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http://www.vo m/2012/12/educatio n-article-pro blem-reaso n-and.html

{Education} Article: Problem, Reason and Solution for Indian Fiscal Deficit

T he government has outlined the strong f undamentals of the economy and said it was committed to rein in f iscal def icit within the target of 5.3% of gross domestic product. T he government is battling hard to avert a ratings downgrade f rom the rating agencies like Moody or S&P and has taken a series of measures to demonstrate its commitment to economic ref orms. Finance Minister had a meeting with the of f icials of Moody. T he meeting comes a day af ter another ratings agency Fitch cautioned that a loosening in f iscal policy ahead of the 2014 elections could f urther weaken India's public f inances and put pressure on ratings. It also warned that policy slippage or mounting evidence of a structural decline in the trend growth rate, such as protracted weak economic data, could cause the ratings to be downgraded.

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