Minutes From Apr 4 SPPGAN Meeting PDF

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Minutes from Apr 4 SPPGAN meeting: Date: 4 Apr 2013 Time: 7:30AM to 8:30 AM Location: Tim Hortons, Bay

and Wellesley Attendees: Andre, Vass, Beth, Jacob and Kaleb Purpose: To discuss establishing the Alumni Networks first AGM and the requisite plans in preparation for it. Key points as follows: Discussed merits of timing for the AGM, identified June 13th as preferred date. Thursday felt as best day to get out large crowed and timing vis--vis convocation could entice members from graduating class to attend. Venue: VB to look into locations that can accommodate AV equipment for presentations Save-the-date notice in next newsletter with pointer to draft constitution to be uploaded to AN site by Apr 21. Circulate draft of constitution to current leadership group ahead of time. o Identify new concerns raised about the current draft, propose remedies. o Ensure nomination/voting procedure is consistent with plans for this AGM. o Consider how to facilitate/support new chapters. Need to identify class champion for 2010 cohort to spread word about AGM. Formal invite to AGM to be sent out using Eventbrite Draft AGM agenda: o History/achievements of AN (Andre) o Keynote address from guest speaker. o Overview of constitution, vote to adopt constitution (Kaleb) o Delivery of congratulations from SPPG o Nominations for executive positions Investigate possible funding options for catering at event, including support from the SPPG.

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