Blogs and Blogging: Creating Your Own Weblog With Blogger: Helen Nneka Eke

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Blogs and Blogging: creating your

own Weblog with Blogger


Helen Nneka Eke

Nnamdi Azikiwe Library, University of Nigeria, Nsukka


Phone: +234 (0)703 1030 171

Blogs and Blogging: creating your own Weblog with blogger >>>> By Helen Nneka Eke
At the end of this presentation, you will be
able to:

• Know the meaning of a blog

• Create a personal weblog with blogger

Blogs and Blogging: creating your own Weblog with blogger >>>> By Helen Nneka Eke
What is a Blog?
• A blog (Weblog) is :

1. “a hierarchy of text, images, media objects and

data, arranged chronologically, that can be
viewed in an HTML browser”( Winer, 2003).

2. ‘A frequent, chronological publication of

personal thoughts and Web links.’

Blogs and Blogging: creating your own Weblog with blogger >>>> By Helen Nneka Eke
What is a Blog? Contd…
1. a personal, online diary or as large a website
with a team of editors. The vast majority of
blogs are written by one person and intended
to be read by friends and family.

• ‘A frequent, chronological publication of

personal thoughts and Web links.’

• a website in which items are posted on a

regular basis and displayed in reverse
chronological order. The term blog is a
shortened form of weblog or web log.

Blogs and Blogging: creating your own Weblog with blogger >>>> By Helen Nneka Eke
Blogs as a Social Software
• Social software encompasses a range of software systems that allow
users to interact and share data. This
computer-mediated communication has become very popular with
social sites like MySpace and Facebook, media sites like Flickr and
YouTube, and commercial sites like and eBay

Blog isa tool for online communication. Other

examples are :
• IM (Instant messaging), Gtalk, Skype, Meebo, ICQ
, Yahoo! Messenger, MSN Messenger,
• text chat,
• wikis,
• internet forum e.g NLA Online forum), etc.
Blogs and Blogging: creating your own Weblog with blogger >>>> By Helen Nneka Eke
Features of Blogs
• Reverse chronological order with new
posts at the top of the page.

• Archives for access to past entries

• Readers’ comments

• Links to other sites, usually called a

Blogs and Blogging: creating your own Weblog with blogger >>>> By Helen Nneka Eke
Brief History of Blogs

The term “weblog” (blog) dates from 1997. it was

coined by Jorn Barger, and appeared as “Robot
Wisdom Weblog,” a feature of his Robot Wisdom
Website (

When Winer and Barger began blogging in the late

nineties, only a handful of blogs existed. With the
advent of free blog-creations programs like “blogger”
in 1999, the number of blogs grew exponentially.

Blogs and Blogging: creating your own Weblog with blogger >>>> By Helen Nneka Eke
Summary of History of Blogs
• Dawn of Internet: Tim Berners-Lee at CERN begins
keeping a list of all new sites as they come online.
• June 1993: NCSA's oldest archived 'What's New' list
of sites.
• June 1993: Netscape begins running it's 'What's
New!' list of sites.
• January 1994: Justin Hall launches Justin's Home
Page which would become Links from the
• April 1997: Dave Winer launches Scripting News.
• December 1997: Jorn Barger coins the term
Blogs and Blogging: creating your own Weblog with blogger >>>> By Helen Nneka Eke
The Blogosphere
• The world of blogs
• Includes every single blog regardless of
subject matter.

It’s hard to say exactly how many blogs

there are, but as of April 2006, the popular
tracking service Technorati ( tracked 36.8 million
websites and weblogs.

Blogs and Blogging: creating your own Weblog with blogger >>>> By Helen Nneka Eke
The Blogosphere Contd…
• According to its data, 75,000 new blogs
are created and 1.2 million new posts
written every day.

• Many millions more blogs are written in

languages and countries not tracked by

Blogs and Blogging: creating your own Weblog with blogger >>>> By Helen Nneka Eke
Building a Successful Blog
• Meet the Neighbours
• Find your voice
• Keep it current
• Make it interactive
• Offer something special
Blogs and Blogging: creating your own Weblog with blogger >>>> By Helen Nneka Eke
Summary of Terms
• Blog---The word blog is derived from the
combination of the two words web and log. A
weblog is a journal or personal diary that is
frequently updated and intended for general
public consumption. ...

• Blogging - The design and editing of a blog;


Blogs and Blogging: creating your own Weblog with blogger >>>> By Helen Nneka Eke
Summary of Terms Contd…
• Blogger - a person who keeps and updates a
blog .

• Blogger - A contributor to a blog or

online journal.

• Blogger is a blog publishing system. It was

created by Pyra Labs, which was bought by
Google in 2003.
Blogs and Blogging: creating your own Weblog with blogger >>>> By Helen Nneka Eke
Creating a Blog Using
• You must have a gmail email account.

• Once you have an gmail account set up,

go to the website.

• Create a blog title.

• Create a template for your blog.

Blogs and Blogging: creating your own Weblog with blogger >>>> By Helen Nneka Eke
Creating a Blog Using Contd…
• Access your blog's dashboard.

• Use your "Create Post" page to create hyperlinks

and changing font styles and colors .

• To add a photo image there is an icon with a

picture of a mountain and the sky on it. Click on
this and an "Upload Photos" window pops up.

Blogs and Blogging: creating your own Weblog with blogger >>>> By Helen Nneka Eke


Blogs and Blogging: creating your own Weblog with blogger >>>> By Helen Nneka Eke

Blogs and Blogging: creating your own Weblog with blogger >>>> By Helen Nneka Eke

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