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Scanned to Compact Disc by Susan M.

Fran the German l anguage or igina l s
col lected by the St e vens - EI ders - Welch t eam during thei r
s ix year on- s i t e inves t i ga tion while events were happening
Edited and armotated by h' . C. St evens
Libera l reference has been made t o Elders and
f i l e not es , memoranda and records of the trips
All r i ght s, i nc ludi ng t hat o f t r ansl ation i nto any other language ,
are speci fically rese r ved, xc part of t his publication fIl ay be r epr o-
duced in any fo r m, be stored i n a retri eval sy stem, or be t rans mit ted
by an y or me ans , electrical, photographic, record-
i ng, or otherwi se wi t hout prior pe rmission of the copyright holder s .
Or iginally printed in the United States of America
Copyr ights 1995 UFO PHOTO ARCHIVES , P. O. Box 17206 Tucson, AZ 85710
and GE1\ESI S PUBLIS HI NG, I NC. , P. O. Box 25962 , none s Park , AZ , 86017
ISBN 0- 9 34269-30- 0
1hi..s 15 t he tccsc of CO"lta=t rot.es f rrm tr.e P l ~ l < d c s case
sto..n at U-,e cn:::l. of the :rC"Ji e do:::a.r.=J.tary UFt'.5 A. PE ?EAL.
caused sc r:uch mterest. ,
Privately Published
" , I
29 Mu c h 1976, 18: 10 beers, Hascnl nl- L.:1ng:'nh::! rg, s..rit 7. c r larrl. Mr . Etluard fuier snapped this fine
color f*Ptograp, ilS the reflectai liqht of the ;.ctting sun protocoe crorecccrtatt c c rrocscncr
roys , whi ch are ally formed at; a distance Errm the observer' ill"rl em neve r be cpproecbcd, like a
raiJ1l:o,.,r, thus c l imiru t ing a rrml.I rrn:lcl object close to the ccmr a . 'rtere worn over 30 pictures
in this series t.:tk.cn ct; this t.irm dur ing this [X'Ptcgrililic cvcnt.. 'lhe sit e wan so diff iaJlt to
get to that we tud to winch cur 4-whcel dr dve J eep up the hill to gct to it ourselves,
Aft er e l even years of inve stigation into this extcnsi ve
UFO c ontact c ase taking plac e in Switzerland, and years o f
tes t ing o f the physica l evi dence p r oduced, s uch as UFO pho-
tographs, r ecorded sounds of the spacecraft, rret.a I r e s i due
and ship' s landing tracks; I have decided t o publish rrore o f
the e l ebcrat.e c ontact notes f or your s t udy and eval uation.
The s e notes we re never intended f or public release , and
they have much inf orma t i on of a very personal nature
to certain o f the indivi dua l s involved. Al so they are ve ry
vo lu:ninous and coul d not poss ibl y be squeezed into one bcok .
'Thus ....e have purged out parts o f a per -soneI nature , dialogue
of lesse r interest, and c onvers a t i on not of general conce rn
to all.
'lhe Contac t tcot es have a c t ua lly been translated several
t irres by bi-lingual s c holars with diffe r ent backgrounds , but
there ha ve a l ways been problems with the trans lati on -- ac-
curacy being c ri t i ca l. Tnere a re t '...D bas i c steps t o trans -
lating written infonnation f r an one langua ge to another. The
f irs t is trans l iterat i on ; changing the wor ds. The s econd i s
interpr etation o r re-phra s ing of the c onve rted .....,ords to rrost
accurately express the o r i ginal idea in proper f orm in the
neo... l anguage .
Since the re frequent l y are sever al c hoi c es f or aubs t r t .ut i on
of ....'ords , s ere conveying different emphas i s and s ore conve y-
ing rroiificati on of the mean i ng, i t is Irrcor-tant; that U1e
t ranslat or have a cons iderab le knO' ..... r e dqe o f the o r i g ina l i dea
being e xp r e a s ed ,..hen he is making his c ho i ce o f ....-ords .
The second s t ep is roore t r oubre scrrc because he r e the t.:ans-
l i t e r a t ed ....cards must be rephra s ed in the ne w language t o
rose a ccura tel y convey the de s Lccd idea . There a r e at ....a ys
severa l ways t o re-phras e them, and s o a qccd unde.rs tandmq
of the basic idea i s al s o cri t i c al .
One Otristian t r ans lator chose wo r-ds and r e-phrased in U1e
int erpretation s t e p accor ding t o her understanding in qood
Ol.rist i an t.e rms . The s tudent o f Theosophy int erpre t ed i n
terms of her ocn rretaphysic a l c onc e pts, and the phrasing
cerre out quite diff e r ently . The Uni ver s i t y s cholar tried to
interpre t in t erms o f rrcdern sci ent i fic thought . and that
....'as di f f e r ent t oo. bec a use the c cmnunicat ions ....'ere .irrpar-ted
to the witne s s in concepts ....'e ll understeed by him, who was
neither Christian nor Theosophist . nor scho l ar, bu t a f anner
wi th a l imi t ed education and much practical experi ence in
the school. of l ife, always exper i enced at a very rrodest in-
care level. His concepts are f rerred in the unde rstand ing he
has deve loped based on these exper iences.
He have tried f o r years tc agree on one or ano the r o f the
trans l a tions , and f inall y c arre to accept this pr esent ve r s i on
as the rrore accura t e conversion into Eng l i s h. Of course, for
real accuracy, the Con tact Not e s should be r ea d in their
o r i g ina l Cerrren,
Thi s trans latio n was made by a younq Oerrren college s tudent
wh o spent. a great de al o f t irre at the />ei e r hare, l i ving
..\rLth them and obs e rving the various wi tne sses in their da i l y
live s , and s eeking very c areful explanations . Hi s trans la-
t ions were then checked and a ppr oved, a s he pr oce eded , b y
both the other s a t the hare and by Eduard himse lf .
This may be about. as accurate as we can get at this t .irre .
have othe r prob lems in publishing thes e note s he ...e ver ,
s uch a s the res t r i cti ons on rel eas e of .informat I on by both
the extraterrestrials and a lso by o the r witnes s e s and fri ends
Our pur g ing o f the s e not e s o f persona l and other s ens i t i ve
Informat.Lo n menti oned in the o rig ina l not e s ne cessari l y re-
s ults in s crrc di scontinui ty of thought , but we have s ought
to pr e serve a s much o f the Lnforrret.Lon as i t i s pos s Ibr e to
r e l ease p ubl i c l y at this t ime .
\',Te have c arried f orward the o r i gina l paragr aph numbering
.... ithin e ach o f t he contact not e s in order to fac i litat e a ll
fu ture r e search. It also prov i ded a l imit ed measu r e o f the
arrount. o f s ensitive Lnformati on in thos e notes that can not
yet be r e l eased.
h'hen the notes f irst started, afte r the f i r s t con tact with
thi s ext r a terrest r i al t .earn on 28 .January 1975, Eduard (Bi ll y )
t-ei .e.r sat down t o wr i t e what he c ould r enernber about the
contact , and then discovered that it was caning through to
him rapidly, including the who l e dia logue , wor d f o r word,
just as though he had r ecorded it. later he f ound that the
dialogue was i n fact r e co r ded by the extrater restria ls and
wa s being rrechan i c all y/ t e l epathically p layed back to him
fran a c anput e r-l ike device on the s pa.c ecra ft, and he was
r eceiving it in a f orm o f aut.an.a tic wri t ing .
I'men />1ei er was l oaned a t ypewri t e r , the Pleiad i ans asked
to bor r o .... it f o r examinat i on, and Bi lly t ook i t to them on
the next contact. They gave i t back to him a f ew days l ate r
s aying it vlas a primi tive rrech.ine , and then re i e r- f ound tha t
,...men he s a t d o...m to nunt-iand- pec k sore notes, a con tact rres -
sage carre through alnost as r apidly as the writ ing, en the
typewriter, w.:>rking it with only one f inger on his sing l e
hand , in a kind o f a utanat ic typing - again t r ansmitted
f ran the c crrput e.r aboard the sh.ip ,
Sti ll lat e r , scrrebcdy gave !''eie r an I B'1 Se l ectroni c ele c-
tri c typewriter , and then the not es transmiss i on was s hif ted
to i t in the serre way. At that po.int; he was t yping nearly 60
words per minut e, wi th one f inge r , under rrechano/ tel epathic
control fran the ship. We have recor dings o f this eutcmat .Ic
As the l e ve l o f imparted infoanation improved, the extra-
t err estrials began inf onning t oeter of s ore things he could
not reve a l t o other peopl e , things that he needed t o knee
for hi s cwn understanding onLy .
Then he discovered that sore o f the dialogue was being
l e f t o ut of the text on the a utanatic r e -Erensnu.as t on. The
Plei a dians told him that they ....'ere witholding s crre o f the
sensi tive Lnforrre t.Ion f or his own qccd. \'Jha t he did not r e-
IIEIIlber c o uld no t be ccrpr xnu.sed. He had one o f his first
serious e rqurrent.s with them over thi s and obtained a con-
cession on their par-t. .
The contacts ....tere not a ll simple dia l ogue . The re were real
arqiarent,s , d iscussions , hurror , eqreesrent;s , and e ve n sore
outright threats, and ....'e have been abl e to pr ese rve examp les
of a ll of these f o r you _
The format; f or this pr e sentation is chronological in the
orde r that the contacts occur.red. The not es ....'ere usually
writ t en up within hours o f the contact and anothe r per s on
wou Id r e a d them and wi tne ss and date the report. .
The initial s creening of these contact notes wa s cone in
SWit zerland by the witnes s e s rhe r e , If you fee l that not
enough .in f o rrret.i.on i s g i ven, o r that proofs are being with-
he ld, r errernoer that thos e people involved there have the i r
ccn prcofa and need no othe r ass urance o f any kind . They are
not IrrpeI Jed, nor do they see any need, to prove anything to
anytx:xiy else . The y ha ve enough threa t s , harrassrrent, and
intimidat i on nON, and do not s eek. to add to the i r own burden.
~ , ~ have pers uaded them t o s hare this much with you for your
cwn inf onnat i on , t o a ccept o r d isbelieve as you c hcos e . They
are not the l e ast bi t concerned about; your cho i ce , nor are
ce , Aft e r a ll, you c l ass i fy your ccn self in these mat ters .
tbbcdy e l se does,
The c ontac t notes open with a per s onal s t.aterrent; by t-eier-
about how it al l began f o r him.
In reading the s e notes ....o must a l ways be mindfu l that Eduard
"Bi lly" zete r is at this time a rrortal man, just like you and
I , wi t h the s ame ....'eaknesaes and str engths as any o ther Ea rth
human being . Bu t i n his c ase he has been especi a lly educ a t ed,
pr epar ed and tes t ed by hi s contac tor s t o unde rtake a ce r tai n
tusk ....ith little re'....ard and much g rief in it f o r him. h'ha t
makes " lli lly" unique i s his openne s s t o the contac ts and hi s
willingness t o under -take t he miss i on despite the cdds aga i ns t
succcs s _
A prophet , as " Bi lly" is o f t en r e f e r r e d t o by t he E:fs , is
s tnp iv a tea c her . Thi s is not nece s s a r ily a term of super ior -
i t y f o r .... are a l l teachers as ....Bl l a s students .
Certain f ul l nares have been de l e t.ed to prot ect the pr iva cy
o f those i nd i vi d ua l s c oncerned. ::eier ha s himse l f edi ted ou t
and ...i the t d pacts o f the a n gi na l contact notes neve r intended
fo r public re lease.
~ . : . e tack l e these no t e s '.... ith a g r e a t dea l of trepidation and
no i nconside rabl e f ear . h'e c l d de a l with the objective phys i -
ca l aspect s o f t h is cas e scien t i f ica l l y , and ....-e coul d draw con-
c l us i ons f rom t he testing and ou r a ...n experiences dur i ng the
inves tiga t ion .
Pepo r-t inq the subj ective aspec t s of t his cas e is much rmre
di f f icul t . Re a lizing o ur de f ici e nc i e s in knOWledge , experience
and exper-teac i n these ma. tters o f spirit and bet nq , ....e fee l
tota lly unqualified t o j udge and even t o r eport; these mes s ages
t o you . 'rhere a r e aspec t s that ...e agree wi t h , and the re are
scrre a spects tha t ....e ha ve ve ry qcod reason t o accept , but at
the same t ime t here are o t he r aspects wi th ....TI.ich ....-e totally
dfsaqree , OJr d f saqreerrent; no,ever , docs not rrake them any
ITOre o r l ess va l id. They a re as they are, and ....'e eac h see them
in o ur a ...-n ,.Jay . ~ ' : e have t rie d not t o f ilter these notes f o r
you s o that you may j udge them f or yourse lf .
Here then is our pre s entat i on.
l o ter j e r t i.ons , roo t nct es , ccneeot s and comentary by the c ompi l e r s o f this
t r aoslat r co a rc mse r t eu ...here ne c e s ua r v a nd a r c s e t out i n c n r rere n t
type s t yl e and s r z e so .1S to c I e .. rl y di st roqcus n t hem f r om the or iginal t r aos -
t ot r c os , t hes e comme n l S a r e made ac cord i ng to our 0.. " be li e f and much limited
In forma t ion , and do not nece s s a rily r epres ent the vi c s o f t he many o ngi na l
r t neuses , If we d i s a q r e e " I t h them. It 15 f o r Ou r o n reasons and do es no t
"'Cll<e us a ny mor e right than t he y. ''';1.' a re only e s pr e us mq ou r o...n OPi n i On ,. i th
r ar l ess l< no ...l edqe o f t he case t ha n those ...ho e epe r ieoced i t fi r s t hand .
romORO 11
A.'l oprn LETTER 'IO '!HE UFO 38
76th Contact , ronday, 23 :-1ay 1977, 19 :43 64
77th Contact , Tuesday, 31 r-1ay 1977, 21 : 07 73
78th Contac t , Wednesday , 6 Jul y 1977, 15: 19 78
79th Contact, saturday, 16 July 1977, 15: 37 104
80th Contact, tcecnes dey , 24 Augus t 1977 , 12 : 01 138
81st Contact , Sunday, 4 september 1977, 11 :03 146
82nd Contact , Tuesday, 6 september 1977, 18 :04 165
83rd Contact , Saturday, 10 1977, 19 : 53 171
84th Contact , Sunday, 11 september 1977, 03 :48 175
85th Contact , Thursday, 15 Septerrber 1977, 16 :11 177
86th Contact , 21 September 1977, 15:28 185
87th Gantact , 5 October 1977, 04 :45 192
88th Contact , 17 OCtober 1977, 16 :12 199
89th Contact , Friday, 28 october 1977 , 14 :14 211
90th Contact , Friday, 11 November 1977, 16 :14 223
91st Contact , Thursday, 17 November 1977, 17 : 24 235
92nd Contact , wednes day , 23 November 1977, 14 :34 242
93rd Contact, Tue sday, 29 November 1977 , 00: 43 347
94th Contact , Sat urday, 3 December 1977, 13 :01 257
95th Contact , Saturday, 17 December 1977, 19 :58 260
96th Contact , 21 December 1977, 19 :23 266
97th Contact , Wednes day, 28 December 1977, 20 :08 272
98th Contact , Friday, 30 December 1977, 23:34 284
99th Contact ,
4 January 1978 ,
21,04 292
100th Contact ,
Fri day ,
6 January 1978,
101st Cont act,
r-bnday ,
18 January 1978 ,
00, 08 312
102nd Contact ,
'I\.1esday ,
21 February 1978,
03, 41 324
103rd Contact,
1 rarcn 1978,
02, 51 349
104th Contact,
18 Harch 1978 ,
03, 32 355
105th Contac t ,
5 Apr i l
1978 , 00, 31
106th Contact ,
10 Apr il 1978,
15, 41
'!his is the 4th and very like l y the l ast beck ....
intend to publis h on these contact notes fran the
1,800 pages .... initially brought back fran Swi t ze r -
l and in 1978. I t i s not that thes e contacts ended
here a t a ll , but this carpletes our r e port; on .....mat;
....e obse rved to be happening during the active part of
our investigati on the re in SWitzerl and .
As we explained earlier , we have l e f t thes e pages
prett y muc h in the translit e r at e d stage of conve r s i on
whi c h i s difficul t t o r e ad , especially as the or de r
of words is r e ve r s e d f ran Ehglish, which has the
rrodifiers before the subj ect instea d o f a f ter as in
German . But we have not taken the f inal step of re-
phrasing the trans lit e r a t ed wo r ds int o proper Ehg-
lish as this is primarily an interpr e t ive step that
requires substantia l input f r em the trans lator, and
i nt roduces his personality into the tl\3.teria l a t the
expense o f the pr-imary persona lit i es a l ready involved
in the cemnunicat ion.
'!he first transla t i ons by a torn- aga in Olri sti an
multilingua l journalist ....'ere rejected because she on ly
underaticod the concepts in tenns o f her fundartenta l -
i s t Olris t ian beliefs , and Int.roduced e r ror in the
interpretive step t o that degr ee.
'!he second translati ons by anothe r mul tilingual
j ournalist, Ils e von Jacobi , were r e j e c t ed because
she l eaned 'toward the 'Iheosophica l belie f s and con-
cepts of the Adyar SChool in India, and introduced
e r ror in the inte rpre t ive step by he r personal con-
victions about; the mys tic mas t e r s of the f ar east and
their phi losophys .
A third trans l a t i on by a Gennan s cho l a r who a l s o
r e ad and unde rsrtcod English, was r e j ect e d because of
h... s per sona l convic t i ons about; or-thodox s c i entific
concepts based on Einstini an equations , whdch on ly
apply in the c hemical / phys i cal ....rrr ld of realit y in
l imi t ed space and t .Irre,
\';e us ed a f ourth trans l ation at the translit e r ated
s tage , and l e aving out the f inal interpretive s t ep,
which still r e tains SCJI'e of the or iginal personal -
i ties in the communicat ions. This translati on was
done by a bi- lingual young man who lived in the
household in SWi t ze r l and for scrne time t o ge t t o knee...
all the pers ona l i t i es ther e and t o lea rn as much as
he could, how Bi lly r'ieier thought and react e d as -
sisted of course by Bi lly himse lf as much as he had
the t Irre to do.
'Ihi s seemed to us to be the rrost r eliable way to
go, though f ar frem perfect, but the best we could do
in Eng lish a t the t ime . Billy ro'ieier is not sati s fied
with this transl ation either, but more s o than with
the other earl ier ones. He does not want; thes e con-
tac t notes published for this reason , arrong others ,
but thi s is the bes t we can do .
We reccrrrrend r e a ding the contact not es in their
or iginal German dia lect for ITDst accuracy.
Rerrember a l so as you rea d thes e notes , that they
are not communicated t o you , nor to the wo r-Ld a t
l arge , but t o a ve ry sma t I group in S.....i. t.zer-Land , now
being pr epared for a very specda I mi s s ion involving
prirrarily them. ,.;e brought thes e notes f rem there
without their actual perrrd.sss.ion , and published them
. agains t their de s i r e , only to inform you gene rally
about; scrnething that may involve a l ot ITDre of us in
the future.
1 2
As the main Arrerican investigators of the extra-
ter r es t rial Pleiadian contacts ....u th Ed.uard ~ l e i e r in
SWitzerland , ....'e have been aware since t he beginning
of our ass ocia tion with ~ r e i e r in J uly of 1977, of the
profound nat ure of this case and i t s great depth and
pr ojected endurance ....'e l l beyond our present l i f e t imes
even f or hundreds of years . This i s no small s ca l e
happenstance proj ect indeed, but has been taking p lace
on this p lanet f or a l ong tnrre and wil l likely con-
tinue f or a l ong t .Irre t o care.
":e knew of ~ 1 e i e r ' s preparation, education and con-
ditioning in this life by another group of extrater -
restrials ....110 said they came frem what they called,
"The DAL Uni verse" , a universe s uppos edly exi sting in
equal but opposite pofa rf.ty of mani f es tation f r an our
o-m, cn ac h a lso balances and s ustains ours in our
mani f es tat ion . 'The DALs had dis covered the Plei adians ,
human beings very much like themse l ves , a f t e r they
l earned t o navigate the bar r i e r bet.... n the t ....u uni-
ver s es , and had wo r ked wi th these Pleiadians on a
number of project s of mutua l interest .
Thes e Pl e i adians had been contacting I-1eier , one of
them in fact , so they indicated, f.rcm their l ast rrajor
colonization of this planet sene 60, 000 years ago,
befor e the advent o f the great s ocie ties on Atlant i s
and Iem1ria , and oo,..n through t .Irre ever since.
They said ~ 1 e i e r had enjoyed incarna t i ons as s cme of
the great prophets in our bibl i ca l history, and that
those prophet ' s s ource of informati on was fran thei r
own ancest ors , and his , and ours t ao. 'rney said those
per sona l i ties ....'er e Enoch and Elij a , and other s .
And now I mus t add a bit o f inf ormation fran my
f iles that I ha ve he ld back frem r epor t ing f or over
15 years , sirrply because I have been unable t o verify
it. This i s a scrap of burned paper that Bi lly ~ ~ i e r
l et IrE examine wtien I discover ed i t in his s inpl e
....coden desk drawer- a long with s lides and photo copfes .
'!he story he t o l d rre ....as that ASKET, the cosrronaut
fran the DAL Unive r se system, took him one day, t o an
Eqypt.Lan tcrnb in a pyramid that had been b .lcwn open
with dynamite by an Eng lis h archaeologist in the past .
She wanted t o s how him sarething o f int erest a t that
s i t e . Using the c l oaking devi c es t o r ender then in-
vi s ible to othe r s , they went past the guard and into
the t anh. '!here ASKET s t i r r e d s crre burned f.raqrnent ;s
of paper in a corner o f the t anh and fished out a
part.Lc u l .ar- scorched scrap , s e ared t o a sof t brown
color and burned around the edges as though i t ....sere
in the center of a number of pages having a l l the
outsi de pages and edges burned away in a br ief fi re.
She handed i t t o him saying that he might f ind i t of
interest t o him. He said, "hh y so, I can' t even read
it. " At that she t iook the scr ap and asked him for a
piece of paper and penci 1, which he produced fran h is
pocket , ASKEr then copied s everal of the s trange
sharacters f ran the burned scrap and marked the Ger-
man equdvaIent.s under them on ~ E i e r ' s paper . Handi ng
both pi ece s of paper back t o ~ E i e r s he said that f r om
that. he could interpre t t he r e s t and r e ad the page
f or himse 1
Once trans l ated, the new wor ds on the page ....e re
sti ll not c lear , because sare of the t r anslated words
were not in Oerroan , but invol ved words fran other
Rarance l anguages based on I.a.tin. \';te could not f ind
any Genran speaker ....no could read the trans lat ed rres-
sage to us, unt i l .... showed our \o.Ork to Hichael Hes e-
!T'dIUl , a rmnt ilingual German UFO r e se arche r who speaks
and r eads 5 l angua ge s fl uent l y . He cane up with the
int e rpre tati on ....'12: have pr inted here .
Pl e ase note that the l a s t narre in the l ine of s ix in
the s ixth l ine is c crrposed of five c ha r ac t e r s. Ac-
c or ding t o our interpretat i ons it t rans l a t e s as BILL! ,
the German spelling for his .Aneric an nfc k-name , I did
not get this trans l ati on f r om Bi lly ~ ~ i e r , becaus e he
had not t r ansla t ed i t by the tine I phot ographed i t
f or my fil es .
\\e have been unable to proper ly i dent i fy the s ymbol-
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form used in the or i ginal note. 'This seems to be t oo
e teborate a mystery to be a hoax on the part of any-
body, because it never went. anywhere and has not been
released anyplace for 15 years, up to now. 'This is a
l ong tirre t o wait , inde ed, i f it W.:'.IS p lanned as bait
f or ITe.
\ ~ began our reporting of this c as e with the arr ival
of Semjase and her t e am on 28 January 1975 , and we
discontinued it with her t eam's departure f or other
projects e l sewhere in 1981. But there Wds a whole
s t ory in r.Eier 's contacts \...ith ASKEr of the DALs in
the early 1964s duri ng his training and conditi oning
by them f or what; was t o care. He was l e d t o the doors
of death several tirres in steeling him f or his future
It was ASKEr who l ed Heier out o f SWitzerland in
his t e ens, when he j oined the French Forei gn Legi on
in France and was sent to Algeria f or tra ining. Serre
rronths l ate r he was t o beccrre one of the very few rren
t o succesafu.lI y escape f ran that desert out pos t a live .
He lived and trave lled with Arab Bedouins until he
coul d change his life. He joined a desert caravan and
lived with them for a t .irre , was captured by Red Sea
Pirates and wor ked a s a s lave on their dhou , was put
ashore in 'I\lrkey and made his way t o the Ashoka Ashram
at r.1erhauli , India. He studied t heir phi losophy f or
nearly a year at the Buddhist 'Iemp.l.e there.
A year ago , a t a l ecture pres entat i on I gave a t the
Whole Life Expo in New York, in 1993, an or i ental
1t.UTBI1 carre up to rre and introduced her s e l f as
Pau l ine Cnenq, She said she was a granddaughter of
the head of the Ashram a t r.1ehra u li in 1964 when s he
knew Eduard f.E i e r as a studious young rren Iiving i n
the s tudents quarters , who was wcrktnq at the Ashram
for his keep. She was a 10 year o l d girl then and her
younger brother, then 8 years o ld, liked t>1ei e r and
followed him around. Her little brother l iked t o p lay
with t-eier 's rronkey, she said, and toleier wou l d l e t
him rrake the rronkey do tri c ks . She said r.'ieier didn't
have much , but that he took very qcod care o f the
lit t le rronkey . She said that t-Ei e r didn' t a l v , ~ y s have
enough t o eat , but that the l i t t l e rronkey never suf -
fered , because Ne i e r a l ways fed him first of what he
I n a discuss ion l ater at a table in a srra H r estau-
rant , 'tcqether- with Devdd Hurleburt, Paul ine ment.Loned
an unusual point of intere st. She said that the l o::al
vi llagers living around the ashram th:mght
"atir anqe " and ce r e a lit t l e s uspici ous of him. Hy
f i rst reacti on wa s , " Di d they think he W.3.S crazy? " ,
and s he s aid, "No, not c r azy - - they he ld him
in awe , because they belived he was bednq visited by
a Celes t i a l \'k:mm' . " :-1any of them had seen the dis c-
shaped ships in the a i r over and around the a s hr am,
and sore had seen r-eier taking p i c t ures of them.
Others had s een one of the ships on the ground and
talking to a wcman, and h im going aboard t he
c r a f t with her. In India there a re rrany eye s , and t he
s tor i es are r epeated.
N::M, I knew of 1>leier 's study a t the Ashoka Ashram
ther e north of New Delhi , and t hat he had taken pi c-
tures of unidentified flying obj ect's there. He had
e ven taken pictures of the UFDs above a c r a .....j a t t he
New Delhi r ailroad s tati on as hundre ds of peopr e
wai t ed for a train. Eight l umi nous s pherical ob j ect s
had appeared. in the blue s ky over t he stati on and
flew about; overhe ad. :.:ei er, his cerrer -a wi th h i m, took
a number o f photographs of the ob j ect s above, v..ord
got t o the New De l ha Newspaper o ffi ce s and 'they sent
a r eporter to the station to c over t he s t ory .
was point ed out as O:1e with a camera had t aken
pi c tures . The reporter asked f or copt e a and wa s gi ven
the r oll of fi lm by He i e r to develop out a t t he news -
paper o f f ices . Thu o f thos e photographs illustrated a
l ong front page articl e in that New De I h.i.
the next rroming and s film and prints we re
sent on t o h im a t the a shram.
Heier tol d Ire he had taken pic tures o f a lien extra-
terrestrial spac ecraf t in India, and he had even gi ven
Ire copies o f sore e l e ven o f those photos e arly on in
my investiga tion o f hi s case , He never t o l d Ire how
many he had taken, and did not go into a lot of detai l
on those ear lier events -- probab ly because I d id not
ask. But this was typica l of his si.nplicity . He did
not e labor a te any poi nt i f you did not a s k . He s aid
that the f ew c opies he gave me were a ll he had l e f t
a f ter l osing a ll h i s pose s s i ons he had with him i n
Jordan s are years bef ore , on his way back fran India
in fact . He had been a r r e s ted by J or danian Secur i ty
Police who took a ll he had and imprisoned him t here.
t.'hen he ....as rel eased none of h i s posess i ons were
gi ven back to him. '!he f ew pictures he pcsessed at
the t i..rte I discus sed thi s wi th him had been given
back t o him by f r i ends who bece-ne aware of nis l oss
in J or dan.
Pau l ine Olang , llO\'; grown up, was a nccoer of the
Camcodfan Di p l cmatic servic e a t the un ited Nations i n
New York. Her grandfather , the o ld head o f the Ashram
in I ndia ....men ~ j e i e r was there was known as "The Cem-
bodian r-Dnk" at the t ine. He is now 104 years o ld and
i s Iiving in the eastern part of the United Stat es
ne ar Paul ine.
A few months a f t e r this event I wrot e "Billy" He i er
about; my rreet i ng Pa ul ine in New York , and asked him
if he eve r had a nonkey. His l etter r ep l y i s r epro-
duced here for you t o read his answe r- for yourseIf.
(See next page)
And so ....>e see that :'\eier in fact s napped a g001
number of photographs of the DAL c raft of seve r a l
vari ations , in day light a nd dark , e ven bef or e t he
Pleiadian contac ts began .
The re are litera lly scor es of events l ike this that
turned up in our investigat ions of this case that
make it credible t o us , and voul .d have made i t cred-
ible to anybody doing W:'1at ....'e we .re doing . Thus we
mast; conclude that those who at tack trn.s case, or
Bi lly Meie r , or ourselves , must be doing i t out of
jeal ousy , and a lnost certainly because they siInply
l ack infomation . 'they have not f o t I cwed the l ea ds
and gone t o see for themselves . I f the y had discovered
the information .....e have , m.ich of i t s t i ll unpublished,
they could no longe r in qood sense attack the credi -
bility of the case.
f'.LG .U. S ["mj u e -Si l\ er ' S W -O:nt l!{
O I-8495 l1i Dlf rsc hmidrii d /ZJI (S..-jlu ril nd)
Tel. 052/45 rare Dod OSZI-tS 21 01
Fu 052/454289
1'. 0.. 60x 17206
Tucson, 85710
U. S.A .
II rsx .. 001 6{l Z 721 '1J 25
21 u letter
F I. IO I , aK'b .f1 Iii. G.... ... G.i i ....>dI . r'... . OHIH5 Sd i. <td. f'< l irich
Fr . i. I ' oE<.. <ia w.d. oAk'; .. Am r.I.G.u_ Cll .fl 4' .'l S<II.' drii li. PC a. ... 366 1. ....i . .."h.,
ueer s enuetl e ,
tllan!: you ver y muc h for your letter f r om June 15th , 1994. Reall y, I have
been ver y 5ur pr isl!d t o hear just nOI< from you about t he young '10::- 0", " ho
has net in 30 years ago.
Recently I have tllought about t hese bot h chll <!ren .. t hought about th e ir
li f e, ""' at they woul d have done in t he r.eantir..e. ho... they ..-oul d live ..
you Will underSUnl! it - now all the great er i s t he surp r Ise t o hear f r(lli
t hr ough you.
At th at ttee I neve lived about S mnths at the Ashr a- 'll in J:..shoka . where
I al n have set Asket severa l ttoes and .mere I in deed have taken about
300 photogr aphs. whi ch lat er though i n Jo r dan have been confiscat ed fn; ::!
the se cret poli ce during that title , .men I was ar r ested as an sec r et agent
Hars by a subs t itute of t he se cret pol i ce of Jordan.
It is also t r ue that I have possess ed a oonl:ey "El:Iper or Itanu::an with
one has pl ayed t he young boy at t hat t! ll:e i n Ashol:a .
The vi l la ge of eeu- se has see n sever.al ttees , ..-hen Aske t ceze fl yi nl;
or when other objects whined ar ounl!, f r ou which I also had taken photo gr aphs .
I wtluld like t o receive t he aee- ess cr th is young WQli.!n. perh aps you or
yOlJ r f r iend DAVE IlURLEBURT have i t ? I woul d li ke t o COOll! I n eeoeect t ee with
the yOllng WlJ-lOan
I a':'l yery in t eres t ed t o kno.. hew her br ot her is, ..lIer e lit' li ves , as ..e l l
as I want t o kno.. , if th ei r gr andf ather li ves until no.. ; unfOrtunat l'l y I
have f or gotten his name.
Really , i t is very i ntere sting t Mt til l' past makes ee up and tn at al .. ays
t ht' "r i ght persons" meet " ith ot her s Mri gllt persons .
Looking f or ward t o your ans"er , I sen d rroj' ben " i she s l o YQu .
Kind rega rd s
Nerl York Cit y, Pensyl vani a Hot el Coffee Sho p, 1993. Thi s is Phobal
C. as she ap peared duri ng our f irst mee ting and discussion of her
for mer knowledge of Eduard Meier and hi s li fe in t he Ashoka Ashr am
at Her-haul i , India , v.here she knew hi m pers onally.
I was engaged t o s peak at the \1hole Li f e Expo in
New Yor k in 1993, when another of those unusua l events
in synchronicity took place.
I was l ate for my s cheduled time on s tage , becaus e
my airplane was de layed and arri ved qui t e l ate. And I
took a taxi fran Kennedy Airport t o the Pennsylvani a
Hotel downtown wnere the Expo was being sta ged. I was
rushing t o the auditor ium, a s s omeone e lse was hold-
ing the stage for me t o ge t ups tai r s , and as I carte
down the f ina l cor ridor a sma ll Asian wcsran t ouched
my arm and s aid s he must talk t o me. I sai d I would
wait for he r drrrredi.at e I y after the pr esentati on , and
I did so as I spoke to David Hurleburt there.
'The a t tracti ve oriental l ady int rcx:1uced he r s e l f t o
me as Pa uline and a sked if we could go s areplace t o
t a lk unint e r rupt ed. So s he and Dave and I went. down
t o the Coffee Shop on the ground f loor and t ook a
t able in the back .
Pauline 'turned out t o be a rrember of her count ry ' s
diplomatic mission t o the Uni t ed Nat ions and her
national name was Phobal C. She was interested in me
becaus e I had r eported the Bi lly contacts in
Swit zerland.
Then Pa ul ine made a mos t surprising s tatement of
gre at i nterest t o me. She said s he was a young gi r l
10 years o ld and living at the Ashoka Ashram at rre.r-.
hauli , India, when Eduard was there ! She s a i d
s he and he r little brother 8 year s old liked Hr .
becaus e he wo u l d l e t her brothe r p lay wi th his pet
monkey and make him do tricks . She said Hr . did
not a l ways eat, but that the little monkey neve r had
to go hungry, because he a l ways saw t o i t that the
lit tle monkey was we l I grccmed and cared for .
She said she knew l-tr . l-Eier the re f or ne a r l y a year
during that tnrre , She t old us her grandf ather was the
head of the a shr am a t the ti.rre , and she and he r f am-
i ly live d the r e . Her fami ly and she and her brothe r
s poke sene English and !>leier knew a little and s poke
t o them s crre in that t ongue , arrong others .
2 4
She said she knew that He i e r was seeing and a l so
photographing "ce l e s t i a l ships " in the svy, and s he
had s een scrre of his photographs there. She said the
l ocal vi llagers around the vicinity of the ashram
ther e c onsidered Me i e r "s trange " and ve r e suspic i ous
of him.
I iJrrnediately said , "How do you rrean ' s trange' ?
Did they think he was crazy?" A'1d s he s aid , "Oh no ,
they didn 't think he was crazy. They believed tha t he
was in contact with a celestial wman", because scrre
of them had seen him photographing the -sshtps in the
sky, and SCllTE had even seen him talking to the woman
f r cm the s hip! In India there are many eyes and they
see mac h , and the stories proliferate.
PhobaI and her brother l ike d Hei e r and f o t I owed him
around a l ot while he was there . She now wante d t o
know rror e about him and how he was doing today .
Now I had never heard Heier say anytlting about a
pet rronkey in India, and s o I thought this was a good
c l ue t o f o llow-up on. Did the wxran really know him
and would he remember he r ?
So as soon as I got hane frcm that trip I wrote .i-Ir .
l>lei e r and described my rreeting with Phobal in New
York , and di d he rerrernber her, and did he have a pet
monkey in India?
I an furnishing a r epr oduc t i on of his s urpr asunq
letter r ep l y , a c opy of which I a l so f orwarded to
PhobaI C. , putting her in direct c ontact with Hr .
Hei e r again .
A few rronths l at e r PhobaI ret urned t o her native
country t o see he r o ld and ailing grandfather there,
the f onrer head o f the as hram at r>Ehrauli , now 105
years o ld and living in retirement a t hare, and on
the way back she stopped in SWitzerland t o see Hr.
Hei e r . He was s o pleased to see he r a gain that he
spent much of ne ar l y 3 days taking he r wi th him
wher ever he went as they discus s ed o ld t imes and o ld
remembrances and r ene....ted a cquaint ences t ogether. '!his
was rros t unusua l now, f or Hr . r-leier who is s o thor -
ough l y burned out on people that he rreets nobody out -
side his group any rrore ,
hml e a t hare, Phabal asked her grandfather about;
nr, Heier and what he r erre.mbered of him. He said he
knew xr, zef er was having thes e contacts around the
vicinity of the ashram at the t.ine_ She said that her
grandfather ful I y accepted the r eality of extrat e r -
r estri al contact with Farth humanity then and even
This was j ust one rrore of the many corro1x>rations
of the ! ' ~ i e r case that turned Up as we proceeded with
the years l ong investigation of this remarkab.le event .
nany of these things we re c l early beyond the capabi l i ty
Eduard 1''leie r t o stage or cont rol .
;; ... -:::

l: ..2
1') MII Y 1')(; 4 , Mc h rauli , N ~ w De lh i , Kutnb Minllf , Indln, A uuduon dunt s tor m r o ue u p n n d t hroe f ound I um innun
fl yi ng ohj oct n nppe nr-ed i n t he ount c Ioudn , Two of Lhnm donc cnooo to l ow l e vel ovcrhc nd fi nd Eduur d M,'inr wnn
nbln Lo phot. oqrnph Lln-m, Thi ll i n thfl on ly nurv iv inq picture of t ha t phenomenon .
24 r1ay 1')64 , late aft e r noon , Dog Ih1 1 tten r- l he AlI hok n Anhrnol III Ml'I lfllUll , I rlf li n, [ll /lc i ly uno we e k nft er t he
rf r ut , Me i er snapped a second pi ct ur e of t he uphc r i c u! fl y iuq ohj cc i ll . !h it l t i ml ! t he y w.. r u II I ummnun b l ue
co l o r and hml c r ed in n at runue f o r mnli nn nn hn nnnppod t h i n pi ct u r-... Ml illy wi IIlL' !!llCU obnu t-vud 11110 pho t o c lien t.
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1(. JUII! ' 1')(,4 , 13: 14, New D" l h i Rullr-ntul St illi on. Th i s t i nm llnidrmllf!l'd nying onjoc t n cnmu bat:\< i n f or ce .
( i qhl douut c -uoncro l umi nonn ohj ectu lIppPllred i n t he blue tlk y above 1I l nrtje c rowd o r peopl e wlli U nfj f or II t r utn.
Mtder nnnppod p i ct. ur-ou a n c r owd i n nee, One o f t"'Jit Jr ' u phot on I'I II!\ publ I nhed i n t he puper nClIl llny .
16 .1111 lU 1% 4, 13 :1 4, New Del hi Rai l r oad Stut Ion , The e iqht; doubl e-sphe r e or dumbe l Leshnpud l um.ir mun fl ying
u b J e c ~ u desc ended low cnouqh fo r Eduard Me i e r to uc t peo pl e, bu.il di nqs and trees in t he l owe r foregr ound.
One can nee the back o f one s pectator wat ch ing t he fl ying objects. The ten year ol d girl is watch ing t his .
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Hr. Gary Kinder is the on l y other UFO researc her

who eve r c arre t o interview us , and then went on to
S\."itze r land t o intervi e w the actual wi.tneases and
pr inc i pal s i nvo lved. He s pent rronths on t h i s and got
around t o rrost; o f our witnesses there. He even t urne d
up a coup l e o f them we missed. Fo r h i s e f f orts he W.3.S
a ttacked by the UFO c lubs and many of the othe r UFO
r esearchers who had r e ally investigated ncthfnq , a nd
boycot -te d h is wo rk, He was threat ened and badgered by
armchair r e s earchers \vho had t hemse l ve s undertaken no
e f f ort t o find out the truths for t hemse l ve s.
One l e ad ing UFO c lub e ven contact ed h i s publishe r
and threatened an a ctive campa.iqn agai nst Ki nde r ' s
book if they published the He i e r story in it. - and
the y did j us t that.
In response to the hostilit y s h own by the A'l12r i can
UFO c lubs and researc hers , Ki nder wr ote " An Open
Le t ter" to a ll , t o expla in h is p os i .t .Ion , That open
letter is reproduced in f u ll 0 :1 the following paqes ,
3 7
f". 0. aox 423
SUH U.a.u.6 Y, tbJ,.ttO 8JJ,5J
!".a r ch 6 , 1987
Dei5 r
An Ope n Le tter t o the UFO Com:r.u.li t y :
I have r e ceived so m"'ny phone cal l s ",nd l e t t e r s ("'nd copi es of
l e t ter s lent to other s ) about t he LIGBT YEARS, i t
appropriate for c e to v r ite a l e t t e r o f e xplana t i on. Bad I not been
i nvol ved wi t h the a r rival of a new d aug ht er t vo ve eks ago, I voul d
have wr i tt en t hi s l e t t er much sooner . I know t ha t of you vere
c on f used to he a r I va s vr iti ng a book on Heie r; I also know tha t most
of you will understand vhen I offer a proper explanation. Be re it i l.
Thou gh no one in the UPO ha s leen the =a nusc ri pt f or
LIGHT YEARS, much of t he vehe=en ce over i ts publ ication seeml to ari l e
f rom a fee ling t hat I betrayed the OPO communi t y, t hat I pr etended t o
be i nt ere s t e d in uf ology , its history , a nd its peopl e, whe n my o nl y
i ntent i on wa s to write a bout Me i e r . Some of you may have f e l t us ed .
I ha ve been r es ea r ch i ng t he Mei er c ase li nce t he f a l l of 198 3. I n
1984 a nd t he fi rst hslf of 1 985 1 made t hr e e trips t o Swit zerl a nd
t otaling ",bout thi r teen weeks i n c ount r y vili ti ng t he ",l leged c ontact
si tes , speaking wi t h Me i er , int ervi ewing wi t ne s s e s of whom ar e
detr actors ), a nd talking t o ne ighbors , t own admini strators , etc . I
also made s ide tri pl t o Munich and London. I n t he States I t r s ve led
several to Phoenix, Tucson , Pl agsta ff , Sa n Jose, a nd tbe Los
Angeles a r e a t o speak with the peopl e v ho ha d i nv estigafed t he case.
t be uf o l ogi s t s vho had called i t a hoax Lor enzen, Hoo r e ,
Spaul d ing ), and t he s c i ent i s t s who had analyzed the Mei e r e vidence.
Ye s, qu al i f i ed s c i ent i s t s , e ngi ne e r s , and a s pecial e f f ec t s ex pe r t did
a nalyze t he Me i er ev idenc e, a nd yea t hey we r e int r i gue d by vhat t hey
found . Hor e on that l a t er . Eve ryone I ta lked to i n t he OFO
community, except Lou Farrish, warne d me t ha t the Hei e r case Wi5S
poison. The y sai d t ha t He i er made p r epost erous c laims a bout t raveling
back and f orth in ti me t o speak wi th J e sus and to photograph t he
futur e dest ruction of San Franc ilco . pointed to Bill Spauldi ng
a nd said t hat he had f ound t en of t he phot os to be pa t entl y
f r a ud ulent . Others poin t ed t o korff , who , t hey had
conduc t ed an i nvestiga tion o f t he cas e . After yea rs of
research snd over 120 int erviews i n Swi t ze r land a nd the U.S., I
f i na l l y told edi t or I simply coul d not Rake sens e of the
case ; i t a ll too confusing, an d I ha d no idea t o begin l aying
ou t the story . I f eve r y t hi ng I had uncove r ed conc erni ng the ca s e ha d
p rove d to be negative , I woul d have f auna i t easy to a bandon the
p roject - my editor ha d g iven c e that opt i on from t he begi nning; the
problem was that I disc over ed many as pect s of t he cas e t ha t truly we r e
i n triguing and difficult t o e xpl a i n .
p. ,
In the I had r ead ma n y books on uf ol o gy to be c ome
f amiliar with the fi eld , a nd I found t h e UFO community a nd the hi s t o r y
of UFOs fascina ting . I f elt t here vas a book i n i t, and during the
f a ll of 1985 I began t o f o c us my r e search o n t he picture .
t rave ling fi r st to Washing t o n . D.C., to spend a we ek with Dick Ba ll,
Bruce Mac cabee. Larry Bryant, et a1 though I sti ll was unde r
cont ract for a book on He i e r . (When Ha c c a bee aske d me how I
i nt e r e s t e d i n t he fi eld, I told him a nd seve ral others p res e nt at a
Fund me e ting that my f irs t exposur e wa s through t he Heier c ase . ) My
editor a g r e e d t ha t a bigger UFO book would be a good one. I began t o
concentrate o n this book , q u i t t i ng work on Meier, pa c k i ng up a l l of my
r e s ea r ch on h i m i n big boxes, and throwing t he m int o t he b asement.
I spoke wi th the Wash i n gt o n . D.C. gro up . and later i n t he
sp r ing /summer o f 1986 attend e d Hal Star r ' s confe r ence i n Phoen ix, the
MUFON sympos ium in Lansing , and Sp rink l e ' s con tactee c onven t i on in
La rami e , 1 myself was u nder the impress i on my r esearch wa s f or a book
on u f o l o gy, no t t he Me i e r c as e . At t he s ame time I b e gan trave ling to
a t t end the v a rious UFO symposi a to acquaint myse lf with more o f the
co=mun ity, my e ditor met wi th me in Phoe n i x a t Starr' s con f e r enc e and
encouraged me at lea s t to give the Me ier story a tr y, just to wri te i t
s i mpl y a n d a s i t happen ed . Continue to r e s e arch t he o t he r book . he
s aid, bu t g e t s omet h i n g on pa per abou t Meie r . With that comp l ete d , 1
could go on t o t he b igge r book on ufology . So 1 pu ll ed my Hei er
r esear c h out of the b a semen t and f orced myse l f to si t down and wade
t h r o ug h all o f it to try t o p iece togethe r . Once I d i d
t ha t . t hough . all of a sud den LIGHT YEARS came p o u r i ng o ut of me . A
I S-page grew i n three week s t o a 10 0- pag e outline . a nd i n
three months I had a 30 0-p a g e ma n uscript. Then 1 re-wro te and
re-wrote a nd r e - wro te . Once it began to fall t ogeth e r I l i ke d i t
p o r e , a nd wh e n I a ll of t he quot e s f r om t h e s cien t i s t s t he
story b egan t o f eel far more sol id t han i t ha d wh ile I wa s
r e searc h ing . I a lso f i n al l y loc ated t he two sound engine ers who had
a nalyzed He ier' s audio tapes, and t he spe c i al ef fec ts e xpert who had
s t udied the Heier 8mm foo t a ge a n d s ome of t he pho t o s back i n 1980 .
Th e two engine e rs t o l d me t he s o un d s were unl ike anything t h e y had
ever h eard, or seen . on a s pe c trum a na l y z e r . The s peci al e f fec t s
e xpert i n formed me t hat He i e r c o uld ha ve cr eated the f ilms and
photographs onl y wi th a ot exp e r t s a n d tens of t h ou s a nd s a t
dol l a r s wo r t h ot sophi sticat ed equipment. ( Fr om my own e x peri e n c e s i n
Swit zerland 1 kne w that ne i t he r at these e xi s ted . ' I had heard so
many n ega t i v e ref e r e n c e s t o He i e r t or s o long I had nearl y f o r got t e n
s i mi lar i n triguing things that the s ci entists had t o l d me t wo y e a r s
e ar l ier.
Hy e ditor l i ked wha t I was wr iti ng. He s howe d it t o the p eopl e a t
At l anti c Month ly Press, where h e has his new i mprint, a nd e ve r yone
ther e lik ed i t t o o . La st Octobe r t hey too k the t irst ha lf of the
to the Frank f ur t Book Fa i r a s their l e a d t i t l e . wh i le I
conti nued to wo r k o n t he man u s c ri pt , as i t was f a r t r a m b eing
fini shed . I hon est l y d o n ' t know h ow many d r a f t s I f i n a l l y c omp leted .
but t he f igure i s s omewhere b etwe en f ive and s even . Then l as t f a l l
3 9
p. J
two things happened: My editor fe l t that the Mei er story n e eded t o be
s et in historical context , that I neede d t o p r o v i d e the r eade r wi t h
background on the UFO itself. Not on ly did I al ready have
a amount of resea r c h in that area , I ha d a 1eo 35
pages of a p roposal on the bigger UPO boc k . I e xpanded t hat wo r k .
pull ed in detail, and weaved it into the Mei er s t ory . You will
find about one-half of the second ha lf of LIGHT YEARS is al l Arnol d .
Robertson , Condon, Hynek , Blue cook, Rill, e t c . The s e c on d thing that
ha ppened wa s that when my editor took the t o Frank f u r t he
discovered tha t e ven in books on UFOs ar e dif ficu l t t o s e ll ,
too dif f icult. Af ter that e XJ e r ience h e a nd his publ ishe r b o t h told
the y fe lt it wou ld be unwi s e for me to fol l o w a book on He ier wi t h
anot her book on UFOs. _So we d ecided to u t il ize al l of my resea r c h
into the his t o r y of ufology f o r the Meier book a nd go on t o somethi ng
n ew for my next p r o jec t , a decision that frankl y left me not t oo
u n happ y . Ufolog y is a fr us tra ti ng fie l d t o researc h a nd mor e
fru stratin g to try to make sen se of and put down on paper in a
r eadabl e fas hi o n . Emotions run so h i g h and name -cal l ing amo ng the
ufol o g ist s (even without the Mei er cas e ) is so a wr i t er f i nds
h i mse l f wa llowing in e xpla na t i o n s and counter explanations unt il every
s entenc e di ssolves into batt l e and nothing i s decided. Anyhow , the
for egoing i s wh y ma ny o f you (and I ) t h o ug ht I was res ea r c h i ng a book
on ufology when we met in Mi c h i ga n , or Wa shington, D.C. , o r Phoenix ,
o r La r ami e. Prior t o b eginning that g ene r al researc h , I alwa y s
informed thos e I interv i e wed that whil e I wish ed t o k now mor e a b ou t
the e n t ire f iel d, I was pa rticularly interested in t h e He i er cas e .
Spaulding, Moor e , Lorenzen , Korff , Star r , all knew back in 198 4-85
that I was l oo k i ng primarily at the Meier case du ring the early part
of my res e arch. This s entence from my l e t ter to Kal Kor f f on Ha r c h
28, 1985 , i s indicative:
-1 r esearching a b ook about t he UFO community , wha t it does.
who i t is, wh ere i t i s (in mo r e wa y s than one ) . I ' m par t icular ly
interested i n the Swis s Case o r the Me ier case , which seems t o
have g e n era ted a f a i r amount of emotion wit h i n the 1
k now you have r ef erred to it a s t he mo s t hoax in t h e
history of ufology .-
The n e xt quote comes f r om a letter written by Bil l Spauldi ng the
day afte r I inte rvi e wed him.
- I t wa s a pl eas ure talking to you on Janua r y 6, 1985 reg a r d i ng the
sub ject of unidentified f l y ing o bj e ct s and the Billy Mei e r hoaxed
UFO photographs . Because t he Me i e r i ncid e n t is such an obvi ous
ho a x , any f urther publicity e xt e nded t o t his incident . wi l l only
p r ovi de add ition al e xposure t o thi s c a s e . ca nnot i nvo l ve
our s elve s to a n y extent wh ich could f ur t her g enerate favo r a b le
pu b li ci t y f o r t he con s pi ra t ors of t h e Pleiades book. -
I n a s mall who s e member s cor r e s p ond regular l y , it wa s no
secre t that I was researching t h e He i e r c a s e .
Now on to the subs tance of LIGHT YEARS. Ma ny of the wi t ne sses I
int erviewed in Switzer land , none of who m had e ve r been c ont a cted by
a nyone in ufology, ha d seen things happen t o that no one coul d
ex plain: Standing ne xt to a no t he r man , he once d isappea red instantly
from the r oof of a barn t welve f eet of f t he ground; in a s eparat e
incident h e s ud de n l y r ea pp e ar ed , warm and d r y , in a g roup of
sta ndi ng in a dark and sec l uded for est in a fr e e z ing r a i ns t o rm.
scenes, associat ed wi t h all eged contact expe r ienc e s , appe a r in muc h
greater detail i n t he book . Th ey may be tricks, but i f s o they wer e
pe r f ormed by a master illus i o n i s t . Heier c lai med t o ha ve had a
contact , s et s of three si x- foot c irc les would a pp e ar i n a
surrounded by t hick woods . I did not s ee these mys e l f , but I
talked to several people who had s e en and who had pho t og raphed
them whi le s t i l l fr esh. Swirled count er-clockwi se a nd perfec t l y
delineated i n tal l gras s , o ne s e t for nine wee ks , unt il a
cam e a nd mowed the g r ass. He re i s t he mystery of t he landi ng
tracks : Gr a ss t hat is g r een r ise s e ven a fter being mashed down ; g r ass
that di e s t u r n s br own a nd l i e s fla t . This g rass rema ined g r e e n but
never ros e ; i t continued to gro w i n a fl at circ l e . The landi ng tracks
puzzled e v e r yo ne I spoke t o who had vi ewed t hem, including Me i e r' s
a rdent detr a c t o r , Ba ns Schut zbach. Schut z bach told that ot her
peopl e had t ri e d to dupli cate the l andi ng tra cks , but t ha t t heir
e f f o rt s were -a bad copy. - were -pe rfect. " I listened to
do zens of s uch s t o r ies , s o many I could not include al l of i n the
book , incl udi ng s ight ings of s tra ng e l i g ht s repo r t e d by a
var i ety of pe opl e, many of whom wit ne sse d t he s a me i nc i de nts and
c orrobora t ed e a c h o ther ' s account s. One n i g ht t i me photograph, taken
by a s chool pri nc i pa l from Austri a during a n a l leged cont act , will
a ppe a r in the book . On the o ther s i de , I kno w that pho t os of
t he a l l e ged fut ure dest r uction of Sa n Fr a nc i s c o , for instance, car.e
r i ght out of the 1977 , issue of GEO .aga z i ne . Af t er one of
the wi tnes s e s repo r t e d this to me, I found the maga zine myself and
t he photographs. Th ey were ide nt i cal . All of t hi s i s i n t he
book - t he c r a z y claims, t he appa r e nt l i e s , the un expl ained
disappearance s , the mys t e r i o us l a nd i ng t r acks , a ll weave d i nto t he
narrative .
I n London , Good provided me with many lengthy letters
Lou Zi ns stag (who oft en had be en point ed out by u fol ogi s t s in t he
States a s one who thought that .eie r wa s a fraud a nd "c r a z y " ) .
had wr i t ten the l e tters betwe en J un e . 19 76 , a nd Oc t o be r ,
1977 , as she i nvest i ga ted Meier and r eport ed back to Goad . In one
l ett e r s he c alls Me ier " t he most intriguing man I have e ve r She
go e s i nt o gr e at detail in her observat ions, incl udi ng a des cription of
" t hi s feeling of s he e xpe r i e nc es in pr e senc e . In
ano ther l e t t er s he wr ites , -I f t urns out t o be a f a ke. I shall
take my whole coll ection of photographs to the ferry beat a nd d rown i t
in t he old ma n r iver of Basle . -
Back in t he States I int ervi ewed nine s c ient i s t s /engi ne er s / s pe c i a l
effect s e xp er t s who had a na l yzed or otherwise studi ed the Me i e r
evi dence. ( One , Bob Post . i s none of the three, bu t heads t he photo
lab a t J PL.1 Fo ll ov i ng 18 a of what t hey had t o s ay .
Real i ze t ha t t he photos are concerned a n o r igi nal t r a nspa rency
was never a va i lable for a na l ys i s , so no ne of t he work d one on t hos e
wa s d e f initive ( Spaulding hi ms e l f t old he had no i dea the
ge nera t i on of the phot ographs he analyzed ) : however, knowi ng this
limi tat ion, the s c i e n t i sts Who d id a g ree t o the= t old me they
wo ul d ha ve be e n able t o dete c t a l l but 8 ve r y s ophi s t i c a t ed hoa x.
Dr. i s a n a s s ociat e prof essor of p l aneta ry sci ence s
at Ar i zona Stat e Uni ve r s i t y ; he wr ot e his doc toral thesis on t he
a na lysis of s pa c e c r a f t be amed ba c k f rom Mars . He wa s
at JPL f o r four ye ar s and he's worke d wi t h the speci a l e ffec t s peop l e
a t He wo r ks under va r i o us grants a t ASU, a nd a
r e c e n t he devi s e d has j us t been accepted f or a fut ure
Shutt l e A friend o f mi ne who is the s c ience edi t o r a t
Ge og r a phi c and who ha s researche d a nd wr i t t e n many cove r
stor i e s on the Universe , the Space Shut tle , etc. , had spoken t o Kal i n
before and once t o l d " I f Ha l i n s ays i t , c an be l ieve it. " He re
i s o ne thing said concerning t he Mei e r photogr a phs whi c h he
ana lyzed in 1981: "1 f ind t he photographs c r edib le.
t hey ' r e good photographs. The y a ppe a r t o r epr e sen t a real
The story that i n Swit z e rla nd i s on a f i r s t
name basi s with do zens o f al i e ns who c ome a nd vi s i t hi m. . . 1 fi nd t hat
incre di b le. But I f i nd the pho togr aphs more c r e d i bl e . They're
r eas o nable e vide nce of s omething. tha t s omethi ng is ! don ' t
know." Ma l i n al so t o l d me. -I f t he pho t ogra phs a r e hoaxes t hen I am
intri g ued by the qua l ity of the ho a x . Bow did he do it? a l wa ys
interested in seeing a r.aster a t work . " Th e se quotes , and a ll of t he
r est o f t he q uotes I attribute to the scient ists here. appe ar ve rbatic
in the book .
St e ve sound engineer f o r St e vie Wo nder a nd inve ntor of
the Mi c r o Monito r , a r a dio l e t compl ete wit h s pe aker that f i ts i ns ide
Wo nder ' s ear , a na lyzed t he Me i e r s ou nd rec o rdi ngs. " The s o und
reco r d ing 's got s ome surprising things in i t, " he told me. "Bow wo ul d
yo u dupli cate it? no t just t a lking about how t o d up l i cate it
a udio- wi s e , but how do you show t ho s e va r i o us things o n a spe ctrum
analyzer and o n t he ' scope t hat i t wa s doing? It ' a o ne thi ng to make
s o=ething that sound s like it. i t ' s a no t he r thi ng to s cee t h i ng
t hat s ounds like i t and ha s thos e cona istent and r a nd OQ oscil lations
i n it . The sound of t he spacecraft , " he added , wa s a 5ingle lound
s ou r c e recor ding t ha t had a n amazing f r equenc y respo ns e . If it is a
hoa x I 'd l i ke to meet t he guy t hat d id i t , becaus e he could probabl y
ma ke a l o t o f i n special e f fe c t s," Bi s fi ndi ngs were
c o r r o bo r a t e d by a nothe r s o und e ngineer Nil s Rog ne r ud .
I n 1 9 7 9 Dr . Ro be r t Nathan at JFL s u ffi ci ent ly i mpre ss e d
the Mei er photogr aphs t o have c opies ma de o f Mei e r transparenc i es at
t he JPL phot o l a b . Aft e r the transfer he refu s ec to the
pho t o g raph s, be c a us e hi s c e veloper di s c over e d they we r e
several gene r a tions t he o r i gi nals . Nathan fe l t t hat the
t ra nspare nci e s _ere 10 far a way in q e nera ti on f r om t he pho t og r a phs he
had s e e n tha t Stevens had to trick hi m. La t e r , I
p . ,
showed the to and he laughed a t of but
he e ouldn' t "f i gure out how f l ev t he s hi p into a scen e and had it
co= e t o a s udden halt ; or how it could hover while a pine
branch i n the l owe r r i ght c orner bl ows i n a Itiff wi nd. Nat ha n sa id .
- Be wo uld hav e t o be a wf u l l y c l e v e r. be c a us e that" very steady
holding . It would have t o be I ve ry. very good tet hering . " Then he
s a id , "Ap pa r e n t l y he ' s a sharp guy. very clever . So he Sh ould be
given point s for Natha n c oncluded about t he I f
t hi s i s a hOI and it l ooks l ike i t i s to but I ha ve no pr oof ,
this is ve r y ca r efu l ly done. Tr emendous amount of effort. An awful
l ot o f wor k f or one guy ." From al l o f the scientists , these wer e the
=os t negative I "r e ce i ved .
Wi th Nat han saying t ha t in t he ory the co ul d be hoaxed , I wa s
curious a bout the l ogistics i nvo l ved . The n I dis covered that a
.pecial ef fect s exper t , fts11y Gent l eman , Who f or t en yea rs had served
as Director o f Special Eff ects on t he Canad i a n Board and who, for
a year and a half, was director of speci a l phot og r aphi c effect s for
Stanley Xubrick 's film 2001 , had viewed these sa me f i l ms. Thi s il
What he told me: - To produce the f i lms , Meier r e al ly had to have a
fl eet of clever a l s ist ants, a t l east 15 pe opl e . And t he equi pment
would be t otally ou t o f ( Meier' s ) me ans . If somebody wanted to
cheat on e o f the fil=s , $ 30 ,000 wou l d probably do it. bu t t his i s i n a
studio Where the exi s t s . The would c os t another
$50,000. - That ' l f or each o f the s eve n Meier al lo
ha d t he phot ographs. - My greate s t probl em i s t ha t f or
anybody fak ing t his , - [ he pointed to one of the phot ographsl , - t he
shadow t hat is thrown on t o that t ree i s correct. Therefore, if
socebody is fak ing i t they have an e xpert there . And being an expe r t
mysel f , I kn ow that that expe r t knowledge is very ha r d t o come by . So
I say , 'Wel l , i s that expert knowledge there or isn 't it t he r e ? '
Because i f t he expe rt knowledge isn' t there , t his has go t to be r ea l . -
Then there is Robert Pos t , who had be en at the JPL photo
laborator y f or 22 years and was t he he ad of that lab i n 19 79, when
Nathan b r ought the Me i er phot os t o hi m to have c opies made . Pos t
oversees the devel op ing a nd print ing of every ph ot og r aph that comes
out of JPL. Thou gh he ana l y zed nothi ng, his eye f or spot t ing
fabri cations far lurpas ses a lay person 's . Post t old Fr og I
photogr a ph y standpoi nt, you couldn' t s e e anyt hi ng t ha t was fake about
t he That ' s wha t struck me. The y looked li ke
photogr a phs . I t hought, ' God , if t his i s rea l, t hi s i s going to be
r e a l ly somethi ng .' -
Beside s working in the hi gh l y c l a s s ified field of
defense, David Fr oni ng. an astronautical eng i ne e r wi t h Mc Donne l l
OOug las f o r 25 years , has done exploratory res ea r ch to develop i deas
and t echnology for advanced s pacecraft d esign. As a eember
of t he Br i tish Interplane t a r y Societ y a nd t he Ame r i ca n Insti tut e of
Aeronautic s a nd As trona ut i c s . he ha s presented many plFers Cn
i nter ste l lar fli ght at tech ni cal con f erences i n Europe and the United
State s . In October, 19 85. he a ddress ed the XXXVI Interna ti onal
As tronautical Congres s in Stockholm. Froni ng ' s wi f e discovered at a
p , ,
fri end ' s house the photo j ou rna l p ubl ished by the El d er s i n f a l l .
1979 , and t ook it home to he r husba nd be caus e of on e wor d in the t ext
- t a c hyon . In notes from 1 975 . h e spo k e of t he t a c hyo n
p ropu l sion s y s t ec u t i l i z e d by t he Pl eiadian s . For OVer a year Fron ing
h ad b e en spe nd ing mos t o f hi s spa r e time wo r k ing to de s ign just such a
t he o ret i c al s y s t ee , w'hen h e read more o f Mei er's not es.on
fast e r - tha n-light travel (he had contacted the Elders a nd Stevens for
mor e i n f o rma t i on ! . h e found that Me i e r 's fi gur e s f o r t h e time r e q u i r e d
to a chi e ve t he s peed of light (at wh ich po i nt , a c c ordi ng to Me ier , t he
tachyon sys t em would kick in to make the hyper l e a p ) . and t he distance
a ship would have travel e d at that poi nt , were wit h i n 20 p e rcent o f
h is own c a lcu la tions d etermined thr o ugh t h e us e of
acce l e r a t ion formul a s . Froning told me , - I f wha t t his Meier is s a y i n g
i s just a h oax, he ' s b e ing c ued by some v ery k now ledge able
s cien t ists . I ' v e o n l y di scus s ed thi s case wi th sci entists wh o
a re f a irl y openm i nd e d a bou t int er ste l la r f l ight , b ut I ' l l t e l l yo u,
t h e o f t hem t h ink it ' s cre d i bl e and agr e e with a t l e a s t p art .
o r a l l, of the t hi n gs talk ed a b o ut by the Pl eiadians . -
During my researc h I r e a d an a r t icle fr om a Br i ti sh p ubl i ca t i on
c a ll e d The Unexpl ai ned, in which the a uthor , ref erring t o the a l leg e d
me t a l ana lys i s b y p.a r c e l Vo ge l at I BM, wro t e , - Jim Di lettoso
cha r act eristi cal ly f a i l e d t o f u r ther t h e cau se b y c la imi n g tha t [the
El de rs ] h o l d a 10- hou r v i d e o tape of ' t h e e n t i r e l a b pro c eed i ng s '
{wh i c h Dr . Vogel d eni es h a ving mad e l . ' And , ' Di lettoso i nc a u t iou s ly
p ersi sted , ' we ha ve a b o ut an hour of him discus si ng why t he
samp l es are not po s s i ble in earth t echnology , goi ng i nto intrins ic
d etai l o f why it is no t done a n ywh ere on e art h . , - Th e autho r , of
c o ur s e, i s p ok i n g fun at s uch a claim , I have s e en tha t v i deo . I
have a lso seen a not he r v i d eo in which Vo g el s tates , - I c ann ot explain
the meta l samp l e . By any k n own c omb i nat ion o f mat erial s I coul d not
put it t o get her mys e l f, a s a scien t i s t. Wi t h any t echnology tha t I
k now o f , we could not a c hi e v e this on this p l a net. - I' v e i ntervi e wed
Vogel twice a nd he insi sts t ha t t he metal sample he spe n t s o much t i me
anal y zin g is un i q ue . I s po k e with h i m a ga i n t h r e e we eks a go and t o
this day h e rema i n s fa s ci nat ed with t he speci men . He said tha t if t he
met a l sample ha d not di sappear ed whil e in h is p o s s e s s i o n , he wo u l d now
b e c ont inuing r esearc h en i t wi th a numb e r of other s c i e n t i s t s f rom
I BM and Ame s Re search, A r e p o r ter from t h e Washi ng t on Po s t a l s o
c al led Vogel t wo days a go a nd Voge l again v erifi ed the a b ove quot e .
Wi th t h e e xc e p t i on of Vo ge l , and possib l y though he
d oe s n ' t remembe r , no ne o f t hese men ha d eve r been interv i ewed by
a nyo ne in the UFO commu nity. And Vogel e ven sai d to me on ta pe
r e gardi ng one o f t he uf ol c g ist s who d i d inte rvi e w hi m about
"Trea t him with caution . He ' l l ramb le on and h e ' l l quot e yo u c ut of
c ontext . So wa t c h it," He a lso told me t his s ame pe rson "ha s taken
state ments o ut o f context and publ ished Th i s case
ha s been b adly mangl ed . -
I n the book , I go into muc h d e t a il wi t h e a ch o f t he
sci entist s and e ng i n e e r s . I men t Lon . e a c h by h is r e al nare e (a s I d o
e ve r yo ne el se in the story ) a nd I includ e h i s place o f employme n t.
Aft e r the fina l draft of the I t o each of
t he s c i e nt i s t s a packe t whi ch e ve ryt h ing i n t he
pertaini ng to him. I asked t ha t e ach make a ny correct i ons , t echni cal
or he cared to I ha ve he a r d hack now a ll of
e i t her by eai l or by phone during the pa st six weeks . had
nothing t o change . othe r s c hange s . EVe rything conc erning
thei r analyses of the evidence wi l l appea r in the book exactly . s they
have a ut ho ri %ed i t t o a ppe a r. {Two week s be f or e sendi ng his let ter t o
publi she r t o pers uade not t o pub l i s h LIGHT YEARS.
Walt Andrus cal led a nd we talked f o r for t y- fi ve Dur ing
t hat c onve rsation, I t ol d Andrus o f t he comments by the
Ici entist s . 1 gave I s pe l l ed the names for him , 1
gav e hi m their p l aces of empl oyment , and I encouraged hi m to con tact
t hee f o r veri f i Cation of their s tatement s , thre e of which appeared i n
an ad f or the book in - Publ i s her s Weekl y. - App a r ent ly , he never di d
5 0 .1 I n his l et t er t o me Micha el Malin opened with this : "Tha nks f or
l et t i ng s ee wha t you have wr itten . I t ' s a cred i t t o your wr i ting
t ha t I ca nn ot t ell whethe r you a r e a suppo r t e r or a det ractor of
Dilettoso , and of t he c l aims of the peopl e Who s upplied t he UFO
imagel . "
tri c El i a son of t he U.S. Geo logical Survey i n Flags t a f f. Ari zona ,
i s t he nin t h o f t he e xpe r t s I s po ke wi th. After r ece ivi ng hi s
he wr o t e t o ceo - Thank you for t he a c cur ate r epresen tati on of vi ews
on the UP? pho toqr aphs . I f you r LI GHT YEARS pub l i cati on re=ainl
a l obj ect i ve a s t he page s you pr ovi de d . I will l ook f orward to r eadi ng
wha t you have to sa y . " Eliason c r ea t e s i eage proce s s ing s of t wa r e 60
4strogeol oqi st s can a na l yze phot ogr a phS of t he planets be a=ed ba ck .
s pa c e . He s pent t wo ye ars produci ng t he i ntri ca t e r adar c ap of
c loud cove r ed VenUI a cqui r ed by Pioneer 10 . and hi l sof t ware ha s been
appli ed i n proce s s ing space photog r a phy ba ck by bo th Viki ng and
Voya ger . He wa s sent t o Franc e a nd t o China as a r epr e sentative of
t he U.S. space p r og r am and an e xpert in i ma ge p roce ss i ng . Be had
an a l yzed t he Hei e r photos on h i s e qu i pme nt in 1981. Be told me i n an
i ntervi ew i n Augu st , 198 4: "I n t he photog raphs t her e wer e no sharp
breaks where yo u c ou ld see i t ha d been somehow arti fi cia l l y dubbed .
And i f t hat dubbing wa s r e gi s t ered i n t he t he cocpu t er woul d
ha ve seen i t . We d idn't s ee anything . "
What woul d you do wi t h evidence l ike t hi s ? Woul d yo u di s r ega r d i t
be cause out landi sh Or becaus e a ufologist r epor t s
t hat a i n has a f r iend who saw ropes and pull eys
hang i ng in Me i e r ' s ba rn? Or be ca us e Wende lle Steve ns i s a be l i e ver
a nyhcw? Or be ca use Wend e l le Stevens is now in p rison? Or because
ha s an I S- i nch c odel of one o f the Pl e i a dian si tt ing
i n his of fice? Or beca use a group o f c e l i evers has around the
And if you had a choice be t wee n the analyses pe rfotped by the
s cientists at ASU and El i a s on a t USGS and the s e by
Bi l l Spaul di ng at Ground Sauce r Wa t ch . on whi Ch would you stake your
r eputation? Alter all of t he given the Me i er case , 1 was
surpr ised t o l earn that ufoloqists l i ke Wa l t Andr us had never he ard of
Ma l i n, or Eli a s on, or Gentleman, or Froning , or Achros e . or eve n the
alleged de t r act o r . in Swit zerla nd Rans Sc hut z bach and Sorge .
Schutzbach wa s ri ght - hand man for years, wi t h night
a nd day, d ri vi ng t o cont act s , o r ga ni z ing a nd c a t a l og ui ng all of
t he pho t og r aphs , me a s ur i ng and photographi ng t he l a nd i ng t r acks. The n
t hey had a f a l l ing out , a nd Schut z bach l e f t. Ae hates Meier a nd i l
c ertain Mei er is a fra ud; if anyone would kn ow Me i e r ' , " t e c hn i q ue " a nd
be read y to d i vu l ge i t , Schut zbach woul d be the yet to t his day
he ha s no c l ue how could have t he tracks , o r the photos , or
the s o und r e c o r d i ngs, or the does he ha ve eve n one
s uggest i o n f or a n acc oep lice . So rge, a c u l tur ed wi t h a uni versi t y
de g ree in chemi stry and a uthor of books , had been mentioned
fre q ue nt ly by ufol ogists 4 S the o ne who discovered charred photographs
a nd the reby expose d as a fraud . Be t old me in the of
1985 tha t he i s - c e r t a i n - the c ont a ct s took place, though in a
different faShion than He i e r descri bes . Be a lso told me t he real
story of how he obtai ned the bur ned slide s . Th at , t oo , is muc h
di ffe rent t han the ve r s ion I got f rom u fologists he r e in t he States .
Aga in, a ll of t hi s is in t he book.
One of the more int eres t ing ironi es in the current uprising of t he
OFO a gai ns t t he publicati on of LICHT YEARS is that e ve ry
time sla=s the book (be fore it ha s been read ) he points t o
Bill Spauldi ng a nd a s t he t wo a uthorities i n whose skills
the p l ace s great f ai t h . After all of t he negative com=e nt s
J have he ard about Bil l Spa u l d i ng ' s wo rk f r em various of t he
UFO why would anyone rely o n his ana lysis of anything?
Bi ll Hoo r e , who i a no t known f o r hi s k ind f e e l i ng s toward the
c ase or t he pe opl e who investigated i t . ha d t his t o say about
Sp aulding in a n i nt e r v i e w on Ha r ch 25, 1 985: - Be ' s general l y r e garded
by anybody i n t he f ield a s sov,ebody to iqnore. It ' s a ll puff ery . He
wrote a paper on t he a na l ys i s of photoqraphs. a nd I have a critique of
that pa per by a s c ient ist who knows what he's t al ki ng a bout . a nd he
j ust rips it t o shr eds . It sounds gOod unless yo u know Wha t the
s ys tem i s a nd then you r e a l ize that the g uy 's a phony . "
wa s yo ung and inexp e rienc e d. t he s e fa c t or s do not
nec ess a r ily di s credit his wo r k . But I am cer tain that f e w ufol ogi s ts
have he ard him say wha t he t old me in an i nterview on April 13 , 1985 :
- I ' c eve n open to the po ssibility t hat Me i e r ha d sov. e ge nuine
experi ence s omeWhere in the re, he said , "but the r e's so muc h no i s e
a round his s i gna l that I don't e ven kn o w how to sift i t . I ' ve a lwa ys
maint a i ned that , yeah , ma ybe ther e 's som e t hing t o Mos t of t he
peop l e who ha ve r e a d my wo r k say , ' Ah , the Me i e r c a s e is tot a l l y a
hoax, t he r e ' s nothi ng t o i t . ' I s a y. 'The c laims I Stevens a nd the
Elder s ) ha ve ma de don ' t ho l d up : but i t ' s pos si b le t he g uy may have
s ome thi ng
Af t e r t hre e years of r e searc hi ng and thinki ng a bo ut t his s t ory it
f i nal ly c ame c lea r t o me t ha t t wo t hi ngs kept t he UPO
taking a f ar ser ious l ook a t t he Meier c a s e ' One , of c ou r s e , is
p r e posterous cl a i ms, and l in a n ongoi ng e f f o r t to i nsul a t e
itself fr om t he f rinqe J t he general reluct a nce of t he t o
accept a ny clai m of contac t , especia lly repeated contact : the o t he r is
p . 10
that Lee Elders g rabbed a l l of t he e vi dence a nd s a t on i t. Ge o rge
Earl ey , a f t e r t he Elde rs ' s UFO Conta ct the Pleiade s ,
wr o te in Sauc er Smea r that until t he Int ercep g roup produced s ome of
the evidence the y to ha ve, t hey deserved to be cas t i ga ted by
the UFO c or-muni ty . And Ea rl ey wa s r i g h t . So The c laims
by thems elve s don ' t hold up. But the evidence in fact exi sted; I ' ve
t alked to t he peopl e who exami ned i t .
None of t he foregoing i s of f ered a s p r oo f tha t Meier s at i n a
Swiss meadow and conversed with Pl e i adi ans , but only to
that people i n t rigued by_the Heie r case . who see a f a s c i na t i ng s t o ry
i n the man, are not s impli stic in their t hinking. No one . includi ng
Ste ve ns and the Elders, has ever c laime d he possesses i r r e fut abl e
evidenc e of t he c ontacts , a nd I do not make that no w. No
one i n ufology c a n make that statement about !nY case . Afte r I sent a
l ett er s imi lar to this one to J erry Clark . he r e sponded that while he
c ont inued to have serio us r eservations abo ut Heie r 's cla ims t o me et
e xt rater restrials , he . too, f o und the Meier sto r y - f a s c i na t i ng .-
-My col l e ague s are going to be a stound e d and confus e d, " he wr o te. -I t
real ly has been an art i cle of f a i t h amo ng us (me i ncluded ) tha t this
who le bus i ne s s wa s j ust an e xerc ise i n heavy-handed fr a ud. But
appare ntl y you have s hown it i s rather more i nter esting than t hat.
It's i r oni c. Uf ologi st s f orever c ompl ain that s cienti sts a nd
debunke r s won 't take a n ob j e ctive look at the UFO e vi de nce . Yo u have
I think , that i n t hi s c a s e t he uf ol ogi st s acted j us t
l ike t he people the y cri tici z e . -
You find t he book a ba l anced r eport t hat hol ds many s urp rises
f o r you a nd other uf ol ogi s t s , and i n no way deg r a des t he s tat ure of
the UFO c ommuni ty or its p r ogre s s . Due t o coopera tion f rom
many of you, t he hi sto rica l secti o ns i n LIGHT YEARS will provide
readers wi th a true appreci a t i on of the UFO phenOE.enon a nd those who
s t udy i t. Like J e r r y Cl a r k , I myse l f r emai n f a sci nated wi t h Heier,
but uncer t ain a bout the truth behind the actual c ont a ct s . I e nd LIGHT
YEARS with t his : - I would not c al l him a prophet . t hough he be .
I would not r ule out impos tor , though I have no proof. I know tha t i f
you boiled the s t ory in a kettle you wou ld find a hard r esid ue
composed of two things: One would be Heier 's ravings a bout time
trave l, s pace tra v e l . phi losophy , and reli gion ; the other woul d be the
comment s by the s c ient i s t s and e ngi ne ers impr e s s ed the e vi dence
he has p r oduced . I can 't be lieve t he f ormer. nor c a n I dismis s the
lat t e r . He may s i mpl y be one of the f inest i l lus ionist s t he worle has
e ve r known . posses s i ng not the power but t he ski l l to pe r s ua de othe rs
t o s e e t hings t hat did not happ e n a nd do not e xi s t . Perha ps he ha s no
such a b ility; perhaps being s o n a muc h highe r p l a ne ha ve s e l ect ed hi m
a nd con troll ed hi m a nd used hi m for r easons far be yond our
I do know thi s: Trying to ma ke sense of it a l l has
be e n the mos t dif ficult thing I wi ll e v er do_ Finall y I re a li z e d , as
the Elde r s had year s be fore, tha t t he truth of the cont a c t s wi l l
ne ver be known . -
2. Pe ri od :
1 . P" r iod :
I n fn r"' '' l i o n " bo o ' 'h e c o ntacts
Th e con t a c t s t o ok p l a c e d u r ing pe riods of e le ven Jears .
19&2 - 19 53 c ontac t Sfat h , the grandf a th e r
o f S" ",jas" .
19 53 - 19 66 conta c t Ask et , a t he
Da L r-un t v e r s e .
Th e f o l l owi ng ele ve n yea rs t here v e r " nO con t a c t s .
3 . Pe riod : 197 5 - )986 con t a ct " i t h. Se aj a se , h e r f a t h e r Pt a ah,
Qu e t z a l and ot h e r Pleiad i aos .
On d ec e"'b e r 15 , 1977 Seaj a s e ha d an a c c i de n t he r e on Ea rth. in
Ou r Cen t e r , bec a use of the i mpud enc e o f an ea rth hu", an .
Sh e ",as brou gh t ba c k t o h e r ho c e pl anet Err a t o be rest o red to
he al th a gai n.
Th e con t act s s t o ppe d until xai 20 , 19 78 a nd con t i nue d until
Xa n :h 26 , 1981 . At the e nd of 198 1 Se e j a s e av a)" [r ol:!
Ea rth t o [ul fill ot he r duties . Sh e c a ",,, back in 19 8 6
and her last c ontact " as or. february J , 1986 .
At the beginning o f Nov ec ber 19 8 4 she h a d a b rain c o l l aps , t hat
va s a c on s equence o f her a CCi dent s e ...,n ye a r s a go . She ve s
broug h t i "' a e d i a t e l y to brothe r -na t io n o f t he Ple iadians , t u
f r i e nd s " ho could hel p he r . Th i s nat ion e c igrat e d a bo u t 50 0 00
ye a r s a go into ou r t" i' , - univ erse, c all ed t ile Pal -un ive r se .
Asket i s be l onging to t hi S broth e r - n a t ion .
I n t he ",e a n t i", e Se ",jase i s v" r y "e ll agai n and there i s no p lq' -
sica l inju ry l e f t , but s he lost a ll h e r k no" led ge c once rning to
h e r p r of e ss ion also kn Owle d ge of o t h e r kind . s he i s con-
vi nced t o l ea rn ever y t h i n g f un da me nta l l y a second ti ce in he r
li f e . Al though s he ha s t he poss ib i li t y t o l e a r n e ve ryt hing ",uch
f a s t e r tha n " e cou ld do , it t ak e any way a bo u t 70 ye ars .
Thi s h e a vy job o f l e arni ng s he do e sn' t take upon h e r on Er r a, but
i n t he Oa l - un i ve r s e by h e r f r i end s ,
to he r fa mi l y on Er r a she ha sn ' t a n y c Ont ac t t o ou r un i-
ver se and i t i s also not po s s i b l e to c Ont aC t her i n a s p i r itual
way , be c a us e o f the fa ct, t hat she is in anot he r u n i ver s e , wh i c h
i s an ind e pe nd en c e for it se lf .
On l y " it h. a n uni ve r se-ga t e wa y, rn a q e av a i l a ble i n a tec h n i c a l
wa y a nd o f a s ho r t du r a tion. i t is po s si b le to go ir a Q o ne uni -
ve rs e int o the othe r.
Th e ea r li e s t t im e Se rnja se ba c k wi l l be i n the ye a r
20 51, .
\O ller, Se",j a s e br o ugh t int o t!le t he c ontac t s ve n t
o n un in t e r rup t ed wi t h h e r fat h,-r I't''''h , s t c i o n cQ"' '' '' nde r
Qu e t z a l , wi t h Tal ida , Men ar , o t he r Pleiad l a l'S un t i l
J a nu a r y 29 , 1966 .
In the ye a r 19 89 , on So ve mber 17 , the contac t s s t ar ted again
wit h Se",j a s e ' s f a t her I' t a ail "Ill COl,Li nue f or the c le-
'; e n
'Ihis f ourth section 0:1 the Cont a ct Notes begins
with a visit by Henara, a descendent. o f the or igina l
ance stry caning here f r em Vega . Toe notes wi ll be
continued as before , 'nQr king frem the best translation
to Eng lish we have, and organized in numbered senten-
ces the same way t o faci litate cross-referencing and
direct quotes . Again we have purged t hese notes of
defamatory and s l androus s t a t ement s about personal -
itie s , of unnecessary r e dundancy , and o f harsh cern-
ments on our r e l i gi ous and political systems .
Here then \\'2 present a 4th section of these Contact
'!he f ollcwi.ng excerpt on othe r c osrronauts , includ-
ing l-Efiara and the DALs is taken fran chapter 10 of
~ earl i er UFU CDNTAC'I' FR(N 'IHE PLEIADES, A Prelim-
inary Inves t i gation Report , now out of print and no
l onge r avai lable. It contains about the bes t descrip-
t i ons of thos e new ent i ties contacting l - ~ i e r that I
know of .
