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Elizabeth English House ORDINAL NUMBERS

Q 1: What is the ordinal number for 3 three threeth Third

Q 2: What is the ordinal number for 1 First oneth one Q 4: The first ten ordinal numbers are: first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth and _____ ninth ten tenth eleventh

Q 3: What is the ordinal number for 15 Fifteen Fifteenth Fifty

Q 5: What is the ordinal number for 2 tooth two Second Q 7: Seven students ran a swimming race, the student that swam the fastest would be in the third place second place ones place first place

Q 6: When objects are placed in order we use ordinal numbers to tell their position. True False

Q 8: What is the ordinal number for 20 Twenty Twelfth Twentieth

Elizabeth English House ORDINAL NUMBERS

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