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Title of Unit

Live Binders Staff Development Unit

Grade Level Unit Duration

Staff 1.5 hours

Stage 1-Desired Results

Standards: AASL 1.1.8 Demonstrate mastery of technology tools for accessing information and pursuing inquiry. 1.3.5 Use information technology responsibly. 2.1.4 Use technology and other informational tools to analyze and organize information. 2.2.4 demonstrate personal productivity by completing products to express learning. 3.4.2 Assess the quality and effectiveness of the learning product.

Understandings: Learners will understand that: Using Live Binders can help students develop concepts by providing students with multiple digital resources on a subject. These resources can be easily located and accessed multiple times at no coast to the user. Live Binders can be used as an instructional aid. Related Misconceptions: Using technology is difficult and it takes too much time. Live Binders is just for adults.

Overarching Questions: How can Live Binders aid in instruction? Knowledge Students will know : How to set up a Live Binders Account How to create and tabs and sub-tabs to organize information. How to locate tutorials and other supplemental resources related to Live Binders.

Topical Questions: How do I setup and use Live Binders? Skills: Students will be able to: *Use Live Binders independently to organize information.

Stage 2 Assessment Evidence


Self Evaluation Rubric

Category Access Proficient Accesses the Live Binders website independently. Accesses Live Binders tutorial power -point or PDF file Actively participates in instructional process Set up a minimum of 4 tabs. (1 for each subject taught. Edits tabs to show various Emerging Accesses the Live Binders website with support. Accesses the Live Binders tutorial power-point or PDF file with assistance. Learner is somewhat engaged for a portion of the instructional process Tabs setup did not meet the minimum requirement. Learner had Needs Development Has difficulty accessing site and accompanying files.


Learner is not engaged in the instructional process. Learner did not create tabs .


Navigation/ Links

colors and adds subtabs. Hyperlinks function properly. Binder is neat, organized , and easy to navigate.

difficulty editing tabs and subtabs. Some hyperlinks function properly. Binder is somewhat organized.

No hyperlinks are evident. Binder clearly lacks organization.

Other Evidence

Stage 3: Plan Learning Experiences

Week 1 1. What is Live Binders? Live Binders is an online binder for organizing and sharing information from the web. It is a great resource for both students and teachers. View Live Binders for Teachers video (YouTube) 2. How can I use Live Binders? Live Binders can be used as: * Instructional Aid: Organizing digital and o *ePortfolio: Use Live Binders to house a collection of student or teacher work samples.

*Student Assignments: Students can access the binder to complete assignments and or assessments. *Limited Internet Search: Use Live Binders to give students access to the Internet. Student access will be limited to the websites that have been pre-determined by the teacher. 3.How do I get started creating a Live Binder Account? * Access the website by going to

*Click on the Sign-Up Tab in the upper right corner. *Enter a Username, email address, and password. Click on Sign up now (yellow button). *Hover over "Your First Binder" icon and click on edit. *Click on tutorial to view step by step instructions for setting up your binder.
4. How do I edit my binder? Model creating tabs/ sub-tabs, linking websites, editing functions (tab color). Use examples from provided linked tutorial. 5. How do I use upload and embed codes in my binder? Use examples from provided linked tutorial 6. Practice making tabs and hyper-linking the desired website. (Create one per subject). Practice navigating Live Binders using tabs and sub-tabs. Take Learner Self Assessment/ score according to rubric

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