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In the early part of the 20th Century, architect Le Corbusier (Charles Edouard Jeanneret) developed the Modular, a measuring

tool based on : the human body - the proportions of the human body (functional dimensions) mathematics - the aesthetic dimensions of the Golden Section and the Fibonacci Series.

In this synthesis of form, space and structure, the inclusion of human proportion is very significant. Le Corbusier developed his proportioning system, the Modulor, to order "the dimensions of that which contains and that which is contained."He saw the measuring tools of the Greeks, Egyptians, and other high civilizations as being "infinitely rich and subtle because they formed part of the mathematics of the human body, gracious, elegant, and firm, the source of that harmony which moves us, beauty! The modular man is 183 cm (6ft) tall and wit left arm raised reaches a height of 226 cm (about 7 ft). His head height if partitioned as per the Golden Section or the height of his navel, is 113cm (27 ft), which, curious enough, is half the height of the raised arm. From these and a fourth key point of the human figure, the parting of the parting of the legs (or the place where the right hand rests, 86 cm (34 inches) above the base), two series of measurements have been derived: The reaching height Blue series The head height - Red series

Each is divided into diminishing proportions based on the Golden Ratio.

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