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STAR Review 2011

Q: What great statesman is considered, The Father of Athens? A: Pericles (built the Parthenon)

Q: Name three political innovations that laid the foundation for democracy. A: Everybody must serve in office; Rotation in office; Written laws; Trial by Jury

Q: What great law maker is considered, The Father of Democracy? A: Solon

Q: In 508 BCE, which Greek came up with the idea of the Council of 500? A: Cleisthenes

Q: Name three great Greek philosophers. A: Socrates; Plato; Aristotle

Q:What were famous book by Plato posited that there were 3 parts of the soul and that a city-state should be ruled by philosopher kings. A: The Republic

Q:What was Aristotles book that investigated different types of government and advocated a strong middle class to even out society. A: The Politics

Q: How did Rome change Greek democracy to make it work for millions of people? A: Changed democracy to a Republic where people elect representatives.

Platos idea of a meritocracy in his pamphlet The Republic stresses

A. Kings should rule by divine right. B. Citizens should advance according to their

ability. C. All issues should be voted on by all people from all classes. D. The citizens should allow the ruler to make his own laws by military force if necessary

Which of the following is a concept from classical Athens that is central to Western political thought today? A Individuals should fight against nature and society to achieve greatness. B Individual achievement, dignity, and worth are of great importance.

C Individual recognition impedes societal progress.

D Individuals play an insignificant role in shaping ideas, society, and the state

Q: This was the first instance of Roman written law in 450 B.C.E. and was the foundation of the Roman Republic A: Twelve Tables

Q: What great World Religion was birthed under the rule of Rome? A: Christianity

Q: What form of Law did the Romans invent that is still the basis of International Law today? A: Common Law (based on common sense).

Which of the following is NOT a major contribution from Rome to Western Civilization? A. A representative form of government B. One God for all people C. Written code of laws D. The importance of the family unit

The Enlightenment
The Enlightenment emerged from what prior intellectual revolution?

The Scientific Revolution

The Enlightenment
Enlightenment thinkers were using reason to try and replace what mode of thinking?

Church Doctrine/Clericalism

The Enlightenment
The Enlightenment thinkers were referred to as a group by what name?


The Enlightenment
What famous pre-Enlightenment philosophe said I think, therefore I am

Rene Descartes

The Enlightenment
What Englishman first came up with the idea of the social contract to replace the divine right of Kings? Thomas Hobbes

The Enlightenment
Which English thinker first articulated the idea of consent of the governed?

John Locke

The Enlightenment
Which English thinker first articulated the idea of natural rights?

John Locke

The Enlightenment
Which French philosophe articulated the idea of Separation of powers?

Baron de Montesquieu

The Enlightenment
Who coined the phrase noble savage and wrote Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains?

Jean Jacques Rousseau

The Enlightenment
Which philosophe said If God didnt exist, it would be necessary to invent him and I dont agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it.?


The Enlightenment
Who Compiled the first encyclopedia?


The Enlightenment
Which English philosopher most influenced Thomas Jefferson when he wrote the Declaration of Independence?

John Locke

The Enlightenment
When James Madison created the three branches of government which philosophe most influenced him?

Baron de Montesquieu

The Enlightenment
This philosphe wrote extensively on punishment and rights of the accused.

Cesare Beccaria

The Enlightenment
Which female philosophe wrote A vindication of the Rights of Women?

Mary Wollstonecraft

Multiple Choice
In 1215 King John of England signed the Magna

Carta. An outcome of the document was to A. Suppress the nobles ability to raise military force B. Allow the King to jail foes without warrant C. Suppress the power of the King to tax without consent of the subjects D. Establish the King as the head of the new Protestant Church

Enlightenment Multiple Choice

The Scientific Revolutions most important

influence on the Enlightenment was that A. Enlightenment thinkers used science and reason as basis to perfect society B. It firmly established that church doctrine was supreme and not to be questioned C. Rulers should be informed in scientific studies to be effective leaders D. Universal female suffrage was achieved permanently in all European nations by the end of the 18th century

