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Results Rubric ______

Name: _________________________________ Date: __________


Total: ______ / 10 pts

Points 2.5 Data 1. All necessary data is collected and data is correct (possible errors noted if applicable). 2. Data is neatly organized (in tables if appropriate) and is easy to interpret. 3. Additional work (if appropriate) is included but separate from data table. 1.75 Student fails to meet either expectation 2 or 3 of the Data section. Results (points worth x2) 1. Results logically analyze the data. 2. Results are neatly organized (in tables or graphs if appropriate) and are easy to understand. 3. Additional work including calculations is included but separate from tables or graphs. Student fails to meet either expectation 2 or 3 of the Results section. The student makes up to 3 errors in labeling, units, titles, correct significant figures, and graphing (smooth line/curve, scale size, title, key, label/units). The student makes more than 3 errors in labeling, units, titles, correct significant figures, and graphing (smooth line/curve, scale size, title, key, label/units). Display Protocols The student makes no errors in labeling, units, titles, correct significant figures, and graphing (smooth line/curve, scale size, title, key, label/units).

Student fails to meet BOTH expectations 2 and 3 of the Data section.

Student fails to meet BOTH expectations 2 and 3 of the Results section.

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