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RATIONALE FOR THE LESSON: (Why are you teaching this lesson now to these children? How does this lesson fit/connect with what they have been learning about being a good reader/writer and what they will learn in the future?) *I am teaching this lesson so the students will be able to compare and contrast a book they are reading to their own life. The students are making text to self-connections about life long ago and comparing/contrasting it today, so I am connecting this lesson to Social Studies. They will think about what is different from the way people in the book do things to the way they do things in their life. OUTCOMES/GOALS: For the Student: What Common Core State Standards for English/Language Arts (CCSS-E/LA) will you be teaching to? (Based on learning needs identified through assessments, the CCSS-E/LA, and the school/district curriculum.) *The Common Core State Standards for English/Language Arts I will teach is Integration of Knowledge and Ideas. CCSS.RL.1.9 states that the students will be able to compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in a story. I will also be incorporating CCSS.B.4.4, which states that students will be able to compare and contrast changes in contemporary life with life in the past. For the Teacher: What WI Teaching Standard(s) will you be working towards in this lesson? (Your goal) *I will work towards Wisconsin Teaching Standard #2 for this lesson, which is the teacher understands how children learn and develop, and can provide learning opportunities that support their intellectual, social, and personal development. I know there are a range of learners in the classroom, so I want to make sure that I help each one of them on an individual basis. I want to be able to address any issues that come up and be prepared to handle them.

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: What specific learning target do you have for this lesson? (The students will be able toin order to) *The students will be able to make text to self-connections in order to compare and contrast about life long ago to their lives now. ASSESSMENT: How/when will you collect evidence to see if students have met the learning objective? *I will collect evidence through the Student Engagement part of my lesson. When the students are reading, I will walk around and conference with them. I will ask them to make a self to text connection by comparing and contrasting a story to their own life. When they say things that compare to their life, I will mark it in the Compare column and when they say things that are different from the book and their life, I will mark it down in the Contrast column. I will also have a Comment section, so I am able to make other anecdotal notes. STRATGIES FOR STUDENTS OF VARYING ABILITIES: (Based on specific learner needs identified) What do you plan to do to address the variety of literacy and learning needs of the children in the class? *I will try and make sure students are reading a book that is just right, not too hard for them and not too easy for them. *I will support students in finding a just right book. *I will make sure the classroom library has books that the students would be interested in and have a variety of difficulty level and books that have events that they will be able to compare and contrast their lives to. *Since there are students that have a hearing impairment, I will make sure that I will talk loud enough for them to hear, and if I see they are having difficulty hearing, I will move them closer to me. *For cognitive disabled students, I will have them look at a picture book. From the picture book they can make up their own story based on the illustrations rather than using the written words.

MATERIALS: (List all materials you will need to teach this lesson.) *The book A Little House Birthday *White board and marker *Compare and contrast sheet TOTAL TIME NEEDED: (Should be 10-15 minutes for demonstration or demonstration/participation. Include approximate time for each procedural area.) PROCEDURES: (Explain in detail.) 1-2 minutes: Introduction: Hello readers, I know that in Social Studies you have been learning about Life Long Ago and comparing/contrasting it to life today through the Little House Books. Today I am going to read you another one of those stories. We are going to compare and contrast this story to our own lives in order for us to understand the story better. We do this by thinking about things that happen in the book that are the same in our own lives, and some things that happen that the characters in the book do, but we do not usually do in our lives today. This is called making a text to selfconnection. Making connections when reading a book helps us understand the story better and become better readers. As I am reading the story, I want you to think and listen about how the life of Laura and her family are the same or different than your life today. Making a self to text connection on how their life compares and contrasts to yours today.

5-6 minutes: Demonstration: During the story I want you to be thinking about the things they do in the book that are the same and what things the characters do that might be different from what we do today. I will then start reading the book. Now readers just by reading

the first page, I can already make a connection to the story. I know that Laura lives in Wisconsin, and so do we! We can compare that we live in Wisconsin, but contrast that we do not live in the Big Woods of Wisconsin. I am going to read on and see what other things we can come up with. Making a connection with a story helps you better understand a story. 4-5 minutes: Participation: (include possible questions to encourage higher level thinking) *When I am finished reading the story, I will say this. Now readers I want you to take thirty seconds and talk to your reading partner and think of things that compare to our own lives and things that contrast, or are different to our own take thirty seconds and share with your reading partner about a text to self-connection that compares to your lives or contrasts to your own lives . (Wait thirty seconds) I heard (say a name) say____________. Can someone raise their hand and tell me if that is something that would go in the Compare or Contrast column? At this time I would call on a few more students and tell whether their idea would go in the Compare or Contrast column until we had about 3-4 in each column. Now readers, I want you to go back to your tables and read from your Independent Libraries. As you are reading a book, I want you to find a book that you are able to make a self to text connection to and compare and contrast that book to your own life. See if there is anything that is similar to your life and see if there are things that are different from your own life. When you have read a book that you could compare and contrast it to your own life, I want you to put a post it in that book where you made a connection because I want you to share it with me later on. I want you to share with me how it is different from your life and how some things are the same. When you have found some of these connections, I would like you to write those connections down. Put things that are the same in the compare column and things that are different in the contrast column. At this time I will

call on a student and have them retell me the directions I just told them to make sure they understand what they are supposed to be doing. 5-6 minutes: Practice: As the students are reading from their independent libraries, I will conference with as many of them as possible. I will answer any questions that they might have. If the students are having trouble finding a book that they can compare and contrast to, I will help them find one. I will try and help them make text to self-connections if they are having trouble.

7-8 minutes: Performance: I will meet with each student and have them compare and contrast a story to their own life. They will continue to read when I have finished conferencing with them. I will make up a sheet that will have each students name on it. On the sheet it will have a column for Compare, a column for Contrast, and a column for notes. I will first ask them to tell me the things that they put on their sheets. What did they compare to their life, and at this time I will write down what they say in the Compare column. I will then do the same thing for the Contrast column. After the lesson, I will collect the sheets that they wrote on so I will have them to make further notes.

1-2 minutes: Closure/Recap (include restatement of lesson objective) *Readers, I heard many of you compare and contrast your story to your own lives. You all did an awesome job! During Social Studies, you will continue to compare and contrast the lives of people, like Laura and her family to the things you do today with your own families. It is interesting to see what types of things are the same and what types of things are different! Making connections like the ones you all did today will help you understand stories better because it helps us understand

what is happening in the story. NOTE: If there is an aide/assistant in the classroom, describe how you will utilize her/his services. *If they notice a student not paying attention during the story, they can remind them that they should be paying attention. During the reading workshop time, they can walk around and help students that may have any problems or questions if I am working with a student.

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