The Enlightenment: Multiple Choice

The 18th century document that is most influential in

the establishment and operation of free societies today. A. the Declaration of the Rights of Man B. The United Nations Charter C. The Monroe Doctrine D. The US Constitution

Enlightenment Multiple Choice

The United Nations Declaration of Human Rights

(1948)is clear that torture used by any government for any reason is illegal. The major influence of this declaration is
A. The Communist ideology of Karl Marx and Mao Zedung B .The Fascist beliefs of Benito Mussolini and Francisco Franco C. The Enlightenment beliefs of Becarria and the 8th Amendment D. The Economic Liberalism of Adam Smith and the belief in free trade

French Revolution
Who was king at the time of the French Revolution?

Louis XVI of the Bourbon Family

French Revolution
What were the three Estates in France before the revolution? What did they Represent?

First Estate: Clergy .5% Second Estate: Nobility 1.5% Third estate: everybody else 98%

French Revolution
The French Revolution was sparked by the meeting of what body?

The Estates General

French Revolution
This pamphlet, written by Abbe Sieyes in February 1789 stated that the 3rd Estate was everything

What is the 3rd Estate?

French Revolution
Why did the king call The Estates General?

The government was bankrupt

French Revolution
This oath was signed by the newly founded National Assembly at the Estates General and stated that they would not disband until they had completed a constitution. The Tennis Court Oath

French Revolution
What prior philosophical period contributed the ideas that helped initiate the French Revolution?

The Enlightenment

French Revolution
What was the prison that was stormed on July 1789, Frances Independence Day

The Bastille

French Revolution
What was the Motto of the French Revolution?

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity

French Revolution
The French completed a declaration similar to the US Bill of Rights in 1790. What was it called?

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

French Revolution
What famous American helped write the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen?

Thomas Jefferson

French Revolution
What radical party seized power in 1793, creating the Reign of Terror?

The Jacobins

French Revolution
Who was the famous leader of the Jacobins?

Maximilien Robespierre

French Revolution
What ancient economic system was abolished during the revolution?


French Revolution
What famous general seized power in a coup d'tat in 1799?

Napoleon Bonaparte

French Revolution
What country did Napoleon invade in 1812 that ultimately led to his defeat?


French Revolution
Napoleon was finally defeated by the English and the Prussians in 1815 at what famous battle?


French Revolutions
Q: This congress met at the conclusion of the

Napoleonic wars (1814-1815) to attempt to create a lasting peace across Europe. A: The Congress of Vienna

French Revolution Multiple Choice

Which of the following was the immediate cause of

the French Revolution

A. Enlightenment ideology of the natural rights of all men B. Pent up anger of the Third Estate wanting a greater say in their government C. Financial crisis brought about by a poor harvest and the mounting deficit. D. The conflict between the King and the Parlements of Paris as to whom would control the Royal Decree

French Revolution Multiple Choice

From the items below select the correct order of the

phases of the French Revolution

A. The Moderate Phase, The Radical Phase, The Directory, Napoleon B. The Directory, The Moderate Phase, The Radical Phase, Napoleon C. The Directory , The Radical Phase, Napoleon, The Moderate Phase D. Napoleon ,The Directory The Moderate Phase, The Radical Phase,

French Revolution Multiple Choice

Which of the items below are NOT similar to the

French Revolution and the American Revolution

A. Governments that created laws to protect the rights of their citizens B. Nations that created a representational form of government C. Violent resistance and demonstrations by the people D. Creation of a long lasting constitution

Industrial Revolution
Q: Before the industrial revolution Europe went through improvements in farming techniques in the early 1700s called
A: The Agricultural Revolution

Industrial Revolution
Q: These pieces of communal land were closed off to everyone by a wealthy landowner where he would grow a single

crop. These led to people moving to cities and led to a more market-based agrarian society.
A: Enclosures

Industrial Revolution
Q: What was the name of the system in which entrepreneurs would bring raw materials to cottages and the people in the cottages

would make a finished product for and give it back to the entrepreneur for a small fee? It was a precursor to factories. A: Cottage system or the Putting out system

Industrial Revolution
Q: What were some reasons that England was the first country to industrialize?
A: Population increase/Raw

Materials/Banking system/Need for change (water in mines)/Canals & Roads/Lack of Government interference/Not having to deal with the Napoleonic Wars on their soil

Industrial Revolution
Q: Some textile innovations that made clothes cheaper and fostered consumerism include A: Cotton gin, Spinning Jenny, Water Frame, Power Loom, etc.

