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Submitted to: Dr.

Aamir Naeem Submitted by: Aamir Rauf Memon CMS #: 7690 Subject: Special Education & Community Based Rehabilitation Semester: 7th Assignment # 01

Q: A 65Years old Patient comes to physical therapy department with a History of Balance Problem. He is also having Moderate Hearing Loss.

a. What type of modification would you want to adopt in department for this patient? The following modifications can be done since the patient has Hx of balance problem & Moderate hearing loss: Department should be noise free Department should be Obstacle free Department should have Smooth Surface (neither rough nor slippery) to avoid any kind of falls Department should have pictures in order to demonstrate such patients about the hearing aids Department should have sign language boards so that they could aid in patient cues

b. What are effective communication strategies for this patient? The following strategies can be applied since the patient has Hx of balance problem & Moderate hearing loss: Louder speech (in absence of a hearing aid only) The best strategy in moderate hearing loss Communication by showing (Demonstration) Lip Reading (in absence of a hearing aid only) Communication by Pictures & Pointing Finger Spelling (in absence of a hearing aid only) Reading & Writing (applied the patient is literate) Sign Language (so as to avoid any dangers)

Note: Presbycusis (age-associated hearing loss) is the most common cause of sensorineural hearing loss in adults should be kept in mind since the patient is 65 years old. Hearing aids may provide limited rehabilitation once the word recognition score deteriorates below 50%. Cochlear implants are the treatment of choice when hearing aids prove inadequate, even when hearing loss is incomplete.

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