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In 1954 june the north west miramichi and new brunswick DDT was spread killing the wild

life. 1959 only 600,000 smolt(young salmon) fourth largest, less than a third of the runs of the runs fo the three proceeding years By 1957 15 million acres had been sprayed some sprayed 3 times as much 1954 hurricane edna brought more fish and midges and black flies 1958 department of inland fisheries and game reported the spraying blinded and gave fish spasms from the DDT poisoning In the Vancouver island of 1957 fish were going to the surface and floating away with no fight from the DDT Yellowstone national park 600 dead fish in 1955 90 miles of river affected including brow trout whitefish and suckers Spraying in Montana covered 900,000 acres and 800,000 acers were also treated in 1957 1957 was monitored spraying Endrin in louisna to kill grasshoppers, mice, and in sugarcane fields. Heptachlor another spray that kills Southern states Flint creek cotton august 15 toxaphene China Vietnam Thailand Indonesia and india faces the same problem Animals that would eat each other would be poisoned by the animals that were sprayed by DDT, crabs, shrimp, oysters etc. The mud would be poisoned long after the spray since the DDT and other sprays settled and took awhile to dissipate

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