Industrial Revolution
Q: This was created in the early 1700s to pump water out of coal mines.
A: Steam engine

Industrial Revolution
Q: Who improved the steam engine improved in 1765 and 1775?
A: James Watt

Industrial Revolution
Q: Due to lack of restrictions on labor practices business men hired these little workers because they cost less and their

hands were small enough to fit in machines. A: Children

Industrial Revolution
Q: As a result of the inequalities of rapidly industrialization in cities Karl Marx wrote a pamphlet that laid out his ideas for a new

type of governmental and economic system. What was this pamphlet? A: Communist Manifesto

Industrial Revolution
Q: According to Marx, industrialized society formed two opposing groups in society. What were they? A: The Bourgeoisie and the Proletariat

Industrial Revolution
Q: Who wrote The Wealth of Nations in 1776?
A: Adam Smith

Industrial Revolution
Q: Workers uniting to fight against unfair labor practices by striking were known as
A: Labor Unions

Industrialism Multiple Choice

Which was NOT an important reason that Great Britain led the way in the Industrial Revolution
A. Abundant coal reserves and water ways for domestic transportation B. Creation of important inventions to aid its massive textile industry C. A growing population and middleclass and maritime industry to support it capitalist system D. Refusal to exploit groups based on gender or age which led to trust between owners and workers.

When one country takes over a peoples and dominates them socially, politically, and economically it is known as


In the late 1800's when European nations began to take over and colonize parts of Africa it was known as

The Scramble for Africa

What are some reasons European nations began to colonize Africa and Asia?

More Resources, new markets, geopolitics, and new technology

What new technologies from the industrial revolution allowed for exploration into the heart of Africa?

Steam engine, railroads, Quinine, Maxim guns

What conference set the rules for colonization of Africa in 1885?

The Berlin Conference

This was the idea that one group of people were more advanced than another and therefore the more advanced people had the right to conquer the less advanced people.

Social Darwinism

This method of colonial rule placed the colonizer in the country where he ruled over the people there.

Direct Rule

This method of colonial rule placed colonized people in charge but made them answerable to the colonizing country.

Indirect rule/Protectorate

In this 1899 poem Rudyard Kipling stated that white people had a duty to civilize the darker races of the world.

The White Man's Burden

In 1857 Indian soldiers rose against British colonialists in what was known as

The Sepoy Rebellion

King Leopold II of Belgium was known for his brutal reign in what colony.

Congo Free State

Which nation below is most responsible for the

imperialism of this country up to 1948

Great Britain USA


Multiple Choice Imperialism

Which was NOT a cause or motive

For the European Imperialism in Africa? A. European technological advantages B. Western raw material needs C. Perceived cultural superiority D. Increasing power of the Ottoman Empire in the 19th and 20th century

Which countries were in the Triple Alliance?

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy

Which countries were in the Triple Entente?

France, England, Russia

What country was known as The Sick Man in Europe?

The Ottoman Empire.

Whose assassination started the War?

Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir-apparent of Austria- Hungary

Who killed him?

Serbian anarchist Gavrillo Princip

Germany made what promise to support Austria- Hungary in the war?

The famous Blank Check (which revealed German guilt in starting the War.)

What was the new type of warfare that killed so many soldiers?

Trench warfare.

What new weapons were first widely used in World War I? Tanks; hand grenades; machine guns; poison gas; airplanes; submarines; etc

Where was the vast bulk of the fighting concentrated?

The Western Front in France.

Who were the two powers fighting in the war?

Allied Powers and the Central Powers

What Countries made up the Central powers?

Germany, Austria-Hungary, The Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria

What were the major countries that made up the Allied Powers?

France, Great Britain, Russia (Until 1917), The United States (From 1917)

The British fought the Ottoman Empire in 1915 on this peninsula in hopes of knocking them out of the war.

