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Ground Plan

Also review Cells, Tissues, and Skeletons (p. 59-60) Big Point cellular specialization

Metazoa Development Egg to gastrula

Lecithotrophic eggs Planktotrophic eggs

What happens after Gastrula?

Body Size Size and Compartmentalization Surface:Volume Size and Transport

Origins of Metazoa Debate on Origins Common Unicellular Ancestor Colonial Theory

Haeckel (1874) Metschnikoff (1887) modified Hyman (1940) revived Haeckels version

Supporting Evidence Flagellated sperm cells throughout Metazoa Flagellated body cells among lower Metazoa True eggs and sperm in phytoflagellates Phytoflagellates and colonial organization

Proterospongia haeckeli -An extant colonial choanoflagellate Note cellular specialization

Haeckels View

Metschnikoffs Modification

Syncytial Theory
First proposed in 1953 Again in 1977 Not strongly supported

Syncytial Theory Support

Multinucleated development in a few metazoa

monophyletic origin with ciliated, potentially unicellular ancestor

Refer to: Origin of Polarity and Cellular Specialization Origin of Complexity (p. 71-74)

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