In 1977 a new a nd different spacecraft la nded on the drive
in fr ont of the Meier home and he went out to investigate.
There he saw a circular di sc-shaped craft with a high cupula
on top sit ting about 1 met er a bove the ground on a very
coherent straight-sided beam of white light.
The disc-shaped lower part of the strange craft was of a
bright matt silver color a nd was rotating slowly i n a
counterclockwise direction. The rim, or edge, of the disc about
60 centimeters thick, was squared off into vertical sides which
seemed to consist of myri ads of small flapper va nes mounted
vertically, and which moved fr om right to left and back agai n
through a 90 degree ar c in a rythmi c sequence.
A 3 met er diameter underflange of t he base of the craft
projected down a bout 20 cen timeters below the lower disc
surface and was also squared off on the sides. The intense
white light which seemed to support th e ship was projected
down verticall y from this lower flange.
Inside of the intense white light Meier could see a cantilever
stair of5 steps descending from the lower centerofthe craft to
the ground surface.
Back to the rim, he could see t hat as it rotated slowly and the
vertical flapper vanes moved back and fort h, an aura of
rainbow colors was thrown off to the sides around the ri m.
The 7 meter diameter main di sc st ruct ure was about 1V2
meters measured fr om top to bottom, and t he lowe r surface
showed more of a curve than the upper.
On top of that a 2% met er diameter cupula with 1 meter
vertical sides having 8 bulging hemi-spheri cal windows set
into t hem, rose to a 70 centimeter thick rolled static ring
ha ving about the same 3 met er di a meter as th e bottom
underfla nge of the base. This pa r t was a luminous orange
color and a bright yellow-whi t e light sh own from t he
The top of th is cupula st r uct ure blended into a smoot h
curved dome of some ki nd of dark colored glass . It looked like
glass and had a smooth fi nish but he could not see any
reflect ions in its surface.
This craft carried 3 beings aboard - one of whom
introduced her self as Menara , from a place in the hea vens
nears the star picture Lyra. She said th at her nati ve planet
has a population of 14 billi on a nd belongs to a confedera tion
of planets. She said t ha t her people work closely with the
DALs and the Pleiadians on certain t hings, a nd th at t hose
intelligences were aware of her activities here. Another
member aboa rd the ship was identified as Alena. They wer e
both da r ker skinned a nd had lon g slender forms. The Lyrians
have more than one racet ype of beings on th eir plane t.
Menara said th at her shi p could travel in ti me as well as
space a nd offered the mind boggli ng note that her shi p was
constructed 300 years in our fu t ure but that it had been in use
for over 250 years already.
It a ppears that t here is a n ascending order of technological
development here. The Pl eiadiarrs say that th eir technology is
about 3,000 year s in advance of ours but t hat the DALs are
about 350 Earth years of technology ahead of the m, and that
they are assisted technologically by the DALs.
Now we have a r ace of beings from Lyr a who seem to be
several thousand years ahead of the DALs , who help the
DALs a nd th e Pleiadians in certain respects. This ma y give us
some clue to the kind of gui da nce offered us by t he Pleia dia ns.
The contact with the beings from Lyr a is also conti nuing
and more landings ha ve taken place, including another
la ndi ng in snow 12 centimeter s deep, where the characteristic
circula r landing track was melted through the snow a nd ice
clear to the ground.
The being identi fied as Al ena ret urned at a not her ti me in
her own ship, having si gnaled Meier telepathicall y in
adva nce. She a rrived in still another style of spacecra ft which
Meier had not seen before. She explained th at she, a nd others
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ne r- o i s I end m q t r ack l eft by t he cohe rent been o f whit e l i qht l hn t pr ojuct n down f r om t ho bottom o f Mcnaro' n
Lyr i nn ship Il l) it hove r s about six Fe e t abcve t he IJrnund. Thi n Lr nc k wnu i n the d ry q runn o f 0 harvested
hayfie ld. Not e the ve ry r egu lar s ea r j nq without rJ /lme, nod Lhn qoo m.. t r i c p r oc Iuron o f l h,' eoncn of t he t r- uck,
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like her, come from a planet in the st ar-system Vega , which is
a part of the const ella tion Lyra as vi ewed from here.
The Vegans, a s explained to Meier, are really descended
from th e early Lyrians also, as are the Pleiadians a nd us.
Thei r ancestry is a lit tl e older than that of the Pleiadians.
This was a ll becoming a littl e confusing and so the
Pleiadians offered a brief history to get it into perspecti ve.
According to t he explanation offered, t he Lyrians were t h e
original (to us a t least ) ancestors of our branch of our
lifest r ea m of evolution .
Many thousands of year s ago t heir civi liza ti on in Lyr a
r eached a hi gh t echnologica l level and they began to travel in
space. They were free-will crea t ures and had cont rol of t heir
destiny. At a cert ain point in time they fell into disagreemen t
and divided into factions with different idealogies and
different goals and objective s. They event ually went to war
and dest royed much of t heir soci ety a nd ruined t he ir h ome.
Escapi sts seeking t o avoid the a n ti cipated outcome fled from
their nati ve system a nd found homes in s t ar syst ems that we
call the Pleiades and th e Hyades. They also went to nearby
In a few thous ands of yea rs they had rai sed those societies
t o h igh technological levels and once again were able to travel
in s pace. Some of t he Pleiadians of Lyrian ancestry, on t heir
travels, discovered our planet and its nascent life evolving in
a very hospitable a tmos pher e. They stayed and settled briefly
in la ter Lemuria and earl y Atlantis, s ome even mixing with
Earth creatures and becoming Earth men.
Those who remained apart and did not mix soon produced
highly evolved t echnologies here a nd they designed and built
many wonderful machines and de vices, and created comforts
and convenienc es of all ki nds.
Again they ca me i nto conflict and the society became
polarized int o two camps, each posessing marvelou s
tech nologies. Eventually t hey went to war and terrible
destruction r es ul t ed. Those who could, escaped t o other
regi ons of space and started all over again . Some of those
beings are-now also vi si t ing us occasionally.
A long time later a new wave of'Pleiadians arrived t o check
on the de scendents of their ancestors who survi ved t he
terribl e war. They found survivors a nd again they mi xed with
them and assisted Earth humanit y in gett ing control of it s
assets and produ cing a new tech nology. This society became
the later Atl a ntea ns who raised their sciences to levels tha t
produced ai r a nd undersea tra vel before tha t civilization was
also destroyed by surface wa r on Earth.
The modern Pl eiadians are descendents of t he peaceful
faction t hat settled in t he star gr oup which astronomy gi ves
that name. The Vega ns visiting us now are descendents of
another peaceful gr oup that settled a planet in t he Vega
Sys tem.
The descendents of the Lyria ns, long evolved beyond the
conflict stage, are now interested in our welfare and feel a
special responsibility toward us si nce we reflect t he ea rlier
warl ike tendencies of themselves. They lost much in t heir
history of confli ct and destroyed t hemselves several times,
and lost their great tech nological advances ea ch time.
According to the stor y, they even settle d anot her hospitabl e
planet in our solar system, t he 5th one from the s un, which
was actually destro yed in a war of n uclear weapons that got
out of hand there. This is par t of their concer n a bout how we
will use our nuclear sci ences now. These Lyria ns are now
being helped a nd assist ed in cer tai n ways by their h uman
cousi ns in t he Pleiades a nd Vega a nd ot hers.
So we see t hat alt hough t he Lyrians are mu ch older in
evolution, t hey are only a little ahead of t he ot hers in some
technologies and are behind in other s, and are bei ng as si sted
along t he way by t heir cousins. Thus it is that so much
human-like ext ra terrest ri als are appea r ing in t he sa me age i n
ti me. Some are actua lly linked in evol ution a nd do apparently
have a common source. Our r e-emerging technology attracts
their attention now and they are here to observe and assist
acc ording t o our wi ll choices.
The Vega ns arrive at our surface in 8 met er diameter
circu lar cr aft that land, or ra ther hover, on a coherent beam of
plasmic energy 40 to 50 centi metera a bove the ground. Thi s
plasma effl ux flows downward only 30 t o 40 centimeters a nd
then curls out and up in an al most ri ng-like roll . The efflux
looks more like a very definit e length curtain of bluish-white
flame wit h a ring around the bottom, except tha t it flows
Meier says that t he effl ux looks like it comes out of a
ha tched grating of very hea vy metal mesh in side t he circular
bottom surface.
The ship has a raised dome of transparent material in many
pi e-shaped sections, or else it is one piece wit h transparent
ribs that ris e vertica lly and meet at the top. The cupolo is
surrounded at t he base by a smooth brushed sil ver ri ng of a
stai nless steel color. from thi s ri ng pl a te to the rim of the ship
the upper s urfa ce skin is flu ted wit h t he sharper cr eases up.
The bot t om of the craft has a smo oth stai nless steel-like
fin ish from the peri meter of the pl asma effl ux up t o t he rim.
The rims do not come toget her but have a narrowgap which i s
filled by a circular small-fluted plate of very peculiar shape.
Instead of being truely circular like t he rims of the di sc-
secti ons, it has a 4-lobed shape as viewed fr om above. This
fluted plate rotates r apidly in a counter-cloc kwise directi on
bet ween the rims. The rapidly rotatin g fluted section gi ves off
an orange glow.
Exactly how the DALs fit into this histori c scheme of
relationship i s not clear a t this time. they ar e a handsome
nordic-looking race so like nor thern Europea n cacausians
that they could pass in convent ional clothes on our street s un-
noti ced.
The DALs a rrive in cir cul ar di sc-sha ped spacecr aft al so but
their ships have a li ttle lower profil e a nd land fl at on the
ground on a fl at-surfaced bottom. The bottom has 3 li ght
colored rings a nd 2 dark colored rings and a dark center in the
flat s ur face of the bottom which was not explained.
(Meier s ucceeded in phot ogr aphing a DAL spacecraft at about
16:00 in t he afternoon on 3 July 1964 as it flew over the As hoka
As hram on Gurgoan Road a t Mehrauli, near New Delhi, India.)
The next section up is a lighter metal lic rim that rises
almost verti cally to a dark metallic ri m that joins another
light colored metallic piece which forms the upper dis c fl ange
to t he rai sed cupulo in the center.
The DALs can al so breathe our a t mos phere directl y a nd do
not need envi ron mental headgear t o debark from their ship.
Tl) p Vlu
Transp&rent do: e
RlI:I detail
Botto: Vi e.
Gr i ll betto:
t.-lobe d
ri::. at r uetur e
Sl I ver-gr a y
l: etall1e finis h
F1. _ C a ped eea e

lA. "Ids or bove rs
0:1. plss:a
. r nux
Er tlux I1 ke

curtai n o r rla:e
BDl nitSCHMl DRtl rI .
i!1.nged cup'J.1o
on t op
Brullhed 811ver
. et a1l1c t1c1l1h
BottOI:l Vi ew
Dark and li ght
ringe a D bo t tee
Eat1J::ated 8 =. e t er ll in d.1Ul ot er
Landll fla t 00 p-ouod
Si. l very =e t alli. c dc e e i s
t raDllpllrel1 t f ro:. in.a1d.
Exit and egress from the DAL ship is through the ca nopy
section of the dome whi ch raises on a rear hinge arrangement.
The cabin of the ship Meier was allowed to inspect , had seats
for t hree . He had photographed this style of ship ea rl ier. It is
also about 8 meters in di ameter .
The unexpected thi ng, whi ch afte r all really should not be
unexpect ed, is to fi nd r eason a nd logi cin the in terrela tion ship
of all of these odd events. I wondered why all of this ac tivity in
only one pl ace in the world, a nd was t hen told that
Switzerl and is not the only location where this activity is
ta king place. The Pl eiadians even told Meier that they ha ve
more ground stations in use on our surface, one in th e United
States a nd one i n t he East.
One has to wonder how many more intelli gences a re
visiting our Earth a nd wha t their place in t he scheme of
things might be.
But these cousins in the huma n line of evolution are not all
that are here observing us either . There are a number of othe rs
so engaged.
We have been working for over two years on another UFO
contact case that began in July of 1967, on e of t he he aviest
UFO activity periods recorded in modern ti mes, and is still
goin g on. These extraterre strial s come from a n atmospheric
planet a bout 10 light years from Eart h, a planet which they
call Iarga. It has a diameter a nd mass gr eater than that of
Earth, a nd t he acceleration of gravity at t he surface is
stronger. The atmospher e is much more dense th an ours. They
said an Earth human would be pelt ed to death in the r ain on
their pl anet. The speed of rota tion is slower making the days
and nights longer , but r eflected sunlight from t he regula r
twi light can br ighten certai n nights. Beca use of the th icker
atmosphe re a nd higher air pressure at th e surface, whi ch is
even a differ ent compositi on th a n ours, Iar ga knows no bri ght
sunlight and sees not hing of moons a nd stars. Green
predominates as the a tmospheric color.
The creatures there a re a little la rger t han us and look quite
different. They are very stockily built. Their ship and it s
equipment a nd furni shings give evidence of a very highly
advanced technology.
76th Contact """day. 23 May 1977
Thr ee Jront hs has passed si nce the last co nt act and ner er has
be e owe .. a r r i e d a nd des pe r a te f o r a cne guidanc e . Hi s cal l has been
r esponded to b)" re n a r a , a dark-sk i nned .. oman of Ly r i an descent
he has met be f or e . She arri ved i n a Lyri an ship t hat descends
and hove rs on a COhe r ent beam of l ight .
l'bi er- Be wejccre , g i r l . :.'.an alive , do you know haw
much I enjoy seeing you . '1' .-.'0 days ago , exactly three
months have pas s ed s i nce I have s een 5emj as e t he last
t Irre , Since then, I have on l y had a s hort t elepat hi c
cont act wi th he r , wh i .ch res ides seemed t o have care
f r cm anothe r dirrensI on, Then a s v:e ll by you , I on l y
rece i ved the t'...D s hort gree t ings , wh en you f lew a long
near bere . Knat a t a ll is cccur r -I nq wi t h you a ll ,
that you hide yourselves in s o much silence ?
Is i t f or some speci a l r e ason? Dea r gi r l , wi th us a ll
went; t .cpsy-t.urvy, and many undelightful things have
happened, a lso an a ccident and s imila r . It j ust seems
like rrany things wo u Id have c onspi r ed therrselves nc'....
a gains t us . a live , you look like an ange l
t o me. Another t ime, I vco u l d no more have known ho.....
t o conduct mys e lf , but nov, your da r k beaut y s hines
t c...-ards Ire like a spl e ndi d r ose, whose f ragrance l ov-
ingly dis pells all s orrccs .
zcnara- I / You are very kind , the way you discl ose
your f eelings t o rre , 2/1 cant to thank you ve ry much
f or this , bec ause your -.ror ds r eve a l t o Ire , tha t you
don 't dis tingui s h bet we en the hurren beings .
l-Eier- HO'., do you rre an thi s ?
3/For you, ne i ther the r ace nor the c o lor of
skin of a human being plays a part , f or you treat one
the sam: way and think cor r ect l y a bout. him, j ust as
you do the rremoera of your 0 ....11 r ace and s ki n col or .
Do you think , or have you perhaps tbought ,
-that your da r k c o l or e d skin ....xruI d bother me or s cme-
had infl ue nce ne gati vel y?
lo'.enara- 4/.' t actua lly, no , f or Semjas e taught rrc
that you ...'ou I d never unde r any cfrccrs tenc es keep
di f fer ences i n this r e s pect . S/On the othe r hand , it
i s knc ...n t o me , tha t; e n Earth, a gr e a t nurrber o f the
6 4
earthhuman beings are subj ect t o r a cial pr e judices ,
f or which reason I wante d t o expl ore your concerning
fee lings and thoughts .
~ i e r - Ye s , I s ee, and nON?
M?nara- 6/ 1 am f i lled with great de light , for sem-
j a s e has taught rre correct l y .
M;:der- I am ve ry g l a d , your feel ing delight inside
of you , you dark-sk inned beaut y . You rea lly are very
pretty . '!his I have a l r eady wante d to t ell you f or
a l ong t.ime, on l y you unf ortunately gave Ire no chance
f or that unt il now.
~ - 7/ m the fut ure you wil l have the chanc e t o
see rre rmr e of t en. 8/ 1 thank you for the f r ank stat e-
rre nt. , such a s this , for I think, if I am r i ght , that
you give no ccrrp.l.irrent.s l ike Semjase explained to ITe .
~ i e r - SUrel y , you are r ight . 1 j ust not i ced you
being quite c onf oundedly prett y . But how s hall I
unde r s tand that in the future 1 shall have the chance
of s eeing you rrore oft en? Don I t you have t o go back
to your home plane t ?
~ - 9/No, I e njoy i t her e very much, f or whi ch
r e ason I have unde rtaken a speci al task her e .
M,:d er- Oh , that I s f ine. I r ea lly enjoy seeing you
rrore o f t en . ~ \ - r e l l , today unfortuna t e l y the t ime wi ll
be sorrewhat s carce f or us , f or I nece s sarily have to
r eturn hcrre . ~ \ e name l y have t o conc rete , and there I
wi. Ll l ike l y have t o assist . Thus , cane what may, you
wi.Ll SCXln have to s e t Ire down again and l et me go .
Know, besi des me, nobody is down there t o give the
nece s sary order s . Wou l d you perhaps be e I Iowed while
putting me da...m, to j ust l and de.en there in the high
grass t o l e ave s olid trac e s ? Perhaps I am a lit tle
s ent irr.ental , but I think it woul.d be of advantage f or
all of us , if the f irst contac t at our new horep .lece ,
whtch we c al l "Semj ase Si l ver Star Cent e r " , vo utd
leave traces on our c on l and .
l>Enara- 10/ 1 can grant your r eque st, which rror eover
I don I t r egard s entiJnental. l1/ For my part 1 thi nk
such a pr oceedi .nq worth doing. 12/ But don ' t worry
neM about. your wor k , becaus e you wi ll not be l a t e .
13/You realize I am here with Que tzal ' s ship, which
was earlier pi loted by Semjase, you knew, 14/ 50 you
a l so know that tlris s hip can perform tine travel, so
I think we can talk c alml y about the nece s s ary m'3.t-
ters, a f ter which I will do a shift in time and bring
you back on l y a f ew minutes f r an the t ime you l e f t
your friends to hurry t o me.
~ i e r - '!hen a ll i s O.K. \<Jha t do you have t hat i s so
irrportant that you can not tell it another t .irre?
~ a - IS/'Ihi s treats of the f o lla ....ing affai r : 16/
But firs t , I shall gi ve you and a ll your qroap rrem-
bers dear greet ings frem Semj ase, Ptaah and Quetzal ,
as v.'ell as fro.m Pl eja, t oo , 17/For second , I shall
t e ll you , Semj ase woul d take up contacts with you
a ga in a t that t .troe, ....men everythi ng with your
center has beccrre .requtert ed, and t he buildings have
passed over as your property. 18/For that , she told
Ire to s ay , she has her ce r tain r e a s ons , which s he
will expl a in to you c loser upon he r ret.urn, 19/ On
the other hand, she present l y can not cane as she is
held within another ti.Ire/dirrensi on sphe r e , whe r e s he
i s l ator ing for your conce rns , 20/ 1n this .respect; as
we Ll , s he wi ll bring you close r information pars ona r -
Iy. 21/But OC1oV why I have c ere he re is because of
the f o lla ....iing : 22/Since exactly three TIO:1ths , we
cere very much occupied t o find out a bout; an evil
mat ter and t o master her. 23/1his wa s t he e s senti al
reason, t oo, why I have not taken up contact; wi t h you,
as I lac ked the nece s s ary time. 24/In main, this now
deals with the Gizeh intel ligences having s hown t hem-
s e l ves again as they t ry by all rreens to d isturb the
rising of the center. 2S/But not on Iy that , as t hey
t ry by every possible means avai lab l e t o t hem,
to destroy a ll , beca use they f e ar the truth, and have
Im.lch t o f ear f r em it. 26/'lliis i s a lso the r e a s an why
differ ent ones of you have had accident s and other
troubles, . too. 27/Di f f erent peop.le o f your group
have been e s pecially threat ened, for v.mch r e a s on
s ene time ago- Semj a s e told you t he warning one ni ght ,
s o you could prepare the conce rned persons , so t hat
they could exe rcise special caution. 28/ Tne s e are
all those persons of the group ....110 react especial ly
sensitively t o the forces of the negative ly i nten-
tioned Gizeh- Int elli genc e s , who a re in a lliance with
the Brazi lian group , t o exerci s e every wicked means
f or the destruction of the center . 29/ 50 take care ,
because f ran Brazil as ,;ell a dange r in qui t e rnat.er >
i a l fonn coul d rrenace you. 3D/But a l so the rrcncct
influences f ran the Gi zeh I nt elli genc e s shoul d
not be negl ect ed, because these a r e qui t e es peci a lly
dange r ous . 31/Seve r a l of the group have baen i n-
fluenced very much , and by this ....'e.re inj ur ed cons .td-
e r abl y i n their for ces o f decision and act .ton , and
this especial ly for a nd , where
especially o r ks the gr eatest mtachte f ag-
a inst he rsel f , beca use s he can not reject c e r tain
super s t i t ions and untrue s ham-ef f ect.s , 32/Tni s r e -
f e rs to matt e rs of spiritual and a....ay-fran-truth rna-
china t i ons, int o ....mtch . . . . .. noves , where f or
hours s he l ets her s e l f be influenced by a wrong me-
dium, which alr eady works strong l y on her t houghts ,
by which s he is f inding certain pare H e Ls bet ....een t he
truth and the decept i ons of fered her. 33/Tnese p.3.I-
a l l e i s are dange rous l y wr ong and mi s l eading , ~ 1 i c h i s
why you s hou l d t e ll he r , that in the future s he wou Ld
bet t e r s tay away f r om such s eances . 34/You have by
no means l e t yours e l f beccsre infl uenced by the nega-
t ive f orces, but you neverthe l ess haven I t done your
l abor . 35/Inst ead of your ordered I abor -, you have
dedicat ed. yoursel f to pure menua I activit i e s and did
those things that ....'e re ascr -Ibed t o meml::::era o f your
group. 36/You do know very ....'e ll o f having rrany ar-
rears wf.tihtn your labor , whi c h you should have made
qood, 37/As .... have recognized during our survey and
control fl i ghts, you cared. by no rreans for that , but
have been occupied otherwise by ere rnanua I activity.
38/Toge ther with the rrerobara of your group, you have
per fonred c raftisman wor k a nd neglect e d your whor e
mission . 39/\'lhat doing thi s rreans , you know very
.....e ll , and whether you nee... are ab l e to make thi s qcod,
i s put to questi on . 4D/By this, you have done a thing
for which you cannot t a ke r eccnpense , which f a ct is
very e vident to you, as I knew exact ly. 41/1b TE and
to a ll the otherones , your conduct i s fully incon-
ceivabl e and ne..... ,- as fran a ll hitherto Inf ormat.i.ona ,
you hitherto have troubl ed yourself onl y f or t he ac-
cooplishrrent of your and our mission. 42/80 you will
not find an excuse in, as 1 pr evious l y coul d see f r om
your thought s , being the on l y one w' J1a can exec ute the
concerning craft.snen wcr ks . 43/r t wou I d have
been your duty , t o arrange only s o mach into
cratsman work , as would have been demanded to ex-
p l a in the I ebora, 44/ But that you have per -formed the
wor ks by yours e l f was wrong, as you know very wel l.
45/'Ihe persons ins t ructed by you a r e abs o lutely abl e
t o get themse lves indep:mdent from your expl anat ions '
he l p befor e , thus they can perform the ....o rks or der ed
to them by themselve s. 46/But i f they do not perform
them, because they do not want t o generat e t he wi 11
for this, and because the y think you ....our d do t heir
work - even then this does not; give you t he right to
execute the labors by your sel f , as this way your own
mrch rrore irtportant \',Qrk lies f a t Iow. 47/Beside s
that , a ll those who don I t take up the r esponsdbf i.Lty
for their duty, have to bear the damaqe by t.hemseI vea,
as they not only weaken the ir present , but moreover
their fut ure, too, and at l e ast t he ir next life . 48/
Thu per sons of your gr oup wi ll have t o experie nce in
this r e spect, the consequence a lready due, whi l e
othe r persons are burdening the consequences upon
themselves now, and i f they d on ' t beware themselves
of influence by the evil-minded Gizeh-intelligences ,
which fact has al r e a dy l ed them to s ecretly spread
internal gr oup secr ets, they may coascdous t y i n jure
the whole rratter and mi ssion . 49/These a re the f acts
for which I have care t oday , i n cause of which I had
t o take t .trre away in s pite of muc h other work.
Meier- De.t Iqht.fu.t things you have just t o ld rne, not
only in res pect t o myself, but as t o s axe ot h er
concerns . That I am gui lty of neglect of my work, I
do know. So I don 't want t o excus e mys elf herein. I
s imp l y wi ll try t o soreho.... s ti ll perform the l abor ,
anyhow. But don ' t you think the gr oup rrernber s addres -
sed by you are being j udged a bi t to hard? But know
they a ll have t o l earn f i rst , W:uc h f act can not hap-
pen fran thi s day to txmor-ro..... . But n everthe l ess it
wout d be for 1Te, If I knew acre facts in t he
mat.ter- o f thos e two people who aecr e t .Iy wor-k a gains t
the group and r eveal i nterna l group secr ets, whe r e i n
I can imagine q ui te Vividly dealing wi th ve ry speci a l
Informat .Lons , r-1ay I a t l e a s t know the nerres ?
M?nara- SO/You s hall be Inforrred about. this , but
after our talkings , which l a t e r wi l l be t .e.te path.tc-
a lly repeated by fie , which you should then write down .
Okay , with that 1 am contented, if I on ly knew
about what I s going on. Then sCXJn 1 wi ll s t i ll have
sane other questions , yet which do not; neces s a r ily
bel ong t o the r e port .
M?nara- 51/ 1 \."ill c once de time f or your que s t ions ,
but first I sti ll have t o tell you s ane facts . 52/
Our observations have resulted in s ore undet Lqht f u.t
things in respec t t o the single members of t he group,
as for example, the view that sane rrerobera of the
basi ,c group believe their pos i t i on t o be that of an
admission for c crrrrandtnq, 53/Yet when you want t o
live i n a carrnuni ty, then c crrrrands never have t o be
given, thus as we ll t he outbroken mi nd is a llowed t o
cont inue , that told concerns wf.trun the basi c
group shou ld become disclosed fran o the r memoera of
the basic group, but besides this i f it deal s with
the i r psychical or physical he a l th, it perta ins a s
you know to on l y one single case . 54/B3Sic gr oup
nembers f eel ing themselves ermobled by t.h e.t r posLti on
and wantInq in consequence t o stand above othe r s , is
in no \'laY admitted. 55/Fran t he first t o t he
last person of them, t hey are a ll of the s ane worth;
the kncwinq one exact ly like the less knowinq one .
56/Regulat ions \."i ll therefore be given you , when the
time of probat ion ha s passe d and the chaff has been
sifted fran the wheat. 57 / nut unti l t-hen it wi ll
result, that s ane changes within the propos a .l regis-
ters about the basic g roup will be demanded, w:1ich
fact cannot be avoi ded. 58/'Ibo much is the duty dis -
regarded by the single one s , and the preservat ion of
the wi ll for their own and t heir f e Ll ow c r ea ture ' s
lif e . 59/ And s till the astray- leading and s uperst.r-
t aos fornations of thought s in t he single persons are
expre s sed without the wi l l f or neutral izing t hese, t o
on ly l e t the truth be valid; as supe rstiti on and mi s -
leading unt ruths l e ad t he s ea r c hing and exploring O:l e
towards unr e a l and wronq ways . the single
one the thought and wi 11 of being above t he o therones
is still t oo active . 61/ 'Ihis on the one hand tnen
beca us e in e r ror they asaurre to stand highe r in k no w-
l edge than the other ones, but being in wrong by truth
according to s e l f - dece i t; but on the othe r hand as
....'ell, r i c h in phantasy and decept ive .tnformatI on s by
wrong rredi. ums they all CM themselves t o believe to
have been great or anyho.... e lse inportant personalities
in earlie r Lf f e t .irrea , 62/ But as you very well know,
there i s no pers on in your group 's reach, who even
nearly woul d have been an important pers onality in
her earlier lif e t imes , as for certain rea sons , they
a ll l eft their activiti es unimproved, b2fore they had
Learned them.
Meier- I know s erre connect ions , but not eve rything.
But what I hithe rto have found out , CDeS only verify
your information. And indeed, w:.1at a t least I hither-
t o f ound out and know, nobody of the group has exer-
cised f or any l ong t ine one ac t i vi t y in earlie r life -
t irres, f or qui te a de f ined reason has kept them f r an
tihi.s, With us , one wou.ld s ay, they ....xml d have "hanged
the profes sion on a nail " , befor e the conce rned par -
son was in poseasdon of a third part. And indeed no
one has cane t o rrore iJrportance, except for house-
wifeship and for pot t e ry.
~ 63/You have unri dd led the matter s cor rect l y .
64/But OCM you s houl d offer your questions , which
then s hall not be trent.toned in the .repor-t , 65/ t-tor e
than one hour has passe d already, and I myself as
well , have t o r e turn to my wor-k, like you have to,
only that I can not change mine by the manipul ati on
of tine.
Meier- ~ ' i e l l , then I want. t o start .
(And Neier proceede d to a sk the ques t ions in conti-
denee that woul d not be transmitted l at er. )
- 14 0 6 -
and fina lly I n ground
Ju s t In tni s t he t al k concerned the f ri en ds of
Si l l y (and a s wel l of us , t oe , of c ourse ) , al r e ady since
ha d no mer e nea r ly th r ee
a s hor t t el epa t hi es l greeting-contac t by when once she drove al ong
hi gh i n t he evening 's hea ve n and a further , s amell ke contac t by Semj as e ,
who but was ve ry f a r in t his r es pec t not hing had happen ed a ny
Shi ning Objects , whi ch revealed a s UFOs , we bu t r ealized an d
r eal i ze very of ten, so or t en , t ha t no l onger we r a;!,te: e xspeci al l y
and don ' t write the longer of
Ye t the tIme ua s nea r 16. 00 h. He r ce r t anO I our -
selves f or t he conc re ting of the area at the western sioe of the hou s e.
vet at the moment , I s til l cl eaned t he little s Dring ri ve r do""n to the
Cur eau . At 19. 50 h Jacoous called rne , t he of ccncret i n; could no""
;et s t a rted. J ust up a t him, Billy alen; t he way ca hi nd
ee , ...'lich as t onis!'1ed "'2 ver y r-uen , ce eecs e r !.'hy die he coca "':I f ro::l
t here , ha ve I out r ealized hi m di sappear i n; l ess t ha n one quar t e r hou r
a;o a t the eastern s ide of t he hou se , a t t he doubl e he r unned towa r dS
t he layi ng a t rounded 300 meters dis tance for es t , whe r e st ill I r eal ized
him in t he st ree t , when he r un i nto t he f orest . How co ulo he then eeee
up so sUdC: en ly after so s hort t Owa r ds t he hou s e fro::l t he wes te rn
di rec tion? If ne:;- ely he woul d ha ve had t c ;0 t he way by a Ci r cle arouno
the then he WOuld ha ve had t o t h l s ins i de s of t he wood,
whi ch fal l s very steep de""" by smal l ravi nes and r i ses at t he Other sioes
steeply agai n , often for than 55%. I f he wanted to t ake t his way by
feet , then he s ur e l y would have needed t han hal f a n hour , and
this wh i l e onlV ane arm. Eut he stOOd i n front of
us after less t han one hou r , f rem a he
never ha ve r eacned Cy feet withi n a shor t tlme , not to
cf , t hat he COuld ha ve dr i ven. s imply coul d no t r l ght ano ut
the appeari ng of why my f r iends J ac obus a nd wonde r e d, who
thems elves as well had r ea l ized him dlsappea rin; at the eas t wards l ai n
at us, :i11y s a t on a li t t l e wall and te; an t o ty his
cunning gr int 1n9 he He conve y gree tlngs
for us . Just he woul d have t al ked wi th he: whi l e "-or e than one
hour -:;:hi l e one we all th ree ecncee draloll i ngl,. . Stil l les s
t ha n 15 minutes a; o we but would sti ll ha ve r eal ized him, wnen we would
hav e r un by a t arantul a. 1,10 and di s appe ar ed i n the
hO,", he would a s en se of t h i s . Yes , he meant , woulO just
and he had arr i vee at her , a t once he would have tole her
a=out havin; not =ecause he just would have to conc re t e
to;ether wi th us . On t ha t , the Fi xi t ; i rl would have ex pl ai ned to
hi m, t hi s would ne no a nd j us t woul d have man lpul a ted t he t i me
past t Oe f r om r ea son he woul d have ab l e t o tal k with her
one hour , whl1e r or us within the normal s oace nac passed only e Cit
t han manipulat ion of the a fa ll _oa ck inte
the pas t , as to jus t in a wa y, as this h as aireacy a t
when he st a r ted for h ls journey , ful l five cays
In spa ce , wlth Ptaah an d Then
he enevec h i ms el f in early morning of Thu , s day , 17th of July
1975, to Othe r s . f or he would ha ve a s hOr t

he woula not s l eet whl l e one week . un conce rnln; he e xplai_
ned t o hav e auay uhll e f i ve days not would ha ve unole
t i me , t hen l ai d hlms e l f dewn f or rest a na slept f ul l 25 hours .
The c r edi bi lity of his fant as tic ; ot =, t hat
a t ea rO I n his at l east ha d t o week
aft er t he cont ac t talk , as 8i l l y explai ned f ur ther on , hael
him accordi ng to hi s wi Sh by teams hi p a bi t wes twar dS, i n which
conse qUence he cou ld see our center fr em the hei gt h , and then got set
out be lew of t he hous e a t the fore s t ' s bor der .
':; c:=or d1n<; 't o our i n::; ui r y , he ",can Iee uS to the l anOln:;-phce , o,., l y about
15c t o our haus 2; a uooc- su r rounc ea a
pl ateau , whiCh at t hree r un I ntc a cescenc i n; valley . Her e
al r eady f ar , we r eal ized i n ne knee_hi <; h <;ras s t hree t r aces : Thr ee
ci r c les of ea ch 1.82 m i n i n uhich the <; r as s was pr oper l y pr es sed
down by count er - clockwi s e Thi s ha ppened exact , like we had r eali zed
earli er al r ead y at s i mi l ar ch ances , and exami ne d. _rom out of the midd l e
of t he c ircles haped a so f t feet -trace l ed out f r em
the triangl e and the 5111y had l e f t her e the which
t he of but t he l ent one
di SCussed dur i ng the and Si l ly.
en t he wnole , he acout i t , and di rected uS t o a whi ch
s t i l l get transmitted as usual cy t e l epathi e sl Onl y ver y few
t hi ngs he t ol d a bout the di SCUSSed , as f or t ha t exs pec l al l y
the cent er and the of t he gr oup , bec aus e the intel ligences
of Gi zen would pr evi ous l y have mad e al l i ance t o t he revo l utionary gr oup
of Brasi l , f or t o har m us and t he cen ter , by t he ins ens at e t hat
cy t ha t t he trut h coul d no t ge t sp r ead . Des t ruct ion be t hei r dec l ar ed
ai m. Des t r uct i on of the cen t er and whole t he <;roup ; just Should de ver y
much an d a l ways .. os t car ef ul . event s of t h e last weeks
and monthes , as we exc l an acl e
ty r e; ret onl y coul d gi ve greet ings , as got t olo US,
s ne ce t oo f ar us . I n conSecuEnce of sceci a l reas ons, sn e
at fi rs t would then back , too, t he cont r ac t of trade f er t he
hou se Bs well a s f or the wood- and gro und- proper ties woul a be completed.
Of cour se we al l enjoyed t he &0 long t ime hope d fer , Bnd f inal l y hap-
pened contact , whi ch i n s pit e or many miSChi efs st r engt hened us fo r
continuing i n r esp ect of our t ask and lacour .
Bv reason of Si l l y ' s s t i l l Her t er t mentionned an i nt eres ting
oc ser vaticn : I n t h"' t time , uh en he Silly ce !'l i nd of
t he hous e i n di r ect i cn of t!'le eas twards li ein; wee d, h e would havl! hear d
after Short t he s i rri ng cf a te amsh i p high e t ove t o
our center , xeoer-e , who jus t f I e'" along i n t hl s eer-t n , Unf or t unat el y
t he this grant ed t o him fo r only Shor t
as namel y one mome,., t lat er J ac obus l et s tart conc r et e mi xer , where
t he noi s e loudly else , being very i n thi s
cas e .
This statement , pages 1406 and 1407 of the or iginal
contact not es was prepared j oint!y by the f our men
working with r-:e ier at the t ime . TOi s is one of a nu-n-
ber of simi l ar events happening in this case that
made the se contacts r e a l t o thos e di rectly invo l ved ,
and us as we l L, for s ane o f t hem happened wh i l e we
we r e there .
77th Contact 'tuesday, 31 Ma..y 1977 21: 07 h
This t i me Pt aah hi mself ha s c ome t o warn Ijei e r o f the dange rs
around hi m, and that he should be very ca reful fo r hi msel f and all
t h e me mbe r s o f t he grou p. This was another of t hose s u dden dis-
a ppearance e vents , \',he r e HeLe r s i mpl y va ni s he s f rom the mi ds t of a
group o f peopl e . He wnrk.i. nq on a roof wi t h t h r e e othe r me n,
and was between t wo o f t hem, wi t h one man be t ween hi m and t he lad-
der, v, hen he suddenl y di s appeared and was gone a i thout any trace.
He had not pa sse d t h e man be t ween h i m and the ladder , an d nobody
h i m l eave . net e r o p en s th is me e t i n g wi t h a refe rence
to this " d isa ppeara nce " .
You have gr ant e d Ire a request I have kep t for
a long t .Irre, For some t ime I ha ve been eager t o be
standing in the middle of s ome member -s of t he qroup
and t hen sirrpl y t o d taappear without l e avi ng a trace.
Getting taken away l ike this f or a contact i s a nice
a Lt ernat. Lon, I hardl y believe anybody having seen Ire
dis appear s uddenly f r an the middle of the group, and
brought t o he r e by a t ele t r ansrni t t e r , or what eve r-
thi s means is
Ptaah- l / In f ac t , nobody s a' -: anything o f this , but I
haven' t t aken you he re because of that , but f or othe r
reasons . 2/ He nara has t o l d Ire your desire c oncerrunq
the rreditat i on center . 3/ You a lready have r ece i ve d
the exact dates f or i t f r an me, in consequence of
which the re should not exist t r oubl e s any ITDre f or
the pr e paratory ork , 4/'Ihe exact p l a ce f or the rren-
t i oned obje c t I shall persona lly find out in the next
days , vchez'eaf't.er- you can perform, wnat; you should
perform. Sl At that t.irre , when I have figured ou t the
exact dates , I wi ll transmit you the r es u l t .
6/But list e n nO\'1, I have t o explain t o you: 7/ In
res pect t o the cor e carposition of the group, result-
ing f r an three rrcnths (observat i on) an d r ecor ded an-
a lyses , certain members are not corresponding t o the
demands , but which are neces s ary f or the future great
task, for whi ch r eason de f ined c hanges must be made .
S/About this I do not want; t o gi ve j udgement, because
can not analyse the concerns of rrental ity of these
persons s o far, as this wo uf d be necessary f or s uch
a j udgement . 9/ To a certain de gree, we are s ubject
7 3
to limits , whfch do not a dmi t a deeper penetration
into the spheres of thoughts of a f orm of life, f or
us, f or whi .ch reason a ll records about; the single
group rrember a were handed ove r t o the High Council
with the aim of ge t t i ng a judgerrent fran them. I O/ Ad-
vi.s edl.y the final canpos i t ion of the group shall be
arrange d by them, as \O;"ell as the t erm and definition
o f the periodic ti.rres of stay in the rreditation-cen-
t e r . l1/Just within these mat t e r s , too, ....'E' do not
dispose of the necessary knowledqe, because there are
still many f orms of human lif e on the Earth that are
strange or inunderstandable to us , as in the main the
f orms of mentality. 12/By this l a ck of xnowtedqe , we
s till don 't have the ability t o e Iaborate the single
f acts and t o t ell them advisedly t o you, for which
r eas on M ~ hand these matters ove r t o the Hi gh Counci l
f or clearing up and f or j udgeing .
M;:der- I regard this f or well . Yet unt i l when wi.Ll
we ge t the infonnation aOOut this?
Ptaah- 13/ '!his wi ll be a t the l a t e s t in the beginning
of the rronth o f J u l y.
foitier- But this is rather l a t e , as perhaps \ \'E' then
wi ll not be r ea dy with the center.
Ptaah- 14/ Ib not wor-ry about; this , f or I wi.Ll. clear
up these things as soon as possible, thus wi.thfn 15
days you \vi ll receive an according or i entat ion .
M=i er- '!hat is qcod,
Ftaah- I S/These are the things I had t o tell you .
16/ But further, I want t o advise you of this : 17/00
ins tnlct a ll member s o f your group, that presentl y
they will have t o run a dif f icul t t .irre , as still the
t op of the e vils has not been r eached. 18/'Ihe neg-
at ive intelligences and the known t o you s outh Brazi l
group do live f or rrere hat e and the will f or destruc-
t i on, which way they may even try t o do the last, for
which r eason as \<.'ell you, and very especially you,
s hou l d take care , as our pr ot ection means f or
you and the group are l imit e d , on the one hand, by
certain borde r -s and f orms. 19/80 don 't think the
matt e r s are s o easy; don 't take l ong travels; and
unde r no circumstances do l e ave your country, and do
not trove f or more than 30 kilcrreters from your hare
vi lla ge . 2D/ Even ther e you are not f u lly secured,
because t wo betraying e I errent.s have penet rated your
environs , but t o t ell you who wo u Ld be t oo soon . 21/
So, because you wi ll get solid proof of these betray-
ing machinations wi.thtn a short ti.rre, you wo uI d rage
i f you knew roth these e l ements now. 22/ But a l r ea dy
wi thout that , your nerves a re troubled , as certain
assumptions sor -row you . 23/ I t i s better that at
fi rst you on l y hide the assumpt i ons inside, and that
f or so a long a t ime, unt.Lt you have endured the !1B.t -
ter and r ecogni ze the betraying e I errerrt a by yourself.
24/ But this wi ll be a t ime when you a l ready wi ll have
grO\VI1 above these new intr i gue s and they wi ll no rror e
inci t e you .
~ e r - These are pretty expectations yet .
Ptaah- 25/" ;'hich wi ll s till continue for scrre time
f or you , as we l I as for all rrernbers of the group , t oo.
26/Not on l y the negat i ve intelli genc e s of Gizeh in
Brazi l do exercise an evil p lay of pcwe re, bu t as
v . ~ l l the constel lations of the s tars make val id the ir
influence in s trongest form. 27/Ont il the maximum of
these int rigues i s r eached, may s till 60 days a rrange
themselves in series. 28/ Each acc ording t o the in-
fl uences of environs and other one s f r om outside,
this time can still get pro longed f or U\"O or three
rronths befor e these powe r's wil l decrease. 29/In the
wora t; case exists the chance, the t op being fi rst
reached by the end o f the year , where we then have
to take into account at l e a s t six rronths of dec r e as e
time . 3D/Thus the s tat e of affairs is, that in the
most difficul t c ircumstances the whole ne ga t i ve t ime
can s t i ll ext end itself f or around 12 rronths , 31/In
consequence a ll mus t be ve ry care f u l and watch atten-
t i vely. 32/Accidents , intrigues and other maligni-
t ies wi ll happen in a ll pcscer- agains t you , and the
f orce of the badness is s o gr ea t , that the sing le
rresebera of the group wi. 11 s tart t o doubt the truth
and f oste r the thought of desertion . 33/Just
these ones then are especi ally rrenaced, because they
are the most easily influenced by the dark and de-
structive pcsce z-s, by whi.ch they a l s o in everyday lif e
7 5
fall (victim) t o many dange r s , which t o overccre or
t o rras t er wi ll of ten be ext remely di f ficul t for them.
34/ A speci a l danger is in cons equence f or them at the
t r a f fic by thei r rroving rreans , for in this respect
not only are they a ffected by the nega t ive inf luences
f r an the evil- minded intelligences and the r adi ations
of the constel l a tions of the s tars , but because there
they beccrre infl uence d by the neagtive int e lligences
as we l I as thi rd persons , which by life-rrenacing or
at l e as t doubt-caus ing manner- a t tack them, whi .ch f act
can cause depr es s ion in thoughts at the s t eering whe-
e l , leading t o bad accidents . 35/ By such ....By influ-
e nced third per s ons , or in rrost cases f ami 1Y rrember s
or f riends and acquaintences , are spre ad doubts
about the t ruth or agains t the truth, and that in
s uch strong manne r as t o call up nightmares and even
thoughts of des e rtion o f sti ll difficul t t o contro l
forms . 36/ 1n consequence, a ll those who react in
es peci a l l y l a r ge measure on thes e negat i ve infl uences
and a re sus cept i b l e to them, shoul d trouble themse lves
especi a l l y strongly and consci ousl y t o rras t e r the con-
cerns ; s hou l d consciously defend themselve s against
the negative fact s a ttacking them. 37/You yourself
s houl d be troubled here f or I cok.inq for a ll these
ones and f or as s i s ting them by advice and handl ing ,
who became s ubject to the negative inf luences .
Meier- SJ I a lways do , when the chance ther e fore i s
given t o me. But I a l so can try t o he lp on ly them. if
a ce rtain entrustment i s offe r ed t o me and one i s can-
ming, i f any s uc h rrat .t.era menace. 'Ihis I a l ready have
t old to all ones o f t en and oft en again. But if one
does not cane t o me, \..nat way s hou l d I then try t o
help? Each f r e e minut es I t .irre I already use for turn-
ing away wi c ked infl uences f rom god knrnvs whe r e , from
different rrember -s of the group, if needful os cillat ions
are s ent out by them, which I do receive in different
cases . But everywhere, I r e a lly can not s tay , and I
on ly then can have a nece s s ary discussi on when they
care to me.
Ptaah- 38/'Ihese things are known t o me, and I knew
you a re t r oubl ing yours e lf ve ry much f or s uch . 39/ At
a ll rrembes of the group ye t , the thought has pr evailed ,
your pr esent l y being 'too much burdened , for v.nich .re-
7 6
r eason one should not troubl e you. 40/ 'Ihi s as
i s the e s s ent i a l r eason why by these present ly r a ging
evi I concerns one does not care to you .
rear, o f t en a lready I tol d (them) that I am
there f or the group rrernbers e Iwa ys and a t each hour,
day or night , and tha t eve ry single one can care to
Ire a t any t.irre , But rrcr e I r eal I y can not say .
Ftaah- 41/\;hen does so behave , then thi s i s of the
rightness you say_ 42/But neve rthe less do discl ose
this to a ll still anothe r t dme, beca use to care to
you with the ir pr ob l ems is of great est iInportance f or
a ll o f them. 43/ But now I want; t o l e t you r eturn,
because down ther e they a re a ll of light exc i tement .
44/Your f r iends meamvh. ile have notic ed you s udden l y
dis appearing without l e aving a trace . 45/I.et yours e l f
s lide int o the pit . 46/Fare we .lI and be attent i ve .
Meier- Ha, again you give Ire fun, Ptiaah, '!here
be.low the pit are rrena c ing sane hundred rreters of
Ftaah- 47/ 'They are l e s s than 900 rooter s - or , do you
s uddenly f ear?
f.Eier- rear, no . I onl y have a j oke , as evident l y you
have not conceived. Tchys then, dear f r i end, and cb
greet them a ll kindl y . - 900 rreters , oh man . '!hen
l et us do ...
Pt.aah- 48/ But your furmines s i s .
Postsc r i pt um
By regre t I did not get carpl e t e l y the l a s t sentence
of Ptaah, because a l ready when he starte d t o speak,
I walked into the esc ape pit and fell int o errct ines s ,
t o be standing at the s ane rrrxrent; in the serre p lace
on the scaffolding a ga in, from whe re Ptaah had taken
rre , about 38 minute s before.
78th Contact; ~ y , 6 July 1977 15:19 h
for thi s contact , instead of Heier be i ng s ummoned t o ano t her
rende zvous point . he "as urged to send everybody aillay f rom the
center to facilitat e a contac t t he r e . Thi s t ook so me doi ng, becaus e
he had to sen d e verybody else away on some e r rand a t the same t ime .
Havi ng s uc ceeded i n t hi s hi s patience was t ested by anxi e t y over
the pos s ibl e ea rl y r et ur n of one or anot her of those s en t away and
the short de lay in tlenara's arr i vaL Finall y she a rr i ved and ha d
another "oman wi t h he r . t ~ i e r opened the conve r s at ion by expr es s i ng
his concern ove r t he delay.
Meier- Fine , that you still cane he r e . I had near l y
thought you v;cul d have forgotten to do so.
~ - l /'Ihen you think by little f aith. 2/'Ihis is
Alena, she wanted to see you once naturally.
Meier- '!hank you, senere, - Be cejccrc here, Alena,
and I hope that you are not disappointed in Ire . xnc.... ,
zenara surel y exaggerat es when talking about Ire .
f.Elara- 3/You shou t dn ' t s peak l ike that .
Alena- 1/ 1 a lso advocate this opini on, you are t oo
rrodesti , 2/ Yet I enjoy your we t ccrre wo r ds , and thank
you f or them. 3/Here you have a very pretty place, and
you surely are a l so delighted in i t .
loEier- SUre1y, and many thanks f or your thanks , they
ccrnpletel y cor-re spond t o your l ovely appearance . But
may I ask, whe re are you a t hare, as this inte r ests
rre and a l l the otherones very IT1l.1ch .
Alena- 4/ 1 care fran the planet of Sater-, wll.ich is
about; one thi rd smalle r than yours . 5/Sater is, seen
f r em Earth, in the star ' s constellat ion of Lyra , at a
di s tance of 157.3 mi ll i on lightyears t o the sun NEL.
6/But the p l ane ts a re not yet recogni zable frem Bar-th
by her s t i ll very underdeveloped technol ogies .
loEier- So I can Irraqtne , Thank you f or these infor -
rnat i ons . But nCM; :-ienara informed Ire in the early
naming, tel epathically , that I should arr ange today
f or nobody being prese nt in the center . I arranged
thi s , but what is the reason for tha t?
~ - 4/The premise gi ven to you about the beam-
pistol shou ld be r edeerred t oday . 5/ Nhatever you want
to aim f or , you may shoot at, which shall be a r emin-
iscence for you and the rrerroera of your group , like
you have wanted.
~ i e r - Oh beautiful. Am I a lso a l I cwed t o take pic-
ture s of the weapon?
~ 6/ 1 have nothing t o object a gainst this, if
the exposures will not be too clos e.
whether I
....'eapon in
Nat urally. May then perhaps Al ena,
able t o i dent i fy the nene, ho l d the
~ i e r
will be
Alena- 7/ 1 r eally want t o do this , but you ought not
keep my f a ce in the expos ure . 8/More than my arm is
not a llcl\.. ed to be s hown.
l-Eier- That a lready i s very much , and surely enough,
teo, so at l ea s t one can see your slender and small
white hand. HCJW" tall actually are you? SUrely no rror e
than 1. 50 rreters?
Alena- 9/According t o your rreas ure , 148 centi.net ers .
Menara- 7/You shou ld be c are ful while makdnq expo-
sures, that the f ac e of Alena real ly i s not l i ght ened
into the exposure . a/But if neverthe les s thi s shou l d
happen undesir eably, then you should destroy the film
or make the face indiscernible in i t.
~ i e r - On that I can give you my premis e . If I s hou td,
which I don ' t hope f or, f ilm Alena 's face , too, then
I s hall cut i t out fran the negatives . You can trust
in that f or sure.
~ 9/You ought t o l et nobody see the pict ures
befor e such .
~ e r - You are extrerrely caut ious , but in any cas e I
wi ll cor-r e s pond t o your wish.
~ - tn/ vour wor d i s s uf f i c i ent for rre, as al ready
~ i e r - You trust Ire very much, gir l .
r-Enara- 11/ 'Ib no other earthhuman being wou.ld I gi ve
s uch in this f onn
~ i e r - A very great and far r e aching ....rrr d ,
~ - 12/ But ....i1ich contains the pure truth. 13/Yet
no... l ook a t this eepon, 14/It treats of a s imi l ar
one to that , by i1i ch you once beamshot the young
trees and the f irs. 15/ But this here i s a very rmch
older one than the one before. 16/ Here, the aiming
means i s s hcwfnq you the aim in s o much rrore detail
by these enla rging opt i c s , that by i t , even f or sore
kilareters distance, you can hit very sharpl y still
one single needl e of a f i r , whic h fact you c an examine
then a t a t ree there ove r at the hi ll . 17/'Ihe 'tube-
f ormed aiming optics eff ect the a im so c lose to your
eye s that it woutd seem direct ly in front of your
....eepcn, 18/In cont rary t o this exists this very an-
t i quat ed a ppar atus for dis solving , which i s s imilar
to that of your expl osion we apons . 19/For the pro-
jection of the beam you have to push this back with
the f i nger , l ike you do with any weapon. 20/Both
the s e transparent boxes up here, are containing two
different e l errent.s , being basically neces s ary for the
generating o f the kind of radiation. 21/Used l inked,
they gene rate a f a un of l ase r s till unknown on Farth,
....i1ich sends out a strong dissociation osci llat ion,
....zntch only dest roys sene few artificial fonns o f mat-
ter, a s f or exampl e the mater i a l of your films , f or
which reason at photographing you s hould not practice
the ....'eapon, 22/hhen with pressure onto this point
the f ront and back e l errents ge t connected, then a
carhustion r a diation rises , which within parts of
seconds dissolves everything to nothing up to a dis-
tance o f 37.2 k ilareter s , without l e aving any trac e
of ashes . 23/Only the evi rons around the struck part
carbonize and remain. 24/If after a furthe r pres s ure
on this p lace the f ront box on l y gets ac t i va t ed, then
a narcotizing e f f ect i s rel ea s ed , which is exc l usively
used in self defense, whereas the canbust ion r adiation
nonnally s e rve s only for M:lrking or e lindnation pur-
poses , but finding use o f course in extrrerre cases as
....l?ll for exarrp.le in hurting an enemy vehicle or a
flightmachine 5 0 far that i t beccrrea unmaneuve r able
and in that way ineffect ual . 25/'Ihi s also works on
weapons , and so f orth. 26/'Ihis s ort of we apons have
C. J u l y 1977 , 15:20, Hinl e r nchmi d r uli, 5wi llc r lnnd.
h i ll l it tle I uun- Lo nt udy on lim Dille o f t he heuue ,
j ucke l qu i te well , nod even !JOIllB fir " ' 1 1 ~ n l l ' n hn i r .
r mnn i n t h in p i c t ure.
Me i e r snnpflPI! Lhi n picture o f Aleno ho l d ing li m l'''I' npun i n
He re we c nll nell t he mut c rill l o f t he go l d me t nl l I c- jook i nq
The dnt.m I of Lhu undnr-n l t-uct ur e frmoo n r c ' Ill it e c l onr ly
not been used f or a very l ong tiJne, around six hundred
years , because our technologi es have rreanwhile de-
veloped much bet t e r ones . 27/'The newe st; we apon of
this s ort has been reduced to one thir d of this size
he r e , and the function o f the practi s e of the rel ease
o f r adia t i on was basi cal l y changed. 28/ So the use of
the newe st; weapons i s indivi dual!Y t uned to the car -
r i e r of them, by whic h fac t the we apon can exclusive-
l y be used by its owner. 29/ 'The r e l e as e is acccm-
p lished on a pure l y thought basis, f or whic h the re-
l ease r rrechanism is pr ograrrrred to the br ainwave pat -
tern, as a stored program for rel easing the weapon by
on ly the cscner-, 3D/If f or any r eas on the ....'eapon has
beccrre the property of a new cxcner , then a new pro-
grarrming has to be done,
Meier- 'Ihat; ' s very interesting, but I do not under-
stand a l ot about; s uch nat ters, as you knew,
But this does not matter and it isn' t irrportant . 1
onl y ....under a hit because you tal k o f an o wner' o f
such weapons ; can you explain thi s to rre?
Menara- 31/1 term tile carr i e r of such we apons the
"owner-", as thi s is according t o your under s tanding ,
and becaus e the weapon i s t uned individually f or the
using person.
rreier- Thank you. I see. Yet now another questi on
conce rning sarething e l se: Do you know when 5emjase
wil l return?
Menara- 32/Your mind is fi lled wi th l onging f or her,
as I f eel this in your vibrat ions . 33/She will be
here the next t.Irre, within a few days .
Meier- '!hank you, gi r l , as this delights rre ve ry
much. Yet t e ll Ire ncs.... , why a ll the dogs here as ....'e ll
as the c hickens do not behave as crazy , as they us-
ua lly do when a beamshi p i s near them. But t oday the
ani..rral s conduct i s fully norma l , except f or the rro-
ther dog Anita. tmy that?
Menara- 34/ 'The young dogs are ve ry charming. 35/'Ib
answer your ques t ion , my ship i s not a beamship, but
a fl i ght rreans with densi fier a ggregate , which flies
by the densificat ion and high-carpressed exhaust of
at:rrospheric gasses . 36/By this, the animal s don 't
get exc ited, ",tti l e they are dis turbed or e ven :run
away fran beamships , which send out r adiati ons and
vibr a t i ons which exc i t e the animat a ,
loEier- I see, and by whi c h pr opul s ion do you fly in
the cosmic space ?
37/Hy ship I present ly cen i s not able for deep
spaceflight .
Meier- Oh that , but a t l e a s t you c an s c r een it fran
being s een. Nhe r e did you l eave it a t a ll?
loEnara.- 36/ It ' s j us t suspended above this p lace , at
a height of 27 rreters, and ...."e know the t echnique
of screening frem s i ght for sore 2,983 years a lready.
39/But now you should search out an obj ect onto wh.i.ch
you wi ll turn the beam of the weapon, 40/And you may
produce the pictures as we.l L
Meier- Okay, I nearl y wou .ld have f orgott en this . D:J
you perhaps take a phot o o f me, t oo - while I hold
that beam-pistol in hand? And am I a l I csce d to ge t a
s hort fi lro of i t too?
Menara- 41/'Ihis I have a lready admitted f or you,
only, I don 't understand the practising with a ff.Im-
carrera, but onl y with the norrra. l carrera.
Mei er- 'Ihis i s no probl em, the film-carrera can:run
aut anat ica lly, then you have to do nothing e lse.
Menara- 42/ 'Ihen I am c alrred, but do s tart now your
('Ihen ther e wa s discussion and or der s with respect to
the fi lming and photographing as the operation pro-
gressed. )
M::der- '!hen ....re have fini shed this , and my very much
and dear thanks t o roth of you .
Alena- lO/ This has been a great delight f or rre , to
have had the chance of helping you.
~ 43/'Ihis delights Ire a s "'''el l.
Mei er- You a re just nice and l ove l y , and I r eally do
not know what I s hou l d answer for this.
Alena- l1 / Your wo r ds are of great s incer i ty and they
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are the dearest ans we r for ire, ye t at the same ti.rre a
hitherto unknown to rre, and a very deep thanks . 12/
But i f you can not expre ss yours e l f as you woukd like
by cords, then I neve rthe less conceive the vibrations
of your feel ings , and the s e make your words under-
standable f or ITe .
loi:nara- 44/Al e na speaks according t o my thoughts .
You are but trrue flower gardners .
l\lena- 13/ 1 do not under s tand the sense of your new
....o r ds , 14/Ml at s hall be their neaning?
loi:nara- 45/ 1 will expl ain this to you thoroughly.
Oh, you want; t o bind little bunches of flow-
e r s , do you, gir l?
Menara- 46/ 'Ihis nay be, but then I do s o in much
l ove .
M:tier- You are a ll unbetterable . '1\'hat do you think of
our building and the surroundings here?
47/You have wo rke d here very much and very
hard, and changed very much , in which cause this a ll
serves f or your pr ais e . your cooperatdon
all wc u td have been s entenc ed to fai l , about whic h we
are a ll very consc i ous, which is \o,TIY .... think 'that; we
rebuked you without r i ght . 49/ Bes ides that , a ll was
a gre at burden f or you , sti ll 'today i s, that won-
der in spite of your having been able to cverccre the
mat t e rs . SO/The i gnorance wi thin, and the lack o f
insight into the necessity of your per f onning crafts-
nan works, with many of your carpani ons induced you
to show a s ide of yours elf, which nobody has seen in
you. 51/'ive, ours e l ves , too, have cons i de r ed very
much upon thi s , . and at fi rst thought you would behave
with injuries aga ins t your ccropanions . 52/But t .Irre and
the r ecor ds o f our t elemet e r apparati have rreant .Irre
shown us , your conduct having been only the correct
one and there having remained no other chance of
work--concerning conduct of you to your co-wor ke'rs ,
M:tier- You l ike l y talk of ITe of t en. . .. ?
Menara- 53/Sure ly, the talk i s of this , and I want
to say her e , to.'e a ll f eel : 54/ 1f you had not acted in
this manner', then the s uccess wouI d have been missed,
and on the other hand, the pr actices o f the passed
m:nths has evidenced for us , that just you a lone do
true ly understand s o 11U.1ch about the per'forrred rranuel
works, that by your cooperet .ton and your servi ces a ll
was prcx:1uced in the r i ght treas ure and the right way ,
and was f ini s hed . 55/h'e do a ll know, your having
spent decades a lone f or l earning s everal kinds of
knowledge and c r a f tsman I s work, but that your knew-
l edge about just the manue l ac t i vi t ies was s o great ,
was unknown t o recst; of us. 56/Al::out j ust this , on ly
Semj ase mi ght have the detailed knowledge .
lier- \';le l l yet , your fl a ...eer -qarden i s praasnnq rre
very 11U.1ch, but s ure ly it i s not suited, for f inally
I had s uff i cient t.i.rre to learn this a l l.
~ 57/ Your tine f or this ....'as scarcely gi ven, as
you know very ....'ell , because you al....'ays had to l earn
a ll in a hurry, and nevertheles s to preserve it f or
l ater t i.rres . 56/50 not in the least has i t been easy
fa you t o l earn, as is norma lly the case on Earth in
the matter of l e a rning a pr ofession, as ther e usually
is given about three years of I earn.inq t.Ine, of wruch
you had in aver age only 2 t o 3 rronths each or even
just a f ew short ....eeks ,
~ i e r - But so bad it really is not , for finally I
have a head for thinking. On the other hand, it it
like this in our group, in practice none of the people
there having had to do such kind of l abor before,
such as has beccrre demanded here in the center and
\....hich they new had t o do there, teo, Even though
these l abor s still ....'e re made in part quite unwi lling-
l y by the singl e person , they nevertheless ......e r e per-
famed . '!his surel y is worth a praise to a ll ones .
t<1any of them really gave their best of wo r k and s tand
up s o much for the rratter, like they may neve r have
done h itherto in their lif e before . But if here or
ther e s anething went; wrong, I often had to be quite
unkind, but so they have perforrred, besides one or
tv.u of them, rrere wonder' ful work ,
~ - 59/That ' s right , and as ....'e ll for the,..1I, they
shoutd be told our thanks . GO/Sane o f them deserve
a quit e special thanks , but othe r one s l es s, and name-
l y those who kept themselves away f r an the necessary
I abor in telling untruths , or who gave not even the
half of their abi lities f or the work , when they were
ther e , than they rea lly cou ld have given. 61/Still
othe r rratters have to be said, which are not correct,
as for example the examination by a telerreter appar-
a t us which r esul ted, that you were hurt f or a
l onge r tine in the f inances , as you have been too
trusting in this respect. 62/But as well have cc-
eurred other airred a t you negative things as \ ~ ' e l l as
bad and turned against you tal k , e t c ., and quite
especially f or the reas on that you had t o teach a
rrember of the group by harsh l anguage about; many con-
cerns than you nonna. lly l ike to use . 63/ As this rrem-
her should bear the responsibi lity for m3J1y things,
yet still i s not used t o thi s , s o alon e this form of
education r emains l e f t for you . 64/'Ihe further con-
dit ions in this , you yoursel f know very we.l L
Meier- Of cours e , and as \-..'! ll you are not in need
of telling narres , because I kno..... very we.l L, a ll that
i s spoken and by whcm. Of ten a ll is told to Ire l a ter,
and very often I a lso snatch up uncon trol l ed thoughts .
'!his does not dis turb Ire , as I do know confoundedly
.....e 11, wh at; I have t o do and hCM the circumstances of
the s i tuat ion are , though different of them s t i ll
s eem not t o knov..... of thi s and have not beccrre consci-
ious about it.
l'oEnara- 65/By this you have spoken a true wo rd, but
s t i ll this situation will change. 66/Anyvolay,
convey to a ll of them our great thanks f or thei r done
e fforts, but a l so p l eas e do urge upon several ones ,
that they should restra in themselves in defined rrat-
ter s , that this way an object ive i s not reac he d,
while by ris ing up aggressi ve ly the work is s inply
l a i d dosn and one rroves away f ran the p lace of work.
67/'Ihe wheat should be separated f ran the c haff a ll
right , but everyone by himself ought t o becane con-
s c i ous about , whethe r he cor -responds t o the chaff or
the wh eat ,
fuier- '!his I will l e t them a ll read as a much bet-
t er thing in the report .
~ - 68/ '1hen i f this is your wish , it is iJrp:>rt-
ant that they understand my words and treat accord-
Me:ier- '!his wi ll be evi dent as t.Irre will show.
~ - 69/'Ihen I have fini shed my task f or this
tine; and on the other hand It.B have to l e ave now, as
my Ins tirurrerrt.s are telling me thoughts turn towards
her e , fran which wi ll meet; here s arebcx:ly within the
next two minutes . 70/50 we have to l e ave as "'-'ell to
rerrove the prot ecti ve umbr e lla, ....hich radiates all
around the center . 71 /Go::>d.-bye.
Me:ier- 011, thi s wi ll be Jacobus . He ....ent; to get con-
c r e t e , and according to my feel ing , he has got none .
Then fare ....Bll , girl , and care back again s oon , and
a l so gi ve kind greetings to a ll the other one s .
Alena- I S/ As wek I f r an our s ide, this should be .
16/ Live in peace and convey this peace and my feel-
ings of l ove to a ll rrembera of your group.
Me:ier- Tchys t oge ther, and so .
(Unf ortunat e ly I could not f inish my sentenc e , because
j ust suddenl y the two gi r ls had dis appeared, wher e-
aft e r on ly about hal f a minute later the l oud agri -
rrot or noi se r os e f r an the dir e c t ion of the acces s
s tre t , and J acobus appeare d in h i s vehicl e , with the
trac tor and trailer, but without the concrete, as the
trade sman had l e f t on vacation.)

' ..
. )


, ..

I bi n i n II c t ooo- cc view o f tt ll ) uevurud b runch nhrnsl nq
dom' sn f n ~ l t he gr een nnp rli-l not (W P fl ut net t n f un.
I.l1r oll qh ti ll' undc r-qr owt h ,
Lbu c l cnn separ ut Irm o f thl'
[1 l1 r JH'd br unc hes were f ound
two pnrl n wit'" nll rro\OW bu rn
li kll t h i n i ll II pcr Fnc t I J r u ~
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6 Jlj ly 1977, l ~ : Z O , Hi nt e r uctun kdr ut L, Sw H w r l nnd. Thl e pictur e Dhows J ac obuo nor t ccht nqe r , tim dr I vc r o f
t he truck t hat wnu co ming i nl o Lhn propert y on Munnr n nnd Alcnn t e l cpu r -tcd buc k i nt o t hof r- nhl p pnr kcd nbovo
with II c l anki ng nc r- eon a r- ound it . lin fo und Mnl <lr nl t h l ~ nmc kl nq t r ce exami ni ng t he DUll qlow inq ccnl n thor "
nrnund the bur-ned open ing.
weonesdey , 6th of July 1977 . At 15 :19 the contact
t ook plac e , direct ly in f r ont of the sernjase Si l ver
Star cente r . EXc ept f or Bi 11Y, who was "-Ur king in
the office on the August/september edition o f the
ma.gazine , no other per son v.'Q..S present .
Al r eady that rroming, he had r eceive d t elepathicly
infornat ion by t-Enara, that she wo u.ld appear for a
further contact that a fternoon, and that at the cen-
ter, i f he coul d arr ange that he wo u kd be the r e a lone .
This was no prob lem f or Bi lly to arrange .
rroving a musc le and without !::etraying himself, he
"acquitt e d himsel f of f " a ll dwe .l Ie r 's a t the center
by the way , that he s ent them by orders for buying to
Netzikon and wt t a , by which doing the contact in the
center then r eally happened.
'!his wa s an eventful afternoon of contact rreeting, as
t-Enara a lrrost exclus i ve ly carte to discharge her
rronths before given premise to Bi 11y , which was , that
he wouId be a.l I owed to get scree exposures in film and
photos of one of her bearn-p i s tol s . Bi lly rroreover was
a f I cwed to s hoot an apple tree near the house with
the !::earn-pistol , through the middle of the trunk,
arrong other things . Fran a dis tanc e of about; 20 Ire-
ters he shot the l aser- based weapon and pierced the
tnmk in a tiny f raction of a second, which shews
fran ent rance t o exi t a diameter of exactl y 24 .2 an.
I n consequence, today one can look. fran the position
of the shooting through the bearnshot hole through the
middle of the tree, which woul d have offered s ore
difficul ties in being pierced by an earthly tcx:>l or
weapon , a s the apple tree i s so twfated, tha t i t is
put to question, whethe r i t wo u l .d have been able to
so precisely pierce it by a tool .
'!hi s apple tree, standing on our own l and and prop-
e rty , i s preserved fran being cut doer , o f course.
In the future i t wi ll be a r errembr anc e of the visit
of genara on the 6th of J u l y 1977 . Preserved in i ts
p l ace of exi s tence , it s hould be valid as l ong as
possibl e as a sign of the peace ful ness and the true
existence of our ext raterres trial f r iends , which can
as well be seen by a ll those who vi sit the Semjase-
Silve r -Star-center in sincere int erest .
By a rrernber of the group, unsigned.
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MIen I f irst s aw these l ase r p i s tol photos I had
s e rious mi sgivings about them and the whole story of
this so-ca l led "anc i ent we apon" , But then Eduard
r-1eier t ook me t o the p lace in the Precht Nature Pre-
s erve, near Hinwi l , where he had t e s t e d the fi rst one .
He s hcsced me a seared l ine of vegetat ion that \\BTIt in
a t rue str a i ght line unt i l it s truck an embankrrent
and stopped. He shewed me another , and then a l imb
high above our he ads on a tall tre e over 60 feet tall ,
that was severed c leanly a t a p lace about 45 f eet
above the ground and 20 feet out f r an the trunk,
wher e the br anch was about one inch in diarre t e r . '!he
seve r ed part of the branch was sti l l l ying on
the ground wher e i t had fallen, and I picked i t up
and examined i t. It was s evere d c l eanly wi thout any
f raying, but the nost not i ceabl e thing about i t was
the thin l ayer of sea r ed \\DOd a t the break. The
charr ing was no rrore than 1. inch to I: ~ th inch deep
into the \\DOd , a ll the way through the branch, and
the s earing o f the bark was l ikewi s e very narrow a t
the break, and so s udden and quick that the s ap in
the bark did not bubble out and run. certainl y no
b l.cw...... torch could have cone this , and how wo u.l d a one-
armed man get hims e lf or any equaprent; up t o such a
f ragi l e and high up poaLt.Lon in the big tree? '!he
trees grew s o c lose t oge the r he r e and in s uch a way
that no vehicl e could get through wi thout rerroving
sane t rees f i rst , and tha t wo u l .d certainl y have been
evident .
'!he we apon was ne ither made of metal , nor p l ast ic,
nor ceramic , nor any other s ubst anc e r ecognize able in
our t e c hnology, but rrost nearly like the canpos i t ion
of a solid nylon b lock, or bearing. I t was srrcothe
to the t ouch and f e lt a lit tle s lick . I t seemed to
be made in one piece and was ccsrposed of two colors
of the s ane materia l , a grayish- tan and a r os ey- pink
or pinki sh- red end of the barrel and a chamber on the
~ \ n e n Ray Stanf or d , of Project Starlight , saw these
p icture s in my heme in 'tuc son in 1979, he ins isted
the gun was a p l astic t oy weapon and that i t coul d
be proved that the color of the muz zle o f the
weapon was the s arre color as the f r eshly painted r ed
f ence in s yard, a lso s een in the pic tures.
'!hi s , hcsever -, was s een not to be true in the serre
photos f or the f ence was painted wi th a g los sy blood
r ed enarrel , wher eas the muz z l e o f the weapon was a
fl a t rasey- red in color .
But Ray did not knew that we had been there and
seen the color and f ini s h o f the painted f ence oor-
sel ves . Nor did he know that we had alrea dy been to
every toy supplier in Swi tze r land and f ailed t o find
any toy we apon anything l ike the l aser pi s t o l He ier
photographed. A s earch of sporting goods stores \-JaS
equaI f y fruit less . '1b this day we have never found
a match f or that l as e r pistol.
But j ust as intri guing was our s earch f or a gold
mylar jacket that might l ook l ike the one Alena is
wear.inq in the picture with he r ann holding the gun .
l ooked in a ll the clothing stores , a ll the sport-
ing qoods s tores, and c hecked even the uni f orm suppl y
stores f or such a j acke t , or even s uch gold mater ial
as might be necessary t o make s uch a j acket , l ike
the a rm o f the one worn by Al ena as she holds the
pi s tol f or s phot ographs . h'e neve r f ound any-
thing like i t .
'Ihen the re i s the probl em o f the hol e in the tree.
'!hat tree was a good 10" to 12" inches in diarret er ,
and the wood was green and full of s ap. Hc1W wou.ld a
man with one arm bore s uch a ho le? An auge r bit
wouI d have been i.Irp:)ssibl e because it wou l .d s ure ly
bind in a hole that l ong in a living tree. HCM wouI d
hold it? How w:::>Uld he turn i t ? woul .d he
get an auger bi t 12" l ong by 1" in diarret e r , a non-
s tandard s i ze that woul.d have t o be s peci al orde red
and made up by a tool make r? 'Ihi s vo ufd l e ave tracks
that could be l a ter traced. And the hole in the tree
had to be made in 20 minutes or l e s s and a l l equip-
rrent rerroved and hidden, never to be discove r ed. again
in that short t i.Ire avai labl e .
J acobus c arte on the scene wi .th r-1ei e r c rouched a t
the tree examining the s till srroking ho l e tha t had
been burned c leanly through the cent e r of the big
tree trunk. '!he charring was superficial bu t clear
through the tree and out the othe r s i de . '!hen the
hole in the tree, whtch a mill could insert hi s thl..UTlb
into , was not carplet e l y r ound inside, but sarewhat
ova l in sane places, l ike the hole made by pouring
hot water into a snowbank. And the charring though
light and penetrating int o the wood no ITOr e than 1 / 4 ' ~
of an inch or l es s , was uniform throughout , incl ud-
ing the front entrance and the rear exit fran the
trunk. And the dar k s oil behind the tree, in l ine-
of - s ight through the hole, was s ti ll srrok ing and
fuse d . I am not taking anybody e l s e ' s wo r d for this
because I was there a short titre l a t e r and personally
examined a ll f or myself.
For Ray Stanford t o s ay this was a t oy pi s tol off-
the-cuff and without investigation was i rresponcibl e
but typi cal of Ray . He even rrentioned this "t oy
pi s t o l " in writing later as proof that the !oEier case
was invalid . !olany othe r s have taken the sarre posr -
tion on this case with equally invalid and unconsid-
ered statements . 'Ib our knee...l edge, none of them have
ever unde rtaken any on scene invest i gation t o s upport
their arrn:::::hair st.aterrerrta ,
We think investigators should make very responsibl e
s tatements and back them up wi th s ane kind of evi -
dence , which s imply does not s eem t o happen in this
case in SWitzerland.
One wet I known UFO researcher who c l a irred he .....'2I1t
there t o see f or himse lf, a c t ua lly ......ent; t o Zurich for
3 days on othe r business , and then took a half a day
out and went dCMIl t o he tzikon t o talk to Hans J acob,
a man suspected of inf orming the pot t ee on Nei er ' s
contact r ende zvous, who was then asked t o l eave the
group. Hans was in the group when r.leier took the
tree-circling photos at Fuchsbuel-Hofhalden, and he
t ook the UFO r es earche r t o that s ite near teet.z.ikon,
or tried t o , but cou ld not find the p lace again; or
so he t o l d rre when I vi s i t ed him a coup l e days l ater.
It i s in the "inves t i gat i ons" by thi s nan, and others
like him, that HUroN r elies for their infonnation on
the !oleier case.
10 3
79th Contact saturday, 16 J uly 1977 15: 37 h
Semjase has r et ur ned and again ne rer does not ha ve to go an y
place e lse for this rendezvous . He is beamed right out f rom h i s
l it tle of fi ce .tean-tc on t he side of t he hou se wher e he was wnr kInq
on his group news.tet.ter . Semjasc explains her l ong absence and
t he di scussion t urns to prophes ies . Ile ier i s chas tised for a lack
of spiri t ual training i n t he group. Semjase tells f'leie r mol t o
wor ry about t he ve r ba l attacks on t he group, tha t t he greater the
anti-propaganda, the greater wil l be the positive success. Noticing
that is i l l , Semjase uses a n instrument on hi m and discovers
parasi tes. Organ transplants are discus s ed and Semjase points out
solutions t hat wi l l control reject ion. She suggests antigen-serums
from foet al bodies vlill be used. That was in 1977 , and i n fac t that
i s being t ried t oday. She discussed t he distortions and prese nce or
absence of objects phot ographed through the cloaking f i e l d of the ir
ships. She said that fl ight demonst rations before group members
be discontinued because t hey distract people from their real
purpose , VJhich i s spi ritual growt h. She tells neter stop trying to
telepathi call y control t he telemeter di s cs as this destabili zes
the ir programs . Then death and what fo l lo\'ls is di scus sed. This was
a very l ong contact this time and many SUbjects wer-e covered. ne ter
opens the convers ation as soon as he is aboa rd the sh ip.
Meier- Dear gi r l , '!his is a bi t o f a surprise, that
you t ake Ire direct l y fran out o f the office. I was
just s tarting to wrf.te scrre l e t t ers . But , gi r l , I
am ext.rerrei y much de lighted t o see you again. It has
been such a very l ong ti.rre since we have s een each
othe r , around f our rronths. Whe re have you been f or so
l ong , and what have you been doing? You know, we a ll
have wai t ed l ongingly for you and mi s sed you very
senjase- l / 'Ihis i s a very dear we.lccrre , and I offer
my thanks to you f or i t . 2/As well enjoy very much
that I can be her e a gain, for I fee l very much con-
nected t o you a l l. 3/'!he t i.rre was very l ong for rre,
but I had t o treat it l ike I did, and had to be ab-
s ent. 4/1he r eas on i s , that I surely wo u I d not have
been able to keep mysel f out of your concerns , thus
I would have been helping you in different matters ,
though I was not permitte d to do so. S/Al! the t irre ,
when hithe rto we have had contacts t icqe tber, I have
shared so much in your and the concerns of all of you
tha t fran this was generated a very strong re lation,
and fran out of whi.ch I wou Ld have treated ce rtain
things othe r-ris e than is permitted t o Ire . 6/You do
recognize fran this , that I and my peop le are onl y
pure human creatures, who in certain c .Lr cumatences
have their troubles restricting themselves t o defined
order -a , 7/Just in this case , I c ould not predeter-
mine with certainty in a dvance, whether I cou ld ar-
r ange myself int o the given advice of the Hi gh Coun-
c i l , and the given orders , because inside of Ire , the
connection to you and your group was too s trong,
which is why I thought i t rrore r e spons .ib.le t o rerrove
mys e l f f r om the nearby region around your existence,
s o as not t o per-form any actions o f l:enefit t o you,
uy (restoring) missing reflections or by l inking
fee lings and mind, which actions I should not do in
sake of your weLfar e and progress . 8/As you knew, I
ought not and am not e H cwe d t o int e r f e r e direct l y
with your Laber' for e vol ut ion, fran r easons of self-
e I abor at.Ion o f these things to you a l l. 9/Herein is
t aken as we H a ll that mental act ivi ty which is con-
nect ed t o the cons t ruc t ion o f your cent e r . la/ sa as
not t o interfere un r e fl ect edl y and f r em reason of
he l pful nes s to you t o activeIy execut e concerns by
yours e l ves , I r erroved mys e l f f rom your e nvir ons and
field of r each . ll/But I waen I t inactive wi thin your
concerns during this t.Irre, because I expl ored rrany
Irrcortant. (things) about; you all, about. which to talk
the time is not mat ure. 12/1n the run o f t irre and
step by step, I wi ll be a .lI cced t o tell details of
this, and that in such rrcrren t .s of t .Ine, when the
concerned inf ormati on and r ecognition will be of ser -
vi ce and evolutionary f or a ll of you . 13/ For t o ex-
p l ore thes e mat ters f or you , I visited dif f e rent f u-
ture epochs of t Iroe, fran wruch doing I reached the
pos i t i on of t e lling about; certain singularities of
the future of a ll rrembers of the group, .....or-thy of
knowledge and urgent ly needing t o know de tails , but
which have t o s tay preserved as personal matters , and
that as such by each rrember , without. being t o l d to
any third person . 14/'Ihis is derrande d f or rrany rea-
sons o f s ecurity , and that as we Ll. in r espect t o the
preservation of peace within the group itself, be-
cause thoughts of envy and egotism are s till not yet
eliminated, and are still able to appear in constant
series at the one or another . 15/ 'Ihe re i s t o deal with
the explored details of the single group rremoera at
their telling, in a way that they a ll get written
down for the concerned person, but only get taken up
consciously by this one each by htmseI f , l 6/ While
their t e lling should be, that you should pre se rve in
writing the given facts in the usual way, but don I t
then hand these over, but give them yours e lf f or them
to study, each separately, after which doing you
ought t o preserve them again. l 7/ 0f the original
script no copies or double should be rrade, to prevent
the threat of diffusion to any third person. 18/'Ihe
individual ones themselves must take care then not to
consciously or unconscious ly give notice o f the con-
cerns r evealed t o them by words or results. 19/ For
yourself here the obligation is demanded that you
s tudy the separate concerns of the part after part
to tell the details o f the rrembers of the basic group
and inform yourself about this, for which wi ll be
necessary sti ll rrore c onvers a t i on s wi th my father and
rre, about whic h no contact report-s should be wri tten.
20/For a further thing, in the future a new obliga-
tion is demanding your a t t e ntion, for which to per-
form you a l ready offered yourself a t an earlier time,
and which i s that of the predictions for the running
years, which I executed for you during the l as t two
years, partly at l e as t, because a l ready a t the l ast
prediction about the corrming year you decisively con-
tributed your thoughts and explored the r esults, but
without r eve a l ing this fact to your group. 21/I t
wou.ld hve been r ight, if you had Lnforrred the group
rrerncers about this and told them, that a few parts
rrore than two thirds of the predictions for the year
1977 r os e fran your CMl1 knowledge o f prediction and
calculations of probabil ity, and that only the smal l
rest was ccmning frem my own work , 22/You conscious-
l y have kept silence, that concerning this we had an
unrecorded talk, and tha t I gave myse lf r ea dy f or the
predictions under my own name, i f at a l ater tirne you
woutd t ell the t rue f ac ts to the rrernbers of your
group. 23/But you haven t t perfo.med, though you then
s aid you woul d do this when you would r egard the
point in ti.rre as mature therefore, whi ch i s then "'nen
you woutd recogni ze the cor rectness of your calcul a-
t ions and researches about the fut ure. 24/'!hi s sure-
l y has beccrre f a c t during my absence , but h ithe rto
you have not treat ed accor ding t o your given word,
whi.ch doing i s in no way under standable t o rre, as
s till neve r during our acquatntence and before as
wet L could I notice you breaking a given pranise.
25/&:::J I can onl y i..rragine that you have f allen to a
f orgetfulness concerning this mat-te r' , or that f or
certain r easons you still do not consider the t i.rre
ma.t ure.
l-Eier- '!he last sai d thing i s the f act , gi r l , but by
the rrentioning o f the real condit ions , you draw a
l ine through my calcul a t ion, as when the contact r e-
port appears , then a ll ones will get Informed
then by i t. I . . . . . . _
Semj ase- 26/ 1 can withhold my wo rds in this respect ,
and keep i t f ran berne transmitted in the report., If
you want s o . 27/But i t woutd be jnportnat f or rre to
know, what r eason you have f or your s t i ll s ilence
about; this Impor-tant; ma.tter?
lier- '!he hithe rto necessary and s t il l neces s a ry
rranue .l act i vi ty s till does not a llow Ire t o dedicat e
mys e l f thorough ly again f or the group rrerr.ber s and the
les sons of s pirit, as this would have to make under -
s tandable the natte r of the predictions as \ ' \ , ~ l l . '!his
becaus e dif f erent rrember s o f the group need an im-
rrense l ot of expl ana t i ons t o ge t out of thei r near
s tagnati on of sp i r i t into w"hi c h they have fallen dur-
ing the t iJre o f spi r i t ual hunger of the l as t rronths ,
because with r es pect t o the media t i on o f spi r i t ua l
concerns and spiri t ual knowl e dge, and i ts expl ana t i on ,
I cou l d by no way be s erviceable any rrore, because my
t.Irre was too much demanded by the rranueI activity and
marry other reasons , thus for other things I sinply
did not have the t.i.Jre , and I was missing eve ry chance
ther efor e .