What famous ship was sunk, helping drag the Americans into the War? The Lusitania.

Q: Starting in 1915 the Ottoman Empire began to massacre the Armenian population by using forced marches in what was known as A: The Armenian Genocide

This letter, sent by Germany, promised to help Mexico take back Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona if they allied with them against the US.
The Zimmerman Telegram

When did the War end?

The 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918.

What was the treaty that settled the War?

Treaty of Versailles

What was the name of Woodrow Wilsons plan for peace in post war Europe?

The 14 Points

Woodrow Wilson proposed what organization to help manage post-War affairs?

The Leagues of Nations.

What new system of government arose during the War. What was the event?

Communism. The Russian Revolution

What was the name of the peace conference that settled affairs after WWI?

The Paris Peace Conference

Which of the Following is not a correct statement regarding the overarching causes of WWI Militarism Germany Vs. Great Britain Alliances- Two major groups Nationalism- USA wanting to come in to war at the start Imperialism Competition between major powers for a source of pride causes friction Arms Race- Most European nations armies increase rapidly in size and equipment

Which of the following is NOT correct regarding the country and its actions regarding the immediate causes of WWI A. Germany Issues the Blank Check B. Russia creates a sophisticated plan of attack to prevent a two front war C. Austria issues harsh ultimatums to Serbia D. Great Britain will declare war on any violators of Belgium neutrality

Which of the items below is a true statement regarding The Great War? A. Russia drops out of the war on Lenins promise for Peace, Bread and Land. B. The Zimmerman Telegram helps the Great Britain to prevent the USA from joining the war effort C. The stalemate of trench warfare is on the eastern from while decisive battles occur on the western front D. Colonists from major powers in general refuse to participate in the war effort


3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Greece, Rome, and the foundations of Democracy The Enlightenment & Democratic Revolutions (Glorious, American, French & Napoleon, & Simon Bolivar) Industrial Revolution Imperialism WWI Interwar Years (1919-1939) WWII Cold War to the Present

What were some of the terms of the Treaty of Versailles? (1)Germany loses land (2)Article 231 War Guilt Clause (3)Demilitarization of the Rhineland (4)Limit German Military (5)Germany must pay Reparations

To pay for the Reparations, Germany resorted to what damaging financial strategy?

Inflation- printing money.

The inflation destroyed the German economy. Who rose out of the ashes? Adolf Hitler.

What global economic calamity gave further fuel to Hitlers rise to power?

The Great Depression.

Poor performance in WWI, distrust of leadership, and food shortages led to mass strikes that ended in revolution in February 1917 in what country? Russia

In Russia the Bolshevik Revolution put this man in power and began a civil war in 1917.

V.I. Lenin

The two sides that fought in the Russian civil war were The Reds and The Whites

After Lenins death this Georgian man worked his way to the top of the Soviet leadership.

Joseph Stalin

In 1928 in an attempt to create socialism in one country Stalin began two different programs to improve agriculture and speed up industrialization what were they? Collectives and 5 year plans

Ukrainian's fought against collectivization, so in 1932-33 Stalin took their grain and cut off their supplies. 5-10,000,000 people died of starvation in what was known as The Ukrainian Terror Famine

Stalins system of forced labor camps were called Gulags

Between 1936-38 Stalin purged the Communist party in the USSR. 1.5 million people were killed in what was known as

The Great Terror

What was the name- and nickname- of Hitlers political party?

The National Socialist German Workers Party AKA The Nazis

What was the new type of government developed by Italy, Germany, and Japan?

Fascism--the joining of Big Business and Government for nationalist aggression

Following WWI Italy was in chaos as a result of this a new leader came to power in Italy and he made the trains run on time. Who was he?

Benito Mussolini

In 1935 Italy invaded what African country?


What English Prime Minister tried, but failed to contain Hitlers advances?

Neville Chamberlain

What was the name and the city that came to be associated with Chamberlains policies?


Just before the start of WWII, Germany signed a non-aggression pact with what country?

The Soviet Union

What U.S. policy unwittingly contributed to the rise of fascism in Europe?

