Study Guide: HDFS 212 Quiz1

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Study Guide

HDFS 212 Quiz1

Study Guide
This is just a guide for your studying purposes. Everything that is on the quiz is not on this guide. The majority of things on the quiz are on the guide. This is to give you an idea of what things to focus on in your studying.

Study Guide
The quiz is multiple choice, true /false and fill in the blanks. There will be 25 questions.

Continuous and Discontinuous growth patterns

Understand each level of the Human Ecological System

Nature and Nurture

Social Learning Theory and Childrens behaviors

Classical and Operant Conditioning

Stages of growth patterns

Research Designs and Ethics (issues of consent)

Understand Development in stages, versus development as ongoing (continuous)

What is Public Policy?

Bronfenbrenners ecological systems theory

Microsystem Mesosystem Exosystem Macrosystem Chronosystem

Normative approach theory

SES how it is measured and who it affects and how.

Family Dynamics! What does dynamic mean? What were some dynamics mentioned in class?

Eriksons theory

Piagets stages

Information-Processing approach

Basic Emotions

Temperament and Attachment (Know different types of temperament and attachment)

Brain Development

Environmental Context(s) for Development

My Development - check out watch and simulate as well as other resources

Four Brothers, Priscilla, Nell, and Erin Brokovich - know major theme(s) as related to course content

Good Luck!
Thank you

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