Semjase- 28/ '!his i s known to rre r as Quetzal and !-ien-
ara infonned Ire about; it. 29/Fran your wcrds , I r e-
gard your conduct understandable, wheref ran I
readi ly anit my .....zards a t the transmis s i on of this
report, i f you rea lly want; this . 30/But for O part,
I think that your hitherto conce a led s ecr et can .... l l
be dis c l osed a t the present PJIDt in ti.rre , and by
dist incti on now is the bes t t ime f or tha t . 31/ Ov'e r
the l ast two days I t r oubl ed mysel f int ensi vely about
the individual rrembers of the gr oup, and f ound that
f or certain va l ues of r ec ognit i on they are j ust now
very addre s s able, and this because they had to suf-
f er f or s o l ong a tiIre f r an mi s s ing the transmiss i on
of spiritual kncwtedqe , 32/ 1 you s hould neverthe-
l es s consider that because of the mi ssing tiirre and o f
nece s s ary explanat ions you s hould s till .. cadt; in the
t e lling of the given f a cts, then i t i s quite ....'e ll
unde r standable to ITe , and acceptable.
~ i e r - I wou ld rros t; l ike t o still wait unt i l that
t i.rre wh en all can run i t s norma l course again.
semjase- 33/ And when s ha ll this be, according to
your ca l culati ons?
~ i e r - In the beginning of November
Semjase- 34/Still a very l ong t iIre, i f I think of
the t iIre by earthl y conditions .
2ier- Surel y .
Semjase- 35/ Your calcul a t i on is c rossing with the
t ime of the opening of the center .
Meier- Exactly , as onl y until then wi ll I f ind suf-
fici ent t.i.Ire aga in, to be able t o dedicat e mys e lf
fully and c cxrplet e ly to a ll the concerns once nor e ,
SEmjase- 36/'Ihen do a l s o r errember the t ask , too,
tha t you s hou l d be t r oubl e d for the ris e of a suit ed
book in r es pect t o ou r contac t s .
loEier- I a l ready have r errembered about that . I s ue-
ply have to divide my time a ccor dingl y . l>breover I
a l r eady have begun with this l abor, and as \\'1l I
wi ll be able to s crrehow make gcod on my neglected
work s t ep by s tep.
Semj ase-- 37j 'Ihen I wil l agree to your reques t.
39/But be conscious that
be given carpletely by you
~ i e r - No. I assurre, as you have s aid your r easons
for , that I wi ll leave i t (the contact notes report)
as i t i s now, without your having to leave out your
words in the transmis sion r eport . Anyhav, I wi ll then
arrange f or it.
Semjase- 38/As you want .
the next predictions shal l
a lone.
Mei e r - 'Ihis you a lready said. I only ask of this,
how many percent of the given predictions r eally then
correspond wf th r ealit y? I t i s giving Ire sane r eser -'
vations, as , when I am t oo much off, then I appear
ridic u l ous , and sere wi ll call Ire a charl a t an.
Semjase- 40/SUch hesitations by you are very strange
to me. 41/ Besides , nearl y a ll the pr edicti ons given
by you f or this year have care t.rue, and that wi thout
a miss . 42/Jus t deliberate upon the rros t basic mat -
ters , whe rein your calculations corre spond ccnpletel y
with the rurming past event s , whic h are there
rrainly the usual changes of c l imate, the usual snow-
f a lls and r ains , the oil-catastrophies and oil tanker
c r ashes, and then as ....'ell the events about the newest;
horrible damage weapon of the JI..rrericans and the pre-
dictions about the different volcano eruptions, the
rapid rise of criminality and the fami ly rm.rrders,
l ike many other facts , which partl y you have told in
absolute correctness fran probabi lity calculations
and partly by foreseeing in a f orm of future vision .
M:rl er- In spite of that , gir l , I silrply have hes i -
tations .
Semjase- 43/But if you should go wrong in sore facts ,
thi s i s no r e as on for dfsurust; of you , or even the
charge of charlat an.
~ i e r - You can s peak. easily, f or you don I t have to
live direct ly t ogether wi th the earthhuman beings,
w110 very o f t en f or no r eason want t o wrest; I e a cord
to hang s crrebody, Especially I am s tanding in
this r espect l ike on a t r ay , f or which fact j ust the
contact with you and yours a lone, i s giving Ire very
much s tart. How wi ll i t j ust be then if suddenly I
s ti ll gi ve a year ' s predictions in my name? One w'ill
surel y accuse me o f c lairvoyance , and thi s i s rrean-
ing me sti ll get t ing seen much rmre unwor-thy of be-
lie f , than thi s i s a lready the fact at groups of the
want-to-be-cl ever ones . 'Ihes e want- to-be int e l ligen-
ces will then be the fi rst ones to c ry murder and
yell , but which doing s urely i s not necessari ly de-
nanded, i s i t ?
5emjase-- 44/You are not r i ght , because such a treat-
trent; f ran the hands o f these is on ly serviceable for
the matter for a ll of us, because , the greater and
rrore wi cke d the anti- propaganda against you and your
group appears , and aga inst us , a ll the greater are
the pos.it .Ive s uccesses, as you should know fran your
am experiences. 4S/AnyhON' , you s eem to be depressed
as your thinking was never of s uch f orm. 46/Your
fighting-spir it seems t o be af licted, f or which f act
I can f ind the reason only in, that I have been so
l ong a ti.rre absent .
l-Eier- With this, you are r ight, because this t.irre
did rather much attack Ire . I am sor ry for having cal -
led up by this the impression new, that I would no
rrore want t o f ight in the usual manne r' , So ft; doubts
have ris en inside of Ire about the r i ghtnes s of the
things , i f unde r my name wi l l give predictions . of
course you are r i ght in your explanations , l::ecause i t
does behave as you said. I often enough did exper ience
as we t I with Jacob, Bertoss i and Arends , by whose
help we a t f irst gained our cent er, even though these
knaves wanted to prevent j ust that.
5emjase-- 47/ Alrea dy within earlie r mi. Llendums , you
collected innumerable experiences with such things,
and never hes i tat ed. 48/But this being the fact for
the fi r s t tiirre, will as furthe r reason have t o be as-
cribed to your physical condition, as new I real ize
the r eas on i s not only my absence , but 'too, and that
o f very deci s ive arrount , your present condition of
hea l th. 49/Your f ace has signs of pain and fever
ebu l iti ons; f rom which s uff e ring are you afflicted?
l-Ei er- '!his is not wor-th being rrent ioned.
5emjase- SO/Sit down here.
l-Eier- But what f or?
&3nj ase- 51f1;'lith this apparat us, I wi ll explore f or
which suff e r ings have befallen you.
Meier- But that i s not neces s ary, for I myse l f do
know very what is missing f ran Ire . I just have
pcd.sonned myself a litt le by a snall sausage, as a ll
o f us know, They all the ti.rre a lready have ordered rre
and said that I would have to consult a doctor in
sake of it. But it rea lly is not s o heavy, as I a lways
try a littl e in helping mysel f. 'Ibis wa y i t hal f s uc-
ceeds , and at leas t I can c reep a l ong .
Semjase- 52/Your constant light:1T'aking i s knC1WI1 t o rre
s uf f ici ent ly, and rrorecver the indica t i ons in your
face speak of fully other facts , than your explana-
t i ons can tel l. 53/Si t dcwn here new.
'men necess arily it has to .
senjese- 54/You s hould not contradict, but s it her e
Okay , I a lready do so . - Are you satisfied
senjase- 55/SUrely, so you s i t eh, I thought
i t being s uch . 56/You are carpl etely exhausted, and
apart fran that , for days you s eemingly have eaten
Mei er- It is not so bad, and how should I eat , wh en
a l l the time I f e lt miserabl y bad?
Semj ase- 57/ &:J but . S8/Your p:Jisonning is not of
easy character , but a l ready quite heavy. 59/As the
Inat.rurrent; here i s showing, a l r eady, too, your b tocd
i s poi.scnned, where as v.'E!1l certain cells of tile
br ain have been a f fected, which expl ains your sudden
Meier- Oh, wnat; do you know. But tbat I 5 f ui r y normal.
for pof scrm.inq from rreat .
Semj ase- 60/ 'Ibis i s not so normaf , f or, as I can see
fran here, it does not dea l with a no:rnal pcfscnntnq
by f l e sh, but of a rrore difficul t infection from rreat
parasi tes .
Meier- You think, here exists .. _. _
1 11
senjase- 61/SUrely and becaus e of that, I wi ll start
t he . neces s ary rreans agains t i t . 62/Give rre your ann.
63/Yes , s o i t is, wel l .. .. .
~ i e r - \'J1at thing is this?
semjase- 64/A parasi t e-neutra lize r , as the earthrnan
.....'ou.ld narre such . 65/'Ihis appara t us does autaTatically
neutralize all s i c kness-causing or life-threatening
parasi t es o f the phys i ca l spher e o f a h\.1IT6Il f orm of
life ; as soon as this color l es s are a here makes con-
tact with the skin, l ike j ust nON. 66/ The t ime of
neutralizat i on i s l es s than 6 s econds for the can-
p leat human body, while the neutralize r accarodat es
i t sel f wi.thdn part of a s econd f or the physical be-
havior of the constitut ion of the concerned human
f orm of life. 67/ I n the f inal effect, the apparat us
neut r a lize s a ll the harm caused by the parast .tes , or
yet they ge t neutralized when they are of any materia l
or otherwis e s ubstantial or qa s f orrred nature , which
j us t new has happened wi th you , fran whic h thing you
are released f ran your pcdaonntnq,
~ e r - '!hat ' s mad. I r eally feel best okay again.
But tell lIE once, ....hat you actually unders tand by
parasites in the case o f a sdckness or even a poison-
5emjase-- 68/'1'0 thes e belong a ll s orts o f baczi lli ,
viri , microbes and other dis ease excitants, whose ex-
istance in many cases i s s t i ll unknown t o the earthly
science, but of whi ch in the run of the next years
different ones will get discove r ed.
Mei er- I see. J):) sallrone llas and s imil ar bel ong to
thes e , teo?
5emjase- 69/Sure l y.
Meier- ~ \ e l l , since we are a l r eady tal king about such:
You know, ....'e here on Earth have been f or sane years
per forming t r ansplantations . In every cas e of thes e
transplants does rise the menace for the pat i ent ,
a lways , that he onl y s urvf ves f or a short tdrre , '!his
because the s trange trans p lantati ons get refused by
the body, in sake of which this body i s so heavi 1y
tre a t ed by rredi. cations, e tc. , that a ll i t s rreans of
defense and the defense organs o f the hurran body ge t
11 2
put out of function , whi c h f a ct of course results in
the body becaning extrerrely s usceptible to infections
etc. , l eading rrost of the tiIre s oon a fter transplant -
a tion to death o f the patient . A1:xJut this I now have
a question, whether there i s not the possibili t y , to
perf onn a transplantati on with s uccess , without the
prot ective s t uff s and defense organs of the body of
man being put out o f function? If this i s pcsafb.le ,
can you tell Ire then, and are you a kl owed to t ell ,
what s cience has t o do f or this being successful?
senj ase- 70/ 1f only three rronths ago you would have
asked rre this question, I would not have been a llowed
to answer it. 71/But sinc e a short t .Iroe, nothing any
rrore stands a ga inst the answer t o this quest i on, and
I c an g1ve you an answe r , as f ar as this i s pennit t ed
f or rre : 72/1f a transplantation is to be successful ,
then relative t o this very litt l e i s demanded, and
that is simply a s e rum, a gene-canbination , which I
am not yet a .llcwed to describe in rrore detai l. 73/
Di fferent earthly scient i s ts wc rktnq in this fiel d ,
have a l ready f ound this serum, and exercised t ests
with aniIral s . 74/'Ihey call this produced by 'them
serum an "antigen-se rum" , which is produced f rem very
s pecial s ubstances of animal s , which eventually will
f acilitate the transp l ants. 75/nris serum has been
attributed to the f etus wi thin a rrother' s body, which
then does irmnmize itself by deve loping an according
s erum-subatence in ccoperat dcn with the s ubs tances of
the fet us , by which, then in ccrmmt.ty the substances
are then constructed to ecccrrcdat e tile trans p lanta-
tion. 76/'!he strange s e l f -constructing substances
program certain control center s o f quite special
cells , by which the s e becane aware o f tile earlie r
introduced ant igen- serum, by which they acc ept trans -
p lantations l ike our CMIl parts , of which the s ubstance
was contained in the serum. 77 / And just the s erre
process take s p lace, when the s e rum is produced fran
the def ined s ubstances of anothe r human f onn o f lif e .
~ i e r - '!his s ounds quite e a sy, but nevertheless is
s t i 11 contained r ather a l ot of i gnor anc e and missed
knowl edge of our s c ient i sts behind this to achieve
success .
senjase- 78/The t irre is mature, and they s hould stop
their testing and put the matter t o use, as they al-
ready knew enough to preserve wor-thfu.l hurran lif e
from an early death this way . 79/Your science shou l d
now take thi s step, as this is evo l ut ion-conditioned,
even though you wi ll turn a\"ay from s uch again, be-
caus e other and better ways will be opened, and be-
cause the r ecognition will rise, that the fluidal
f orces existing within the t r ans p l ants are ha rmfu l
in the l ong run, and influence the carriers of trans-
p lant s according to thei r powe r- and strength [X)si-
tively or negative ly. 80/ 'Ihe human form of life, a ll
the serre, r egardl es s of which race they be long t o ,
rreantnq here on l y the human being species , i s the
highest deve l oped physical c reature, of very de f ined
c haracteristics, whi.ch can not be f ound in animal or
plant lif e . 81/As an aut onarous lit t l e wor' Jd, wf.th
the human form of lif e everything i s possible when
s trange transplants etc, , are introduced into i t .
82/'Ihus , what a l one and onl y is r i ght f or this f orm,
are organ and protoplasmic f orms , which are c r eated
or bred f or individual tuning to each single c r eature
her e , by the existing (sphere) of the form of life
l-Eier- 1 can scarcel y f o .lI ow this explanat i on , but
f or much rmr e , I am not able.
8emj ase- 83/'Ihis is not s o Irrpor-tant ., teo, f or the
earthhuman being will walk h is own \'lay in any case,
because he has pr ede t e nnined this a l r e ady by the
gr ea t mass of himself.
~ e r - '!his do I knew; as about this we are a ll c on-
scious , f or which reason any further discussi on will
be unnecessary.
Semjase- 84/SUrel y, and I have t o t e ll you rrore im--
por-tent; rnatters, whi ch are conce rning the l abor of
you a ll and the ac tual rreentnq of the whole.
8S/But fi r st, 1 want t o express my pr ais e f or the
efforts and a ll the wor k of the group rrembers with
my deep thanks, who in this way have enabled the c on-
struction o f your cent e r . 86/1n the beginning, for
a ll of them the work was very hard and unacquadnted,
t o stand by those cont inuing f OTITlS, f or the financial
as we ll as f or the manual part. 87/ Yet in the run of
11 4
time, as the records of our rroni t or ing rreans s how,
everything has very much t urned for the better , thus
today, apart f ran a few excepti ons , everything is
pr oceeding extr eme ly wel l. B8/SUrely, for fie as "-'e ll
as f or the othercnes , at first it wa s a very diffi-
cul t thing, t o understand the treating of a ll your
thoughts, and a ll the apparent f e elings as \\Bll , but
we r ecogni zed, that the beginning of a ll this cou l d
not have been othe rwis e , and that this accorded to
the earthly standards of conduct . 89/'Ib r ecogni ze
this was dif f i cul t f or a ll of us , because as these
kinds of thinking and conduct are s trange t o us in
every r e s pect, and been thus inc onceivable, we a ll
had at f irst t o wor k ourselves int o these concerns ,
t o be abl e to unde r s tand you in this . 90/As now we
under s tand these parts of your earthl y conduc t in
life, we hol d the posLtdon of acknowledging them and
regarding them a ccordingl y , for which to a ll of you
I show myself thankful by the expression o f my delight.
91/'Ihis f or the concerns of a ll thos e things which
f a ll within the financial and manual reach of your
perfonred work. 92/otherwise are certain things ,
which t o go around or l e ave undiscl osed , I unfortun-
atel y can not do, as now I want t o talk about; them
her e : 9 3 / ~ " i t h respect t o the essential c ent e r , un-
f ortunately s crre of the group members have not done
according t o this, t o maintain silence s o far, as no
de tail s ought t o ge t published. 94/Scrne few of them
have talked about; this t o outstanding people and told
un for-tunate.Iy certain detai ls . 95/In this respect,
rrore care s hould be used in the future, because it is
Irroortant. that no further infonnation gets spread .
96/As our apparat us revealed, the diffusion of cer-
tain characteristics a l r ea dy have given occa s i on f or
ce rtain groups t o speculate wildly , fran whdc h f act
r esut t e d, that a l rea dy a I oos e group has f ormed, with
the intenti on of r obbery. 97/Prorn that , caution is
advised for the f uture, that you secure everything
with a guard. 98/'Ihis c ould have been pr evented by
your keeping si lence, but now this is no rrore
the situation as a resu lt of the carelessness , and as
we Ll. by the s t ill prevailing doubts about; the pur-
pose of the center arrong indivi dual rrembers . 99/Un-
1 1 5
fortunately only some few ones are really conscious
of the purpose and its value, thus according thoughts
work in them, though they work diligently for it and
trouble for finishing all within the prescribed time.
100/Especially those ones should care for restraining
their negative thoughts concerning this, and get them
under control, who already dispose of relatively
great knOWledge of the lesson of spirit, but who for
reason of very threadbare matters and from misunder-
standing of certain situations, of actions, etc., and
by reason of wrong judgement about other members of
the group, become by thoughts and even by great in-
considerateness expressively inSUlting, evoke dis-
tempers and generate doubts about the truth.
Meier- I know this is really as you say, girl, but I
think one can not make rebukes from that for the con-
cerned ones, because all, whoever it is, have first
to learn certain things. What way should-they own the
knowings, if they don I t make mistakes at first, for
being able therefore to recognize from their own ex-
pirience the damage of just the incorrectness, from
which fact first they can become knowing?
semjase- 101/SUrely, this is correct, so my words
are not said in rebuke, but in explaining and advis-
ing, wherefrom the failing ones can recognize within
themselves their faul tful doings and develop them-
selves up by self-education.
Meier- I know it is really as you say, girl, but I
think one can not make rebukes from that for the con-
cerned ones, because all, whoever it is, have first
to learn certain things, by which they should own the
knowings, so as not to conmit mistakes at first, in
becoming able therefrom to recognize from their own
experience the damage or just the incorrectness, from
which fact they can become knowledgeable.
semjase- 101/Surely, this is correct, so my words
are not said in rebuke, but in explaining and
advising, wherefrom the failing ones can recognize
themselves within their faults and develop themselves
up by self-education.
Meier- '!hen I am calmed. I already thought, because
it sounded like it, that it would deal with a rebuke
Semjase- 102/This is not to so behave, as I just now
Meier- Of course, of course.
Semjase- 103/You are joking again, but listen now to
what else I have to explain to you: 104/The charac-
ter of humanity of different members of the group
sometimes could be better in some concerns, because
often partials get taken, which leads to dissension
and untruth in discussion with the otherones. 105/
Advisingly I want to say that, these rather low forms
of desire to dominate, egoism and want.-co-be-rrore
ought to be destroyed in a controlled way, or else
very soon quarrels and envy will rage again, which
fact would disable a final life together as a larger
group. 106/According regulations of order, the ob-
servance of which will be demanded, I must transmit
to you at a certain time, which will be when the ad-
visories of the High Council have been elaborated and
settled, the making of which takes much ITOre of time
than was provided by my father . 107/This was caused,
because the things and matters about the psyches, the
sensations and the reactions of thoughts as well as
the actions of the individual persons are so much
confused, that in consequence all has to be newly
registered and analyzed, which once ITOre will
take three rrorrths , 108/'Ihis has to happen, because
many changed situations have resulted in completely
new perspectives of judgement, which to analyze can
only be done by new ITOnitoring for a longer time.
Meier- My dear child, but then we can wait for still
a long time.
Semjase- 109/Surely, but unfortunately this can
not be changed.
Meier- What do you think, what time will this be
Semjase- 110/Earliest in the rrorrth of November.
Meier- Oh dear, earlier than this is not possible?
Semjase- 111/RegretabLy no, the more it still may
need some time longer.
Meier '!hen only remains, to wait.
semjase- 112/certainly, but listen on, what I have
to say: 113/In respect to your person, several ones
of your group are not conscious of certain things,
and they should trouble themselves to become conscious
in this respect. 114/'!his is necessary, because cer-
tain future labors and events demand therefore, that
into you and your activities is laid more trust. 115/
But this can only happen then, when they. are troubled
for seeing you in the light of your mission, and to
know you herein. 116/You all right live in the earth-
world at present, but which does not also mean that
you are at home in this world, too, which fact many-
ones have not hitherto recognized, and which fact on
the other hand is often heavily burdening you. 117/
I know quite well, how strange you are feeling in
yourself in the Earth, although a very great connect-
edness to your family and your group often effects
your forgetting this, as you refuse this burden away
from you, for you can not use it. 118/But in spite
of that, you can not delude yourself, thus the lone-
liness always and constantly remains within your con-
sciousness, and burdens you. 115/You have chosen this
situation, like in earlier epochs, too, which is evi-
dent to me, but all the people surrounding you should
be conscious, too, that you bear this heavy burden
for them and for all the other human beings of Earth,
for which reason they should be more open and trust-
ful of you, which means they should trouble themselves
more for seeing you as you really are, and which is,
being deeply engrossed in your task without taking
consideration for yourself. 120/And as you do not
take considerations about yourself, so the necessary
love of all of them should be offered you, which then
releases you from the burden of loneliness. 121/And
when I speak here of carelessness of you against
yourself, then is meant by this the matter of lone-
liness, which surrounds you for that reason, as you
can be active only teaching among the earthhuman be-
ings, but not learning yourself, because your know-
ledge and ability in the concerns of spirit are too
highly developed for you to find a teaching partner
of discussion. 122/At present, no Earthhuman being
exists who could deeply understand your forms of
thinking, and it is exactly this reason, which truely
forces you into your loneliness, which so often is
burdening you, that inside you, everything weeps and
opposes. 123/Better off are all those who can weep
outside, to give expression to their feelings, and to
release them that way. 124/But for you this is re-
fused, because only then are you able to fulfill your
mission, when you are master of your feelings and
sensations, for which you had to learn to control
them and to be lonely this way, and to overcome all
your problems by yourself inside of you, deep inside
of your innerrrost insides, which effected that you
loosed the weeping to the outside, about your miser-
ies, which again caused the pressure to discharge
itself inside, by the weeping deeply inside of you,
when the burden of loneliness becomes too great for
you. 125/In this respect, very much help should
be given you, if trust and feelable love would be
given you by all ones.
~ i e r - You talk about things, about which you real 1y
should not speak, girl, as I myself likely have to
overcome these facts alone in my life. Why then should
the otherones be troubled with that? '!his really is
not demanded. Already for fourty years I carry this
burden, so I can still carry it for a short further
part of my life.
semjase- 126/You should be rrore careful within the
telling of your span of life. 127/In this regard, I
can not share your opinion, because you are as well
arranged in order of the creational laws, in which
consequence as well you do have rights, like all
other creatures, too. 128/rrhis means, that you also
should receive love, and have to be no more lonely,
than necessary. 129/Certainly, your mission demands
very much from you, but certain matters do not have
to be, and also are changeable, if fran all sides the
necessary reasonability and the necessary understand-
ing and fee1ing walks its way. 130/1 do know, you
never liked to talk about these things that you con-
ceal from your environs, but which doing is not cor-
rect, as there is constantly the danger that you may
break from this and can not finish your labors, for
which reason now 1 one time have to speak officially
about this, for once your environs more clearly un-
derstand these matters and facts, they contribute to
you the necessary help.
Meier- You treat me like a baby, confound it.
semjase- 131/Now you are excited about my explan-
ations, yet when you reflect once thoroughly about
them, then you will recognize their correctness ..
Meier- Damn it, this 1 myself do know well enough,
but hitherto 1 could overcerne all this, and so 1 would
have been able to do further on as well, without that
you pillory my feelings, and myself.
semjase- 132/1 do not understand your excitement, as
1 am only helpful for you and consider the mission of
all of us.
Meier- Oh what, stop this now. 1 do know you being
in the right as always. But nevertheless 1 will re-
flect upon it, and perhaps take some dreams once more
about myself recovering my feelings, so that they
move on lighter trails again.
semjase- 133/SUrely, this you should do, and by rea-
son of the dreams, even more often, because they do
bring release to you and a certain poise.
Meier- Until now, 1 simply have not remembered this.
Sometimes one is j ust so burdened by quite other
things of other human beings, that one does not have
the time any more for considering much about one's
own problems.
semjase- 134/'Ihat is true, at least on the Earth at
present, and which fact will still behave for a very
long time. 135/But just you should always remember,
that just you should not do this in your time epoch,
as don't the human beings of Earth themselves only
burden themselves with their own matters and do not
think of the otherones? 136/When now 1 before ex-
plained, this burdening being presently at least the
fact on Earth, then this does only refer to those few
human beings who have already reached a height within
their level of evolution, which reaches above the
normal present standards . 137/If then you want to
live as a creature with your, ahead of the earthhurnan
beings knowledge and abilities, arrong them and live
with them, then in view of problems you are not al-
lowed to burden yourself so much with your environs ,
that you fall to absolute unselfishness , but you
should match with the earthhurnan beings and t r eat
according to their standards, even though this will
be hard for you. 138/So this means, that you should
think more for yourself, in each relation, than You
hitherto have done. 139/If you do not regard thi s
advice, then you give to question your whole mission,
which fact you are conscious of.
Meier- I know.
SEmjase- 140/'Ihen you ahould act according to my
Meier- Okay, I will do this. My pranise for that.
SEmjase- 141/1 thank you.
Meier- But why? You do know that this is not you,
but I, who treats wrong, and was in mistake.
SEmjase- 142/1 am thankful to you, because you know
this, and that you forget this mistake by your recog-
nition, which spares me from many sorrows.
Meier- Okay, things can be changed. On the other
hand, already at very early times things behaved ex-
actly as they now behave within my life. If one then
desires to fulfill certain missions and to reach cer-
tain goals, . then one has to take quite many things
upon oneself.
SEmjase- 143/Surely, this is true, but nevertheless
it does not mean, one should destroy oneself for that .
Meier- Certainly not, but don I t you think, we should
finally finish with this unwanted theme?
SEmjase- 144/Yes, but I had to once speak about that.
Meier- Well, then now we can talk about other con-
SEmjase- 145/Surely, and of those there are enough,
Meier- Then go on.
s e m j ~ 146/Still a very important matter has to be
cleared up. 147/Have you produced the demanded thing
and i.rrproved?
Meier- Of coursei already since IIDnths, it is laying
well preserved in the boy.
s e m j ~ 148/1 will have to take it with me in the
end of the month of september.
Mei er- You once told me that you would have to take
it to ERRAi is that right?
s e m j ~ 149/SUrely, for they have to undergo a pur-
ification, to be released from all negative radia-
tions and oscillations.
Meier- And wi 11 you bring them back at the right
s e m j ~ 150/Surely, you will get them back soon
Meier- Then I am calmed. Yet tell me once, can't you
tell me at least some decisive peculiarities in re-
spect to the individual members of the basic group,
and in respect here to the dwelling here, and their
distribution in field of obligations?
s e m j ~ 151/Tb talk about this is still too early,
because we first have to await the results of the
High Council. 152/But in any case different changes
will be made, as already could be clearly found, at
individual ones certain factors not appearing as they
should for the defined task. 152/50 for example also
the fact resulted, that two or three members have r e ~
vealed themselves as unsuited to live at direct dwel-
ling in the conmunity, and it would be well advised,
that the concerned ones should further on stay at
separate places and at some distance from the center.
154/More details I still can not explain about that,
because for this still are missing to me the results
from the High Council, and furthermore at first, too,
the new registrations (monitoring) have to come in.
Meier- I understand, but why should these two or
three persons not arrange themselves into the cern-
8emjase- iSS/In the one case exists an extremely
strong expressed form of domination, paired with
wrong opinions, which unavoidably would lead to dis-
sension within the living corrnrunity in a short time,
to lead a short time later to aggressive expressions
and actions arrong one another. 156/In the second
case, the conditions are similar, while yet still is
added, that a very strong peculiarity in revolutionary
meaning is expressed. 157/Yet this rises from an in-
feriority canplex, but is extremely dangerous and
destructive to a conmunity, as such is provided. 158/
In the third case the matters are, that from the con-
cerned member ambitions corne to appear, which
like in earlier times could elevate you to glorifi-
cation, which necessarily has to be prevented. 159/
Especially in .fihi.s case, I want to advise you extreme
caution, because the behavior around you from this
direction is much expressed. 160/'Ihe listening and
realizing of non-existing things, by this member of
the group, refers to this wrong glorification of your
person, while the clear and reasonable thinking has
become extinguished and vanished for an illusion,
like this was unfortunately the fact already in ear-
lier time, when this one's mind was confused by the
demonstration of your fireworks at the time of your
foEier- . You speak of ?
8emjase- 161/Surely, you know it very well.
foEier- I wasn I t so sure, girl. But a hearty thanks
for your indication. On the other hand, you don't
nee d to worry so much, as there should be known to
you , that I conduct against such accordingly. For
the further, from this side surely can not happen so
much in the said by you way, because the time is
a llr e ady too limited for the concerned person to
still reach her confused aim.
Semjase- 162/Have you done researches in this respect?
foEier- Of course, as I had to know how I should con-
duct and what was the reason for all these talkings.
semjase- 163/Surely, and by this you have done well,
and because of that I can lay aside my worries as
unnecessary, too.
Meier- You really were not in need of having sorrows
semjase- 164/This do I now first know.
Meier- NCJ'vV yet something else interests me, girl.
What about all these negative influences, which have
been so strong onto all of us? One did tell me; I
believe your father did, I simply can not remember
who said this, that, if everything takes its provided
course, this will change for a little better by the
month of July. Anyhow, for days already I have been
feeling that indeed a bettering is active and that
the hitherto negative influence decreases a little?
semjase- 165/Father and Quetzal informed me about
the events. 166/SUrely, the situation begins to
balance itself and to normalize itself, but which in
the main is ascribed to the merit of Quetzal, as for
months he troubles for analyzing the concerns and to
rearrange them. 167/In the main, the Gizeh-Intel-
ligences are guilty of the negative events. 168/By
the knowledge, their center lying very exactly on a
center of the magnetic radiation, they used this for
their purpose and for launching forces which you can
not match. 165/As you yourself know very well, you
had a lot of trouble, and need to overcome the enmit-
ies of all kind or at least refuse these. 170/But if
it i s a riddle for us, how could you manage this, so
this fact nevertheless exists.
Meier- Some things really went crazy with us. Many
simply became mad, rotated and became the fool. This
was why the work was injured, and many other things
as well. What was left for me to do? Only crying ar-
ound like a crazy one was of use. In spite of that, I
don't want to ascribe all occurences to the fools of
Gizeh and the oscillations of the stars, because often
the rotating of the individual person was in conse-
quence of the much inherent work, and they no more
knew what to do, to which was still added the
factor of being unacquainted to this kind of work,
which contributed to all.
S e m j ~ 171/Surely, this is correct, the rreantime
settled analyses have resulted yet, that these mat-
ters have become rnore balanced, these difficulties
having rnost.Iy reached their end. 172/All ones have
troubled themselves very much for this, for which I
want to express my thanks. 173 /But in spite of this,
I don't want to miss, to suggest to all ones, that
the last time-conditioned object of building still
needs much time, and a corrmon hard effort is demanded
of all. 174/As I have seen from our instrurrents for
recording, different ones occupy themselves by the
thought of vacations, and this time is at present
decisive for you. 175/But if it indeed occurs, that
all desert the whole vacation time, then the object
suffers from the pressure of time, and does not get
finished when necessary, which fact must be known as
well to you. 176/For this reason, I one time want to
a llow myself to interfere advice in your concerns and
to urge upon you, that all ones give the Part of one
week of their holidays for the necessary labor and
wor k daily during this time (for the center). 177/
You know: If the project is not ccrrpIebed in the
right time, then not-to-correct alternations rise,
whi ch cause a staggering of all plans and a great
dis advant age for all the individual members of the
bas i c group.
~ i e r - So I know. But the people do need their va-
cat i ons as well.
S e m j ~ 176/Surely, but the rmre inportant things
ce rta inl y do need preference in any case.
~ i e r - 'Ihis they themselves will have to decide then.
S e m j ~ 179/But they should know, the time being
scar ce l y rreasured for some of them, in consequence of
which the time would no more be sufficient for the
neces ary doings then, thus the project has to be fin-
i shed very exactly at the f ixed point of time.
~ i e r - Of course, this is all very evident to rre,
but the decision really is not with rre.
Semjase- 180/As well in this respect, one should of-
fer rrore trust to you and regard rrore your words.
Meier- Okay, girl, but please be no rrore sorrowed
now. Please tell me once what the following could be,
or is: When Menara and Alena Ylere here on the 6th of
July. I shot quite a number of pictures of the beam-
pistol and the shot-through tree. later, that is in
the diapositives, we realized sane very peculiar
things. For the first, in sane pictures was exposed
the tractor of Jacobus, although at the time it no
rrore stood in this place, but was at Wila. As a sec-
ond and third fact, the lean-to and the dwel l.Lnq-house
respecting the barn part, and the beside this wooden
door, the passage and the trees, etc., were so very
much distorted in the pictures, like the film would
have been damaged by wannth and evoked distortions.
But this did not happen, because the films are corn-
pletely okay. can it thus be possible, that the pro-
tecting shield, which Menara had lain over the whole
environs, have caused this?
semjase- 181/'Ihis not only could be, but really was
what happened. 182/Without infonning you about it,
Menara constructed this way the protective shield,
that the things you said happened, in purpose
of showing you, and of course all the otherones of
the group, too, what all we can do with the protect-
ing umbrellas. 183/'Ihe explanation for these events
is very easy: 184/At the appearance of the tractor
in the film, it dealt of a still unknown to you form
of making visible such matter by infrared radiation.
185/'Ihe earthly science has all right cane so
far, as to know the infrared light and many of its
possibilities for use, so for example as well the
making visible of matter, which already was rerroved
hours or even days before frcm the exposure position.
186/But the hitherto earthly techniques referring to
this, can normally only reveal shadowy outlines,
while our techniques are developed so far, that an
object is reproduced in all its peculiarities and
according nature. 187/'Ihe distortion, as you call
this, of the buildings simply rises from, that every-
thing which does not lie within the imnediate reach
of the radiation appears blurred or distorted, while
at the event with the tractor, the earlier position
was within the irrmediate field of radiation.
Meier- Yes, this again I understand. 'Ihat is evident.
'Ihen now another question, which is referring to the
promised by you demonstration. (Aflight demonstration
of another new beamship.) What about that? can it be
expected within the next time?
Ssmjase- 188/'Ihat is fully in the field of Quetzal's
decisions. 189/For now, I ought to initiate nothing
for that, but use an awaiting position.
Meier- But why this?
Ssmjase- 190/For this question, I was afraid of this,
and if it would be possible, I don't want to talk
about it now.
Meier- But why that?
Semjase- 191/Because for some of your members, this
woul d be undelightful inforrration.
Meier- Should we playa cat-and-rrouse scene? I think
that these things should be discussed as well, be-
caus e they could be quite useful.
8emjase- 192/Perhaps that is right. 193/Well, then I
wi ll explain: 194/About some members of the group,
the monitoring means have shown, that the appearing
of our ships, or the performed by us or to perform by
us demonstrations are being regarded as serving for
ent e rta inrrent and relaxation, and on the other hand
a l s o finding value as a privilege and sensation. 195/
'Ihe essential spiritual concerns get pressed to the
backgr ound, which fact as well has been active during
the last months partly for dishanmny. 196/By these
appear ed perspectives, for the next time no demon-
stration can take place, for which Quetzal the de-
c i s i on . 197/ In consequence, such gets shifted to a
lat er time, when then the demonstration should also
be split into different phases with only small groups
of observers. 198/'Ihis is partly because from dif-
fer ent sides of your Army rrore steps have been taken ,
espec i a lly for watching you, and to take if pos sibl e ,
as they assume in error, posession of us. 199/'Ihis
spec i a l part as well is the reason, that lately we
did no longer order you to outsides for our contacts,
1 27
but that we tCXJk you directly by transmitter into our
ships. 200/1n the future, the conditions about our
contacts will change fran time to time, and as well
the kind of having contact, and the place for it.
201/This we have to do, as the nearer and farther
surroundings of the center become tCXJ much watched by
special naninees of the Army. 202/Referring to the
group members now, who think our appearing to be
visible privileges, be explained here, that by no
reason do we refuse releasing our ships at demon-
strations to their sight, but not because of privil-
eges, sensations, etc., but just because we feel our-
selves in delight because of their own delight, and
because we want to develop by dear connections the
delight inside of them all, when they can observe us
at demonstrations, or otherwise as well. 203/But
this fact does not grant the right to anyone to de-
mand this as a right in itself. 204/How these rrat-
ters develop within the next time, will show in the
resul ts of the registration apparatus, according to
which Quetzal will then settle his decision.
20S/But at least until then will still pass over three
months, if he does not admit an exception.
A pity, but anyhow 1 already expect.ed such,
because some certain notes of sane group members have
pointed at this. But unfortunately 1 think the de-
cision of Quetzal to be right.
206/1 regret this very much as well, but 1
don't want to withdraw myself from the decisions of
Quetzal, or act opposing.
This as we11 is not demanded of you , and 1 am
admitted, 1 assume, to speak in the name of all of
207/1 thank you.
You and your always thanking f or s omething
self-evident. . .
208/This 1 readily will do, as your idea
about and for such a talk is ful Iy corresponding to
my mind.
Besides, 1 now know why Pt.aah has told me a
a quite special reason for the meditation center.
SEmjase- 209/This couldn't remain concealed from you.
Meier- 1 only have met with this when 1 wanted to
define by compass the exact di r ec t i on towards the
SEmjase- 210/1 already said, this could not remain
hidden from you. 211/Only for this reason did we not
want to tell you something about it, because by your
own initiative you once more could collect sane wor-
thy recognitions.
Meier- Here indeed 1 found out some facts, as for
exarrple, too, why down here in the center all is much
stronger expressed, and is expressed, than usually
behaves. But anyhow manyones do not understand why
the pointer of the compass shows two different north
directions within one meter of horizontal shifting.
SEmjase- 212/You should not spread these matters of-
ficially, as so-called experts would once more accuse
you of fraud and cheating, although indeed does exist
a very strong deviation from the north, and the com-
pass pointer in truth shows the old and the new pos-
ition of the magnetic plus-pole of the Earth. 213/
The pole of the meditation center is pointing at the
old, and as well valid at the present time, pole then
of the galaxy, while the pointer of the compass shows
at the house the new earthly plus-pole, which is in
the direction of Greenland, where now exists this
magnetic pole.
Meier- You have explored these things very thoroughly.
senjase- 214/This has been our obligation, too, be-
caus e for the whole center the value of these con-
cerns is of importnat meaning, as you know.
Meier- But the actual worth 1 also recognized at
first then while measuring the different poles, then
ins i de my brain something switched, from which 1 be-
carne able to recognize the real, and far-reaching
connect i ons , too.
SEmjase- 215/This was expected of you, too.
Meier- You honor me too much, but yet the relations
are interesting to see. Besides that, 1 suddenly saw
not much will be able to occur, if I
these little things above in the sky,
Or will the apparati suddenly fall
the light within the reason, why so very many tele-
meter discs fly directly above the center, and that
for the reason of the position of the facet courses
of the magnetic streams.
semjase- 216/This as well is inportant, and is as
you are just now thinking about. 217/In the future,
you really should omit your jokes and should not
cause at every chance the discs running off their
course. 218/Our technicians have meanwhile equipped
her with special course-stabilizers, which automatic-
ally come into operation if the lights for course-
correction get switched off by thought influence, but
still these stabilizers are not so much irrproved as
to be fully functional.
Meier- And so with your technologies?
semjase- 219/The constructed course-stabilizers, of
this sort, were first developed, since you constantly
caused by your strange jokes, the discs to go out of
course. 220/Never before did we know such problems,
and so a new invention had to be made, which at the
present time still is not mature enough, but will be
in a short time.
Meier- But then
let dance a bit,
isn't that so?
semjase- 221/It is inpossible for them to crash down,
or so at least ours, but there exists the danger that
they crash together with one another when suddenly
they run astray of their prescribed course, and cross
into the flight course of another one.
Meier- So bad as well this will not be, as then they
will sirrply dissolve themselves, as you earlier once
semjase- 222/Surely, but this concerns only our own
registration discs. 223/The discs of otherones could
fall down.
Meier- But nevertheless, it is anyhow fun to sanehow
disorder the little things.
semjase- 224/1 know; like every human form of life,
you need the steady new testing of your spiritual
forces, but please test them elsewhere, and not just
at our telemeter discs.
Meier- I will 't r oubl e myself for that, but I can not
promise anything.
SEmjase- 225/At certain concerns, you simply are un-
Meier- Eh, so I also think, and I even am glad about
that. Know, . sanetimes I really am forced to perfonn
sane jokes and to grin about it secretly, while there
still is quite a special fun to see otherones in lack
of recognition of the connections, not understanding
this trick for being one.
SEmjase- 226/That' s typical for you. 227/But now
away with jokes: 228/Already for some rronths, all
rrernbers of the group are waiting for sane worthwhile
words by me, which now is the time I want to give
them, when they have overcane the rrost troublesane
efforts and have become a little rrore free again,
from which they may truly understand my words, too:
229/Inside of every single one of you, unextinguish-
ably burning, is the desire for sureness, ' especially
for the sureness of your existence and stay until far
longer than the earthly existence, which you call
death. 230/These even .
Meier- Excuse me, when I interrupt you; it seems to
me, like you are speaking quite inconsiderately, be-
cause I am absolutely conscious about, and treat in
all sureness, that my existence and remaining, is in
truth to be far above this existence now, reality far
ove r to my perishing. Why then do you think .
SEmjase- 231/You have misunderstood me; I do not
speak to you, but to your group rrernbers.
Meier- Oh, then please excuse me. Just continue your
wor ds , please.
SEmjase- 232/ - - - - - 233/Yes. - 'Ihis sureness can
become true to every single one, if every single one
wi ll overcane his own I, because in truth, it is only
the fog of the ego and the I, which prevents the out-
l ook towards the kingdom or sphere of the true living,
the spiritual sphere, being away fran the change of
rising or dieing. 234/fuis, because the ego,
the I, lays too much stress and worth on its own wel-
fare, till with most ones, this fact develops itself
into egoism. 235/In result them are hanging above
the individual person as above the whole of mankind,
the doubts and insecurities like heavy thunderstorm
clouds, fran out of which incalculably for earthhuman
beings break out thunder and lightning, called alive
by egotism and materialism and all other unworthy of
the human being concerns, to which he became subject
and by which he is imprisoned. 236/To fight this
ought to be one of your first obligations, as at first,
if recognition of the truth the sun of love, which
embodies a revelation of the spirit of life, rises on
the horizon of your psyche and this way pushes away
the thunderstorm clouds, then you will be able to see
what you really are in certainty, and how unreason-
able indeed has been your fear and worry. 237/Un-
fortunately still in the present ti.rre, for many human
beings at first the death of their physical life does
mean the beginning of their essential life, and by
that the gradual re-lighting of the inner sohar.
238/When now the next incarnation comes along, then
by the ignorance within the life before, again the
sarre situation may occur, if not fought against and
troublesome worked for a bettering during the life
before. 239/Only by true inner rebirth, can the
darkness or dim light of one earthly life be finished,
that is, when the light of the inner sphere becomes
conscious to you, and when the working of the spirit
of life no longer appears a hollow fate to you, which
in truth you yourselves generate and create by wrong
education. 240/If then finally the sohar is shining
inside of you, then you see the invisible, the power
of the spirit and its unlimited force for being the
true working fact, while the caused visible things
already disappear again as shadows, but remain as a
constant and vivifying rernemberance, for working fur-
ther on and for being serviceable in evo.lut.Lon, 241/
It still behaves with many of you, that behind the
all love and all loving want-to-be-together lurks a
naked fright - fear especially of the end of love,
fright fran the dieing of a beloved human being,
fea r of being s epa r at ed and of being united again,
and above all - f ear of the change from this world to
the Other World. 242/To those fears is linked this
of the pain, originated by the false recognition and
he r e s y , that every l ife would constantly fall to the
death and would always live fran other life, which it
would destroy and have to destroy for the purpos e of
existing itself. 243/A horrible thought , i ndeed, but
he is only of earthhurnan nature, risen from the mi s -
understanding of the real truth. 244/Because each
life is living from other life; that is correct so
far, but one life does not murder another life to be
able to exist and to live itself. 245/One life is
arranged in order into the next one, and the one as -
sists the other for living, for being arranged at a
cer t a in tine again into the perishing, when it has
compl et ed its tine and task. 246/'Ihe life is no con-
stant sacrifice and being sacrificed, as the earth-
human being assumes in error and gets confinnation of
this by concerning heresies. 247/'Ihe rrore, in truth
then is only the rising and dieing of meaning in the
cons t ant l y progressing evolution, and merely in ac-
cor dance with the creational regulations and laws ,
then into which by each direction the Creation is ar-
ranged in order itself. 248/So it only deals with a
rrany-great-ternporal r ebirth and renewal inside of the
whee l or perishing and r ising. 249/So the perishing,
the death, all right is reaching into the heart of
life, but likewise the rising, the life, reaches far
i nt o the heart of death, by which the two spheres
compl ement each other, which at the same tine conquer
each other and gradually bring the other to recog-
ni t i on . 250/'Ihe life does not strive for the over-
coming of the single case of death, but towards the
ove r coming by evolution of the death and rising in
i t s e l f . 251/It is working towards the up-development
of each have-become thing t owards that, which is liv-
ing of unperishabls things in the innerrrost of un-
count abl e myriads of creatures, and working there:
252/ Towards the final goal of all creations, towards
the Creation, towards the Uni versal Consciousness .. . .
253/ 'Ihe actual sense of life within the material
realm is just the following: 254/Self-conquest
13 3
of the steadily wanting to dominat e I, and following
evolution in the whole of spirit. 255!'Ib conquer
yourselves then, is meaning that you should help your
higher self towards the victory, to recognize in this
was a still higher self, namely the creational I,
into which you will awake by still higher evolutions.
256!certainly, this is one of the rrost difficult la-
bors of your life, but rroreover as well the very rrost
beautiful, rrost worthy and richest one. 257!Because
beyond this task is awaiting you the rrost nigh sure-
ness of your all-great-ternporal existence opposite to
every outer and physical form of existence. 258!Be-
cause your spirit life inside of you is a piece of
the spiritual energy of tdhe Creation, it takes, to
remember back to that creational root of your being,
for to unite yourselves in true profundity to the
all-great-ternporal inside of yourselves, because, to
be at one with the spirit of life inside of your-
selves, with the part-piece of Creation inside of
you, means, to be absolutely free, and as well free
from the fear of death, and death itself. 259!'Ib be
at one with the partpiece of creational energy inside
of yourselves, also means to recognize behind the
outer ego your other ego, which namely is the crea-
tional 1. 260!'Ihis for sure is the greatest thing
for the still unprepared inside human being, but tru-
ly the rrost frightful that can happen to a human be-
ing. 261!To see himself truely and to recognize one-
delf - one's rrost original I, which reaches above all
spheres and limitations and beyond is floating in all
senses towards the all-great-ternporal and humanly in-
conceivable regions of the Creation. 262!But who
unites oneself to the partpiece of Creation, inside
of himself, to the spirit, does at the same time
solve the fearcausing for man, but in truth so harm-
less riddle of the perishing, the death, by shich he
recognizes the death for only the other side of life,
which, like in the physical sphere is sleep, which
detaches from the wakefulness of day. 263!Only the
human in his ignorance and blindness fancies himself,
that sleep would be the darker side of life, fran
which view he holds the same opinion in respect to
death. 264!Surely many other factors affect the fear
of death, but to mention them all would be senseless.
265/Still i t should be explained to you: 266/'Ihat
the life in the human body can only unirrprovedly un-
riddle, while this the partpiece of creat i on insi de
of you can r eveal by all distinction and t ruth. 267/
And that is the surenes s of your absolut e dur ation
for all-great-temporality. 268/Unhesitatingly
you should turn your eyes towards the tasks of your
earthly life, with the recognition, to govern the
kingdon of rough matter, and on the other hand t o
here govern the kingdom of the finematerial stuff,
but that the separate kingdoms of this world and the
Other World are one single kingdom and s phe r e, co-
existing in the same place, but just otherwise di-
mentioned, but within the same time- spher e . 269/80
surely, the total sum of the need and pains on this
planet Earth is very much larger than the s um of de-
light and fortune. 270/But t.hi.s is only a wrong con-
clusion by you, who are bound in tradi tional to you
and irrplanted heresies, inspiring the confused and
dangerous opinion, that this would be as is said, in-
deed. 271/But this is so by no means , as need and
pains, like joy and delight, do always keep the s cale
in balance. 272/But by your wrong thinking alone ,
you over-value your need and pain, register these and
keep them in constant memory, while far too soon you
forget the events of delight and luck and let them go.
273/You still have not learned to rrove with poise in
these matters and remember the positive like the neg-
ative to preserve that in memory. 274/In spite of
that you are able to see and to recogni ze the des tiny
of man, in consequence of which you can change the
circumstances and can elaborate from the regions of
darkness an isle of sohar and safetiness. 275/fue
time for that should not trouble you, as until the
realization of the highest goal still millions and
milliards of years may fall to the past. 276/Still
many millions and milliards of years are dedicated to
you and given, to smoothe again the furrowed by you
face of your homeworld, but in the present, you have
to be attached to the offered to you change for be-
ginning with the goal of evolution, truly have to
sieze the helping hand and the offered knowledge of
t ruth, to value this and to elaborate it towards the
goal .
Meier- Girl, this was a t a l k, j us t wonderful. Like
that still long time 1 have not heard you speaking
any rrore , You really are great .
Sernjase- 277/Your face is changed
your feelings are in an upr oa r ; 1 have
peculiarly and
Meier- Don't worry, girl, 1 quite simply am touched
very much by your words. They have been very comfort-
ing to me. A very dear thanks for them.
Sernjase- 278/The thanks is at my side, for 1 am de-
lighted about being able to have given you a lucky
temper and seeing you so mich touched, though the
words are not destined for you, but for the members
of your group.
Meier- Do know, inside of me, it suddenly feels so
strange. Finally again 1 have heard words, whose know-
ledge is all right well-known to me, but which got
spoken so excellently, by nnlch knOWledge and reason,
that 1 really could taste them thoroughly. A very
dear thanks therefore.
Sernjase- 279/1 know, such conversations are missed
very much by you. 280/1 will trouble in the future
for talking by thought this time and that time with
you in this manner.
Meier- Very readily, and a dear thanks for this, but
do you think, always to be able to tell the things
this way by name, that 1 can write them down? Know,
sanetimes 1 have great trouble in finding suited ex-
pressions, when 1 have to re-translate the symbolic
Sernjase- 281/These promised by me thought conversa-
tions with you, you should not write down, because
during those times and opportunities 1 want to discuss
higher concerns with you, which still can not be un-
derstood by the earthhuman beings of the present.
Meier- Then 1 am calmed. Much thanks. can 1 now per-
haps talk with you for about 15 minutes on sane mat-
ters, which should remain arrong us alone?
Sernjase- Surely, but what demands do you have now?
Meier- 1 don I t want them written.
s e m j ~ 283/SUrely; I will finish the transmission
of the report at this place.
Meier- As ever, you are very kind. 'Ihank you very
80th Contact vamesday, 24 August 1977
12:01 h
Semjase arrived in her beamship and took Me i e r aboard to explain
some acti vit y she had been conducting at and around the Center.
During a night demonstration for members of meier's inner group,
she had crashed into a tree and broke the top out of it, and now
tries to explain why. She brought special equipment to try to kill
a mutated bacillus in the area. she allows Meier to use the instru-
ment to carry out the deed. Semjase opens the conversation as s oon
as Meier is aboard her craft.
Ebqljase- l!You have been hurt, because during the last
tirre I made no contact with you. 2/But this, my dear
friend, is in keeping with justified reasons, which I
want to explain to you now. 3/When I was here last
Wednesday, the 10th of August, I first announced my-
self, thus sorre of you could see my ship suspended
high above in the night sky. 4/Then I carre back while
you all were still waiting according to my order, at
the dugout of the vehicles. 5/According to your wish
I wanted to leave then at that tree, where you tested
the beam-pistol, a sign for all of you, but which
doing thoroughly failed for me. 6/This happened so:
7/1 was just floating above the top of the tree,
when I registered such strong irrpulses of pain from
you, that I was shocked, and pressed down in a reflex
moving of the steering rreans of the ship, which doing
caused by that, with the under side of the ship I de-
stroyed the whole top of the tree, and pressed it
Meier- '!his we have heard, because there was quite a
loud crash.
semjase- 9/Surely, and after that I moved away very
fast and analyzed the event, where I found, you being
heavily sick and radiating uncontrollably strong
headaches, when you wanted to make contact with rre ,
10/Your pains were so strong, that you sent them out
in full strength and could no longer control them,
for which reason I, by no means expected such, and
was fully hit by your irrpulses of pain. ll/Unused to
such events with you, it was at once evident to me,
that sorre matters had to exist, which were not right.
12/Frorn somewhere thus you had to be subjected to an
influence, about which you were not able to control.
But so as not to disturb you, I just went away with-
out a word and consulted Quetzal. 14/During several
days then I explored together with him for a reason
for the occurence, during which we also caught up
di f f e r ent thoughts from you, which we regarded very
peculiar. 15/But as well the catching-up of your un-
controlled thoughts was uncomnon for us, because they
witnessed about a hitherto still never appeared un-
cont.rol Iedness in you. 16/So this all had to have a
reason, for which we followed your ways of thought
and found your observation of the 12th of August,
where you stood in thoughts as the rrent.i.oned tree and
had observed a great insect, which would not have
been allowed to exist there, because this sort of in-
sect is no rrore existing elsewhere in your region,
and rroreover is fully abnormal at a size of 14 em.
17/Thus sorrething here had to be incorrect. 18/So
Quet za l researched the event in the past, and found
drawn, by help of an area-analyzer, on the screen the
enl arge d insect: A God-Whorshipper (translated dir-
ect l y from German). 19/From the pictures, still a
r out ine work for him, it showed that he was dealing
there with an artificial insect, which had a compli-
cat ed body construction that housed a mutated bacilles.
20/ When now this artificial insect flew two t.irnes
around you and the tree, by rerrote control, it dif-
f used from an out l et - opening a srrall part of the mu-
t at i on bacilles, which at once attacked you and in-
fect ed you with an unknown to you disease, which at
c i r cumst ances could have caused very heavy consequen-
ces , if Quetzal had not interferred. 21/He and some
other ones rreanwhile had elaborated a rreans , which
since yesterday he diffuses throughout the atrrosphere,
becaus e rreantiIre the bacilli have spread themselves,
and threaten to spread themselves throughout the
p l anet . 22/Especially rrenaced were all those
per s ons who have stood in the center during the last
days , because rrost of them were attacked directly by
the bacilli. 23/By the artificial insect narrely, as
'He realized less than 20 minutes ago, a seat was es-
tabl i s hed inside the tree, in which the mutated bac-
i lli are breeding and propagate themselves. 24/Now
I am here to destroy this wicked seat. 25/Further on,
I am here to c lear up some other facts which are
still evident to us, as for example the event
of the 16th of August when you sighted a figure which
had extraordinary large organs for seeing. 26/It is-
Meier- Yes, that thing owned lanterns as great as
mats. They also did fluoresce. The figure was about
as tall as Herbert, as Renato also noticed.
Smjase- 27/Surely, it is - eh, rroment, - so....
Meier- He there would nearly have rarnred : us. That
is Koni with his flying rustpot.
Smjase- 28/He can not see us, so he can not be of
guilt. 29/Besides, he could not ram us, as you say,
because he would get repelled by the protection belt
around the ship. 30/It was a bit dangerous for him.
Meier- Now he is curving along without knowing, that
his box nearly was ruined.
Smjase- 31/'Ihis could not have been, because the
protection sensors would as well have brought the
ship automatically out of its flight course.
Meier- 'Ihen he has been fortunate once rrore.
Smjase- 32/Really nothing could have hapPened to
him. 33/But now I want to destroy the wicked core of
Meier- How are you going to do this?
Smjase- 34/My ship posesses many kinds of weapons,
as you know, so for example a similar beamer, like
the one you have produced the hole in the tree with.
35/With a surface burning, I will destroy the seat.
36/Look, here in the viewing screen you can see it.
Meier- Oh yes, - you, that's really bubbling. May I
blow it out myself?
Smjase- 37/But you have never operated such an ap-
Meier- Nevertheless I want to try that.
semjase- 38/As you like, but then I have to fly very
much c loser to the tree. 39/Wait - so, now we are
38 meters distance fran it. 40/Here, by this sight-
means you can regulate the extemsions of the beamer,
by which 1 mean the cut surface of the beam. 41/'!his
disc here, you can rrove it by this rroving-instrurnent
and define by it the further eradication. 42!By this
you can precise very exactly the whole core of burn-
ing, and limit it. 43/When you touch this small
swelling, then the energy escapes from out of a hair-
fine open.inq at the bottom of the ship, for destroy-
ing the target with a form of radiation. 44/Here you
can requl.ate the strength of the burning, so, for you
should not hurt the tree by going deeper. 45/Now
first t.rai.n some minutes with that, while you delib-
erate by thoughts the manipulations and times.
Meier- Okay, girl: What are you doing over there?
semjase- 46/Meantime 1 only check some functions of
the ship, it My friend, be careful, you al-
ready have released the beam!
Meier- Of course. '!he evil thing has disappeared
already, too.
semjase- 47/You haven't observed my instructions and
simply sighted in -L'le aim, performed the adjustment,
and released the energy.
Meier- Of course.
semjase- 48/But 1 have tolq you, that at first .....
Meier- Tsn ' t it perhaps right? First do look at
there, before you get excited.
semjase- 49/Yes - yes, this was very well, only the
eradication was a bit too large within the circum-
ferance. 50/But it has been done well. 51/1t is in-
conceivable, how you could do this so well, because
you still have never operated such a mean before.
Meier- But shooting around is no difficulty, as well
as the hitting.
semjase- 52/1 give up, as in this respect you don't
let yourself become educated, and you surely will
onl y laugh about it when 1 explain to you, that at
first we had to occupy ourselves for some hours with
the instrument to be able to operate it correctly.
53/But you just come here, sit down, wanipulate the
apparati and instruments, and already operate them,
like you never had done anything else.
~ i e r - Oh no, operating gears and machines, etc., is
no sorcery. Whatever things get produced like that by
human beings, can easily be operated with a little
deliberation, may it be the rreans here, or a flight-
machine, or anything else.
semjase- 54/80 you are surely speaking with justifi-
cation, too, but only for yourself.
~ i e r - Gosship. Every reasonable thinking human be-
ing is able to realize such, listen for the necessary
explanations about it or think something, for drawing
then the logical conclusions from it, and this way
for operating as well the concerned gears or apparati,
etc., correctly. More really is not necessary.
semjase- 55/A discussion about this likely is not
well, as in this respect you always start from your
own position. 56/80 listen to what else I have to
tell you: 57/Quetzal and I will finally explore dur-
ing the next days the concerns around the cx:::curred
things. 58/Hitherto we still don't have exact data,
why we still don't know, what were the essential pur-
pose of the whole, and from where it all got started.
59/Fixed alone is, that the Gizeh-Intelligences have
united one another to a group of evil-minded, escap-
ing from the cosmos intelligences, who indUlge them-
selves in the concerns of the Gizeh-Intelligences and
are helping them. 60/Their outer appearance corres-
ponds to your observation, namely that they have very
large eyes and some of the other characteristics.
61/This also rreans that you have not suffered
an hallucination, when in the night of the 16th of
August you have seen that figure. 62/By sure, we
will be able to clarify these matters in the next ten
to fifteen days, whereafter I will get in contact
with you again and report the position of the matter.
63/Until then, you will have to be patient, and now
I have to go again. 64/Convey my kind greetings to
all, and console the sick persons, that soon every-
thing will run its well course again.
16 July 1977. Thi s is t he s pot where an infestation of a tree by a strange s peci es of insect took place .
Semjase produced a beam-projection i nst r ument to treat t he probl em and Mei e r asked her to l et hi m do t he
job. Thi s i s where Mei er tried to eradi cat e t he creature before it could s pr ead.
J t
) ,
16 Ju ly 1977. Thi s is a scorched area on a large tree where the
int ens i t y level s of the beam device wer e checked before the bug
e r adi cat i on operation was started. The alien vi s i t or s used many
kinds of beam devices .
Meier- So I will do; as manyonea are in need of your
consolation, as nearly twenty of us were befallen by
these miserable machinations.
semjase- 65/In any case, the danger is rerroved, and
the recovering incessantly proceeds. 66/Fare
well now, and give my kind greetings to all.
Meier- Thank you, girl, and see you again.
81st Contact Slmday, 4 septenber, 1977
11:03 h
For this mid-day contact Semjase, Quetzal and Ptaah, all three
arrived together in the same ship, and Meier is surprised by the
occasion, but glad to see them all again. They warn Meier of the
danger of some of the group members becoming interested in the
philosophies of others who claim they are in communication with
higher intelligences. Meier is told that much of this is not true
and that the advocate of these communications is not always correct
and does not always have the right interpretations. He is urged to
set up some kind of a security system to protect the property. This
after a stone wall they had built was knocked down twice. He is
told that it was knocked down the second time by the Gizeh Intel-
ligences, using a frequency device borrowed from some refugees from
the Pegasus star cluster, with whom they are in contact. After that
Meier's successor is discussed. Then Ptaah presents the new reg-
ulations for the members of the Genter, for which Meier has been
Meier- ptaah, 8emjase and Quetzal, - but this is a
surprise. 'Ib see you all three together, that is
sanething. 'Ihis is working out very well, because
this way perhaps I can find out sanething which is
troubling me quite much.
Ftaah- l/For this you still have to wait sane time
my friend, for first I have to tell you sanething im-
portant. 2/As you do know best, you meanwhile have
cooperated with Mr. G., but about which you told us
n o L ~ i n g . 3/This wasn't .
Meier- Excuse it, Ptaah, but I really regarded this
not necessary, for I myself could clear the necessary
concerns by myself. On the other hand, just in this
respect I wanted to ask some questions, because sane
things have cane to appear, about which I need a very
thorough explanation.
Ftaah- 4/This has becane known to me, because our
constant rronitoring, which 'He have previously in-
stalled for the sake of final examination of all your
concerns, has called our attention. 3/Only for that
reason are 'He informed about these concerns, and have
troubled ourselves for exact research into this mat-
ter. 6/In spite of that, as you troubled yourself
for a clarification of the first-appearing concerns,
and recognized these as being true, for which I 'have
to tell you my praise, you should have informed us
about the events. 7/Then the whole affair would have
automatically been supervised by us, by which doing
the now occurred things could have been prevented.
Meier- But is this really so bad?
Ftaah- 8/Meanwhile you yourself have recognized this,
because therefran are reSUlting your questions, which
you wanted to ask in this respect, aren't they?
Meier- Yes, exactly, I even wrote it down yesterday.
What shall be the final end of it?
Ftaah- 9/Now do listen to what I have to tell you.
10/As you have analyzed correctly, those contacts
with Mr. G. were truely existing, which you had re-
cognized for contacts from the next-positioned to you
sphere, the next higher sphere. l1/These contacts
were initiated to Mr. G. with the aim of overtaking a
mission, and the performance connected to this mis-
sion, in compass to an education about the truth,
that the material aspects of life have to be brought
into connection with the spiritual. 12/Therefore it
would have been the mission of Mr. G. to dedicate
himse lf to teaching the human beings of Earth in such
a way, that he would have transmitted studies to them
for the mastering of the material field of influence
and for its correct leading within the daily life and
in connection to the spiritual way of evolution. 13/
He only obeyed this mission in its first phase, but
then he deserted it and let himself go into the in-
fluences of the rraterial, disregarding his mission
and eager for rraterial profits. 14/Besides this, he
also no further observed, to discuss all rratters with
you, as was ordered for him, to justifiably become
the rraster of his task. lS/Clearly and evidently, he
was advised to meet with you, to obtain fran you the
measures of his mission performance and his proceed-
ings. 16/For this purpose, one told him clearly and
openl y about your nanination, like you had been called
in earlier time, which is about 1, SOO years ago, when
you taught the earthhuman beings in both regions of
evol ut i on , but which at the present time is not pos-
sible for you, because according to the given c i r c ~
stances you can only be active by greatest concen-
tration on the spiritual region alone. 17/But Mr. G.
now estranges himself fran his alloted mission and
devalues the matter towards financial meaning and
profit. 18/By this, the true contact with the other
sphere was lost for him, but which he did not become
conscious of. 19/By his wrong activity, he lost the
real contact with the other sphere, whereafter still
remained for him the illusion of a further existing
contact. zn/rn consequence he still lives on
in the imagination, the contact with the other sphere
would continue, although this has been interrupted
and not to return in his present life, for if a form
of life misses and fails this way only one time, then
a new alloting can not, and is understandably no rrore
initiated again, because there would always be the
threat of failing again. 21/By his wishes, Mr. G.
fonned an illusion in his subconsciousness, fran
which he writes down things and notes, but which are
still guided by himself and his subconsciousness in
a form of wish, but which he wrongfully regards as
true and believes it. 22/But now the necessary know-
ledge is missing from him which would have been told
and transmitted to him during the observance of his
mission and its performance, so he seizes on error-
onius and wrorrq ;; J-iterature of illogica]. heresies-,
which he. in Iesson ; form..'
forcing the fallen - to him people into euphorical-
meditative states, which those regard as truth, though
in truth they only deal with self-suggestively gen-
erated hallucinations, that is with imaginations of
rrostly picture form, 23/But just this form is of
greatest danger, because it is just this, which leads
to complete surfdan for the suggestively evoked reach
of hallucination, being often provoked in you of the
Earth by wrong teachers of meditation, who usually
call themselves within that foolish and dangerous
playas "Swami" and "Guru". 24/Mr. G. is walking the
same paths, and already has infected some of your
group by his wrong thinking and his wrong influence,
Where one especially reacted susceptibly. 25/Several
otherones as well fell into this net of delusion and
new ignorance, which is why it is necessarily demand-
ed, that you will talk with all of them an open and
evident word, and disclose the truth for them. 26/If
you do not follow this advice, then your cormumity
will break. up in a short time like having becane brit-
tle material, for which you already find evidence, in
that this brittling has already begun within the bas-
ic matters. 27/Yet still exists time to work against
this further development of this form, if within one
rrorrth you regulate these concerns. 28/But you will
meet with strong opposition, which fact already has
resulted as true and sure, and that for the one who
already has fallen to a certain serfdom into the her-
esy of Mr. G. 29/And these still are not all the
facts of these regrettable concerns, because inside
the subconscious of Mr. G. are already working forces
of the government above the group, and the issue of
snatching up the comrrnmity of you all, where he wants
to establish himself as a destined factor of allcon-
trolling leading force. 30/Already has grown mature in
his subconsciousness the idea, to cause the whole com-
rmmity into the sphere of his bondage, for being able
to earn profit for himself as the uprose leader. 31/
In consequence, it is advised, that you all rerrove
yourselves at once from out of his direct and indi-
rect fields of influence, and break off as far as
possible, completely, the contacts with him. 32/And
for you alone, this vouches, that by best measure you
stay away from all his reach and influence . 33/In
the future you ought as well not to acknowledge any
powers of any form from outside of your group. 34/
'This is due to you in respect to lessons and know-
ledge, this to get all exclusively from you, trans-
mitted by us, by Arahat Athersata and by Petale, as
well as in later time by still otherones. 35/In re-
sult, never a member of your group should appropriate
any heresies from outside, but tune himself only onto
the truth, which he gets from you. 36/When this ad-
vice is not observed, then your community and your
whole mission is threatened. 37/And in your position
you are very much susceptible, which is why only a
few days can be sufficient to destroy all, where as
we ll we would have no chance for help, then. 38/Your
communi t y can only then exist further on and be act-
i ve beue.fi.c i.a.l.Ly and fulfill the essential mission,
i f all of the group finally becanes conscious that
the true knowledge and the true truth is handed over
only and solely alone to you all in purpose of advis-
ing, education and spreading, and all this being per-
forrred only in connection to the true consistance
of your center. 39/But if several ones of your group
allow themselves again to be influenced by other, and
moreover erring and wrong lessons, then they menace
the mission of you all, and even the center. 40/Cer-
tain occurrences of the previous past already do even
trace back to there, because by the unreasonability
of a certain member, who in spite of several warnings
still often anew moves in spiritualistic seances,
negative radiations could come from the concerning
medium, w _ch were copied by an analizator-artificial-
brain 0 the Gizeh-Intelligences, who by that found
a weak point, and in consequence of that generated
this artificial insect by the help of a wicked group
of refugees from the region of the Pegasus star con-
stellation, which has the guilt for the bacterial in-
fection in the center. 41/Furthennore, such menaces
can again come to the center, if those actions are
not stopped soon, as also we are not able to keep all
things under precise control, especially then when
they cons antly offend against our instructions, al-
though we give them only for your own welfare. 42/
Finally all of you should now become conscious, quite
especially the members of your basic group staying
there now, where each wrongdoing should finally get
conquered, and nobody any longer indulgeing in astray
lessons and superstitious concerns.
Meier- 'This is very easily said, Pt.aah, Presently
still is missing the necessary time for us to
assemble usefUlly and to be able to discuss all these
Ftaah- 43/'This is known to me, but nevertheless you
should find a chance to be able to regulate within
one month calculated from now, finally all these mat-
Meier- I will try therefore, maybe by the way, that
I take for this each single member alone. On the other
hand, we also have this report, from which every one
can read your words.
Ftaah- 44/'Ihat is right, but at the rroment, I did
not remember this. 45/'Ihe transmitted reports should
be enough.
Quetzal- l/But unfortunately is not always so, as
I could see, and had to notice. 2/'Ihe bad event of
the collapse of the wall could have been prevented if
the reports had been observed. 3/semjase had already
warned that the center ought to be more secured and
watched. 4/But this advice has not been followed, for
which reason also the wall could be forced out.
M::!ier- You know this?
Quetzal- 5/It wasn't so difficult to notice this.
M::!ier- But how could this occur?
Quetzal- 6/By waves of vibration.
M::!ier- 'Ihis I don't understand. Please expl a in nore ,
Quetzal- 7/It i s a product of the Gi zeh-Intelligence
in cooperation with the refugees f ran the Pegasus
r egi on . a/Namely these about s ix weeks ago were dis-
cove r ed by the group in Brazil and made attentive to
them, fran which the connection between them started.
9/ 'Ihe connection to the Gizeh-Intelligence then was
onl y a question of time. la/well infonned about the
pr oceedings within your center, and in detail about
the members of your group, they also know about the
becomming existence of the essential worth of the
cent e r . l1/But this, the essential worth, embodies
ext r erre danger for them, because when it is ccrrpIetied
and in us e , then they finally have lost. 12/Just
thi s they want to prevent, for which reason every
sec r e t and non-violent way of destruction is fit for
them. 13/So they took use of the knowledge of the
ref ugees fran Pegasus as well as their equi.prrent..
74/lm oscillation-vibrator, using microwaves, put at
the i r disposal, was used to cause the actual darrage
at the center, and to des t r oy it if possible. 15/
One Pegasus-refugee, whan you have seen, examined the
obj ect on the 29th to 30th of August, about in the
fourth hour of rnorning, when the Pegasus-ship was
dir ect ed to the center, to use in action the oscil-
l at on- vi br at or . 16/The force of vibrations was
started behind the wall, which already had earlier
crashed down because of water pressure. 17/Ey the
strong vibrations released, a very high frequency
wave was generated, which in a few seconds broke out
the concrete wall fran its anchors, lifted it
a bit and flung it forward, which is why it fell so
far forward fran there.
~ i e r - I see, and for that reason it lay shifted for
more than one meter to the front. But - one thing I
do not understand; How could we have prevented this
if W2 had stood guard?
Quetzal- 18/If you had observed the advice of sem-
jase, then this occurence would have been left un-
done, and this because: 19/'Ihe oscillation vibrators
and microwaves are working under such power, that
they produce the effect in parts of a second on each
form of life, the process of growing old in a flash,
which could be seen at once by even an ignorant one.
20/But it is exactly this, that the negative Gizeh-
Intelligences can not allow, namely that things would
be noticed which could point to their real existence.
21/If this would happen, then their existence would
be revealed to the public, whereafter then your ex-
planations, which you would surely spread, would be
accepted by the earthht.rrnan beings, and especially by
scientists and the authorities, with the consequence
of the Gizeh-Intelligences being pursued, and the
religions being staggered by that, but which are
their best helping means in the purpose of their
plans for world government. 22/In consequence, they
are not expected to do anything which would indicate
their existence, fran which fact they also would have
done nothing if any of you had been watching in the
near surroundings.
~ i e r - I understand. .:.. ;'lhese knaves will in conse-
quence undertake nothing that would be inexplicable
to the eartihhuman being, if this would appear to be
Quetzal- 23/'Ihis is right.
~ i e r - Have you already seen the new wall? Will it
hold against these strange vibration beams or oscil-
SEmjase- l/It would not, but such an event as that
can no more happen, as my father is caring for this,
because during the next few days he will seize hold
of the Pegasus-refugees and bring them back to their
hane planet.
~ i e r - Ah, that's well. But do you think that other-
wise the wall will resist?
SEmjase- 2/Sirrely, I already had the idea, you would
have become mad, when I examined it in the viewing
screen. 3/It is more solid than it has to be, but
which is very well, as from the hillside a dangerous
water pressure exists.
Meier- Mountain pressure, we call this, my goldy
child. But tell me, Quetzal, how does this confounded
vibration-oscillator function?
Quetzal- 24/It treats of an oscillation vibrator,
not a vibration oscillator. 25/How it is constructed
I unfortunately am not allowed to explain officially,
but you can be assured that the earthly scientists
are as well already developing these apparatus in
their beginnings. 26/But these are corrpletely on
another basis of operation, than those used by the
refugees from the Pegasus constellation. 27/'Ihese
namely are transformed up high by an exactly defined
oscillation of thought, wherefrom they first gener-
ate the necessary energy. 28/fuis the Gizeh-Intel-
ligences are not able to do, because they are not
able to generate these thought Impulses , thus
they had been depending on the help of the Pegasus-
refugees. 29/When these are no longer here, when
Pt.aah has taken them away, then the danger of a sim-
ilar destruction of the facilities of the center will
no longer exist.
~ i e r - But how shall things go in spite of this? We
can not always stand guard.
Semjase- 4/A stationary telemeter-disc will be sus-
pended high above the center, and will constantly
t r ansmi t all occurrences to our station, by which a
certa in protection from our side is guaranteed.
Meier- That's fine, many thanks. Yet now I have an-
other question, if you have nothing more to explain
46/I have told you what I wanted to do.
30/I as well have no further explanations
to give.
semjase- S/I still have some things concerning the
Bennuda Triangle to tell you in explanation of what
I told you in confidence at the last contact.
Meier- can you perhaps wait a little while, as else
I may forget IT!Y interest?
semjase- 6/Certainly, just ask.
Meier- 'Thanks. - At first I want to ask the exact
data respectively concerning our essential worth, as
Quetzal say this so well. There still remain only two
months, and so next time I should have the distribu-
tion for the individual persons.
semjase- 7/I understand, - you will get this data
in the course of the next week, and so you will have
them in hand the latest on saturday. 8/This was pro-
vided like that as well without your having asked it.
9/But I am delighted that you care for this.
Meier- '!hen the matter is okay. But what about the
further regulations of order?
Ftaah- 47/These are the obligation of the High Coun-
cil, which will rise them as soon as the new analyses
are finished and contributed to them.
Meier- '!hen as well this is evident for rre , My fur-
ther question is: How shall I arrange the future
large rreetings in the center? Fran IT!Y estimation, the
time has grown mature for departing fran the actual
ufological facts, and to deal entirely with the spir-
itual concerns by lessons.
Ftaah- 48/'Ihis is right. 49/Reduce most far the
concerns about us and our ships, etc., and dedicate
yourself only to the essential important facts of the
evolution of spirit. SO/For the concerns around us
and our ships, two or three members of the group
should explain themselves responsible, who in the
center as well as outside of there ought to give
lessons in this matter. 51/You yourself should not
perfonn such any longer; on the one hand from the
limitations of time, and on the other for reasons of
Meier- But this is a bad thing, Pt.aah, as just for
the month of November, I have agreed to two lectures
at a cantonal school for professions.
Ftaah- 52/'Ihis was no good promise. 53/Sornelxxly
else should take over this task for you. 54/Still is
va lid for you the border of 30 kilometers, fran out
of which you should not move, and as well is still
va lid for you, that outside of the center you should
not give lessons.
Meier- Then I have to find someone for it.
Ftaah- 55/You treat well thus, but as well the lec-
t ures should be held, as they are also of importance.
56/ But you should finally be excepted fran this labor,
because it is no more your field of doing. 57/The
other ones now have enough of experiences and occur-
r ances to be able to take over the task.
Meier- 'Ihis will give troubles again, won't it?
Ftaah- 58/This can well be arranged, if the obliga-
tion is finally understood by the concerned persons
and is taken in earnest.
Meier- Well, I will try it. Then yet another ques-
t i on : I and all the others as well am interested in,
what actually should happen when I am no more here?
Wi ll further contact from your side be maintained to
the group, or will this f a ll away then?
8emjase- la/These things will first result. 11/Your
s ucces s or is just growing up and develops by provided
treas ure , but this is still indiscernable at present
for different members of your group. 12/But who will
ove rtake your succession, and how the matters will be
in the sense of your question, within the future, I
am still not allowed to explain, because the point of
t ime for this is still much too early. 13/Those
things that you yourself have to know, are known to
you, only you are not allowed to talk about them, as
you know.
Meier- Of course, then stop with this theme.
semjase- 14/1 can not change this, but after our
conversation I still have to talk about serne important
matters with you, like as well my father has, and
Quetzal, but which I will not later transmit to you
for the report.
Meier- Okay already, such I have known for a long
time. At present I have no rrore questions, thus you
may perhaps give now your explanations about the Ber-
muda Triangle. Perhaps meanwhile still a question
reaches my brain?
semjase- 15/SUrely. 16/My explanation does not need
a long time. 17/The conditions around the Bermuda
Triangle as well as around the centers of Madagascar
and the Japanese Devil's Sea have basically changed.
18/As is known to you, your whole solar system is
wandering 1ike a gigantic spaceship through the in-
terstellar space, and approaches rrore and rrore to the
star constellation of Hercules, which will be reached
after about two times ten thousand years. 19/In this
wandering of the whole SOL-System, the point of axis
of the radiation of those great stars has gradually
shifted more and more, which radiations have gener-
ated the dimension-doors in the Bermuda-Triangle, at
Madagascar and in the Devil' s sea. 20/Since around
18 years ago, the radiation became rrore and rrore weak
and differentiated to time, thus often for days it was
completely rerroved. 21/During the last two years,
the radiation sank down still more, and several times
was completely neutralized for months. 22/The last
bursts of the measurable radiation, which had reached
their extreme in the past, touched the Earth around
1 1/2 months ago, namely on the 10th of July (1977).
23/Since then the Earth is out of reach of that rad-
iation reach, and at no other place on the planet is
still existing a dimension door or dimension barrier.
24/These phenomenon were completely rerroved, and will
according to our calculations, never rrore appear,
because the whole course of the SOL-System towards
the star constellation of Hercules has no stars at
a nearer or farther distance, which would generate
this sort of radiation. 25/All the events in the
Bermuda-Triangle, at Madagascar and in the Japanese
Devil's sea are arranged in order, since the 10th of
July 1977, to mere earthly-natural events, where the
natural events so to say are the most important pow-
ers, especially the appearing ve ry strong at the rren-
tioned locations earthmagnet i c undul at i ons , by which
canpass-means and many other navigational equipments,
etc., fail .or show wrong i ndi cat i ons , like does so
behave as well at your center.
~ i e r - But are Madagascar, the Bermuda-Triangle and
the .rapanese Devil' s sea as well on facet crossings,
like our center is?
5emjase- 26/certainly.
~ i e r - And does then exist a connection to the rad-
i at i on fran out of cosmic space, that there, or ex-
actly there, it hits the Earth?
5emjase- 27/No, this has been merely a vagary of the
cosmic play.
~ i e r - Yes, that. - Then these two or three percents
by which arrount occurred unexplainable events at-those
locations, are really sirrply rare? But there have
been just two or three percent, which arrong or of all
of these events have to be ascribed at these places
to the cosmic radiation, and in this way unexplainable
for the earthhuman being, haven't they?
5emjase- 28/SUrely, as around 98% of all those events
at these three places lead back in main factor toward
earthmagne t i c undulations and earthmagnetic storms,
as towards rapid c l imact i c changes, storms going
astray, crime, and so on .
~ i e r - Regrettable, now f or the parapsychology-fools
and other superstitious ones , phantas t s and sillies
again, once more a wor l d i s crashed, but if I
don ' t becorre deluded by a ll , then these male and fe-
mal e stupidities will soon find a suitable substitute
again, only maybe still one thousand times sillier,
mor e primitive and crazier than that having been
hi the rto .
Ftaah- 59/Just like that it will be, because the
stupidity of mankind still knows no bounds, and that
is valid quite especially within the newest and hi-
therto likely most idiotic religion, that ever has
mastered the earthhuman being, which is the parapsy-
Neier- Man alive, Pt.aah, but this way 1 never have
heard you speak.
Ftaah- 60/1 think your own kind of expression is as
well justified with us when we have to explain any
earthhuman-conceming things. 61/Within our vocab-
ulary we don't find these suited expressions, as
those are suited for telling the stupidity of many
earthhuman beings, and thus 1 seize upon your own
~ i e r - 'Ihat' s sounding so confoundedly peciliar by
you, Pcaah, it nearly seems to me, like you would be
very much depressed and speak angrily because of that.
Ftaah- 62/So does behave indeed, but which fact is
not astonishing, when always once more 1 have to re-
cognize, the earthhuman being trying by all means, to
silence till death the truth and to trample it down
to dirt by delusion means, like spiritism and the
whole series of the madness religion parapsychology,
the cult religions and the cruel lies of all kind,
within the worst of all is, to affirm that contacts
to us or other, living outside the Earth, intelligen-
ces and to creatures of spirit would be maintained,
although of 100 such contentions 99.5% are just lies.
63/And for these lies, belief is still given by the
unreasonability of the earthhuman beings, while your'
contacts with us are accused of being the lie, though
they are so much more real and true as the light of
day. 64/1 want to .....
Meier- So please calm down, Pt.aah, for you do know,
the time is sti11 long until the earthhuman beings
finally start to learn understanding and knowing. You
also know the origin of all, and know from this, that
one has to offer to all these ignorant earthly knaves
at first a chance, and has to sponsor at first their
ignorantly condemned brains, so that finally they
will learn something new, and finally can learn to
Ftaah- 65/You talk the matter correctly. 66/EKcuse
my rage.
M"der- I don't know of what you talk. Let it be, and
let us still discuss the matters semjase did mention.
Srnljase- 29/Surely. 30/ - Father, I regard his words
as good.
Ftaah- 67/Your wisdom honors you my friend. 68/1
thank you very much.
~ i e r - For nothing, dear ptaah, because in my place,
you likely would have treated like me.
Ftaah- 69/Which way once more you know the truth.
70/80 let us now discuss the other matters, while I
still don't want to forget, to order you to express
my very kind and hearty greetings to all the members
of your group, and to tell them all my deepest thanks
for their labor and understanding.
~ i e r - '!he .....
Quetzal- 31/Like that, I, too, want to say.
Srnljase- 31/1 join in the matter, too.
~ i e r - I gladly will transmit this. Surely they all
wi ll be delighted about it. '!here... - oh, here I do
sti11 remember a question: Yesterday, semjase, have
you considered upon anyone of us, about in the time
of late afternoon?