Isolationism/Neutrality (Didnt join the League of Nations, Neutrality Acts).

What alliance brought the 3 fascists counties together as allies?

The Rome/Berlin/Tokyo Axis.

What countries did Germany take over before the start of WWII?

Austria & Czechoslovakia

What countries did Japan invade before the start of WWII?

Manchuria, China.

Japan claimed what role and organization in protecting Asia?

Asia for the Asians. The East-Asia CoProsperity Sphere.

The country most responsible for the punitive treaty on Germany is France. Which statement is true regarding Frances motives directed at Germany A. France wanted the Alsace Lorraine back and to Charge them to pay for the cost of the war. B. France wanted to Germany to have an air force and navy to prevent them from attack against the Soviet Union C. France agreed to surround Germany with larger nations on its borders and ignore ethnic identity

Which statement below is true A. Stalin creates a totalitarian socialist state B. Mussolini creates a communist state C. Hitler creates a democratic republic D. Franco creates a constitutional monarchy with rights based on the first 10 Amendments of the US Constitution

The counter culture society that emerges after the devastation of the Great War, which includes figures such as Hemmingway and Picasso are know as A. The Humanist Movement B. The Lost Generation C. The Romanticists D. The Phlange

The policy of Appeasement that was a reaction to Fascist aggression was based on a psychology created by A. Freudian ideas of the subconscious mind B. The horrors and catastrophic events of WWI C. The free democracies of Joe Stalin would eventually be embraced by Germany D. Gandhi's ideas of non-violent protest that were sweeping through-out Europe

The Great Depression was addressed in the USA by which presidential policy A. Wilsons 14 points B. Roosevelt's New Deal C. Trumans Doctrine D. Eisenhowers New Conservatism

Germanys industrialism was different than Italys in that A. Germany applied industrialism to all areas of the economy, but Italy did not. B. Italy applied industrialism to all areas of the economy, but Germany did not. C. Germany adopted a Soviet style economy and Italy rejected state run economic development D. Italy used complete free enterprise and free trade policies but Germany favored agriculture over industry

World War II

The Picture below is representative of

The Nazi-Soviet NonAggression Pact

World War II
Q: What event triggered the start of the War in Europe? When was it? A: German invasion of Poland. Sept. 1, 1939.

World War II
Q: What event triggered the start of the War in the Pacific? When was it? A: Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor. Dec. 7, 1941.

World War II
Q: What did President Roosevelt call December 7, 1941? A: A day that will live in infamy.

World War II
Q: What was the name of the German strategy to quickly surround and overwhelm the enemy? A: Blitzkrieglightning warfare.

World War II
Q: English troops staged a dramatic evacuation from the continent from which city? A: Dunkirk

World War II
Q: German planes bombed London in what famous battle? A: The Battle of Britain.

World War II
Q: The German invasion of the USSR on June 22, 1941 was called A: Operation Barbarossa

World War II
Q: The largest battle in the history of the world occurred at what Russian city? A: Stalingrad

World War II
Q: What were the turning points in the European and Pacific wars? A: Europe: Stalingrad. The Pacific: the Battle of Midway.

World War II
Q: What were the names of the Allied commanders in Europe and the Pacific? A: Europe: Eisenhower. Pacific: MacAthur.

World War II

Q: The Allies invaded German occupied France on June 6, 1944 in what was known as

A: Operation Overlord/D-Day

World War II
Q: What were the names of the German, Italian, and Japanese leaders during the War? A: Hitler, Mussolini, Hirohito

World War II
Q: What sustained mass murder took place during the War? By whom? Toward whom? A: The Holocaust. Germans killed 11 million people, 6 million of them were Jews.

World War II
Q: What was the name of the secret U.S. program to develop the atomic bomb? A: Manhattan project

World War II
Q: The atomic bombs were first dropped on what 2 cities? A: Hiroshima. Nagasaki.

World War II
Q: Who were the Big Three leaders who met at Yalta to plan post-war settlement? A: Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin.

World War II
Q: What organization was created at the end of the war to promote international cooperation? A: The United Nations

World War II

Q: At the Yalta Conference the Big Three agreed to do what with Germany?

