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Business Reports

Initial Caps - Capitalize the first letter of each major word in a title. Title - Subject of a report. Body - Text of the report. Header - Repetitive information or text that is repeated at the top of each page of a document. Widow - The last line of a paragraph that has been carried to the top of another page. Orphan - The first line of a paragraph that has been left alone at the bottom of a page. Standard Typing Paper - 8 1/2 X 11 6 lines per vertical inch of type (12 pt. font) Point size measures the height of the letters Find and Replace (change) - a software feature used to replace a word or group of words with a different word or group of words. Subtitle - Explanatory title. Byline - Name of the writer of a report. Bullets- Shapes that mark items in a list. Business Report Margins Business reports have a 2 top margin and 1 side and bottom margins on the first page. Page 2 and all subsequent pages have 1 top, bottom and side margins. Bound Report Reports that are bound on the left margin have a 1 left margin. Page Numbers Page numbers in a business report appear in the upper right corner of the report but do not appear on page 1. Side Heading - Major headings in a report. They are keyed on the left margin in all caps and bold. DS before and after a side heading. Paragraph Heading - Paragraph headings are minor headings (or run-in headings) in a report.

They are indented 1/2 inch. Keyed in initial caps and bold, followed by a period and one space.

Tips for Formatting Quotations and Footnotes

1. Titles of books and magazines are typed in italics. 2. Titles of articles from magazines are typed in quotation marks. 3. Periods and commas are always typed inside quotation marks. 4. ibid. means in the same place when a footnote is identical to the one just before it. 5. et al. means and others when there are three or more authors. Footnote - A note that identifies the source of information. Footnotes are automatically inserted on the same page as the notation in the text. Footnote Reference Number - A raised number inserted automatically that matches the number of the footnotes at the bottom of the page. Superscript - A number that is raised above the line. It is used to number footnotes. Bibliography - An alphabetical list (by authors last name) of sources of information in a report. The list is typed on a separate page at the end of the report. Hanging Indent - The first line begins on the left margin and all following lines begin 1/2 inch from the left margin. Example: Bibliography Table of Contents - a listing of all the main topic and subtopic headings in a report and their corresponding page numbers. Dot Leaders - A line of periods used to lead the eye from the text to the page number in a table of contents.

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