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Bone-pickers, rag-gathers, pure-finders, dredgermen, mud-larks, sewer-hunters, dustmen, night-soil men, bunters, and shoremen.

DIckenns began a novel, Our mutal friend. Father-daughter team. Thames location on a boat Bone-boilers collected bones for currency Pure finders brought dog shit to tanners to rid leather goods of lime they had soaked to remove animal hair Dickens and mayhew Mayhews London labour 2 million people generated help Composting pits were used by Knossos in crete 4000 years ago Rome was built of materials pilfered from crumbling ruins of the imperial city By putting the waste in the soil they were making more fertile ground to raise the ceiling population. Coral reefs display a comparable knack for waste management, a tiny alge called zooxanthellae. Rain forests play a key role in waste management Soil men removed cesspools of their building, crucial and legitimate job. Waste was sold to farmers for extraxting nitrogen from the ordure that could be used in the manufacture of gun powder. It was good money. Standard practice to givce bottles of gin at job sights to the men. One of the works died in 1326. Richard the raker drowned in human shit. Work labor changed to 12am to 5 am shift where the had a rope man, hole man and 2 tube men. Water flushing device made by sir john harington for god mother queen Elizabeth at Richmond palace but didnt take off until the late 1700s. Alexander cummings and a cabinet maker joseph bramah to improve on that flushing device. The were called water closets. Spiked prices between 1824 and 1844. Sarah lewis start of cholera spread.

Technical name for cholera is Vibrio cholera. People infected with cholera are known to lose up to 30 percent of there weight in a matter of hours. Greek meaning roof gutter 1-100 million organisms can affect you 1 cannot Rice water-massive quantities of cholera, way of body releasing it, about 100 million. Signs: Reduction In volume of blood circulating throughout the body. Veins constrict Organs shut down- gall bladder and spleen first Heart fails since loss of blood circ. It thrives in blood fostng a condition called uremia. Epidemiology is a way of looking at the world with a birds eye view which helped find out and get cure cholera. John snow and dr. Arthur Hassall did research to cure this. University of Florence, pacinis paper concluded this in the past of cholera but it wasnt called that so they didnt put it together to figure it out Edwin Chadwicks in 1832 appointed the poor law commosion that forced gov to step up and take action to avoid instances like this and in the future . the big government of today infrastructure or prevention awareness. He claimed the air was killing londeners Edwin proposed using the feces to fertilize the lands, quadruple the value of the land. They pay for it already to be shipped to them when they have it all around them. Public health act of 1848 three member general board of health with the help of Jeremy bentham on 1848. Nuisance removal and contagious disease prevention act passed in 1848 too. It required everyone to take the excrements and put it in a drain that was built in the days of henry VIII until 1815 it was illegal. Brilliant engineer named Joseph bazalgette took charge of the project and eliminated within 6 years by making one big cesspool instead of individual ones. 29000 cubic yards to 80000 cubic yards in a space of 35 years.

Cholera returned with a vengeance through 1848-1849. Theorys of how it spread Miasma theory Attributed outbreaks to a deficiency of the ozone in the air. Putrescent yeast Emanations of sewers, graveyards, etc Electric theory - emanations from the earth. Snow comes up with convincing data against the broad street pump People who would drink at the brewey got better because they didnt drink water and only single malt liquor. Snow got the board of health to shut down the board street pump. Tests were being done on people for experimental treatments at universities such as university college hospital. Benjamin hall ordered the committee to send out people to question the people by the board street pump and all over to be question to see the progress of the removing of the pumps effects. Only 2 out of 50 could disprove his theory but they were meaningless compared to the other 48 approvals. Thanks to snow cholera would continue to have been rapid.

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