A: Divide in into four zones of occupation/Divide Berlin

WWII: Multiple Choice

Which Item is correct regarding the Grand Alliance ( USA, Great Britain and the Soviet Union A. Agree that the PTO was a more important battleground. B. Agree to put aside political differences and concentrate on the war effort C. Agree to support the French and create similar Maginot Lines to prevent attacks. D. Agree to reach a peace settlement as soon as possible and reject the idea of unconditional surrender.

During WWII Hitler continues his war against the Jews when he says After all who remembers the Armenians. Which of the events below is not associated with the Holocaust A. The Nuremberg Laws B. Crystal Night C. The Final Solution D. Potsdam Conference

The correct sequence of the events of WWII in the ETO are

A. Battle of Stalingrad, The Phony War, Surrender of France. B. Battle of Britain, D-Day, Operation Barbarossa C. Allied invasion of Italy, German invasion of Poland. The Surrender of Germany D. The Building of the Maginot line, Dunkirk, The Battle of the Bulge

A major issue of distrust from Stalin toward the other members of the Big Three was that A. Stalin continually requested opening a western front against the Germans B. Churchill insistence that Soviets retreat from Stalingrad C. Roosevelts hatred of social reform policies D. Trumans unwillingness to use nuclear weapons under any circumstance

The Allies strategy for the PTO was known as Island Hopping. The main focus of this strategy was A. Land on the islands with the largest enemy population and deflate their morale B. Land on Islands, build runways and advance aircraft to bomb Japan C. Skip all islands and directly invade Japan D. Invade islands with small enemy populations and establish naval basis.

Q: Who were the 2 main adversaries in the Cold War? A: The U.S. and the Soviet Union.

The Cold War

Q: Why was the Cold War called Cold? A: No actual fighting between the main adversaries. It was a war of proxies.

The Cold War

Q: What two economic systems were at was in the Cold War? A: Communism and Capitalism.

The Cold War

Q: What was the name/author of the overall U.S. strategy during the Cold War? A: Containment/ George Kennan

The Cold War

President Truman made as speech in 1947 where he stated that the US would help all free nations in the world fight against subversion and subjugation from internal and outside forces. This speech became known as The Truman Doctrine

The Cold War

In 1947 the United States began to give money to European nations to help them rebuild after the war and to prevent communism in those countries, known as the European Recovery Act, it was also known by this name The Marshall Plan

The Cold War

Q: The U.S. staged what aerial event in 1948-9 to overcome Stalins blockade of Berlin? A: The Berlin Airlift.

The Cold War

The picture below illustrates

The Marshall Plan

The Cold War

Q: What major Asian country fell to the communists in 1949? Who was its leader? A: China/Mao Zedong

The Cold War

Q: The first major hot flash of the Cold War began in what Asian country in 1950. A: Korea

The Cold War

Q: Each side formed military alliances to help in the War. What were they called? A: U.S.: NATO. Soviet Union: Warsaw Pact.

The Cold War

As a result of the Khrushchevs policy of Destalinization in 1956 two countries of the Eastern Bloc attempted reforms that prompted Soviet intervention. These two countries were Poland and Hungary

The Cold War

Q: This Soviet satellite launch caused major fear in the United States. What was it? A: Sputnik.

The Cold War

Q: This was when the U.S. and the Soviet Union came the closest ever to nuclear was. A: The Cuban Missile Crisis.

The Cold War

Q: Who were the major Soviet leaders during the cold war? A: Joseph Stalin, Nikita Khrushchev, Leonid Brezhnev, Mikhail Gorbachev

The Cold War

Q: This Asian land war became the first was the U.S. ever lost. What was it? A: Vietnam

The Cold War

Q: What was the nuclear strategy used by both sides at avert nuclear war? A: Mutually Assured Destruction. (MAD)

The Cold War

Q: The relaxation of Tensions between the US and the USSR during the late 60s was called A: Dtente

The Cold War

In 1968 this country in the Eastern Bloc began reforms that were know as the Prague Spring. These reforms were seen by the USSR as threatening communism so the invaded this country. What was this country? Czechoslovakia

The Cold War

Q: in 1979 the US-backed Shah of Iran was overthrown and Iran became the Islamic Republic of Iran in what event? A: The Iranian Revolution

The Cold War

Q: After the Shah was overthrown he went to the US for medical treatment sparking the A: Iran Hostage Crisis

The Cold War

Q: This country, invaded in 1979, became the Soviet Unions Vietnam. A: Afghanistan.

