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LESSON ONE: Year Level: AusVELS:

Introduction to Sculpture, Henry Moore Level 5/6. Domain: Dimension: The Arts Exploring and Responding


At Level 6, students discuss traditional and contemporary arts works using appropriate arts language to describe the content, structure and expressive qualities of their own and other peoples works from a range of arts disciplines and forms. They interpret and compare key features of arts works made in a range of times, places and cultures. They identify and describe influences on their own works and discuss the purposes for which arts works are created in different historical and cultural contexts.

Learning Focus: The students will use appropriate art language (elements and principles) when describing the work of other artists, during their exploration of sculpture as an art form. INTRODUCTION: Show video Types of Sculpture: What is traditional sculpture ( as tuning in activity. Focus on phrase: anything in 3 dimensions Ask students about sculptures they know, have seen before. LESSON CONTENT: Introduce Elements of Art and Principles of art, as vocabulary building exercise, go through each element/principle, encouraging students to offer descriptive examples of things they can see in the classroom. Figure 1: Elements of Art Figure 2: Principles of Design Using the Elements and Principles as a guide, as a class go through the worksheet Feldmans Model of Art Criticism, using Georges Jouve, Sculpture Abstraite (1954). Figure 3: George Jouve Abstraite (1954) On their own, each child will now complete the Feldmans Model of Art Criticism on the Henry Moore Sculpture: Mother and Child, 1932. Figure 4: Henry Moore, Mother and Child (1932) ASSESSMENT: After pasting the Feldman worksheet into their art journals, it becomes an assessment piece. Completing each section and including a sketch Correct Language in describing elements and principles

Meaghan Roberts, 2013 ACU Student.

Lesson Resources: Interactive Whiteboard / projector from computer students will need their art journals / writing books coloured pencils / textas Feldmans model of Art Criticism PDF adapted from's%20Model%20Crit.pdf Types of Sculpture: What is traditional sculpture? Elements of Art Figure 1: Principles of Design Figure 2: Georges Jouve (1954) Sculpture Abstraite Figure 3: bstraite_12122311962637.jpg Henry Moore (1932) Mother and child Figure 4: Moore_MC2.jpg

REFERENCES ArtFinding. (2006). Sculpture abstraite / Georges Jouve (1910-1964). Retrieved from eHow. (2009, May 17). Types of Sculpture: What is Traditional Sculpture? Retrieved from YouTube: Grand Valley State University. (n.d.). Resources: Feldman's Model of Art Criticism. Retrieved from Grand Valley State University:'s%20Model%20Crit.pdf Hudson, M. (2010, March 3). Henry Moore: Mother and Child. Retrieved from The Arts Desk: Moore_MC2.jpg Mrs Schmidt's Art Class. (n.d.). Mrs Schmidt's Art Class. Retrieved from Elements and Principles: Mrs Schmidt's Art Class. (n.d.). Mrs Schmidt's Art Class. Retrieved from Elements and Principles:

Meaghan Roberts, 2013 ACU Student.

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