Language of Marine Mammals

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The language of marine mammals

The sound underwater

The limitation of the senses of smell and the view underwater have done marine mammals that are more dependent on sound, they can travel four times faster than air below the sea surface. So, use it to communicate, and have generated a form of language different from mammals of habitats from the surface of the Earth.

Humpback whales

The sound of the humpback whale is one of the more complex communication expressions of the animal kingdom. Researchers led by a scientist at the Massachussets Institute of Technology, mathematically confirmed that the language of these whales have their own syntax, which is made up of units of sound that in turn generate sentences. They also may combine to form songs that can last up to several hours, according to a statement from MIT.

Male humpback whales

For six months a year, male humpback whales of each population sing the same song during the breeding season. This song attracts female whales and surprisingly, evolves over time.

The language of dolphins

As they talk, the dolphins use whistles tones almost exclusively steady or increasing. When travelling in a group, singing dolphins changes. Most consist whistles that emit tones that rise and go back down, a kind of sine wave is Hawkins can be a group identification system.

The End

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