The Cold War

Q: The Soviet Union could not intervene in the strikes in Gdansk, Poland in 1981 because A: They couldnt afford to/Economy was on the wane

Cold War

Q: Ronald Reagans plan to put a laser in space to use as a missile defense shield was called A: Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)/Star Wars

Cold War

Q: This Soviet leader began reform perestroika and openness Glasnost that led to the end of the Cold War. A: Mikhail Gorbachev.

The Cold War

Gorbachev major reform of the Soviet government in the late 1980s was called


The Cold War

In 1989 Gorbachevs Sinatra Doctrine gave freedom to the Eastern Bloc countries to govern as they saw fit led to

The Collapse of Communism/The year of Miracles

The Cold War

In 1990 Saddam Husseins troops invaded this country which led to U.S. intervention in what is known as

The First Gulf War

The Cold War

Who was the leader of Russia after the Collapse of the USSR?

Boris Yeltsin

The Cold War

Q: The Collapse of the Soviet Union was caused by what major overarching causes? A: Economic collapse, Gorbachevs Reforms, & Nationalism

Cold War

What does this map represent?

The Old Soviet Republics /Soviet Union after 1991

The Cold War

The Soviet reaction to satellite nations demanding freedoms BEFORE the 1980s and the rise of Solidarity in Poland was to A. Mediate the crisis in the UN B. Stimulate the satellites economy with the Warsaw Pact C. Crush the satellites demands with armed force D. Use free western style democratic elections to determine the outcome

The Cold War

Berlin and Cuba are both important to Communist and Capitalist regimes in that A. They are important hot war zones between the USA and Soviet Union B. They are immense propaganda platforms for the opposing sides C. They are the political and economic capitals of the two superpowers D. They are both areas where the east and west can agree to pay little attention

The Cold War

The arms between the two super-powers of the cold war slows down. Which two terms are associated with this thawing A. SALT and DTENTE B. MAD and NATO C. Iron Curtain and Domino Theory D. Brinkmanship and Comecon (Molotov Plan)

The Cold War

The collapse of the Soviet Union and the fall the Berlin Wall in 1989 occur for all the reasons below EXCEPT. A. The Soviet economic ability to control their satellites B. Glasnost and Perestroika from M. Gorbachev causes internal dissention within the state C. Decreasing nationalism and liberalism sweeping eastern Europe

The Cold War

Q: The Chinese Civil War from 1925-49 was between what two groups? A: The Nationalists and the Communists

Q:The leader of communist China until 1976 was A: Mao Zedong

Q: From 1958-60 Mao launched a campaign to rapidly industrialize china known as A: The Great Leap Forward

Q: In order to change what Mao saw as growing inequalities in China he launched a campaign to bring equality with the Red Guards known as The Great Proletariat Cultural Revolution

Q: After Maos death reforms to make Chinas economy more capitalist were put forth by A: Deng Xiaoping

Q:In 1989 students protested for more freedoms and democracy. Their protests were quickly put down by the government who brought tanks into

A: Tiananmen Square

Maos victory over the Nationalists led by Jiang in 1949 was mostly successful because of A. US and Soviet support of communism in China B. Using a practical mix of economic ideas of communism and capitalism C. Nationalist focusing their efforts in rural and agricultural areas. D. Using the massive peasant population to back his regime

Which of the following items are in the correct chronological order in Chinese history after 1949 A. Dengs reforms, The Cultural Revolution, The Great Leap Forward, Tiananmen Square B. The Cultural Revolution, Dengs reforms, The Great Leap Forward, Tiananmen Square C. Great Leap Forward, The Cultural Revolution, Dengs reforms, Tiananmen Square D. Cultural Revolution, Dengs Reforms, Tiananmen Square, the Great Leap Forward

Q: In 1954 the United States overthrew this

Guatemalan leader because they believed he was a pawn of the Soviet Union.
A: Jacobo Arbenz

Q: The quasi-fascist President of Argentina between

1946-1955 and again in 1973-74 was A: Juan Peron

Q: The U.S. failed attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro in

1961 was known as

A: The Bay of Pigs

Q: On September 11, 1973 this General overthrew

Salvador Allende and ruled Chile until 1990.