Srnljase- Surely, your meeting interested me, for
whi ch reason I watched you for some while. 33/Here I
cou l d see you being very much occupied with the an-
swering, just while Elsi came to you. 34/Her thought
was sent towards you, but which you did not notice,
becaus e you had been otherwise occupied. 35/80 I
tri ed to make Elsi attentive to this by an Irrpul.se,
but which evidently failed for me. 38/Yet why do you
~ i e r - Just because of this, as namely elsi had then
caught up an irrpulse, being not from me, as then it
had to have been from you.
s e m j ~ 37/She often receives impulses from me, as
she is very susceptible to those.
~ i e r - I know, and she is very much delighted about
s e m j ~ 38/'Ihat is very dear, yet now we should
turn ourselves to other ma.tters ...
(At that point they began discussing the proposed new
Regulations of Order, which we reproduce directly
from pages number 1475 through 1478 of the original
English translations of the Contact Notes. Please
note that "single person" as used here, means the
individual person, as intended, and not just the un-
ma.rried ones.)
- 1475 -
For t o li ve by peaceful and developi ng the evolut i on communit y, a re va li d,
e ac h accor ding t o t he leve l of evolution of the concerned f orms of l ife ,
ve r y defined r egulations of order, which t o get observed is of ver y ur gen t
demand. For the human beings of the Earth , whose s pi ri tual l evel of evo l ut i on
is very much di fferent, are valid s pe c ial r egul ations, which have got
elaborated according to the ir l eve l of spi ri tual development by sp ec ial case
and according to the pos ition of ab ility f or the observance of t he regula-
t ions for the single person at sepa r a t e ca se. Thes e regulations for order
got conceived by l ong time elaboration; f or the cas e ahead exspecial l y
de stinied alone for the group of the "Fre ie I nt er es s engeme i ns chaf t "
("Fr e e Communit y of Interestors" ), f or the ho us i ng community at t he center.
1) Be given a per s ona l reach for housing t o each s ing le person, sized
acc i r di ng to his personal need, whe r e he absolutely is able to keep
an intimate sphere, can find the necessary quietness and recovery
and de cide and behave there f r ee f r om own deci s ion and will .
2 ) Be fixed, in the personal reach of housing of each s ingle person
rising none int er f er ence s by persons of other hous ing reac hes, and
that neither by personal, nor by indirect way. In this respe ct ought
as well get s par e d so me sorts of rebukes, object ions, r eclamations,
discriminations and speaking of co mmands. What manner the single
per s on l i ves within his own s phere of hou sing , a l ternates and ac ts,
t hat is i n his disposal solel y, thus none i nterferences by persons
of other housi ng reaches ought occur. Thi s ma t t er is f i xed also fo r
t he daily and ot herwi sely t o do work f or t he single persona l sp he r e
of each single per s on , wher e i n none in ter f er enc es of any kind shoul d
happen , neither by ve r ba l, wr i tten or man ual manner , neither direc t l y
or i ndi r e ct ly .
3) Abs olut ely taboo is t he pers onal li fe , thinking an d acting of the
s i ngl e pe rson , like t hi s as well the work , whe re non e int er f er enc e
ought happen by thi rd person , besides that th ere rise offensions
against the regulati ons of the or der, whi ch but ought get Objected
and r egu l a t e d without excepts by the leading r esponsible person of
the community, or by whole the hous i ng co mmunit y, if no other pos si-
bility is given .
4) To Obj ec t, recla i m, discriminate and to reproach secretly about members
of the housing community, should get omitted. Nor ma l l y, which fact
has r e sul t e d the wa t ching and notice at i nnumerous human forms of life
- 1476 -
during millions of does correspond the activity of
of talking about third person, alone to the unimproved own personal i :
of the reproaching one, but originated in wrong considerations. The
objecting person is this way advocating alone a personal, but wrong
view, because he believes, the fellow-creature would have to conduc t
accordingly to one's awn acting and thinking, by which doing auto-
maticly the awn personality and all,connected to this,rights become
contested from him.
5) Treacherous accusing of actions or words of members of the housing
community by other members aught be tied up and not appear. The stan-
dard of such cases evidences since millions of years, treacherous
accuses normally rising from weak of personality own faults, which
fact leads to, the human being getting the belief by unconsidered
thinking, his awn esteem would get increased in opinion of the
listening for the accuse persons. This is valid as well for the
unreflected or cunning and evil-minded diffusion of true or untrue
rumours or abuses.
6 ) with dissensions of personal concerns at members of single housing
communities, no members of other housing reaches ought interfere.
When two or several members of a single housing community have to
stage so these are their own matters, which they have
to stage without interference of otherones. If the situation demands
for it, then the leading person of response of the community shoul d
exercise a purely advising and problem-salving function, this but
alone while presence of the sharing in the problem persons and by
exclusion of non-sharing third persons, for that by this gets pre-
served the essential intimate sphere of the concerned housing reach
and its persons.
7) Di s s ens i ons between different housing reaches and their persons
ought became regulated by the leading responsible person by sudden
suited, advis ing, calming and sol ving the probl em discussion wi th
a ll the concerned persons.
8) For necessary workings in field of the whole housing community shoul =
ge t shared a common,and proportionatedly distributed among the singl e
members,allotment of working and performance of wor king. The single
f ields of labour should get administered by expert persons, who
ins truct entrusted to them farces accordingly to their t al ent s
for the working, and teach them, if necessary.
- 1477 -
Wi th i n all demande d works in reac h of whole the hou sing communit y,
each one ought fulfill the shared t o him part of work, sel f-wi lled
and wi thout coercion, but without wanting to escape and wi t ho ut
subterfuges. Ordered works shoul d not ge t refused from pretented
non-ability or other incapability. The aim is, too, as well wi t hi n
manual doings each single one reaching independency adn self-
supportance and create the wi ll in hi ms el f , to recognize the necessary
facts and to treat from own ini tiat ive .
9 ) Par ent s of married membe r s of hous ing community should not be present
at the housing reaches of the ir ch ildren. When parents of married
members of the housing co mmuni t y are as well dwelling within the
housing community, then t hes e ought to be sheltered at separate
housing reaches, and live there.
10) Parents of married members of the ho using communit y ought by no way
interfere with the concerns of their married ,chi l ds , like that as
well the childs not with the concerns of their parents, which doi ng
is as well of demand, if the one group is residing outsides of the
reach of the first housing community. Here, as well, is valid, that
neither married partners nor unmarried persons let themselves ge t
influenced by parents, outstanders, friends or acquaintances etc. by
any way, b e c a u ~ e each decision or activity should get done by origin
of t h ~ own perdonality, and decided. Therefore is necessary a self-
cognition and a certain self-sufficiency, which alone can rise from,
or can get preserved, if none influencat ion of any side influences
these factors.
11) Personal feelings, opinions and considerations etc. of the single
members of the housing co mmunit y to other members should become
controlled extremely strong by these, and not lead to unconsi dered
speaking or activities etc.
12) Wit hin the housing co mmunit y, nei t her co mmanded orders s ho uld be sai d,
nor should ap pear any int ent ions f or domi nat i on . In a housing community ,
all membe r s are of same pos it ion and same ri ghts, female as male ones .
Each singl e pe r so n is ar range d in order t o the same l aws and bi ds
wi t hout difference, t hus f or a l l , the same ri ghts are valid. Laws and
bi ds and the regula t ions of orde r by c r eat i ona l meani ng are t o s ee
- ' ~ 7 8 -
at the g i ve n script s of the "Gene s i s " and t he "Decal ogue
an d so on ,
which t o learn and Lo ful fi l l sh oul d be the i nt eres t and the wi ll
of each s ingl e one.
13 ) The leading and guiding of the housing community shoul d be c ont r i but ec
to one single person of response,whose advisory council co nsist s of
a gr ea t er circle of a s pe c ia l gr oup of member s ( ba s i ca l gr oup) , which
has to judge about s teady appearing matters, but ne ve r by co mmand i ng
manner, because always ough t be a judgei ng of ad vising or adv i ce -
e xecuting form.
14) The leading and guiding person of response of the housing communit y
ought as best as possible be informed and educated withi n a l l laws ,
bids, regulations of order and lectures of the lesson of Spi rit ,
because there should oblie for her as well the task of ins tructionni n;
the lesson of Spirit, as, too, the spreading of these by l iterat ur e
towards each reachable field.
82nd Contact 'ruesdey , 6 September- 1977
18:04 h
f or thi s contac t Semj ase r et ur ned a lone t o di scuss the pe r sonal
and spiritual dat a on t he merrber s o f t he inner co re group, and
some delails on the co ns t ruction of the medit ati on cent e r end its
pyramid. The details of t he di scussion of pe r sona l matt ers o f the
membe r s of t he group was wi thheld from t r ansmission into t hese
cont act not es .
senjase- l I As I pranised you, this week you s hall
get the exact data on the individual member's o f the
group, and f or their pericx1ical s tay in 2/It
is f ixed, that in the f uture a ll contact .repor-cs con-
taining such mat-ter's shall be dealt with in strict
confidence and be told on l y t o the conc erned group
rrembers of the group.
~ i e r - That; is abso lutely evident to rre ,
seajase- 3/1 knew, but nevertheless I had to remind
you once nore of that .
~ e r - Al l right , girl. But unfortunat e ly I have to
realize a t the rrarent , to have f orgotten sarething
once nore, as I should have asked you something. '!his
deal s with the , which meana , hCM s hall one
connect them?
senjase- 4/hhere have you left the concerned notes?
~ e r - 'They are on the table in the great r ccm.
senj ase- 5/ 'Ihat i s no further problem; wait .
now, you see, here is s tanding your table. 6j\';hich
are nON your notes?
~ i e r - Hys t erious, gi r l , wh a t; you a ll are able to
miracle here by your viewing-sc reens . . . . yes , 1(X).1(
ther e , her e the notes lie . KnCM, Renato and Ehglebert
asked Ire, whether one can l ink the pl a tes in this way.
senjese- 711 Co not fully understand .
~ i e r - We ll now, i t ' s running this ways '!he plat es
are ang l ed here s o far that they over l ap one another
and then can, a s you see her e , be shifted into one
another. Now the ques t ion is whether we can do this
in that manner ?
senjase- a/But surely, only of irrportance is, they
adhere i.Irm::Jvabl y to one another.
We ll , then that problem is s o l ved. Yet nCM
still a question in sake of a ereating o f the pyramid:
HCM shall I constiruct. this , and especially where ?
senjese- 9/ Use the f or a venti llat ion-pit ,
wait , I proj ect the pi cture of it f or you on the
screen, so, do you see? 10/ 'Ihere you have rrade the
entrance and exit , whe re a deer had to be bui lt-in.
l1/Int o this dcor -, install two working a gainst each
other vent i l lators , thus the one introduces fre s h air
and the other pushes out the used air. 12/Thi s tech-
nique i s sufficient for a wel I aereating of the .. . .
rccsn. 13/As far as I know, do you have venti llators
whfch ....orx absol utely noi s e l e s s , ",ny you shoul d use
such one s f or this purpJSe .
Are they real ly sufficient?
Sanjase- 14/Yes , they are.
then this problem i s solved. NcM s till
the que stion of illt.rrninat i on . Thi s anyhow ought t o be
very weak . s hou l d I use f or that ?
Sanjase- 1S/ An e lect r ical i lluminat i on is suited,
but should not produce too ITHch heat , for whic h r eason
you s hou l d l ook f or suited little l arrps .
Meier- nren as we.l I this matter is c l eared. So far,
I have no further questions . You then may give me
the data, i f you have no othe r rna.tters irore,
senjase- 16/ Bef ore the explanation of the data, I
s t i ll have to tell you sever a l othe r i.lrp:Jrtant things
which concern the f ornat i on of your basic group . 17/
Here it conce rns , the individua l rrembe rs of the group
s hall be a rranged in order of a distr ibut ion , which
cor -responds t o the ir arrangerrent to a ll important
conce rns , by that t o the f o llo Ning:
18/ 1. Equal positions
19/ 2. Equal valuation
20/ 3. Under standing
21/ 4. Carprehensi on
22/ 5. Cognition
23/ 6. Cooperation
24/ 7. Ixecut Ion
25/All canprisingly, these seven points mark the
whole value of the mat erial and spiritual potent.La.l
of qualification in respect t o the fulfill..rtEnt of
the obligations . 26/By this, is val ued in this rreen-
ing the manual a c t i vi ty and the arrangement of ones e 1
into the fields connected t o this as ~ l l as the po-
s itioning equally of ones e l f and equally evat uat.ariq
of ones e l f ahead o f the othe r members of the group ,
yet as weLl the understanding and the canprehension
o f a ll val ues and their cognition and execution in
the materially conscious and spiritual sphere and
finding he r e their estirna.tions . 27/Frcrn these f or-
mations has previous l y .resu.lted, by the wor k of the
High Counci l , different members of the group today
sti ll are not keeping the pcs.Ltdon of taking upon
themsel ves an own guidance within all concerns in the
sense of accepting a hi gh counsel and i ts evaluation .
28/'Iheir minds are s ti ll too muc h entangled within
the hierarchial sphere, frem which they can not r e-
l ease themselves within a short t .irre , 29/Frem thi s
i s caused, that the one and the otherones t ries to
influence ccmranding l y the othe r group rrernbers,
wherein H. expresses a -much daninating f orm, whfch
mat t e r shou ld be rerroved by her within a suited t ame,
30/hl1en she will not contribute r egarding this coun-
selling, by her own decision, then she is threatening
the pr ovided hous ing camrunity by it, and the peace-
ful beccminq existence of the camrunity and of the
center i tse l f. 31/011 the other hand , she a lso rren-
aces a ll by he r , a lready manytimes explained to her ,
wronq doings in r e spect t o her cuI tic actions in the
of her spiri t ualistic t:elief and sharing in s uch
superst i tious cultic seances . 32/AS was a l r eady ex-
plained during our l as t contact talk, she in this way
sponsors the steadil y growing threat , that negat i ve
radiations are r eleased , which get ana lyzed by neg-
ative f orces and beccre disfunctioned for a darraqe
against the group. 33/Here it does not de a l of , H.
herself r adia t ing these r adia t i ons , but that the med-
i um rel eases data, unconsciously t o M. frem out of
he r subconscious , and eradiates these, watch she, H.
in their rreaning and by correct way is not giving out .
34/seances with rredfums are extremely dangerous f or
her in consequence , because s ecr e ts a re hereby re-
vealed and eradia t ed, tch i .ch ought to rerrain secr e t .
35/In truth, the f a c ts are, that because of di f f e r ent
s eances with :-1 . in the l ast three rronths, s ecrets
have been r eleased fran her s ubcons c .ious by the rred-
durn ....'hich refer t o the . . . . . 36/These, in this
sense negative, radiations ....'ere l ocalized and
analyzed by the intelligences o f Gizeh, \oiho , by this
were f i r s t informed o f the f oundati on o f the center .
37/The consequences r i s en f rem that are kna.-.n t o you .
38/But a l l this could have teen prevented, if H. would
have observed our counse l and no rrore dedicat ed her -
sel f t o these dange rous seances . 39/ But she l e t s
herself be cheate d in a very bad manner- to s nat ch the
secrets f r an out of her, which i s ha nnful f or a l l.
40/ AI though she i s conscious that the medium t akes
away the gi ven data f ran out of her subconscious , s he
in spi t e of tha t, does not change her doings and this
way menaces the mission of a ll o f us . 41/No othe r
rrernber o f the group is conducting in s uch form s o
much un reasonably, and even des t ructing, as H. , MUch
fact once more s hould be expl ained. t o her . 42/ The
appearances of ....rel I dcdnq of the rredium are decept ive ,
for the doings are based on wronq values and l ead to
infatuation and a s tray. 43/But not onl y :01 . i s sub-
j ect to this wrong conduc t , as stil l other rrernbers
indulge in s uch c oncerns of unreasonability, but not
as much as :O! . 44/The l ikely worst doings a re the
non-understanding o f the value of the . . , as ap-
pears very expressi ve ly at He r bert, which is wtly he
shou ld t r ouble himsel f by strong and earnest manne r
f or the unde rstanding o f the va lues . 43/ Still many
othe r conce rns could be told, but which at the rrrment;
I do not want t o explain, apart fran the conce rns
around B. who in a l l matter s p laces her self the mos t ,
and wo r ks , l ike H. , very dange rous ly by her adher ence
t o euphor i cal meditation, which by the influence of
Hr . G. , has already devel oped he rsel f up to a danger -
ous grade . 46/And as I am al r eady talking about such,
I still have t o expl ain, i t being very dange rous f or
the furthe r existence of your camnmity and f or the
performance of the mi s s ion of a ll o f , when you take
outsi der s to you as a lli ed people, and convey even
the srnat Iest; matters of per-formance to those persons .
47/But now t ",,'ards the a c tua l basi c group. 48/ The
a rrangerrent in groups gets done a ccording to the rren-
tioned va lue of perfonnance of obliga t ions , s o ac-
cor ding to the ability f or working and perfonning of
regulat ing a dvi ces in the s ense o f demanded labor s .
49/ The internediate anal yse s conce rning this resul ted
that inspite of a ll a t tenpts a t pcsLt.Iomnq equaHy,
regarding equa lly, under standing , cerrpr ehens i on, c og-
nition, c ooper at.Lon and the per -formance o f the in-
dividual gr oup rrembers in the camnmity , the f orm of
guidance g i ven by a high council sti ll is not of fer -
ing worthy of ment ion e f fects , by reason of w'hich an
a t tempt a t guidance in the form of giving high advice
s t i ll can not f ind use . SO/ For the s e t t l ing o f the
center and f or the execution of the tasks of a ll group
rrembers , thus i s demanded, still to l eave valid f or
sene t .trre a hierarchial f orm of guidance, t o let each
individual rrernber of the group beccrre acquainted wi th
the f orm of l e ading by the gi ving of high advice .
Sl / But this does not rrean that each indivi dual mercer
ought t o dedica t e himsel f t o stronge st l al:or , t o rrake
himself acquainted t o the f orm o f gui dance by high
advice , and t o live towards this , in r e s ult of which
each ccnmandinq and refusing f orm is reduced, to give
s atisfaction for an a utonarous , int enti onal deci s i on
f or a high advi ce . 52/ Instructions referring t o this
l e a rning wi ll be transmitte d when neces sary, and wi ll
be of f e red advisingly. 53/ Ana l yti cal recordings have
shown that . ........ (Purel y bas f,c group concerns ) .
57/Then this i s the pre liminary group arrangerrent in
r e ach of the seven- t irres- se ven of the who l e arrount of
49 rrerobera, 58/ The not yet named rrembers wi ll fina lly
care to a ppear in the run o f the next ye ars and join
with the group, accor ding t o whic h in the fiel d of
the regulati ons o f or de r , the s erre rights a r e con-
ceded to them as are gi ven and l e arned wi thi n the
group. 59/ The a l ready rrerrt doned rrembers , who are
tol d by narre, oblie to their Q\<,TI wi ll f or deci sions
in r espect t o the membership of the basic group, f or
which they finally have t o decide by the l ast day of
October' of thi s ye ar . GO/Ye t now shall f ollow the
data in respect t o the aiere it lTU.1St be
expl ained that the t irrea have to be kept punctual ly
and in their c anplete value . nevertheless
l os s e s in per-formance have t o be noted, in resul t of
s ickness , etc. , then the l os t 'tirre has to be made
qood and repeated , but then the usua l tirre ought not
t o exceed that which has to be repeated. 62/'Ihe con-
centrative meditation is onl y at I cwe d t o be done dur-
ing the ni ght hours , thus neve r during the day , f or
whic h is va lid the t:iIre of (work.inq) , 63/Only during
this s pan of t irre is the c oncentrative meditation
a .l I cwe d t o be performed , whi le the calculated ar-
rangerrent o f ti..ne for the individual rrember a o f the
group 1S f ormed as fol lows: : : :: : :: : : :: : :: :: :
(Internal concerns of the group. ) 64/'Ihese are the
preliminary dat a f or a de f ined s hort t:irre, which after
three rronths will get an a l ternation, and that unt il
the 3rd o f February 1978. 65/Until then care shou l d
be taken, that the p l anned tine i s obs e rved very can-
ple tely , s o that no di f f e r enc e s put the whole under -
taking to que s t ion. 66/If event ua l changes happen by
the leaving of one rrember f r crn out of the gr oup dur-
ing this t ime, then his s t ored r adiations wi ll auto-
mat i c a lly be e liminated in the . . .. . . by preventive
treasure . 67/'Ihese are the decisive concerns and data
I had t o gi ve you today, and which I wi ll transmit to
t o you t orrorrow in the run of the day. 68 /And Now I
have t o go, as still another ob ligat ion is calling
ITE . 6g/Fare we t L, and convey my dear greetings to
a l l.
M:'!i er- Man , dear girl , this is sUficient f or Ire,
too, f or today. see you again, and care ba.ck soon!
Semjase- 70 /50 will happen a lready in the next days .
71 /Fare ct i , my f riend.
83rd Contact saturday, 10 septenber 1977
tef er is t r oubled by an out-oF-body battle of consciousness
awar erres s betwe en hi mself and ~ 1 r . G. , \;h i c h ac tually l eft hi m il l
and he seeks Semjase 's ad vice.
Semjase- l /You have teen very irrpat ient in your cal -
l ing; a re you having s uch irrportant things?
~ i e r - Indeed I have . Jus t lis t en once very thor -
oughly t o me: Dur'Lnq three days I had tried in the
ni ght tiJre each; the time was about 02 : 00 hours in the
rrorning, t o r e a ch t o Hr. G., f or t o f ind out , what
would be the r e a s on f or a ll these things , and why he
had fai l ed so much and destroyed his contact by -this .
Hy effort s ucceeded as ....Bll very good f or ITe r at l e ast
s o f a r , unt .LL I was Irrmedi.at e I y near t o him. hn eJ1
her e I s ay " inTnedia t e " , this does not rrean ne having
been abl e t o push up t o his aura, whic h peculiarl y I
did not see as a blue radiation, but as a violet one ,
whic h s hi.rnner ed a lit tle b lurred thr ough a huge
po...oer -field of ene rgy, which I was not able t o
ana lyze . I n s pite of this , I then tri ed to penetr a te
into this pocer -ef i e I d, or t o br e ak it up . t o r each
into the aura- r adiation, wh e reaf t.er- I then cou l d have
taken an enaIya Ls , fran which t o ge t the posLt aon of
the mat ters by way of analyza t i on of the forces ' in-
t ensit y , f or then t o ge t per haps a stor e d f ile f r an
out of the s ubconsci ousness of Hr . G. , t eo, chic h
s ure l y could have de livered a concl usi on about what
occurred i n r e s pec t to the br eak-of f of the contac t
with him. But this a ll f a iled. thor oughly f or Ire,
because whi le pene t rat ing into the unknown t o
rre power- f iel d , I c r ashed. a ga inst s uch a strong b loc
of r e sis tance, that I got flung away and l ost con-
s c iousne s s f or s econds . hn 61 I awoke again, I f e l t
sanething inside o f rre , whi.ch threatened. to t e a r TiE
of f . Scrrewher e thi s r ested. inside of my breast , sore-
whe r e insi de the center of my f e elings, and i t gave
rre devi lis h pain. '!his was peculiar t o me, because
of this s trong measure it was a l l unknown t o rre , and
j ust only the f eeling , t o get t orn t o p iece s f rom out
of insides , once rror e ne arl y c aused rre l oseing the
consciousne s s . I had t o fight it f or about 15 minut e s ,
t o l iber a t e myself fran this huge force , whi.ch scree-
17 1
heM' tri ed t o kill Ire, as it s eerred to Ire. later I
coul d no l onger s leep a gain, because s arething con-
stantly t ried to penetrate into me again. I n conse-
quence . I wakened my wi f e , who then t urned the light
on f or roe, which then during the whol e night i llumin-
a ted the rcx::m bright ly. Onl y then, could I brea the
freel y again, and the evil tearing insi de my ches t
s Iowly decr eased. We ll , a f ter a ll , I was l ike
darraged, and everything s eerred to give a heavy burden
in me, nearly l ike a depress ion, he avy a s l ea d . To
expl or e these peculiar things , I tried again within
the fOl leM'ing two nights, but with the sarre s ucces s .
he ll , thi s t .trre I had been prepared f or it, by which
I could avoid the unconsciousness and defend mys e If
agains t the beginning of such. But; In s ll , I had no
succes s , because neither was I able to break through
this huge forcefield, nor anal yze i t .
senjase- 2/ Mla t t.Irre was that ?
~ i e r - I made the fi rst t ry in the night of Wedne s -
day, the 7th o f september , in the rrorning at 02 :00
hours . The second try was in the ni ght of the
8th to the 9th of September , and the l ast try was
fran ye sterday to today,
Semjase- 3/And by what rreas ure have you made the t ry?
~ i e r - By wa y of an astral space-leap.
Semj ase- 4/Are you s ure of such?
Meier- But s ure ly, f or I wanted to avoid, that one
could l oca lize Ire in the point of s tarting, because
scrrehcw I s irrpl y kept the the unsure f eeling , which
warned Ire o f a threatening dange r . For that reason , I
used a space-l eap, whi.ch rroreover I c l othed by tvx:>
wronq coordinates .
SE!mj ase- 5/And whic h "'Br e these?
Me:ier- '!he one o f them has been New tenu, and the
second Rangoon .
seajase- 6/'Ihat is very well ; by that , a localization
o f your posit ion will very l ikel y be i.IIpossible , if
a s we Lf you have fixed these coordinates within the
l e aps .
So I have .
senjase- 7/ SUre l y , you had been care ful enough. 8/ 1
will care f or these events and bring you the neces sary
expl anations l a te in the evening o f SUnday, if I can
ana lyze the occurrences . 9/ I t appears ve ry mys t e rious
to rre, o f what events i t is treating her e , because
s uch very strong f orms of for ce are extremel y r are,
because he re it can onl y dea l with a high concentra-
Meier- Of cluster f onnations then, as I have a l so
de l ibera t ed, because Hr. G. h imse lf being able t o
gene rate s uch f orces , appears very much doubtful t o
senjase- l O/ Certainl y , but his subconsciousness ab-
s o l utely is able t o a ctivate s uch and t o cal l
them fran scrnewhere, maybe fran the r eason , becaus e
fran s omewhere it has l oca l i ze d a menace.
Do you think he r e , i t had been abl e to local-
i ze the ccordfnatea of my ego?
Semjase- H / No, if namely you have not interrupted
your self-generated blockade , then t.hi.s wi ll not be
You ID2aJ1 this b l ockade, which you had objected
t o a l i t t l e rrore than one year ago , when I gene rated
i t ?
5emjase- 12/Sure ly.
No, it is as before, and I haven I t inte rrupt-
ed i t in any way .
senjase- 13/So I thought. l 4/ You are very careful.
Different occurrence s since the begi.nn.ing of
our acquadrrtence have taught rre this doing.
Semjase- i s /This i s .... done . ye t I want to
go and dedic at e mysel f t o these things . 17/ He anwhile
stay f r an thes e tri e s and don' t trouble yours elf
any rrore about; these c oncerns . 18/ As far as pos sible
I wi l l gi ve you explorations, if I can. 19/ Fare wel l ,
and see you .
r-k:m2nt , he r e I sti ll have sarething , ....hich is
in the matt er of the t ime plan, with H. , i t can not
be arranged this way , which i s why you should make an
a l ternation. Look here, here I have wr'Lt.ten a provis-
ional list for four weeks , exactl y according to your
calculations for the t .trre, Now here ....'ouI d be well ,
when for H. would be given time in the fir s t weekend
of the rronth, in Friday and Saturday. Can 'that; be ar-
r ange d l ike s o?
Senjase- 20/Please give Ire these lis ts .
Meier- He r e you get them.
senjase- 21/ 1hank you , l e t Ire deliberate a m::xrent and
....u rk; soon I wi. Ll put new data into the lis ts .
Meier- '!hank you.
senjase- 22/Nell , I am r e ady , he re you have the no-
tifications . 23/But now I have t o go.
Meier- Only a s hort ques t ion ITOre: ~ \ ' h e n wi ll you give
Ire the r est of the lis t of t imes; I rrean, for those
persons , you s til l have not noted?
Semjase- 24/Latest at 10 days f ran now, but maybe
alre a dy in the next .... k . 25/At any case, as soon as
I have elaborated the calcul a t ions about the s e times .
26/But now I r e a lly have to l eave . 27/Convey t o all
of you my very dear and rel ated greetings , and new
gccdbye , dear f r iend. 28/Be very careful , and observe
my a dvi ce, t o undertake nothing within the discussed
concerns for the next tine.
Meier- Of c ourse, dear gi r l. Very dear thanks , and
kind greetings to your people, too. 'Ichys ,
84th Contact; Sunday, 11 Septenber 1977
'Ihought Transmiss i on Contact
03 :48 h
senjase- l /You had s lept ve ry deep, f or which I had
s cste t roubl e s in calling you . 2/But this had t o be,
because I have to tell you acrre .irrpor-tent. events in
r e lation t o the rratt e r about IoU- . G. 3/As I have
pranis ed you, I cared f or an explanation of the oc-
currences , which by their manner are very extraor din-
ary, and offered a very wicked r esu lt. 4/ At first, I
cared by the same way f or these concerns , l ike you
yourself have tried fran your s i de . 5/Although I 'HaS
prepared for a ll by your explanations of yesterday , I
got hit ve ry badly. 6/ 1 had gre at troubl es, t o treat e r-
the s uddenly penetr ating int o me f orces , because they
hit me by s uch an improbabl e powe r , that f or a t .ine
of seve ra l minutes , I became wf .thout; c onsci ousness.
7/Onl y the cir cums tance , that. Pl e ja, \.n1O I had won
f or this try and who watche d f or a ll my t echni c a l
means , inter f e r r e d with apparatus at the beginning of
my l os s of conscious ness , and r e fl inging the penetrat-
e d forces , pr e served Ire f r an l os ing my lif e . a/Since
this occur-rence , it i s a ccmpl e te mys t ery t o rre , that
you ha d s urvive d the del usi onal a ttack afrred at you,
because there r e s u l t f r an the now known t o me facts
o f my calcul a t ions , that you should not have survived
that a ttack a ga ins t your lif e . 9/Which c i rcumstances
pr evented that I am not able t o explain. 10/ 1 wo uf d
have liked to win f or now the explorat ion of the c on-
cerns , Quetzal he lping, but he i s absent f o r s ane
days , so I called father f or advice, in r e s ul t of
which he wi ll cane here within the next f ew days , to
he l p r e a s on out the occurrence s . l1/ Until the n , p l -
ease by no rreens do unde rtake anything , because I
coul d not offer you he l p in any way , f or I am not
pcxcer'ful enough t o rmsee r these unknown t o rre f orces ,
which really has to deal with a very high form of
concent r a ted force , f orce of s evera l mi lli on uni t s .
12/ Even when I made a new try f or the c l earing of the
mat .te r -s r this trirre by purely t echni ca l rreens , this
a l so was a t otal fai lure. 13/ Like s o , as \\'\:! ll we re
two furthe r t r ies. 14/ 'Ihe analyzers maintained func-
t i on f o r s o l ong, unt i l their s earcher beams rre t; with
1 75
the Irrrrense concent r a ted energy. 15/nIen a ll hap-
pened very quickly. 16/'Ihe s earcher beams indeed got
cons urred in a fraction of a s econd , just as though
they wo u I d have served. as feed f or the penetrating-in
pcwe r , 17/'Ihen suddenly this .inrrense pccar was
in the middle of the center o f instrurrents of the
anal yzer, and spread to the essential heart, narrely
into the r ea ch of the sensors. 18/With a c rashing
noi s e , the sensors got distorted fran insides , by
which the whole apparatus was destroyed. 19/ Keep
patient now until the appearance of my f ather, as a t
the l atest until \\-ednesday, he wants to be her e , to
dedica t e himself to the exploration o f these very
s ecretive things .
85th Contact Thursday , 15 septenber 1977
for thi s a f t e r noon con tact Ptaah arri ves with Semjase as she had
s aid, t o try to clear up the mat t e r of the forcefield attack upon
Edu ard nerer Th e s ou r c e o f t he potte r t urns out to be of ve ry
great i nt er es t t o all.
Mod er- But this is very ni ce, that I s ee you once
rror e roth together.
Semj ase- l /Ther e ha s n ' t been much time since we have
been t ogether.
Ptaah- l / For ou r f r i end, thi s nevertheless trey be: a
very l ong ti.me.
~ i e r - By which word you are right , but wha t hap-
pene d now actually? Have you f ound out anything in
respect t o thi s ve ry peculiar event around l-tr. G.?
Ptaah- 2/'Ihis mat t e r caused very much trouble f or
rre , 3/ Noreover I want; t o p lead with you, not t o un-
dertake in the f uture any s uch a t tempt s any rror e ,
unt .i .I you have informed my daughter, Que t za l or Ire
about. them. 4/Your attempts wer-e ve ry dangerous and
could easi l y have meant; the early end o f your life.
5/'Iha t you are still a live, you have t o thank that
c.i.rcums tance of your having reacted very quickly
before the force was f u.lIy in ac t ion. 6/lf you had
l ost your cons ciousnes s in deeper f orm, and when it
wo u I d not have been of on l y s uperficial cha r act e r ,
then you wo u Ld have l os t the bat t le because of the
narrownes s of t ine. 7/But nO\'1 you real I y have been
on the razor 's e dge and still have been able t o act
in the dec i s ive part of a second. a/Here in f act it
deal t only with t iny s econd's parts . 9/ A further
p lus f or you was , having set wrong cocrddnates , by
which a direct at t ack against you was dis abled, thus
you on ly got hit by indirect disoriented basis by r e-
l ati on back t o the delusional energy trwa rds her
stor e-keeper , so in this cas e t owar ds Hr . G. l O/ But
if you wo u t d not have unde rtaken counter - insurance ,
but betrayed your pos i t ion, then you would wi thout
rescue have been l os t .
l-Eier- But s o bad this a l so wo u Ld not have been, or?
Pt:aah- l1/Still a ll w'as verse , beca use by a ll rreans ,
you are out of the position of e liminating that con-
centrat i on o f energy. 12/ At the roost; you mi ght have
been abl e to .inhibit i t f or a s hort t iroe, but nothing
rrore. 13/'Ihis wourd ce the case i f your posi tion ....-ere
to be known , as then this unbr eakable for you f orce
and pocar wou l d a t tack you by full verve and fulles t
s trength.
Meier- But then I sti ll do not know, hc:::w' this f orce
or energy i s suited t o Hr . G. , f or I can not imagine
him t:eing able t o gener a te such a nonstrous rrat .t.er ,
Ptaah- 14/ SUre l y , he i s not able f or such, not even
in the tiniest f orm. IS/ But his s ubcons c i ous i s deci -
sive ther e for e . 16/Narnel y this r e gi s t ere d inpul s e-
accor ding danger , f ran sarewhe r e , reacted accor ding to
that . 17/By the event of the break-of f of the con-
tact, narrely, Nr . G. put himse l f into an irreparabl e
s tate o f consciousness, which rreans , that he can no
l onge r keep c ont r ol of his s ubcons c i ous in relation
t o the contact, f r em which f act he absolutel y i s in-
conscious about; the contac t 'towards other spheres
being interrupted and does no rror e ret urn. 18/By the
irrepairable s tat us now, he f ancies himself f or being
f urthe r on in the sphere of c ontact, in ....tric h
consequence he l eads wrong inpulses of his conscious -
ness 'towards his subconscious , which in reve r s e nea-
sure gives ....'IOIlg irrpulses of this kind to his con-
sciousnes s . 19/ By thi s , he no rmre i s able to dis cern
the true f acts, consciously I rrean, and by this as
....'e ll his su1x:on s cious i s get t ing f e d by the s ane wrong
data, whe ref ran this i s as ~ l l ....urking incorrectl y
in thi s direction. 20/ Thi s rreans his subconscious is
s t i ll abl e t o wor k in this form in r espect to these
mat t e r s , too. 21/ 1n consequence of tha t , it f orms a
servi t ude-l ike illusion , being twof o l d based, which
rreans c onscious l y and uncons c i ous ly. 22/But this is
causing the s ubcons c i ous to de fend itse lf agains t
a ll , which is not corresponding t o i t s stora ge qocds ,
23/ For the subconscious is on l y that in fac t a t this
rrarent , what i s given i t as f ood by the consciousnes s ,
even if this food i s poisoned and wrong . 24/For these
reasons , the subconscious r eacted in a very wicked
....a y , when f ran sanewhere it got a notice o f dange r ,
17 8
narrely that a ll in r e s pect t o the contacts of Hr . G.
co ujd be untrue, and the contac t s t o the othe r sphere
wo u ld be of a rmre imagined character . 25/ And
exactly he r e now, that factor starts t o p laya part,
whe r e those f orces are called into activity , which s o
wickedly attacked you s o suddenly that you fell to
bad need. 26/Unconsciously t o Mr. G_ , his sulx:onsci-
ous conducted abs o lut e l y eutoncrousi y by a f orm of
de f ens e , which he was not able to conceive. 27/In-
side of himself, and thus within his subconscious as
v.'ell a s within his conscious ne s s , too, he still is
deep l y connected t o r e ligi ous concerns , which matter
becerre the deci s i ve f actor f or the wicked doings of
the subconsc.ious , 28/ At registration of the rrenac e ,
l::eing scrrewhere known, the contact of Hr. G.
towards the other s phere being irr etri evably int e r -
rupt ed, it r egarded this f or wrong and r e ac t e d very
qui ckl y . 29/ Within a short time it rrobi lized ener-
gi e s f or defense , t o defend the a lready exi.st.iriq il-
l us i on of gcod inside, .....here the next -seizable energy
f or i t was stored, which strong ly r e ve als its pre-
sence, which were the ener gies of the religious be-
lief, for which Hr . G. himse l f advocates r e s pons ibil-
ity, a lthough he may cont e s t this to the outsi de .
3D/ But j us t these f orces , those of the r e ligious be-
lief, are the gr eat e s t , that exist on the Farth, be-
caus e they are produced and exist f r an wronq and
mi l liardfol d ener gies of thoughts of credulous earth-
human beings . 31/ 'Ihese for ces represent an inmense
accumu lation, a gi gantic form of concentrated ener gy,
\.ffiich c l asp your v.Dr ld l ike a closed sphere and of t en
caus e bad harm. 32 /Connected t o them are, too, im-
rrense concent r a t i ve f orms of fluidal pcwer-s , which
in the sarre way we r e produced by mil liards of earth-
human beings depending on belief, and we r e further
produced . 33 /These now connected t o the conc entra ted
f orm, and in consequence cooper at ing as v.'e ll ene rgie s
have been, what were called into activi ty by the sub-
conscious o f Mr , G. and c lasp him as irnpenetratable,
pr otecting cui ress of radiation and energy, which you
easyminded ly wanted to break, which doing unavoidably
woul d have caused the e arly death for you , i f you had
not secured your position of staying by twtce-wronq
coordinates .
l-Eier- Yes, now I see a l ot rro're , At Einsied.eln, in
the rrone s tary, around a year a go , I was again nearly
hit by a hai rs bredth. Then it had to deal with those
forces .
Pteah- 34/SUrely, and they are rrenacing your life,
....'hich is wh y you should shun concentration p laces of
such energies .
8emjase- 2/This advice I have a l ready told you Sate
times .
Mei er- Yes , I know.
Ptaah- 35/'Ihen you also s hou l d troubl e yours elf f or
observing this advice. 36/'Ihe s e energies of be lief
and fluida ls of belief , you can not canbat in any
way that you a r e abl e t o make them ineff ect i ve . 37/
The s e even a re too strong for us , and teo powe rfuL
Meier- '!his I now know. Onl y I do not under s tand ,
the religions constantly talking about; these ener gi es
as the for ces of darkness , because by the se s uch neg-
a t ive e ffects are conjured up, while these r e ligions
themselve s prOOuce these f orc es of darkness .
Pteah- 38/'!hese aren I t the religions.
t-eier- I know, in truth these are the f a i thful pe0-
p le and the ir crazy belief.
ptaah- 39/Certainly, and unfortunately in a ll trruth
they can not be changed, even though i t is explained
to them, that by their belief and their fluidum of
belief they are generating thes e f orces by themse.lvea,
which then the y term the power' s of darkness or the
might of the dar kness .
Meier- 'Ibis rray be the cause, her e you s ure ly a re
r ight . But p l e a s e tell Ire, wha t shou l d I do in re-
s pect to Mr . G. further on?
Ftaah- 40/r can gi ve you onl y one counsel : 41/Ee-
ware yourself, that in r e spect t o these things , you
reach neithe r by yours elf , nor by a third person ,
towards !>lr. G. 42/0::> give no explanations to him
about; thi s , and do never rrentuon the fac t to him,
that his contact to the other sphere is irretr ievably
interrupted and stopped. 43/Also take care, that
trxcards him no notes are ut tered by third persons .
44/Al l these concerns necessarily have to rerrain a
secret o f you and the Informed rrernbers of the group.
45/1f towards Mr . G. undelil:erated notes are told,
then the dange r incre ase s without l imit, that by his
s ubconsci ous your spi r i t ua l self gets l ocalize d and
this l ocati on attacked, which rreens that you wou I d
have directed the full damage upon yours e l f , which
for sure you wou l d not be able to rraste r , and perhaps
our help coul d appear too late, it ....-e then would be
abl e to assist you at a l l .
l-Eier- For my part, I can guarantee a s ilence, but
for scrre rrembers of the group I canI t , as t:efore they
can keep s ilence , they at first have t o l e arn a l ot .
Pt.aah- 46/1hat thi s f act may be true f or sere of
them, i s known to rre, but in spite of this , it s hould
be abl e to be arranged. 47/ He r e I appeal to tile rea-
son of those ones , and hope for the ir under standing.
Meier- ~ ~ will see what happens .
Pt.aah- 48/In this respect , siIrply no mi stake can be
aLl.owed to happen.
Meier- ~ \ e l l a l ready, Ptaah, I wi ll tal k about; thi s
\...ith them. Now yet ....-e surely have tal ke d enough about;
this, and I s till have a que sti on : hha t tnrre in detail
should the running of our gre at wor-th s tart?
Semjase- 3/In Thursday, the 27th of October- of this
ye ar, starting with Jacobus .
~ i e r - Nell i have you del il:erated a lready further
t irres?
which are
4/Ye s , two further dat e s I can tell You,
(Int .erna I conce rns of the group )
Meier- 'Ibank you, gir L This way I s oon can ccrrotete
the seri e s unti I the printing of the r epcc-ts, and
s t i ll add roth these nerree , Al::x::>Ut one thing I yet
wonde r ', narre I y the diff erent night tilres . \'J'ly do they
exis t , the s e gradat i ons in three values?
Ptaah-- 4971 can answer thi s quest i on by, that the
t i.rres have been figured out f or the individual group
rrember s according to the bes t possible rreasure of the
highest effic i ency o f their radiati ons , of the flui-
dum and the cosmic oscillat ions , as .....>ell as f ran
sene other very i.rqx:lrtant f ect.ors ,
~ i e r - Does this rrean , other t i.rres not being s uited
f or the indivi dual rrembers of the group, or j ust not
effect ive in the demanded arrount?
Ftaah- SO/certainl y , j ust thi s f actor has to be con-
s idered. 51/50 for exarrote my daught e r had to .
(Int erna l conc erns of the group )
~ i e r - So this does behave .
Ptaah-- S8/SUrel y , and this can't be changed, because
as ....>e ll .....'e can not s i.nply bypass the cosmic law, and
especially in those concerns . S9/Yet new I still
"''ant t o give you an advice: 60/ Fran my daughter I am
inforned, that whi Le you approach Hr . G. you have
seen a vio let color in his aura , which actually should
have ....tamed you. 61/You really s houl d pay rrore a t -
tention to these things .
~ i e r - I knew, you surely will say, for fie being
known indeed , the violet color corresponding, s o to
s peak, to a I aN' l e vel of deve .loprerrt., and I should
have cared f or this because (of it) _
Pt.aah-- 62/So i t i s . 63/But you do know, the viol e t
color indeed corresponds t o a ve ry 1<::M level of de-
ve toptent. , and that on ly f aith in sarething wrong c an
call up this color in the aura. 64/Likewise i s known
to you , the different he r e s i e s affirming , that this
col or wou.ld pr otect f r an nega t i ve for cefi e lds , r a d-
i a t ions and othe r influencies of negative f orm, 65/
You know quite wej L, hew wrong this i s , and a l ready
sever a l times having to s uffer bad exper iences in
res pect to dif f erent kinds of violet r a dia tions , as
f or exanple as ....'e ll within the u l trav iolet r each,
e tc.
~ i e r - I knew, but in spite of that , I had to try
1 8 2
dir ecti on of vfew I have no
my fri end, the t .irre press es .
69/Live in peace, be care f u l ,
connecte d t o us by l ove one s ,
this, but not because of me s uddenly having beccme a
fool in regarding the viol e t radiation for a pos i t ive
f actor. My s uffer ed harms are v.1311 known t o me, for
whic h reason I trus t in no a ffi rmati ons whi ch repre-
sent this vio l et r adia tion a s l::eing pos i t ive . He re I
ne i the r trust in the "Gr eat ioJhit e Brother hood" and
its r oi icwe rs , like the "Br i dge t o Freedan" and the
"I am" , nor in any othe r wrong doct r ine s , as you
s hou l d but know.
ptaah- 66/Towards this
thoughts . 67/ But now,
68/1 have to l eave you .
and convey t o a ll those
my greetings in thanks.
senjese- 7/5:) as t.;ell I say good-bye , and quite kind
greetings t o a l l. B/Also r egard f rom me t o a ll , my
fee l ings of connect ednes s , and my of t en thinking of
z.Ei er- I gladl y tri ll do, of course, and they will
a ll be very much de light ed about. it - and many thanks .
I . . . . oh ye s , ptaah, gi r l , stil l a s hort ques t ion:
I have a little problem. In itself, I a lready have
s o l ved it - s een fran my view, and according to, haw
I am regarding the mat t e r. Told in detai l , it treats
of . can I still talk about; this for a
s hort time and listen t o wha t you have t o say about;
Pteah- 70/Yes, surely; this s eems t o be of great
rreaning and .irrpor-tence to TIE .
Semjase- I j oin the opinion of my father.
Ftaah-- 7l/Te ll me your que s t ion.
z.E.ier- '!hank you , but I do not want; these matte rs t o
be l a t e r reproduced in the r epor-t ,
SEmjase- 10/Surely, this is self-evident .
z.E.ier- h'e ll , then . . . . . . . . . .
('Ihe furthe r talk is a purely private matter, and it
l as ts f or 20 minutes . )
Pt.aah-- 72 /For my part, I f eel by knowl edge , that you
treat by knowl edge f or your response and per-formance
of obligat ion ahead t o your own and the othe r part,
when you have decided f or that . 73/By s incere manne r-
and by knowing about the per-formance of duty and
response, you are abl e t o set a deci s ion, being as
well not easy for you, which f act I c l early acknow-
ledge t o you. 73/In consequence , tell your counsel -
l ing to the othe r part .
l-Ei er- And what do you think about i t , girl ?
SEmj ase- 11/1 can only conf irm the advice of my
f a ther.
~ i e r - r-1any thanks for your kind a dvi ce, and s ti ll
the t ime and troubles, you t.cok upon you . Hany dear
thanks , and now qcod-bye ,
86th CbntacUBlnesday, 21 ~ 1977 15: 28 h
Semjase and Pl aah arrive again together . to bring Me ier t he
r es ul t s of thei r l as t discussions . The que stion of j ealous i es
wi t hi n the group arises and t'eier threatens to chuck it all and
l eave, wh i ch dis tresses Plaah and Semjase as they try to pe rsuade
him against it.
Ftaah- l /Be saluted, dear f r i end .
semjase- 1/1 enjoy seeing you again after 50 short a
t ime .
Mei er- You are so cerenonrai , children, but I a l so
am very much delighted in seeing you .
Ptaah 2/Quit e siIrpl e , we are delighted that the con-
ce rns cou l d get regul ated, which we discus s ed during
our l ast contact. 3/ 1 mysel f watched f or a ll and
observed the devel oprrent o f the rrat.te.rs , where I coul d
s ee, l ike my daught er, too, that \ \'B had done r i ght by
our couns e l ing and wi th your deci s ion , which ....oe enjoy
very much . 4/As I had pranis ed you, I cared for the
c l oser conce rns if the decisive other part, vnich l ed
to the cognit ion of the r esu.l.t , that f ran the other
s ide can not be expected in any was a change within
the discuss ed ma.tters , because the whole stra ighten-
ing of thoughts of that man is establis hed so very
mich within the rraterial , that f orces of fee lings and
fee lings themse l ves are s o nuch stagnat ing, that dur-
ing this lifetirre , they can not beccrre untied by him.
S/nJ.is stagnat ion even reaches s o far, that unfortun-
atel y it ga ins the s trength of a frigi dit y of f eeling
whic h l eads t o an evil disrega rd of dut y , resulting
in the known to us effects . 6/According t o a ll anal -
ys es , does exist no probabi lit y wo r-thy of rrention,
that the man i s getting ready for a conscious and
open change of these concerns , and in consequence as
well wi ll no c l oser trouble h ims e l f f or the l essons
of Spi r i t , onl y t o be able to becane a rrember o f your
group by onl y ou ter ccrrpeas , 7/For suntrery is t o
explain, your and our advices having been right at
each direction.
loEier- Thank you , Ptaah, l ike that as v . ~ l l I have
regarded a l l .
Ftaah- a/certainly, and because of that , your decis -
ion as " ' ~ l l was absolutely right , for which I give
you praise.
~ i e r - '!hat 's l ike "water carried int o the Rhine" ,
as we say, Pt.aah, as I had asked you and semjase f or
a final judqerrerrt.,
Ftaah- 9/S:; does not fully behave , my f r iend, because
you had a l ready explored befor e the correctness of
your a cting by yourself and de fined it. 10/ o.rr last
counsel was for you only a last a f firrre.tion. l1/You
have turned of f a ll your feelings for and during your
decision , and searched for a deci sion a lone f ran the
given facts and c i rcumstance s , and found it, t o at
first l e t your f eelings act , about whic h you have
beccrre very conscious , and in consequence coul d as
we l I not s uffer delusion in this r e s pect. 12/ To rraa-
ter those mat ters in a wor -Id as yours , is a lready
bcrder-Inq on sarething irrpossibl e for the earthhuman
being, f or whic h r e a s on you r eally are due a praise ,
because a l so f or you, with a ll your knowl edge and
ability, this does mean a very great result. 13/
'!hough I am ecccrrodated to you very rmch, you put Ire
in astonishrrent once rmre in this case.
Mller- But this really was not as difficult as you
present i t .
Sanjase- 2/ Your rrodesty yet honors you quite mich,
but as often, it is wrong p laced.
M3:ier- Fi ddle s t i cks, do l e ave this nonsense. I have
to talk about much rrore Impor-tant; matters, than to
discuss this odd rn::xiesty. For two tirres a lready one
asked Ire during the l ast days , what in r e spect to
.. . . . ... .. Fran my s ide , I think, thi s act ua lly
shoul d not be a pr oblem, a s anyhow thi s s urely wi ll
be regul a t ed a l ready, i s n I t it? But could you never -
theless gi ve thorough inforrre.tion about that?
Sanjase- 3/ You c ause prob lems f r em things en i c h do
not represent a p rob l em. 4/On the other hand, tcx:1ay
in any c ase I "''QUId have care to this question, be-
cause the unnecessary causing of problems at certain
rrembers of the group is test known to me, whe r e s till
other problems get c r eated about; whfch I am extrerrely
astonished and as grieved. 5/To your question
yet : 6/'Ihe concerns about the
(Internal concerns about; the basic group.)
Meier- '!his wi ll be evident. I regard this a s very
fine, haN stylish you can express yourse l f in such
concerns . For TIe , this \)\lI d have caused scrre di ffi-
culties .
senjase- l O/ You wou .ld have been sane as we ll able
therefore, I know, l1/ But now I have to give you a
very tmdelightful information: 12/ Our analyzer-discs
have shewn fran diffe rent
13/flTot ional degenerat i ons of j ealous y appear hereby
very much trxcards the foreqround, as this is fixed
c learl y and . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mei er- I know, a s different ly I caught up r a ther
wild thoughts by same . . . . . . .
14/ 'Ihen I can spare my expfanat.Ionsr I
narrel y did not know you being a l ready oriented about
that . 15/0::> you also know of which per sons this is
trea ting here?
.Meier- Of course. Altogether ther e are f i ve persons
by very strong measure; and those three one s of rred-
ium measure . The narres are ... .... . . . ..
semjese- 15/You are very Inforrred,
Meier- It wcu.ld be a sharre, if I we re not Inf ormed,
I a l so do know a l ready, what now will rise again f ran
this: tchen now gets known, Ire being inf orned about
these natters , then again one wi ll ccsre f or asking Ire :
Have I been i t ? Have I f ostered perhaps unconsciously
such thoughts of j e alousy?
Ftaah- 14/SUrely, l ike that wi ll behave, but what
will you answer?
Meier- As usual , nothing. On the other hand, nobody
can make the excuse s by telling, that these quit e
silly. thoughts in jeal ousy wouj.d have got eradiated
unconsciousl y , because jealousy a I wa ys j ust appears
by consc ious marmer , when i t expr e s ses itself in that
Ftaah- 15/ 1Jti.c h thing is true.
senjase- 17/ I t is inexplicabl e f or rre , why earth-
human beings are subject to s uch errot ions , and why
they can not think within these concerns by reason-
able wa ys , l a / And when I speak here of earthhuman
beings, then I rrean that alone and expressively just
the rrember-s of the group, because by a ll the hitherto
obtained knCMings, they finally should have becare
rrore o f knowkedqe and by that , nore reasonable. 19/
But nothing indic ated therefore, s o a t l east at these
one s , who are not hol ding their errot ions under con-
trol. 2D/ 'Ihis is very mich grieving and to regret .
~ i e r - I know, but for that , already scmet .Irrea I
made you attentive . But you have considered, this a ll
woul d not be s o bad. But do you even know, from what
r eas on a r e these j ea l ousi es starting? I can expl a in
thi s t o you indeed , my chi l d .
senjase- 21/SUre l y , by help of the ana lyzer s , I
rreanwhi l e have become c onsc ious about; many things in
thi s res pect. 22/For the f i r st r eas on, the mat .ter-
i s . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
3D/ It i s very I1U1ch grieving f or a ll of us , seeing not
onl y the earthhum:m beings in the who re , but as we.l I
within your group s til l being very mrch inc lined to a
cuI t about the body, who s ancti fy thei r body by re-
lig i ous rreaning, thus it is regarded as taboo fran
being s een, and in cons equence is not a f I cwed to be
seen, bes ide s onese lf or the direct partner in rnatri -
rrcny , 31/'Ihis is a very I1U1ch inunde r s tandable cul t
about; the body, based on rrer e errot ional wrong switch-
ing and behavtor-,
Meier- I know, gi r l , but what s ha ll anyone do agains t
this ? "le keep he re on this wor -Id "Fr ee-Body-Institu-
tions" , where a ll the rrember s run a long carpl e t e l y
naked, without having one singl e stupi d and pr imit i ve
thought in matte r s of sex and s o on . '!hes e f ree- body-
cul turi s t s or nudist s yet becane despis e d and l aughed
at by the so-ce I I ed norma l one s and are marked out
f or being uncha ste one s . How s hould anybody s t i ll
demand then a normal viewpoint ?
Ftaah- 16/ The s e rratter s are known to us . l 7/ But the
rrember s of your group should stri ve f or seeing the s e
rrat.te r s r ealis ticly and pure ly in every respect , but
before a ll they should trouble themselves to control
their emot.Lons, and t o beccrre mas ter of the unneces-
sary and destructive jealousy.
~ e r - '!hat 's easier said than done , Ptaah, But
rreybe one i s able to dam up the whol e matter by sore
and t o diminish i t , .
Ptaah- 18/HCM do you think t o per form that? 19/ 'Ihis
is l ike l y unperfornable, because
Meier- I thought that .
Ftaah- 27/You know very wel L, nobody at the present
point in t ime keeps the posi tion of taking over this
task. 28/'Ihere i s very weI I known to you, that
f rom the s ide of the s urveying one has to prevail an
absolute b lockade of thoughts , a canplete thoughts '
stop inside of the actual . .. . . . , as otherwise the
fluidal forces unite wi th the aura radiations , which
then by this canbined form get s tored inside of the
.. .... . , which rrat ter i s dangerous for the new incar-
nation, because the mingled f onns of fluidem wo u l d
have an effect on both formations o f spirit, where-
afte r these roth woul d then, at the process of reviv-
a l try to penetrate into the one and ssrre body, 29/
In consequence this task of s urveying can be exer -
cised during the pr-imary per iod on ly by a person who
i s able t o neutralize himse lf in eve ry r espect - thus
Meier- I did tell about not making that , and that 's
the l ast word, Now I r eally do f ina lly strike, and
you can do whatever you want there . (r.1ei e r rray l e ave )
Ptaah- 3D/You really grieve Ire very much, my f riend,
because .. .. .. .
senjase- 35/'!his should not be in your earnest , what
you are saying.
~ i e r - I indeed do vanish, may then even a ll nm:
rush down the r i ve r like
Semjase- 36/Please don 't speak l ike that , for this
really can not be in your earnest.
~ i e r - But nevertheless it can.
seajese- 37/You do afflict Ire very much , for this
dc:es rrean the nonper f o:rrnance and destruction of a ll
our mission.
So be it. Trouble yours e l ves for finding an-
other 1J.'ay, f or I can not cont inue under these circum-
stances .
Pt.aah- 31/Such unre a s onabi lity is not understandabl e
for ire, 32/Should thi s be your l ast word?
Meier- 'Ibis without doubt .
Ptaah- 33/'Ihen I have to turn myse lf towards the
High Counc i l .
So do this , ?taah, because I r e ally can not
do otherwi se. Ple a s e do not weep, girl , p lease .
Ftaah- 34/You shou l d understand this troubling he r
mich, 35/To my s ide, I myself do not know, too,
whe ther the High Council does find a conclusion in
this a f f a i r .
Meier- Okay , I
without sense,
isn't it?
the t i..rrE
that I
to wait . '!hen i t is
l eave here . . . . . ,
Ftaah- 36/Nevertheless I take them with Ire and return
them to you in a f ew days , so a s then, i f a ll
should be destroyed.
I have confidence in the High Council , that
i t wi ll find a suitable solut ion. But p lease, gi r l ,
s top now.
Pt.aah- 37/You ought not urge her at this m:rnent.
Meier- Excuse thi s, gi r l ; the High Council wi ll
s ure ly f ind a s olut i on.
Semj ase- 38/ 'Ihis . . .. this I have my doubt.
Meier- Look then, dear gi r l , here I s ti ll have s ere
books , Can you observe them once?
Semj ase- 39/ Certainl y , I will do
this during the next days .
Meier- '!hank you , gir l. Can I s till ask scrre quest -
tions , ptaah?
Pteah- 38/Your s udden refusabl e of the fur-ther- per -
formance of the mi ssion f or ces me t o change the dis-
posi t ion of my p lans . 39/1n consequence the time be-
comes r a ther sca rce f or me . 40/Your acting demands
f r om Ire, tha t 1 at once t urn t o the High Council and
tell your position, whi c h i s wh y I have t o leave you
loEier- Scrre thing e l s e , Pteah?
Pcaab- 41/You think 1 am angry?
loEier- Not j us t this , but you appear to l i ~ ve ry much
Ptiaah- 42/SUrely, so dces behave. 43/ 1 am very ITD.1ch
grieved. 44/We never have considered s uch a develop-
rrent. , because vie did not ca l cul at e with this incon-
ceivable . . .. 45/You yourself do not need reproof,
f or you act fran r e as onable causes , which I can un-
derstand compl e tely. 46/ You truely do act on ly from
best under standing of the concerns , for which r eason
I can not incite by ange r against you . 47/"to.'ow p lease
l e ave rre , because of your desisi on is pressing rre the
t ime . 48?leave rre in peace, and be assured of my
venerating f r i endship.
r-Eier- Good-bye , P taah, and a quite dear thank you
for your understanding. Good-bye, gi r l , and
- p lease do as we Ll and under stand rre ,
Semjase- 40/1 a l r eady unders tand you. 41/ - -
There j ust i s a l l s o much of . . . . af f licting me. 42/
see you .. ... again, . .. . . by thought s I rerratn . . . . .
with you . 43/0h, . .. .. that . .. . that unreasonability.
87th Contact Wednesday . 5 october 1977
very thor oughly the
has interest e d you so
This i s ye t anothe r in this extended ser ies of day contacts which
had been r are fo r r easons of s ecurity . Semjasc opened t he conver-
sat i on \'ji l h a question about I'leier 's act i vity i n a wooded pl a ce t he
eveni ng before . She had overlooked a deer in s ome bushes in the
l andi ng a rea she had chosen, and t he deer was acci dentally
kiiled , mrch to he r distre s s . neter ' e t hreat aa s see n as trans-
parent a nd not i n r e a l earnes t a s I'leier had i ndi c ated . ne t er wants
to deli ver a l ast pi ec e of so mething done for the Pleiadians, and
Se mj a s e s a ys s he \'Ii ll pi ck i t up wi t h a leleporter the fo j l owmq
wee k . Se mj a se ret urns the books 1'1ei e r h ad give n he r du ring t he
las t vi s i t , with ooement.s , At He i er ' s r equest, Semjase lift s his
mo- ped and carr i es it unde r he r shi p t o his destinat ion t o save hi m
some l ost t i me.
Semj ase- l / You have examined
c learing in the wcoda ,
much in this?
Mei er- Jacobus and my children have obs e rved yes ter -
day in the e vening , after dark, a shiny ob j ect the
size of a f ootball ha s set down behind this chain of
hills bel ow us , and it turned up a gain about three
minutes late r , t o shrink then s udden l y into itself
end t o disappear fast. So I have looked it now and
s een two things whi .ch indicate that the re must have
been a beamship down . SCXne bushe s , and tile grass as
well, was pr e s sed down, but , by the way , l ike a beam-
s hip would not have t ouched down di r ectly, but only
h ave f l oated in the a ir, whi l e the green will l ikely
have gotten pres sed down by only the anti grav ity po,o,......
e r s or sarething l ike that . On the other hand, I a l so
have found a dead doe, whi ch had l a in ther e wi thout
evi dent reason - dead. She a ppeare d f or me a bit
fl a tly- pres sed, l ike the anima. l would have got ten
pres sed down on the ground, and in t his way pushed
dead. From thi s , I got the i dea , the anima. l having
reached into the realm o f the protection s hield of
the bearnship and gotte n pres s ed de ad by this .
Semjase- 3/ Your abi lity of obs e rvation and canbin-
ation i s admir able. 4/ Exactly l ike that the event
You know about this ?
senjase- 5/SUrely, as r mys e lf have been there yes-
terday in the evening , to ca ll you he r e f or a further
contact. G/And:r landed my ship in the c learing, and
there I ove r looke d the grazing doe, because she stocd
scrre hidden between the bushes . 7/So she met
into the prot ection fiel d of the ship and was brought
t o dea th in a fraction of a second I s t ime, which
event is very painful f or me. B/Because of this, I
a lso r erroved ve ry soon a f t e r this event , and f irst
returned today. 9/ 1 really regret i t very much.
ltEi er- I s ee, but you s hould not trouble yours e lf
over that . I a lso f eel very s orry for the animal , but
one is not able t o cance l s cmethfnq that has happened
and to undo it.
Semjase- lO/SUrel y, this is correct , but I s hou l d
have been rmre at tent i ve , because I did knew, that
because of the new cons t ruction of the drives of our
s hips , those radiations do no rror e appear, by which
animal s of a ll kinds are frightened away.
Mei er- about , i f you .....ou l d build s ane apparatus
or .inat.rurrent; whtch gene rat es thes e r adiations?
senj ase- ll/Such s imilar gear respectively does al-
ready exist, but this has not ye t been bui l t into my
sh ip. l2/Here i t does not dea l with an Lnst.rurrent.
for frightening away the animal s, but it warns at
once, i f there is a rrenaced by the pretecti on screen
form of life i n danger , wtdch then a t once .irrpul .ses
automatically on a fuse and l e ad the s hip from
the zone of dange r for the living creature.
'That is ....'ell. hhen wi ll this gear be built
into your s hip?
14/1 do
was too
orde r it.
15/ 1 sfmpl y
senjese- 13/ Still t oday I wi ll
r egret s o much f or the animal .
care l es s .
Mei er- care now, gi r l , be brave and no rrore think
about tha t . At a ll you can not change it. Di d you get
an answer- f rom the High Council ? Or at least Ptaah
....'ant ed t o call on i t ?
Sanj ase- l6/SUrely , the matt e r s have gott en c l eared,
and apart from thi s you are a qood actor . 17/ Father
and I have afterwards , a f ter c learing of the c oncerns ,
amrs ed ourselves about; having been de l ude d by your
dramatic art . l8/But weselves were rrot abl e to see
that , which i s, that you have i lluded us , and that by
this you wanted t o ac hi eve a definite aim, which you
have r e ached a ll r i ght according t o our l ate s t anal -
ys i s . 19/As the Hi gh Counci l expl ained t o us, you
considered no thought of r e a lly 1::eing that obd.urate
and t o j ust simpl y drop everything away, rrena c ing by
this the mission. 20/ In truth, you on l y pretended to
us , that you wou Ld do s o , though you had not changed
your mind , and only wanted to hit those who have been
ove r ccrre by jea l ousy . 21/Insi de of you has on l y been
the vague thought that you wou ld strike against the
jeal ous persons if they wou.ld not change their be-
havior. 22/But by wise for e s ight you had a lrea dy an-
a lized and unde r sstcod, that the concerned ones wou I d
finally refl ect upon this and start t o behave better
by means of your hars h words , which effect then has
r eally care true t o the last of your i de as, by whic h
the damage was ove r cane before it a t a ll coul d care
t o appear. 23/'Ihis is an achie verrent wruch we admi r e
and which neither I nor my f ather wc u I d have invent e d .
24/Expressed in your l anguage , I have to s ay: Only
you would think as crazy as this , and act l ike that .
25/ But your treating was very qood, and apart f r an
this, it represents the s hortest "'By you could take,
though i t was very extraor dina ry, which fact i s not a
r a rity \v.ith you .
~ i e r - '!hank you for thos e t i ocers, bu t I of ten do
'thtnk quit e crazily and treat as wel l . 'That is an
old nat t e r of fac t .
semjase- 26/Certainl y , this is known t o me. 27/ But
herein I oft en can not under s tand your thinking and
acting , though it a lways of f e r s gcxx:1 and responsibl e
s uccess .
Meier- l\"cM you nay l e ave fran binding the f I cwera ,
Better t e ll me when I c an bring you the l as t pi e ce,
the . . __ .. _ ?
Semjase- 28/It is very heavy for you to bring it to
me . 29/It 's likel y 1::et ter , if I would overtake it by
ny teleporter i n the run of the next week , 30/ 1 wi ll
19 4
return i t t o you witlli..n 24 hours .
Me!ier- '!hat way like. . . . . _. ?
Smj ase- 31/Sure1y.
M::!ier- We ll
t:h.is spares much work for TIE. . Yet; what
now about; the books?
Sernjase- 32/ 1 have brought them with TIe . 33/1t deals
here of the usual literature known t o your whi c h i s
interspersed by many mi s takes . 34/In spite of that ,
it contains dif ferent good vaIues , which might find
ut ilization and exercise. 35/ So in spite of the
f aults i t offers qcod .resuI t.s , which are from my cal-
culation of probabili ty at an arrount of 50 - 56%
r -Lqht , as f rom the contents and descr iptions of t:h.is
literature can ge t e laborated a r-ather- good r e s ul t .
36/'!he s t i ll missing and the f au l t ful ma.t t ers can be
found by oneself aft e r r ather good e laborat ion of the
ma.t ter r and r ecogni ze d , wher eaft e r a sti ll bett er
e t eborat.Lon of results will be posafb.le , whic h at a
probabi lity of correctness of around 78% have a very
qcod f rane (of referenc e ) , when the earthly standards
are regarded.
~ i e r - Thank you, gi r l. You ev i dently have troubl e d
yoursel f very much f or t.hi.s,
senjese- 371 1 per f orned this r eadi l y f or a ll of you .
~ i e r - '!hen a ll the rror e deare s t thanks . Yet t e ll ITE
neM, what do you e stimat e of our weathe r' ? There pr e-
vai ls a r eal s outhe r l y wind, and I can delight myself
very rmch f r an such atorms ,
semj ese- 38/Yes s o , but this weathe r i s br inging
very great aff lictions t o many e arthhuman beings , as
weI J- . as to you , though you do not shew anything about;
t:h.i s . 39/But I know your arm i s aff licting you very
a s bad, because f or a
accustomed myself to
Meier- Oh, that ' s not
l ong t Irre a l r eady I
this ma.tt er.
senjase- 40/You knowr this l::eing not only the
odation, but a controlling of the evil pain.
19 5
your place I real ly not know what I do.
'!hat is no marve L, t oo, because you have
over ccrre such evils in your race for a l ong time a l -
r eady. But here on Farth, with the ear-thrren, it i s
another thing . ve ry many ones wil l in cause of the
s outherly wind go c razy, p l ay mad , ki ll themselves
and provoke nurrerous acc idents . Evil aggressions,
fears and depr e s s i ons become everyday events at such
t Iroes , which matter i s simply not under'atandab.le f or
Ire, f or I can not explain what reason causes all these
matters inside of the human being. 'These canI t be the
thoughts alone, narre.ty, any l es s than bodi .Iy troubles
l ike pain, and s o on. Often a lready I have r e flect ed
upon this , and have r e ac hed the conclusion, that
thes e effects mus t; be released inside the body itself,
or by scrre or gans , where, as I assurre , by s ome event
one or rror e l evels of aci d ccme into disarrangement,
weakerunq by that the f orce of r es i s tance o f the hu-
man being, which matter then i s experienced as feel -
ings of depr es s ion or agression . I coul d imagine here
by mys e l f , f or example, the adrena l ine level repre-
s ent ing one of these factors , if i t sinks down by any
unknown t o me processes in the body or by outer in-
fluences , which as far as I know depresses the f orce
of resistance and releases the s ound structure of the
body e t c . An agression i s e ffecte d when the adrenal -
in l eve l rises enormous1y , and can not be reabsorbed
s can enough by the mi lky ac f .d' s product ion towards a
normal standard. So thi s would meen, the adrena l ine
l evel a t sub-level position , as we l I (produces ) a
certain e ffect , like the s upra-leve l position , teo.
But s urely in s outhem-wind weather sti ll other fac-
t ors are deci s ive , which you are per haps able to
explain t o rre?
Semjase- 42/About thes e conce rns , I do not have en-
ough cognitions , than t o give you a sufficient ana-
wer- , 43/Ye t in respect t o your interest I wi ll l ook
f or a s uited answe r', and tell it during our next
rreeting. 44/Fran that yet, what I know of these r e-
l a tions, your assumption may be correct . 45/But in
any case , of Impor-tance to the human being is the
correct s teering of the psyche and the mastering by
wi ll, under controlling fOnTI , of all deci s i ve f a c tor s
which fact you can see f or yoursel f and exercise as
we ll .
l-Eier- '!hank you , gi r l , I am al ready now eager f or
your answe r' , because I am sure o f r eaching this \'1ay
then diffe r ent f ac tor s , which will hel p rre in s ol ving
scrre further probl ems in the ma.tter of psychiatry and
psychol ogy.
Semjase- 46/Especially devel oped fields of know.ledqe
of you, about which you am extraordinary cognitions .
~ i e r - Naybe.
senj ase- 47/ You have evidenced this once rror e at our
last neeting, when f u l I y perfect cons c ious l y , you have
deluded my father and mys e l f , t o reach a defined goal ,
which doing has s ucceeded exelent ly f or you . 48/'Ihi s
and f or being abl e t o do it, promises an extraordin-
ary cogni t ion and rrastering of the psyc hiatric and
psychol ogical f acts. 49/This talent and cogni t ion is
by regret mi s s ing from us in r espect t o the earthhurran
being , as sti ll we have not r eache d t o know him as
thorough ly, as is necessary f or us . 50/t\'e still will
have to spend many years he r e for e , t o e l aborate our -
selves thorough l y into these conce rns and t o approp-
r iate the demanded knowledge . 5l/Ye t now, dear fri -
end, I have t o l e ave, f or I stil l have t o unde rgo
other tasks .
~ i e r - Okay, wi ll you per haps hang on t o my rrotor -
CYCl e , and put me dam ove r the r e with it a t rxirsn-
Semj ase-
52/ Sure l y , - we I I now, your
53/I t i s a l l right , v . ~ . . . .
vehicle gets
~ i e r - A rrorrent., gi r l , do fly s I owj .y, I want t o l ook
a bit ove r the f orests.
Semjase- 54/As you want. , but you s hou l d no rmr e spend
t oo much t ime on this.
M:ier- A f ew minut es is suf f i cient , and I have no
rror e ques t ions .
Semj ase- 55/h'ell , then I sti ll want t o give you very
dear greetings f or a l l wcren and man fri ends , 'towards
whom I oft en t um my thoughts, \..nile there a r e on ly a
19 7
very few arronq them, who are able t o receive them in
the f orm of irrpulses .
~ i e r - In this , progresses are being achieved , teo,
senjase- 56/Surely. 57/ - Have you f ound, for what
you had searched? 58/t'Je are at the point of dri ve .
~ i e r - Certainly, you way set down my devilish j um-
per, and tchys nCM and dear greetings to a ll the
othe r s .
Semjase- 59/5ee you again, dea r f riend, you have
beccrre very dear t o TIe .
~ i e r - I, oh , girl , you ... . what does it, see you
again, you devi l ' s wcrran, you , 'too, have nicely grown
to my heart . See you again.
seajase- 60/Your words explain a ll the mere suffi -
~ e r - So do j UlTp now, my chi l d . Tchys . . .. .
Semjase- 61!By
88th Contact t-bnday, 17 October 1977
Semjase of fe r s the rema ining exp lanations in connecti on wit h t he
me d i t a ti on room. Af t e r the 20t h of Oct obe r the medit a t i on room
mus t be rest r icted t o on ly those schedul ed t o us e it , and t hos e
s hould use it only at t he t i mes scheduled f or them. Semjase lel ls
f-lei e r t ha t t wo member s of the group are not developi ng well enough
and mus t be r estrict ed f r om the room. Semjase explains the f ohn-
wi nd phe nomenon and how i t wor ks on humans . Mei er is advised t hat
a new protecti ve device bui l t by Quet zal has been i nstalled in the
t el emeter disc t ha t has been pl aced in a stat iona ry pos i ti on above
t he center. No mor e fli ght demonst rat i ons by t he beamships wi l l be
made and thus no mor e phot ogr aphs of t hem wi l l be and for
the good r e asons gi ven.
Semjase- 1/l'."<:M the time has cane t o gi ve you the de-
manded remaining explanations in connecti on t o the
.. .. . , for which reason I have called you in the matn
today, 2/Here at first is a que s t ion: 3/Have you
written dawn the necessary explanations from your
side a lready?
No. 1 simply had no time for this. I narre I y
had to arrange the , still to be bui lt-in scrre
e lect rical factors and to paint the . . . . . as as
to bui l t - in the venti l lators .
Semjase- 4/'Ihis has a ll right been necessary, but
neverthel ess you s hould have wade your othe r work,
5/You s hould keep yourself away f r om a ll manual ac-
tivit y in the house' s sphere etc. , because this can
sureI y be l ike l y tceLl per'forrred and done by group
rrernbers .
This wo u l d be nice, but unfortunately this
isn' t , f r an what r e a s on I have t o per-form certain
works myself.
Semjase- 6/ 1 see, but can 't you nevertheless still
per-form your necessary \\u r k? 7/The t ime wi ll be rrea-
sured as very s hort f or you.
foEier- 1 knew that , but I wi ll all r i ght s ucceed in
it, and finish her.
Semjase- you say this, then
tha t as we l L, na..;: lO/ At
19 9
i t wi ll
fi rst I
be l ike
have t o
s uggest t o you, that aft e r next Thursday , the 20th of
octcoer , no rrore i s e Ll owe d t o enter the .. . . . apart
fran thos e persons who s hou l d s tay in it. l1/ 'Ihese
ye t aga i n s hou l d keep themselves t o the fixed tines
f or each one and not enter at othe r t imes the . . .. . .
12/ D...1ring the night of wednesday t o Thursday, we will
dis radiat e the who le and c lean it, whereaft.er-
it i s a Ll csced t o be used in canpass o f the gi ven to
you a ll dat e s . 13/ But this i s not va lid f or you
your s e l f , thus it c an be use d by you at eac h tine
accor ding t o your own decis ion. 14/This is enabled
f or you because o f your b l cx::kade , by wruc h you can
tie of f your irradiation o f forces and thought s to-
wards the out s ide .
~ i e r - I s ee. Yes and what; happens with the ?
senjese- 15/As v.'ell , nobody should stay ther e ou t of
the given t.irrea , or j ust ent e r the r oom, because all
e rradiations of forces a l so pene t r a t e from the .. . .
Mei er- 'Ihat ' s a pi ty, because in the future I wanted
t o \'JTi t e in this r oom the contact reports , wnen you
transmit them t o Ire . As we ll I thought , the r e to be
perhaps a s uited p lace f or ce rtain explaining tal ks
in mat ter of the rreditat ion and other' concerns of
s piritua l sciences , f or wni.ch my of f i ce i s not ve ry
we.lI f i t , as noi s es , telephone and othe r influences
effect a lways again troubling .
Semjase- 16/ Before, I said , that the prohibition
about the unauthor i zed entering has de f inite princ i -
p l es , in which consequence the ought a lone be
entered at the defined t imes by thos e ones who are
just ified the refor e . 17/ Yet I a l so explained, that
you can use freel y according to your a.oJJ1 decidion the
. . . . . . . or use i t ets ehcw, when you regard this as
demanded, 18/'Ihis also rreens , that you can write
unhamper ed down the r e the transmissions of my reports.
19/rn the mat ter of talks and conver sations you want;
t o perform you yourself have t o care for ,
that the osci llations and radiat i ons of your conver -
s ation partners do not spread .
M3i er- Eas ily s aid and quickl y , but hew sha ll I do
s o? I do not know how I s ha ll perf orm such .
and call
watch yet
20/1 wi.Ll. instruct you in tha t this week,
you especially therefore f or a contact ,
is not admit t ed t o becare written do.-m.
Okay, fhen this will neve rthe l es s s ucceed.
Semjase- 21/SUrel y , but lis t en nee.., what; I have t o
explain t o you : 22/ Two rrembers o f the group have not
yet devel oped by any rreans so far in r espec t to tlleir
spiritual-evo l ution , tha t they could find admittance
in the 23/For the f irst , they s till have
by very grea t meas ure t o troubl e themselves f or a l l
conce rns , as our analyzers shew, 24/ 'Ihis is very un-
p l e as ing to ours e l ve s , too, but it is not in our dis -
posal and power', t o change these mat t e r s in f avor of
them bcth, 25/ 'Ihis does mean f or these beth, that in
the future they have by hardes t labor t o elaborate
themsel ves f or the concerns o f all l essons and e lab-
or ate f or themselves the demanded knowl edge . 26/Un-
t i l the pcdnt; of time where this has happene d in good
marmer , they neither are admit t ed t o enter the .
nor use i t . 27/Here it deals v..ith K., wno can e l ab-
orate the necessary unt i l about 1978, if
he t r oubles therefore, and of A. , who still s tands
fairly \o.-ell behind withfn a ll concerns , and who needs
at l e ast unt i l early a ut umn of 1978 , t o make this a l l
good, if by very severe f orm he t r oubles himse lf
theref ore.
'Thes e yet are bad news , but 1 wi, 11 have t o
accept the mat t e r . But how is the s ituation wi th the
othe rones ?
Semjase- 28/ Her e are the valid fixe d dates .
Meier- h'ell , and \.mat about the t ime for starting? 1
thought , the f irst time wi l I be only about .
Previ ously you yet dropped a note, that for ce rtain
reasons this time o u I d be enl arged. But hew and
around this you have not explained .
Semjase- 29/SUrely, 1 indicated s uch. 30/ 'Ihe f acts
new are as f o .lI ows s 31/In and during the pas t
rrorrths , all nesroer s of the group , resi des K.
and A. , have a dvanced themse l ves e voluti onally ve ry
well _in many conce rns . 32/1n very many respects they
have beccrre rmre mature by high val ues , which new
20 1
conced f or them bet t e r chanc e s in ... .. . 33/ This
rreans , tha t becaus e of the i r fast proceeding they can
stay f or a l onge r time in the , tha t this was
the c ase or i gina lly p l anned on l y six rronths ago , ac-
cor ding t o the earlie r l e vel of evol ut ion. 34/ For
every indivi dua 1 just i fied person in consequence the
. . . . can be enlarged to an ave rage of . . minut e s
each f or the first tine. 35/'Ihe t urns this tarre can
be inc reased then by a f ew minut es, until the can-
p let e while has been reac hed. 36/You can use the
fina l time inside the subroom f or nece s s a ry expl an-
Meier- '!his way the matter had gott en provi ded by
Ire, teo. Ye t what about the tirre, when l a ter rrernbers
of the group have reached as f ar, to l earn the ned-
itation in the . . . . . ?
senjase- 37/'Ihis wi ll f i r s t start in the run of the
next year, whe r e then we prohibi t by the a l r eady p0-
s i t ioned t e l emeter disc h i gh above your cent e r , a ll
osci l l ations and radiations of those persons f ran the
. . . . . . . by an absorbtion.
Meier- Oh yes, now I understand. I have a lready re-
flected on this several tines , but couldn't f ind a
solut ion.
SaTljase- 38/But in another vi ew you have ni c e ly s ol -
ve d the diff i culti e s.
Meier- H(7,Y' do you rrean that?
senjase- 39/1 think about; thes e concerns, which you
have previous ly discussed with my f a ther and lYE . 40/
I am very much delighted about hOW' a ll this has de-
veloped and sti ll cont inues developing. 41/As f ar as
I can, I will s t i ll help t o r errove the cons i s ting
pr ob l ems .
Meier- Io1a:ny thanks, de a r girl. You just are j \ l . ~ l
l ous right . Yet now a question: A short t ime before,
you have pranised lYE, to give rre sene explanat ion
abcct. , why the southerly wind attacks us human beings
so hard.
f ol lowing
42/SUre l y , I have asked the r e fore, and the
was expl a ined t o lYE : 43/Na.rrred by rubbing
on p lants and earthl y surface a ir, especially in the
rrountains , ca lls up a sudden increase in t errcere t ure ,
whic h c limbs above the ccnrron s tandard . 44/'!his dces
rrean, that wi thin a short t .irre the c limact ic pr essure
suffer s a rapid change , whic h announces itsel f espec-
ially very strong a t the human being , because at the
inside of rum in r esult o f these changes of pres sure
are evoked as .... l l changes i n him, and this within
the househol ding of the product ion o f acids , bases
and mine ral s a l ts, and honrone product ion. 45/Rapid
a l t e rnat ion of pr essures r e tards the s ecreti on of the
honrones and e lectro l ytes , because these becane them-
selvs r e tarded in their product ion. 46/In thi s way
the same effect cares to appear, like an overproduc-
tion o f short t .irre , 47/Mlen then f or example too
much adrenaline i s secreted, then the human being
f inds exciterrent and even r age , r est lessness , irrit-
abi lity, etc . , e tc, , but which events the same. way
when the pr oduct.Lon of adrenal ine decreases. 48/In
the same way , adrenaline and noradrenal ine work for
ne rvous stirm.l l a tion rreans , i f they are produced and
secret ed in proper treasure , 49/'!he exercis ed nervous
stimu l ation by these chemica l s vouches for , whi le
rraintained (in ba.lance ), a normal abi lit y of e f f i -
c iency, which rreans , that in this \Yay the human being
j ust keeps a normal abi lity for e f f i c i ency. 50/But
now if the s tandard household of the hormones and
e lectro lites gets dis turbed, as a t the, or because of
the f ohn-wind , and her e j ust because of its r apid
c limact ic change and pressure , the human Cody and its
organs are influenced, because they carmot acccrrcdate
themse l ve s as r api dly t o the new pressures , thus many
miseries arise, which expr ess themselves as \..Bll in
bodily as \\'ell as by phys ical forms of appearance.
t oo. as f or exampl e by s udden pains of different
kinds , by irri tability, apathy, depr es sions , fears ,
indis position, s lackness and tire dnes s, s leeplessness
and several other troubles . 51/Each according to,
how then the human being stands s piritually against
these mi s e rie s and is able to neut ralize them, he is
rrore or l ess s ensiti ve t o them. 52/Iabile, we ak in
wi ll human beings fai l very often whi le in such
states , or they deprive themselves of their lif e . 54/
The nore evolved the human being i s by spiri t ua l
s ight , all the rrore i s he able to control then these
things and to master them, by wha.ch way he even then
f ashions his life for the beat , when nega t i ve in-
fl uences f ran the outside affect him. 55/ 'Ihis is the
expl anation that was gi ve n to Ire . 56/ }br e I do not
know about; this .
foEier- '!hat I S a l ready qui t e much, and I am cont ent
with it.
senjase- 57/'!hen I sti ll have to give you a further
explanat ion , ye t \okiic h is not in connect .fen with
these matters . 58/l t de a l s with the concerns about
Hr . G. 55/ Father was wor r-I e d about it and t urned f or
that sake t o Asket for a dvice. 60/ As you do know,
Asket and her r ac e are s ti ll f a r in advance of our
evol ut i on in many r e spects. 61/ In c are for you and
a ll our ' s missi on then, fathe r a sked Aske t , whethe r
perhaps can get conceded by he r or he r rac e a rrechan-
ica l or e lectronic pr otect i on f or you , i t against
expectat i on the s ubconsc i ous of Hr . G. woul d f ind out
your posLt.Lon, 62/ Asket c ou l d not hand over the
ent i r e rreans , but s he gave to fathe r forrrarl .as and
p l ans f or the c onstruc tion of a disintegrator in aim
of e liminat i on o f fl ui dal f orces . 63/Quet zal bui l t
the apparat us within l e s s than 0..'0 days , which new is
a l r e ady bui l t -in and in funct i on inside o f the small
telenet e r dis c floating above your center . 54/l f then,
against a ll expectation, sarething should be under -
taken against you in thi s directi on , then you can
rema.in unwo rr-Ied, becaus e the f or c e wcuLd be elimin-
a ted bef ore the c are near you .
