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TO IDENTIFY IF YOU ARE FBB,BB,B,P,A. To place you in the right classes. Tuesday the 22 of April. Our goal is 711.

Q uic kT im e an d a T IFF ( Un co m pr e ss e d) d ec o mp r es s or a re n ee d ed to s e e th is p ictu r e.

How sfms teachers have prepared me for the cst

They give us work on the cst to do They tell us whats going to be on the test. And how they can helpus \

How Ive prepared for the test.

I study in and out of school do extra credit Practice my algebra Practice my history

The night and the morning before

Study your notes Have a good breakfast Good night sleep Be prepared

During the test

Cell phones off Concentrate No cheating on test

Math tips
Practice your multiplication Know your math And understand

English tips
Understand your English Study do homework

Cliff notes
The problem wasnt that hard it was easy Didnt really understand it really good

Write one math problem

If I had $ 25 and split 10 with 2 friends how much would I have left. Answer=13

Means to add the right suffix at the end or middle of a sentence.

Good luck sfms students

Good luck

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