A: Augusto Pinochet

Q: In 1979 this Marxist group overthrew the Somoza

dictatorship in Nicaragua.
A: The Sandinistas

Q: To combat the Sandinistas the Reagan

Administration trained and funded a group of Nicaraguan rebels known as

A: The Contras

Q: In 1980 the military dictatorship in El Salvador

assassinated the Archbishop of San Salvador for standing up to the regime. His name was
A: Oscar Romero

Q: The 1981 massacre of approximately 900 villagers in

El Salvador by U.S. trained troops was called A: The Massacre at El Mozote

A. Support of Non- communist regimes including

dictators that suppressed human rights B. Support for popular regimes irrespective of their political ideologies C. Support of the peoples interest and suppression American business interests D. Support of non-military governments only

A. Verbal support only for those who resisted socialist

movements B. Full support of popular regimes to preserve the status quo C. Economic and military support to those who resisted socialist takeover. D. Threaten full nuclear war within the Central American sphere

Q:After WWII European countries began to give independence to their colonies. This process was known as A:Decolonization


Q: Former European colonies engaged in the Cold War through these mini-wars. A: Wars of National Liberation.


Some African countries that became cold war battle grounds include A: Ethiopia, Congo, Somalia, Angola, Etc.


Q: This person is known for leading the Indian independence movement using non-violent means of protest. A: Mahatma Gandhi


Q: After independence British India was divided into two states. They are A: India and Pakistan


Q:After Indian independence tensions flared between what two religious groups? A: Muslims and Hindus


India, Africa, Southeast Asia and the Mideast

Decolonization 1945 to 1975

Following WWII and the decolonization that occurred in Africa all the below are correct except A Soviet and Western influence were absent B. Both Superpowers used these areas to extend their ideologies C. The African Continent power vacuums created opportunities for Super powers to make political inroads D. Civil wars broke out between prominent ethnic groups.

Q: In 1917 the Balfour Declaration promised members of the Zionist Movement that the Jewish people could have a homeland in A: Palestine

The Middle East

Q: In 1948 the UN passed a resolution that created the modern state of A: Israel

The Middle East

Q: In 1956 Israel, Great Britain, and France attacked Egypt after the Egyptian leader Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal. This was known as A: The Suez Crisis

The Middle East

Q: In 1967 Egypt, Syria, & Jordan were ready to attack Israel, but the Israelis launched a pre-emptive strike and routed the Arab countries in what was known as A: The Six Day War

The Middle East

A: In 1973 the Israelis once again defeated surrounding Arab Nations in the Yom Kippur War. Anger at western support of the Israelis led OPEC nations to Q: Begin an oil embargo

The Middle East

Attempts at an Arab-Israeli peace in 1979 and 1994 were thwarted by Q: Assassination of leaders by radicals

The Middle East

Western support for the nation of Israel in the Mid-east is linked to A. A history anti-semitism and Israel being a supporter of democracy B. Support and respect of the Arab nations culture including Palestine. C. Competitive Soviet influence within the Israeli Government. D. The addition of Israel would create stability and peace in the Middle-East

A major conflict within and among the Mideast nations is between A. Soviet style communism and capitalism B. Secular ideologies clashing with fundamentalist Islamic religious factions C. Stalinist belief that communism is not possible without world domination D. US support of popular religious regimes at the cost of American demands for fossil fuel.

Pakistani and Indian conflicts during the era of De-colonization are the result of

A. Economic interests in Asia B. Religious and cultural differences C. Political ideologies D. Soviet and USA agitation regarding Cold War conflicts

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