DTP Notes

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Desktop Publishing Desktop Publishing - Using a desktop computer to integrate text and graphics to produce camera ready copy

such as newsletters, flyers, and brochures.

Sans Serif Font - A font with no serifs, or short cross lines, at the ends of letters. Arial Narrow is a sans serif font. (This font is a Sans Serif Font.)

rop Cap an effect where the first letter of a paragraph is larger and lower than the rest of the text.

Serif Font - A font with short cross lines at the ends of letters. Times is a serif font. (This font is a serif font.)
DTP Design Tips 1. 2. Keep the design simple--less is more. The border design should enhance but not overpower the page. The drawing design should reflect the mood of the document--fun, serious, or humorous, for example. Information on brochures should answer 4 questions: Who, What, When and Where. Mix serif and sans serif fonts for contrast. Use only two different typefaces on a page. Add variety to the same typeface by changing the point size, adding bold, or adding italic. Limit the number of font styles and colors to keep your document readable. Type headlines in all caps in bold or italic in a very large point size. Use all caps for headlines only.

Drop Shadow shading to make text or objects look three-dimensional. Border - The outline of an object or page.

Object - An item that can be selected, 3. moved, changed, or deleted. Objects can be drawn in a shape such as a rectangle, circle, or straight line. Objects can also hold a picture or text and have a border and 4. fill pattern. Text Object - An object that is drawn with special tools, that can have text inside it, and can be freely positioned anywhere on the page. Fill shading or patterns used to fill an area. Group - A software feature that allows you to move several objects at once. Arrange - A software feature you use to place one object on top of or behind another object. Typeface - Design of a family of type. Times is the name of one type family and Arial is another. Also known as Font.

5. 6. 7.


9. 10.

11. 12.

Avoid using all caps with a script font. For main headings, use bold and a font size of 18 points or more. The higher the point size the taller the letter.

News Letters Template - A software feature you use to create a ready-made document with a preset design. Masthead - Title of the newsletter, usually with an issue number and a date.



Choose colors that contrast for good readability. Colors next to each other on the spectrum such as blue Headline - Main topic in a newsletter. and violet do not have good contrast. Newspaper Columns - Text prints in two Cool colors produce feelings of or more columns. coolness and calm. (blue, green, Caption - Words or phrases that draw attention to purple)
or emphasize a graphic.


Warm colors produce feelings of warmth and high energy. (red, orage, yellow)

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