~ i e r - I don ' t know yet , what i s a desintegrator?
I ' m not inte r e s t e d t o know, 'too, but 1 r egard it f or
fantast i c , that Ftaah c ou ld initia t e this . '!hi s takes
away sane f ear f rom Ire . Please t ell him my he a rty
thanking. Oh, ye s , what e l s e I want e d t o say : I have
agr eed to s are l ect ure s - a t Zurich- Kl ot en - in a
s chool .
Semj ase- 65/But you know
~ i e r - But this is f rame of the 30 kilareter about .
senjase- 66/1 knew, but I am nevertheless ups e t .
Meier- I wi ll a ll r i ght keep care.
2 04
sernj ase- 67/0f that I am convinced, bu t it a larms Ire
nevertheless. 68/In s pite of that , I wi ll not advise
against it. 69/But just be very cautious .
foEier- So I wi ll do . - Eh, what e l s e I wanted t o ask:
tfnat is the matter with K. , that he sti ll is not f ar
enough ; I mean, where is the f aul t ?
senjese- 70/With him, the difficulty i s in the matn
on l y within the e vo l utionary r e ac h of the spiritual
sphere, but whi .ch missings he is able t o make gcxx1 by
gcxx1 wi ll (e f fort) un t i l l>1a. r c h/Apr il of 1978 , while
with A. he avier weighing facts demand l arge r cauti on ,
because with him not onl y the spi r itual--evo l utionary
s pheres have teen negl e c ted , but the errotional ones
as well , from wtuch mat t e r has been caused an oppos -
ition against you, wherefr cro once rmre resu lts a view,
which pr es s es itself awai.t.tnqty and same time revol-
ut ionarily into the who l.e group . 71/The derrons tra ted
attitude i s not of interest f or the mi s s i on of a ll of
us , but is an a t t i tude of eaqerneas and investi gation.
~ i e r - But why thi s ?
Semj ase- 72/Speci a l rrovement s base on errot iona l de-
gre s s ions , and othe r mat t e r s on cexnpl e t e misunde r -
standing. 73/Also i s interf ering a hard errotional
degener ation, which has r i s en from the refusa l of a
wi.sh against him fran your side .
~ i e r - I know about which des i r e you speak, but I
coul d not grant i t, f or it wo u I d have been un just .
(The wish was that Bil ly s hou l d infl uence the l ot t e ry
f or whi ch A. wo u f d have gained a property of 2. 5 mil-
lion Swiss Franks. )
Semjase- 74/SUre , this is known t o Ire, and you have
acted right. 75/But from there i s resu.lt tnq a great
probabi lity that A. will retire aft e r not too l ong a
t ime f rom out of the group's life.
foEier- Then a ques tion : Are the r e any r e l a t i on s to
him from earlier ages?
senj ase- 76/1f you think about; earlier lifes, then
there isn 't.
foEier- '!his I wanted t o know, f or I mys e l f hitherto
20 5
had no t.trre f or r e s e a rch. '!he tin'e sinply did not
a lIa,.; i t . Ye t what about then with Guido? Narrel y I
coul d not f ind anything f or my t.Inea , a t l east nothing
in relation to our mi ssion. '!he s ane does t:eha.ve with
He r bert .
Semjase-- 77 /Neither with Her bert nor with Guido ex-
i sted. relat i ons or connections in r eac h of the mis -
s ion, but othe rwise connecti ons have exi s ted, and
f ran thes e res ult e d the connections to the present
tirre . 78/ You s houl d explore a ll the s e concerns dur-
ing the next rronths, because they wi ll be Irrcortant.
for diffe rent rrembers of the group.
Me:i er- I know s o , and I wi ll start s oon with this ,
too, as soon as I wi ll f ind t ime ther efore .
Semjase- 79/'ilien I am ca lmed.
Me:ier- So you c an. I sti ll have one question in the
mat ter of Herbert : I f I r emember correct ly, the r e has
been in the 6th of september , when you had expf atned
the concerns t:ecause o f Hargret ; hereby you made . . .
8emjase- 80/ I t was in the 6th o f september, that is
~ i e r - \';Te ll , you he r e a l so have explained, that Her -
bert woul .d have Sate troubl e s within his thoughts,
and now he wanes t o knew, wnat; rna..tt e r woukd this be,
f or he is l ikewis e unable to find a rreaning the refore,
a s do I.
8emjase- 81 / 1 do not under s tand , - I must have made
a mi s take in speaking, I f I said the name o f Herbert.
~ i e r - But you have indeed s a i d this nerre,
senjase- 82 /'!his I regret ve ry much r the r e had hap-
pened an exchange o f nerres for rre , if s o behaves , as
you tell i t. 83 /1 then t o ld about AOOLF, but not
about Her bert .
Meier- '!hen the mat ter is c l eared up. Exchanges of
names can happen indeed.
senjase- 84 /certainl y , yet nevertheless I regret it.
85/Herbert s hould p l e ase excuse i t , f or as well \<oB
are s ubject t o mi s takes , and s aretirres f a ll to errors
and exchanges .
loEier- 'Ibis he wi ll surely unde rstand , and ve ry
surely not rebuke you f or it. And as I am now j ust
speaking of evi ls: You certainly know of the t errible
theater that presently is occurring f or a German
"Luf thansa " airplane once rmre , One again has hij acked
s uch a vehic le and also murder ed one man insi de a l -
ready. Do you have any pr e s ent .irrent, what way these
rratters will develop?
Semjase-- 86/SUrely, because ....e survey very caref u lly
these horrible concerns , but I am not e Ll.cwed to give
you inforrration about it , neither about this matter,
nor about f uture ones. 87/50, as "''ell the finish of
the events could l:::e nenaced by such.
loEier '!hat 's a pi t y , but now I already know enough,
at least, that this hija cking of the airpl ane ends
wel L, Yet can you tell me per haps, a t what time this
pres ent a i rpl ane ' s theater wi ll find its end , If I
keep silence s o l ong about it and sti ll keep back
the r epcrt.s during this t.irre?
Serrrjase- 88/A1:x:>ut the end of the present e vent , I
a ll right can give you detai l s , i f you just keep si-
l ence unt.Ll the early hours of the rrorning , as unt il
then, the occurences have turned t o be "''e ll again.
Meier- Of course, I wi ll keep my rrouth shut that
l ong. - And apart from this , I likely wi ll sleep dur-
ing the rrorning hours .
senjase- 89/SUrelYi then lis t en now: 90/ 'Ihe gove rn-
trent; of Oermany has not rerraine d inac t i ve during all
the l a s t ti.rre , as was as surred genera lly throughout
the wo r -Id, 91/secretly compr i zing p l ans we r e elabor-
ated, but which only then can be rea lized , i f silence
of 'the strongest rrcde is kept about them, f or which
r e as on a s trict stop of Informat.Lon got s e t t l ed, whi.ch
wi ll be rre.irrta.ined until the early hours of the rrorn-
ing of the f o llowing night . 92/ loEtter of f act is,
the goverrunent of Gerrrany having e laborated p lans f or
freeing the kidnapped lufthans a- a i rpl an e and will
r ealize thes e during the f ollowing n i ght and mid- night.
93/'The German gove rrurent has narre ly educa ted f or SaTE
t .ilre a special uni t , s o l diers of the so-called border
2 07
protecti on (Gr enzs chut z) , who interact in t e r r or i s t
activities and s hould break the t e r r or. 94/ A great
part of this special uni t is already staying at the
place of the caning event , name ly at f. k)gadishu , in
S:Jmalia, where at the Ioca I t.trre of midni ght they
wi l l exercise a surprise attack on the hy j a cked f li-
ghtma.chine and wi.Ll. take posessi on o f the rrachtne.
95/N'ith new kinds o f weapons, these s oldiers of the
special uni .t. wi ll make flight less f or seconds the
staying in the airplane c r iminals, f or t o be abl e to
open in flash-fast action the airplaneI s door s and
t o penetrat e into the p lane . 96/Here will happen a
s hort fight , in whi.ch the criminal kidnappers wi ll
be ki lled. 97/As far as I knew, there is f or on l y
one s ingle criminal a c hance of surviving. 98/0f
course, he r e inj uries of flight passengers and rrembers
of the special uru.t; can not becane prevented , but of
them provisionally no deaths wi ll have to be dep lored.
99/ 'Ihese are the e vents , whi.ch wi ll ccrre t o pass in
the caning night at f.k)gadis hu in 8analia, and
this will becane the end of this hi- jacking.
loEier- '!his is very qccd news , but hO".'1 \'1i11 this
mat -te r- then continue about the murde r -srob in Germany ,
as thiy are kept in prison , and shou l d have been freed
by the k idnapping?
Semjase- 100/During this night the decision wi.Ll. be
settled about this . 101/several of them will no rmr e
experience the day t xrror-rcw, because the main ring-
l ea de r s wi L j fall t o a liquidation, watch will be
steered from outside of the prison . 102/Prison in-
ternal f orces wi ll perform that liquidation and shew
a ll in away , like the r e vo u l d be of f e r ed a self-mur-
dering , while in truth on ly two of those criminal e l -
errent .s will exercise s uch a try (suici de/not e ) , al::out
whose effect we do not yet have exact analyses. 103/
But three matn ringleaders will not get k i lled f or
Meier- And who are these?
sssnjase- 104/A wcman by the narre of Gudnm Ensslin,
then a man o f the narre Andreas Baader, and another
one by the name of Raspe . l OS/ These are the three
ones , who beccrre liqui dat e d .
2 0 8
Mei er- Interesting , though regrettabl e events .
senjase- l06/Surel y , and these cx::curence s wi ll r each
sti ll wo r-se f orms in the fut ure.
Meier- So I can imagine .
Sffnjase- l07/Let ' s don ' t tal k any l onger about such,
for this barbarous doing o f the earthhurnan beings is
ful l of cruel t y .
Meier- He r e unfortuna tely you are right.
senjase- lOB/You have pr cx::eeded within your \yorking
very much t o our satisfaction in every r e s pect. 10 9/
I n the nerre of a ll of us , I want t o expr ess t o you a
pr aise and our thanks . 110/Al l of you have per -forrred
ext.rerrely good efficiencies and have troubled your-
selves very mach f or a ll things .
f.'eier- '!hank you. About; this surely all one s will be
delighted very much .
senjase- l11/ 'Ihey a ll rray be s aluted by Ire with deep
l ove .
Mei er- 'Thank you a s we ll f or this . '!hey surely wi ll
al l be del ight ed.
senjase- U2/Only I mys e lf can not be r ight delight -
ed, because I have many s or-rows f or you want ing to
have lectures at Kloten. 113/canI t this be taken
ove r by s crreone else?
Meier- I don ' t know, who could do it?
senjase- 1l4/ But p l e ase Look f or that , s urely sane-
one c an be found . U S/You woul d take a very much
troubling burden from Ire.
Meier- Is it really s o bad?
senjase- 116/ 1 am really very s orry about that .
Meier- I wi ll l ook f or s arething be.inq abl e to be
senjase- 117/Quite dear thanks . 118/ l\b..". by regre t I
s ti ll have t o gi ve you anothe r ennouncerrent , being
not very de lightful : 119/ Accor ding t o the s tatus of
our l a t e s t ana lys e s , by r egret, for the ccrning t ime,
t o beccrre excluded a derronstrati on with our bearnshi ps .
20 9
120/ This results fran, as especially outstande r s of
the group, as ....'ell as yet s ore rrembera of the group,
tOJ, are believ ing to own a pr i vilege in the matter
of derronstrat ions . 12l / Also the e rrful opinion has
risen, that ce woufd have to announce or to rrake vis -
ible not only our ships , but moreover ourselves , too,
as a proof of our existence . 122/ t'le can not grant
these unreasonabl e desires in any way , because they
contradict the rreaning of our tasks . have no
reason t o s how ourse1ves t o the earthhuman beings by
any of the wanted nanners; as we.l I in no circumstance
will we do l ike that . l24/By our action , that we
shewed to diffe r ent group rremoera and outsi ders to
the gr oup, a derronstration by our ships , the belief
has risen, that we woutd have t o do so further on and
even in increase d rranner r on the one hand as an obli-
gat ion , and on the other hand as a thankyou . 125/ And
as I said, scrreone hol ds the vi ew of a-ming a pr ivi-
l ege , but ....mi.ch can not be in any "''ay. 126/'Ihese
confused wishes and demands urge us , to g1ve in fu-
t ure expectation no rrore any of ficial derrons tra t ions ,
or even to perform such. 127/ Alone s trictly f or the
internal group research should here and the n still be
done scrre f ew excepti ons . l28/Apart fran this, there
i s no trrcor-tance o f our ships and curselYes and our
esistence at a ll , but ool y and solely for the mis s ion
of a l l of us , whi.ch t o execute i s demanded . 129 jr,o:e
can not a .l I ow, that by the rrentione d wishes and de-
mands woul d aris e new i doli zations and idealiza tions,
which ....roul .d unavoidably l e ad to a new religion, like
has a l r eady happened many t.Imes before.
fuier- Sc::uething l ike that , I myself have consi de r ed
a l ready since l ong ago, and there has been an easy
mat t e r to find out the r esu lt by myse l f.
senjase- 130/ Surely , but now I have t o leave you
again; s ee-you-aga in, dear f riend.
Fare we Ll , girl , and kind greetings to a ll of
you .
21 0
89t:h Contact Friday, 28 October 1977 14:14 h
Adolf leaves the group in a not too pl easant way r esult ing i n
s ome i nt e r nal turmoil . Semj as e acknowle dge s t he mes s ages and eve n
l etters she ha s recei ved from va r i ous group members and tells
11e i e r how she wi l l ans wer t he m, becaus e writing i n our language
and s ymbol f or m is not ea sy f or her . The c l ass room and medit ation
facilit y bui lt i n the loft o f the ou t building i s eva l uated. The
age of our present uni verse i s gi ven as 47 bi l l ion ye ars sinc e t he
be gi nni ng of its ma t e r i a l phas e . The re i s some con fu s ion here in
the translat ion as the Ger man langua ge has mi l l i ons , t he n mi l l i ar ds
and then billions , and her e the t r ansl at or shows a billion with
12 zer os , \'I hi ch would be a tr illi on i n Engl ish. The n Semjase
explains ~ n y women mor e o f t en pi l ot their ships. Semjas e t el epor t s
herself int o t he l o f t c lassroom of the cent e r after summoni ng Meie r
t o the l oca t i on.
Senj ase- l / You are by no means surpri sed t o s e e IrE
her e , dear f riend .
t-Eier- hny should I be , for I had expected sorrething
l ike this when you ordered rre t o here.
senjase- 2/SUrely, I should have thought of this .
3/ You have equipped this a ll very fine . 4/ I t p leases
me very much , it is r e ally very good..
loEier- '!hat i s delight ing IrE. \\Te enjoy it ours e l ve s ,
Semjase- 5/In the future I wi ll vi s it her e rmr e of -
t en, for i t is e a s ier and rrore sure than our usual
method, 6/ &:::J you can write as ....'e ll our s onversat i ons
a t once .
M=:ier- &:::J does not TIm unfor-tunateI y, f or I am not
able to write so f ast by the t ypewrite r . I n this re-
s pect i t is l ike l y bette r to rre.int.atn s uch as before,
because that way I can write f antast i c Iy quick. \\mt
i s the rea s on for this actual Iy?
senjase- 7/\'1ith the transmissions and thei r writ ing
down , you work l arge l y via your subconsci ous , which
reacts very much f ast er than the c onsciousness. B/
By your s ubcons cious you cont rol the rroverrerrta of
your hand, for which reason i t can work s o f ast, much
faster, than you wou l d fi r st have t o give the neces-
sary ccrrmands by your consciousnes s to your subcon-
sc i ous , which wo u Ld then orde r the ccrrmand f uncti ons .
~ i e r - '!his i s explained unders tandably, and it is
not diff i cul t t o unde r s tand. ' ~ l l now ye t : Have you
wat ched the events of l ast 'Tuesday?
senjase- a /cez-tatmy, the departure of Adolf was very
r egre tabl e , but this was f or eseeable. Serre arronq you
s hould not r e gard thi s a s s o tra gic, and put up wi th
the mat t e r. l1/ Ul i s behavi or will as well be gcxx1
f or the f ut ure, because on and on a gain hUIT'aJl bednqs
wi ll a ppear and s l uice themselves into your group,
whose mind does not s incer e Iy a chi eve the s piritual
evoluti on, but whic h i s straight e ne d in thinking f or
pe-e r and mat e r i a l a dvantages . i z/ r this r espect,
you a ll have to be ve ry c areful , becaus e such e le-
ments are abl e t o produce much harm agains t you a ll
insi de o f the group i tse lf. 13/ On the one hand they
t urn thernsel ves by apparent very r e as onabl e forms of
speaking and he lping towards thos e , who they are then
abl e t o put unde r the ir c ontrol and awaken wrong im-
pr es sions ins i de of them, but on the othe r hand they
counterspeak by talking exactly contrary to othe rones ,
whe re they hold the opi nion of being able t o influ-
ence these by the i r purpos eful tactics of denial
and could bring them t o thei r own s i de . 14/ But if
then thi s i s suddenl y dis c over e d by our or your s i de ,
then they usually react ve ry badly and disparaging l y .
15/So on the one hand, because they don ' t have enough
sincerity and courage t o conf e s s t o themselves and
a ll otherones thei r ccmnit t ed mi stakes , they wo u l d
not becane better, and on the other hand, they knew
themsel ves caught in thei r wicked-minded negat i ve and
pc:wer-demanding nac hina t ions and want to conceal this
neverthe l ess by r aging- up agres s ions , f or they keep
the astray thought , the othe rones would pay belief
this way t o them, as this way these s hou l d negl ect
the truth. 16/ But i f none of thei r primit i ve methods
offe r s benefft t o them, then they fa 11 t o evi l -minded
rage and invent s imi l ar evil-minded t i s s ues of lies
in the atn of humi liation of our matt e r and ours e l ves
by the way , that they a f f i rm untruthfully, that the
mat t e r of a ll of us is a negat ive object , f r an whi .ch
one wout dhave t o pr event onesel f. 17/ Also a t Adolf
21 2
appeared this l as t and l ikely rrost ccmron f orm of
di s paraging , which he express e d agains t his knowing
bet t e r . 18/ But l ow as ....'ell was his kind of perfor -
mance, a s you yoursel f do know very tce.l L, 19/ And in
spi t e o f that you have not rebuked him therefore, and
have e ven given him f or rronths still the bes t chance
and possibility f or bett e r ing himse lf, by changing
and r ecogniti on o f his mist akes and for their confes -
sion, though he has not ut i lized thes e chances and
sti ll rror e indulged in the form o f s triving f or pcscer'
and of Iccness _ 20/ !>1Or e , neither you nor ....'e could
do f or him, because he has cons cious ly ignaninously
dis regarded eac h hel p , and trampl e d i t down ,
~ i e r - Yet it i s sounding ve ry harsh as you explain,
but by regre t I know' confoundedly ....e t i , that this ....'ay
you hit the point of the rratte r .
SEmjase- 21/1 a l so r egr e t this very much, but ....oe
have t o regard the cwn deci s ions of each form of lif e
as s uc h , and are not a llo...ce d to change these by c0-
ercion or f or ce.
~ i e r - I know, but l e t us s top with this miserable
therre new, because the r e is no value in talking about;
i t rrore .
senjase- 22/SUrely, but neve rtheles s I want to ex-
p l a in c l early once more t o a ll group member-a, that
such k inds of rratters wi ll a lways once rrore care to
appear , and that f ran such should not get s ettled
wrong decisions , especial l y errot ional l y-conditioned,
nei ther by the one nor the othe r ' 'lay _ 23/With the
earthhurran being unfortunately bet.raya.l is very nuch
expressed arrong s elfish and mightthirsty human beings .
24/And .....henever s uch characterized e lerrents appear in
the group and want to establish themse l ve s he re, then
they mus t be banished with a ll r es o l uteness , though
thi s ve ry o f t en appea r s har d . 25/But only by thi s
r es ol ut enes s in such a pr cceeding is guaranteed that
the group cont inues to exi s t , enlarges itse lf ccntin-
uously and reaches by overcaning her tasks the goal .
26/ 1 the refore a t t ention wo u l d not be paid, then all
....out d f a ll to ruin withi n a short t i..rre and the basis
woul d get scat tered. 27/Tr:x> many f orces a ll around
the wor ld are working against you and us, that ....'E!
could treat ourselves by errot ional wronq behavior ,
just even the hint o f a defeat , because t eo much i s
depending fran, tha t we per form and execute truely
all our mission. 28/And f or doubters be once rrore
said here: 29/ 0Ur mission i s sarething qood and
hides not a j ot of s anething negat ive inside. 30/l''\:!
are a ll just l alx>ring t o know about; the true qood,
because l oya l to the l aws and bids of the Cre at i on we
can not conduct otherwise . 31/And we are told f or
another t.Iroe , on ly and s o l ely one l e s s on being that
one of the wor-th of the truth and the truthfulne s s ,
which nanely i s the one you have learned and which
you are spreaddnq, 32/ Solely it i s the l e s s on of
truth, and it solely l e ads towards the goal o f Irroro-
vement and the absolute. 33/on ly this and the a ll-
creat.terrcorary sarre r emaining l e s s on is t-ruth, im-
perishable and unchanqeabl e , and it s olely i s the law,
and that the l aw o f the Creational , of ccnplete-tuli-
versaI s ense and mearunq , 34/This way the unive rsal
consciousness reve als i tself.
l-Eier- You have explained this marvetousI y , dear
girl , and 1 think, a ll ones of the basic group know
thi s , because e l se they woul d not be with us and wou.ld
not have trouble d themselves so rnich in such possible
connection t o this at a l l.
senjase- 35/SUre, this i s a correct staterrent . 36/
Yet consider, that s t i ll rrore human beings will r each
towards you, and that still arrong these and a lso arrong
someti.rre attached to you ones are doubting ones .
l-Eier- 1 conceive.
sernjase- 37/SUrely you unde r-atand, yet do t e ll ITe
nON the things around your promised l e ct ure s a t Klo-
ten. 38/Have you found a deputy for yourself?
~ i e r - unrcrtunatery 1 haven ' t , for Hans can not
take over this task. His work i s not admit ting that.
senjase- 39/'Ihis i s no news wa t c h wo utd calm ITe .
40/1f you \vill not f ind detaching, then you should
deny these l ectures . 41/NJt only 1 hold this view,
but Quetzal a lso does . 42/He quite especially pro-
posed to me, t o keep you f rom this undertaking. 43/
As well you s houtd in the future no more agree to
such lecture s, when you yourself wo u l d have t o make
them. 44/Bes i des this , . I expl a ined to you a t a not
very far away point in t.irre, that in the fut ure you
should still keep l ect ures, which occupy themsel ves
with the lesson and i ts r eaches. 45/tathin the group
rreanwhi. les t enough f orces have becrne knCMing so f ar,
that they are able to trouble thern.se l ves for the cask
of l ectures about our exist ence and our flight
rreans , 46/'fuis task can not and is not a l l ~ to
burden you in the future any rrore , f or in the f irs t
p lace it is not o f great inportance, and for s econd ,
i t depr ives you of too much time of s uch, which you
need f or your essential mission. 47/Besi des Hans,
a l so He rbert woul.d be very we.l I s uite d and has the
knowledge for being able t o make s uch l ect ures. 48/
So ask h im, whe ther he i s wi lling to take over this
task of the tfrree l ec t ures. 49/Frcm my s i de 1 tell
him my r equest in this respect and hope that he will
not r efuse i t. SO/SO assure him a lready now of my
kind tihanks ,
~ e r - 1 wi ll ask him for this.
semjase- 5l /'Ihen I am ca lmed f or the present , as it
is troubling Ire r eally deepl y , that you s hould do
thes e l ectures yoursel f .
~ i e r - So do no more think of it f or the present .
'!he rrore, tell Ire now, when can I get the demanded
datas for a ll rrem1:ers o f the group?
semj ase- 52/'fue evaluation has a lready s tarted and
proceeds f aster than had been provided. 53/1 will
a lready ba able to t e ll you the f irst datas at the
begi..nning of the rronth o f December' , 54/As to.'e ll the
addres s ed to Ire l ett e r s , which I have copied for my-
s e l f , and whos e or i gina ls you s hould store , I wi ll
ensver soon. 55/As a lready before , 1 wi ll transmit
to you my answers , which then you can write di rectly
onto those papers on whi ch I have wr i t t en my name ,
56/But a lways make a c opy of these transmissions and
store this together with the or igina l writings ad-
dres s ed to IrE . 57/ 'Ihe rressages of this kind trans-
mitted by lIE' and equipped with my narre s hall be re-
garded as personally f ran IIE' . S8/As it is not easy
f or Ire to wor'k with your rrechani cal writing rreans ,
and a lso within the handwriting by your sys tem, s o I
want t o a gree with this s ol ving.
\vith this, surely a ll wi ll be sat isfied; they
also will be much de light ed by your rressages .
senjase- 59 /Surely , but there s hould not be too much
expected o f Ire , as I sti11 have t o perform vary many
othe r labors , l ike you have as v,'ell t o do.
Meier- Of course, al l one s wi l l sure ly unde r s tand
this . Besides this, he r e I have sanething from Elsi,
if I am t o gi ve i t to you?
semjase- 60/Surel y , but I don ' t open it at the ITO-
ment , but I take i t wtth me. 61/I.ater then I wt.Ll
transmit an answe r- f or my de a r wotan f r i end via you .
Meier- 'Iher e i s a book inside , i f I rerrenoer cor-
r e c tly the explanation of Elsi.
sernjase- 62/According t o its size, this can be . 63/
I wi ll copy i t and then r e turn it he r e in the coming
hours . 64/Here v, 'e are now con.inq a ve ry s uited l o-
cation f or such activity.
You speak right , and besides , I fee l ve ry
canfortabl e he r e .
Semjase- 65 /This pl a ce has been purified of a l l neg-
ative forces , and besides that I feel as v.'e ll a f eel-
ing her e , like I wout d be at hane.
Meier- Look, i t cx::curs thi s \"laY t o many of us . Hard-
l y an has been built , and we are a lready right at
hare in i t . Nothing evil and nega t i ve exists here,
but onl y c a lmth, peace and l ove .
Semjase- 66/Sure, but this ha s t o be. 67/'Ihis as
well J a cobus ha s rreenwhi. I e conceived by mind and un-
de r s tood as the fi rst one of a l l .
Meier- You have obs e rved a ll he r e last night?
Semjase- 68/ SUr ely , because a certain control f or
her e is obliged t o us as a self-or dere d duty. 69/And
what e lse I have t o explain about these proceedings
i s : 70/'Ihe r e will r e s ult, that with sane group rrem-
ber s the final t .ime wi. Ll. crystalize i tself out after
the f irst or second t r ans it, whereafter wi.th sane of
them. the t.irre l ike l y can be s hortene d , but f or other -
ones prol onged. 71/'Ihe ca l cul a t ions gi ven you in
thi s r e spect are a ll right correct and individually
figured out , but he re the factors of the wi ll could
not be r eqarded, because we are j ust now then able to
explore these , wn en the individual persons troubl e
themsel ves for the processes of l earning the l es sons .
~ i e r - And haw does this t i.rre ICXJk? I rrean by that ,
by how much l ess or rrore?
senjase- 72/According to our ca l cul a t ions and exper-
iences may appear here and ther e up to , which
mat ter yet will occur within your group in on l y one
or t wo cases , when certain r easons demand that . 73/
The standard will l evel o f f at on ly a f ew minutes ,
while \oo'e have calculate d . . .. . f or the pro l onged t ime
on ave r age and . . . .. f or the dimini s hed t .Irre on aver -
age in minut es .
Meier- '!hat is not so tnport.ent . Yet can you explain
to me, which fac tors are rrore irrportant to thos e one
o r b.'O persons who will need up to . . minutes rror e
t ime?
SE!njase- 74/ The reas on is bas ed on the i r possibi l i ty
of eradicat ion of flui da l f orces , wh i ch is dtmiru.shed
autaraticly, when because o f prob f ems and grievings ,
the necessary measure of concentra t ion is not r eached
which ought t o be obtained. 75/ But that a definit e
quant ity of materia l arrount of fluidism wi ll beccrre
eradicated i s of ilrportance, as a quite defini t e
quantity has to beccrre s tored in qui te a c.efini t e
t ime .
Meier- Then one coul d s i..rrply pr ovtde an increased
di v i sion.
senjese- 76/'Ihat unforttma t e l y is not possible, f or
the a l r e ady gi ven t o you a ll t irrea a re according to
those , during which the highes t possible e f f iciency
i s given . 77/ 1f we 'WOuld use inst e ad of these or
additionally othe r t ime s , then the carplete t imes
woul d be enlarged by so much, that there woufd exi s t
around 12 days too little, than t o reach the demanded
l eve l .
Meier- Oh my dear . So for this r e as on ought t o be
cared f or very much, that Lf ever possible don ' t rise
missing tarres ,
S a n j ~ 78/ SUrely , as the missing t ime f or each in-
dividual case does at l e ast doubl e itse lf, or even it
i s poss ibl e for this tirre to increase i tself fivefo l d
according to whi.ch unsudt ed ti..rres are in disposal f or
making qcod the mi ssing part .
Mei er- \':ell a lready, 'That ' s evi dent to me, so anothe r
quest ion: can you gi ve rre Informatifon r how o ld act-
ually is our present univer se?
senjase- 79/SUrel y , I can answer this question. 80/
The pres e nt unive rse is in its fourty seven bi lli onth
Mei er- You are ccrpt I c a t ed, You l ike l y mean our pre-
sent unive r se being r oughly of an age of 47 bi lli on
ye ars , when we calculate this arrount s ince its l ast
state of s l umber?
S e n j ~ 81/SUrely, so I s aid.
Meier- SUrely . Realize new I a lso s tart with that
again, but you have j ust said it in a way that eve ry-
one does not understand a t once. But now the second
question is in relation to this; How o ften has our
material universe a l ready existed?
5eroj ase- 82/1 don I t understand the question' s rreen-
Meier- I asked it right fran what Guido has written,
yet I a sk it rrerely l ogi cally : H ~ .. often has our uni-
verese in the s arre mater ial fannation a l ready exi s t ed,
as i t does exist in the pr e s ent ?
senjase- 83/0Ur universe is s ti ll a very young one ,
and since the beginning of thi s unive r s e 's c reat ion
and s ince the CMr1 c reation of this unive rse 's c r eat i on,
this uni ve r s e i s the fi rst one in this pre sent rrater-
i a l f orm. 84/Bef ore the c r ea t ion of this unive r s e ,
the Creation of this uni ve r s e slumber e d by seven-
greatterrpor a l s lumber , into whic h she had s pira led
herself after the rise and f ading away of the primary
univer se, which had risen fran out of her own idea
and wh i ch was solely a s pace with l imitation , wi thout
so.ltd-mater'La .l foi:rnat ions , as does happen for the
present universe. as/These facts yet are known to
you by the les s on of the "Genesis It, in the form given
to you by PetnI e ,
Meier- Okay. Al l r ight I do know; then once again
about the age o f our present universe: So it i s 47
bi 1lions of years . 'Ihi.a numbe r of years cor-responds
t o around one s ixth of a greatti.Jre, yet a bit less ,
but i t ' 5 a ll r ight about , as one greatti.Ire is can-
prising311 ,040,OOO,OOO, OOO years . So this does rreen,
....e inside our universe to be s tanding in the second
act of c r e ation, having fi rst passed 47 billion years
of this s econd act of c reation respectively, which
t.irre this universe has passed, and which still has to
exist unt i l the accarplishrrent of this act for sane
264 , 040, 000 , 000, 000 years .
Semjase- 86/Certainly, it has been very correctly
calculat ed by you.
MEder- Nell , then we can f ind out by calculation,
how o ld at a ll would be our Creati on since its awn
r i se by the i de a of the Ancient Creation. So there
are 47 bil lion years urrt.i.I the present, then we have
the period of slumbering of 311 ,040,000,000,000 years
before thi s as a same l ong t ime of being awake, and
then again a tirre of slumber, which is i t 's time of
getting created i tself, is that right?
fHnjase-- 87/NoN you got su1:mitted t o an exchange .
~ e r - HCM? . . .. one mxrent , - - - oh yes , but so
does behave : '!here are but 7 x 311,040,000,000,000
years . '!hen wait for . . . . . .. yes , they give, -
- m:::ment . . .. . , yes , this wi l I have to be right :
6,578,840, 00 0, 000,000 years . Does so behave?
Sernjase- 88/SUre ly; so fast I could not calculate
this, than you can.
~ e r - In calculating, I am a nut L, but for this it
does s t i l l suffice.
senjase- 89/You have a lready t old rre qreat e r calcu-
l at i ons , which have a dencminator of 10
ltEier- Oh yes , do knew, I have calculated this out
on paper, and oft en s truggled hours for it.
senjese- 90/ I t is and remains an extraordinary .re-
gardable work, and rroreover still so fast.
Don t t; praddle, t e ll JTe the rro're, and this is
a question of Guido aqatru \'ihe r e have ris e n the f irst
human beings in the unive rse?
senjase- 9l /'Ihat is by r egre t, unknown t o JTe .
'Ihen the que s t ion has already been answered.
A further question : Is i t true, the f errous s cience-
f i ction-author Per ry Rodan having been inspire d by
extraterrestria l intel ligences?
senjase- 92/Your ques t ion is very i llogica l.
Guido has written it l ike that.
5emjase- 93/ But it i s not right . 94/'Ihe series are
knO".'I1 t o ITI2 a ll right , of this paper , but the narre of
the a uthor is not Perry Redan, but the rredn figure in
thes e books has this name. 95/ As far as 1 know, it
is the writing of a certa in Scher or SCheer and
another one , but whose name is unknown t o ITI2, this
ser i es , wh.i.ch indeed has extraterrestri a l inspi rat ion
as or igin, whtch accor ds t o an a l r eady existing in
great part t e chni que and othe rwis e developrrent of
many p l ane tary bodies , is inspi r ati onal ly- impulsive l y
r eceived by the author s and written down. 96/ But
now, Pl eas e no further ques t ions.
But 1 s t i ll have s ore, l ook a t this here, if
you want to read i t quickly?
senjese- 97/ Please . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
98/'Ihis ques t ion number 4 you have asked Ire a l r eady
a t an earlier time, and 1 coutdn I t answer it. 99/ 1
had t o r ese ar ch and a l so have got the datas , but I am
not a l l owed t o t ell them, f or whi ch r eason 1 did not
return t o thi s quest ion. l OO/As \\'e ll this ques tion
number 5 I am not admitted to because 1 would
have t o tel l the t ruth in its answe r-inq, and thi s I
am not a Ll cwe d t o do.
And the l ast quest ion?
seajese- l Ol/ Oliefl y beamships and spaceships are
steered by f ema l e f orms of l i f e, that i s t.rue , 102/
'!his behave s , because f ema l e persons are very
much s uit ed for these posft i ons, as thes e do not de-
mand ve ry gr e at physical f or c es , but on the other
hand wcren are rror e s ensit ive in the carrnunicat ive
r ea ch , and by that , rrore ccmpanionabl e than mal e f orms
of lif e . 103/ '!he s e are the wain reasons why norma. lly
rror e \ \UTe1l hol d the s e posi t ions , which ye t is not the
fact with a ll r a c e s of this space , as the re exist as
....'e ll human races within the far s pac e , who because
of their inf a tuation, a s with the ear-thhuman being,
concede the r i ght or a ll r i ghts s o lel y t o the rra .le
forms of lif e, whi l e the femal e f orms of lif e are
s hi f t e d aside . 104/How high the culture and the de-
ve I oprent; in i t s who l e of a human r a ce is expressed,
can in consequence be very a ccurately s o r e cogni zed
f rem which rranual activi t ies a fema l e f onn of life is
exerc ising. l OS/ Physic ally a W\:::UlaI1 i s l ess suited
f or s e vere manual action, but ve ry well f or s ofter
manual act i vi ty, as f or exarrore for the s teering of
flightrreans , etc . 106/In this respect they are a lso
rrore sens i t i ve , frem which r e ason i t is not under -
standabl e for me, \,my on the Earth your primitive
flight means are not being steered by femal e persons .
loEier- '!hat ' s qui te a "hot iron", my child, because
the human being of this wor l d i s s t i ll very badly
unders tanding these concerns , confoundedly bad,
Semjase- 107/'Ihis i s knO>'JI1 t o me, but now ....e should
finish our officia l talking , f or I s til l have to dis-
cus s s cree other concerns with you . lOB/ Pl e as e wt.sh
t o a ll of you my deep greet ings and connectedness ,
and convey to them a ll my dear thanking and assurance
tha t I am extraordinari ly p leased about. the i r t r oub-
l ings in every r e s pect . 109/ As we ll f rom my father ,
f r em Pleja and f r em Que tzal I ought t o c onvey the
sarre, and likewis e as ....'e ll f rom ~ 1 e n a r a and Alena and
the othe r one s . 1l0/ At chance we wi ll announce our-
s e l ves once again t o a ll of you wht I e passing a long
in fl i ght , a s r - ~ a r a and I did las t sat urday at 21: 45.
loEier- For thi s a dear thanks by a l l of those who
had been there, dear gir l. Al l have enjoyed i t very
much. Only Olgi missed by r e gre t, as we l I as Narcel ,
guido and Herbert . I t really was rrarvelous when you
curved f or eight t iIres a long the lit tle hi lltops.
'!hey a ll ....ere really very much delighted by this .
Sanjase- 1ll/About this , I myse l f , teo, am very much
delighted, and I wi ll br ing to zenere as " ~ l l your
thanks . 112/Yet now to our othe r concerns which I
have to talk to you about.
Mei er- Okay then . _. _ .
90th Contact Friday. 11 N:>vrnber 1971
16: 14 h
Meier has been urgentl y calling Semj as e to try t o ri nd out fr om
her somet hi ng about another alien lifeform he met i n t he woods ne ar
his home. He had his tape r ecorder with him and succeeded in get -
ting the alien creatures voi ce on tape as it appr oached hi m.
~ e r - For s ene days a lready I have tried to reach
you. But my calls have silrpl y faded away sarewhere,
without having f ound resonance.
senjese- 1/1 had been occupied with very many things
like this with your concerns . 2/D.1ring the next ccm-
rning ti.rre I am so much occupi ed, that I wi ll likely
not find the t .Irre t o dedicate myself t o the l e t t e r s
of the group rrembers , a l though I had promis ed this.
3/In effect of my s tri c t occupat ion I a lso had to
defend f r an everything , for which rea son you c ould
not reach Ire with your calling. 4/50 today I am her e
on l y to give you s ene advice in respect to sore nem-
bers of the group I in respect t o the s tay in the . .. .
as this as "''ell is one of my obliging tasks .
5/AOOut the f irst ones has to be explained, that be-
s ides one excepti on a ll ones have tri ed a ll right,
a lthough marry of them revealed s crre hesitation of
different form, but which they themselves could over -
care, and did s o in quite a short tiirre , 6/Two other
one s had sare trouble, but which will only delay them-
selves the next t i.rre, thus has no need for further
discussion. 7/ OJ.e of the group nernbers is burdened
by body-organic and psychic imbalances , which is ....ny
the p roceedings get a lit tle troubled and f or which
reason the total t ine has to be enl arged by .. . . . . ..
8/'Ihis i s with R. 9/ rn the s econd case, the total
t ine s houl d be enlarge d by . .. . and that behaves
f or C. IO/'Ihere woul d s till have t o be rrentioned a
further case, where a o f incr e ased time were
necessari ly demanded, but hi therto r emained undetected
by rre , whether this wi ll be useful and o f fer success .
l1/'Ihis because the whole att i tude and intention
l eaves mrch spared in simi lar rel a t ions, and because,
teo, a great ins inc erity cares t o appea r in earrefotd
matters . 12/'Ihe troubl ing for a r eal s uccess does
not onl y depend very mrch on the will , but as well on
an understanding of the who le l ess on and exe r c i s e ,
and by an inpurity of the body, whtc h infl uences ve ry
obstruct ivel y and wh i c h calls up a ste ady feeling of
s l a ckness , t iredness , incont entedness , apathy, and
agre s s ivity inside of the concerned person himself, -
naneI y inside o f H. 13/ For that r e as on , you should
have a conversation and talk with him, and explain to
him the circumstance s of this tal k , as , l ike I a lre ady
t r ansmitted t o you, he troubl ed himsel f by no means
f or the exe r c i s e , but he indul ge d in s l eeping aft e r
les s than three minutes a l r e ady, rroved away fran un-
der the decisi ve apparat us and was ccrrpl etel y absor b-
ed in himself. 14/ 50 happened the first t .Irre , 15/
But as 'ell in the s econd t ime appea red dis t urbations
....tlich sere very rmch unservi ceable for the whole
ma.t t e r I and 50 especia lly the impuri ty, which ....o rxs
hannfully for everything and f or himself, too. 16/
But this impuri ty i s a lso abl e to influence ......
i tse l f , as by the there prevailing concent rat ed f orce
of maqnetdc char a c ter , not on l y i s stored, but as "-'ell
rror e high ly concent r a ted and s t ored. 17/ You yours e lf
had exper ienc ed at the fi rst t ime , that you c ou l d
hardl y push away a very peculiar sme ll by fumigants ,
and this wo u.ld not have s ucceeded for you if we had
not inte r c ede d t o neutralize i t a I l , 18/ In the s econd
t.Irre this had not been much bette r , a l though you
yoursel f noticed l e s s of that . 19/ By knowing about
the matters of the fi r s t t irrE , Quetzal cared f or ,
that at l eas t the a i r was no rrore iJrpregnat ed then
as much as before, as i t s c l eanness had as "-'ell to
be characterized as very ris ky. 20/ If s o s houl d hap-
pen f or a third t .trre this way , then I wout d have to
p lead with you and all group rrember-s to no rrore admit
H. t o there , as in the long run could be e ffect ed
great harm for and the persons s taying there.
21/ Impurene s s in the i s the wc r at; thing, whi ch
can f ind admission there . 22/ For this r e a s on do care
that a t the next going in of H. he himself will r e-
l e ase himsel f f rem this i.mpuri ty, in his whole Cody
and a ll h is clothing , and in his rrouth as e l l , 23/
In this respect you have t o es tablish f or him a reg-
u l a tion. and order , wh dc h is l ike a ccrrmand, because
he wi ll not care f or that in any other 'V.'aY.
~ i e r - '!his i s easier said than done .
senjase- 24/'20 do tell tltis matter to the rrember-s of
the group, while first Jacobus watc hes for Hans in
this respect, because such conc erns are bett e r done
by him than by you , wilo are just too patient in sore
matte r s . 25/1t i s all right correct, that you s pend
much pati ence with e ach human being and concede in
thi s way f or him a l ways still a chance until the bit-
t er end, but j ust in this r e s pect you are not a .lIcwed
to be s o patient , as the addres s ed impureness rrenaces
many effec t s .
Mei er- Well, 1 tell this t o Jacobus in this rrcrrent.
senjase- 26/'Ihis i s true l y l:et t er suited for him to
do than you.
Meier- 'Ihanks, gir l , you know ... . . . ... .. .. . . .. . .
senjase- 27/ 1 do knee... a lready; you don ' t need to
talk about it.
Meier- Can we tal k then about other conce rns ?
5anj ase- 28/ SUrely , but 1 s till have t o explain,
that in r e s pect t o a l l otherones , who hitherto of the
group have to get done sane change s in the
tirre , fran December -, yet which only r elate t o sore
one s , and only arrount to a few minutes rrore or l e s s.
29/About this you still should l:e Inforrred, 3D/'Ihe
othe r changes that a l ready s hou l d take p lace , I have
a l r eady told you .
Meier- '!hat 's a ll e vident t o Ire . '!hen I wou l d new
have a question: Sc:::nething does interest Ire about; my
l ater lif e , and that in respect to my present parents .
can you give Ire s ane infonnation about this, and do
you at a ll have any knowledge about this?
senjase- 31/SUrel y , thes e concerns, whfch belong t o
you, are known t o Ire, but I am not a Ll owed to talk of
them, f or you s ti ll s hould not be able to e l aborate
this knowledge.
Meier- Okay, then may behave like it dcea , But thank
you for this c l earing , and then thus t o sarething
e lse: In the l a s t 'tuesday evening , Claire stayed with
us and worked quite much . z.arent , 'thfa had been in
the 8th of N::>verT'.ber. At about 23: 20 we atcod together
up on the parking-place saying good-bye. At thi s rro-
roeot., f ran the back s i de of the remise s ounded up two
ti.rres a very peculiar noise, ....ttich I was unabl e to
identify and which I took f or an an.i.rra. l's call . In
s pi t e o f that , I took a heavy stick and went; Icokdnq
f or the mat ter, but ne ither f ound any anim:l l nor any-
thing e lse. Claire then carre a f ter Ire, but like Ire
coul d not see anything. She only told Ire o f being
quite very much t e rri f i ed, and in consequence of that
wou ld then dri ve f ast away in her car, which she did,
too, a few minutes l ater . I then walked into the
house, "sa ddle d " my pisto l and took: the sma.. ll tape
r ecor der f rom the bureau. Equipped l ike that , I then
walked forward t o the f i rst curve of the f or est , l a i d
the nmning t.ape, I rreen of course the t urne d on tape
as of c ourse it can not walk or run, ont o the
third post of the s treet and r erroved f or about 10
meter-s , wher e I sat down on the r oad ' s edge during
the pr evai ling "Egyptian Darkne s s " . I had wait ed
there f or only a f ew minutes , when a no i se s ounded up,
l ike a non-screened bearnship ....zmI d appear . Watching
a t t ent i ve l y a t everything around and in the sky, I
was not able to see anything, for the darkness was
just too dense. Just in f ront of the yard cnl y , where
our lights lighted all , ther e I cou l d s ee fran the
darkness around everything c learly and dis tinctly.
And as I l ooked after sene t iJre tiowards the post
a gain with the ontumed tape r ecorde r and then l ooked
downwards to the rreedcw, there s uddenl y and l ike can-
ming f ran nothing , a f i gure s tcxxl over there, can-
p letely and exactly in the s tripe between light and
darkness , where the one side was sharply separated
by the light of the yard l amp , and the other s ide was
in darkne s s . 'lhe figure coul dn ' t have wal ked there ,
but indeed was s irTpl y suddenl y there. Very quietly
then I stood up and hur r ied across the r oad and to
the post wi.th the recorder , wher e I then canpletely
recognized the f igure and saw that I had not beccsre
confus ed by the r oad1 s side, where the head of the
f i gure had appeared f or rre l ike an api s h f ac e . N:M I
c learl y and distinctly saw the c reature having a hu-
man-like body, and If I was not much in e rror , it
even had to deal with a \";ar'an ly body, Fran ear'thhumen
imaginat ions , ha...ever , this was much cont r ary to the
22 6
voice t ho:!:!: this creature had, f or this s ounded r ather
dark, which f act yet does tell nothing, because I
know very \ \ ~ l l that othe r beings can have as \'R:l l
other voices , than such forms as appear on our Ear-th,
'!hen I a lso s aw one hand o f this being, of which the
fingers appeared quite s uperd.iIrensional to rre, .....fuch
were about twice as l ong as mine. But then the head;
that, oh dear rre , that was unique . I was not shocked
because o f this, for I have a lready seen s uch mi s er-
able muti lated hurran f aces, but anyhow I was f asc ina-
ted by the view, which at f i rst I l ooked at qui t e
thououghly, before I s eized my gun, pu lled it fran
its ho l ster, cocke d the tri ggerguard and wanted to
un lock it, which mat-ter- by r egret was a mistake by
me, as , when I rai s ed the pistol , there the peculiar
creature disappeared suddenly and wi thout a trace ,
l ike i t had care. Yet I really didn' t want t o j ust
shoot wi ldl y around , but only for the sake of s ecur-
i ty to bring the gun into position, i f the being wou l d
have attacked Ire. Narre ly then I wou.ld have f i rst ser-
ved a l ead bumbl e-bee a long its s trange punpkin, and
then l ooked f or further doings of it. But thi s pecu-
liar being mast; have had eyes l ike a cat o f prey in
the night , as how e l se could it have been able in
this conf ounded darkness, to see Ire having a weapon
in hand. ntis narrel y most. have been the r eas on
why i t disappeared s o f ast . Anyha.-l I do kna.v that
with the pistol I had ccmni. t ted a bad mistake , but a
further one by l eaving the b l ockade on my thoughts .
sc:mehCM I feel that this c r eat ure, which was about
160 cent iIrEt e r s of hei ght , cou l d carrrn.mica t e tele-
pathically, and assurrptively had wanted to rreke con-
tac t with rre in that way, ....mi.ch had not succeeded
because of my blockade . 'Thus it tri ed to reach Ire
acousticl y , but then saw my weapon , and as it cou ld
not ccmpr ise my thoughts , i t l ikely must; have r egarded
i tse l f threatened. Now' I have s ince then the fee ling
that this l::::eing wi ll r e t urn a gain, and wi ll cere wi th
r ather peaceful intent i on. 'Ihis rratter dces a l s o r e-
s u l t fran i ts voice the t urned on recorde r received
on the streetpost . I have tri ed to deciphe r the
sounds and f ound out , the y are the sane cords the
being spoke. I t sounded t o Ire l ike r-l. U R G, r-t U R G.
I have reflected upon this f or ThU whole days, and
astonishingly I a lways care. t o one and the sene con-
c lusion again, that the word "NURG", i f I have fi l -
tered it out cor rect ly, does rrean nothing more than
PEACE. Since then i t is a lways sounding in my ears,
l ike this c reature wou ld have asked roe, i f I wou.ld be
peacefully intenti oned toward it. S::rTething e l s e to
be said about; the matter is : The head of the creature
had a human f OnTI, but the f ace was rather rronsterlike
that woul d be a rnisture armnq a fis h and a frog, with
a rather great mouth and a kind of wha l elxme above
the skull , which was as bar e as everything e l s e of
this head , whi.ch I neverthe less want t o define as
ecrrehow beauti ful , because, though i t appeared rron-
ster- l ike in in the dark, it was very ....'e ll f amed and
very nat ura l . Anyhow the c reat ure seemed t o Ire like
one resurrected fran a f able, narre ly l ike an arrphtb-
ian human . NJw the great ques t ion to you is : IX> you
knew anything about such creatures , and i s it
known t o you whether those c r e at ures still live any-
....'here on the Earth or have previ ously care here? Is
the re anything knC1>oJI1 to you, that this creature had
been her e in 'l\1esday?
semjase- 32/ . . . . . .. .
Meier- Gir l , - - hello .
Semjase- 33/Excuse Ire, - no, there i s nothing known
to rre , that s uch crea tures wo u.ld be he re - not , in-
deed. 34/ 1 knew this kind of c reature a ll right ; and
they deal with human forms of lif e , who s t i ll lived
in the 'wa t e r at earlie r tirres and as \"o'ell on the
s o lid continent , in r es ult arrphibdan humans , as you
s aid correctl y , but that such f orms of lif e, who live
very, very f ar away f ran this system, should be her e ,
that is not known to ITe . 35/Have you really not been
subjected to an i l lusion?
Meier - '!hat may be possibl e , but the
evidences s arething e lse. Just do lis t en
taperecor de r
Semjase- 36/You are right.
Meier- l';nat do you say new?
senjase- 37/You gotn' t subjected to an illusi on , and
as ....'ell the quite c l umsy l anguage of the being is
s crrehcw acqua inted t o Ire . 38/1 am not fully s ure
about it, and s o 1 first want; to talk with Quetzal
and sane otherones about the matter , and want; t o pay
my a t t ent ion to the affai r. 39/ 1f I can take
the r ecorder tape, then 1 wi ll r eturn a t once to the
station and a l so ca ll , i f neces sary, my father , for
he masters s ane of the s uch c l umsy l anguages , as are
spoken by anphi bian humans , i f they are not capabl e
of t elepathi c communica t i on, because t elepathy is
thei r essential means of ccrrmuni.cat.Lon,
~ i e r - Of cours e you can take the r ecorder tape wi th
senjase- 40/'Then 1 l e ave you nON' ; see you again.
~ i e r - \men wi ll you return?
5emjase- 41/1n a f ew hours , as by then "B wi.Ll. have
s cout ed scmething .
loEier- \'le11 s o , tchys for that whi le, and kind greet-
ings t o a ll ones .
19, 28 h
Meier- Ny dear gi r l , you r eturn ve ry fas t , that took
on ly 1 1/ 2 hours . Have you found out anything?
Semjase- 42/ SUre l y , and it might be ve ry inte resting
t o you. 43/Fi r st I had a call t o my f a ther and told
him your explanati ons , as "-'311 as the sounds you have
recorded by your Lnat.rurrent .. 44/Father was informed
at once , as the S01.. U1ds have originat ed in a known to
him gutteral l anguage , of a s ame as \\Bll known t o him
r ace, which is a t heme in a regi on and near to a star
f onnat i on whic h i s known t o you as "DENEB", about
2,000 lightyears distance f ran the SOIr-System. 45/
Father was astoniched by your precise notification of
the s ounds of the observed creature; and likewise,
tCX) , by your detai l ed s peci f i cat ions of your obser-
va t ion. 46/The s ounds heard by you and Cl a i r e are
yet very c lumsy, because they are not used much by
the CYGNIANS, as they are called. 47/At the normaI
cas e they communicat e rrer e Iy tel epathicly, just be-
ca use the i r gut teral l anguage i s very unccrrtron and
troubleseme f or them, which thus they use only then
for c ommuni cati on when they have to talk with other
forms of life who are not able f or t e l epathy. 48/'Ihe
defined by you for "rnrrq'' s ounds do really cor-respond
with this wo r d , and about this , father was r eally
astonished, for he explained it being extrerrely dif-
ficult t o define thes e gutteral sounds by syllables ,
whfch matter yet SUCCeEded for you evident ly without
great trouble. 49/For the standard case narrely, so
he explained, wo u t d be demanded as we ll on Farth
s t udies and apparatural comparisons e tc. , to analyze
s uch sounds and t o reduce them to syllabl e s . 50/A
matter that further astonished father was , that you
had as we l I correctly analyzed the sense and rreaning
of the words , because HURG does in fact rrean PEACE.
51/But why it c ame here is sti ll a mys t e ry to us .
52/Neither Quetzal nor anybody e lse knew that any
unknown t o us fl i ghtmeans had fl own into this earthl y
space . 53/J us t now researches have r e s ult e d during
the l ast 70 minutes , that in l ast ~ b n d a y during the
nighttime one of our great survey discs in the s outh
regions of Europe had r egi s t e r e d a strange fl ight-
mac hine, but did not r adio this fact t o the station,
because of a disturbing fiel d which s t ored in
our surveying means like of natural origin, and this
data was not r ecorded and thus not transmit t e d t o our
station. 54/ TI1e anal ysis of this disc resulted now,
that her apparatus had gotten by no rreans out of
f unction by a natural e arth- dis t urbing f ield f or sec-
onds , but that an artificial disturbing fie l d f r an
sere fl i ghtmeans had caused this damage, and that
controlled by s ere intelligence. 55/'Ihe fact that
remained unobserved during the disturbance prcx::ess on
our surveying apparatus , was an exposure r ecor ding
means , which autanatically captured the strange flight
rreens on running f ilm, f r an whi.ch we now knew of thi s
cylinder -shaped, about 12 rret.era diameter ship stay-
ing s crecnere on the Farth, but where, we don't ex-
actly know, un f ortuna t e l y . 58/I t i s evi dently equip--
ped with sene protective f i e l ds , because of which our
analyzations had no effect and we could not define
its p lace o f stay. . 57/But we wi ll continue a ll anal -
yzations by our survey means day and night and not
rest until we have got the exact reconnaissance. 58/
Especia lly we wi ll care as well for you, because
you seem t o be c orrect in your assunct.Ion that the
being seen by you will care to appear again.
~ i e r - Ni c e , and then I wi 11 no rrore conduc t myse lf
so stupidly and r ais e once rmre the qun , And I will
release my thought b lock as wel l-
seej ese- 59/n:m' t talk l ike that. GO/ It has by no
rreens been done s i lly by you, as you express, but
this had been a c lear and r easonable caution rreens ,
Gl/hhen you explained to ITe , having been shocked by
no rreans , when you had s een the being , and that you
on ly wanted to prepare yourself for any event by the
weapon, and did not have the intenti on sinpl y to
shoot , since your life were not menaced, then I know
very we Ll , this behaves like s o , and tha t you tell
the pl ain t.ruth, 62/Your manne r of thinking and act-
ing in r e s pect to the rrenacing , hurting or ki lling of
a life o f any creature is so well known t o ITe , that
your words , just having wanted to protect yourself
and not wi ldly shoot a long, and having fel t no f ear ,
but on ly a certain f asc ination, that j ust thes e ex-
planations by you are valid f or Ire, like the l aw of
the Creat ion itself concerning this .
Meier- You keep a confoundedly great opinion of Ire,
girl. I t really asharres Ire .
senjase- 63/Surely, but only your rroderatnon gets
you f eeling ashamed, 64/But you really are in advance
of yourself in many concerns , not to s peak of the ad-
vance t o the e arthhurran bednqs .
~ e r - So do stop wi th this nonsense .
senjase- 63/You yourself knew very exa ctly, that in
many conce rns you s urpass the human beings of Earth,
and are sarething special in contradic tion t o your
m::x:1eration .
Meier- You really speak the rros t confounded nonsense
that ever a human being a l I cwed t o pass his lips . So
do finally s t op this nons ense.
senj ase- 66/Surely, as i t is useless t o give you
explanat ions about this . 67/But in s pi t e of that ,
you can not prevent many human beings , and especially
different rrember s of your group, f ran having a l ready
beccrte knewing enough , that in spite o f your rroder -
23 1
ation you posess much rror e wor-ths ins i de of you and
around you, than all hum. . ..
~ i e r - Confound it once rror e . I f you don 't no-... finish
with this danmed gos s ip and thi s three-tines conf ound-
e d praise, then. . . . . ma-t a live , then you r eally cause
rre f or roaring r a ge.
5emjase- 68/ 0h . . . . . excuse it, I did not want; that.
69/You really beccrre r aging. 70/ 1 r e a lly am s orry, I
did not want this, but I on l y talked the truth.
(He r e the conversation t urned t o a discus sion of the
s emantics of the words "I am s orry" and " I f ee l s or -
ry" whic h has lit tle bearing on the essence o f this
c ontact . Semjase cont inues .)
5emj ase- 88/'!hen I still want to expl ain the f o l Iow-
ing: 89/ If the observe d by you c reature , of which
doubtles s is a hurran form of life, corres t o you again
then do conduct yours e l f l ike you have expl a ined you
wo u I d , 90/))::) start contact \ai th it, beca use every-
thing of it indicates peace ful int ent ions , partly
e ven of need. 91/Concerning Ire , I wi ll l oos en my
b l ockade so f a r that you can r each me anytime. 92/
'Imen you ca ll me, and i f you s hou l d need rre , then I
wi L j be at you wt thdn a few minut es .
~ i e r - '!hank. you, girl. Yet I do not as sume that I
will need your he lp, as I have the feeling a l r eady ,
that a l l \ViI I basically not run wrong .
5emjase- 93/ Again you are j us t the o ld friend . 94/ A
very k ind thanks there f ore .
~ i e r - I mys e lf, t oo, thank you, dear girl , and f or
the further, we roth are innocent , a r en' t we?
5emjase- 95!By certain manne r ye s , because we s impl y
had t o explor e mutually thes e condit ions i nsides of
one another.
~ e r - You a re quit e c l eve r indeed, my child, because
you have not i ced this .
5emj ase- 96/ But certainly, yet l et ' s don 't v . ~ p ove r
this. 97/ But now I yet want t o p l ead you for s ere-
thing, i f you admit?
foEier- But certainly; just go on.
Senrj ase- 98/ First, I s till have t o discuss s ore things
wfth you, whi ch on ly are destine d f or you, and on the
other hand, Quetza l wants t o execute an examination,
at ....'hich you have a decis i ve share .
loEier- Both agreed, TI'!Y goldchild.
8emjase- 99/Yet you don1 t even know of whdch exam-
ination it is treating .
Meier- But a ll the sarre ; an examination by you ones
has to be connected t o s arething new, and I neve r
have been a stay-at -hcme and dependent on o ld-fash-
i oned things .
Semjase- l OO/ SUrely , this is kncxcn t o IrE . l O l / ~ ; e l l
now, i t r e ally treats of sanething new, and that
narrely of an apparatus for transmis s i oning , which
Quetzal has constructed. 102/ He want s , that the pre-
report beccmes trans mitted by this new apparatus ,
whi.ch c an be switc hed t o differ ent speeds . l03/0Ur
c onvers ation of two hours l ength will then, if all
keeps correct function, get transmit t ed to you within
only about 30 minutes, ....'hile you ....uuld write 50 fast ,
and t rans fonn a ll series of pictures within so short
a t.ure, like a canputer rreens can work,
Meier- Of course I agree.
senjase- l04/ 'Ihen I thank. you in name of Que t zal and
his co-work.inq friends .
foEi er- '!hat I Co coopera t e i s sel f-evident .
senjase- l OS/ On this fact, I better eon' t want; to
give you an enswer ,
Meier- You shouldn I t , too. NcM you better lif t your -
self up t o your ship.
senjase- lOG/ But I sti ll wante d t o talk a short t iIre
about; sarething with you.
Mei er- Oh yes . You see, I a l ready have forgotten it.
";:hat i s troubl ing your little heart?
Sanjase- 107/ 'Ihose are concerns which don ' t ....zant; to
be r epeated within the report . lOS/ Yet still I ....zant;
23 3
to a ddress greetings to a ll ones and a quite dear
t hanks . 109j:.tanyones often think of Ire, and I often
fee l s a d that I can not reach to c loser contact with
23 4
91st Contract. '1hursday, 17 ~ 1977 17 : 24 h
For t hi s contact Semjase had t r oubl e ge tting through to rle i e r
t elepathicall y to surrmon hi m, because his mi nd was c:ons ide rabl y
occupi ed with remorse ove r having to kill hi s dog . She t hen asked
hi m t o be r ecept i ve for another cont ac t by the Cygnus ians, because
they had not been ab le to l oc at e them, and knew t hem to be still
present s omewher e in the Ea rth vi c i ni t y or e ven on t he Earth.
senjase- l / lt"'aS no easy thing f or me t o call you,
because f or a l ong time you paid no attention t o my
Mei er- E3.sily possible, because I have a problem that
I si.nply can not s o l ve, whtc h is why I am sti ll bur-
dened with it.
Semj ase- 2/Sur ely , and I a l so know which prob l em you
can not s o lve. 3/In thi s r espec t I should gi ve you
sate explications , t oo, which Quetza l has t old me t o
gi ve you .
~ ~ e i e r - h11eref r om do you want; to know my problem?
Everything now r e a lly a lso your ones can not know.
senjase- 4/'Ihat i s r i ght , but in this case we really
are very "'e ll inf ormed. 5/You narrel y keep a hitherto
not ove r ccrre probl em c once rning the animal whic h you
had e liminat ed.
Mei er- El iminat ed is not the right wo r d , but you are
right with that. By the best wi ll I narre I y can s i.np l y
not find out whether I have acted right , or not . 'lhi s
confounded prob lem i s since then cccupying me day and
night . At f i r s t i t appeare d t o me that I had acte d
right , but now s uddenly is no rrore evi dent t o me, s o
a l ready s ince days, whether I ....ziu.l.d perhaps got t en
subjected t o an i llusi on, from whi ch I then ....-oul d
have done injustness .
senjase- 6/But in that sake I s hould t e ll you s ane
expl anati ons f r om Quetza l , because he has name ly ob-
served the who l e event s during the l ast Saturday
afternoon , when he surveyed the r egi on of your center,
f or t o reach possib ly s ane indicat ions about; the stay
of the Cygni ans , f or whic h reason as .....1311 I have care
he r e t oday , f or t o inform you about , that hithe rto we
23 5
still have f ound out no wo r-th rrentioning data about
their stay . 7/But by sure we coul d state , their ship
hitherto not having l e f t the earthly space , thus it
is sti ll hidden scrrewher e and screened. 8/Fa ther has
tried t o get Informed a t their hare planet, who and
why anybody has cane to the F.arth, but he vas dnf orrred
that presently four s hips of the Cygnians woul d keep
an unknown staying- p lace , which is why i t ....-ould not
be possible to give de tails in this rratrt.er , 9/'Ihat
there woul.d deal with only one of these f our ships ,
'WOu l d be p lain, because about; a ll other uni t s wou.ld
be recorded exact coor dinates - announcerrents, and none
of them wou.ld s tay even in near of the SOL-System or
inside o f i t . 10/ 0 f the f our ships with unknown
stay , i t 'WOuld trea t of expedit ion ships of o lder
construct ion , 5 0 the information of the Cygnians ,
which ships wo u.ld dispose un fortuna t e ly of on l y very
much limited f arc ommuni ca t i on means on t echnical
basis . l1/ 'Ihis means , the Cygnians s taying he re on
the Earth wo ul.d not be able to carmunicate with the i r
hare planet, just f or that reason, that their far-
ccrourucactcn means c ou l d not over ccre the dis tance
of 2,000 lightyears. 12/'Ihe maximum reach o f their
t echnique arrountn unfortuna tely t o l es s than 1, 400
l i ghtyears .
~ i e r - But then they could generate tel epathicly a
senjase- 13/'Ihis i s not possible f or them, unf ortun-
ately, f or the Cygnians are onl y rrastering the pr imary
telepathy, tbus not the s pi ritual t elepathy .
~ i e r - I see. '!hen they are bound t o p l anetary cir -
cumferences by this f orm of tel epathy. But one thing
is not evident t o me in the whole rratter : h11y don _t
these boys cane in connect.Lon to your people? h'hy do
they try to r each contact just wt.th me or a t me?
senjese- 14/For this exists a very c lear expl anation :
15/'Ihe Cygnians are r epresenting a human r ace , whose
s enses f or r adiati ons frem outsi de their own bodies
are extrerrely highly susceptive, but 'thf.e way o., Jy
a t. p lanet ic and ships - internal sphere . 16/By -cnet,
they are abl e t o r ecei ve r adia tions f rem a l l f onns of
life and to analyze these radiations . 17/ lmd exactl y
here now i s the answe r to your que s t ion: l 8/ The Cyg-
nians are keeping at their hare ....'or -Ids a f orm o f gov-
ernment ....rhi .ch you earthhuman beings ....'ou.ld define as
gregarious instinc t , wi1ic h yet i s guided then by the
stronges t one of the herd. 19/ 50 does deal at this
order with a s imil ari t y o f a gregarious or de r of an-
ima ls, whose strongest part exer c i ses the position of
l eade r . 20/As the OJgni ans are keeping this form of
governrrent s ince o l d r .Irrea , they have changed thi s
f orm in the run o f the l a s t mi lleniums just so f ar,
that they s ubstit ut ed the strongest person of their
r ac e t o the ITOst knowing one , who by thi s was a l so
that one, ....mo r a dia t e s the hi ghe s t osci llat ions ,
which i s equal t o the mos t; f orceful osci llations .
21/ Bec ause of this, it i s j ust self-evi de nt , that
the Cygnians on strange for them wo r -ids , when they
vi sit such, want e d or unwant ed, res ea r c h a ccor ding
to the ir form of governrrent , as \ , ~ l l f or the highest
os ci l lation of this wor ld and t urn themse l ve s in em-
e rgency case tiowards thi s , if they need so. 22/kld
in res u l t of your educat i on and your knowledge, i t is
you, being that human on the Earth, who emitts the
hi ghest radia t ions on the Earth. 23/ Thi s reversely
i s meaning f or the Cygnians, you t:eing f or them that
f orm of life on this wor ld, above ....t\an is standing
no othe r form o f life there. 24/ 5ol e l y this can be
the reason "tty they try t o care in connect i on with
Meier- But that i s c razy. - Accor ding to them, I
would have to be sarething l ike the gr eat heard's chie f
of the Earth? But that I s mad and c r a zy.
Semjase- 25/ SUrely, according t o your terms , yes ,
but not s o ac cor ding to the t erms of the Cygni ans , as
they think by the i r standards .
Med er- But in s pit e of that , different things are
not c lear to Ire, as for exarrp.le , why these knaves do
not tum themse l ves to your peop l e and tcMards the
other groups , a s a l l of you ~ n quit e decisively same
t irres highe r osci llations , than I do.
Serojase- 26/Your thoughts are very l ogi c al , but you
forget , that ....'e have to l e t absorb our r a diations
inside of our stations or inside of our ships by
those, s o as not t o influence by them the earthhuman
Does it deal he r e with those radiations which
I know for example as sympathy and ant i pathy ?
senjase- 27/'Ihat ' s only partly correct , f or there
are still incl uded other factors. 28/ One of these
f act ors f or exampl e is that one , whtch expresses it-
s elf as a pro or contra inside of a f orm of life , if
it reaches into the fiel d of s uch a radiation . 29/
then for exarrp.le exists a l es s on of the truth,
which beccres spread by a being of the truth, then
its radiation diffuses very quickly and very inten-
sively. 3D/ If now other living creatures find them-
selves the t ruth within this l es s on , by which f act
they themselves s trive towards the t ruth, so they
beccrre l iber a t e d for the r e cept i on of the radiati on
of the c oncerning sender of this r adiati on. 31/In
consequence of thi s, the receivers of the r adia t i on
tune themselves inside of the subccnsc.ious f or e I eb-
orating the l es s on of tnlth t.cward its best inside of
themselves, what \oJay they generate aut anaticly a
r el at i ons hi p of themselves to the di f f use r of the
l e s s ons and even t o hi s p lace of stay.
'That is very interesting, and your answer- is
also giving f or Ire an a lready l ong ti.rre ago put ques-
tion about why a ll of our gr oup feel themselves in
spite of many evils, etc . , a iways again a ttracted by
out cent e r . I yet ask Ire now, how has this to behave,
or what does happen, when a l es s on i s negative?
Semj ase- 32/'Ihis also can be easily explained: 33/
a negative lesson is given, then the difference
is that one , that there rises no self-generated con-
nect ednes s towards the diffuser of the l es s ons and
hi s p lace o f stay, but a coercdon, which is based on
fear and t err or , that narreI y wouI d r ise death and
damaqe f or the own body if one ou.ld not obs e rve the
l es s on ' s diffuser in hi s orders . 34/Yet the s ane
does a lso happen in the case of prevailing fanati-
c i sm of belie f. 35/In consequence you see, the dif-
ference being within, that at a r eal l e s s on of the
t.ruth i s gene rated a vo l unt.ary relatedness , whi le at
a l es son of untruth or s impl y of sarething negative,
the r e i s a decisive coercion or a coercive imagin-
~ i e r - 'Thank you, a l r eady f or a l ong t ime I want ed
t o hear thi s explanat ion, for I never knew how I
would express this matter cor rect ly. But what wou l d
happen if you wourd release your osci llations can-
p letely and unobstructedly?
Sernjase- 36/'Ihe r e wou.ld occur, that a ll the earth-
human beings , who wo ur d beccme hi t by our r adia t i ons
would s t r aighten themselves according t o us , in s uch
a way that they wrouLd estrange themselves canpletely
fran thei r wor ld and wo u I d no l onger rea.int.airi durat ion.
~ i e r
Oh that . Now
with rre?
I understand, but what i s the
~ i e r - You a re aJ::ove these concerns .
Mei er- hlell then, so tell rre nCM, what mat t er' Quet -
zel wants to explain to TIe .
Semjase- 38/Fi rst I sti ll have to tell you, that
e specia l l y a t l a t e time in the night you should often
stay outside - you alone. 39/'Ihis because : 40/'Ihe
s earched by us Cygnians are very timid and wi ll t urn
thenselves by s ure on ly then when you are a lone . 41/
So this conditions , that you rrove rrore often during
the night out s ide a lone, and this a lit tle aside, t CXJ.
42/1f then a contact succeeds , then you s hould infonn
us about; that.
~ i e r - Your wi .sh is a ccrrmand for Ire.
Semjase- 43/1 do not give an order t o you.
~ i e r - 'Ibd.ay you are not at a ll i n c l ined for a joke .
sernjase- 44/Certainly, but you are even l es s so, be-
cause your problem i s oppr essing you.
~ i e r - Here you a r e unfortunately r i ght , as you may
know. I t ' s just a ll not l e aving my mind . Last; Friday
the dog tore a chicken, and in the f ollowing day one
rmr e , \'inen then I wanted to take the chicken away
f ran him a t the doghouse , ther e I saw sarething e lse
insi de of his eyes , which I once earlie r had seen in
a t ige r a ttacking rre in eastern India, wni.ch was such
a strange yellow fire, r eflect ing l ike a wi. Lf -ov- rthe-
wisp in his eyes . '!his fire insi de of his eyes ef-
fected Ire acting then, too, as then had occured, Her e
I consider ed, the animal perhaps might sti ll attack
a human being, as a lready i t had different ly bit ten
in Hinwi l our chi ldren, a lthough they were actually
gui lty f or that , because they very l ikely had made
the dog angry. But s ince SUnday I am no rrcre sure
about , whe the r- I perforned really r i ghtly and whether
I may not have perhaps erred.
senjase- 4S/And s ince then you f eel , of course, very
s or ry, which I am very \0."1:11 able t o understand. 46/
As \o.'ell I can very well f ee l this like you do, which
s t i ll does not change the occurence , ye t being evi-
dent f or you . 47/ 1 mys elf, t oo, am very mich grieved
about the event , but I have t o explain t o you in the
narre of Que t za l , your acting having been a ll r i ght .
48/He wat c hed the whole proceedings and analyzed in
sake of this the anima l , waere he found out , i t being
not s ick in any way, but s uffer ing f rom per iodical
confusions , which released inside a desire f or k il-
l ing , from reason of which the dog a lso tore up the
poultry, as you say. 49/According to the analysis of
Quetzal wo ul .d a lso be possible the chance, that the
animal , he tierrred temporari ly vagarious , woufd have
attacked human beings in the run of t .ime, just in
cause of this capriciousness . SO/From that you r eal-
i ze having unnecessarily troubled yourself over thi s ,
whe ther the acti on was right or not . Sl/Consequently
you have lis t e ned to your subconscdous and treated
according t o i ts dictates , whic h doing was a ll right ,
which yet you were not abl e to r ea son out , for you
r eflect ed too much on feel ings ove r these matt e r s .
52/Yet be conscious now about your acting having been
cor rect , for , i f you had not act e d this way , then
greater damage could have been caus e d for you a ll ,
possibl y even harm to human l::eings .
Mei er- '!hen I rea lly was not inf atuated, and I s t i ll
have to digest the r e s t of the pr ob l em.
5emjase- 53/Surely, but this part you have to over-
care by yours e l f , for I can not give you help in that .
54/But now, my dear friend, my t irre has passed and I
have to ret urn. 55/Bye-bye.
l-Eier- Tchys , girl , I wi.Ll. ove r ccrre it a ll right.
senj ase- 56/sure l y , and do r emember t o ca ll ITe , if
you cane into contact with the Cygnians.
l-Eier- Certainl y so , yet besides , I s houl d tell you
quit e dear greetings fran a ll of us . And what e lse
I wanted to ask you : ~ m . a t ~ ' a y should I perf orm the
di v i s ion of time for those persons who need more or
l es s t ime? Especial ly \v.Lth Claire, it is a diff icult
mat t er.
Semjase- 57/About this I wil l gi ve you closer in-
stIucti ons next week , S8/Conce rning Renata, Hans and
Claire I can t e ll you pre l iminarily: S9/For Renato,
you put the s aid t ime as addition t o the ca l culated
span; For Han s the eyc I e chances ti11 othe r t ermin-
at i on 'towards e ach , while with Claire in
c onsequence of her prob l em, etc , , per calculated span
ge t s added and each one additional evening per
rronth, a t the SaITe hour, but selected by he r s e l f and
accor ding t o he r abi lity. 60/And f or Bernadette I
sti ll have to say , that since the next SUnday s he
s hould us e the full time, l ike all the other s as ~ ~ l l
since the thir d time . 61/'Ihat 's a ll I have t o ex-
p l a in f or t oday. 62/And now qcod-bye,
Meier- Good-bye, and kind greetings t o a ll o f you.
92nd Contact W2dnesday.. 23 &:Jvember 1977
Semj ase has arr i ved in response to I,ha t she t hought was a call
from Hei e r- i n distress. neter ha d r el axe d his s piritual blockade
to a l lo\'l the Cygn ians to make t elepathic contact wi th hi m, and now
he i s s uf f e r i ng fits of anger. upset and dist r ess over t hi ngs t hat
did not bother hi m so much be fore . She wa rn s hi m that he is de-
pl eating his strength and forces t o the po int of endangeri ng their
mi s s i on, and s eeks t o q iv e hi m gu i danc e a f t e r treating him fo r
exha ustion aboard he r cra ft .
senjese- 1/ 1 have care here as soon as possible.. but
unfortunately this needed several hours , f or I had
simply been indispensable.
~ i e r - But I have not called you at a l L
senjese- 2/But by a certain rreaning i t 'Was like that..
because a ll s ounded out o f you l ike a helpless cry,
and t cwards me. 3/ Your b lockade has been destroyed
and evi l influences were able t o t ake posession of
you .
~ i e r - I don 't understand.
senjase- 4/1 talk about; the occurences of this rmrn-
ing today.
~ i e r - Oh yes , I know, I acted like crazy and turned
wad, but this is surely j us t the gui l t o f myself.
Scrrehcw I simply have l os t my nerves .
seajase- 5/Surel y , but this eruption of yours today
has not been your fau lt of yourself a lone.. because by
the destruction of your b lockade several negative
f orces directed towards you could penetrate into you ..
which caused sane kind of expl osion inside of you,
which rnat.ter- occured a l ready yesterday and in the day
~ i e r - I can not imagine this .
senjase- 6/ Neverthe l es s it i s like that .
~ i e r - But how c ou ld I have destroyed my b lockade?
'!his i s a riddle for Ire .
Senjase- 7/ You are
nerves are we akened,
a/ r becarre
overwo rked and your
aware of these facts
tcday in the rrorning, when your b.lockade collapsed
and a very painful c ry came t o me. 9/ Quetza l troub-
l e d himself in consequence of my p leading, t o find
out the r easons , and analyzed out the f ot I owtnqe 10!
Your f orces of conscious ness have beccrre tire d by a
measure , which a l ready s t arts t o becane dangerous f or
you. l1/ By that , a lso your nerves have becane t om
in ccnpasst on , and you I cos e them out of control . 12/
In the main, the r eason ther e fore i s , that you are
ful ly burdened and even s uperburdened by rranyford
problems , which cause heavies t work f or you . 13/ Ac-
cor ding t o Quet zal ' s infonnation, you a re wo r kInq on
the problems of no l es s than 11 persons, for whan you
dedicat e yours elf during the nighttime or who you
otherwis e send impul s es for helping. 14/Inst ead of
s leep, you that way on ly s I urnber in a s emi- sle ep,
while you perform heavi e s t l abor by your s pi r i t and
consciousness . I S/ Alrea dy this .....toutd suffice, to
destroy you within shortest t ime in e ac h direct ion,
and it is a r iddle f or us , how you could bear
a ll this hithe rto, as you a re working , according to
Que t zal ' s infonnation, a l ready seve ral rrorrths in this
force--consuming kind of manne r. 16/ But sti ll not
enough by thi s , as you do s t i ll exe rcis e rnanua I act-
i viti es every day, have moreove r' sti ll t o keep many
s trength-depleting conve r s ations with visitors, and
a l so the t as k about the center . 17/Previously you
s t i ll becarre influenced in negative manner through
the unpleasant concerns about A. , and presently by
matte rs wi.th H. as we ll , but \.Jhile I i n f onred you
a l ready several times , l ike wi th A. , that you shoul d
not rely s o much upon your feelings and upon your
charity, because the chance gi ven t o them by you will
not be use d , and a t l ast still becane ut ilized against
yours e lf. 18/But you did not obey my .....o rds, in con-
s equence of which you s uf f ered damage . 19/ N:.:tw ye t
you are s o far at the end of f orces and no mer e able
for running f arther . 20/Your ne rves have got rut.ned,
and this i s rrenacing our whole mi s sion. 21/ Not a lone
that you get rrore and rror e in arrears with your l abor
but you even slowl y run the r isk of des t roying your-
self. 22/'lhe beginning of this you do a l r eady know,
because you have seen and experi enced what has re-
sulte d from thi s. 23/1f you cont inue this way , then
your own end will be near seem, and unpredet .errntned-
2 43
ly at an earlier point in t ine.
~ i e r - I know, but '...'hat; shall I do agains t this? I
c an not keep laying a ll these ones in the mud just
nON, f or whan I have to take care.
senjese- 24/ You s hould overtake l es s of v.urk at
othe r r elations . 25/'Ihat way you stay with f orces ,
too, and get finally able t o execute that wo r k whi c h
you have as eurred for yourse lf under cooper a t i on with
us . 26/ttLis l abor narre r y r e ac hes rrcre and more in
arrears .
lo'eier- But ..... no s hould do the other v.'Ork?
Semjase- 27/ ttLere exist enough group rranbers, who
are able to execute this.
~ e r - You really have easy speaking , for also these
have t o per form their own Iebor- dai I y .
senjese- 28/ 1f the concerns becane eore organized in
their who l e , then tltis can be arranged without much
troubl e . 29/By you a ll a person s hould be sel ected
t o take over the organization, l ike you once pr opose d
t o Ire . 3D/Best s uite d f or that would be Enge lbert .
~ i e r - You keep i deas, he has j ust 5 0 much t o do al-
ready, that soon his ears wi ll shake beca use o f i t ,
as v.12! s ay.
senjese- 31/ I n spite do talk wi .th h im about; it, f or
he i s the best s uit ed one for this. 32/But to you I
have to explain now, that in the future you should
dedicate yourself a lone f or your cwn Jabor, 33/ But
for that you must be able to again perform this l ike
each t irre befor e , ther e f ore it is neces s a ry that I
take you for s are minutes into my ship, to r egene r a t e
your nerve s and still s ane other c oncerns i ns i de of
you as v.'e 11-
~ i e r - As you want ,
Semjase- 34/It \dll not need much terre, so cane now.
~ i e r - ":e have been av.'ay but f or about; 20 minutes .
Semjase- 35/ Hcw do you feel yourself now?
lo'eier- Very much bette r than befor e ,
senjase- 36/Surel y , this s hould be. 37/ But please
be care ful with your f orces in future and act accord-
ing to my a dvi ce, p l ease .
Meier- I want t o try so. Yet j ust one thing I ask
mys e lf: At fi r s t now I notice, that s anething was not
a ll r i ght with ere, but eneref rcm has anything not
been a l l right wi th ID2 , and \.my?
senjese- 38/By a weakness arising f r an a ll your l ab-
or s and burdens , you dest royed your b lockade, of which
you di d not beccrre conscious , as your wrath caused
nearly r age and l os s of a ll control. 39/Because of
that, evil-minded os c i llat ions f orced int o you, which
are a imed t rn...ards you by a r e f l ector means of the
Gizeh Intelli gences . 40/'Ihe breakdown of the block-
ade meant , these os c i llat ions beccminq abl e t o pene-
t rate unobs truct edly int o you dissolved reactions in-
s i de of you, which are dange rous not only for your-
se lf, but f or a ll our tasks and mi s s ion, because you
act s o unreasonabl y and emot ional ly when thes e osci l -
l ations hit you , tha t you conduct and behave des -
truct ively. 41/Yet a ll the surrounding you rrerebera
of the group do not understand your doings and con-
duct when you are a c ting that way on thes e attacks ,
wheref r an they themse l ves attack you and even abuse
you , a lthough i t wo u I d be bett er for them if they
consi de r e d the how and why o f your s uddenl y changed
ac t ions thoroughly and v.Dul d assis t you accordingly.
