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GameDesign > Hanafuda Flash > How to play Hanafuda (Koi Koi)

How to play Hanafuda (Koi Koi)

You have 8 cards shown in a bottom row. On your turn, you should discard one of them, so that you match up the card you select and one of 8 cards in the center area. If there is no matching up, the card you select will remain in the center area. The cards matched up come to your card located at bottom right. You win when you get any kind of Yaku. At this point you can chose to declare "Koi Koi" to keep going farther to aim more Yaku for more point.

Table of Yakus
Kasu (Plains) 10 Plain cards. 1 point. Each Additional 1P after.

Tanzaku (Ribbons) 5 Ribbons. 1 point. Each Additional 1P after.

Tane (Animals) 5 Animals. 1 point. Each Additional 1P after.

Ino-Shika-Cho (Boar-Deer-Butterfly) Animal cards of Clover, Maple, Peony. 5 points.

Akatan (Red Poetry Ribbons) All 3 red poetry ribbons. 6 points.

Aotan (Blue Ribbons) All 3 blue ribbons. 6 points.

Sanko (3Brights) 3 Bright cards not containing Rain man card. 6 points.

Ame-Shiko (Rain man) 4Brights containing Rain man card. 8 points.

Shiko (4Brights) 4 Bright cards not containing Rain man card. 10 points.

Goko (5Brights) All 5 Bright cards. 15 points.

Tsuki-fuda (Monthly Cards) All four cards in one group shown right on screen. 4 points.

Oya-Ken (Dealer's Privilege) If neither gets any Yaku, Dealer wins 6 points. Bake-Fuda (Wild Card) The animal card of Chrysanthemum can be regarded as a plain card as well. If you have this, 9 plain cards and this card will be the Yaku of Kasu.

Table of Cards and Suits

Play "Hanafuda Flash"

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