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Sound / Backdrop image

Sam and the Womp- Bom Bom BPS Production 2013 Bom song (Suzie Ryrie Spanish introduction song)


Narrator 1: Bom Bom Bom. The earth shuddered. Trees shook, dropping leaves on the dinosaurs nest. Narrator 2: As the eggs rolled around, their mother steadied them with a claw. Izzy: What on earth is that racket? Narrator 1: A dinosaur appears through the trees. Izzy: Who are you? Chrisosaurus: Im Chrisosaurus, Ive come to live here. Call me Chris if its easier. Izzy: Well Chris, could you please tiptoe. Chris: Alright. Chris takes two steps. George enters George: I cant sleep Izzy: Its Chris here, hes just a little heavy footed. George: Cant you tip-toe Chris: I am tip-toeing George: Hmmph! What a racket, I hope hes not staying. Chris: Oh please let me stay, Ive been alone for ages, I want to live with other dinosaurs (Trees slump and say ohhhhh) Izzy: Give him a chance George! Hes only a plant eater (Trees say argh!!) (Dinosaurs say yes!) (Trees hide behind a dinosaur) George: hmm, alright! Only if you remember to tip-toe. Narrator 2: So Chris settled into his new home. He liked the other dinosaurs but he wasnt really happy. He worried about making too much noise. Narrator 1: His footsteps make the earth tremble. All the dinosaurs blocked their ears. George: Tip-toe! Page 1 of 1 Everyone goes shhhh

You got a friend in me- toy story intro song Wind sound

Bom Bom Bom (song)

Bom Bom Bom (song)

Back drop image: broken heart

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