42, By s uch , they cou l d he lp you a t l eas t in sane
little rreasure , 43/In thi s r espect, t oday in the
rroming onl y your wi f e has truel y t r oubled her s e lf
f or this, whi le Amata treated fully incorrectly. 44/
As we ll a t Jacobus s eerred t o exist under standing,
even though he cons ider ed that mat .te r- f ran a bit
s impler point of vi ew.
l-Eier- But they r e a lly could not know wha t was on
indeed , as I mys e lf have not even known i t thoroughly.
Sernjase- 45/Sure ly, but l'Imata did keep compl e tely
absurd thoughts , as Quet za l could s ee . 46/ And these
were quite un fine thoughts .
Meier- I t 's a ll r ight. I don ' t want t o kneea, Bet ter
tell me what I shou l d do in the rratt e.r of H. ?
2 45
seaj ase- 47/About thi s , I fi r s t want; to discuss with
father , while f irstly then I can give you an advice.
48/In the l atest, after two days I will be back here
again and a l so bring you the newes t calculations con-
cerning the . . _. . ... 49/ 1 will neet together with
father in the next night , then can be a l ready taror -
r CM that I care to you again.
\\'ell, then I a lso want to discuss a s arewhat
difficul t probl em arrong us with you alone.
senjase- 50/'Ihi s will be poasIb.le t o do, surel y .
'!hen still a question: \\o u l d it be poss.ibie
that once I c ould get my r eport writing in the of fic e
by the Remington-ma.chine? '!hat is an e lectronic t ype-
writer whi c h I once want t o try using f or that pur-
senjase- 51/1f you a re suffici ent l y a cquaint ed with
the Inst.ruroent. , then you c an start the r e at 16: 00
hours .
I a l r eady believe this wi ll run ....'e ll .
semjase- 52/'Ihen I want; to go now; s ee you again,
and p lease, deliberate on my advice .
SUrel y , I will try f or this . Tchys , gi r l , and
very kind thanks . If I have you - nan alive!
senjase- 53/I t ' s just okay, my friend, donI t thank
ITe .
So I don' t , but neverthel es s you a re a goldy
chi l d . See-you-aga in.
semjese- See you a ga in.
24 6
93r d Contact Tuesday, 23 N:Jvrniber 1977
Thi s was a mi d- ni ght co nt act a f ter a number o f dayl ight meeti ngs
wi t h the Pl e i ad i ans , In the i nt e r va l s i nc e t he l as t contact, t he
Cygni ans had r et ur ned and according t o t he pr ior a r rangement s wi t h
Hei er , Semj as e was s urrrnoned and did arr i ve in t i me to mee t them.
Semjase clarifies the mat t er s co ncer ning an i nternal upset i n the
gr oup over some mi s s i ng fi l m. Semj as e t hen describes the Pl eiadian
meet i ng with t he Cygni an s and ~ h a t t he y ~ e r e able t o f i nd out about
t hem.
senjase- l /By the known to you circumstances about
the Cygnians , unf or'tuna t e Iy it was not possible for
me to care sooner.
~ i e r - But you had been he r e in the l a t e night of
l ast saturday, when you took the Cygnian gi r l t o you .
seajase- 2/certainly , but by that I f ound no t irre
fur a c ontact. 3/ 1 a lso was very muc h occupied by
those concerns , which you and your group have discus-
sed in Friday e ve ning . 4/1 was s hocked by the out-
spoken lies , especially of f e r ed by H. with s uch a
dramat ic art that he c oul d evoke the appearance of
full sincerity. 5/But that his words did not corres -
pond with the t.ruth was evidence d by our registrations
of the then events, because of whi ch you demand f r an
me a full j ust ification c learing the r eal mat t e r s of
fact . 6/Your words wou ld not have been necessary in
Friday, had you not l e f t aconer, before you wo u.ld
have gotten dnforrred about the t ruth by me. 7/Que t -
za l , as we ll as I myself and f ather, keep the unani -
rrous opinion, that you a ll should know the t ruth,
because the unbelievable unt.ruths expressed by H.
demand it. B/I want t o start by c learing up the fi lm
missed by you , whic h you had c onsi dered stolen. 9/
In this r e s pect there has not been a l a r ceny , a s
Quetza l de t e nnined fran the then r e cordings . l O/ By
your 0NIl carelessness , the fi lm r e a ched together with
waste int o a s alvage co llector, which you c a ll , as
far a s I know, a waste-paper bas ke t. l1/ You yours e lf
have l a i d the film s o unfortunatel y on the table,
that i t fe ll into the bas ket when you r e arranged the
or de r . l 2/ 'Ihe c ontainer with its c ont ents , and by
that the fi lm, too, was brought by yourself t o the
2 47
fireplace in the kitchen, where you ignited the con-
tents when you p laced this inside the fi replace. 131
'!he material did not burn carpletely, and was
fran that reason brought to an open. fireplace behind
the house l a t e r , where it was then burned crnpletely
with further waste.
(A further discus s i on concerned s ene things not t o be
ent e r ed into the Contact N:>tes . And then 5emj as e con-
t inue d . )
Sanjase- 36/But nON p l ease do no rrore inter rupt rre ,
for I still have t o t e ll you other concerns : 37lIt
has not occurred to your wife, hi therto, what actual-
l y has contribut ed very much to her change to...cards
the better during all the l as t rronths , which i s why
s he no.-.' s hou l d be inonred of this by rre : 381 Be as-
sured, dear friend Kalliope, p l ease explain this that
way f or her, or she herself s hou l d read this in the
report; be assured, dear friend Kalliope, my being
connected very mrch t o you in l ove , which is why I
want t o expl ain the f o lla ....ing: 39/ h'hat befor e I ex-
p lained t o you , i s based by no rreans on r e pr oaches ,
but only and sol e l y on the staterrent o f mat t e r s of
f act, whi ch shoutd incite you, once to consider ve ry
thorough l y about everything , where your husband will
be he l pful for you in each respect, wherein he is
also waiting s ince l ong years to beccrre abl e to help
you in this respect and in a ll other concerns , be-
cause he f eels a rrost sincere l ove for you and with
you, about; which fact you should have actually beccrre
conscious a l ready s ince many years before thi s . 40/
You ought and shoul d l e ave your destructive ......o r ld, as
your husband does explain to you with endless patience
on and on aga in, t o f ind your ....sy into his safe and
sound .... r l d , \Yhere only the r ea l l i f e is performed .
41/And be conscious , dear f r i end Kalliope, that ....ray
your husband i s trying to he l p you and has as we ll
assis ted you unt i l now and always , as is no other
h1JlT'dI1 being able t o do in your ....zrr-Ld, 42/Al so your
constant!y progres s ing change f or rrorrths cowards the
bet ter and a ll your r api d proceedings trace rranyfo.ld
back to the great l ove of your husband, wno day after
day and night a f ter night has troubled himself ve ry
much f or screening you f rem evil-minded outside in-
fluences of negat ive sort , which matter has demanded
many for ces f ran him. 43/ If he ...co u l d not have done
l ike that , dear friend, then as .... l l a ll your troubl-
ing for change ....'Ollid have been very much harder f or
you , and unquestionably you ....'ould not have care s o
far in this short t .irre , 44/ Truely, there s hould
not beccrre contested agains t you your very good will
that \vay, whi ch you have built up, like a s w'e ll not
your extraordinary s trong troubling f or evoking and
acccnplis hing thes e changes t owards the better and
the pr ogre s s . 4S/By this I onl y ....'ant t o explain you ,
thi s has been easi e r f or you a ll t o do and to obtain,
becaus e your husband has l ov ing l y assisted you, ....hich
fact you f inally should realize and ecknowl edqe , 46/
And do c onc eive , dear fri end , your husband does not
trouble himself reasonl e ssly for you, because his
doings are based on l ove towards you. 47/These, rrrj
dear friend, a re the explanations which I have to
give your wi f e . 48/ Yet she still s hould know, that
you l e t the past things be in the past and don 't rum-
mage in thos e , which matter you s hould necess arily
explain t o her , so that s he does not f oster thoughts,
that you wouI d get anqry about gone things and events .
t-Eier- Oh my dear , this have I done s o often a l r e ady,
but this does n 't s eem t o have much s ucce s s .
senj ase- 49/ This wi ll bear frui t in the future , as
your wife has done s o very great proceedings in the
direction o f the bet t e r , as happened with no other
rrernl:::er of the group.
t-Ei er- So I know, girl , but . . . . oh dear ITe . N:1.... s he
has l istene d to all this herself, because . . ... . . .
l>1an a live , of this I haven't thought at a ll , .. . . one
rrarent , I f a st will I CXJk there f ore . .. .. . i Oh, girl ,
just nCM I was t r embling , but there has nothing 0::: -
cured bad. She ' s s leeping quite peacefu lly and evi-
dent l y has noti ce d nothing.
senjase- SO/Excuse i t , but I had f orgott en t o ex-
p lain, that I caused. her sleeping a lready minutes
l a t er ....men you ....'ent; a..... a y f ran her . 51/Perhaps pi eces
of our conversation pene tra t e s into her consciousness
but she will not ....eke up because of that .
~ i e r - Actually I ....zm.l.d be very happy about i t , i f
she c ou l d hear us or see you, or even if s he could
talk sane words with you.
senjase- 52/You know that this i s, unfortunately,
not admitted to get done .
~ i e r - Unfortunately so, but in spite of a ll your
explanations you ,.,i ll not have to ascertain for Ire,
these explanations being solely decisive , that you
don I t have physical contact with any other ear-thhuman
being. 'Ihere is sorrething not a ll correct. '!here is
still sane secret ITDre the r eason f or that , this do I
a l ready know for a very long t ime , but I s imply don ' t
find out the r i ddle's solving.
Semjase- 53/Evident ly nothing r emains hidden fran
you. 54/It is true: 55/'Ihere is s ti ll exi s t ing a
very good r e ason for , that we don I t perform physical
contact to earthhuman beings , but this I will explain
t o you at a l ater point of time.
~ i e r - As you want ,
senjase- SUrely, as tcday the time wou td not be suf-
ficient for that , as I still have t o explain t o you
other things : 57/Por still to f ini s h the explanations
concerning the film material , the following is to
tell : 58/H. has prepared the pieces of film harrred
by the fi re and handed them over according t o his ann
will and esteem towards .r-artin Sorge , who p lotted t o-
gether with his girlfriend a ,...i cked intrigue against
you and your group, because a very dirty p iece of
work f a ile d for them, which was bui lt by degenerate
perversion. 59/But about this , I have to give no
further explanations , because these dirty concerns
are best known to you a l l. 60/H. in any case coop-
erated with Martin Sorge (alias f>artin Duval) and
wo r ke d insidously against you and your group. 61/
Heavi ly fallen ill within his psyche and as a notor -
ious l ove r of the lie, he was abl e t o dupe you all by
hi s connected therein drarrat.Lc a rt , as wel l as you,
too, and against better knowings f ran my side, with-
out that any negative influences f ran outside wou.ld
hereby have decisively worke d on him. 62/'Ihus he can
not c laim, that the negative forces of Gizeh would
have injured him, or any other forces , because he has
treated in ful l consci ousness and by absol ute a,.,n
wi ll . 63/ t.. b i c h I'Mt ter hereby has not teen of his csn
wi ll , but had been, that for differ ent cases our ex-
p lanations have been cop i e d and handed forward to
intended evil-minded addres s es against you . 64/But
so doesn't behave in every case , as H. often treated
easy-mindedl y and unreflect edl y , when he handed ove r
info.rrrations, which under no c i rcumstance was he a l -
I owed t o give out and tell. 65/For your ques t i on ,
what now shou r d happen with him, or what you shoul d
do in respect t o him, I have to t e l l you the fol I ow-
ing advice of fathe r : 66/H. shou Id in the future no
mor e ge t admi t ted to go into the ..... , and this f or
s o l ong, until his who l e intenti on, his thinking and
doing, and the whol e of his psychic b loc has t urned
cowards the bet ter and t o heal th. 67/He s hould no
l onge r CMIl our expl ana t ions and the contact reports
a t a ll by himse lf, as the danger of unadrnit tingl y
spr eading with or against hi s wi ll i s far too grea t
for him. 68/ 'Ihe r e should be gi ve n to him all those
scri pts, which do not handle our explanations in con-
tact r eport. rranner , 69/ Father is also saying , his
pas s ion f or notor ious lieing i s s o mach expres sive of
H. , that he often acknowledged untruths told by him-
s e l f as facts , and no rrore keeps the position of dis-
cerning lies f ran truth, what; way nore often the
truth i s disappearing from his sight , and that way he
a cknowledges untruths for but given f a c t s .
Meier- I know thi s , even though he i s al....--ays think-
ing, that he coul d delude IrE, while he dis torts cer -
tain matter s , or keeps s ilence about them. But anyhow
I neverthel es s have to try to help him.
senjese- 70/SUrely, but you s houl d be rmr e careful.
71/You also shou ld pay rrore attention t o my advi ces
conce rning such. 72 /It i s quite a ll r i ght, that you
should gi ve a chance to eve ry beman being, but you
can not do s o un limitedl y . 73/ At a certain point has
t o be the end .
Meier- I know, but I can not treat l ike one has
treated against IrE and sti ll does 'today,
senjese- 74/ 1 knew, one never has conce ded a chance
t o you , and stil l t oday one tries s ame l ike to treat
25 1
t o treat agains t you . 7S/n-ter e fore you keep the e r -
r ing opinion, that you shoul d give a l l those chances,
one had r e fused f ran you and s t ill r e fuses , towards
othe rones , 76/But this , my f r i end , i s onl y l imit edl y
right. 77/Frcm you , my f r i end , became dis tra c t e d the
c hances and sti ll beccrre dis tracted, in which way you
l earn to f ight and t o exist , and further on do. 78/
You yourse lf have r e a che d out you r hand there f or e ,
because you know, that you wou l d have t o fight ve ry
hard and that you could never a dmi t t o yours elf a
f a i ling of the whole mi s s ion . 79/For othe r hunan be-
ings of the Ea.rth the mat t e r s are other wi s e , because
f or them chances s hou l d be gi ven, f or that the y sieze
them and beccrre abl e to l ea rn by r ecognition o f 'them-
sel ves . 80/ Here i t does not deal wi th the s ame f orm
of fighting as f or you, as you had to l earn fighting
to exist , whtI e the otherones have to l earn t o Jearn,
~ i e r - Nicely s aid , my c hild , yet s are cemplicatedly.
Do you s t il l have rrore explanat i ons in this miserabl e
rrat ter ?
senjese- 81/No, this ha d been a ll ; what I sti ll have
t o expl ain, is the answer t o the quest i on of Marce l ,
concerning his observation of the 29th of sept ember,
l ike you have a ske d me accor ding t o l>1ar ce l ' s data:
82/ lo1y researches have .resu t ted, that in the s a id
potnt; of t iJre no one o f us has been at the described
l oca t i ons , l ike as .... l l l-lenar a was not , as 1 expl ained..
83/ SCl a l so the expl anati on is c lose, ecrebcdy of an-
othe r group having been in that r egi on , but which
rrat ter is out of our control . 84/ 1 t r ied t o f ind
c l oser data about; this matt e r in l-1arce l , but unfor-
f ortunat e l y the r e a lso was nothing conc r e t e about
the ma.tter t o f ind. 8S/ But rroreover conce rns r ea ched
out o f him t-owards me, which e f f ect ed pain f or me.
86/Especi a l l y these wer e concerns of , that he is
fee l ing h imse lf depr es s ed and s arehow of l e s s wor-th
inside of your gr oup . 87/He has the qui t e bad i de a
of being injure d by s tanding I cse r- in eva l uati on by
the others, ....TIich i s why he will a lso reach .in thi s
respect by a writing to you, which you wi ll r eceive
in the 30th of jcovenoer , thus the day a f t e r torcr rcc.
88/ nus induced me to give rrore a ttent i on to the se
mat t e rs, to f ix a short ana l ys i s of him and to cal -
2 52
cul .atie , that none o f his f ears and i de as is righ t in
thi s r e spect . 89/His l evel of evolution i s by sore-
thing higher than at nor e than hal f of a ll group rrem-
ber 's, fran which f act he can conclude, his f ears are
t ruely groundl es s . 90/Since scrre enrc, he i s
de pr es s ed, and this i s l e ading to s uch assurrpt.Lons ,
91/ 'Ihe depr es s ion get s bui lt up inside of him because
he does not find suffic ient c hance f or speak ing out
his thoughts and quest ions and obtaining truthful
answer t o these. 92/Bas ically thi s is connect ed to,
that you can not dis cuss s o much with him and talk,
which is why he shou ld try himsel f f or doing this
mere, f or which surely are suited, too, your rreetings
if perhaps he cares one hour ear lier t o you in thes e
days and sti ll can tal k with you. 93/ A f urther pr ob-
lem is sti ll ahead of him in this view, tha t he does
think himsel f injure d in r e spect t o his quest ions f or
Ire, as he thinks , I woul d displ ace him and l ike rror e
to treat wi th the ques t i ons of othe r ones . 94/ But s o
does not behave , as you knO' .... yoursel f , as , wh en you
give questions , s o I ens-.. .er- them in that s eri es , jus t
like they are t old . 95/On the other hand , I am s t i ll
obliged t o ve ry rrany othe r recors , f or which I have
t o spend my attenti on as well , which i s why I do not
find enough time for the personal l etters , t o answer
them, l ike in many concerns is the same with you .
96/Hitherto I cou l d not answer' even just one of the
last writings to Ire, but I wi ll do, as seen as the
t .Irre is enough the r e for e f or rre, 97/t\hen yet
this will be , I still don I t knew, yet i t wi ll be,
that at fir s t I wi ll spend a t t ent ion for :-tarcel ' s
l etter.
~ i e r - '!his wi ll be qocd, Know, scret irree as " , ~ l l a t
Ire are l ying l etters f or you a very l ong t.irre, as I
haven I t them always j us t with me when you are caning,
and as we I I I do not a l ways r errember of these l etters ,
a l though I a l ways get angry when I f orget them once
mJr e .
semjase- 98/ SUrely, but this shou l d be unde r s tand-
abl e , beca use as ....>e ll you have s t i ll t o do very rrany
othe r activi t i es _
t-eier- So does behave, of cours e , but nevertheless
I ge t angry. h11at has gotten done wi th the Cygni an
girl a ctually , whic h you have taken in l ast saturday?
I t 's l ikely been the 26th of &>vember, a f ter my ca ll?
Semjase- 99/ 'Ihe y a re a ll wi th us .in the stat ion, as
~ l l as thei r ship, whose int erpl anetary drive had
got destroyed by an expl osi on. 100/ 'Ihe Cygnians are
Qt,,'Iling a very o l d- fashioned techno l ogy, whi ch apart
f ran this was handed ove r to them l e s s than 4, 000
ye ars ago , but about; whic h t echnique ....'e do not have
the necessary knowledge . 101/ For that reason, it will
take a l onger t .ure, t i ll we have repaired the i r ship,
whe rea f t e r one will br ing it back t o the i r hare wcr' Jd,
~ e r - But coul dn ' t subst i t ution parts be brought
fram their home p lane t ?
Semjase- 102/'Iha t , s by r e gret not poss ible, because
f or this ol d- fashi one d technology a l so are missing
the re the neces s ary knowings , and besides , the Cyg-
n i ans are t echnica lly absol ut e ly untal ented, f or whic h
r eas on they are not abl e , too, t o repair the i r tech-
ni cal rreans, etc. , by thems e l ve s .
Meier- But that I S not posaIbi e
Semjase- 103/ 50 it behave s .
~ e r - And during what utne have these been on tour
now, and why a t a ll have they care to our sys tem?
Semjase- 104/ TIley were on j ourney during four l ong
years, of ....-htch they dri fted ITOr e than tv.u years by
free-f alling through space, after the explosion of
the propul s ion gears .
Meier- 5:) by f ree-fa lling you likely rreen, they have
drifted without propulsion through the space, don ' t
senjase- lOS/ SUrely that .
Mei er- I s ee, and they r eache d t o he r e by space-
Semj ase- certainly .
Meier- 'Ihey didn ' t starve f ran humger?
Semjase- 107 /'Ihey spent the t irre in deep-s leeping,
and thus needed no nourishrrent .
r-eier- 1 c oncei ve , - they even may have l ain inside
of water' containe r s stil l and got awakened by a r obot
a f t e r their l ong bath?
Semjase- 10 8/ Surely , but wherefzrm do you know that?
loEier- SUch j oke s 1 have a l r e ady s e en in scienc e-
fict ion films . But do you l ike to have your fun with
Semj ase- 109/ ttli s i s no j oke .
~ e r - Eh?
Semjase- 110/ 1 have s aid, i t did not deal with any
j oke .
loEier- You think . .. . ?
senjese- Ill/SUrely, the r e does behave , as 1 have
sai d .
~ e r - But that c an't reo Han . oh wan, then the f an-
tasie s o f the s c i enc e-ficti on wri t ers are not so i r -
rel evant .
senjase- 11 2/ttley are writ ing by inspirati onal wan-
ner .
Neier- of cours e . '!his I s hou l d know. But t ell me:
The s hort t a l k o f l a s t SUnday with the a s trochild ,
isn ' t there possib l e , it will transmit to rre this
c onve r sation by the sane manner, l ike you do wt.th the
reports? '!his woul d be very inter e s t ing f or us . And
c an I see this thing once rmre and perhaps ge t a pic-
t ure o f i t ?
Semjase- 113/SUrely, this a ll s hou l d be possible .
114/ 1 wi ll ask ASINA.
loEier- Like tha t the a s t r ochi ld has announced itse lf
t o me,
Semjase- 11 5/ eertainly, Asina i s a ve ry worthy of
I ovtnq being .
~ i e r - So I have not ed, confound i t, eh, but I near-
ly have been s hocked. 1 have but not known , these
having s imi l ar habits l ike ....'e have, at certain re-
l ations .
Semjase- 116/Hahahahaha . . .
25 5
~ e r - Just amuse yourself; perhaps this will happen
to you, too, once scmet .Irre,
senjase- I 17/ SUre l y, but this did happen alrea dy,
hahahaha ; I a l so was s urpri s ed.
Meier- '!hen this child has p ressed its cold fish-
f rog-m:mth onto you r cheek, t oo? I t appeared to rre
l ike a kiss .
Semjase- U S/ Certainl y , and this should a lso be sare
kiss , this narrel y being the r egular c onduct o f greet-
ing one another wi th the Cygnians .
Meier- '!his should behave as well here. It ,",'aUld
change the ....,or l d a little. But it would not be
s uited her e , I think. Yet tell me, why haven 't these
ones used their r adio means when their ship' 5 drive
senj ase- 119/ Because this was a l s o des t r oyed. 120/
Yet now, my f riend, I have to go, f or your wife has
been inside the necessary t .Irre already. 121/ Until
the next t .Ine, s he shou ld be in the . . .. - f but don ' t
l e ave her staying a l one ; you know why. 122/ 'lhe re-
maining t i..rres I can not give you today any rrore, as
the t i.rre does no rrore s uffice f or that . 123/ For that
I will still care t o you in two or three days and
tell you these dat.as , 124/ Till then, be very happy,
for rreanwhi .Ie I wi ll a l so try t o record the talk be-
Th'2eI1 you and Asina , whereafter I will transmit i t to
you by i ts ",'hole run. 125/ 1 a lso will tal k with her ,
and she sure ly will agree to a picture of he r . 126/
Nor,.,,-. fare "''ell and good- bye . 127/ St i ll kind greetings
t o all the rrembers of the group. 128/Please tell
this t o them, and don I t f orget it.
l-Eier- It ' s then standing within the .repor-t , and
that way I can not f orget it. Tchys , and s t ill take
wi th you a ll dear greetings from a ll of us , f or as
we .lI I shou ld convey those by l ove towards you .
senjase- 129/A very dear thank!' . .

94th Contact Saturday . 3 IJecanber 1977 13 , 01 h

senjese- 1/1 onl y care f or bringing you the datas
for the . . . , thus on l y f or a short whi le. 2/Be
uncorr-Ied, I \ooUIl 't detain you l ong t ime, as you keep
within one hour your rronthl y rreetdnq of the group.
Meier- Then I will wri te the data da.-.n fast , s o that
I can inform the basic group rre.mber s about; i t . Well ,
he re I a l ready have paper and ballpoint pen.
senjase- 3/'Ihen I wi ll tell you the datas , where I
give you those by pl us or minus : .
5/ 'Ihese are the f ina l datas , which s hou l d be observed
until the 5th of Fe bruary 1978, whereafte r then the
t ime s get relaxed, beca use unt i l then the pr irrary
necessary quantities of f or ce s have got s tored . 6/ By
thi s , my pr es ent mi ssion has ended. 7/r:c greet a ll
ones very l ovingl y f or rre , and now qood- bye, my dear
f r iend.
~ i e r - thank. you f or a ll , but p l ease still r eratn,
for I have a ques tion for you. Jus t now I have talked
with H. , and he is cont e s t ing your explanat i ons , that
he wou.ld be the f ailor in r e s pect t o the regretable
rratters around the f ilm rraterial . can you per haps
give me c l os e r cetails?
senjese- a/Surely, but thi s ought to be enough.
~ i e r - SUrel y, as already with rre, that s i lly object
shou l d find i ts f inal end .
senjase- 9/All right, I will talk a last time about
it, then in the future I wi ll no rmre tell an an swer-
on this . I O/It is i nunders tandable f or me, that you
can generat e f or s o l ong a t ine a l ways new prob lems
fran i t . l1/Nell no.... : 12/ 'Ihe recordings show very
clearly about H. having done the failabl e action when
he handed ove r the f i lm rrate riaL 13/ 'Ihe factum re-
mains in any case, even though he cont ests it. I 4/He
was f ail ing already f or that reason, because he had ,
not as or dered by you, burnt the s emi-destroyed ma-
t e r ial , but s tored it furthe r on. I S/ Ye t he a l so
acted f a ilful , as he, because he did not observe your
orde r , did not hand over t o you the t ires are mater ial
or took i t f inally by full observa t ion of obligation
under c lose separation t o himself. 16/ Wi th the fi lm
mater i a l , i t dealt e vi dently of your property, which
he kept f or storage as trustee, and fran that was by
no 'veay at I cwed to dispose of i t . 17/Of this f a c t , he
was f ully consc ious , yet pushed aside this mat t er of
f act by his passi on f or untruth. 18/ Fran this .re-
s uit e d , that he handed over the mat e r i a l , or parts of
i t , and by that t ook guilt upon himself. 19/ '!hough
he tries t o cover these f acts by new lies , the f ail-
ful f acts r emain f or him. 20/'Iher e i s nothing to
tier- He said, that he wou.ld write t o 1>lartin, f or
witne s sing , that he wou ld be innocent .
senjase- 21/Surely, thi s he wi ll a ll r i ght do, and
:-lartin wi ll s t i ll be he l p f u l t o him by hi s insinc er-
i t y , f or he wi ll keep the erring assurrpti on , that in
this way he could hann you .
l-Eier- '!his he wi ll not be abl e to do .
senjese- 22/But he wi ll be of that a s s unption , a s
hi s ways f or the gathe r ing of his goals are confus ed ,
and in consequenc e i llogi c a l.
tier- He s till has not gi ven this up?
senj ese- 23/ He i s very vindictive, by certain rrean-
ing e nvious , uneducatable and a lso confused.
~ i e r - '!hen he s hou l d do . Yet don I t you mean, that
H. wi ll but c onf e s s his canit ted guilt , and do you
not think one s houl d help him, as s o t o s peak by a
l ast chance?
Senjase- 24/You are s.irrp.ly unbeatable and ineducabl e.
25/Ulat he woutd conf ess his done mi .st.ake i s ve ry
doubtful , and you wanting t o concede f or him a fur-
the r chance , that is ve ry unwis e of you .
loEier- But I want to t ry thi s in s pite of i t . Knee...,
I thought , i t wou l d perhaps be helpful f or him, if he
could go into . __ t o f ind himseI f ,
senjase- 26/You are s imply unbet t e rabl e , but I do
not want t o s tay aga ins t your wil l. 27/ I f you want
s o nece s sarily, then he may go on a week I 5 day during
maximally _. . . __. , Yet he has t o l e ave i t a t l a t e s t
18 :00 hour s . 28/His radiations beccrre fully absor bed
which mat .te r- I will induce at once af t e r my return t o
the station, at Que t zal , who is responsible therefore.
29/Certainl y , you offer him that way a qocd c hance of
finding himself and f or ove rccming his constant bub-
bl ing up inside of him prob l ems . 30/ But be c onscious
of , that he will not r emunerate this to you, and that
you gi ve him a further c hance in vain, because he
wi l l hardly r e ga r d i t as s uch , as stil l today
you \vi 11 experience .
~ i e r - Aga i n you knew ve ry much. hhat s hou l d I ex-
perience then?
Semjase- 31/You wi ll see, a lready after a few hour s.
32/You wi l I s ee, that you off e r an unneces s ary chance
and one which once rmre \vi ll beccrre trampled by feet .
~ i e r - '!hen shou l d happen l ike this , yet I j ust have
t o try it.
Semjase- 33fYou are an incurable optimis t , and that
i s okay , but in this case, you unneces s ari l y dissi-
pa t e your forces. 34ft-lor e I haven ' t t o tell you, and
this tiherre s hould be finished nCM finally .
95th Q:lntact saturday, 17 December- 1977 19 : 58 h
Thi s lime Oueh a l arrived alone and visi bly dist ur bed. On Thurs-
day, the l Sth of December , Semj sse had teleported herself i nt o t he
ne w clas s r oom a jacent t o t he rredi t a t rcn cent er , and j ust as the
conversation had be gun, the re was a di s t urbanc e at t he entrance
door down t he slairs to the stree t . Semja se did not want t o be
se en, and 5 0 as Hei er- went t o the head of t he stai rs t o send the
int r ude r ewav, Semj as a sought to hide hers e lf beh i nd the cur l ain
to the med i tation cente r . I n her has t e at ge tt ing up out of t he
classroom chai r s he t r i pped and began t o f all. She tried t o brace
her se lf on the next de sk- chai r , but it tipped unde r her weight
and a lso be gan t o f all over . b'hen she knew she ..... as in t r oubl e ,
st ruck her t el eport cont act and i mmedi at el y telepor t ed
out of t here, but not be fo re striking he r head in t he r oom there.
\-hen Heie r l ooked around agai n she was gone , and he thought she
had depar t ed.
l-Eier- Ny dear Quetzal , you do not ICX)k wel L, you are
but l i.Ine-white . has happened with you, are you
s i c k?
Que t zal-
cause d by
l i Ne,
I am not .
reasons o f
miserabl e out look
non-gcod nat ure.
i s
tma t do you rrean by that? I s i t perhaps con-
nect ed with 8emjase? In l ast Thurs day, narrely a t about
14: 36 hours, she has fallen down in . .... ", and since
then I e i wa ys have thought, that s arething bad coul d
have happened t o he r . Anyhow this thought s.i.rlply is
no rrore l oosening Ire .
Q.Jetzal- 3/'Ihi s i s based on your relatednes s with
Semj ase . 4/ Yes , I am her e because of her , and because
of my s orrows f or her , I am mi s e r abl e . 5/ Te ll me
what had happened in the evening of the 15th of De--
Quet za l , what; has happened? According to your
appearance, s arething quit e worse must have happened
wf .th the gi r L Pl e as e , do t ell Ire first, what i s on
with the c hi l d?
Q.Jetzal - 6/ later on , firs t answer' Ire my quest i on .
l-Eier- As you want, but f i r s t you t e ll Ire v.'hy Sem-
jas e had care her e in 'rtrursday , because she explained
t o Ire during the tv.u or three minutes of stay her e ,
that s he wou.ld have to explain s arething vert im-
portant . I also would l ike t o knew, ",'hat is going on
with :Engelbert . Are you making any atterrpts at ap-
proaching him?
Quetzal - 7/ You are not bette r able, a s you sti ll put
que s t ions , a l though a ll your nerve s a re vibr a t ing in
consequence o f your ignorance about; Semjase , a/Yet
I don ' t want t o answer- these today, as we l I I
do not under srtand your questi on concerning the tri es
o f approach?
~ e r - :Enge lbert told Ire just today, that \o.-,e would
r eceive s ere impulses. whtch di f f e rently a lready have
ca used him to go up the Horgenberg . So I wcnder , if
anybody of you s e arc hes for any cont acts with him?
But as f urther I explained t o you, Semj as e having s po-
ken about; sarething importnat in Thursday, .....hich s he
wante d t o t e ll me. But s he never suc ceeded in this
expl anation. But this must have been i.rrp:)rtant , or
e l s e s he \o.'OUl d not have care her e just f or that.
Quetzal - 9/&:J I will answe r your questi ons , whfch to
do might be we I I na.v: 10/5emjase indeed had to
transmit important mat t e r s t o you, whic h have been
the f ollowing: l1/ In the run of the l ast two weeks ,
we were made a ttent i ve by the rroni toring of the cen-
t e r , a t Amat a newly coming up wrong s witchings and
wrong actions , beccrni.ng unbearable. 12/In respect to
the s e staterrents we a l s o nonitored her private ac t -
i vi ties and s aw, by her freque nt s c r i pts , whtch s he
s ays are being transmitted f ran Ptaah, f ran Ire, f ran
senj a s e , f ran Ar ahat Athe rsata and e ven fran the Fe-
tal e sphere: 13/ 'lhat they were written down by her
own s e lf-gene r ated thoughts, but are much c onfused
and even dangerous for the group, s o much so, that
Semj ase wanted to explain these relati ons by an in-
f orming report in l ast Thursday for a ll members of
the group. 14/As weI I we cou l d . see that, Amata once
rrcr e has mor e experiences and listening and s eeing
things, whic h are not and in no way reality , but which
on l y get f amed f r an out of her crankiness and wnfch
s hou l d s e rve f or a def ini te purpose , but whtc h s he
her s e lf i s no nore abl e to s ee exactly. 15/In t ruth
the reson f or her confused action is based on the one
hand, in that s he is not inclined t o openness and has
2 61
sett led an impenetratable rampart around her sel f and
a gainst he r f e llow creatures , but on the other hand,
because of unful f i llabl e wishes awake ins ide of her ,
whi .ch di rect for the warrt tnq of bodi .Iy connections of
a speci a l manne r' , but whtch mat t e r s hou l d not be
expl a ined he r e , as l at e r I want t o tal k t o you about.
i t , and this unde r discr e t ion. 16/ 'fu give fulfi ll-
ment t o thes e confused, unimprovabl e wishes , Amata
tri es t o put he r s e lf f orward by means of pretended
transmis s i ons f ran Nys e lf, Pt.aah, Semjase, Arahat
Athe r s ata, by wh i ch you s hould be r evers e l y influen-
ced. 17/And partly sti ll she a l s o imagines ve ry many
things , which s he then interprets f or r eality , being
not conscious o f the non-cont ent of t ruth in them,
because the il l us i on by s trongest meas ure cove r s the
rea lity. 18/ Fran that ge ts e f f ected, too, that s he
is indulging in conve r sations that s he \..eouI d start
r e l a t i ons with Sernjese, t o me, or to Pteeh, and wo ul d
tal k with us by t e l epathic way . 19/ But as well this
is by no means right , becaus e never before, as we t I
as pr esent l y and as we ll never in the fut ure is or
wi ll be gi ven the pr emis by Amata, t o r e ach contacts
in thi s lif e f r an he r s i de with us . 20/he have never
had telepathi c c ontact with her , ne i ther in the pr e-
s ent nor in the f ut ure. 21/ Furthe r on s t ill has to
be said, her fee l ing of rrember shi p in the group and
to your comnuni t y in the habit at ion flat of the cen-
t e r and conce rning the l abor effici ency, s he i s very
much disturbed, which l eads back t o her i llusi ons and
t o he r eccentricity . 22/ By r egr e t he had t o not ice,
that she stays t oo rnuch a\\'ay frem her es senti a l obli-
gations and spends t oo much t ime in of f i ce acti vities
for which it i s neces s ari ly demanded that you tell
he r the explanation, that in the future she ought to
no l onge r stay rrore than thre e hour s per day in the
wo r kfnq-r-ocm with wr itten works . 23/1nstead of this,
s he ought t o dedicat e her s e l f nore t o l abor s outside ,
name ly manual free-air act ivi ty, and l ikewi s e as we l I
f or tasks of the household. 24/1f this wi l l not hap-
pen accordingl y , then this ma.t t e r woufd menace and
even deatroy many things wi.thfn your ccrrmuruty, 25/
In consequence you must neces s ari ly pay att enti on
that my counse l get s obs e rved. 26/ Unf ortuna tel y it
r esu l ts f r em these very much regretable e vents and
not ices , that Amata can not take ove r the task within
26 2
the . ... . or per-form i t , which i s why your wife ,
Kalliope s hou l d take over this mission , wh o ha s done
arronq a l l group member s during the l a s t months the
rrost admir abl e proceedings in every r e s pec t , by whdch
her l eve l of total e vo l uti on has a lready reached even
highe r , than behave s f or rror e than 2/3 of a ll group
rrembar s , which moreover- s he wi ll have surpassed with-
in a few rronths , 27/'!hi s f a c t i s a very rare
j oy f or us , bec aus e as we I I this you will beccrre
r eleased ve ry much , by whi ch f act you wi ll obtain he r
constant he lp, and be of fer ed help f rom now. 28/Be
gi ven t o he r by a ll of us , a very dear thanks
for that .
About; this s he wt.Ll be ve ry much delighted,
a s I mys elf enjoy a l r eady f or months he r grea t gains ,
as this mat t er has not r ema.ined hidden f r an ITE, t oo.
Yet now, my s on , you still haven't answered the ques-
t i on about Fnge l bert .
Quetzal - 29/ There is not much t o s ay about that , be-
cause f r om the side of us , the try for a contact was
by no means perfonned . 30 /tVhen then I expl a in this ,
the n i t rreans , nobody of ours e l ve s have undertaken
s uch contact tries or wi ll unde rtake them, beside s
two except ions , but whi.ch are not yet given in any
form that c ou l d happen in a physi c al JTEIll1er.
About; s uch a question : Hew many othe r con-
tac ts , and he r e I speak of inspi rations 1 one s , are
you pr e s ent ly maintaining with eart.hhuman beings?
Quetzal - 31/ 0f thos e 22, 463, but nCM do explain to
Ire the occurences in respect to Semjase.
'!here is not much to exp lain of anything: In
last 'Ihursday , s he cane at about 16 :32 or 16 : 33 hours .
t\' sal uted each other and then sat dcsn onto the Th'O
chair s . Semj ase only began t o expl ain that
she had an .irrpor-tant; rrat t e r to discuss wi.th rre , as
then s he was brief!y s urprised and s aid , screcne had
knocked on the oute r door . .. . . . I told her, I had
heard nothing and that s he might have been de luded.
But s he aff inred her vi ew and s aid that indeed sane--
body had knocked, and that in consequence she wo u I d
l e ave. Said and done she stcxx1 up and got caught ev-
ident ly by one foot at the tabl e 's leg, and f e ll wi th
a soft cry over the electric heater, by which this
becarre defect. I s ti ll s aw whi le j umping up, that in
f a lling s he hit her head agains t the wall , and a t the
serre tine disappea red , because she evident ly had
pushed whi l e falling
the r elease of the t eleporter.
hh en then two minutes l a t e r 1 went; outsideI ther e was
Jacobus s tanding ccestec, hidden behind the occr , and
grinning. Of course 1 inforrred him of my cpinion, and
not a qocd one , wh ere he answered, that he a ll right
had known 5emj ase being down , for whdch reason
he had tri e d ncw
j ust once t o s ee her.
Quetzal - 32/lhi s was done very Lrresponstb jy, be-
cause that way the very worst. has happened. 33/sem-
j ase had not r e t urned t o the s tation at the arranged
t iIre, and we a lso didn't receive any rreasaqe fran
her. 34/At 23 : 24 1 went; searching for her after un-
s uc ces sful t r i e s to l ocalize her and the ship, whfch
I then found a t 23 : 30 scre ened and s uspended above
your cente r . 35/Enter ing the s hip, 1 f ound he r l ying
on the fl oor , in deepest cera, 'Wi th a broke n r i ght
arm, which sti ll at that p lace I could cure again,
but a l so with a very heavy fracture of the skull base.
36/ttlis f orced IrE to fly at once and without l oss of
t Irre wt.th 5emjase away fran the center direct ly to
Erra , whe r e the damaged skuf Icap was sucked by vac-
uum for ce from out of the partly hurt brain mass .
37/l>part f rom life ftmc t ion r eactions rreanwhile and
hi therto
I could not s e e any oilier r e ac t i ons a t her,
where our concerning scientists a lso explained, they
wou.ld be helpless here and could as \\o'ell undertake
nothing, since 5emjase had not r e a ched consciousness
again. 38/Eesides that , the injury \\0'35 of such char-
acter , that they \<.'Ould be helpless in respect to a
curing. 39/Ftaah himself went in consequence s tart-
ing the way towards the DAL Uni ve rse, t o search f or
Aske t f or aid, because he r race i s scrrething further
developed than ours . 40/rn s pit e of that , it i s a ll
put to questionI ....nether they can help 5emjase at al l.
41/Frorn my side I only had to see \<.nat all had hap-
pened, whtch is why I carre to ask you for that .
loEier- Shucks , - confound. . ..
Quetzal - 42/You are
is bet t e r I go nO\v.
very much upset by my \\u r ds ; it
43/ 1 am needed on Erra .
M::der- Of course. Do cram, nan! Go and see t o it that
the gi r l s ucceeds, and l e t Ire know each change . Con-
f ound it again. '!his btockheed, one shoul d trash him,
a ah. .. . .
Que tzal - 44/ You are ve ry excited , nevertheless this
is not your earnest opinion ye t. 43/You are very much
gri eved and angry, too. 45/Good-bye .
~ i e r - Give announcement; as soon as
Que tzal - 47/As soon as any c hange cares up . 48/
Good bye.
Meier- D::> go and do something. Conf ound i t once rror e ,
you are still he re. Scam fina lly , do . Nan, you .. . ..
ah, finally.
96th Contract; -mesday. 21 tecerroer 1977
Heier I"llatientl y ,.,aits lia rd o f Semjase ' s condition. Four days
have pas sed wi th no information about he r pr ogres s . Meanwhi le ~ ~ i e r
has been t rying t o fi nd out about her condition by othe r means
.md t hen fi nally word comes i n a new contact by anothe r Pl e i adi an
personal i ty ~ e i e r has not met be fo re.
Meier- It's inconceivable . Finally s arebody is can-
ming to inform us about the state of a f fai r s with
Semj ase , I do not regard this as j ust fine, because
Quetza l has prcxni.s e d in first pos rtdon , he wourd at
once inform us about each change in the status of
Semjase, But he has not f u lfilled this pr anise, which
fact I r egard as a break of trust . h'hen anyone gives
a pr emis e , then such s hou l d be kept, and so under any
c .ircumatances , Indeed the thought is f orcing itse lf
on me, that one has quite consciously not cane her e
and not Lnforrred Ire . As we l I I don't l ike it mrch,
nCM scrreone standing i n front o f me whcm I do not
knew at a l l. Even when a Hiob's message has to
be brought , then likely wo u fd be bett er, s crrebcdy
caning along, wh o i s known to me.
r seoce- l / 'Ihat is right , me being unknown t o you,
but the affairs are not carpl e t e l y as you interpret
them. 2/As you should care to knew me, so I expl ain
to you , me being I s a dos , and not having t o bring a
Hi ob 's message, as you sai d before. 3/ 1he purpose of
my caning to you i s of contra ry nature, than you said ,
because my message wi ll delight you . 4.'Ihe past
events about; semjes e might have e voked thoughts and
f eelings of s orrCM inside of you , whic h may be why
you think in that manne r and speak t o me that "'BY.
5/'Ihi s i s understandabl e for rre , an d in consequence I
ho l d no mi s terrper against you.
~ i e r - No Hi ob ' s mes s age , you s ay? Man, j us t do not
delude me. 'Tell me s t r a ight f or-Nard and directly,
what has happened, as I a lready keep better knowinqs
s ince early Tuesday 02 :00 o 'cl ock .
r seoos- 6/You s peak very con fusing l y . 7/111i5 may
be on l y a consequence of your sor-rows f or Semjas e , of
which you can now r e l e as e yourself, because her sta-
tus has new :iJrproved i tself much s ince the present
noon, thus no hesitations exist any l onger in
respect to her hea l th and gett ing s ound .
t-Eier- Han, that is the rest you are able to say?
You know sane as s urely as I do, that the girl does
no mere exis t , because she has reached the sphere of
the Other \'brld a lready l as t :Obnday.
lsados- a/By what. reasoning do you say this?
~ e r - Do you perhaps aSSl1ITe indeed, that we earth-
human I::eings woufd s ti ll be cave-cceti e r s z I do know
confoundedly "'e ll , Semjase being dead , f or I have
t r oubl e d mys e l f in searching and finding out the ma.t -
t e r s . I t siIrply was carplet e l y unlogica l for Ire,
Quetzal having cere here f r an Erra, onl y t o ask Ire
about the occurences whi ch happened t o Semj as e here.
'Ihi s has been very unl ogica l , if Quetzal woujd have
or dered screone from the station to ask Ire about the
occurences , then this a ll wou ld have l as t e d f or on l y
one hour, if a t all , unt il he wo utd have been in-
f ormed , Instead of that , he burdened himself wi.th a
s even- hour "B.y t o here , wasting nearly one hour here
with rre, and then spending once rmre s even hours of
flight back to Err-a, 'Ihis rrcde of action evidences
c learly and distinctly, Quetzal having l ost his mind
and having to act in consequence full y i llogically.
But this coul d behave only for a reason , because he
was suppres s ed extrerrel y heavily by SOrTC;7.o.'S and prob-
l ems , about whtch he didn ' t care c l ear . 'Ihese SOrTC'"..."'S
and problems were as "'ell 'Written int o his face, as
he l ooked Ltrre-v..u i t e f r om grieving that he ....'as not
able to get unde r control and ove rccrre , in wilich con-
sequence he treated. absolutely i llogically. By that ,
I knew, him having exp l ained a ll r i ght and truthfu lly
the state of Semjase , bu t by his very objective rrode ,
in spite of a ll hi s s orrows and problems , a 'Wrong
jnpressdon had t o r ise . But by this I did not a t I cw
mys e lf t o beccsre de l uded , and I s uddenly know con-
foundedl y well , Quetza l was keeping s arething con-
cealed frem rre , whi ch was the s tat us of the gir l be-
ing mu.ch rrore miserable than he wanted to make rre
I::el ieve by his f orced objectivity. I . .. ..
r seace- 9/He did not want; to ups e t you and a lann you
for . . . .
~ i e r - Now I am talking, man, don ' t int e r rupt Ire .
See, this mindle s s behavior o f Quet zal incited Ire to
send my spiritua l consciousnes s wandering , wni.ch rrat-
ter I per-formed in the night of 19th to 20th of Dec-
ember, thus f ran :-kmday t o 'tuesday a t 02: 00 in the
norning. l\nat I s aw did nearly smash Ire , and a t f irs t
I was not able to ccrrcrf.ze such at a ll. I needed many
hours to f inally accept the seen, but .. ..:h i c h f act CDeS
not rrean that I am able to unders tand i t , because it
is and .rernatns inunders tandabl e f or Ire . I saw Semj a s e
l sados- 10/ You are capable of wanderdnq in the con-
s c i ousness?
l\'ha.t do you think, how else wou.ld I have seen
this a ll? Perhaps by imaginations and dre ams?
l sados- l1/ 'Ihis was not known to Ire, you being able
t o use this force .
Mei er- '!hen you are bad Inforrred, he ear'thhuman be-
ings, too, are not a ll silly and uneducated ones , as
you erringly qui te l ike l y Irraqtne ,
l sados- 12/m thi s respect, I am too lit t le infonred,
but about this ability of yours , I have not been in-
s tructed. 13/So 00 explain to Ire, wnat you have found
in your ....tander-Inq,
Meier- At first I trade the stay at Erra , where I . .
l sados- 14 /You "''ere . . - I have to inform myself
rrore thoroughly ab::>ut you . 15/'Ihis is giving Ire ccm-
p letel y nee.... perapect dves in respect to your per-son,
Meier- Are you believing to have to deal with the
l ast rronkey in the j ung l e ? besi de s are you con-
stant l y l a c ing up with your strange instrument the_r e..
_ . ,. - 1. ,"
l sados- . """-.-;- - 16/ 1 have not been s uffic iently in-
f crrred about; you , f or which r e ason 1 imagined you
very much helpless and ignorant . 17/ Conceming this,
I have t o enlarge my s carce knowl edge about; you and
your abilities . . . .
Mei er- One rray infa t uat e one s e l f , my s on . As we .lL
does seem t o Ire quite l ike you being not acquaint ed
with our traditi ons here. are you again l a c ing
up wi th your pecuH ar' inst.nment? is i t ?
Jsedos- I S/With tilis instnm'ent , it is a transla t or .
19/1 need i t , because I do not understand your l ang-
uage . 20/As we .lL, I have never been on this p lanet
before , and thus I do not know the condit i on s here.
~ i e r - Ni ce, so I am a t l eas t inf ormed . List en now:
I s ent out my consciousness t o Err a , and there I f ound
a quite peculiar building, whi ch scrrehow attracte d rre
rragically. '!hus I pene tra ted into it, into a rocm,
which appeared t o rre like a superrrcdern operating
rocm, '!here were to see different boxes , whtch seerred
to me like glass s hrines , but equi pped wt.th e very
pcssIb.le and iIrposs ible means and apparat us .
Except; for one shrine they were a ll errptiy, Insi de of
the occupied one l ay Semj as e , canpletely undressed
and qui t e evidently deeply f r o zen - dead. Her head
l ay ins i de of a hor seshoe- l i ke trans l ucent appara t us ,
s o that I cou ld onl y see her face . Indeed s he was
carpl etely lifel ess, and her br a in without any re-
act ion. Indeed existe d no doubt , and I can' t have be-
core subject to an i llusion, because the spir itual
consci ousness i s never deceived. BJt now you care
her e and dare to af f irm that 5emj ase \\uuld be
we t j - up, How can you dare t o fix up s uch an af f inn-
I s ados- 21/You do convince me by the descr i pt ion of
the r oan. 22/ lt grieves me very much tha t you have
seen thes e concerns . 23/'lhe tiJre a f ter this unt i l
now must have been very heavy f or you . 24/N:::M I un-
de r s tand oor rect ly your aggressive behavior 'toward rre
whi.ch just results fran your deep gri evance. 25/ It
troubl es me, that you had to stand these heavy f or
you hour s and days , and this only because \\'1: gave too
little care f or your errot .Ions , 26/1f that woul d have
happened, then one wo u I d have info.rrred you better of
the true state of conce rns as wel l. 27/Evi dent l y
nobody considered that because of deep sorrowing you
.....xrul d undertake a wandering of the consciousness to
c lear up f or yoursel f. 2S/ But be confident, as I
carte not her e to of f e r you unt ruths , but t o inform
you about the present s tatus o f the concerns . 29/
Sernjase is not staying in the Other l'hr ld' s s pher e,
as you said, but she is ve ry .....Bll a gain and . . ..
~ i e r - I do not unde r s tand. Say thi s once nore, I
26 9
I dke.l y have heard wrong?
l sados- 3D/Your hearing was very we.l L, 31/semjase
is arrong us , and according to all circumstances , she
i s very ....'e l l.
}>Eier- l>1an, is that really the truth? You got rrc
tolan alive , if - this wo u l d be the truth. I am go ing
cra zy .
1sados- 32/1t is the f u ll truth. 33/But lis t e n :
34/ 1t i s cor rec t , in every detail , ",n a t you have ob-
tained by the wande ring in your c ons c i ous ness . 35/
Onl y the c i r cums tance s cere sere otherwise, than you
had assurred to see them. 36/ 1t is true, Semj ase
having teen dea d ....men you f ound her . 37Her brain was
s o mrch hurt , that no hope exis ted for maintaining
he r life. 38/Chrr s c i enti s ts we r e not abl e t o offer
hel p, as her physical existence slOW'l y starved. 39/
Staying in deep cana, she had on l y a f ew minut es be-
for e that point of t ime wher e her lif e wo utd have
died ffi\'aY, l a i d into that shrine where you found her .
40/By intr avena l supplies of different mater i a l s her
body was p laced in s e conds int o a stiff and deep-
frozen- like s tate , where her phys i cal lif e ceas ed for
the rrrrrent , but onl y f or the whil e of a predetermined
ti.rre, during "'nich her f orm o f spiri t would not es cape
f r em out o f her, because the s arre keeps , while in
this s tat e , the posafbdH tiy or re-awakening fran in-
s dde the br a in' s region. 41/At the revival of the
l:ody, the spirit autanati ca lly l eaves the stagnati on
and presses i tself into activity again. 42/rn this
....>ay Semj ase ....es pr epared f or a l a t e r revival , whil e
her fathe r, Ftaah, went; to the DAr. universe, to Asket ,
wn o you are s aid to know, for hel p fran her. 1l 3/But
thi s he lp, that r ace in the other universe as "''e ll
was not abl e to give , for which r e as on Asket searched
for hel p f ran a higher developed hurran r ace in her
univer se, which help she found and has got there in-
deed . 44/ 1n consequence s everal s cientis ts f ran there
carre to Erra, and 'took care of Semjase. 45/By l ong
tebor, the darreged parts of brain ware removed fran
5emj ase , the f rozen brain's ac i ds inserted into arti -
fici a lly produced p lasma-protonal new parts of brain,
and were directly connected again with the brain,
af 'te rwtuch action a process of r api d curing let grOW'
together the artificial and natural p l asmas , and the
s ku l I cap ....'as c los e d a gain, which then as ....'211 was
regenerated by a f ast pr ocess . 46/By this everything
becarre as before, and nothing wi ll ever indicat e any
rmre f or he r , that these events burdened everything
s o rmch, 47/Semj as e wi ll have no r emember ance about
that, l ike as ....reL'l not about the 42 hour s she was
dead , 48/He r knowl edge a t first starts aga in when
she awoke a f t e r the operation , and as ....""11 there, t eo,
when s he fell down according t o the data give n to
Quetzal by you , 49/Al l wi.Ll be as before; he r know.....
ledge and abili t i es will be the s ane, and s he will
have neither inj uries nor l os s es _
(Here the final page of those contac t not es is mi s sing
and we have no record of the ending of tha t visit by
I s ados . )
97th Contact -mesday, 28 December' 1977 20:08 h
Quet zal ar r i ve d alone t his t i me prepa red t o t he many
questions bo t he r ing nerer' s mi nd . He des c ribes in detai l the ve ry
unique proces s es used t o t reat Semj as e by t he Soneans f rom
the DAl Uni ver s e . He t e Ll s ne ter that as a r esult o f anot he r new
modi fi cat i on t o t he monit or di s c st a t ioned above t he cent e r , neter
c an remove the s pec i a l apparat us pr ovi ded by t he Pleiadians that
ha d been su sp ended i n t he medi t at i on cent e r for them. Then, at a
questi on f rom ne i er , Que tzal explai ns \',hy t he Pl e i adi an s do not
l ike to come int o cl os e cont act wi t h earth human bei ngs .
Quetzal- l /By regret there was not given t o Ire the
pcssLbi.Lit y of reaching contact with you earlier, as
the r eadjustrrents in consequence of the earlier mis-
s ing of 5emjase occupied me too much.
wi.Ll take
wi LI she be
f'wEier- '!his is unde r 'stendabIe, but
ove r her positi on now, and f or ,..nat
Quetzal- 2/Isados ha s a lready r epr e s entat i vely taken
ove r he r position , provisiona lly f or 6 t o 7 months .
loly dear, then we have t o wai.t; s o l ong a time
f or the gi r l ?
Quetzal - 3/'Ihis wi ll not be the rratter, as Semjese
wi .L l be he r e again a f t e r D\'O or three rronths a lready.
4/ Only s he will not be able to cont inue her mission
before the rrent ioned point of time.
Eh, that ' s a l r e a dy s oundf nq much better . Yet
do you think that Isados i s equa l t o hi s task? Know,
he appears t o me as ve ry i gnorant in respec t to the
under a t.andi.nq and knowledge about. us earthhuman be-
ings and s o on.
Quetzal- 5/'Ihis is right , as he is ignorant in this
respect , but not in respect t o his direct mi s s ion.
6/Because of hi s ignoranc e in r e s pec t t o you hl.JIT1aIJ.
beings of Earth, he a l s o wi ll not maintain contact
with you , as the demanded knowinqs a re mi s s ing with
him. 7/ For thi s reason is provi ded, that rcenara ,
Pleja and I will take over this mi s s ion f or s o l ong,
t i l l 5emjase i s ready for action again.
'Ibat p l e a ses me as we Ll , for I have seen you
a ll , though rarely, especially ' 'lith Pl eja . But wnat
about; a ll the letters and othe r things wh i .ch I have
got f or sernjase by the different group rrembers? D:,)
you per haps answer- them now?
Quetzal - 8/This will hard l y be possible . 9/ Also i t
mi ght be difficult f or Semjase in the fut ure , t o ar-
range with such concerns .
~ e r - Co you mean by that , a ll hithe rto matters at
hand may per haps no rrore be answered by he r ? '!his
wou ld r eally be very mach t o regret.
Que tzal - i u/ s it is, unfortunately, my dear friend ,
because she ought not burden herself strongly for
s crre tine, which also w.iLl be why Pleja especially ,
will beccme a cons tant ccmpandon t o he r sister for
the next years , f or which she is al ready wo r kdnq very
much in preparing he r s e lf for that l abor. l1/'Ihough
Semjase has not suffered any darrage because of the
suffered mischief, s he is much attacke d and needs a
l ong t ine f or gr eat e r regeneration , which is ,.my in
the future she wi ll per-form j ust the rrore or de r ing
tasks , and by a manner- that othe rones wi ll have to
execut e he r orders in respec t t o he r own mission.
12/Even as the roNEANS were able t o rescue in con-
sequence of thei r ve ry highstanding science, he r
brain, so the ccmpl e t e process of t r an s f onnat i on of
the artificial protoplasmic f ormation o f the br ainI s
parts nee ds several years , during which Semjase is
not a l l ~ ' e d t o suffer any ove r s tra in.
Meier- I do not ccmprise c cmpletely, because this
knave Isados t old me yet , that by the fast-curing
proce s s eve rything wou ld be of best order aga in.
Quetzal - 13/That I s qui t e r i ght , but he owns no rrore
cognitions about; it, that the artificial form of p l as -
ma of the new parts of the br ain has t o alte rnate to-
wards becamming physical-own p l asma, needing s everal
years theref ore , nerre.ly those three to f our .
r-Eier- 'Inus i t rreans , thi s artificial hr ai.n-p.lasma
mat t e r hav ing t o perform a proces s of transformation
t o beccrre like na t ura l f orms of p l asma? But ,... n y that ,
Que t zal ?
QJetzal - 14/'Ihe brain f onnations of each creature
are at the same time the seat of the according spir-
i tual form of life, by that rreentnq thus the direct
cente r of steering of the c reature. 1S/As such, that
is the center of steering, i t needs a special at-
t endance and energy supply. 16/ 'Ihi s attendance and
energy supply beccrres perforrred now by the cosmic-
e lectrical energy of life, which as the driving and
maintaining energy as wel I as the nourishing energy,
feeds the formations of the brain material as weLl. as
the spiritual nature , preserves these and attends to
these, and so by natural form. 17/ '!hi s means , fran
this energy alone trrouises for lif e ' s preservation
is emitted, as we I I as nourf.sbrrent; rreans etc . , but no
i.Il'pulse for curing and r e gene r a t i on . 18/'Ihis rreans,
that no process of curing can take p lace, if this
s teering central gets hurt or j us t suffers frem any
injury of any kind. 19/ 1n consequence , the brain is
not able t o regenerate itse lf or to cure itself, if
hurt organically or by s icknes s . 20/ hhi l e now within
semjase' s brain arti ficial p fasma-forrns are Irrp.lented,
these do nevertheless r epres ent foreign bodies, which
in the l ong run wo ul.d l e ad to the des truction of the
brain. 21/ Becaus e of this, this artificial p lasma
form, which had to be c reated especially according to
a ll characters of the p lasma form of Semjase ' s brain,
was iITpregnated by same as special transfonmtion
iITpulses, which wi.Ll. consequence, that the artificial
form of p lasma, which is repr esent ing an energetic
lif e , a lternat es in a run of t. irre of 3 to 4 years
ticward natural forms of p lasrna, under ccoperat.Lon
\...i th 'the cosmic, e lectric energy of living.
loEier- '!his you have explained so we l L, that even I
am under standing that , a lthough I don I t con a tiny
imagination e l se of such matters . But for this no,...
another ques tion : You said, these Soneans having as-
s isted Sernjase . Can you t e ll Ire rrore about them? I am
interested, hO\V o ld they becore, what a race they are
and which culture they keep, and so on .
Quetzal - 22/ AOOut this I am ignorant. 23/Only so
much i s knO\VI1 to me about them, they being a human
r ace of the DAL Unive rse, whose average age is SQITl2
2, 360 earth years , even much superior to our con life
27 4
expectations . 24/'Iheir l:ody 's s ize arrountis , by earth-
l y rrea s urerrent , to 175 centi.Ireters , whe re their f onn
of the skull i s very much higher and l onge r than ours
as f ar as I could see. 25/ 'Ihe headlength accords to
a size of about 50% rmre than our s and you of Earth.
26/ 'Iheir r ace is named "Bona " in an unknown to me
l anguage, and the i r total developrent accords t o sere
4, 000 years farther than ours .
~ i e r - Hany thanks . But tell Ire , why do you say,
they woul d be 4, 000 years in advance of your develop-
rrent? Isadcs has but spoken about this concenli.ng the
race of Asket .
Quetzal - 28/'Ihat i s right , but rreanwhile we have now
reached the same l eve l by the help o f the Tll-tARS.
~ i e r - What again i s that ?
Quetzal- 29/ 'Ihat ' s the r ac e where Aske t or i ginat ed.
l-Eier- Oh yes , this I haven't known as ....'ell until
nCM, as I never asked her f or the narre o f her people.
Yet as \','e are already on this therre : D::> you knew,
....'hat these Ti.nars call our univers e?
Quetzal - 30 /'Ihat is no s ecr e t . 31/'Ihey call it the
Mei er- and what do you call it?
Quetzal- 32/ l';'e call i t just "Our Universe" .
Meier- Like that we a l so do . Yet nCM still another
question: As these Soneans can a l ready renew brains,
is ther e not the chance, that by such rreans the human
beings """u ld l i ve much l onger and could reach higher
pos itions in evoluti on?
Quetzal- 33/You knew ve ry wet L, your que s tion i s
especial l y unl ogi cal .
Meier- Of course I know that , but this ques tion is
net nee.... rising frem Ire . I know very ....'e ll , it being a ll
right possible to prolong by such interference into
the brain and s uch manipul ations , whose techniques
are inunderstandable and unknown to Ire, the life of a
human t:eing could be extended by centuries or even to
mi lleniums , but onl y up t o a l eve l where the body
beccmes devoid of each r egene r a tion. But such a man-
Lpu La t.Lon c an not l e ad t o the life o f the concerned
c reature beccrning l imit l es s , or j ust r elativel y l im-
itl e s s , as a l eave of the spi r i t f rom out of the body
has necessarily t o occur soone r or l ater, when a pr o-
ces s of evolut ion s hall event. So because of that ,
everything collect ed in life has al s o to beccre trans-
formed and e labor a ted by pure- s piri tual ~ B Y , s o with-
in the reach of the other tco r i d , t owards kncwt edqe
and wisdom. If nerreI y this procesa of change wo u t d
s udden l y fall away, then one day the material con-
s cious ness wo u.l d become affl ict ed with imbeci lity,
and the formation of s piri t s tagnate . For that reason
it must be, that each form of life cxcns jus t accord-
t o the l e ve l of i ts knowledge, and the chance for
evo l ution i s de f ined and t une d to that span of life .
Quetzal - 34/1hat was expres sed very correct ly.
~ i e r - Thank you. Yet now once rror e a ques tion in
respec t to the Soneans who are s o highly devel oped :
Of wh at; kind is thei r t echni que?
Quet2a l - 35/Their technique does a lready correspond
with forms which weselves are sti ll unabl e to unde r -
s tand . 36/In r espect to the mas t e ring of Space and
t irre, they are very much s uperior t o us , and l ike
that as we Lf within a ll other concerns .
~ i e r - HCM do they overccrne , for example, s pace and
t.trre, t o get t o Erra, and by what means do they mas t e r
the trans ition through the barri e r s of uni ve r s es?
Quetzal - 37/For that they do no l onger need space-
traveling flight:means, because their t e chni ques are
a lready established within the transmittance r each
and has penetrated deeply into this sphere.
Meier- Oh dear, of this I a lready do understand no-
thing rrore. Only He r bert has told me about such a l -
r eady at diffe rent tiIres .
Quetzal - 38/Nhen you want. so, then once I wi ll in-
fOlID you about such according to my knowings , but the
part of my cognitions in this r e spec t i s not very
tal l as we .l L
I wo ul.d l ike s o ; for me this will by sure be
so very much. Yet as now I am a lready s o far
by my asking: Previ ously I had noticed to my aston-
ishrrent , knee...ing different. rratters as kna.vledge, whi ch
wer e des cr ibed \...i thin an utopical s eries of bcoks .
So f or example I was able t o expl ain different con-
cerns for Herbert without ever having read this lit-
erature. '!here haunt; many ob j ects in my concerning
such history, whic h I know very exactly, but which I
c an neve r arrange it t o or de r . tce r e i t possibl e that
you can tell Ire rrore details about. that?
Quetzal - 39/unfortunately this is not pcss.ib.le f or
Ire , because this part; of your life and of your sconer
existences is exclusively falling to the reach of
tasks o f Semjase, 40/So you woul d have to ask he r
personally about; that at a later paint; of t ime . 41/
If you want; i t , then I could troubl e myself by sare
theref ore, f or which per-formance I yet wourd need
sane rrore infonnation.
~ i e r - r-.. u , just don 't, then I wi.Ll wait un t il Sem-
jase is he r e again. Yet t ell Ire, is the ordered f or
Ire 30-kilometer l imit still existing?
Quetzal - 42/At any way I wanted t o infonn you tOOay,
thi s t e rminat i on having been r errove d f or you since a
few days , thus you nay nove again freely , bu t neve r -
theless on l y by acc ording pretection rreens , 43/ You
should not trove f or greater distances away f ran the
cent e r without suitably arming yourself . 44/As fur-
the r fact I sti ll have t o explain t o you , that you
can displace the . . . . . and in cons equence don 't have
t o wai t until Februa ry. 45/1 have s ucceeded within
a rmch shorter t irre than pr ovided, t o devel op the
conce rning apparatus and bui lt it into the surveil-
lance disc, in which consequence you can now per form
the di.sp.lacerrent. , wi thout s t ill having to link any
further helping means t o it.
l-Eier- Han , you l iber a t e me from a gigant i c trouble.
A very kind thanks . I wil l fee l much rrore comfortable
if that piece of splendor i s no rrore hanging directly
in the _... . . Now ye t I s t i ll have another question:
Semjase wanted t o explain t o TIE weeks a go , why you do
not j ust care into r e l a t i on with us ear-thhurran beings ,
especially not by physica l way . Anyhow sounded out
f r om he r words, this being connected t o a danger f or
Quetzal - 46/'Ihis is a mat.te.r of fact , and as we I I I
can give you an explanation theref or : 47/0f all the
a lready t old you reasons f or that , none is so much
inportant as that one which you have j ust addressed.
48/semjase has discussed this f a c t with ITE, which i s
why I am Lnforrred in the matrter- , 49/'Ihe reason that
we do not matntzun connections in physical f orm \.;ith
you earthhuman l::::eings , is as f ollows : 50/ 'Ihe spheres
of oscillations between the earthhuman being and our-
selves is basically s o much different , expressed in
f orms of negati ve and pos.LtI ve, as of the balances,
that i t cou ld have heavy consequences, if they wou l d
t ouch one another. 51/Nounally those os c i llat ions of
the human being r each up t o 90 met e r-s , which is why
care has t o be taken, thi s distance does not fall
below that , thus that earthhuman beings shall not
care within this potnt; of distance t o us . 52/Our
os c i lla t i ons are very sensitive, and same as high l y
sensitive react t o v.hich pen-
e trate 'towards our sphere of osci lla t i ons . 53/1n
c cmpari s on t o the earthhuman l::::eing, we are standing
ve ry high wi thdn our t otal deve lopnent , namely by
about; 3,500 years in advance of the earthhuman be.inq ,
for which reason as our compl e t e f iel d of os c i l -
l a t i ons has beccme s ubtilized . 54/hJhen now osci lla-
tions of the much l ess sensible earthhuman l::eing
would hit us, j ust that \vay, that earthhuman and thus
quit e imbalance d and negative osc i l l a tions v.Duld pen-
etrate t o the field of our osci lla t ions , then
thi s woul d be equal t o a very strong shocking of the
structure of os c i l l at i on s , which wo u.ld consequence,
the strong out e r influence l eading to a sudden un-
cont r o llednes s of a l l reacti ons , thoughts and actions
of ours e l ve s , which at the same t iIre rel ease uncon-
trolled feelings of fear . 55/'Ihis means , wese Ives ,
when osci llations of an earthhuman being meet us ,
who sti ll t oc1ay unfortunately is emitting very neg-
a t i ve os c i llat i ons , 1::eccming that \vay injured wt.trun
many conce rns of act ual velocity and starting uncon-
trolled treating, whtch matter was as \\'211 the factum
wi th Semjase wh en she f ell down in the center and got
the. heavy hurt . 56/Normally we us e , when we wal k
arronq earthhuman beings, whi ch do i ng yet i s extremely
r are , an Instirurrerrt , which protects us f ran the I cwe r-
earthhuman r adiations . 57/But t o do thi s was never
necessary wi th you, because you are exerrpt; f ran
thes e oscillat ions because of a ll your knowledqe and
your balance whi.ch is quite mich equal t o ours . 58/
Ins ide of the now a certain protective r ing,
a small protect ive screen was constructed whi.ch keeps
such osci llat ions of the earthhurnan beings a'WaY. 59/
But this protective s creen is on ly o f conditioned
strength, by that on ly Irrrredi.ateI y for the .
itself, but where sue'> r adi a t i ons from outs ide are
s till able to penetrat e weakl y into the , when
anybody troves direct ly into the e ntrance or the out -
s i de wal l. 60/ \ofuen now Jacobus s tood a t the outer
door , there hi s osci llat ions penetrated t-owards Sem-
j ase and gene r a ted ins ide of her the befor e IlElltioned
f ear and uncont rollednes s , whi ch mat ter was the cause
of her uncontrolled action. 61/'!he consequences of
this are ye t known to you. 62/ These dangerous for
ours e lves dist urbance s of oscil lation s truc t ur e are
the rra.in reason f or , that ....'e are not a .lI owe d t o agree
t o physical contact s with the earthhuman beings . 63/
Even in our t e l e pathic, or just inspirat ional -.i.rrpul -
s ive contacts, we have t o exe rcise extrerre caution ,
as al so r efle c t e d .i.rrpulse radiati ons e f f ect simi lar
cons equences .
(He ier once gave Ire a s imi l e tha t though l es s kindly
'Was rrore graphica lly put . He said that them coming
into c lose contact wi th us 'Was s anething Li ke us get-
t ing into a middy pigpen t o wa Lf o w wi th the pigs . \.;e
have what may be l ikene d t o a "human stench" caused
by our vibr a t ions of greed, envy, l ust , avarice , hate
ect. , that a re ITDs t disagreeable to the Pleiadians . )
~ i e r - '!hen you are quit e badly suscept ible .
Que t zal - 64/You are t e lling a t rue word , yet this
susceptibi lit y of us i s not on l y established within
our evotutiton, as a l so our borrewor -Id i s emb::x1ying a
very Irrpor-tent; f ac tor there, because itse lf i s sens-
i tized by high aITD1.U1t , which matter r ema.ins not unin-
f l uencing us human forms of l i f e .
loEier- I don 't understand this carpl e tely, Quetzal ,
but a l r eady for s ane time I try to reason that out .
Semjase narre.ly sai d once to Ire a sarewha.t peculiar
staterre.nt . '!his caused assumptions in me , fran \ ~ h i c h
1 aasurre you l ining on the Pl e i ades in scrrehcw other
di..rrens ioned f orm. By this , I want; to s ay, you are a ll
r i ght being there inside of our univer se and our t i.rre,
as Semj ase once told Ire , but that you are dirrensdon-
a llys hif ted, whfch i s inside of a parallel system of
the Pl e iades . Am I r i ght with that , wh en I consider
s o?
Quetzal- 65/How we r e you able t o find out this mat -
t e r? 66/Thes e concerns narrei y shou l d only be ex-
p lained to you in the year 1979 .
Meier- I have told you ; Semjase once gave a quite
peculiar staterrent , whi.ch gave Ire that assurrption.
Quetzal- 67/She s houldn't have done that .
Meier- It was not her intention, as I have of t en
seized sanething from out o f he r , without he r want.Inq
t o gi ve me any infonnation about; it. So s he does not
even know about gi ving Ire an answe r- on sarething that
inter ested Ire .
Quetzal - 68/ 1 under s tand, as herein you are a master .
69/Al l right , as you know this a lready: 70/It i s as
you s aid . 71/ But by that nothing a l t ernates , as "-'e
a re s ame as ccmpact and present inside of this our
o l d di.rrens i on, l ike as ,...ell in that o f the sys tems of
the Pleiades, as we are or iginated in tha t one and as
wel l your dtrrenaLon , 72/The r e as on why ....'e are now
living on Erra and at a ll wit:hin a parallel system of
the Ple i adian systems, i s , the systems of the Pleiades
is this and your dirrensdon being inhabitable f or us,
and cou ld not be rrade habitable by our ancestors as
....'et L, because the system was still 1:00 young f or hab-
itation by us in this dimension.
~ i e r - Your explanat ion i s ev i de ncing, but how is
structured that Pleiades ' system inside o f the othe r
di.rrension? Does it consist of the same as s o lid rrat>
ter l ike our Earth?
Quetzal - 73/ It treats of a parallel dirrension, as I
have s a i d , in consequence o f which a lso the rratter
has the serre s o lidity as that of Earth. 74/On ly the
d irrens fons are diffe r ent withi n their s t ructure, but
- - - ---- - - - - -
not wi, thin space and t irre ,
That is not unde r a t .andab t e for Ire .
Quetzal - 75/Your knowings in this r espect are not
s ufficient , that I am able t o make this understandable
for you.
Okay, so may we stop about; that. It makes no
sens e . Yet I do a l ways understand "main station" , as
\\"E' say, but a t least I am c lever enough t o understand
the shi ft .
Quetzal- r eally not understand this
I t ' s a ll right , Quetzal , and that i s not s o
bad. Only one thing is s ti ll Inevddent. for rre : hhen
you t o ld me about; your being so much susceptible t o
oscillations , there I ha d f orgotten scrrething, which
just now i s striking me and which I don ' t understand.
\\n en once my Kannibal was , there a lso Semj ese
appeared there, after she had placed l at e Karmibal
deep sleeping. But apparently 8emjase did not
ge t inj ure d in her presence. Can you t ell Ire why,
respectively just wny not ? I t is not ccmp t ete ly evi -
dent f or me, and sorrehow seems t o be a contradiction
within your explanation .
Quetzal - 77/ I t is on l y a s eeming contradiction, as
you say quite r ight l y . 78/You narre ly f orget crnplet-
ely, this Karmibal having been inside of the essen-
tial itself , which as we Ll. is screened in the
downwards direct i on , thus in the des cent ' s opening
t ui i y screene d , and that he r eby no r adiat i ons can
penetrat e dcwnwar ds ,
Oh yes , that is evident. I had corrpl e t e ly
f orgotten this fact .
Quetzal- 79/'Iha t is right , you have s i.rrply forgot t en
this . 80/ But , my dea r f riend , I can on l y assurre , of
wruch i t is treating by this Kannibal , why befor e 1
have a rranged with your indicati on , 'too, 81/As far
as 1 knee, Semjase has been wi th you on ly one t irre,
wnen at the s ame t ime anybody per-formed hi s t ime in
t he 82/1 thi nk your us e rather uncomron
names f or those ones t o whom you are very much at-
I do a ll r ight un-
is r eally marve lous .
90/'Ihis wouI d real-
tached. 83/But this is your behav i or and i t speaks
f or itself. 84/ l\'everthe less I l ike t o hea r f ran you
of whom you ca l l Kannibal.
Readi l y , - yes , just do grin, - I name that
,vay my wffe, because I think, thi s nomination of her
by me . . . . .
Quetzal - 85/Hahahaha, that , hahaha ... . . , Tha t; r eally
i s a burror-r besi des t oo .. . . .
J ust do grin, you rronster, and have your fun
about it, unti l I drag up high your harking ears .
Quetzal - 86/I t i s indeed funny , the way you s how
your synpathy, and on l y from that am I amused. 87/
tont t be angry because o f it.
Surel y I am not , my s on .
derstand a joke.
Quetzal - 88/ 1 enjoy it , the name
I cal l her , too, that way?
I y delight me.
Meier- I wi.Ll ask her and then tell you . Perhaps
she wi ll not refuse. Apparently you wal k just the
s ame way as Semj ase does , do you?
Quetzal - 91/ t-ay be like that. 92/Gradually I con-
ceive better, from wha t r e ason Semjase has changed
her se l f s o much, s ince s he has been in contact with
you . 93/ Her hurrour-, whtch befor e she never knew in
the pr es ent rranner , evi dently s eems t o r i s e f r om you .
94/This i s evidently a specia l chara c t e r i s t i c of you ,
and if I myse.lf appropr i at e scrrething fran it , then
this wi ll likely be jus t f or my benefit.
Meier- Look , look at i t , now you rroreover are beccm-
ing egot i s t ica l .
Quetzal - 95/ No, my f r iend , s urely not , but I know
Semjase, that s he i s qui t e de light ed with your jokes .
96/ But now you ahould return, as my time starts t o
pres s me, an d I have t o return. 97 e lse I s hou l d
explain t o you , i s , sernjase orde red me t o t e ll you,
that she , whe n she has returned t o us , wi ll pr e l im-
inarily searc h no f urther on her contac ts with you in
the 98/ Unfortunatel y the occurence has l ed to
28 2
change he r mind about that , l ike so with ITE , t oo, for
which reason you futurally wi ll have to again per f orm
f ar and l ong-las t i ng ways for r eac hing towards us .
99/ '!he menace is by r egr et too great , if once rrore
anybody should try to penet rate into , wtri Le
we are the r e .
Meier- '!hat i s a pity, bu t I a l r eady unde r stand i t.
Anyhow I have a l r eady calcul a t ed on s uc h a decis ion
by you, t CD. '!his is r eally very r egre table,
but I don ' t want t o f or ce you to change your minds . I
do accept your decis ion.
OJ.e tza l - 100/t\'e have expecte d your understanding,
and we thank you for i t . 101 /In the end, I s till
have to convey t o you and a l l rrembers of the group a
de lightful message , as I should tell you a ll very,
very dear greetings f rom Semj ase , whi.ch she rredi.ated
t o me thi s noon for you a l l. 102/Now f are e Ll , my
dear f riend, and do a lso convey qcod greetings f ran
me to a l l of you.
Meier- Al s o s a l ut e Semj ase f rom a ll of us and t e ll
her, a ll of us wishi ng the best for her and hoping,
that soon we hear per sonally s omething f ran her again.
Tchys Quetzal , see you again.
Quetzal - l 03/See you again, and I wi ll transmit your
....ords t o Semjase .
98th Contact Friday , 30 pecercer 1977 23: 34 h
Quetzal arri ves for this midnight meet i ng t o br ing n e ~ s of
Semja se 's iflllroving health , and i s detained by ~ l e i e r to discus s
the loss of one of the l i ve- i n group members .
Quetzal - l /Like I pranised you, I ....zarrt. t o give you
today a rressage fran senjese , 2/Her status i s very
satisfying nCM, and she is feeling in ....>ell health.
3/She has no carplaints, a lso no deficiency syndrares
have care up. 4/Nith l ove s he or ders Ire t o convey to
you and a ll rrembera of the group he r greetings and is
thanking a ll ones for their deep inter est in her state
of i llness .
~ e r - Hany thanks , Quet zaL I a l so offer dear gre-
e t ings and good wishes from a l l of us , whic h you may
transmit to Sernjase ,
Quetzal - 51&; I wi ll r eadily do. 6/'Ihen geed- bye ,
my fr-Iend r during the next days I wi ll inf orm you
anew of the s tate of Semj ase,
Meier- l-brent, rrcrrerrt , not so f as t , my friend, as I
still have ~ or three questions for you.
Quetzal - 7/So tal k , because my tirre i s very rmich
'terrred, to my r egr et .
~ i e r - I didn't kna, So I wi ll talk briefly . But
first I want; to tell you dear greetings fran my Kan-
nibal. She agrees , that you narre her the sarre as r.
But this s hall only be an excepti on f or your s e l f , as
s he expr essive ly said.
Quetzal - 8/She delights Ire very much by that , and
she can be s ure o f my thanking. 9/ lt is very strange
for Ire, feeling delight about such ma.t t e rs , because
hithe rto s uch a thing was unknown t o rre , but I fee l
r ather winged by thi s del ight .
~ i e r - You a re s la.-;ly beccming a barbar-Lan, just
like we are barbarians . But that wa y we perform a
rather hard and a t tines eve n a very t.roubte scrre life,
but; by thi s "''e also are connected wi th adventures and
often to quite beaut iful and em::>tiona l rrcsrent;s ,
Quetzal- l O/ Your explanations have incontes table l o-
gic, ye t I a l so recognize the sting in i t , tha t you
indicate t o me ourselves having beccrre too we ak in
certain mat.t.era ,
~ i e r - certainly, you have ve ry sharp ears . But I
realize , my s on , you ones beanq abl e t o c hange and
sti ll r e act quite naturally. '!his mi ght a lso be the
reason why you react i n ce rta in conduct , inc l uding
em::>tional , o f us ear-thhurran befnqs , in the y,ray , that
you fee 1 de light in them.
Quetzal - 11/ !-1y inner life apparently does not r erra in
concelaed f r an you?
~ i e r - For that you have been born t oo late.
Quetzal- 12/1 ? 13/ hhat a re you trying to
express by this? 14/It is inunder .. .. . eh,
hahahaha, now I conce ive . I 5/You a r e '..U1beatabl e in
your rrcde of expression and your descri ption of mat -
ters. 16/1 understand, hahahaha , I am sore
centuries o lde r than you, and neverthel es s I have
been born too late . 17/ 'lhat . .... , hahahaha, that ' s
really good, now I unde r s t and you very exactly .
Meier- 'This de lights Ire , but l ook . I still have sere
questions : Are you inf ormed about. the exact tines of
the individual group rrembers? '!hi s narre Iy , a t
what tine and now l ong they .
Quetzal- l 8/ About this , I can give you each inform-
ation , because the concerned essential Labor's beI onq
t o my direct f i e l d of work .
MPier- r ~ l l then , . . . . . .
Quetzal- I9/One moment p lease . . . . . yes , . .
Meier- But I don ' t unders tand this ccno.tete l y , You
are talking about;
Quetzal - 2I /'lhe unful f i l l ed t ime has t o be added.
~ i e r - Yes , I unde r stand .
Quetzal - 22/You ye t do know, that these t.irres have
to be fu lfilled a t least unt il the 5th o f February?
Meier- I know, Yet now a still furthe r ques tion, thi s
t ime in sake of Anat a : For about; 8 days a l r eady she
is l eaving, and says nothing of her plans . Only via
l-1aria and Dlge ll:ert, she gi ve s us Lnformat.ion about
he r stay, e t c . \\nat s hou l d I do now beca use of her?
Quetzal - 23/As you are Informed, I ana l yzed he r con-
cerns , as had resulted f rom the rroni tor ing records in
the , and could see that by no means s he has
troubled herself f or her tas k and ob liga tion . 24/
During the run of my anal ys i s , s he was s een t o be of
regretable character, as f or exampl e , her mind is
intentioned for 25/Her suggestive wishes in
this direction , which s he already f or s ome t.irre has
cared f or and fost e r s , f inally led t o , he r bec cnunq
subject to s uch a strong autosuggesti ve f orm of il-
l us i on, that this f anned itself into a de l usion. 26/
In result of thi s delusion her sense of r e a lit y got
c r amped, in consequence of which s he at t.Imes i s no
rror e able t o discern the reality from the unrea l . 27/
From thi s again r ose the strong switching of wished
facts conscious l y i n this respect, Which means, that
she fancies having reached at appearing s uited rrerront .s
for he r , he r a im of wishing. 35/But he r confused
ideas even l e ad much further, because very conscious-
l y she also is treating wrong in r espect t o the un-
t rue notes to you a ll , that she wo u Ld be in contact
with Semj ase , Pt.a ah, Arahat Athe r sata, the sphere of
Petale and rre , etc. 36/ '!his s he does pr e t end con-
s c i ous ly for pure purpos e of pushing her self t o the
f or eqround, t o gain first position , a lways by the
sane astray hope , t o , and that in this way
as well her wish dreams would care true, at l eas t
thos e which she Irraq.ines for herself being ful fi lled.
