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ANNOYED = slightly angry or impatient; BORED = impatient or dissatisfied; annoyed; CALM= not affected by strong situations such as excitement, anger shock or fear; CHEERFUL= behaving in a happy , friendly way; DELIGHTED= very happy, especially because something good has happened; DEPRESSED= very unhappy because of a difficult or unpleasant situation that you fed; ECSTATIC= extremely happy or pleased; FRUSTRATED= annoyed or impatient because you are prevented from a achieving something; FURIOUS= extremely angry; IMPATIENT= annoyed because something is not happening as quickly as you want or in the way you want; MISERABLE= extremely unhappy or uncomfortable; NERVOUS= excited and worried, or slightly afraid; PLEASED= happy and satisfied; RELAXED= calm and not worried; SAD= unhappy, especially because something bad has happened TERRIFIED= extremely frightened; Worried= unhappy because you are thinking about your problems or about bad things that could happen.

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