Afrikaans Insults

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Afrikaans Swearing English Translation Gaan kak! Go shit!

Poes Pussy, cunt Doos Pussy, cunt Kont Pussy, cunt Loop naai jou ma Go fuck your mother Jy naai jou ma vir sakgeld You fuck your mother for pocket money Trilkop Dickhead Poes gesig Cunt face Mofgat Softie Spier van plesier Muscle of pleasure (the penis) Grot van genot Cave of please (the vagina) Jou Ma se pink en pers poes Your mother's pink and purple pussy Jou ma is 'n oop drain Your mother is a whore Gaan kak in jou ma se moer Go and shit in your mother's cunt Jou ma se poes Your mother's cunt Fok jou! Fuck you! Jy pis my af You're pissing me off Hoer Whore Slet Slut Kak Shit Poephol Asshole Dom doos Dump pussy Gaan fok jouself Go fuck yourself Die duiwel sal jou haal May the Devil fetch you Mag die duiwel jou haal May the Devil fetch you Wyk Satan loop duiwel Go away Satan, walk devil Wat de duiwel What the devil!? Wat op aarde? What on earth!? Hy is 'n duiwel He is a devil Wat die hel doen jy? What the hell are you doing? So'n helsem What a bastard Die poes That bastard Jy is 'n poes You are a cunt Jou doos You shithead Ek gee nie 'n moer om nie I don't care a damn Vol kak Full of shit Diep in die kak In deep shit Voertsek Get lost Klein kakfokker Little shit-fucker Fok jou Fuck you Jy is 'n fokken teef You are a fucking bitch Jou naai You fucking shit Domkop Idiot Jy is vol kak You are full of shit Suig my piel Suck my dick Jou simpel kont You stupid cunt Jou kont se kind Your cunt's child Jou ma se bloed poes Your mother's bloody cunt Kontgesig Cunt face Jou fokken poesneus You fucking cunt nose Jou fokken pielvel You fucking foreskin Jou Naai You Fuck! Varkpoes Pig cunt Hoerkind Son of a whore Varknaaier Pig fucker Jou ma se voelepte poes Your mother's stale cunt Jou ma naai vir snoek koppe Your mother fucks for fish-heads Jou Ma se stink poes Your Mother's smelly pussy Jou ma se binneste lippe Your mother's inner most lip

Stront Shit Bliksem! Fuck it! Jou bliksem! You bastard! Die bliksemse ding! The fucking thing! Verdomp! Damn! Jou ma was n man Your mother was a man Fok jou en jou hele familie Fuck you and your whole family Loop naai jou hand Go fuck your hand Ek sal jou donner I'll smack you Jou kwas Idiot Jou Pielkop Dickhead Snot sambok Penis Slymsloot Vagina Trill Penis Fok jou, eet kak en vrek Fuck you, eat shit and die Stront vir breins! Shit for brains! Jy's 'n hondenaaier You're a dog fucker Sit jou kop in die koei se kont en wag tot die bul jou kom holnaai Put your head in a cow's ass and wait until a bull penetrates your anus Jou Ma skuld my hond nog kleingeld Your mum owes my dog change Jou ma se stink klont hang tiete Your mother's stinking, lumpy, hanging t its Jou fokken kakhuiskriek! You fucking shithouse cricket (insect) Se vir jou ma daar's vis Tell your mother there's fish (to fuck for) Moeras Poes Swamp cunt (name for Military police) Jou ma se wap skiet pap Your mother's pussy shoots porridge Jou piel ruik soos ou vrot kaas Your dick smells like old vile cheese. Jou ma se mond vol balhare Your mother's mouth is full of ball hairs. Jou ma het jou uit 'n effie uitgeskud Your mother shook you out of a condom Jou ma se wildebees siflis biltong poes Your mother's pussy is like a dr ied-up syphilitic Wildebeest's Jou ma eet donkie se bloed poes jou werfetter Your mother eats the donkey's bl oody cunt, you yard-puss Jy was gebore uit jou ma se poephol want haar fokken kont was te besig! You were born out of you mother's ass because her fucking cunt was too busy. Jou bliksemse meidenaaier You bloody maid fucker (Borders on racism: refer s to a white man sleeping with his black domestic servant) Jy lyk soos die nageboorte van 'n vark wat deur die hoenderkak gesleep was! You look like the afterbirth of a pig that's been dragged through the chickenshi t! Jy was uit jou ma se gat gebore want haar poes was te besig You were born fr om your mother's arse because her cunt was too busy Jou ma naai vir bus-geld en loop steeds Your mother fucks for bus-money and still walks Jou ma se opgedopte stink gat bloedenda vrot poes. Your mother's inside-out smelly ass bleeding rotten vagina. Ek wens jou vingers verander in vishoeke, en jou balle begin te jeuk. I hope y our fingers change into fishing hooks, and you get an itch in your balls. Jy's nie 'n kont nie; jy's die stukkie wat stink You're not a cunt, you a re the piece that stinks Jou ma se uitgedopte platannapoes in 'n visblik Your mother's inside-out toad vagina in a sardine can Jou piel is so krom soos die hond se agterbeen Your dick is as bent as the dog' s hind leg Gaan vat 'n ruk Go jerk-off Gaan kak 'n aap Go fuck a monkey Jou man se poes Your father's cunt Gaan naai 'n koei Go fuck a cow Jou snoek poes Your fish cunt Jy lek hond balle You lick dog balls.

Jou drie-draadige, lang-haarige, snot-snaarige blou bles bliksem. You long -haired, snot-encrusted true blue bastard with three dicks Jy het alweer sand in jou vagina There is sand in your vagina (to a man) Poes in n vark se gat Cunt in a pig's arse Hoender nek piel Dick like a chicken neck Kont se kind Son of a cunt Werf eter Bastard in the yard (refers to an old man molesting children) Jou ma se naai Your mother's fuck Piel styf Hard-on Slaan jou binne jou ma se poes I'll hit you back in your mother's cunt. Hoer naaier Slut fucker Jou ma se piel! Your mother's dick! Jou ma was haar rug met haar tiete! Your mother washes her back with her tit s! Staan op jou kop dat ek in jou poes kan kak Stand on your head so I can shit in your cunt Snor mossel Clit Pielkop Dickhead Kak Shit Poes Pussy Rektum ranger Faggot Jou ma is so vet, nadat ek haar gespyker het moet ek drie keer omrol voordat ek afval van haar af. Your mother is so fat, after sex I have to roll over twi ce before i can get off. Wingergriep or babbelaas Hangover Poeslip Vaginal lip Eet kak en vrek Eat shit and die Gaan speel met jou ma se poes en kyk of jou aandete kan kry Go play with you r mother's pussy and try to get dinner Poesdom Dumb pussy Sy is so jags sy drup soos 'n perkuleerder She so horny she drips like a pe rcolator Jy is 'n aborsie-baba wat uit die asblik kon klim You are an abortion baby who climbed out of the dustbin. Siug aan my aambeie en wag vir beter dae Suck on my hemorrhoids and wait for better days

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