37/But she also talks t o the rrembars of the group in
respect t o he r pretended contact s , et.c ; , because as
well here i s connect ed t o a wrong expectation . 38/
'!hat nerreI y thes e wo ul.d a ddres s you in the run of
t.tne, because you . .. .. . . agree, past wn t c h you then
would have t o be rebuked by them, because s he, Amata,
would have contacts with us and wou ld stay in f irs t
posdt.Lon , 4 1 / t ~ h a t now you s hou l d do ,
is, that you will talk t o Amata and explain t o he r
c l early and distinctly by a l l openes s , a l l these
things, but which, according t o my ca lcul ati ons of
the probility, will lead to no wor-thf u.l success . 42/
But i f indeed s he wo u l .d not change her mind towards
the bet ter , then onl y one way i s l e f t , wh dch is, that
Ama.ta would r errove he rself from your housi ng camn.m-
i ty and s t i ll cares for hours each week or rronth to
you , wtl i c h p lan you s houl d t el l her . 43/ hbat con-
ceD1S her s i l ence f or sever a l days , ....'hi l e she has
not armounced he r s e lf to you f or 8 days, as well is
in this purpose , because as v. 'e11 s he keeps the e rring
hope, that by that s he mi ght reach her a im. 44/ Es-
pecially s he aasurres , Engelbert and Har i a woufd urge
u pon you , the unt rue staterrents tol d them. . . . .
loEi er- Conf ounded mud, otherwise I no rrore thdnk
about; this the ate r , indeed. By your advi ce, tbat Amata
r errove herse l f f r em out of our direct housing can-
rmmi ty, by whi ch I rreen the ctrelling here, this was
a l so told Ire a l r eady by other rrerroera of the group .
maybe that rea lly leave s nothing e l s e .
Quetzal- 45/ Thi s r e gr e t able thinking and acting by
Amata a dmi t s this as the onl y f orm of couns e l , i f she
wo ul .d not s oon reach anot he r opinion , to do in
any case is ve ry questi onable in he r , having beccrre
deluded, which unfortunat e ly as v.'ell we can no rror e
r erove, 46/ It wou.ld be very irr e s ponsibl e doing, if
s till further on you ,,"'QUId keep he r wi thin your dir ect
eemnunit y , if she does not devel op the wi ll t o change
he r destruc t ive mind.
I will l ook f or ' Yha t c an be done . '!hen I
s t i ll have a l ast question: D:J you knew anything about
e l errentary bednqs , narre l y about; wi t c hes and about an
organi zat ion at Ptndhorn (ta,.,n) , which occupi e s its
s e lf thor ough l y with e lerrentary beings and biologi cal
r e sults the r e , frem cul tivat ion of p lants?
Quetzal - 47/ 'Ihe c i rcumstances of this are kncwn to
Ire . 48/Sorre t ime ago , you asked 5emja s e about thi s ,
whe reafte r I t r oubl e d myself f or an expl oration, for
nothi.ng was known about this to us . 49/ But what in
de tai l OJ you ....'ant to know about this? SO/ I n f act it
is not wor-th wnile to say rrany wor ds about; i t .
Mai er- tcej.L, I know about the exi s tence of the e l e-
rrentary beings . As f ar as I know, these do not can-
rmmicate by l anguage or t e l e pathy t o us very rough-
materi a l earthhurnan beings . On a good occ asi on, one
may be able t o s ee the s e beings s ane t irres , but which
premises a good. harnony o f conscious f orm in the human
being. AOOut this , my question nCM, wtti.ch is as ....'ell
a questi on by Elsi and r-1argareth, ....ho ....'e r e this year
a t Findhorn and Icoke d into this rratter there: hhat
is being exe rcised the r e , and how r eal is a ll that ?
Are those hurran beings there r e a lly in contact with
e lerrentary beings , by dir ect or indir ect rranner , and
are they able t o obtain inf onnation from these e l e-
mentary beings about bi o logical-elementary culti-
va tion of p lants , etc.?
Quetzal- 51/t'J1a t do you think of that ?
~ e r - I don ' t know, but accor ding to my knc,..:1e dge,
s uch contacts will very l ikely not be in the field of
possibilit y , because as far as I know, all of
the elerrentary beings are living within much higher
spheres of vibration . And this a s well in respect to
all t e lepathical and accoust ica l ccmnuni c at ion fields
and are unable to oper a te in our deeper spheres .
Quetzal- 52/By your exp lanation, you have j us t gi ven
yourself the cor rect ans....ter , 53/ 'I11at, what exists at
Findhom and as ....'ell at spread f ran there branch
p l aces in di f ferent l ands, is base d on pure s uper-
s tit i ous a s pects . 54/Al l right this is not t o con-
test the existence of the e lerrentary beings , because
their exis tence is proved and is necessary f or living
and this quite especially within the wcr-Id o f fl ora
and f auna, but it is a ccror e te iIrposs ibility, the
earthhuman being coutd be able t o camn.micate with
'them a coustica lly or tele pathically or e l s ehow, but
like that as ....'eL'l i t i s with the e lerrentary beings
'toward the e a rthhurran beings . 55/'I11e act ing a t Find-
hom persons , who s how themselves i n pret ended con-
tacts wi th e l ementary beings , or t ry t o s hew, s i..rrply
are of s uperstitious nature and a r e living in a state
of acute and c hronic imagination, which partly has
increased to delusiona l f orm, in connection to a quite
Peculiar belief in hie rarchy, which is connected to
suggesti ve rredi tat ion and pr aye r s . 56/Cons i de r very
ana l ytically , it is dea l ing with this undertaking of
a furthe r aberrat ion of a rrenac e-hiding cul t - religion
without ac t ual value, wruc h rroreover ends in a spir-
i tua l s tagnation, though the appearance i s otherwise.
M:!ier- But tell rre once: t;'hy are thes e keeping by
them rrethods of agriculture, which pretentively was
t old to them by elerrentary beings , such a rronstrous
Q.letzal - 57/ fui s is caused by the rratn fact in, that
the cul t -adhe r e r s of this kind norrre.lIy develop a
considerabl e scent f or seemingly fruitl ess, but in
truth ext raor dinariIy w.ortny and f ertiI ground for
p l ant cul t iva t i on , in which .
~ i e r - You talk of fertiI ground, whfch appears to
the outside as fruit l es s and maybe even waste ?
Quetzal - 58/'Ihis is the rrean.inq of my words . 59/an
this ground then each f orm of p lants grO\es exce llent-
l y , t oo. 60/For a further f ac t then as we l I p l ay an
irrportant part , the fanatical or purel y c r edul ous
opinions of the concerned peop l e , as by thes e vibra-
t ions as \\"e ll again, the p lant s get influenced and
caused to grON, f r an ....t1ic h doings they have to care
then to very gcx:x:l qrowth,
~ i e r - '!hen a t leas t the atti tude i s not bad, with
these peopl e .
Quetzal - 61/ Kot the a t titude itself, but the astray
belief and the resulting f r em that wTong rrachinations.
~ i e r - h'ell then, s t i ll another question: 1-argaret
once tol d rre a s tory about Aus tralia , in relation to
e lerrentary beings and a c lover plant , ....t1ich . . . . ..
Quetzal- 62/ You have once told rre about; this , but I
could not expl ore these things . 63 / But i f this of-
fering cor-responds t o facts , then no e l errentary being
had part in this event, but only the thought wor I d
of Margaret , who influenced by her vibrations of
wi s hes , the p l ant , and caused by that its gra..ing and
thriving , as this cor r esponds t o her wi.sh ,
t-Eier- I r egard your explanation as l ogi ca l .
CJuetzal - 64/'Ihen that should be enough f or today.
65/ Give to a ll rremcer-s of the group my dear greetings
and tell your kanniba. l my special thanks and my very
special wishes . 66/ She really has ext raordinary pr o-
cess , and it's a very special delight f or Ire and
about her , that she is walking toward he r goal so
progressively, as this i s done by no othe r nernber of
the group.
Meier- 'Ihank you, Que t za l , this will delight her so
very much, when she will hear this f ran you .
QIletzal - 67/It is a great joy for Ire to be able to
tell her this praise . 68/But once rrore, I nearly
f orgot , s t ill t o explain a mi schief, which evf dent. Jy
happened to semjase within the explanati ons about the
tines . 69/Already in the day before yeste rday, I
wanted t o inf orm you of this , but I f or got it in the
run o f our conve rsati on : 70/ semjase br ought to you
in error the wrong dates f or Claire , because her tdrre
is not a ddi t ional . . . . ..
Maier- Oh dear, then one has t o change this, But OCM
I sti ll wo u .ld have t o talk about; sarething with you,
....rh.i.ch I want; t o exc l ude f rom the public , sanething
purely private . Is that sti l l possibl e?
Quetzal - I f i t does not need t oo rmch tirre?
Meier- But the answer, can I neverthe l ess ge t it in
the report.r
Quetzal - 72/1f you \I.'aJ1t this so , nat urally .
~ e r - ~ ; e l l then, . .. .. . .. ..
Quetzal - 73/ 'Ihis was unknown t o Ire, nor 5emjase, nor
Ftaah has Informed Ire about this . 74/But if a ll this
i s as you explained t o rre, then your doings are right.
75/As "..;e ll your Kanniba.l is l ikewi s e correct , if she
r eally cor responds t o your rreaning according to these
concerns . 76/'Ihis great change by very positive
rreaning is wi tnes s t o her true progress in every re-
spect, as .....'ell as in her l ove t owards you. 77/ You
earthhuman beings r evea l errot ional rroverrentis of l ove
by, that you kiss one another , yet you a lso expres s
by this a s pec i al form of thanks . 78/For tha t r e as on:
79/r:o kiss your Kannibal in thanks and l ove for a ll
he r unde r standing , f or her f ar- r e a ching and very
v.urthful proceedings .
Meier- '!hen s he embrace s rre - but f or you. But glad-
l y do s o , my s on . Yet tell Ire : ton ' t you knaves as
.....'e ll kiss your gir l s, and r evers ely the gir l s , too?
Or is that left f or only the eart.hhuman beings?
Quetzal - aD/ you want; to knew very much. al /But yes ,
we , ceo, have these errotional rroverrents . 82/SUt na il
good- bye , my friend .
t-eie r- Tchys , my friend , tfu.s was I s I cwj .y l ike you
rrore, Good-bye ,
29 1
99 th Contact wednesday, 4 J anuary 1978
Quet za l arrives al one fo r t hi s eveni ng contact to br ing nef er
mor e good news o f Semjase 's r ecove r y, but also s ome s eri ous con -
cerns about r en ewed bicker ing "jithin t he gr oup, and warns t hat if
the t urmoi l does not s top t he whol e mi s s i on may become i mpossi ble
and the Pt e i adi ans wj Ll cease cont act wit h the group and l eave
them t o thei r mom f ate s . ne ter becomes angry and pleads fo r mor e
tolerance , t hen loses hi s t emper and thr eatens t o r efuse fu r ther
contact hi mself , I'.her eupon Que tza l orde rs him to l eave as t he
mee ti ng is terminated, then o ffers to i ntercede once mor e on the ir
beha lf. Hei e r- demand s t o be put down and t he meet i ng ended wi thout
the usua l good-byes .
Quet zal - 1/Like I had promis ed you , I want to inform
you about t he state of hea l th of Semjase . 2/Accord-
ing t o circumstances , s he is in best hea l th, and the
group of medics are c ontented. 3/semjase is already
a t he r hane, but unde r constant c ontrol of her sister
PI.e j a, who cares f or her ....te l fare , 4/No more damage
or injury is feared, thus she on l y needs the demanded
Meier- AOOut thi s I am ve ry g l ad . For her I once
mor e should tell you the very best and dear e s t wi.shes
from a ll of us , if you wi ll convey them t o her ?
Quetzal - 5/ Natur a lly, and of cours e as ....'e ll I s hould
thank you i n the name of Semjase, and tell you that
s he often thinks of you al l and gr eet s you .
Mf:! ier- 'Ihank you, Quetzal , about; this I and a ll the
othe rones are ve ry glad .
Quetzal - 6/ Unfortunately I still have sane things ,
which wi ll not be del i ghtful f or you a l l .
Meier- \\lhy, hlhat ' s going on now once rrore?
Quetzal - 7/ m you really not know?
Meier - How should I, I don I t even know what you are
speaking about a t a ll?
Quetzal - 8/'Ihe r e have croon up s crre unde lightful
matt e r s wa.trun your group, wni.ch have t o be regrete d
very rmch, 9/ In the ....'ho l e , t.ht .s deal s with sham-con-
cerns , which got ins talled f rom wrreason abili ty and
29 2
concei t , and whi ch lack any real basis of concern.
10/'Ihis is very regretable , a ll the nora, because by
this onc e rrore gets l abor ed up by sane member-s of
your group the rrenace of a destruction, as within
these again thei r steady tulreasonability and as vsll
their concei tedness of poaLt .Ion beccrrea active. 11/
Seen basica lly , a l r eady a ll rrember s of the bas ic group
shou ld have pr oceeded s o far, that these concerns
should no rrore be i.mp:::>rtant and ....ie had no l onge r to
troubl e ourse l ve s with these things . 12/But s o does
not behave , f or the concerned problem wi th sane group
rre.mber s becanes constant l y greater , r ather than smal-
l er and rrore poised. 13/ 'Ihe prob lems a lso are be-
caning all the rrore confused and intransparent , as
....'ell as , too, rrore infarrous in their character , part-
l y even o f concealed threats and other excesses . 14/
In part, the l::ehavior and thinking i s of small-minded
conduct , mingled with necai oraruc delusion and other
appearances of sel f i shness and discord. I S/It is
time, finally, that all are reaching s o f ar, that
they try t o recogni ze the ir own mi s takes , before they
deliber a t e about appare nt ly injus t and ins ufficient
machiriat .Ions o f othe r member s of the group by wi cked
thoughts? l 6/How l ong s hall cont inue, individual
ones a sc r ibing their own mistakes t o others , only as
they do not \VO.r1t t o r ecogni ze these, and shift the
r e s ponsibilit y of rerroving them onto otherones ? 17/
'Ibis behavior, in connection to diffe rent other rrat-
t e r s , seems rmre and mere t o rre l ike the cbings and
characte r of an infant-school wh ere lit tle chi lds are
trashing one anothe r , p lay quar-re Iscme and contend
wi th one another , and ac cuse secret ly by ....ratchtnq the
overseeing person of that nursery- school . l 8/ This is
the unreasonable doings of inmatur e and stil l poor in
knowl e dge inf ants , but not of wanting-to-be-groen- up
human beings . 19/It is very much r egre table t o ITe ,
that I have t o s peak these hard words o f the non- s en-
i c a l behavi or of individua l persons , but they accord
with the true rreaning of the events . 20/All the gi ven
advising ly by us regulati ons o f or der a re humi liat -
ingly disregarded by the individual ones , and even
the s e t t led by us orders for the tasks wi thin the
. . . .. . are glcx:mi. l y observed by certain rrembers of
the group, and accepted only ungl adly. 2l /Kalliope
was chos en by us according to her character and her
s urpassing a ll the otherones progress , for the ... . .
task and was introduced by you at our order , and \-,'35
installed. 22/ But now not pr eviously shcwtnq itse lf,
thi s f act was carried contestingly by thought into
the . . . . . , ....hereafter it was r egi s t ered by our con-
trolling apparatus . 23/Thi s quite especially by a
f emal e IIEi11ber o f the group, watch s hould trouble i t -
self rmre f or the true concerns of a ll the given les-
sons of truth, than to entangle itself within
the mat t e r s o f heresy and lie and superstition. 24/
As well is secretly spoken by dif ferent group
rrember s about; matters and concerns , which should not
be t old you, but whi c h normally, too, are not in the
l e as t wor-thy of such a s tep , because they a re onl y of
unreasonab.le , wrong and distorting-the-fa cts nature.
25/ But we c onsider this of f ending against the regu-
l ati on and of unri ghtne s s, s uch un r eationable talkings
at a ll being done secretly. 26/ But on the other side
a s \-."e11 the courage is not the r e by these secret -
tal ker s , of reveal ing c learly and openly the ir obj ec-
ted non--concerns , which normally only cons ist
of, that they contest matters whic h they can 't under-
stand, or which have been told lie full y , and so on ,
but whi.ch then they talk around as s emi- f ac t and f al-
sifications , or about which they secret ly argue in-
conceivably and wrongly arrong themselves . 27/'lliis
r eally is very regretable, and I truely have t o ask
myself, v.hethe r i t is still wor-th i t , that further 00
tee care f or transmit t ing further knowledge r ewards
you a ll and for making your concerns ours , teo, 28/
Sl owly our understanding disappears to a non-unde r -
standing, and a l ready voi ces carre to us , that v . ~
should withdraw ourselves fran the earthly r each of
contact s , where cons tant ly they act aqadnst; our advice
and the necessary orders . 29/And if this unreasonahle
per forwance vall not s top, but cont.Liues un interrupt -
edly, then I wi ll have t o yiel d t o the major i t y of
the voice s , a s a lready a ques t ion of advice in this
r e s pect has been t r ansmitted t o the High Council,
whose counse ling I now have t o ewatt., before I am
a H csced t o gi ve further informat ions to you,
~ i e r - You terrify Ire , Quet za l , but; that can not be
your earnes t?
Quetzal - 30/r-ty ....o rds 00 correspond to the truth, even
if they do not cor-respond with my ccn decision.
~ i e r - Shall indeed a ll be at the end if the High
Council t e lls its "yes" therefore? t-\an alive ! But
that has to be onl y a quite confounded miser able j oke .
Quet2al - 31/A concerning counsc.t decision will be
observed by us , which dces rreen, that ...."e will s top
the contacts with your group .
Meier- '!his wou Ld be very unfai r , a s not a ll of them
are out of ccrrpass , ....'hich ccrrpasa you s aid. You only
spoke o f s ore few ones .
Quetzal- 32/For the truely troubling themselves ones
the contacts will further on be rredrrtedned, but only
and sol e ly thi s wi ll serve then f or these ones ' "''el-
fare exclusively, whi l e the unreasonabl e ones and the
consciousl y thinking wrong persons can no l onger
s hare in this, because they are rrenacing a l l by the i r
doings and wrong thinking .
Mrier- nus is neaning, that dif ferent ones , or j ust
several ones , as you have said, have to hecate ex-
c l uded. f ran of f the direct share?
Quetzal- 33/You r e gard this right .
~ i e r - And s hould then this behave indeed f or a ll
t iIre? And hOW' do you i..magine t ogether, the otherones
s houl d wcrk further on then?
Quetzal - 34/ A l e ave fran the qroup wou.ld l ike l y be
fina l then. 35/In r espect to your .nission, you re-
rraining ones will at needs have to cont inue the -...x>rk
a lone by your s e lves , but wi thout thei r he lp. 36/For
the .. . .. . and your troubl ings and the evolut ion of
the individua l remaining persons , we f urthe r on wi ll
care , because f or the truly troubling themselves
sha ll not r i se s uch an tnj uryr besides thei r he l p i s
a l so needed f or later incarnations .
Meier- And what way then shall the wn o l e mi ssion be
enabled t o be done?
Quetzal - 37/This wi ll no l onger be poss ible , but only
part ful fi l lrrents will be perf ornabl e on very l ong
run, whi ch a lso rreans , a ll given prophes i es caning
29 5
true without a lteration, and the earthl y mankind get -
t ing s tricken very much this way, by i tself.
38/ Hat t e r of f act is , that 'the small number- of your
group wou t d indeed under s trand to prevent f r om rrany
things , in the l ong ron , if a l l ' rrember a arrange them-
s e l ves into the order and wou I d accarplish their
mission. 39/ But this wa y now all is standing on very
staggering f eet , and a probabi lit y calculat ion f ran
our side s eems to beccrre accrnplis hed and cares true,
narrely that different factor s of the negative break
through by the un reasonabi lity of s ane e lected by us
ones .
Meier- The n do a t l e as t tell us who these ones are ,
who conduc t wrong .
Quetzal - 40/50 I s ti l l can ' t , because fi rst l y , in
spite of a l l I sti 11 have t o concede a chance f or
them, f or that whi l e , until I recei ve the couns e l of
the High Counci l. 47/ 5econd l y , by that I on ly, or
perhaps t oo early , wo u l .d c onj ur up sarething , fran
which under c i rcumstances can stil l be prevented,
if the unreasonable ones change their minds towards
the better. 42/ But thi s would rrean, that as " , ~ l l the
few ones in the , . , . . wouI d troubl e themsel ves ve ry
much now, becaus e the r ecor dings o f the l as t part of
December of the . . . have s hewn a very bad and
evil l os s of interest and neglect o f several ones .
and the conce rned persons lena .... very " ' ~ l l themse lves
about; this f act. 43/But a lso very f as t wo ufd have to
get per -forrred the change inside of them towards , that
by each f orm they troubl e themse lve s for a l l in a
manner , l ike at the one s ide the regulati ons of or de r
disclos e this by advice , and by whfch arrount at the
other s ide of the mission demands the refore witltin
the neces s ary cooper a t ion and ea rnest . 44/As we I I
a ll thos e persons wou ld have t o l iber a t e themse l ves
very soon from the wrong fee 1ings and thought s , who
occupy thems e l ves wi th abse nt ing and f r om keeping the
wrong belief , that they wo u l d not f ind ccnpany or
c onnection wi th o lder cont errcor ar.tes in age , at the
younqe r ones , or o lder ones , and 5 0 on . 45/ But ve ry
soon the c hildish views and ass urrct .tons ought t o be
r erroved, or wouLd injur e them, wh i.ch r e f e r s to, as
we t i , you woutd do thi s , l::ecause you would have no,
or not su f f i c i ent t irre for them, and s o on. 46/'1he
this way thinking persons s houl d beccme conscious of ,
that wesel ve s l ike you, t CX) , still have t o perform
many othe r labors , than t o cx::cupy ours e l ve s only wi.th
them, who norma lly keep only s ham-problems and in
consequence behave l ike envi ous litt l e s hildren, who
become angry or run a....uy and astray, when one jus t
can not care f or them, whi l e we or you are at this
rrcrrent; in he l ping efforts for somebody e lse. 47/Al so
has t o ge t rebuked , that two rremcer-s of the group do
dedic at e themselves during the night wtu.Ie driving
home , mutua lly t o bad thought s about Jacobus , revo lt-
ing and de s truc t i ve , a l though in this respect , narre I y
in r e s pect of the regretable cx::curence about Semjase,
they had t o Ioose not any .....ord, and thus as ....'ell no
s uch thoughts . 48/ 1f this would have l:::en neces s a ry,
then such woul d have been done from our sdde , 49/But
f or this no demand existed , which f act these two rrem-
bers s hou ld not e , who by ve ry s t upid and primitive
expressions c aused another mutua lly t o ange r and kept
the r a the r silly opinion, that nobody wou Ld know of
that , what ou l d ge t tal ked arronq them and by them
about the matter of Jacobus and sernj es e , SO/'lhey
namely had c arplete ly forgot t e n her e , that we have
not neglected i n this respect within thei r thoughts .
Sl /As \\'e ll that fema le rrember shou l d get her thoughts
ve ry aeon under- cont rol and change these , which rrem-
ber cx::cupies he r s e lf by rather negat ive manne r to
Kalliope , and who has bui lt up a very strong and much
unj us tif i ed antipathy and a s trange f orm of hat e
against he r , which has been registered by the .
analyzers . 52/As well the having c ome t o appear very
wicked neglects of diffe r ent things and mat t e r s ought
very aeon t o be made qcod by the failing persons ,
l ike as well the very ur gent ccoperat.Lon a t manua l
acti vi ties . 53/\vrong acting and wrong thinking l e ads
toward the de s t ruct ion of the who l e mi s sion , but this
as we ll towards the de s truction of the group, fran
which reason each o f the fail ing group rrembers ought
f inally to trouble himself in deliberating and rerrov-
ing t he mistakes , t o a rrange himse lf into the right
va lue s and t o act according l y , and as well t o think
accor dingly, as already they put t o ques t ion tihet.r
0\'0'11 evo l ution and will slowly fall t o stagnati on,
which coul d cause bad consequences f or them in late r
29 7
incarnations . 54/Thi s fact alone wou l d be the only
hopeful reasoning, t o change the mind of a ll those of
us, who spoke f or stopping the contacts. 55/ But a
change ha s t o happen very soon, and not t o l e ad only
t o ha l fway s uccess . 56/'I\:x) , this change woul d have
t o be o f c cmpl e t ely sincere manne r and f orm, because
each sham wou I d onl y further di s advantage them, be-
c ause everything would have t o l:Je s upervised by us.
t-Eie r - But for this wou l d be nece s s ary the names of
the f a il ing ones , Quet zal , as , how s hould one tell
this e I s ehcw to them?
Quetzal - 57/For a t e lling of narre exists no demand,
as the fai ling one s do know ve ry .....'ell of their wrong
doings. 58/Furthe r on , 1 a l r eady tol d you two good
r ea s ons why 1 wo u f d not tell the narres of those.
t-Ei er- As you want this. But tell me p lease , why is
s orecne trampl ing upon my wife , as you have sai d?
Que tzal- 59/ 1 a lready explained this t o you . 60/ And
there s till is t o explain i n this matter, the con-
c e rned member occupying itself t oo much wi.th i t s e l f
by thoughts , and with its spiritual l evel of evo l u-
t ion, and grades itself far too high , and that Kal-
liope, your wi fe, has surpassed this othe r rrember- of
the group in respect to the spiritual evo lution by a
great arrount. within onl y a f ew rronths,
Mei er- :-ly Kanniba l having ac ccmplished very much ,
you a l ready have t o l d me several times, and moreove r
1 mys e lf have seen this , whic h is why 1 am very mach
delighted . But i s this per haps causing j e a l ous y once
rmr e in anybody?
Quetzal - 61 /You are very sagacious.
l>'ei er- Hy dea r , thi s nay become a fine mat t e r.
Quetzal - 62/You have reasons f or betnq worr-Ie d .
Mei e r - can' t you care for that , tha t this a ll will
be made good again? KnON, the f o llowing now is child-
i sh yet , what I t e ll you , and s crrehow 1 wi.Ll try a
br i bery. J ust nOW", before I l e f t Jacobus and Guido ,
there Guido had or de r ed me t o thank. you very especial -
l y , that you have done s o much f or a ll of us during
a ll that time you c a r ed hithe rto. Ibn I t you think it
being only gcod and f a ir for all these ones , i f you
once rrore s hut one eye at the concerns and try to
help us? I am convinced of this being thanked t o you,
son, at leas t by a ll the one s caring futurally s ti ll
much rror e for eve rything , who think e a rnest ly wi thin
our concerns in r e spect t o our mission, and as v . ~ l l
have troubled themselves very much up t i ll t oday.
Indeed, just by reason of their trouble and wil l,
would be right and j ust ifi e d , i f you wo ul d arr ange it
a ll f or qcod again. Do knew, I s impl y s ee it impos -
sible, that a ll the hithe rto achi eved and per f ormed
s houl d s irrply go darraged, onl y because seve ral few
ones have to r evo l ute and do not know what actually
they have done. Should indeed, confound this ! s hou l d
i ndeed a ll your troubl es have been in vain. And do
once s crret.Irre, a l so refl ect upon thos e ones , wh o wi ll
weep and cry the i r e yes out , if you rea lly wo u l d con-
struct that stuff , only f r em r eason , that sane ones
don ' t know, just what; they have t o do and behave . But
you a ll can not s o s impl y make an action of short-
circuit , only as a ll i s not nmning a course, that
you had imagined. Do s crre times as we .lI think of us
earthly newts , us confounded, being as ignorant and
barbarous , as the l ast rronkeys f rom the jungl e . Once
cons ide r , that r eally we have not been f ed the wisdom
by spoon, as we s ay , and that your favorable for e-
fathe r s are not unconce rned for a ll this damned
beas t ly s tate . Do once think about , that one can not
firs t effect a human being for becaning a beast and
give l a t er on on ly a s hort s ing le chance f or him, t o
deve lop again towards a human being. But do , confound
i t , once r erremcer -, that your ancestors have s tolen
now and spoiled a ll knowl edge us , have risen a loft by
own grace up to gcx:ls and qodl y c reators , and that
they have been, ones who 'Were delighted about; ou r
beast -beccming, and this way had exploi ted us . ab-
solutely conscious of, that this way we had to reach
into the rros t confounded dirt of the whor e universe.
So it is, i f once you del iberate it a ll very thor -
oughly from our side , qui t e confoundedly unfai r , that
you simply want t o l e ave us l ay ing in the mud. h'e are
barbarians, i gnorants , poor- and confounded pigs , yes ,
but this we have becane by your for e f athers , my son ,
cons ide r that f ac t. And as you a l r eady know this , end
29 9
you a ll know this quite .... l l , as e lse you wou kd not
have care to us f or to help us and br ing back to us
what had gotten spoiled a t us by your he roicaI con-
demne d f or efa thers, .....my don ' t you a ll then f eel your -
s e l ves ob ligated unti l the very l as t pos s i bi lit y ,
j ust t o assist us , though within ou r c onfounde d i g-
norance , as a ll knowl edqe has got s tol en fran
us or damaged, we s ti ll are r athe r stupid and pr im-
i tive . Han a live, are you not better than your l ousy
f ore f athers, these l onghaired rronkeys and confounded
s cal awags ? Are you a ll not bet t e r indeed, are you?
If so does not behave , than siIrply hurry off and ~ ; a y
and be damned dastar ds and gocd- for -nothing ones , but
l e ave us in peace and tranquility . '!hat way we s till
degenerate canple tely by a ll honor , and s crreday b t cw
the whole universe t o pieces . J ust do not believe , "'B
wou I d not be able t o accanplish that without you, and
do not believe , that without you a ll , we could not
live . SUre ly, a ll knowledge will ce rrer-qed this "'-ay
once rrore, but then you once will a ll liste n to us by
very other rranner , than you a ll i.m3.gine within your
confounded unreasonability and arrogance before us .
to vanish away , and l e ave our calmth, because bar-
bari ans l ike ....e are, can a l so live without you and
wa l k our way and . . ...
Quetzal- 63/ St op it, thi s .
Mei e r- J ust do not inte r rupt rre , for I still have to
t ell you mich prett ier and delightful things
Quetzal - 64/1 p lead you, p lease be quiet .
M:!'i er- So
Quetzal- Please , I on l y want you
Me:i er- You Call l d this . . ..
Quetzal- 66/Pl e as e , I p l e a d you for , my frie nd. 67/
You a re very much excite d , and have tol d rre things ,
which cause Ire f or being very mien ref lective . 68/
Perhaps i s . I . . .. Your wo r ds correspond in
many parts rightnes s , this can not be cont ested. 69/
It is very likely suited, that once nore I wi ll dis -
cuss with the otherones and try to stop the trans-
mi ssion to the High counci l . 70/ Your eruption of
f eel ings has opened s ane perspectives f or rre and made
30 0
them visible , which we never have taken into con-
sideration. 71/Be given my premise t o you , tha t I
wil l stand up f or you at all thos e who have voted for
the stopping of the contacts . 72/ 1 yet can not give
you but a premis ed wor d , my f r iend, but I want t o do
the best I can. 73/\'ihen a c larification of the con-
cerns in weLf are f or you s houl d not be pcss.ib.le f or
me, then I woul d have t o discuss the things wi th the
High counct j , whereafter at f i rst then I wo ul d r e t urn
when I have knowfedqe of the i r advice .
Meier- 'Iben hurry away a lready , ITBIl , and begin seme-
thing, before the confounded shit is totally existing.
Quetzal - 74/You are very much in needs, dea r f r iend,
as onl y f or that reason you talk t o me like s o . 75/ 1
know very ' .. 'ell and by a ll distinction , your having
fully other f eelings an d thoughts t owards me, than
thos e now in your great need you want t o make me
believe. 76/It is ve ry painf u l f or me, to see you in
your needful s ot-revs and pain .
Mei er- Man . set me dam. soon and now, j ust at once
he r e ; othe rwf s e s ti11 s anething wi 11 occur!
Quetzal - 77/As you want. : you may go nay, if you
want, qcod- bye ,
Meier - \\'ell , I feel relieved at having no rrore to
se e you.
Quetzal- 78/Your words are ve ry painful t o me, but I
under s tand you, and s o I want; t o do my best , t o
100th Contact Fri day, 6 J anuary 1978 04: 11 h
This lOOth contac t took pl ace at t he beginning o f the t hird year
o f ne rer t s as soci ation 11i t h the human beings who said they came
f r om a star gro up we call t he Pl e i ades . Thi s on e was ve r y ear ly
in t he mor ni ng , at a ti me I"hen eve rybody e lse was s l eepi ng and
ne t er coul d ge t away ea s ily. Quet za l responded t o Heier 's ur gent
c all t o f i nd out what t he Pleiadians had de cided about t he po tent-
i al change i n r el at ionshi p I-,ith t hem be cause o f t he apparent lack
o f t otal commi t ment on the par t o f s ome membe r s of the group . One
woman was singled out as a fail ur e and was urged to leave . Then
Quet za l ment i oned the r es ul t s of t he diet of s ome member s who eat
t oo much mea t , and o f others who do not eat enough, and poi nt ed
out t he need f or ba lanc e i n the human di e t .
Quetzal - l / You are very obstinate in your calling ,
but i t i s very s uit e d t o Ire, tha t you want t o talk to
Ire . 2/According t o your emot i onal e rupt i on of h'ed-
nesday evening, we onc e rror e have ccsre together in
the s t a t i on and again di scuss ed a ll your concerns ,
during which rreeting I expl ained t o a l l the r e your
needful eruption of errotions . 3/l\bt on ly I , but v ; ~
a ll were rros t deep ly touche d by that , and like I had
explained t o you a l r eady, a r e opening by i t for us
fully new and hitherto unknown aspects in r e l a t i on
t o the e a rthhuman being and for your deeply r oot ed
conce rns about. your e s sential existence and the de-
eply established forms of wi ll , of earthhtunan beings,
f or fighting for self- preservati on . 4/Your unexpect -
ed eruption was in every respect new f or a ll of us ,
and we neve r had assumed s uch conduc t by you. 5/But
as this c onduct and thos e things are established in-
side o f you , they nece s sarily have t o be a s "-'e ll in-
side of othe r e ar-thhuman bei ngs a s e Ll , but which
t o expl ore now i s fi r s t i n f ront of our worktnq , be-
cause un t i l now they have been unknown to us . 6/ But
besides these matters , you a l s o have l e d aspects in
f ront of our eye s by your e rupt i on , wh.i.ch from reason
of i gnor anc e of di f f e r e nt trrccrtant. facts , ....'e s imply
have ove r l ooke d , which misl ed s crre one s of us , to
regard you e arthhuman beings fran out of wronq s i ght.
7/Your wor ds s aid t o Ire in wra th and in your need to
s how us new facts, which let us decide unanirrous I y,
and recognize that in r e spect t o an inter ruption of
30 2
the contac ts, we treated ve ry much prematuredly, i s
why as we l I the transmissions f or advice of the High
Council ....sere still i n t.Ime s t opped. a/We a ll r egret
i t ve ry much, t o have been s o much unreflect ed and
made without real cognitions of a ll neces sary bas ic
facts nearly a very farreac hing conclusion and decis-
i on, which had got ten s ett led by us in an absolutely
unjustified rranne r , 9/ But think for us he r e as plus-
facts , our task being ext.rerreIy difficult and have to
reach steadi l y , and most t irrea by doing mi stake s ,
like as we l L the earthhuman beings have t o do f or
reaching recognitions and new cogni t ions . 10/ 'Ihis
s hou l d not be an excuse, but only a p l ea, that we
a lso sti ll have t o Jearn ve ry, very much, especially
her e on the Earth in c onnecti on t o you earthhuman
beings and your, sti ll concealed f r om us many ways
or forms of thinking and errot .ions . 11/1n the name of
a l l ones , 1 have t o tel l you our thanks , becaus e at
f irs t by your needful. e rupt.Lon, ....e have r eached new
recogniti ons about; you earthhurnan beings , ....rhi.ch in
the f uture wi ll cause us t o have much more pati ence
in several vi ews , when you do not a lways observe our
advices or necessary r e gulations in the treasure ....'e
had expected. 12/Especially ahead of the group rrem-
bers, we want t o be more l eni e nt, as by r ecognition
of new' aspects , we became c onscious about , the need.
f or ti.rre f or the obtaining of certain goal s , than ....'e
ha d calculated . 13/ But that we net on thi s and could
obt a in these recogniti ons do we thank you and your
needful enIption, which r eveale d t o us a f ter thorough
analysis, your having thought by no means of yours e lf,
but onl y and s o lely f or all your group rremoer a and
the earthl y mankind in its ....-note, 14/Yet especi ally
f or the member s of your group , you have f e lt painful
need, because they woul d be in mi s s of many things ,
by s uch a stop of contact s . 15/So but i n spite of
your 'thorn, you a lso considered about. mankind. 16/
you, had fully negl ect ed y o urse 1f here , and s een
on l y a ll the otherones , who wo u I d have been injured.
17/But this has nothing more in concern. t o your, best
known t o us , l imit l es s rrodes t y , but that with you
earthhuman beings ruI es in spite of a ll i gnorance and
c onfusi ons a hi the rto unknown t o us f orm of a very
s trong homogenousnes s , which al l right wi ll not be s o
much expressed and existing in a ll human beings, as
30 3
r ealized with only you, but distinct ly
offers , that in s pite of quarre l s and dissension and
war is f anned a s trong uni t , whtc h as we I I has to
cause itself a t spreading o f l ess ons and the forming
of kncwt edqe , s aw, teo, a t first by you
and your uncontrolled erupt ion. 19/\'/e had t o make
this unde r s tandable for ours e lves , this unknown to us
characte r i s tic o f you earthhuman beings , narrel y that
you can live in war and strife t ogether arrong you ,
and in spite o f that call f or your C1.'>'l1 a s trong ex-
pression of hanogenousnes s , s arething cc:rrpl e t e ly
unknown to us . 20/an the one hand, as resul ted f r an
the analysis of your r age eruption, you had been very
angry about those who were faul t y and had caus e d us
t o our unrefle c t ed deci s i on , but on the other hand
you we r e ...cor-rded about; them and trie d t o resc ue a ll
o f them, because you had f e l t l ove for them. 21/ Be-
cause of that, you c r i ed angr i l y and thom ful at rre
and c r i ed words at me which shou ld hit me and t ouch ,
and which have done that , and this thoroughl y . 22/
But they touched as well all the otherones of us,
and fran that , carte to the conclusion, to have
treated in a very premature manner and wi thout real
cognit ions of a l l f acts .
M:rl.er- 'Iben this means , that you will maintain the
contacts, doesn't i t ? '!his is a l ready p leasing ne
rrore, my little s on .
Q.letzal - 23/ \';'e a ll can only plead you f or under -
standing us , because as ""'E! are on l y human l:e--
ings l ike you , and as ,,:ell WE' are still for a l ong
t ime not s o far in evolut ion , that ....e ....'oul d no rrore
carmi.t mistakes .
ltEier- Donated, my s on , so much petti f oggy ve are
not, t oo.
QIetzal- 24/1 t e ll you thanks for a ll o f us t o you
a l l.
Meier- All r i ght a l ready, i t ' s a l ready forgot t en.
N'ese l ves do indeed build s ufficient mistakes , teo,
But knew, Quetzal , I r eally was r es t l es s in rage, but
neverthe l es s I take not a single word o f that bac k,
which I have 'thrtx..en t o you .
Q.letzal - 25/'Iha t ' s neither rt , nor the demand of a ll
of us , because you have reveal ed t o us very many tm-
portant f ac ts and aspects by that . 26/ 1here f ore v.'t:!
a lso are thankful to you, as the rrembers of your qroup
s hould be o f you , who ttuely in al l prob l ems and con-
cerns , etc . , s hou l d join themsel ves rrore wi th you.
27/ :'lany kinds of mischief and many sham-prob l ems and
other f acts could be r emoved this v.'ay , before they
beccrre real pr ob.lerra
~ i e r - So you are s aying , es peci a lly new, wnen I
have broken my pranise and have prat t led . Stil l today
namel y I was quit e confoundedl y in thorn, and have
told thos e c oncerns , which in the 3r d of J anuary you
have t o ld Ire in confi dence . ~ ' i h i c h i s the whol e mi ser -
abl e occurence about A.
Quetzal - 28/ You have t o l d it t o othe r ones in the 3rd
o f J anuary?
~ i e r - No, conf ound i t , thi s was t oday . The evening
o f t oday , whtI e newly I vas s o much in anger, becaus e
o f you rregalananic and braggi sh s uper knaves wi thout
great brain.
Quetzal - 29/ 'Ihen you have not br o.'<en your :pr anis e .
Meier- Of course I broke i t . You kno..... this we I L,
But you ought not be fancy with Ire .
Q.Jetzal - 30/ 1 explained to you, that you shou l d keep
silence unti l Thursday . 31/Are you no rrore conscious
of that?
Meier- No, my son , 1 know nothing o f that .
Quetzal - 32/'Ihen you havern ' t unde r srtcod my r i ghtly,
or have not heard this preci se advice . 33/ You have
not broken your ....zard. 34/r-ty intention a t this advi ce
was , that I wo u l d need the time unti l t oday , to be
able t o thoroughl y c l a r i f y the rratter about A. , in
which I had s ucce s s in spite of a l l the r egre table
occurences , thus 1 net... can gi ve you a detailed report
i f you now are in position t o rece i ve i t ?
Meier- t':hy s hou l dn't I be, ",'hy? If but I sti ll was
r a the r angry, wh en I had s een you now again, so this
ange r has gone of f in srroke , and my harassed nerves
have disharras s ed as "''ell again, rreenwhi. Ie and ca.lrred.
So just co s peak, but p lease r epeat there the tirue
....,or ds sti ll onc e rmre that , which in tcednesday even-
ing you have whispered to rre, and about; what I had to
keep s ilence , which has been, devil knows , just not
easy f or Ire, if you can under s tand this , my son.
Quetzal - 35/ 1b gi ve an infonnative connection, I
have t o do s o f or the still unini tiated ones : 36/ 50
the f o t I owtnq was said by us : 37/ Since the talcing
over and starting of the use of the . . . .. , constant
undefinabl e impulses have been registered, whose s ense
and values .... .....e re not able to unr-Lddke , 38/At first
in the 2nd of January, ....'e f ound a partial s olving of
this , which was horrifying us . 39/ 'Ihe impulses dis-
c losed themsel ves by s trange thought pi c t ures, which
got deve l oped and sent out in concentrated f orm by A.
each t.irre when s he 40/0riginate d in extrem-
e l y confused rranner, the s e impu lses , which f .loated as
streams of pcwer within the parts of wort.h of the
center, caus ed an unso lvabl e r i cd l e for three months .
41/'Ihe partial solving in the 2nd of January then
di s c l osed to us, these impul s e s o f f orc e s treat ing of
very heavi....-eight rreaning and ve ry much negati ve val -
ue s , which cere generated by A. and stored the r e .
42/o.rr recogni t i on r e s ult ed, that A. .. .. .. cccupied
he r s e lf in thoughts of deepty-errotnonaI conce rns and
proceeded by evf.Ie-rrdnded jealousy against different
rrembers of the group, as especi a lly against Bernadet -
t e , nartet r a , Renato, Konrad, Hans , xaj j Iope , Hi tscho
and !>13ria, his wife. 43/In wicked jealousy, she gen-
ecated the f o.!:ITIS o f t hought!'; of pushing out the s e nan-
bers fran the group 's canmmi t y , f or s he held the
e r ring l:elief, these rrent ione d ones . . 44/For
r e aching he r aim, she s tra ight e ned her j ealousy to
generat ing dissens i on arrong the rrentioned persons , in
the hope, that this way rrat.r.inonjes ....'ou l d be destroyed
and f r i endships injured, which accor ding t o her delu-
s ional i..maginati on ooujd l e a d t o separati ons between
these , and in the l ong run indeed ....uuld have to l e ad .
45/'lhe conf usedness of the registered Irrpurses unf or -
t unately l et us recogni ze this content in part at
f i rst aft e r the decipher ing o f them, but until a fe-;r
hours ago .resra ined inexplicabl e to us , ",'hat way these
confused impulses cou l d be created by A. and . .. . . .
get stored, without a warning s ignal by our regis -
trati on apparatus ccming into ftmc tion. 46/ 'Ihis sec-
ret t o s o l ve , we have been abl e j ust hours ago, and
about; thi s , the f o llowing r esulted: 47/ PaItly by
very cons c ious rranne r , A. kept group-des troying tho-
ughts of the a forement ioned f orm, when s he stood in
the at he r figured-out t ines . 48/But partly
powe r -s we're act ive in he r , which she r adiated in on l y
a ccmpl e t e ly unconscious manner' , but watch as we .lI
we re based on he r j ealousy , and whi ch devel oped them-
selves further on as autanat ion ins ide of he r sub-
conscious as r adiat e d irrpul ses of de s t ruction, and
r e l ease d themse lves. 49/'Ihis has not been an
activity of short time, because ou r detailed an a lys is
resulted nOW' , A. al ready since rror e than 11 rronths
has been wor king thi s \"ay i n aim o f des t roying the
group, in a im of expelling the rrentioned rrembers .
50/'Ihis we first f ound out new, and a f ter \\:e had ded-
icated ours e lves t o thos e letters you gave rre in the
3rd of J anuary. 51/'lbose writings fir s t ly and f inal-
l y gave us the essentia l key t o these r egre tahle con-
cerns . 52/At f i rst by that we were able, t co, t o
ana lyze , that the r e gistere d irrpu l s es could be r ecog-
ni zed and deciphe r ed by us jus t f rom that so l ate,
because A. r elease d thes e f orces i n indistinct form,
whic h rreans , coded them by a very confuse d s ense,
we I I consci ous of, that cthe rwi.se they o u I d a t once
have been r ecognize d by us and we wo u td have taken
according means against thi s . 53/A. was and i s at
several vdews ve ry conscious acout , what kinds of
for ces .. . . _.. and be mani f es t ed and whic h for ces are
acting there. 54/From that , s he saw a good chance ,
t o br ing about he r aims of jea l ousy, because the rren-
t ioned rremcer s of the group had autanat ica lly to be
f ut I y and unprotec tedly hit by he r store d there and
wi c ked l.y-negat i ve for ces , when they went. there to
perf orm the i r rredi.t.at .Lon , 55/'Ihe a ccording e f f ects
could not be mi s sed . 56/ 'Ihis a ll , as r egretable as
this is, we coul d on l y f i r s t c l arify finally a f ew
hours ago, not at l e as t because you gave us new as-
pects by your needf ul e ruption t o Ire , which aspects
hi therto we r-e unknown to us . 57/ &:J one thing l inked
t o anothe r and formed a l og i ca l formation of a pr o-
cess of di fferent events .
~ i e r - Dear, but it is only we l L, tha t f ina lly you
3 0 7
see that c le a r ly. fut what; sha ll happen now
wi th A.?
Quetzal- 59/Under no c i rcumstance i s s he any rrore
a .ll cwe d t o enter the .
lier- And during what. t ime no rrore?
Quetzal - 59/ As the fact s r eve a l, s he has t o r emain
excluded f r an this f or the t ime l ong of he r present
life , as the selfgenerated damage inside of her can
no rrore be .rerroved , 60/ A change wouLd need so mach
t .irre , as he r pr es ent l i f e in years .
lier- For that r eason , she has expres sed herself t o
Haria and Enge lbert , she no nore .
Quet zal - 61/ She knew very ",'e ll about. he r rra licious
doings and wa s conscious of, tha t thi s could not r e-
rrain hidden f r om us . 62/ She knew very we l I the con-
s equences , and in sake of thi s , she wrote the concern-
ed note.
Meier- '!hat 's a big egg, and I now have to l ook f or ,
that I can arrange this a ll about as qcod as pos s ibl e.
Dea r , that ' s a ll dis tasting me so much , and gr adually
I regard mys e l f as a nurs e .
Quetzal - 63/Your rrot ion is under standabl e to Ire , and
in fac t , your t as k he r e i s not of easiest characte r.
Meier- 'Ib whcm do you s ay thi s , my s on . '!hi s I my-
s e lf do kno.... very weL l , and qui te a l ot being ahead
of Ire in the future of this sort of rrat t e rs , thi s I
found out today in the evening , because this 'Ihursday
has given me s everal news .
Quetzal- 64/ '!his i s r i ght and r eal , yet ther e 's on ly
s triking me within your words , tha t you go wronq in
the time . 65/ 'Ihe present day i s a Friday. 66/'Ihurs-
s ay a l ready was yes terday.
lier- 'The night is j ust day for Ire, and in cons e-
quence I COl.U1t the who le night a l ways as the f orego-
ing day. Oh yes , as a l r eady I speak of this. Can you
still r errember , a t whi.ch hour happened our contact
on h!ednesday?
Quetzal - 67/ It s tarte d a t 22: 14 h , why?
shou ld
a lways
Oh, nothing . I onl y wrote a fault. But how now
continue the rratters with the group? I can not
play the nurse .
Quet :zal - 68/1 will trouble f or t e lling he r e and there
decisive for them advices t o the individua l members
of the group, what ''lay you beccrre a lit t l e unburdened.
69/In r e l ati on t o this , I at once want t o give two
rrembers of the group an important f or them advice :
70/It is a great r i ddle f or rre , why the occurences
about; semjase could cane about , and in consequence I
thoroughly cccupfed myself t o J acobus , and saw an ap-
parent l ack in him, which let him act by the known
unresponsib.le manner' , 71/'Ihis apparent l a ck exists
in his nourishrrent , as he f eeds himself too much one-
sidedly wi th animalist ic prod.ucts o f nourishment.
72/'Ihis causes his thinking t o beccre hampered , and
he beccrres c I umsey in that , which rratter a lso l eads
t o , the appearing impu lses of arbitrariness inside of
him, that are known to him, but can not be brought
under control by him in decisive and wor-thf u I t ime.
73/ Animalistic nourishment prcduct.s incorporate into
his brain acids and are we akerunq his reaction t o
thoughts ' flexibility, which fact is narred in
othe r words as a slacknes s of r e ac tion . 74/50 he
should s t raighten rrore his nouri s hrrents in the dir-
ection of p lenty of products as t o vegetables and
fruits, which doing wouI d influence his s lackness of
thought t owar ds posi .t.Lve di rection . 75/A simi lar,
but exactl y opposite case exists wi th t-argaret, as
he r e , teo, I had to see by r e gre t : 76/In fully un -
r e asonabl e manner she withho lds herself fran each
animalistic nourishrrent product , which f ac t causes
at he r , that her series of thoughts and r e acti ons ge t
surpassed within their worth, trxcard the pos.Lt.tve , by
whic h mat -te r- results the negative effec ts a gain.
77/Her thoughts and reactions beccme t eo free and
surpass the measure of the good, by which she no rror e
i s able to differ real facts from unreai Lty, because
by the surpassing of the s ound rreasure , is missing
f ran her the necessary cr itic. 78/r-tor e hamper ing and
s lackening forms of thoughts and reactions in this
r e s pec t are of necessary demand at he r , for whtch
r e as on she should e at rrore animalistic products , whtch
per'forrrance would not on l y l e ad to a better prcduc-
3 09
tion of thoughts , but as \\12:11 to a better state of
health. 79/Unfort1.U1atel y many earthhuman beings hol d
very strong and e rring opinions in respect to the
take-up of nourishrrent , wh t ch a ccording l y have darn-
aging effects on them, too. 80/The e r r ing opinion, a
human f orm of lif e being able t o develop i t self fully
and better without animalis tic product s is likewise
as wrong, as the opinion, that great quantitie s of
anima lis t i c food cout d influence the bodi l y const i -
tution towards the good. 81/'Ihe truth in this respect
is , that when human f orms of life carpl e tel y emit
nourishrrent f ran an imalistic product.s , the re cares to
appear , the sane as wi th mrch, a l a ck in many respects ,
l ike care t o appear when too much of these foods is
eaten . 82/ 'Ihe carpl ete con s truction and preservat ion
of the human f orm of life is based on f lorical as
"''ell as on faunica l nourishrrent , a t l e as t, as this
concerns the physi ca l sphere. 83 / But if for example
faunic nourishrrent dces not exist f or the human f orm
of life, or when in consequence of astray assumpt ions
these are avoided, or in cons equence of an a t t i tude
toward living, then neces s ari l y the mi ssing animal -
i s tic materials have t o be substituted. by ple nty , but
of fully the sarre worth as animalisti c cnes , sub-
stances e tc. 84/But this sti ll i s not possibl e en
the &3.rth, because thes e nouri shrrent material s have
remained as \\'ell undfscovered hitherto here, and the
f ew ones , whtch a l ready are known, are avoided fran
inunderstandabl e reasons of distaste.
Meier- ~ 1 a n dear, what; shall I do against this? I can
not but wal k there and explain t o the peopl e , they
shou ld change thei r food . At the very l as t chance, I
can give them an advice , but which normally i s not
ever observed, because certain humans normat Iy
want to knew a ll the be:tter and madly ignore a con-
cerning explanation by every possibl e evasi on, but
which norma.lly are on l y based on imagination. To be-
care sick, i f f or example they eat flesh , or that
they woutd get a bad stcrnach, etc , , these are
the ccnrron tal ks then.
Cluetzal- 85/'lhis is very regretable , and witnesses
an inconceivable unreasonabt. Li .tiy,
Heier- '!his is \\'811 poss ibl e , but the i..rraginat ions
31 0
are s tronger than the reasonability. But naN, my son,
I am quite c onf ounde d l y tir ed, and as ~ l l my Kan-
niOO1 will mi s s rre , when the c lock beats a larm. I
s till s hould s l eep a wni .Ie , But now, qui te many
thanks sti ll , that you have changed your minds and
changed a hit your opinions and view.
Quetzal- 86/lhis was our mi stake, and you are not in
debt for a thanking. 87/Go::rl-bye, my f r i end.
r-Ei er- Good-bye, my s on , and keep yourself wel l.
3 1 1
l Ols t Contact l-bnday, 18 J anuary 1978
Heier and the Center have come under attack f r om a l l s ides , try-
i ng t o shut t he m dOhn and ge t t he m out of the neighbor hood . They
are dr a"ing t oo fII any visi tors t o a f ormer ly qui et pe ace f ul r ural
area , and t he neighbors do not like it and ha ve compl a ined t o thei r
au thoriti es . He discusses f orm o f r esistance t o t his ki nd of
athoriti an pressure such 9S wr it ing and de monstrating , but doesn't
an ticipate much s ucc es s in such tactics . Quetzal remind s him of a
s pi ritua l pOher he mi ght use as a last r e sor t .
~ i e r - Quite a l ong t ime you l e t me wait for you, my
son. But you di d talk l ast t .irre of r e t urning about
the middl e o f the week ,
Quetzal - l /Hy f ield o f working is very far , and my
t r oublings f or your concerns needed a l onger t iJre
than was pr ovi ded me for tihi.s, 2/ 1 also t roubl e d by
intensi ve f orm f or a ll past and r e gretabl e occurences
wn f ch wo rk als o needed rror e t.Irre, 3/ By this I a l so
met with di f ferent rrat t ers , which hitherto had es -
ceped f ran my eyes and whic h 1 nON' 'Want t o t ell you:
4/Diffe rent analyses resul ted, that f ran out of sev-
eral positions gets much s tronger worked agains t you
and your whole group and your task , than was known to
us unt i l nON'. 5/Different straightened against you
groups of interestors of sectarian f orm as ..ce j I as,
too, parts of governrrents try by a ll means at the i r
disposal , to f ight against you and to undermine your
center . 6/ The exercised means here are very various
and oft en of r a the r carplicated kind, ....'h.i.ch i s why 1
had qui t e . . . ..
~ i e r - Thi s 1 have f elt a l r e ady , as just in the 13th
of January I have got s uch a fine l e t t e r frem the
Cantona l Housing Director, which 'Wants t o damage us .
Quetzal - t'll1a t was said t o you?
~ i e r - They ordered a bui I dingI s - s topping-sarething ,
a prohibi t ion frem f urther bui ldings I work, but as
\o.'ell a prohibition o f use of the r ocms renovat ed by
us , Lf ke that for the great rocm and the office , and
telephone cabin and the chickens ' house .
Quetzal - 8/This is unlogical by each way , and inun-
der s tandabl e , but it witnesses of turned against you
and your mission intrigues and a ll other wi cked mach-
i nati ons . 9/ 'D1is wi ll mean f or you a ll a very he avy
fight in f ut ure t .Irre, because not on Iy the highe r
parts of qovernrrent.s , as you said, work with enmit y
agains t you , but as we I I di f fer ent negati ve e l errent s
of your l oca l government 's o f f ice , as I could see by
anal ysis . 10/ 'D1i s is very much regr .
l>eier- You likely mean by this the prop l e of the
vil lage ' s advisors , don 't you?
Quetzal - l1/ You narre this o f fice of governrrent l ike
thi s , I think, yes . 12/It is very r egretable, s o
much unr e asonabil i t y exist ing within your of fices of
governrrent . 13/ &::rre analyses result ed, very many
persons within your posit i ons of governrrent keeping
thei r positions by bad greed for might , and ge t in
use autocr aticly written human s ettings of I aws ,
wh.i.ch de r.i.de t o each hurreruty, l 4/For a great part
of thes e , exer cising the power' ones , it causes a mal -
i cious j oy , to rule dic tatoria lly about; those, whtch
you not e as the common civi lian, if I have unde r s tood
you r i ght wi thin your expr essions of ear lier tine.
l>eier- You have . But t ell Ire, Quetzal , don 't you self
think, t oo, that the host of terrorists and anarch-
ists does not scrrehcw oppose within r ecogni t i on of
these malignities, and r ebels? I a ll r i ght don 't
estin'ate this in any ""By right , but this seems t o be
the singl e Itoay for them to defend themselves against
the arbi trariness of pocer of the s tate .
Quetzal - l 5/ 'D1is i s right , but the terror ists and
anarchis t s dispose of no r e a l princi ples of a suited
human goal. l 6/Like your proxies of governrrent and
the governing persons themse lves , they s e i ze by
s ense less and naked dead ly force , by which they a r e
no better than the rul ing persons themse lves , who use
arbit r a ry pceer, as you ve ry cor r ect l y r e cogni zed.
Meier- I am no polit i c ian yet , but sanehow i t seems
to rre, that I def ine the political conce rns cor -
rect l y in assuming this s tat e terror s ane day, having
to l ead t o heavy and perhaps even deathbringing quar-
Quetzal- 17/You hit very exact ly the mat t e r of f act .
~ i e r - I don 't l ike . But I do not want that our group
get s a t t r ac t ed into these rros t ev il bad things . ~
shou ld I just sit down and suffer this a ll , or should
I dig out the war- axe? Fran my estimation, onl y the
f ight ing .rernatns , I have l e a rned t o s peak and writ e ,
and as .....'el I have appr opr iat ed a certain kncwtedqe ,
.....'hi.ch l ikely will be suf f i c i ent f or suc h a fight .
These are my .....eepons against a ll arbitrariness of the
qovernrrerrt , becaus e I can not exer cise othe r .....eepons,
bef ore everything , no fir earms , as these are de s t ined
f or emerqency us e in the protecti on of life.
Eesides thi s , I can not sinply s t art a war by such
.....reapons , because this handling .....ouid be against a ll
l aws of na t ure .
Quetzal- I S/ Your words are ve ry right. 19/ Your wea-
pons are those of superior knowl e dge , the ma.s t e r ing
of writing and your voi ce, by whic h you nay be enabl ed
t o obt a in the demanded goals, when you fight the di f -
ficult quar r e L 20/ But in s pite of everything, you
a r e not able to obtain success in this a lone by your-
sel f , in consequence of which you need the hel p of
othe r s , of the rrembers o f your group and o f outstand-
ing persons . 21/It will beccrre a very heavy and hard
fight, and defeat or victory remains in the balance.
22/l'iha.t rratter now becaTes conscious t o Ire at your
f oregoing explanati on , i s , that by no way have you
rrerrt doned your spi ritual f orces , which you could use
as a weapon,
~ i e r - Have you s uddenl y befallen to del usi on?
Quetzal - 23/ &J does not behave , no.
~ i e r - ' \llat e lse sbou td mean then that nons ense ? I);)
you perhaps want to prove me?
Quetzal - 24/No , dear f riend , thi s was just a de-
light ing not ice by Ire, whi ch i s proof to Ire , that in
this r es pect you have conside r ed this posatbt i Lty by
no means , because s uch an ac t woul.d be of maH cf ous
un logic.
~ i e r - But you do know, Quetzal , that I .....roul d never
e ven p lay with s uch a thought , not even if it wou kd
deal wi .th my life . \'iha.t I can not turn o f such situ-
a tions trxcards the r i ght cour s e by my voice, my .....,or d ,
my abi lit y f or writing or by rranua.l activity, I never
will do by taking the help of the spiritual pcwer- ,
'!hi s wou ld be the ITOSt wicked form of violence, that
I am able to exerci se.
Quetzal - 25/ 'Ihere i s speaking f ran you the very large
wisdan and a-we to a l l truth and l ove .
~ i e r - Nons ense, do not the atralize everything.
Quetzal - 26/'Ihere is no theatralisrn in my words , and
I am ve ry ITDJch delighted that I can s peak these to
you . 27/You are by ve ry much greater inside o f your-
sel f , than you want t o believe.
~ i e r - But stop this nonsense. \\nen nerreI y s o really
would behave, then I would not have done that non-
sense in si I ve s ter night .
Quetzal - 2a/Have you Cone any illogi c al behavior ?
Mei er- Not to speak s uch , but this was absolute stu-
pidity. I have bowed s poons , taken a coin in my fin-
ger s , and then hit the fingerprints int o i t , other
coins bowed aga in, and one of them even throughgl own,
which whi l e doing I burnt the surfac e of the inner
hand, but which matter I only not i c ed two days l at e r,
when I had s lept a whi l e and my nerve s we r e full of
function aga in.
Quetzal - 29/Had observe rs been pr e s ent?
Meier- Of course , e l se I would not have done s uch.
I siIIply was darmed in rage and a t the sane tine deep-
l y grieved and s ad , beca use one did not want tc con-
ceive, thos e doings being posafb.le ,
Quetzal - 3D/ Fran this sit ua tion you r egarded yourself
~ i e r - No , but i t simply hurt rre quite confounded ly,
that one did not want to underat.and the s e possib.i. Li
t i e s. For that reason, I perfonred it a ll .
Quetzal - 31/ Your doings are ""'ell urncqjcat , but un-
derstandable, in resul t of which you should not rebuke
yours elf.
Mei er- Do you think this?
3 15
Quetzal- 32/ Your words are speaking f or tru.s , 33/ But
in the fut ure you shou l d be rrore careful , and not
perform your exe r c i s e s in the presence of obs e rve r s .
Meier- So I usua lly do, but s orret irnes e verything i s
of distaste to Ire .
Quetzal - 34/ 'D1is is nat ura l within your wo r-Ld , in
which in spit e of a l l the l ove offered you, you are
l one ly. 35/You are too much in advance of the pres ent
t .irre, 35/But don' t deliber a te about; this , i t narrely
c an not be c hanged. 37/ Yet listen new t o what I have
t o report to you f urthe r on : 38/ 1n r ela t i on t o the
r egretabl e occurences with A. has r esu lte d , that in-
s ide of A. we have no pos s ibi lity, to e l iminate any
da ta. 39/The who l e ccreptex insi de of her i s s o much
confused and entangl ed one into another, that her
wrole knowings and her sti ll remaining reasonabl e
thinkability vo ul.d have to be e l iminated, to achi eve
any s uccess . 40/ Thi s wouI d rrean, that s he tco u l d be
in knowl edge des t royed in eve ry r espect after an
e l imina tion, and be at the absol ut e beginning aga in.
41/But this we are not e H cwe d to do, though this
r epr e sents a certain rrenace f or the othe r one s of you,
because now, by her having beccrre evi l -minded and
nega t i ve , s he s t il l i s abl e to cause harm.
Mei er- Tha t ' s not we t L, bu t cou ld you s end at l e as t
the lit t l e one s , the dwarfs , int o our building and
into he r hitherto r ocn, to r errove her r a diat i ons ? As
we l I this wou I d be nece s s ary at the residence of
Engelbert .
Quetzal - 42/A1x:lut thi s , I want ed to tal k . 43/ Within
the next 14 days , I will tell you a day , a ll s hall
get c l eaned up by our sma ll f rie nds . 44/ 'D1en nobody
s hou ld t:e in your c enter.
Mei e r - We ll , thank you - thanks a lso t o the dwarf s .
Sti ll l ook he r e , her e i s a l e t t e r from can
you give thi s to Semjase ?
Quetzal- 45/ l\o , because absol ut e calmth has t:een or-
dered f or her , .in which cons equence I a l so can no
rrore hand over l e t t e r s t o her f rem you.
I r egret thi s , but i t can I t be changed. HeM
i s she ?
Quetzal - 46/Her status is very much satisfying, and
no mor e carplications are expected, if she has her
necess a ry tranquility.
~ i e r - All r i ght , I understand, s o then quit e kind
greet ings to her f ran a ll of us .
Quetzal - 47/1 wi ll convey thes e r e adily, while I
have as "''ell t o tell you very dear gr eeti ngs f ran her
f or you and a ll rrernber s of the group .
~ i e r - Many thanks , my son, this ,vill de light all of
us . Now sti ll a ques t ion, because Ol gi and l>1ar ce l . . .
Quetzal - 48/ Let me reflect a ",n i l e Yes,
. .. . .. . . . . Olga woul d have to .
~ i e r - Okay, then s t i ll another question: I s sore-
thing kncen t o you, that in the depths of the ocean
in the Bermrda-Tr-Lenq t e had sunken a huge pyramid?
The base l ine s hould be 333 met e r s , and the height
nearly 223 meters?
Quetzal - 53/sarething l ike that is not known t o me.
~ i e r - '!hank you . 'Ihen I sti ll have qui te a series
of ques tions , which I s hould as k you . Do you s till
have the time for this?
Quetzal - 54/Does i t deal with ques t ions of your ccn
initia tive?
Meier- No, they r i s e f r om member s of the group.
Quet zal- 55/ In the future, I can no rrore answer such
questions, because nonnally they rel ate t o things,
which are not a i i o ....ed to be answe red by us . 56/ On
the othe r hand, I previous ly expl ained to you, too,
that f or the next wtu.Ie by ccmron decree no expl an-
ations s hou l d be gi ve n any rrore, 57/In s pite of the
cognit i on of having commit ted rrUstakes within the
manne r of t r eating you, ccmm.mi ca ting with you and
judging about you , the deci sion wa s r e ached, that in
the fut ure , no expl anations ought to be given any
rrore, as far as the questions are not norrraI I y from
you , whtc h fact should each tiJre be contro lled at the
questions .
31 7
Meier- 'Ibis i s hard, Quet za l , and what about; the
l et t e r s then?
Quetzal- S8/ In the f ut ure none shou ld any rrore be
addre s s ed t o us . 59/ Unf ortunat e l y not I a l one have
t o s e ttl e the deci s ion about thi s , by which reason I
can not change thi s fact f rem my s ide .
~ e r - '!hen not , though i t i s qui te bitter. So l e t
us tal k about; s arething e l s e . I have a question f or
which I on ly want; t o have an answer in the r e port,
but I don ' t want my questi on repeat ed ther e .
Quetzal - 60/ 'Ihen tell Ire your question.
QuetzaI- 61/ 1he s e things are known t o Ire . 62/'Ihey
consist of t r ansmi s sions dur i ng incarnations , becaus e
thos e f act s , which ....'ere a l r eady c r eated during earlie r
lifetirres of the human being and which wer e o f dura -
bility, wi ll becare fixed. for a ll t i.rre and be awakened
anew within the next lif e . 63/ A once having exi sted
deep l ove, f or exarrp.le , does not get siItply e liminated
by death, but i s transmitt ed to the s pi r i tual regi ons,
which give s it back at the next incarnation by im-
pulse s towar ds the mater i a l s pher e , by whi.ch the l ove
c ares to new fl Q'.\'e ring and on and on enl a r ging i tself,
urrt. Ll the point o f goal , whe r e i t becorea harogenous
of un i.ve rsal c ha r a c t e r and is united t o everything
liv ing of rough-materia l and spi rit ual f orm,
Meier- 'Ihank you que t zal , your answer is very exact;
and signs to me f or a ll that , that I mys e lf have ex-
p l ored and del iber a t ed. Thus I had been r i ght witlrin
my resul t. Thank you .
Quetzal - 64/It was a de light f or rre , t o be e H cwed
t o gi ve you this explanation.
Meier- '!hank you , my s on . N:Jw t e 11 me once , have the
dwarfs perhaps been f our t.Imes . t o c l ari fy
Quetzal - 65/ You are inforned of this ; fran .....her e ?
66/'Ihe y indeed have been there f our t.Irres ,
Meier- I s impl y have s een a l t e r a tions f our t i.Ires in
the center .
Q.1etza l - 67/ In ce rtain matter s , l ikely not a singl e
thing evade s your sight ?
~ i e r - For s uch event , you can ....'a it a l ong t ime . But
t ell rre now, ....tty don ' t you transmit to rre the
reports a fter the contacts any rror e by that f ast man-
ner , l ike you did tv.u ti.rres 1:ef ore? '!hi s ....'QUld spare
mich ti..rre f or lIE.
Quetzal- 68/1 can do this now and then, ye s , but not
t oo often, because thi s tears t oo much of your forces
and exhausts them. 69j\';'hen the reports are transmit -
t ed. t o you normally a s before, then you fulfi ll an
e nonrous and unassurred treasure of I abor , 70/But when
I transmit them to you by the deve l oped by mys elf way ,
then your v.ur king efforts r ise very r apid l y .
Meier- I s ee, how muc h t ime of normal s tandardized
~ r k does this ITEan, i f by the ccmron t.ime you trans-
mi t to Ire one peqe of t ypewri t e r scr ipt?
Quetzal- 71/1 have not calcul a t ed this , why I can
give you on l y the data 1 have c a l cul a ted by mysel f ,
which i s counted in minutes . 72/One minute of t e le-
pathic transmissi on by a ti..rre o f nOIlTE. l l ength of
s peaking demands f ran you a consurrpt .Ion of f orce of
physical pcwer- of 23 minutes nonnal I abor effort,
which rreans , if f or exanple you have 30 minutes of
t e l e pathi c r ecording, you are per f orming a physical
l abor of great rreasure, narreI y s uch one, wttfch cor -
r e s ponds to 690 minutes of cons tant and t roublesare
physical work, 73/ 'Ihus a one-hour- I ong t elepathic
r ecording by you demands f r an you 1, 380 minutes of
physical f orce, whi l e the data incr eases i tse l f three-
fol d at a fast t r ansmis s i on .
~ i e r - '!hen does this rrean, that in one hour of
t ransmission i s contained, of s tandard work , 23 hours
o f bodf I y l abor ? But tha t 's c r a zy . How s hall I per-
f onn this?
Quetzal - 74/You a lways r egene r ate your forces , but
that 's why you a re a lways exhausted after a trans -
mission - this by the consumption of f orces i t s e l f
and by the prcx::e ss of regenerat ion.
Meier- But s uch , no human 1:eing can endure.
3 19
Quet2aI - 75/Normally he doesn' t , but serene.... , and
this is as " , ~ l l for us an unsolved riddle hitherto,
you perf orm this and a lso cont inue enduring it. 76/
But nON', my f riend, the tiIre has care again when I
have to leave you . 77/Good-bye , and greet a ll very
kindly fran rre , and as "'-ell your Kannibal.
(A number- of phenarena l things happening around Bi lly
had been noted by various rrembers of the group, and
they had told these things to others . On the cccasien
rrent ioned in thes e contact not es he re, ther e ..ce r e a
number- o f the rreneer s present .....ho observed a 11 of
this with thp.ir own eyes and s ane of them prepared
the f o llCMing s tat errent f or r ecord. '!his i s not the
onl y staterrent l ike thi s , f reely rrade by both rresnber a
of the group and outsi de vi s i t or s wile happened t o be
pres ent at the t.Irre , '!here a r e do zens of them.)
St range Power s
pe r sons , t he Folloui ng s tory may appear unwor thy to oal ieve
and phan t as t i ca l l y , Dut man y wi t ne s ses can s tand Fer, he r
word and t o the truth , and not even one poi nt contai ning a lie .
The circle of t he r ea ders of t he wi l l
s urely still he acLe t o that i n e oitioOl nr , 18 appear e d an
art icle wi thout not i Fi ca t i on of t he na me of the Lik e t hi s sh a l l
t;eha ve as ue l l fo r this time . as in r e s pect t o pe rson . I keep no ua r th
of and I want t e an open wor o f er Silly, whOSe
i mportance wi thin world of presence has qui t e evidentl y s till nat ;at
r ecogni ze d hy t he beings of this uc r Ic, "' oUc h toe few ge t s rccor t ae
aoout him in t his mLnthly magazine . a l though at eaon r es pec t She trace s
ba::k on his initiative , and bas i cally She gets produ::ed by himse lf at
he r main uork smce .rc r e than t wo yearS; Wr i ting, co r rec tion . conne ct i ng,
pr i nting, f ol di ng , pdcklng, binoing and maili ng etc . And all tha t by only
one ar m. One onl y r eflect upon t his . (But thi s ma t t e r Should change now,
because an exper t ed r edac t i on s ha l l ev ert ake t his in t he f ut ur e ?
Billy real l y would be unb urdened by this , and could per Form much ma re
co nce rns .)
Si lly. a human being l ike me and you, and but 50 muc h different t o us .
Hi s bas ing i n modesty unappear ancy causes hi m r eachi ng a f ully wro ng , and
as ue ll insuf f icient view at t he f el l ou-cr ea t ures , as to are
at all , that f arce s a re i nsides of hi m, uhich bc r de r f or uni nit i a t ed
per s ons towa rds t he mons t r ous at eaCh respect . Forces , uhi ch by
respect are even s urpassi ng all . that t he par apsychology a t
even the i r greatest dreams. So f or uill st i ll
Si lly in mi ddl e of the ye ar of 1977 hav ing a 112 tons heavy Oven,
ny pure f orce cf the as t hi s aven lay
t he re in t he Thi s Cut is of only onE of his
ceeDs , as still c ther ones coo io t nis: Since years
thos e per s ons tel l about hav ing watCheD Si l ly , t hat he wCuld hav e bowed
snccns f or eat i ng , or sim::J l y ha ve let f a ll t o pi eces , tly pur e sat r i t.ua I
f or ces . Coi ns , pressed t he fi ngers , he s houl d have squ ash ed. whil e
the f inge r -prints Should have r emained i n th e me t a l , et c . etc .
Alt hou gh I and a l l . ne membe r s of t he MF r el e !n t eressen; er:l einscha f t " a re
a::comO dated in quite t hings by Silly , s ucn of witne ss es always
l" emai ned alone ccr os , as we sti ll neve r hao va ecnec seen tn 1ng s , i n r e s pect
to t he cOlns , by eye s . Thi s nou should ye t in sIl ves t er night
i977/76 , When t he else at s uch concerns very retired Bi lly gave a
ces cne r r et too , t,:hit-it none of t he ui t ne s s e s ",il l ever f orget, I t hink ;
Th 1s happene d a, ;ooa glass uf vine ana a t
Silly tapes . we c eleb r a t ed coange of t he yea r i n t Oe ki t chen of t he
J:lnyho:.J men anyt:COy e-eent , t nat onc e Ei l l y
ccul e t he a ey pur e s pirit ual fo r ce . Sc
_ 163 1 -
t l s i pa 5s ed over a t eas poon , wni ch he t hen indee d
and Then , i n s pite of being acco mO da t ed ln
a lot of t hi n;5 Bi l ly . I bel ieved to oe ca use I r eali ze d by
my eyes , t ha t t ne s poon s lowl y i t s e l r be t ween t he fi nger s , unt il
fi nal l y Bi l l y let dro p hio on to t he tabl e art some
Unf or t unat e l y t hi s demonstr ation was not Suffic i ent ,
oecause voi ces r as e t he 20 earne st Observe rs. Sill y havi ng
s t i l l to f ur ther doi ng s . He obs t ina t e ly but refused t hi s ,
unt i l evidentl y the oons t an t urge ing beoa me t oo f or him. I coul d
r ea l ize ve ry well . t ha t an yt hing Chan; ed i ns i des of him , and hi s eye s
oe came really s ad. AnyhCWseemed t o hur t hio, t ha t f r om his con f i dehc e C
persons pr oofs got fr om hi m f or hi s s pi ri t ua l f or ces . Deeply
gr ieved he then t ook a 10- Rappen- coin , whi ch got off er r ed t owardS hi m t y
anyone . -Wha t shal l I dO wi th i t 7
he aSked sadly an d anyhOW
tor t ur e d by pa in . By any pe rs on go t calle d, he shoul d pres s t he f i nger-
prints i nt o t he pi ec e of coin. 60ka yM, he t hen meant , and a ve ry pa inf ul
tone was wi th in hi s voic e . Cramp edly he then pr essed the coin oe t we en
an d pointe r , t o dash t hen une xs pect edly and SUddenly the fi st by
ho r r i bl e powe r the t abl e ' s pl a t e , t hus al l present people shocked
up and l l kel y kept t he Si l l y to hav e f Rl l en t o de lusion.
The pi ece of coi n s l i ded out o f Bi l l y ' s fi nge rs , a c i t bowe d and
c l ear l y and di s t i nc t edl y hi s f i nger pr i nt s wer e i npressed i nto -the
hard met a l . Unf or t una t e l y as we l l t hi s demons t r ation was st i ll not enough,
as cal ls for st i l l mer e Ml itt l e e xampl e s" bec ame he ar d. So Billy t ook a
2- Fr ank en and a 1- Franke n- pi ec e f r om ou t of hi s money-bag and aske d, wh at
he should do with He di d no t r eceive a def I ned answer f or t his , past
whiCh h e t OCk , vi s i bl e clearl y f or eacn obs e rv er , t he 1- Franken- coin. l et
i t sl ide i nt o hi s i nne r hand, t o f orm t hen t he hand int o a f ist and t o
pr es s t ogether by visible ef f or t s . t han he opened the hand aga in ,
now t he pi ece of coi n was bown very st rongl y. Li ke t ha t as wel l occur-
r ed to the pi ec e of 2 Fr anken , Wher eaf t e r Bi lly uas r ecogn izabl y eXha ustec.
But the unr easonaCl l i t y of some witnes s e s wante d, Cy this event s t i l l
not suff i c i ent l y why s t i ll go t clai med f or . Ti red t hen Silly
seized once i nto his mone y-bag and want ed to teke another coin.
w:"l i Ch dc ing but not got pe r fo r r.:ed, ce caus e f r om anyw." ere a further z-rreeee-r
piece got over to him. which he s houl d work . By bitter f ace he t cok
t ha t coi n, l e t it on to the surfac e of hand and c l os ed t he hand t o
a fist in fr ont of al l eyes ; t he n he tiredl y s ai d, t hi s would he t he
last he did i n thi s Then he r a i s e d t he and s t re t ched the fi s t
towar dS Har ald P uhi l e he gr i nt ed painful l y and Deep
i ns i ces of hi m, a h E' l l s eeeee to glar e , l i ke ly , oecavee one ur:;;l!d hir.:: and
a l l unt i l t he top . His face wa s anyhew distor t !!d, and i t l e ckec
at r anqe , SUCCl!nly but his face seeeen to ge t s t i l l mo re dis torte d, the
skin nea r l y t ranspa r ent , Whi l e Swd=en ly tea r s r un out of hi s eyes .
Then , i t his oegan t o t rembi e ,
t oget he r wi th t he fi s t , swsoende d a bove t he t aOle plate . Bi lly ' s
eyes sUdcenly c ri ed uP. his gl ance los t i t s elf anywhe r e
l essl y, wni l e ve r y suacenl y heavyweighting r ul ed in the r oom, and
nOOCdy oa r ed t o do t he smal l es t nO ise .
This lasted f or onl y 10 or 15 seccnos , t hen ::; i ll y sank: li ke a puppet,
i n t he face and wrestling f or cr ea th . Wi th c ramps , he openeo
the hand and l et fa l l on to t he table t ne di s f ormed and
heat eo 2-rranken _pi ece , to himself t he n samelik:e t o the of l s i ,
helplessly and evicently at t he full end of hi s fo rces .
It neede d l ong mi nut es . unt i l Bi l ly recovered agai n and was aole t o s =ea k
r eascna oly. Hi s l i ps had oecome olue-whi t e , and ins ides of t he hand,
clearly a f fe r r ed itsel f a t r ac e of burning. tha t? We ooserve d t he
32 2
- 1632 -
2-t r anken- ccin , nou wal ked fr om hann t o hand , and it was deformed ,
gloun through and ournt . One pe rson , u h O ha d t o know about ,
aDout t nat , i t would have Deen nece ssa ry f or t his gl owi ng- t hrough ano
Dur n i ng of the coin n e a rly 1 . 500 degrees of h e a t . 1. 500 de gr ees of n ea t ,
on e do consioer , and t hi s hea t dev e loped i n t he h and of i ll y by
pur es t force of mind.
Thi s ui l l De ev i oen t , tha t non e of t he witnesses uill ever aga i n demand
once mor e for such a delusion f rom Bi lly. We ha ve s een thie a l l by oun
eyes , and exper ience d pers ona lly. Th i s uas enou; h fo r us , mo re than
even. Haral d P. , uho s a t di r ect ly i n f r ont of 6ill y and coul d leok
at his eyes , ua s s hock ed de eply and mean t , t ha t j us t t hr ough t he eyes of
Sil l y he SUddenl y woul d have s een the et er nity
What shoul d one s peak still a eout t h i s ? 6i lly, a eeing like you ana
r , and but he i s s o much o the r wi s e t han a l l of us .
At f i rs t now I unde rs t and muCh be t t er , hou Qui t e confoundedly alone t h is
being Bi l l y has t o be i ns ide s of himsel f by a ll his gi Qantical
knowl edge and abi l i t i es , like Semjase alr ea dy told
But how gr eat has in trut h t o be t h i s man i nsides of himse l f , t hat he
not use his gigant i cal f or c es i n purpos e of h i s ben efit , and
even does not s e i ze at gr ea t need eve n by onl y t hought s f or t hi s poss i -
bil i t y . I f loll" member s of til e "Fre I e I nt eress enge"'e i ns cha f t " woul d not
knou very good , Bi l l y i s i n t r ut h and who he ha d eeen at earl i er
times of life, then .... e perhaps l.lOul o ....on der a trcut him. Thi s !olay we :::ut
cen reco gni ze the t r uth i mmort i bl e , and i s allolay s and a l ways aga i n
cr eaki ng forwards t o t he li gh t . If but t h i s trut h of t en i s very 50
we but ackno...leoge he r , if bu t a s much as u il l , ge t s i ntriga t ed ag ains t
Bi l l y , by i gnorant one s , mi s l ed ones and t hos e one s , who want t o s t ay at
t hi s posit ion , which Bi ll y ke eps . But be told f or all t hos e ones , t hli' Y
t eing a t ea ch respect much t oo l ittle, too much and t oo wea k ,
t han t hey cnl y uould have t he po s i t i on of pa s s i ng on e gl a ss of wa ter
Bi l l y , because , if but he only i s a human being li ke yeu and I , so he
but is much great er .wi thin a l l concerns , t ha n we all are; s cr.:et hing f ully
and s pec i al at ea ch r espec t . Thi s has t o be t ol d, while but
t he s e words have nothing in conce rn t o a gl or ifica t i on , a dora t i on or
idol i za t i on , but only and s ol e l y t o cons I sting fac t s t o the t h i nkabl e
( and researchabl e / note ) r eali stica l t r uth , a t a l l i s s t il l recc; n i -
tabl e , and which wi l l exi s t et erna l l y .
I s n ' t i s r idicul ous, tha t a t t he pr esent a; e 6illy anc
t r a"' .;Jle d by f eet , al one becaus e he is li ving i n t h i s >::esent t i "'e and
diffuses newly the t ruth , by anot her name of hir::se l f , t.nan he kept :Jef c;,[':
And isn 't the f act s t il l mar e r i dicul ou s , that i n s pi t e of t he t r i.l m;Jllnc
my mal igni t y one ador es h i m a t t he s ame fo r t ne ex i stence of a
ver y much ear l i er l ife , alon e as he had kep t t hen anetner and
one has f a l sified h i s t hen lessens cu lt i cal l y-reli g i ous l y?
