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Stem- tallo

the thorns- las espinas

the petals-los ptalos


Berries- moras

root- raz

the branches-las ramas

the trunk

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find a cure for disease encontrar una cura para la enfermedad

inherit a fortune heredar una fortuna

come up with a new invention/idea cause a scandal llegar a un nuevo invento / ideacausar un escndalo

be in the right place at the right time

estar en el lugar correcto en el momento adecuado

run a global company ejecutar una compaa global

break a world record romper un rcord mundial

The Rafflesia Arnoldi weighs 7 kg. and only grows in Sumatra, Malaysia and Borneo. Its petals grow to half a meter long and 2.5 cm. thick, giving the bearing of a meter in length. It is among the rarest tropical plants known to man. You have no stems, leaves or roots, grow only as a parasite of another plant, called Tetrastigma. They have a red sickly smell of blood and rotting flesh. They can emit heat, perhaps imitating an animal recently dead to attract carrion flies that pollinate it. It was discovered in an expedition by Thomas Stamford Raffles, founder of the British colony of Singapore, and Joseph Arnold, who died of malaria in the expedition.

They theorized that plants release chemicals in the same way as animals do when they are hurt, even though they don't have a central nervous system or a brain. It is said that plants give off a scent when they are battered and beaten despite having no thought or nervous system

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