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1: Introduction
Computing power has grown tremendously over the years!

Electronic Circuits 1

High-Speed Circuits and Systems Laboratory

Lect. 1: Introduction
Communication capacity has grown tremendously over the years!

Electronic Circuits 1

High-Speed Circuits and Systems Laboratory

Lect. 1: Introduction
Why? ICs based on Silicon Microelectronics

(Gyroscopic sensor IC)

Electronic Circuits 1

High-Speed Circuits and Systems Laboratory

Lect. 1: Introduction
What is so special about Si Microelectronics? 1. Very small transistors

Electronic Circuits 1

High-Speed Circuits and Systems Laboratory

Lect. 1: Introduction
2. Very high density of integration

Electronic Circuits 1

High-Speed Circuits and Systems Laboratory

Lect. 1: Introduction
3 and 4: Lots of functions with very high speed at very low price

Electronic Circuits 1

High-Speed Circuits and Systems Laboratory

Lect. 1: Introduction

What do we plan to do in this course? - Understand what transistors do in operational level. - Learn how to use transistors for useful functions, mostly amplification.

Electronic Circuits 1

High-Speed Circuits and Systems Laboratory

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