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Taveres Science 6th slot H Spencer W Date3/3/13 Lab Partners: Tyler Bisk

SCIENCE 6 LAB WRITE-UP FORMAT SHEET TITLE: Magnesium Heat Reaction PURPOSE: The purpose of this experiment was to see the chemical or physical change when we put a magnesium strip into an open flame. PREDICTION: Our prediction was that when, the magnesium came into contact with the flame, it would catch on fire and emit a blinding white flame HYPOTHESIS: If we place the magnesium into a flame, then it will, burn brightly. MATERIALS: Magnesium strips, propane burner, tongs, goggles, apron matches, beaker full of water. PROCEDURE: Start by lighting the propane burner, then light the Propane burner with a match and threw the match into the beaker. Afterwards pick up one magnesium strip with tongs, place it into the fire and watch it with the corner of your eye. Once it stops place the magnesium on a tray and observe. DATA/RESUL TS: Once the magnesium stopped, it came out as a brittle, grey, and somewhat powdery substance, while the original magnesium was metallic bendable, and quite hard DISCUSSION: We were proving that magnesium reacts with heat, my hypothesis was that the magnesium would react by starting to burn with a hot

Ms.Taveres Science 6th slot H Spencer W Date3/3/13 Lab Partners: Tyler Bisk

white flame. For around 5 seconds the magnesium started to react by first letting out white sparks, and letting out a blinding white light. After around 5 seconds the bright light stopped, and we were left with a powdery metal. This does support our data and does not, it supports it by it did react with heat by giving of heat, but not in the way that we expected. Instead of flaming it instead started sparking. CONCLUSION: It did react in heat, but in a different way. I expected it to start flaming but instead it started sparking. I learned that magnesium reacts with heat by converting heat energy into light energy.

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