To Fly

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Elaine Zhou English


To Fly
Jim knew he was not good enough. He knew he wasnt special enough for his mom. He knew he was never going to get a learning disability like his brother. He knew he was hopeless. But, just when Jim thought he knew everything, something extraordinary happened. As Mr. Harold handed out the math tests, Jim saw big red letters at the top reading D-. He shrugged and shoved it into his bag. He really didnt care. Jim, this is the seventh time youve failed a math test, your parents must be mad! Mr. Harold said. Jim just nodded. He knew that wasnt true. His parents wouldnt even care if he got an F. Jim packed up and stared at the clock eagerly. As the bell rang, Jim scurried outside and started to head towards home. As Jim walked to his house, he rang the doorbell. He rang it exactly twice like always. Nobody opened the door. Then he rang it again. Still, nobody answered. He ran to a window and peered through it. He saw his mom watching his younger brother read a book. There was a wide grin on his moms face as his brother finished the paragraph. He sighed and knocked the window fiercely. His mom saw him and quickly ran to open the door. Why didnt you open the door? Jim asked furiously. Todd just read his first paragraph of his reading book! Sorry, I was just too excited to open the door, but isnt that great? his mom exclaimed. Yeah, that is sure great. Jim said with a fake smile on. As he walked in, Jim saw his little brother Todd sitting on the couch trying to pronounce words. P-p-penny! he screamed. His mother cheered and clapped.

Jim cringed as jealousy swelled up in his stomach. It was not that Jim didnt like his little brother; it was just that he felt like his brother was stealing his parents away. Todd had dyslexia, so he got more time from his parents. Jim used to be like Todd. His parents would care about him. He would be loved, but that was the past, And lifes not a tape, so you cant rewind back. The next morning, Jim woke up earliest. He walked downstairs and decided to go outside. He knew his parents wouldnt notice. He threw on his jacket and rushed into his backyard where he would go into the woods. In the woods, he trudged through the fallen leaves. Jim was trying to let his mind flow free. He was trying to escape from his life. He walked in circles until he stumbled over something. He quickly got up and checked what he tripped over. It was a birds nest. Inside there was only a single baby robin. Jim was so relieved he didnt hurt the bird. He crawled to the nest and observed the robin. He saw that the bird was smaller than other robins. The little bird was stiff and not moving. Jim got out his finger and went to pet the small robin. The bird flinched when Jims finger touched it. Where is the rest of your family? Jim asked. The bird just stayed there, stiff as a statue. Jim gazed at the bird. He observed the birds beautiful gray and orange feathers. The robins brown eyes fascinated him. JIM! TIME FOR SCHOOL! Jim heard his moms faint yell in the distance. He hurried back, threw on his backpack and entered onto the bus. At school, Jim struggled through the day like always. Math was his weakness. During math time, he just sat there thinking about the bird he saw in the morning. Jim felt that his school day was never going to be over. When the bell finally rang, he sped towards home, he was eager to see the robin. When Jim got to his house, he threw his backpack on the doorstep and bolted to the forest. He walked around trying to find the nest. At last, he found the bird. The robin didnt move at all that day.

Jim pulled some seeds from his pocket and tossed it into the nest. The bird stood there for a while and ate the seeds one by one. Over the days, Jim became really attached to the bird. Jim would tell the bird everything, and the bird was an excellent listener. Jim would complain about Todd to the bird. He would tell the bird about his parents. Jim was happy that he finally had someone who could understand him, someone who would listen to his opinions. He didnt care that his best friend was a robin. Gary was the name that Jim gave the bird. And on rare occasions, the bird would even move a bit. One day, at school Mr. Harold was announcing about a new project. Now, it is time for our animal project. For this project, youll have to pick an animal and research it. Ill be expecting a 300 word essay next week. Jim had an idea brewing in his head. His choice of animal was going to be a robin. He was going to get an A, not for his mom, he was going to get an A for Gary. When Jim got home, he went to researching right away. He checked every website, jotting down all the important notes in bullet points. He was going to try his hardest to ace this project, and nobody was going to get in his way. Jim was really into his project. Working non-stop, Jims goal was to make his essay flawless. As the clock ticked, Jim found himself done and ready to hand it in. At school, Jim put his essay in the homework bin with pride. He knew he did great. As Mr. Harold read over the essays, he was astonished at Jims. He sped to Jims desk and pulled him out into the hall. Did you write this? Mr. Harold asked. Yes Jim nodded happily. This is brilliant Jim! I knew you had potential inside of you! Jim was speechless. This was the first time in a while Mr. Harold complimented him. He was very astonished.

When the bell rang, Jim walked home with a gigantic smile that spread from ear to ear. He waved to Mr. Jenkins as he walked by his house and nodded at Ms. Tim and her dog. As he got home, he cheerfully rang the doorbell twice. His mother opened the door and quickly ran back to his little brother. As Jim walked in, his happy smile faded as he saw the tired expression on his moms face when she explained how to pronounce, fox. Jim couldnt stand it anymore. He needed to do something daring. Mom, I got an A+ on my essay Jim said. Good, now dont interrupt me Jim, Im helping Todd his mom mumbled. Jim was mad. He needed to say something. Its now or never, he thought. Why dont you care about me? Jim yelled from across the room. His moms head perked up. On her face was a surprised look. You dont ever care about me. All you care about is Todd. You dont even bother to look at me when I speak! Jim cried. Jim couldnt control the tears that were rapidly streaming down his cheeks. He stared hardly at his mom, waiting for her to say something, but she didnt. Instead Jims mom ran over to him and hugged him. I cant explain how sorry I am. Ever since I found out about Todds dyslexia, Ive been worried out of my mind. I want to care; I want to be there for you. But I failed. Every time I saw you hurt, I felt pain. The pain was like fire, burning me to pieces. And yet I just stood there like a rock. But if you please just forgive me now, I will try to make things right Jims mom cried. They both stood there sobbing. His weeping mother held Jim in an embrace. I forgive you mom, no matter what. I will always forgive you mom. They both stared at each other, with sorrow in their eyes. I love you Jims mom whispered. I love you too Jim replied. Suddenly, Jim quickly remembered something. He needed to go tell Gary about the A+. He told his mom he was going to go outside. He grabbed his coat and ran for the forest.

When he got to Garys nest, Gary wasnt there. Gary was right next to the nest. His wings were spread out wide. They flapped and flapped. Gary soon started to lift his body. Jim knew what he was doing. Gary was flying. Jim watched Gary soar into the sky. He waved at his beloved pet, Then, Gary stared at Jim for a second. It was as if he was saying Thank you Jim, thank you for everything. Jim gazed at his elegant robin fly higher and higher. Jim wasnt sad at all. Instead he was actually bursting with joy. Happy tears tumbled down his face as he watched his little Gary fly off into the big sky. Jim felt like he accomplished something. He felt like his whole life was leading up to this moment. He realized Gary was happy to soar off, to fly, and that was one thing he knew for sure.

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