Discount Durg Program Saves Millions

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Albany County Discount Drug Program hits a milestone saving residents more than $3,000,000
Albany County has provided residents with a prescription drug discount card program since February 2010. The Albany County Legislature endorsed the ProAct administered program in an effort to provide financial relief at the pharmacy counter for residents who are uninsured and underinsured. Since the program was implemented, residents who have utilized the discount card have collectively saved more than $3 million while filling more than 85,000 prescriptions at an average savings of 45% on each medication filled. Residents who are uninsured or underinsured are forced to pay the full cash price for their prescription medications, which can be extremely costly Said Albany County Legislative Chairman Shawn Morse. These are the residents we are targeting with the discount card. We want to provide them with an opportunity to purchase their necessary medications at an affordable price. Im glad that we as a legislature took the initiative to make this happen and I want to thank Legislator Lucille McKnight for her work on making this program a success. The discount card program has helped hundreds of uninsured or underinsured county residents reduce their cost for prescription drugs since 2010, which can be quite expensive said Albany County Executive

Daniel P. McCoy. At a time when the cost of prescriptions has increased significantly, I am pleased the county has found a way for people to purchase the medication they need at an affordable price.
The Discount Card has been a great success and a major benefit, said Frank Commisso, Sr., Majority Leader, Albany County Legislature. With programs such as these, we are ensuring people the most savings and will continue to form partnerships that will benefit the residents of Albany County.

By endorsing the prescription discount card program, Albany County is 1 of 50 counties across New York State who has ensured that uninsured and underinsured residents have access to affordable prescriptions. The Albany County discount card program will provide some level of financial savings on every medication filled with the card, typically ranging from 10-20% off name brand medications and 2070% off generic medications. The discount card can be used at most pharmacies within the county and residents can log onto to print a card, find their nearest participating pharmacy or to look up the cost of their prescription medications. There are no fees associated with the discount card program, for the resident or the county, and one card can cover an entire family. There are no enrollment forms or prerequisites to use the discount card; and everyone in the county is eligible to use the program. Simply present the discount card at your local pharmacy when filling a new prescription and start saving. Discount cards have been provided to county offices, such as the department of social services, the health department and the county clerks office for residents to obtain another card if they have lost their current card. Local pharmacies have also been supplied with discount cards to be handed out to residents who do not have a card of their own. If you have access to the internet you may also print out your own Albany County discount card by visiting Last year, the County also enacted a dental card savings program which assists those without insurance in receiving dental services. The program can save someone up to 40% on routine dental procedures.

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