10 Small Talk: in Company Intermediate

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in company Intermediate

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10 Small talk
Opening a conversation

Jon Hird

Categorise the phrases and expressions aw according to the following functions. Three have already been done for you.
Directing a conversation Showing interest Closing a conversation

a Is that the time?

b Hello again.

c That reminds me

d Really?

e It was nice

f Excuse me,

talking to you.

g I see.

h We havent met.


i Will you excuse me?

j Uh huh.

k I must just l Long time no see.

m Im afraid Ill have

to be going.

n I couldnt help noticing

o While were on the

p I understand

subject of


q By the way, r Youre ,

s Right.

t Talking of

arent you?

u Funny you should

v You must

say that because


w [name] asked me to

give you her regards.

Imagine you are at a conference reception. Walk round the classroom and improvise a brief conversation with as many people as you can. Use the phrases and expressions in 1.

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