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EC1 Reading 2012

Course Description: EC1 Reading is mainly an extensive reading course designed to develop students confidence, fluency, and interest in reading in English. Students will read a total of 7 graded readers (400 800 headwords), 5 which are prescribed for the class, and 2 self-selected readers. For each book, students will engage in a combination of textual analysis and reflective/responsive activities. Examples of textual analysis activities include: focus on grammar/vocabulary in context as well as listening and reading along tasks. Reflective/responsive activities include students providing Finally, students will be

personal responses to book content through written and oral tasks. vocabulary, and/or phonological points will be taken and studied in class.

introduced to Intensive Reading of graded texts related to their graded readers from which grammar,

Course Goals and Objectives

Through participating in this course, students will be able to Goal 1: Use selected reading sub-skills and strategies to improve reading speed, comprehension, and retention. Objective 1.1 Use pre-reading strategies to predict the content/ purpose/ audience of graded texts. Objective 1.2 Demonstrate reflective reading abilities through responding (orally or in writing) to graded texts. Objective 1.3 Ignore unknown words when appropriate. Goal 2: Read with increased confidence. Objective 2.1 Read in English with increased confidence through exposure to a lot of graded texts. Objective 2.2 Develop a positive attitude to reading in English through sharing the content of graded readers and opinions with peers. Goal 3: Read with increased fluency. Objective 3.1 Read more fluently and with greater phonological awareness through chunking/parsing of graded material. Objective 3.2 Read with increased speed through simultaneous reading and listening. Objective 3.3 Read with increased fluency through exposure to a lot of graded material. Goal 4: Develop grammatical competence in context. Objective 4.1 Use selected language learned through contextual study and practice. Goal 5: Develop complementary skills. Objective 5.1 Feel more confident in listening, writing, and speaking through responding to texts. Goal 6: Expand lexical knowledge. Objective 6.1 Develop lexical knowledge through intensive and extensive reading.

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