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Audrey, Ehsan, Hazim, Nurizzati, Nur Syazwani, Nurul Amirah

1. What is the meaning of fluency disorder?

a. Disruptions in smoothness, rhythm, and continuity of sounds, syllables, words or language during speaking b. A blanket term covering several different forms of a type of common psychiatric disorder c. A communication disorder commonly found in children on the Autistic Spectrum d. Problems in understanding pragmatic areas of language.


A fluency disorder, which is often referred as

Articulation disorder Deafness Stuttering Loudness

a. b. c. d.


What is the risk factor to consider in stuttering?

Family history of stuttering Premature birth Articulation problems Peer influence

a. b. c. d.


The most common types of dysfluencies are

Feelings of panic, fear, and uneasiness Numbness or tingling in the hands or feet Uncontrollable, obsessive thoughts Prolongations, repetitions, and blocks.

a. b. c. d.


Below is the example of a person who stutters will experience as secondary behaviours that occur during the dysfluency, except Faint Reduced aye contact Facial grimaces Other facial movement

a. b. c. d.


Below are the affective stuttering exercises for children, except Teach pausing Use simple language Imitate different sound Children can only talk on important things

a. b. c. d.


What is the teach pausing as introduced in the stuttering exercise?

a. Use games and fun activities to try imitating a variety of sounds. b. Use simple language and short sentences while talking to children c. The child is taught always to pause after words and never in the middle of a word. d. Play games where children have to explain something, describe something, or give directions to one another.


Teach the children to drink from the straw is also a good exercise to overcome stuttering because

a. It requires the tongue to be in a position that is optimal for speaking b. Train for soft tongue c. Requires patience d. Improve air breathing controls


Which below is not belong to fluency disorder? Stuttering Whispering Word repetitions Fillers

a. b. c. d.


Below is the rational way for teacher to help children with fluency disorder, except

a. Reduce demands on the child b. Reduce questions requiring long or complex answers c. Model how to have a proper conversation d. Give a punishment for every mistake



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