an average of 0.3 H

h c





Forces and Moments on Various Components Load Distribution return to top

return to top

d1 d2

A FA B d1 d2

d3 C d4 D d5 x x


= FB





= FC

FC2 B L FD s s

d4 d5



Section x-x (Plan)

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Advanced Foundation Engineering Braced Cuts (Excavations)

Note that the first strut A must be placed at a depth d1 < zc (depth of tension crack) where zc =

2 c .

Forces on Struts and Selection of Section (Designed as column, pined at both ends)

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1) Draw the pressure diagram pa 2) Assume that the sheet pile is hinged at all levels of struts 3) Calculate FA , FB1, FB2, FC1, FC2, and FD which are the reaction in the load distributions I, II and III. 4) The loads in the struts are calculated as: PA = (FA) x s PB = (FB1 + FB2) x s PC = (FC1 + FC2) x s PD = (FD) x s

Maximu Moment on Sheet Pile and selection of Section

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1) For each of the load distributions I, II and III find Mmax i.e. where the shear is equal to zero. 2) The design moment for the sheet pile is the maximum of step (1) 3) Calculate the section modulus S =
sheet pile

Mmax where all = allowable stress for all

4) Select the sheet pile section based on S in Step 3 (Table of Sheet Pile Section Properties)

Maximu Moment on Wales and selection of Section (Designed as beams pined at the struts)

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At level A: MA, max =

FA s2 8

( )
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Advanced Foundation Engineering Braced Cuts (Excavations)

At level B: MB, max =

(FB1 + FB2 ) (s2 )


At level C: MC, max =

(FC1 + FC2 ) (s2 )

8 FD s2 8

At level D: MD, max =

( )

Mmax is the maximum moment from levels A, B, C and D. The required minimun section modulus S =
Mmax where all = allowable stress for of the wales. all

Check for Bottom Heave (in clays)

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(Click here for an Example on BOTTOM HEAVE) L


Bottom Heave

Hard Stratum (ROCK)

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Advanced Foundation Engineering Braced Cuts (Excavations)

Safety Factor against bottom heave SFH 1.5 If D > 0.7 B

5 .7 c 1 SFH = H c 0.7B If D 0.7 B

5 .7 c 1 SFH = H c 0.7B

c Nc H+q

Whichever is larger

In the above equations c q

= cohesion = surcharge load

B 0.84 + 0.16 L

H Nc = 6.805 exp 0.082 B

For Strip:

B =0 L

For Square:

B =1 L

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Advanced Foundation Engineering Braced Cuts (Excavations)

Multi-Layered Soil Stratum

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(Click here for an Example on MULTI-LAYERED STRATUM)

Sand 1

Sand 2
: :

Clay 1

Clay 2
: : : :

Replace the layers by an equivalent soil with: Weighted average cohesion:

n 1 m 1 si H2si tan i + 0.75 Hcj c j j=1 H 2 i=1


Weighted average unit weight: =

m 1 n H H + si si cj cj H i = 1 j = 1

Where: si, Hsi and i are the unit weight, height and internal friction angle of sand i cj, Hcj and cj are the unit weight, height and cohesion of clay j. n = number of sand layers and m =number of clay layers. Once the multi-layered soil is replaced by a single layer, return to top

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Advanced Foundation Engineering Braced Cuts (Excavations)

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