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Agus Budi Setiawan 20100320101


If you have chosen between the choice between living in the city or living in the countryside, which one would you choose? Many reason as consideration for the distinction between the two. First, such factor as the opportunities for education, career development and living advanced social life, which are available in big cities and small towns, must be considered another important difference. It is a known fact that the majority of higher education establishments, culture, sports , entertainment facilities, financial, health care institutions, hotels and big shopping malls are located in the city. unlike people who live in the countryside have less access to modern amenities and services, as well as quite limited opportunities for career and personal development, entertainment and leisure activities. And than, In the city, vehicles, factories, and other elements, pollute the air, which can lead to asthma or other respiratory diseases. But, the air in the countryside is much cleaner than that in a city, due to absence of certain pollutants. The availability of space as well as fresh air is beneficent to one's health and healthy living. The city has quite a stressful environment, with all the hustles and bustles. But in the countryside, one can live in a calm and peaceful environment without the immediate stresses of work, noise, and pollution. Finally, living in the city or living in the countryside have advantages of each, living in the city that has complete facilities or in the countryside which can give you peace.

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