1Q2nd Contact 'Iuesday, 21 February 1978
This was an unusually l ong very early mor ni ng contact after an
unus ua ll y l ong de l ay since the las t one . Quetza l a rr i ve d with
Herrar a in Herta r at s s h i p, a lyr ian type , hich hove r s on a c oherent
beam of nh i t e li gh t tha t l eft a pe r fect c i r cl e me lte d i n t he s now
and i c e of '-l e i er ' s parkt nq area . By now 11e ier has s ur vived thr ee
es as s a i na t r on attempts, and he i s war ned of met-e to co me , and is
told to ca rry a weapon as much as poss ibl e, both da y and nigh t.
Speci al gr eet ings are o ffered ne t er on hi s bi r thday at this time,
and our bi rthday r emember ances are co mpa r ed t o t he irs . The Gi zeh
Int el ligence s ha r as s Ner er once IIIOr e but are t hv,a rt ed in their
e ff or ts by t he f ortunat e pres en ce of Iluet.za L at the ti me. The
i mpnr t.ance of s t r uc ture d med i t a t i on is t hen di scus s ed and how i t
s houl d proceed to get t he desi red r esults . The firs t trans l at ions
o f the Cont act Not e s by U s e von Jacobi ar e re jected by Que tzal .
He says they a re overly color ed by he r Ori n personal bel i e f s in
her i nterp retations of them, and are t here fo re not correct . !'!ei er
open s t he conve r s at i on .
M;.der- I enjoy this s o much , my son, that fina lly
you care once rrore, an d a l so you having ccrne here,
xenara , delights myself great ly. Only, don ' t you now
t.hink i t being sane danger ous , t o touch down here
di r ectly on our parking- place? By this o ld ship, on
the one hand you leave rathe r qcod traces , but on the
other han d you can be seen, especially as the out s i de
i s a ll i lltnninat e d by the yardlarrp.
Quetzal - l / You s hou l dn 't care for that , as ins i de of
the house calm r e i gns and a ll ones are in deepes t
s leep .
loEnara- l j ,\Te a lso have switched f or function the
protec t i on umbr e llas , thus as v.'ell f r crn ou t s i de no
insight can ge t done t o thi s p lace he r e .
l'oEier- I j ust thought l ike I said, because s anetimes
dur ing the l as t time , s cme f i gures s neak around the
cent er .
Quetza l - 2/ Suc h performance wil l presentl y not be
ps s ibl e f or s uch e lements . 3/ But do lis t e n j ust in
thi s r espec t : 4/Newly, rror e than ever, \...i ll cane to
appear e lements of very different int e r e s t s dur ing
the caning times , and s o as wel I he r e and around your
cent e r , frcm what reason you shou l d be qui te especi -

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--E 5 N
a lly careful . 5/As v.'e ll here in the center , you in
the future shou ld no l onger wa Ik wi thout one of your
we apon, ne i the r during the day nor during the night .
6/There not on l y rrenaces a kidnapping by agents of a
def ined state f or you, bu t also the danger, that one
wants to r errove you fran out o f this v.ur l d , rreaning,
like has a l r eady been t ried three t.Ines ,
l-Ei er- You mean, one wi ll again try to s hoot rre?
reenara- 2/This danger is threatening.
Quetzal - 7/Al l calculations by he lp of different
occurences and machina t i ons l e d to this r e s u l t , wher e
the l oca t i on o f s uch t o expect activi ties re lates in
the I1\3. in t o your c e nter . B/At the rrcrrent , you are
safer when you s tay outside of the cente r , but whi.ch
wj. Ll. not be pcssIbl .e for you , I think, because your
l abor i s fixing you here. 9/ f:D I a dvi s e you , t o l e t
extirerreat; caut ion govern, and that especi ally J acobus
cares for your protection, t CXJ, a s he is a t steady
ne ar t o you. 10/ Nany or ganizations , states and in-
divi dua l per sons have beccrre a ttent ive f or you in the
run o f the l ast week s , by grea ter inter est, than ever
befor e , whi.ch fact led to this f orm of tfrinkdnq , 11/
'Ib examine these matters in detail needed seve r a l
weeks , f or which r eas on I searched f or no contact
with you. 12/ t':e had f irst to be sure about a ll , to
be abl e to Inf orm you in good rreasure , 13/50 the
t iJre on ly exi s ted for gi ving our greetings f or your
birthday to you.
~ i e r - I under stand, yet quite de ar thanks f or your
greetings , about which I was delighted very much.
Quetzal - 14/ That i s knO\'I'I1 to Ire .
~ i e r - Jus t a ques tion referring t o this: Here on
the Earth, i t is c cnrron use, to ce l e brate a birthday .
D:::> you perform like that , too?
Quetzal - 15/ t,'e a lways rerre.mber the t ime of our birth.
16/ But we don' t have a festivity then.
reenera- 3/Thi s behaves as v.'e ll with us , l ike Quetzal
Meier- Yes , we .lL, I do not rreen at a f e s t i vi t y , that
we c e l e br a t e such one , at l ea s t concerning our circle .
3 2 7
t\'e j us t keep a small f estiva l , whe r e we sit toge ther,
eat s crre t.hinq and drink and talk with one anothe r.
Quetzal - 17/ 'Ihen I have mi.sunder srtocd you . 18/In a
s imi l ar way as we r errember the day of our bi rth.
Fine . I n othe r c-Lr c I es , the ear-thhuman beings
exercise rea l f e s t ivit ies , at l e as t c once rning thos e
humans who are in real pas s Lon f or such .
Quet zal - 19/ 5uch behavior does not appear with us .
'Ihis wou ld have astonished IrE , too. Yet tell
IrE now: I f anybody want .s t o hur ry for ITI'f head and t o
pursue me, \vhat will result from this?
Que tzal - 2D/ 'Ihis wi ll be decided by your behavior .
21/Mlen you keep the demanded attention , then all the
directed against you attempts of thi s s ort are like ly
t o be use l es s ; and resides thi s we also care f or your
prot ect ion, but ofte n br eaks appear, because we a r e
not in pos.i.t.Lon t o s urvey you cons tant l y without in-
terrupti on .
Well , that ' s c learly expr e s sed. All r i ght ,
a ll will run bad, t oj , t oj , t o j , Bil l y . tohat; about.
the s i t uati on a1x:>ut ITI'f good ye ar , i s tha t gone , or i s
i t not?
Quetzal - 22/'Ihe os c il l at i ons can not be injur e d , and
in consequence a ll gets f ashi oned that as i t a ll
must happen. 23/ 'Ihis year wi l I be a gcod t ime f or
you which a l s o inf l uences a ll rrernber s of the group
and a ll your wo r k , 24/But neve rthe l es s als o wi ll ap-
pear negat i ve a ttacks , ye t which you , l ike the indiv-
idual rrernber s of the group , be able to overcane ,
wh en dealing wi th it in the right manne r. 25/Although
several mat t e r s l ook quite bad, they can be ove r ccme
by good hand l ing.
'Thi s means again, the s oup not ge tting eaten
as hot as one i s cooking it f or us and TIe.
Que tza l - 26/Right. 27/Yet now s a nething e l s e , in
respect t o your Karmibal : 28/ Re gard he r my deepest
and dearest gree tings . 29/Her concerns are not very
he avy, but in the f uture s he s hout d bewar e he r s e lf
fran performing heavy Labor's , 3D/ She as veLl s hould
not carry heavy l oads , so neve r rmr e than 1D ki l o-
3 28
grams .
Meier- You are \\'1211 info rmed, my s on.
Quetza l - 31/ Yuur wi f e caus e s f or a ll of us very mich
j oy by her progress in each respect . all
her troublings , al ready s ince weeks s he has started
to live accordingly t o you . 33/By exce l l ent s uccess ,
as I have t o confes s t o her delightfully : 34/ 1n ev-
ery respect, s he has s urpassed wi.thdn a s hort t. irre
a ll the other rrember s of the group, pr ogres sing with-
in the evoluti on . 35/'Ihis is reason enough for roe,
t o give quite spec i al a t tent ion t o he r and observe
the event s around he r in rror e detai l. 36/Scmething
improbabl e has become r e alit y wi.th he r , not at leas t
in consequence of your , of t en unexplainabl e for Ire ,
e f f orts, by whi ch another human being of your vo r I d
wo u kd have broken. 37/1 rrere ly want to say, your ef-
f orts and your patience have been unhurran and rror e ,
have been like the rrechanical nat ure of a r obct , 38/
I have t o confe s s here s inc erely , that I do but doubt
very rmch, that I mys e lf woul d have bee n able ever t o
do thi s and to endure it.
You are forge t ting, my s on , tha t you are no
rrore s uch a confounded bar bari an, as I s t i ll am. Fran
that , this a l l i s only ha lf as dif ficult and not s uch
a gr e at eff ort as you want; t o declare t.hi.s ,
my f r i end, I r e ally l ove my Kannibal , which f act
s hou l d tell you a lready enough.
Que tzal - 39/ In thi s there i s no doubt f r em our side,
dea r friend , as we do know, your l ove being very s in-
c er e, and that not onl y f or this case. 40/'Ihe forms
of your l ove are very pur e and very near to the e r e-
ationa l one . 41/But you a r e wronq by much in
assuming, to have perf ormed a ll that pati ence and
endurance , etc . , before your wi f e only f or the reason
that you wo uLd be a barbarian. 42/Your barbarism i s
name ly in no correlat ion and connection t o your per-
formance , a s nameIy this i s bas ed in your gene rated
by y o.rr seI f \ViII , which you don ' t break, under any
cf.rcumatence , when you have fixed an aim f or yours e lf.
43/'Ihi s i s a character istic of you, wh t ch searches
f or i ts equals , and which like l y does not find such
on the Earth. 44/'Ihe created by yourself patience in
r eaching o f a chosen by you a im by your will is very
deci s ive there and absolute. 45/ A wi ll o f that bra-
zen f orm a human l::eing i s not able to gener a te by his
usual process o f thinking , a s f or such r eally i s de-
manded a spi r itual proces s of thinking , by calling in
o f the spi r i tual f or c e its elf f or that perfo.rrrance,
46/ But this a human being is onl y then able t o do,
when he keeps t.rue knowledge about; the truths , and
ha s no doubts about; that. 47/But the s e fac tor s app ly
e s pec ially wi th you, very s harp and exa ct, for they
are r eally ins i de o f you, by whi ch f ac t you embody
scmething especial and . . .
~ i e r - Stop this fulsare prai s e . I can' t stand i t .
Quetzal - 48/Nevertheless my words equal the truth,
which f act many of your JTErnber s of the group can
~ i e r - Oh wtla.t ebout , this a l ways sounds l ike the
serre rre I cdy, and you still pour qui te di ligent l y fue l
into the f lames .
Que tzal - 49/You don 't want t o liste n t o the t ruth
about your sel f, f or you a re too rrcdesti , SO/But in
truth you acccmplis h things , which a r e mi s s ing fran
mys e lf, as for exampl e by your will and pat i ence .
5l / In this respect, I ....\:luld be ve ry much sat isfi e d ,
i f onl y the half of your abili t y concerning this , I
wouI d own,
~ i e r - So don't s peak nonsense . You are j ust in need
of telling such trash , as you stay high like a house
above Ire . I am only a lit tle worm ahead of you.
Quetzal - S2/You s hould not humiliate yours e l f this
way , and apart f r em thi s , my wor-ds are true. S3/ But
if in my many knowings I am rrore evolve d within thi s ,
than you are, I am rmr e infe rior than you in s everal
conc e rns . 54/Take f or exampl e the past nights of
Fri day unt il Sunday , which you can remember- ve ry ....e 11
5S/Then you had .
~ i e r - You are quite a confounded knave, my son.
You have eavesdropped and spied, have you?
Quetzal - : ' ~ a r a and I have exper i enced this a l l with
you , and have been ve ry much delighted about. this.
33 0
57/But we haven' t researche d f or you l ike spies, but
were in s orrows for you , because yours e I f had
i..rnreasur abl e s or-rcc....s for your Karmi bal . S8/ He r e then
we had beccrre attentive and as we I I intereste d in,
dear friend , what way you \'.Duld treat . 59/ I n itself,
we had expected your kind of ac t ion by knowl edge of
your f u ll c lear view and awe in s uch mat.ter-s , but in
spite of that , we wer'e surprised, by what; pu renes s
and ave you ha d oper a t e d \....ith a ll of that, wh i.Ie not
a single unc l e a r and unpure thought ' ,'as in you , as
r-ienara could see by he r br a in- ana lyze r . 60/OJ knew
in this respect, dear friend, that even I mys e lf could
not have done s uch , because I am not able for tha t ,
and s oas we l I not in spite o f my hi ghe r postt.ion in
evol uti on . 61 /In fact , I l i k e l y wo u l d h ave
t r e at e d like you, but my thoughts wout d have played
and generated unpur e thoughts, f or I also am on ly a
human being, and am addicted t o those concerns like
each c reature. 62/But you a r e very much in a dvance
of Ire in this respect , f or whtch I wou l d envy you, i f
I were able for this errnti on .
~ - 4/ You ha d been marveI ous , 5/ By t h.is, you
made many rrat.t.era under s tandabl e to rre , whi .ch Semjase
a lready of t en t ried t o expl ain t o Ire , But which I
c ou ld not understand . 6/Even wi thi n our ranks , no-
thing i s known t o Ire about , that already wou t d treat
s o by this expressive manne r in respect t o s uch an
tncort.ant. mat t e r . 7/ You are very great in yourself.
8/ Cane here . . . . . I thank you, you have gi ven Ire
very nuch f or present .
~ i e r - You are crazy children . tohy do you burn on Ire
your kisses , girl. And you, Que t za l , you really have
qrcou mad. How coul d you ever perform s uch a confound-
e d nonsens e ? But you do know very well that I treat
l ike this a lready since my earliest t i..Jre of youth,
and, a ll based on unive r s a l l ove. Ap3.rt fran that , I
have not caused this a ll , but tha t human being, who
has treated ahead me s o wonder-fu l ,
Quetzal - 63/h'e are not mad . 64/r-ienara has kissed
you, because you have presented he r \..ith your per-
f orrrance, 65/ But as weI I I am grateful fo you , be-
cause you gave rre , t oo, very mac h , whi ch irrrneasur -
ably assists me. 66/It is of correctnes s all right ,
wthat; that other human being had conceded to you , .but
quarrels had to be f ought inside of him, wtle r e f ran he
coul d not have acted in the sane manner a s you , if
you had not assis ted him in each respect . 67/S::> you
have to ascribe this merit to yourse lf.
loEier- Nonsense, my s on, the concerned hurran being
i s much greater , namely inside of himse lf, than he
imagines or assl..Ul'tes .
Quetzal- 68/1hat ' s quite right , my friend, but the
merit true ly is on your side, which fact this hurran
being does know quite "-'ell , and will affion t o you .
You sirrply are imbetterable sycophants. there
is no sense a t a ll t o discus s this further with you .
You roth are constantly trurrping me by c onfoundedly
unreasonable rrcde , S::> don ' t a.lways try to make a
superman o f me. Confound that, I sirrply do not l ike
9/Nc one i s trying t o make a superman of
you, but on l y to of fer the mat t e r s the way they r e ally
a r e . lO/ And the s e matters are wat ters o f fact , which
can not be be decl ined. l1/ 'Ihey are as exi s tent as
anything can be , wh dch means them being the truth,
which you s hou ld realize and acknowledge and approve
for yourse l f . l 2/ But your conduc t in this respect i s
j ust the oppos i t e , as you do narrely humiliate your-
self, l ike those wn o do not know you in your reality.
Q.letzal - wor ds a re mine a s we t L,
You r e ally are imbet t e r abl e . De consider one
ti.Jre, that those "-TIO c an not c reate a connecti on to
me, can not do this because their knowledge and abil-
i t y i s still not deve l oped , f or wrifc h reason they have
unde r s tcod the human c r e ature still less , like
as well they did t o the spiri tual l e s s ons , f or you
are s peaking of this , when you s peak of connectedness
to me, aren't you ?
Quetzal - 70/You exact this, but it i s better t o fin-
i s h this sort o f therre, a s you propos ed, 7l/Sti ll ,
too, I have to talk about othe r matters with you: so
f or exarrpl e I have a ddress ed you in r e s pect t o your
Kanniba.l. 72/ I do r e a di l y want to explain t o your
wife still different things and o f f e r her s ore advice
wh en you can agree that 1 can do this i n s eparate
manner, J:::ecause this should be des tined only f or her-
s e lf. 73/'Ihis as a thanks by Ire f or her extr aordinary
efforts .
~ i e r - But nat urally , my son; wha t shall I do for
Quetzal - 74/ 1 will expl ain thi s a ll after our con-
ve r s a tion, which things you then shou ld writ e (b..,n
in a separate transmission to you , f or your Kannibal ,
and hand i t ove r to her .
loEier- Of cour se. Do you know, Quetzal , once rror e I
had been qui t e inside the devil ' s kitchen. I f any-
thing is missing and wrong at her he a lth, then this
fact fl ings me through all hells of a ll dirrens dons ,
l ike has happene d as ,",,=11 wi th other human beings to
wtuch I am connected in l ove .
Quetzal - 75/Here by you t ell Ire nothing new, because
this has a l l been analyzed by H:nara and I very thor -
oughly f ran Friday till Sunday, 76/ 'Ihis a ll is es-
tablished within the deep-seizing l ove o f universal -
right Fonn, which you have c reat e d inside of you and
made f or your cscn,
loEi er- Do you knee... , this being able t o becane quite
confoundedl y painful?
Menara- 13/Just on ly a s hort abs ence or separa t i on
can be painful by that , as you have exper ienced in
the l ast days , here as "'l?ll as in the hospital , by
dif f e rent "",oay .
loEi e r - I know,
Que tzal - 77/'Ihi s exper i ence is pecul.La r for Ire, too,
and of cours e we .....'e re ve ry int ens i ve l y interested in
e ve rything, l ike as we'Ll f or your sent i ments and
feelings , where the very painf u l change ins ide of you
r emained not concealed from us .
~ i e r - l:ell then, you are in 'the sarre beat; as we
earthl ings . But do listen nov.' : '!here was the f ourth
hour of rrorning of l ast SUnday, the 18th of February.
As you know, I have been in the r ocm on the s ofa,
de l iberating, consider ing and solving problems , etc . ,
as you have a lre ady b l urred out by your tal k before.
33 3
In my thoughts , not on ly my Kannibal was present, as
I kept many sorrows for her, but also other concerns
troubled me very much , about which I do not want to
talk openly.
Quetzal - 78/h'e know you very we l L, renara and I , as
you a lready know, and f ran that r e as on I had talked
in my co r ds before by that de fined way . 79/Your con-
cerns in this respect are s till immderstandable by
your member-s of the group, a lthough they are of go::x:1
wor-th and wi ll bring much of positive for all the
group members . 80/ But you s t i ll are not a H ewe d to
t a lk with them about such concerns , because the t ime
i s not mature enough for them, because they s ti ll
have very much to learn, wher eaft er they first begin
to undera'tand the fi r s t forms in this r e spect. 81/
At present , sti ll a ll would degenerate to mi.sunder>
standings , and evoke negative forms , for whdch reason
you s til l should keep silence.
~ i e r - I did not think of carrying already those
concerns befor e the group rremcer -s , 'Ihat way, as the
present s i t uati on appears , this doing wo u l d be cc:m-
p letely wrong . Fran my regard, the state i s even,
that they a ll at f i rst wi thin the next lif e , even
partly wi thin the overnext lif e , would beccrne in the
happy position, to know these things and to under-
s tand them, e ve n though this cognition gives quite a
condemned pain for me.
Quetzal - 82/You are not so incorrect within that
because for the understanding of these, deep-seated
l aws concerns , is necessary the r ecogni t ion of the
highest universal qood. 83/But , my f riend, I inter -
rupted you before.
loEi er- Oh yes , I on ly wanted t o t ell you, in sat ur-
day rroming very soon having occurred scrnething very
s trange. At Schmidrut i was a matriIrony in this rrorn-
ing, and as i s the case in many of our towns , s crre
people s ent different s a l ut ing shots into the rrorning
s ky. '!he r e had been three such shot s , of wh.i.ch I could
dist inctly see the explosions occurred at Schmidrut i .
Afte r the third shot , but only t wo or three seconds
l ater, s uddenl y r oare d up dir ectly above the roof of
our house , an imnense thunde r s troke , \.mi ch roared
down the chimney and caused the whol e house to tremb-
l e t o its basic foundations. All that was not c lin-
ched or rivete d , clattered and r at t l ed . '!his whole
matter s eesred t o me l ike a super-sonic s t roke, as I
f elt before. For this now the question, have you seen
anything in this matter , if you and l>lenara had ob-
s erved me during the whole night .
Que tzal- 84/'Ihis occurrence i s known to us , because
we s ha r ed in this direct ly. 8S/ Apart from this , it
i s very interesting for me, t o listen f rom you what
you t erm the s upersoni c stroke , as you s ay, or the
exp losion str oke , as such itself , as t.rue Iy the matter
dea lt of such a thing. 8S/How have you f ound this
fact out?
M2:ier- Ve ry s i.rTpl y , my son . As rrent.Ioned, I have ex-
perienced super sonic b lows before, during one of which
I near ly got damaged. At the tirre , I was ins ide of an
o ld cott age on the Persian Gulf desert, near zahedan.
Suddenly a rest lessnes s forced me out of the bui lding
and I l e f t as f ast as possibl e from out of i t and
hurr ied away. At about a distance of 150 met ers, I
suddenly heard the howling of a deep-diving j e tplane,
t-urned around , and saw rush i ng near at only a small
height above the ground, a j et fighter machine . Only
a f ew hundred meters f rom the de l apitated bui l ding,
devilish bi rd very suddenly shot up half-inclined to
the s ky, fl ushed over the bui lding - and then a hel -
l ish c rash r os e up. Like a primary thunder , the sound
rushed back over me, and then I saw, l ike in s I cw-
rrotion t irre, that the delapitat ed house rnerged <:Ja,..'1l
into i tself, l ike des troyed by a ghost hand, whi le
it s omehow s eerred t o v ibrate and the dust swirled up
high. '!he huge thunder new of l ast Saturday sounded
l ike this, as the super s onic s troke then, only this
tirre being direct!y above rne, and so above the roof
of our house .
Que tza l - 87/ Your description is very qcod , 88J1;\illat
you have noted consists of the fot I c wdnq s 89/i>ienara
and I s taye d at l ow height directly above your actual
center in a nonvisible state . 90/ Sudden l y after the
fi rst explosion in the vi l lage , shot a long a triangle
ship, ccrning from the south, as the second explosion
3 35
occurred. 91/ At onl y about; 60 rreter s above ground,
i t then floate d for a s hort time above your dwe ll ing-
house , on l y t o s hoot up at once aft e r the third ex-
p lusion in the village , by two f otd s upers oni c pocer
upwards into the s ky. 92/To lIE a t once was evident ,
what this doing had to rrean , and acted so wi thin a
split- s econd. 93/ Our s hip shot forward, f l oat .tnq
a l r e ady wi thin the next rrrxrent; direct l y above
the chimney of your hous e , a t l es s than 10 meter-s of
hei ght. 94/ 'll1en the b l a.v came down fran hi gh above ,
and threatene d t o s catter our ship, but which f ortun-
ately r esist ed the wicked force. 95/ The huge suc-
tion-stroke of the brake of supers onic speed f anned
itself by the ship and hurried over the house a....'ay,
while the acoustica l waves cont inued downwar d in s pi t e
o f a ll and hit as wi cke d I.JC'\'>'e r the house, by whi c h it
was shaken very mrch ,
Meier- Then this has been our Gear f riends , the Gi-
zeh-knaves , ....'ere they?
Quetzal - 96/ That is right .
Mei er- Yes , then we have had a devilish l uck . A ve ry
kind thanks for your gre a t he lp. I f you wou.ld not
have been there, then narrely our bui lding woukd be
gone, together with a ll of us wh o ....sere ins i de . NarrEly
a l ot of humans was inside; El s i , Rose, Jacobus , the
teo childs of Engelbert and aarra, as our children,
too. Have you and Ne nara a t l e as t this time given a
lesson t o these l ous ey knaves?
Quetzal - 97/ This had been the v.1Jrk o f ?>lenara. 98/
The Gizeh- ship, an apparatus with rerrote-control , the
l ast kind they a ...ned, was e liminated by us after a
short pursui t hunt .
Meier- Oh yes , s o you l e t c r a ck le this obj e c t , hav-
en l t you?
Menara- 14/ 'Ihis occurred si.mi. larly, yes .
Mei er- Thank you , my child. '!his delights Ire . Then
simi lar attacks we l ikely have no rmre t o f ear?
Quetzal - 99/'Ihis f or sure, becaus e thes e undesired
intel ligences own no further ships of thi s sort . 100/
But neverthe less we f ut urally wi ll prepare our selves
for s uch and similar machinations , and be attentive .
IOl/Somehow these wi c ke d ones mus t have ana lyzed that
day the mat.rirrony and tha t connect ed t o this us e ,
because every probabi lity point s t o this, to have
unde rtaken thi s a t tempt at your des truction , because
there was kn01.Yl1 t o them this us e of exp l osi ons, and
that t o s uch an expl osion wo u l d have been ascr ibed
the des t ruction of your hous e and your a ll die ing.
'Ihen now they have grasped the fog . But as we
are a l r eady talking about; othe r inte lligences : Are
the Cygni ans sti ll s t ay ing with you? Semjase had once
promised t o me, tha t I s urely can take a picture of
Asina before they ret.urn t o thei r hcrnewor ld.
15/ TI1ey will still be her e for s ever a l rror e
rrontha, because the repai r of the interstellar drive
of their s hip showed itself t o be very difficul t .
16/0f cour s e you wi ll not be forgot t en in a picture
of Asina . 17/ Semjase has a l r eady told this t o ITE .
Oh yes, thank you , and hat... actually i s our
gi r l ?
Quetzal - 102/She is in very qcod condition , and does
gi ve t o all of you he r very kind wi.sbes and gr ee t ings .
l-Eier- Kind thanks , my s on , as weLf I should- tell
her the best v...ishes and gr ee tings of all of us , and
as well I want t o wish her all gcx:xl and all kindest
things . wi l I s he f inally r eturn?
Quet za l - 103/ 'Ihis \vill no rmre need a l ong t ime , as
a l r eady in the rrorrth of to1ay, she wi ll be he re
a gain.
Fantastic, for thi s mes sage I should fa ll
around your neck, but by r egret you are a man, and
with s uch one I can not squeeze . I f on ly I woutd have
asked t-1enara f or that , and not you , because there
this have s ucceeded "'Onde rful l y .
r-'i2.nara- 18/ TI1is you can sti ll do - i f you want .
You are go ldy, gir l , but this wou l d be unfair
of ITE . But at another time I wi ll r emember this . Per-
haps still s orrething s uit e d wi Ll cane t o my mind,
j ust l e ave me t ime for that .
Menara- 19/Hahahaha .. .. you a ...n a very expres s ive
hurror -, but f or your question, I a lready now am eager .
Meier- '!hen j ust wait , surel y I will find a chain-
quest ion, you understand?
Menara- 20/ Hahahaha- hahahaha, of course I under stand
.. . . hahaha , 1 . . I , haha, 1 only ....zmde r- about then
....nether 1 s hall endure the chain- reaction . . hahaha ,
Quetzal - l 04/ You are hoaxe r s .
Mei er- hh a t s ha ll that be , my little s on?
Quetzal - I DS/ Humans \0.110 make s uch j oke s .
Meier- '!hose a r e hurrorists, my s on, but not hoaxe r s .
Nhat a hoax s houl d be, does nobody unde rstand , not t o
s ay even a cockoo.
Quetzal - 10 6/ 1 under s tand, it will have been a very
unsui t ed word by Ire .
Meier- So ....'e can say , but it will not bring you any
damage in r e s u l t . Are you a l so expert in j okes ? D:J
you per haps know a wit ?
Quetzal - 107/ No, I don ' t .
too, have you ever fl a.-.n through the
airs in an earthly airplane?
Quetzal - l OB/ No, I never did . I neve r
woul d set rre into these dangerous flightmeans .
Coward ,
Quetzal - lID/ J us t do l augh a t Ire , but i t i s really
too dangerous f or Ire .
'!hat 's okay a lready . OUr barbarous t echno logy
r e a lly ha s t o give you a f r ight . Yet l ook he r e once .
I t is a letter f ram Elsi . Can you r e ad i t ?
Quetzal - 111/1 r e adily wi l l do .
So read i t nON, if you have the t iJre the r efor .
Quetzal - 112/ As you want : .. . .
113/ T do not want; t o gi ve an answer' t o this , which
....zruI d l at e r get reproduced in the report . 114/ Can
you thus give a verba1 rresaaqe ?
Meier- But certainly, my son.
Quetzal - 115/ 'Ihen please lis t e n very carefully to rre :
can you r epea t all this faithful ly?
Mei er- I hope so. Now yet you still s hould give rre
sene information in r e spect t o the . ... . . .
Quetzal - 116/ 'Iha t is true. 117/Our analyses have now
shown, a ll rrember 's of the group having . . the ne-
ces s ary amount of the which is .
U 8/By that rreasure, as they are now given, they are
suf f ici ent for t o perform everytlring in r espect to
these concerns , as shoul d be according t o the calcu-
l ati ons . 119/ New . . _. will on ly s trengthen the ....mo re
b loc, whtc h wou ld be of great a dvantage . 120/But a ll
now i s no rrore t i.rre--fixed, why the absol vation _. . . ..
can be perf orrred individually according t o the FOS-
sibility of the rrernber s of the group, at daytirre as
a t night time . 121/Onl y f or newly arri ving rrember-s of
the basic group, in ccrrpasa of the 49, ....te wi ll have
t o fix the ti.Ires , which then wi ll f a ll agai n into the
nighttiIre, and which as ...."=11 have t o be obs erved.
122/ 'Ihe uni tary . . . . . f or a ll ones is amounting now
... ... where shou l d be r egarded for , that each person
ekes in res pect of the rreditation exer c i s es perform
this as o f ten as pos s ible . 123/ SUi t ed were ,
to do this a t l east f or one t.i..rre in the ~ 1 { , as f ar
as this is possible f or the individual person. 124/
Nc1N the madn f actor in the f oreground is s till the
rreditat i ve training , which quite s oon ought to l ead
to success . 125/ For newly entering pers ons ,
while the a l ready hithe rto abso lvents should start
their exercis es again frem the 3r d of !-1arch. 126/In
this reapect, still has t o get e dn'onfshed, that di f -
ferent rrember s of the group have t o trouble themse l ves
much rrore in rreditat i on , if they want t o achieve suc-
ces s . 127/ 'Ihi s applies t o them f or the t ime of . .. . ,
as ",,,=11 as yet f or their exerci s es they per form in
their hares . 128/ S::rne of them rreanwhi le even
estranged themselves fran this exerci s e and do no
nore perform i t , or still very superficia lly . 129/
'!his will l ead to no s uccess, and on the othe r hand,
to mtsterrcers inside the conce rned per s ons themselves ,
because they get not able to see any s uccess , and to
33 9
explained t o all of them.
sti ll staggering in mind
l ike behaved as ....'ell at
reason of Amata ' s jealous
r each out. 130/If a real rreditation is to be crowned
by s ucce s s , then it a lso has to be l earned truely,
and be exercised, as you yours e lf do know very ....'=11
and bes t of a ll , because you, t oo, had to s uhnit to
thi s not-easy school , .... i c h way you first e l abora t ed
your s ucces s e s. 131/ Nhen thus no troubling i s done,
then no success will occur.
~ i e r - I know. Unf ortuna t e l y it behaves a s well at
our group member s , diff e rent ly ruling the opinion ,
that even an exercis e of s uper ficia l rranne r- ....'ou ld
br ing same succe s s .
Q<letzal - 132/ Onl y the rrost ext .rerre troubling l e ads
ther e .
~ i e r - TO .... c m do you tell this , my son. I am a lit-
tle bit Lnforrred in that and do know how s evere is
the truth of that education. SUrely i s pr evai ling at
the one or othe rone . .. ..
Q.Jetzal - 133/'Ihe thought , t hefr minimal e f forts may
be s uff i c i ent f or l e arning a ll , because the proce s s
....'ouI d l a s t dur i ng s even years . 134/ But evide ntly
they are not cons c ious about , this t ime having t o get
used in hard eff ort , if s ucce ss is t o be obtained.
135/ 'Ihe t irre i tse lf soes not l ead t o succe s s , but by
great e s t rreasure onl y the per sonal and int ensive ef-
forts of those one s , who truel y educat e thems e lves up
and ....'ant; to became forceful .
~ i e r - Of cours e , and so I
Quetzal - 136/Unfortunately
is expressed at s areone s ,
thos e who have l e f t you by
pr e s s ing.
Meier- Surel y , but it is un jus t. , a s I think, when
now you see onl y Amata respons i b l e for the l eaving .
QJetzal- 137/ She has been the s trongest and most
pres sing factor , ....hich caused a l l t o f ICM over by her
s ugge s tive influences , by ....'hich matter the ones hav-
ing l e f t .....ere no rmre f ree within the concerning de-
c ision, but t reated according t o the wi ll of Arnata ,
in the false belief , to have done so by thei r ccn
decis ion.
l-Eier- But - don I t you kno,... , still othe r r easons
have p l ayed a part?
Que t2al - 13B/'This is known t o Ire, as still f rom two
othe r s i des became generated e vil-minded influences,
whi .Ie mor eove r- still a ma. le member of the group con-
duct ed himself in a very irresponsible manner in re-
spect t o his degenerations of instincts (jea lousy) .
~ i e r - Oh de ar, this do you know. I thought, t o do
best in keeping silence acout; this .
Quet2al - 139/So you also s hou l d do. 140/1t is ve ry
r egretable, s uch degener at ions still appear in rrcmter s
of the group, while s till the addressed one s a dmit
themse lve s ge t t ing cheat e d and r e gard the lie ing at-
t empts f or truth.
l-Ei er- I knee... , but about. this , better \...e s hould not
talk .
Que t2al - 141 / But perhaps I s houl d do one t irre, be-
cause the conc e rned one s a lways try t o change the
advice s in this respect t o their own benefit although
they realize c learly of acting wrong.
l-Eier- '!hi s I alr eady oft en exp lained , but a ll is in
vain. So l e t us stop in that , at least for this t.irre
Still sorrething e l se interests Ire : Durfnq our last
convent , you t o ld ITe , the dwarfs wout d cane he r e f or
c l arifying ccroi e t e ry our house . But thi s has not
been perfonned because of your staying a\.;ay.
Que tza l - 14 2/ 1 considered this . 143/In next satur-
day , the e vent s hall happen, and that very thorough-
l y . 144/Starting at 13:00 hours , no1xx1y is the rror e
a l Icwe d t o stay inside of the house , s o a s v..Bll not
in the . _ 145/During the next six hours , the
bui ldings s hould remain l e f t.
~ i e r - '!hi s can be arranged . But a s you are a lrea dy
s peaking of then I stil l have a que s t ion:
Know, s I o,... Iy i t has beccrre teo large f or Ire . h'hat do
you think, isn I t J acobus SCXJffi in posit ion, that he
can take over for the s i de of the rren?
Quetza l - 146/ No , not by regret, at l e a s t not for the
147/ But concerning the rreditative
exerc ises , here he can ccrnpl e t e ly over-take t he obli-
ga t ions .
M:;!i er- Okay , the n anothe r ques tion : Gradually I re-
gard if for stupid, because the l onge r the t ime , the
rmr e i ntr ansparent it beccsres t o rre , wha t; wo u l d be
the meaning of the tenn "i nca rna t i on" and "r e- inca r -
na t ion" . As f ar as I \1aS taught , thes e terms rrean one
and the s ame thing, wnfch means "r e t urrunq t o flesh"
or jus t "r ebi rth" , wht I e for incarnat ions rreans s i..npl y
"bec omi ng f lesh" , and then for re- incarna t ion "beccrn-
ing f lesh aga in", but which both rrean, translated to
an understandable l anguage , "r eb i rth". But now do
cere quit e especially the parapsychologi s t s , and s ee
"Lncarnat .ton" for the "pas t " , and besi des that for
Jnmanue l ' s "bec oming flesh as dei ty" , whi Ie they see
the t e nn "r e- incarnat i on" as on l y for "r e bi rth" .
Que tzal - 148/These terms or igina t ed i n the o ld Greek
l anguage , and a l r ea dy f or us , thi s rathe r naive dif-
f erentiat ion has struck us , why I tal ked with Pt.aah
about this, who l earne d the Ol d-Greek l angu age in
Greece i t s e l f , when thi s l anguage still \1aS valid
the r e as the only c crrmon l anguage. 149/His expl an-
ation \o.'3.S , both t e rms finding use by the s ame
f orm and rreaning, and no difference existed , because
the term "incarnat i on II on Iy appeared as a s hortened
f orm of the t .erm "r e-incarnat i on" . IS0/ tlJhen then you
just use the t e nn or name "incarna t i on" , then
you have no mi s take in language or t e rms , because
"incarna t i on " is jus t the abbr eviat ion of "r e-incar-
na t ion" .
foE i e r- Thanks ve ry rmch . 'Ihese cracker bodies of
parapsychologists and l anguage scientist s of t en can
trouble one by the i r af f irmations .
Quetzal - l SI / Unf ortunately you speak. a true word,
because the t e rms of o ld l anguages are o f t en distorted
on Earth int o indiscernabil ity and become fal sified.
M:;!i er- Here you are right , but this does not on ly
happen t o languages . Te ll me p l ease , my s on , do you
know anything about myself s oon receiving rressages
again fran the Petale s phere and Arahat Athersata?
Semj ase some ti.rre a go gave rre s uc h an indicat ion.
Que tzal - 152/'Ihis is true, an d as we t I I Informed
you of this. 153/'!here were provided thes e ",'Or ks for
their begirming in the middle of thi s or the begining
of the next rrorrth, 154/But wi.thfn the next days \vi ll
s till meet you very much unprovided and as well a l -
r e ady otherwis e wa i t ing work, as I know, and which
you sti ll have t o ove rcane , s o the t ime f or the new
t ransmi s sions was s hi fte d , i n c onsequence of wrn.ch
you firs t have t o count on transmiss ions by about the
rronth of June .
Meier- '!his i s we ll , i t r eleases Ire f rom a l ot of
things . But what about , when in the autumn I want; to
give sane lessons . - Can I per-form thes e ?
Quetzal - 155/If you are thinking about dange r , then
no great hesitations have t o be made . 156/ But c l ear-
l y and dist inct ly, one a l ready explained t o you s ev-
e ral t.irres , that by no way shou ld you t r oubl e your-
s e lf any rrore in s uch I ebor's , unl e s s this deal s with
l e c t ures in respect t o the l es s ons themse l ves . 157/
But as you are speaking , this \.;i ll deal wi th lectures
teing in dir ect r e l a t i on t o our s hips . 15S/ But s uch
lectures you s hou l d no more give , because thos e ahou I d
f inal ly be taken over by member s of the group, wher e
two or three s uite d ones s hou l d offe r themsel ves for
this and e ducate themselve s accordingly. have
t o r e buke you earne stly, i f in spite of my order you
s houl d a ct otherwi.se , 160/Alrea dy new, mich time is
mi s sing for you, f or being abl e t o sti ll f inis h a ll
i n respect t o the less ons and the i r diffus ion and
writing down wi thin the s uite d c tme , if not by sti ll
great heavy Labor- you per-form your duty. 161/ Too
much you have mi s sed by the takeover of othe r works ,
whi Ie you have to make gcx:xl the other , i f you sti ll
want t o acccmp.li.sh your mi s s ion t o the l as t potnt ,
162/As we .lI for your own evolution i tself, you s t i ll
have t o do a l ot, because you know what i s at s take
at the pr es ent as \-.! ll as in the future. 163/Further ,
you can not work day . and night s l ong for rronths , and
s t i ll acccmp.lLsh a ll , wh t ch i s why you shou l d a lso
have your tirnes of r est, if you don ' t want t o kill
yourself by overburdening.
I do knew thi s , but I coul dn't l eave the
othe rones , t CXJ , a t the ir worktnq, o f wn om ITOSt ones
had no pr esentiIrent o f work, As we ll I still have to
be abl e t o talk wi th these human beings , when they
are searc hing f or advice f rom Ire, and so on .
Quetza l - 164/For thes e advdces of cours e you s hould
take the t.trre , because they are important .
1'oEier- 'Ihi s I think as we l L, but hCM I s hou l d manage
the mat ter with the l essons , I do not knew. But no-
body of those of fer s himsel f voluntari ly, who could
dedi cate h imself t o this mat t er. last t .irre a lready
Els i , l'olargaret and Jacobus had to step in.
Que tzal - 165/It i s very regretable, that the r e is
not pr evailing rror e f eeling about; response and ini-
tiati ve arrong those wno could vouch for thi s tas k .
166/ Her bert, for exampl e , wo u.ld be quit e we l I in a
posit ion t o take ove r thes e l ectures ; as weLl
as Hans does. 167/But both escape t o behind, and
this not only in this r e s pect , as unfortunate ly I
have to expres s c l early. 168/Inter ests in r es pec t to
the l essons and all cormected t o thes e concerns are
peculiar t o them, but suited cooperat ion in perform-
i ng an obl iga t ion e t.c , , is rathe r unknown t o them.
169/ But this a l so concerns Konrad , who r e veals himself
wor-st; in thes e char a c t e rs , whi le I complet e ly want to
keep off f ran t e lling about; the objective and hurren-
related connect ednes s t o the member s o f the group,
whi ch by great measure i s missing in him.
~ i e r - 'lb thi s I can s ay nothing.
Que tzal - 170/'Ihis would be wrong , t eo, because this
is not your obligat ion, name ly t o trouble yourself
for these concerns .
Meier- '!his i s v.'ell this \vay , as it is not my l ine .
But ther e still is anothe r thing: U s e von Jacobi has
by no way observed the orde r s which I had given her
in order by Semjase and you . So she has dared to
t ranslate the contact report to English l anguage ,
f ran what; you may imagine , what has res u lted fran
that doing. Di s t orti ons , wroncnesses , Br idge-to--Lib--
erty- philosophies et.c , , are ccrmon effects . From that
a book was made, which would have been printed over
the r e in Arrer ica. I s l e von Jacobi has not shrinked
here f r an deluding a certain Colonel Stevens , tcendet -
I e Stevens, and to f oist the wrong translations on
him, .....t1ich in good conf idence he collected for a took.
ocecear- 171/ - - - - - - But this ought not be the
Meier - But neverthel ess , s o does behave .
CN.etzal - 172/Express i ve l y it was explained, this wo-
man t o be unable for ever dedicat ing he rself by s in-
cere and correct form to our concerns , and that s he
shou ld have no carpet ence ever to wri t e any word about
us or our matters, fran what reason we asked you , t o
demand reck a ll the material hande d ove r to her.
Mei er- She evident l y has rrade copi es o f a ll of t:hi..s,
and then translated conscious l y wrong and distorted
them, t o publish this \\uy he r inpossible phi losophies
and t o be able to raise to heaven the decei tful ele-
rrents in the rratter of UFOs, etc .
QJe tzal- 173 /You should not a 11O\'l , tllat even one
single lit era l o f he r wi I I reach publicity.
Meier- That is very easily s aid, but neverthel es s 1
a l r e ady perf ormed together with El si the accor ding
steps .
Q,letzal - 174 /1hat is fine , but new 1 s t i ll have to
talk with you about; s c:rne mat t ers watch should not be
written down , 175/50 I want t o greet a ll rrembers of
the group in l ove, and a l so convey t o them my thanks
f or all tllat which they perform and carry in rel a t i on
t o our task.
M;nara- 21/1n this rreaning , 1 link t o Quet zal ' s own
wor ds .
~ ;
11 ~
~ ..


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Hu- footp r int. a i n t he mud Wl!fl ! rdlDul till ' s i ze of thouu of IJ 12 y m l r ol d boy . but t he r e wcr- e no YOIIlH]
r:h il d r PIl o f t hnl s i r e nt t he f orm, lind no v i s i t or s h ml h" pn I n Ltu- hnn,'ml'nL n r int n coul d mnt. cn,
This ""1m not t he on ly l i me Lhnne nmnl I pr i nt.s o f unu uunl dl'll i qfl fo und he re , nod ni l ....e re i nci de nt
to vi ails hy t h.... nnml I ""' nl i onml tn-r c ,
He re I n II phntnqruph of nne of t he nrnnl l f'oot.pr i nt n mlldll in t he sort, bl nc k cn rth o f t he rorout or oumJ
Me ier ' n house ; The s e lit tl e vi s I t o r- n come inlo the yor d one night when Lee ond Brit ond I we re t he re
n t lly l nq li t t he f o r m. Tlm y d l a t ur-be d t he dcq when t he)' nr rlvcd li t nbo ut 0 ) ;00 A.M. ond Or H Dnw one .
103rd Contact ....mesday. 1 March 1978 02: 51 h
Quet zal came al one this time f or thi s ver y ear l y morning cont act .
The conve rsat i on cente r ed on di et and its e ffects on gr oup
One membe r of t he core gr oup s i ngled out as an and hi s
ca se exami ned i n det ail .
Quetzal- l Ilt is wi .th much r egr et, that today I have
t o care here with an unde lightful matter . 2/ But if I
....rouf d not do this , then mrch ....out d be rrenaced of all ,
that you a ll have a lrea dy built up by troubl esare
l abor. 3/ But be f ore I s peak about thi s in rror e det a il
I want to give you another expl anat i on , because you do
.....'or ry s o mac h about your Cannibal , wtrich f a ct I coul d
s ee fran your f eelings , whi.ch undulat e very incalm
inside of you , because you are c onnect ed very deeply
in l ove t o your wife. 4/00 not wo r -ry s o much in r e-
spect t o the curing of the operat i on wo und , because
a lready within a short t ine, all wi ll happen in the
correct wanne r . S/ And a l ready after a very short t ine
you wi ll again have your canni bal wi th you in your
hcrre, 6/ The pr ocess of cur ing is proceeding \\,=11 , wtly
you s houl d have no f e a r further on .
You speak s o ea s i ly, but f or Ire a ll i s very
hard, though t ....ti. s can not be s een by certain peop le.
Quetzal - 7/The i r l ack of unde rstanding excuses itsel f
by thei r i gnorance of your deep l ove . a/ Unfortunately
the r e a r e onl y a few rrernbers of the group , very f eM,
who are ve ry c l ose to the truthful l ove, or a l r e ady
r each into i t s un i ve r s a l f orm.
I know, and exactl y tihi.s is a lso troubl ing Ire,
and that quite damned s trong .
Quetzal - 9/ 111is i s under standable f or Ire , and i t does
grieve Ire very much.
IX> you know, my s on , I often r efle c t on this,
l::ec ause one i s not a .lI cwed t o r e veal one ' s l ove j ust
s o , and to gi ve , like one is f eeling . IolOs t g ladl y I
wou.ld l ike to embr ace each human being, whom I s ee
aga in or v".i10 l e ave s . But just this , one cannot do,
becaus e in this l and , the human beings are of t en r a the r
stubborn, espec i a lly in this r e s pect . If then I wou l d
embrace a g i r l , then devi l know'S wnat; the y wo u Ld as-
3 4 9
SUIDe f or the r e a s on of it.
Quetzal- IO/ Unf ortunately your wo r -d corresponds to a
deep truth. H / l t i s ve ry, ve ry much r egretable , but
your words can not be refuted. 12/ But do you think,
there wou l d behave l ike that , i f i t woul d not deal
wi th girls, but with rren and v.uren?
~ i e r - M1en I apeak of gi r l s , then you shoul d knew,
that a ll grades of ages a r e inc l uded in that. '!here
would .
OJetzal- 13/Excuse this , naturally this is kna ....n f or
rre , but a t the rrarent this was out o f my r erremcr ence,
Meier- \\ell , so you see, nothing wo utd change in this
mat t e r . And \\n at do you think would happen , if I wo u I d
embr a ce rren? loan alive, the rurror wo u Ld get enlarged
t o a catastrophy.
Q.Jetzal - 14/ But in this r e spect it could not beccrre
affi..nTed, that afterwards little r obots wo utd waf k
around, hahaha . . .. . .
Meier- I am bewi ldered - - - - have you even
been inforrred o f that vi ew? Really nothing wi ll remain
h idden fran you , can i t ?
OJetzal - is/ YOU had spoken about; thi s clearly enough,
when you a ll talked about. this therre .
~ i e r - '!hat' s t rue, but these concerns r eal ly occupied
us very mr ch ,
CtUe tzal - l6/'!his i s known to rre , and I r e gard it for
r egretable, that only a few one s of the group think by
thi s unive r sal fonn of l ove , and fee l s o as "--ell. 17/
At this , I alre ady have the reason f or my caning aga in:
I S/ Alrea dy since s eve ral days , "''E! had to notice, at
diff e rent rrernbers of the group penetrating once rmre
negat ive force s, ,.. h ich we r e sent out in ha t e f ul f orm
fran the inte lligences of Gi zeh. 19/'!his l ike l y be-
cause ~ E n a r a and I have prevented the i r mur derous as -
saul t a gainst your center , and aft e rwards deat.royed
their flight:rrean. 20/In the main, the s e a t tacks were
defended very we Ll , especially by a conc entrate d de-
f ence under the ccnrrand of them, like was perfonned by
a t l ea s t one rrember- of the group in a very qccd manner,
narreIy by Engelbert, who has deve loped in thi s respect
qui t e enormous f orces a l r eady, whi ch he has appropri-
a ted by the hithe rto onl y short rreditative exe r c i ses .
21/ But very undelightfully these attacks developed
themselves in J . , because by not the l e as t form he
ever t r oub l ed himsel f for a defence. 22/\'1ithout a
def e nce by wi ll , he simply admits a ll f or ces t o pen-
e t rat e into hirnse 1f , in consequence of wntch he does
beccre very aggressive, and even deve lops s elf-pitying
thoughts . 23/But this f orm of a c t ing will l e ad to,
that severa l things in himse lf and in the group will
get destroye d , i f he does not very soon change his
mind and guides his hi the rto wi ll- l ess mind towards
the right cour s e . 24/'Ihis is no errpty .....u r ds by rre,
like as .....-ell concerns the now f o .lIcwinq , 1 sti ll have
t o explain in thi s respect . 25/Ther e exists no e rror,
as , bef ore 1 had t o deci de myse lf for explaining you
thes e .....u rds, 1 had sett l ed an ext.rerre jy thorough anal-
ysis of J . , in which resul t no e r ror exists: 26/ J . is
living in an i llusion a l .....'or 'Id o f brutality, f ran out
of .....irich he tries to show himself by other manne r and
sight , than he really is . 27/But this fact has becane
an illusi on f or him since a very l ong tin'e a lre ady ,
wher e form he believes that this .....u uld be his true
characte r. 28/ Fran out of this conduc t and belief, a t
each t trre he a l s o .....u uld act acc or ding ly, which pro-
ceeding could beccrre very dangerous f or the who l e
consi stance of the group and our mi s sion. 29/ln con-
s equence it i s necess ari ly demanded, that he r e flect s
upon this wi thin a suit ed t.trre, and c hanges himself.
3D/This matter is connect ed to dif ferent concerns ,
which trouble him and .....tlich are not delightful t o him.
31/ 1n consequence he i s advis ed, like a lready at an
earlie r t i.rre I expla ined f or him, that he should pre-
pare his nouri s hrrent in rradn f rem vegetables and f ruit
and turn away f r om fl e s hy f ood and simi l ar hanning him
mater i a ls, whi l e as well s harp a ramatics and s imilar
shou ld be avoided by him. 32/ 'Ihe br ain' s substance is
very s uscept ible to s uch nouris hment of animal origin,
becaus e the contained. in 'them stuf f s generat e strong
anirralis t ic inst incts in him, and by that, a very big
inj uration of the thought activ ity, by wh ich in each
res pect he beccsres very dul l. 33/ As .....-ell animalisti c
produc t s in the f orm of nourishrnent are gener a ting in
him an over -measure of fight ing stuff adrena line-ac i d,
3 51
by which he constant ly and without r est exi s t s in a
state of fight-tensi on , by whi.ch his thinking and act-
ing are still rrore injured. thus i f he s houl d
not perform wi thin s uited t .frre a change of hi s nour-
i s hrrent s , then hi s status \...i 11 becare wo r s e , where-
a fter he a lready soon wi 11 no l onge r be rra.s t er o f his
mind , and be deal ing unr ea sonabl y that ""'ay , that he
will l e ave your group, wh dc h thought i s alre ady g l a v-
ing inside of him, and by .....hich doing he will des t roy
his, prede tennined by himse lf, way consc ious l y and
wickedly, \o.tlich rra.tter \o.OUl d have very bad consequences
f or him in his next inc arnations . 35/ 'Ihis you should
expla in to him.
'Ibis do you say onc e rror e s o easily . do
you think, how of t e n a l ready I have explained these
things t o him. But if he does not trouble himse lf f or
it , then I , too, can not he l p him. How a gressive he i s
aga in during the last f ew Cays , I not i ce d al r ea dy my-
sel f , a s a lready the s tat e is s o again, one may explain
s arething to him, and a lready a short t ine l a ter, he
does not know any nore a cor d o f that . As ....'ell he i s
believing once rrcr e , that he wou Ld have t o take our
children under his education and wo u I d have to thra s h
them and cry down, a f t er whi c h per f ormance I mys e 1f
had t o cry him down in c onsequence.
Quetzal- 36/ I t i s truely not hi s mi s s ion , too, to try
t o care f or the educa t ion of the children. 37/ 'Ihis i s
alone the task of your Canniba.l and o f you , because
they are your childs. 38/NolxXiy e l se shou t d inter f ere
in these ccncerns . 39/ Hi therto the educa tion of your
chi ldren acc ords to that , ..... had hoped f or, because
they s hould c haracterize by s imi lar kind , as yourse l f ,
because this i s of great Irrpor-tance 40/But this
caus e s the need f or another form of educ a t ion than i s
usua l wi th the e arthhuman beings , who educ a t e the i r
c hilds today in a manner , by whi c h r e s ult their de-
cendents are no rror e durable in very many concerns .
Meier- I s ee, then you a lso have sarething in mind
about; the chi ldren.
Quetzal- 41/ Ye s , s o behaves , but about; this , they
s hould decide f or themse lve s a t a gi ven point of t i.rre,
l ike l a ter on will still behave as .....'e ll at othercne s ,
42/But f or that this can be the reality once a time ,
the childs are not a .lIowed to grcw fl abby. 43/ D:J con-
sider about their narree , ....nich not usel ess ly .....e re given
to them.
~ i e r - \\'ell, yes I know about; thi s . B..1t knew, Quetzal ,
J _ a l .....ays kept the c razy i..rn3.gination, that he himself
would have been a rrode l roy , and have in consequence
the r i ght to rebuke otherones ,
Quetzal - 44/ 'Ihe r e does not behave carpl etely as he
affinns . 45j1;';\:U , aft er the f i r s t seven years , he ....'as
rrore ca lm, than earthly children usually are, but un-
til his seventh year of age, no difference appears ,
thus he has been like other childre n of that age . 45/
sever a l s or-rows and mi s eries he had prepared f or his
father and his rrother i n this time, whe r eaft er but
after hi s seventh year of lif e quite an undesi red ob-
s tinancy and an animalis tic ins t inc t expres s ed them-
selves in him, whic h had not been of advantage to him
and which es tranged him from same-aged. f riends , wnen
he becerre thus qui t e iso lated, which f ac tor made him
quite unusua lly ....illf ul , ....nich character in rrany ....ays
he unfortunately rraintains today.
~ i e r - Oh yes , then at l e as t in s eve r a l concerns I
....'as r ight . \';'hat about , that he neve r made tricks , as
he a lways affi rms ?
ooecsar - 47/ \';hat do you rrean by that?
t-eier- I rreen, ....nether he has neve r done nonsense and
boy 's tricks?
Q.letzal - 48/0f s uch c onduct can not be s poke n , because
in this respect , he has been like each other roy, too.
49/But hi s reminiscence i s not trained enough, that he
....'e re abl e t o remember by much such parts of his con-
duct . SO/But this again, this weaknesa of his brain,
is based on the , unsound f or him, ea t ing of anima listic
nour ishment a ga in, from which doing r ise the injuries
f or him, l ike I alre ady explained to you _
~ i e r - SUch a . . .. , i f onl y one could change this in
him. KnOH, in the very .....mote, he is a very confoundedly
gcod fellcw and a r e a l carpanion . But his confounded
obs t inancy in r espect t o penetrating his skull , scrre-
t iIres drives the sweat; into one ' s s tock ings.
Quetzal- 51/fiy once nore t o talk with him about this.
M;;!i er- So I wi ll do, but at f i r s t then, when I am
address able up to a certain extent . But now, my f r iend,
I am qui t e t i r ed. I have t o sleep sane ti.rre.
Quetzal - 52/So you s hould . 53/ I t is astonishing and
remarkabl e , tha t one t iIre you did r e cognize tha t by
yourself .
ltEier- J us t do deride. Perhaps s cmet ime you wi ll rreet;
wi th the s ame s i tua tion .
Quetzal - ar e no t a r idicule. 55/But I do
not want; t o f orget a dear word for your cannibal. 57/
Tell he r my deare s t gr ee tings and explain, s he wi ll be
s ound again very s oon and be in the center wi.th.in a
short t .Ime , 56/As wel I r egard kind gr eet ings to a ll
members of the group .
I will , my s on , but t chys now. Sfcwl .y my eyes
close themsel ves .
Quetzal- 59/see-you- aga in, and enjoy your night ly re-
covering .
3 5 4
104th Contact saturday . 18 March 1978
Thi s is another ve ry ea rly morning contac t call ed by Quet zal to
Mr . Heie r about new grofting di s s ention and lack of attention
in his group and t hat ce rtain ones " i ll Leave s oon. He is t ol d not
to give l ectures on UFOs and ur ol ogy, but on the lessons of Spi r it.
l-ieie r asks Ouetzal if the shi p he is us i ng for t his contact i s
capable of l ime lravel , and ft hen as ked ft hat he to see, Me ier
r eplie s . "San Francisco at the t Iee o f its fu ture de structi on by a
r ecord e ar thquake", nhich ha d been predicted in an earl lee eccount
o f Fut ur e events. The wi s h i s granted. and Ouetzal prepares his
ship for lime travel and takes ue ter there. I"1 c . Me ier is to
photograph the des t r uct i on obs erved . [ See not e report ]
Quetzal - l /Fi rst , I have t o tal k wi th you about sene
things of a ve ry undelight f ul na t ure, but for whic h
you could have pr epare d yoursel f since rronths , 2/sev-
e rar- tirres it has been explained t o you, that .
he c ou ld speak of l uck, i f the rratter
l as t unt i l the middle o f the year .
Quetzal - 3/'Ihat i s r i ght , but a l ready now, the things
are s o far .
JoEier- 'Ibis I could ca l cul a te for myself. I was even
r a the r sure that the blow woutd cere today.
Quetzal - 4/ It i s much to r egr e t , but the fault lies
with the concerned persons themselves , because they do
not obs e rve the given by us r egulations , and as wel L
do not obs e rve the l es s ons in a way this was expected
fran them. Sf By this they fall to dissensions and t o
escapelessness , during which ti.rre they as \,'1:11 dornfa-
under stand ccrrp.le t.e I y the true rrat t e r s of fact of the
s ituation , and are no rrore searching the mistakes in
themselves, where these r e a lly are , but wi thout ex-
ception in other s , l e adi ng a ga in t o unrest and wrong
ob jections. 6/ But I want; t o discus s these things wi th
you , wi thout rrentioning scrrething in the report; l at e r .
Mei e r - In this I wil l agree , but you may know, that
in respect to the l as t report.s have a lso r i s en dif-
f e r ences . So f or exarrcte one got excited at different
persons f or your having praised my Cannibal 50 much .
Different ones a lso got very much exc i t ed. and angry
because of the report , wh e r e you had said, manyones
.....ouId s ti ll not be abl e t o unde r s tand the concerns ,
which you have t o l d in r elat i on t o the events
of that night , when the Gizeh-knaves ....rcmt e d t o destroy
our bui l dings .
Quetzal - 7/ SUch errot ions are bas ed on distrust, l a ck
of under s tandi ng and unr easonabi l i t y .
You may be right , but know, diff erent peraons
rebuked me, al\vays only othe rone s get pr a i s ed,
but they themse lve s wo u I d not .
Que tzal- 8/Only a praise can be given, wher e one is
fai r. 9/h'hen then I told a pr a i s e for your cannibal
in various form, then this i s based on a vary r i ght
just ifica t ion. I O/ And as now this i s the case, I tel l
he r once nore a praise, becaus e her e f f i c i enc i es do
s urpass thos e of a ll the othe rones , and for nobody
else i s such a praise f i t , as f or he r. l1/ Her pro-
ceedings s urpass in every manner our ke enes t expect -
at ions , and a ccor ding t o thi s , s he shall be rewarded
f or this by my prai s e. 12/But who f or this reason i s
env ious of he r , is standing f ar behi nd he r , and i s
unable, according t o your proverb, t o hand he r cold
water . 13/ For the acti on o f s uch an envy does exist
no exc use for , thoughts rul ing in respect t o soone r
events, which s t i ll are very rmch awake ins ide of
s crreones , and s hou l d be the r e as on that thes e sooner
events don I t beccrre forgot t en. 14/Kalli ope pe.rf orrred
s uccesses dur ing the l as t rronths , wh t ch by no \oJay
justify any rrore, maint a ining old nega t i ve e vents in
merrory in such form, tha t thes e are valid as bearing
grudge . 15/'Ihat one , who neverthe l es s sti ll c l ings t o
thes e menories of o ld negat ive events , by the excuse,
that these things could not be f orgot t en s o e a r l y ,
this one is very litt l e- minded , i gnorant and hampered
in progres s . 16/ 'Ihes e per s ons t ake cwne r -shi.p of the
not due them right , t o be on ly themse l ve s a l Lowe d t o
Iive and t o unde rgo mi stakes . 17/ But these are, too,
the ones in your group, who arr ange themselves as
ITOst f ew in orde r of the given by us regu lations , and
generat e by this conduc t quarrel. 18/Inside of them-
s e l ves i s exis ting ba.d incont entednes s about themse lves
and wi th a ll out s tanding persons . 19/ Yet maybe the
caning t .irre will bring them now bet t e r ing and a change
35 6
in this res pec t , when f or s ane tine asi de t o the group
and as t o speak on ly at its border, they get informed,
what; the events are reve a ling . 20/1t has been unavoid-
able f or me, to talk as .....;e ll wf.th sernjase about; these
concerns, but in spit e of he r r e gre t , s he , tOJ, found
no other advice, than only, that a pre l iminary rrovtnq
outside of the concerning ones ~ ~ u l d be the only ac -
ceptable and worthy thing, but this time s hould be
used for a full change and al ternation of conduct .
Meier- But , t o this , I c an add nothing , since you
hold this opinion . Scsreones sti ll meant , i t wo u l d be
quite incorrect , if one t o ld about ., tha t the one or
the other one wout d surpass the r erraining members of
the group in respect t o pr ogre s s .
Quetzal - 21/00 the one hand, this is del iberated very
srna. ll-minded, spoken that way , and incorrect , too, on
the othe r hand . 22/ 1f any member of the group i s
really troubling hi mse If t o proceed, and a l so
achieves gcod s uc cess , then this does not onl y happen
in interest of the conc e rning one , but by very great
measure as ~ ' l l in the inte r est o f all member s of the
group. 23/ The human being of the Earth is sti ll very
much pre judiced by an arrogance of posLt Lon , f rem what.
r eason envy and unreasonabi lit y are still s o l arge.
24/By reason of such, it happens , that a pr a ise f or a
really good r e s ul t would gene r a t e j e a lousy, though
s uch a pr a i s e is on l y t o l d , when i t is jus tified at
each s hape c onnected t o it. 25/h'hen then the
talk i s of , that one rrernber of the group would have
s urpassed the othe rone s in progr e s s , then this cor -
responds t o a c lea r statement and matter of fact , ,.mi ch
by no way is a l I cvee d t o gene r a t e e nvy, but only and
s o lel y j ust delight about; that person , wh o accanplished
thi s e f f i c i ency, and on the other hand, this also
s houl d be trrcetus for the otherone s , t o mat ch wi th the
efficient member o f the group. 26/ But ,.men does not
get done according ly, bu t t alked about; enviously and
thought like s o , then thi s f ac t i s witnessing of a
s ti ll prevailing very weak knowl edge and no great ob-
servance of the regulati ons , in consequence of which
still even pr evails a quite regret able l a ck of unde r -
standing of l ove .
3 5 7
ME!ier- teeI I then, this very likely will not jus t be
heard g ladly, a lthough I have t o s ay , that f or mys e lf
your explanati on appears rather evide nt. Ye t now s ome-
thing else: h'ha t s hall happen wi th the l ectures at
Kloten t own, i f I go ther e f or giving thos e ? You do
but know, my dream of then. Does still exi s t this
danger? You had t old me once , I could hold l e c t ure s ,
if thos e woutd not occupy themse l ves wi th ufology.
Que tzal - 27/'Ihat is r i ght. 2a/you can gi ve l e c t ur es
outside of the center , but you ought to pay a ttenti on.
29/The a ddressed by you danger is not removed, but you
may dare t o go t o this r e gion of your country. 30/
Gr eater dange r i s menac ing you in the region of your
horre , for whi ch reason you ought to keep ve ry much
attention the r e and in ther e .
ME!ier- We ll , then still something e lse: I yet don ' t
know of what this deal s , but I s hould tell you the
very deares t thanks f ran Elsi , for you wo u l d have
he lped he r very much during the l as t days .
Quetza l - 31/For thi s , no thanking i s ne ces sary, but
t e ll he r my kind greetings . 32/Hy thanks i s a l so due
t o a ll the othe rone s , who by special things have trou-
b led anothe r about our mi s s ion. 33/ Here is t o tell of
Enge l bert, who by constant engagerrent troubles himself
very much he refor e , like this as we Ll with Elsi , Guido
and Ka lliope, who a lways care very much for manyfold
concerns i n relati on t o your cente r. 34/To Enge l bert
i s due a s pecia l praise in r espect t o his heavy en-
gagement without canplaint in r espect t o the produc-
tion of the s cripts, in wtuch at the fina l \\ur k still
often are as s i sting him his wife l'iaria and hi s descen-
dents , t o wncm I want t o t e ll my thanks f or this .
engaged in labor as weLl i s Eerna dette,
for wn cm as well I want to offer my thanks , as v.-ell as
to J acobus , t oo, a lthough he often causes quite heavy
sor -rows t o me and Semjas e , t oo, and Pteah, this es-
pecially du r ing the l ast time, when previously I had
to rebuke him, t oo. 36/ Clai re as we ll s hou l d not be
forgotten, wno he r e and the r e distinguished hers elf
by manua l activity, but who f or s ane time, and this
especially at pr esent , gives very much trouble t o us .
37/ She s hould take care in a ITOs t concent rat ed way
for a change , for a ll mi s chief is caused by he r a lone .
~ i e r
....'ere in
I do know this , my son , and I a l so have ex-
this t o he r. But as i t seems, my expl anations
vain, as now she i s sti ll deeper in the mi sery.
Quetzal - 38/Your words t o her are known t o ITe , because
I cared by my own carmand f or these mat ter s . 39/It is
very much t o r egret, that she does not obs e rve your
a dvice and does not accept your words . 40/ By wrong
manner , she grieves he r thoughts by forms of r enorse
and fear , although you had, as I do know, expl a ined
all very t ruthfull y . 41/But now when s he .....ou.ld not
per-form a very soon c hange in a ll , and wi I I not observe
your advice and explanations, then e verything wi.Ll
collaps e f or he r. 42/ But f or obtaining s uccess, she
has t o beccrre rror e truthful , and has not t o construct
f or herself an appearing so lving by third parts of
tlrings or ha lf things .
l-Eier- '!he status i s quit e bad with he r , but the f ault
is onl y with he r s e lf. Today I even wait f or her ex-
cusing he r s e l f fran our regular group rreeting by a
semi-true not i ce , because I received concerning im-
pul s es a l r e ady in the last ni ght . And I s urel y haven' t
de luded mysel f . But , Quetzal , about these mat ter s ....'e
....Du ld better speak lat er.
Quetzal - 43/ 50 I a l ready said in the beginning , but
still the f o .l Icwinq has t o be said: 44/ Each ITl2IT1ber of
the group should in the future trouble himself by very
strict manner' , t o observe on the one hand rros t thor-
oughl y the given regulations of or de r , and on the othe r
hand ye t , t oo, t o take up the lessons bright carpriz-
ingly inside of himself by a thorough s t udy, and t o
live accordingl y t o these a t every gi ven chance and
abi lity. 45/Onl y by this behavior , wi ll each
menber of the group beccrre s uited , in the indivi dua l
case and in the ccrnmmi ty, f or our who.le mi s s ion of
us a l l. 46/ In every r es pec t as \\'e11 should ve ry mach
rror e be cared f or what I have t o tell you a ll , and
wnat; I am exp laining: and un f i t talks, I wou l d be too
hard in speech , shoul d remain emitted. 47/ 1 do know
very well , how the things behave and whic h t one I have
t o us e , and I f one s hould stand against this and not
accept i t , then I would have t o wt.thdraw mys e lf and
yie l d t o the previous pr es s ure , that by rnanyones of us
is demanded, narreIy f or inte r rupt ing the contacts .
48/ 1t ough tn' t behave, that rebukes are spoken against
us in respect t o our t one and our lTBIU1er of action ,
when \ ~ ' 2 are right . 49/And j us t s uch kind of tellings
by di f ferent rrerncer-s , I have of t e n received during our
occasi onal moni toring . ='J/ St i l l the earthhurnan bei ng,
and as we 11 manyones of the group rrembers , are not as
matur e , that he wou l d be able t o treat without decis-
i ve des t ina t ions and or de r s , whi.ch i s why it is ur-
gently demanded , harde r demands t o be settled , which
rratt e r as well wil l occur fran. the side of Semjase,
when in the mi ddle of Nay s he wi ll be he re again and
cont inue wi th he r task. 51/1n consequence it wo u I d be
senseless , t o want to draw he r towards that field,
that f ururally she wou l .d treat other-vi s e , than I do ,
because all the very r egretabl e events of the last
months wi thfn your group demand a much stronger action
because othe r-vi s e all ,",'Ould become destroyed . 52/The
c haff wi ll s ift its e lf from the whea t , as was a lready
explained months a go. 53/ And t he one , who by
not gcxxl and deci s ive lTBIU1e r troubles himself f or the
l essons and the obs e rva tion o f the orde r s , does no t
onl y menace the existence of the group , but , t CX) , our
whole and ccrrrron mi s s ion, f or wruc h reason a l onger
stay in the group is not t ole r able . 54/But thi s fact
thos e one s do realize in themselves , \\110 do not troub-
le themse lve s by sincere rrode for all of thi s , bu t v.TIO
on ly pu t up demands and assume themse lves in keeping
pr i vileges , f rom what; reason they exc l ude themse l ves
f r em out of our who le carmuni ty, de s t roying by that
their wnol e future up t o many inca rnat ions . 55/Becau se
\.mat was given t o them by the ce nter, wi.Ll not be given
t o them another t.irre . 56/ Each rrember who r erroves him-
self f rem the group f or TIDre than eight rrorrths , ought
not find any \\BY back there, as in no c.Lr cums t.ance
should he any mor e be at I cwe d to be taken up into the
group, neither pr es ent ly nor in the future. 57/ As , if
not now during the ha r des t t ime do they stand
the test, they a l so wi ll not at a l at e r t ime or in the
f uture, because eac h day that runs l ost f or them wi.thfn
the carmuni ty, r erroves them sti11 TIDr e frem the group ,
and thi s diffe r ence can no nore be rrade gcxxl . 58/ Ihis
is valid, t CX), f or all those \\110 wi.Ll in the future
only stay aside t o the group f or a ce rtain t irre , in
wh i ch consequence after a t.i.rre of eight rronths , if in
this tine they wi L j not return fina lly , and be constant
new in observing a ll r egul a t i ons to the group, they no
rrore shall be e .lI cwed to be taken up ins i de the group.
59/'Ihi s does a l s o rrean, that their quants of r adiati on
. . . . wi ll get extinguished, and no chance can any
rrore be given them, to matte thi s eve r qood today or in
the fut ure . 60/ He who i s so much subj ect to the rra-
ter ial and his own l ack of char acter , that narrely he
or she does not want to engage himself fully and cern-
p letely f or the mi s s ion at the pr es ent t ine, thi s one
will as we Ll in the f ut ure not be able t o do this.
6l / I t i s very r egr e t abl e t o have t o s ay this , bu t a
sunmary about the very disadvantageous a l ternat i ons
during the l as t t wo thous and ye a r s concerning the in-
di vidual person, has r e s ul t e d in this. 62/'Ihe tirre
presses rror e and rrore, and f ut ura lly no r e gards have
to get paid any rrore . 63/He who neM dces n ' t f ina lly
take care f or troubl ing himself t o arrange himself in
order for the given r egul a t i ons, and to use the given
l e s s ons by best treasure in studies , f or this one , no
further ass i s tance can be given, in consequence of
wnich i t woutd be bet ter for them, to use .rmrenue j ' s
words , if a mi llstone ....zar Id ge t hanged around
their necks and they sank. down in the fl cx:x:1s of the
sea . 64/50 fut ura lly has to be, the rrembers of the
group beccmtnq conscious of , that the t ime has finally
care, in which the chaff gets sifte d fran the ....heat .
65/1'U10 so wi ll be of the ....neat , do trouble himself
f ut ur ally by decis i ve form about; a ll concerns wi thout
contradict ion, as e l se a l e ave f r om the group will be
unavoidabl e . 66/ Only this way the aim of observance
to 'the regu lat ions and accarplis hrrent o f the mi s s ion
of a 11 o f us can f ind s uc ces s . 67/ But this rreans ,
that a finding t oge ther of a ll rrembers of the group
t akes p l a ce , l ike a t ear l ier t ime , l Llte this was gi ven
at the fi r s t t irre of the mi s s i on . 68/In r es pect t o
the present day ' s s ituati on , this can not happen within
the sane frarre as then, and this is unde rstandable to
us, but it ought to be and has t o be, that each rrernber
of the group cares to appear s crretdrre and wi thout
excuses o f untrue kind and accor ding to given p:ls si-
bility, i n the center , f or thi s way the connection of
t:e l onging t ogether i s vouchsafed. 69/It is possib.le
f or different rrerrbers of the group to r e ac h the center
rrore o f t en than they rea lly cane . 70/rt i s also ob-
liging t o their feeling of reponse ahead t o our camon
mission , whether they want t o take up the burden, or
not, and that without insincere excuses. 71/Onl y t o
few ones , this feeling of r es pons e i s owned, who her e
s hall , too, be called by narre , as these are Guido ,
Engelbert, Mar ia and Elsa. 72/All the othe r ones ,
besides these, who live at the center, are inventing
regular e vasi ons f or not having t o appear at the center
and to fee l then ones e l f injured and to notice having
l ost the .re l a t i on with a l l the othe rones , f ran which
matter they oft en bui l d up of f ended fee lings and ge t
the mind, the otherones would have the guilt f or this ,
a lthough the fault is on l y and s olel y with themselves ,
and that without exception. 73/1n the f uture, I am
forced , to gi ve order s mysel f t o perform \ ~ D r k
as t o rrenuaI activities and l ect ures, etc . , while I
mys e lf wi ll tell and t urn the ....,orks toward certain
rremoera of the group, e ach t ime according t o their
abi lity and mas t e ring of the conce rned activity. 74/
In this r es pec t , you f uturally s hou ld give me
each time according to the s ituation a list of activ-
i t i es , fran whtch r then will give my or ders,
who shou l d per-form these works . 75/As , if f ina lly
a ll should run without greater obs t ruct ion and in each
respect , then no othe r way remains l e ft. 76/But who
r e fuses t o obs e rve my instructi ons , this one is not
troubled by sincere f aun f or the l es s ons , the progress
and f or our c crrtron mi s s ion, then f or that r e as on does
exist no further st-ay of the concerned member in the
group. 77/ Beca us e it does not f it by any rrode, that
f ran a ll shall on l y profits be taken, but no self
s uited efficiency be given . 78/He who is conscious
himself about; the full response in every respect , and
s o are on ly a few who are in first pos.Ltdon , are Elsa,
Enge l bert and Guido , then follow Kalliope, Ha ria,
J acobus and Bernadette , 79/At Marcel , sti ll s everal
conce rns have t o be c leared up , as we l l as at Cl aire.
80/ At the r emaining one s , the fee ling for r es pons e is
ve ry deep, l ike as .....e ll behaves the feeling of being
connected t o one anothe r . 81/ I n the whole mat t e r I
r egret ve ry much do ing wnat; I s aid , but it s hewed tha t
no advi ce is success f u L, and thus I have to 'take ove r
the nece s s a ry instructions.
36 2
'!ha t ' s a very l ot, my son, but i t is a ll r i ght
as you have s aid , wnen you s ay this. It 's r ea lly urgent
neces sary, t oo, that final ly something gets done , e l se
our heap will be rushed for anothe r t i.Ire through a ll
chai r s and benches, as I s ay .
Quetzal - 82/Ye s , that ' s right .
t\'ell then, surely s aneones wi ll not be delight-
ed. But tell Ire , Que tzal , can you penetrate by this
o l d box into other dtrrens.i.ons , too?
Quetzal - 83/Your que s t ion i s not l ogical ; wha t do you
want to ask?
Me'i er- I wou l d wo nder- about , whethe r you can also
per-f orm travels by the ship o f r-1enara towards the past
or the futur e ?
Quetzal - 84/To do this i s pcssib.le , but why do you
ask? you ask such questions, then a ce r -
tain purpos e is behind 'them. 86/00 you want. t o ask
Ire whether I wi ll unde rtake a t r ave l with you t o the
fut ure or towards the pas t?
Me'ier- Exactly this, my son.
Quetzal - 87/ &x.xJ - . .. . beca use of that you have taken
this appar atus f or photographing?
Meier- 'Iha t ' sit, my son, but this is not such a can-
p licat ed thing, as you s ay, but quite s impl y a con-
f ounde dl y normal carrer-a,
Que tzal -
t o do you
88/ But that ' s the s ame.
want; t o go?
89/But - - -
Me'ier- To Fr i sco, my son. To San Francisc o , but into
the future. Namely t o that t ime when the city wi.Ll be
des t royed by the grea t earthquake . Here I wo u l .d be
interested in how a ll i s l ooking when the fi r st heavy
quake i s over, and exactly thi s rrat ter I want t o pho-
t ograph then t oo. nus wi l I s urely be possIb.le t o do,
won't i t ? And s ur ely wi ll p lay no part here , when l a t e r
I will publish, t oo, these picture s , if they care out
well, can 't I ?
Quetzal- 90/ Against thi s , s urel y nothing should be
object ed, because by thi s deed, s ure l y s t i ll very many
people wo u I d l e ave San Franc i sco and se t tle e I s ewne r e
bef ore the ca t as trophy wi ll rise. 91/ This wo u Ld rescue
ve ry many human lives . 92/Surely , I agr e e in this , but
it wi.Ll need severa l hours if I s houl d go ther e with
you . 93/ This o ld ship narreI y , and a t pr es e nt I have
no othe r s hip at my disposal , needs a l onge r tine f or
pr epar a t ion, ac cording t o whi .ch f act, you wo u t d be he r e
a gai n in the normal time a t fi r s t dawn of t.he morning .
Mei er- This does not p l ay a part yet , l:::ecause you can
bring rre rec k about then , at the s ane t ime a t whi .ch you
had taken rre ou t f rom the bed .
Quetzal - 94/ This \ ~ D u l d l:::e possible.
Meie r - We ll , then neme Iy I still could s leep sere
s hort wh i.Le , 50 l e t us go .
Quetza l - 95/As you l ike , but in the meant Irre , we can
not have any conve r s a t ion.
Meier- Tha t ' s a ll the same to rre , j ust let us go , I am
stra ined l ike a string before bus t ing.
Quetzal - 96/ 50 be it. 97/You t.rue I y are indefatigable.
Quetzal - 98/Here ....e a re about 300 ki lorreter s in dist-
ance fran S3n Fr ancisco. 99/Ibwn there , you see the
c l e f ting of the earth, as they a l r eady exist f rom l ong
ago . 100/What you can see are the enl argerrent s of the
Andreas - Cl e f t s , which has risen up to the s urface of
the earth.
Meier- :"lay I phot ograph thi s ?
Quetzal - lOl / 'Ihere 's nothing t o refuse , but , you a lso
could capture thi s scene onto your film in the present
t ime , the ye a r 1978, because the a lternations a re on ly
very little, and not l ikely recognizable in the pictures .
Meier- Neve rthe l es s I want; t o take this p ict ure.
Que t zal - 102/50 do it then . 103/Corre he r e , l CXJk
he re, this hatch is in the f Icor-, as you s ee after
shifting thi s p late asi de , it releases thi s ve ry fine-
point ed sightplate, through which you can I CXJk dir ect l y
out s i de . 104/ 'Ihrough i t you can take pictures.
Meier- All r i ght s o , Quet zal , but do you knew, that ,
when I take pictures f ran out of the ship , thes e after-
wards a re always ve ry unsharp and b lurr ed. Is ther e no
othe r \.,:ray, you knew, that perhaps I can wa I k outside ?
Que tza l - lOS/ You get the best vi ew around fran up here,
her e fran out of the s hi p . l06/On the othe r hand , thi s
t ime you wf. Ll get s harp c lear pictures in your film,
because the propu lsion of this ship does not harm by
radiati ons your f ilm. 107/You on l y have t o watch f or
not photographing dir ec t l y down below the area of pr o-
pulsi on , because the very strong irradiati on of light
cou l d injur the film. l OB/ The smalles t inj ury of the
film cou l d be, that the ready pictures wo uLd appear to
be lightened by a spring of light . l 09/And in the
Y.Drst case , an ove r exposur e cou ld happet:!- o
Meier- Is this the light, ,... rh.ich reaches s o f ar down-
wards and Looks like a searc hlight?
Quetzal - 110/TIlat is right , and s o care f or, that these
mas s es of light do not reach int o the area of your
Meier- I wi ll try it.
Quetzal- lll/Are you ready in your

ful e nough in s atee of the light. Anyhow appeared f or
me, l ike to have seen in the objective a Iwa ys the shim-
mering of l i ght.
Quet zal- 112/50 try i t once mor e .
No, l e t us f irst go t o Frisco , as namely I onl y
have one film wi.th Ire, and besides , on ly a s tandard
neqat .Ive-ft Im.
Que tzal - 113/As you want. 114/ Wa l k away from t he
hat ch. 115/ - So, - it .
Nan , that ' s c r a zy yet , j ust I cok, a ll is srrok-
ing there i n f ront .
Quet2al - 116/Dver the r e is San Franci s co.
we already are here ; now get your pi ctures .
3 6 5
117/ \\'e ll ,
Meier- alive, Que t za l , thi s l ooks much wor'se , than
I had conside r ed. List en yet, Somewhe re has to be a
building, which should be known as or
simi lar ; get me the re, t oo. '!his I want. t o photogr aph
in any case , s o that none can cane and aff irm, that I
would have s hot pict ures of the last great quake at the
turn of the century.
Que tzal - U8/Here we are a l ready, my friend , but this
t irre have rror -e regard f or the lightbeam.
I will try for that .
'Thank you, Quet za l , this s uffices , still rush back a
l i t t l e okay , - - - - - - rrorrent .
hell , still fl y a bi t t o the right s i de there .
this way. '!hank you. Han alive , that I s gi gantic ,
the c rue l des truction '!hank you, Quetza l ,
again I got s ane pi c tures . '!hi s s hou ld be enough. So
p lease do fl y back again t-owards thos e strange lifts
of the Andreas-Cl eftings.
Quetza l - U9/ As you want, bu t r errember, our ti.rre is
s Icwt y ge t ting exceeded , and I have t o make the pr e p-
a r a t ions f or the flight bac k .
Meier- All right , Quet zal , you can start with them a t
on ce, when we are at the place. I once rror e want t o
s ee a lL But how soon s uch a half hour is pas s ing, of
the future.
Quetzal- 120/ The t ime is the same, but she on l y ap-
pears t o you as much s horter because of the s een events .
Of cours e , I a lready know. Oh, he re we a lready
are. Now j ust do your work,
Quetzal- my friend , he r e we are again. 121/
We are sooner he r e by around 30 mi nut es , than you had
l e f t your warm bed .
'!hen we s ti11 can use the rerraining t.trre for
tal k about; those concerns , which you wanted to discuss
without publici ty.
Quetzal - 123 / S:l was my purpos e , yes .
l-Eier- \':e ll , then bef ore this, I still have but two or
three que s t ions . The first beca use of Koni .
Quetzal - 124/ My calcul ations r esu lted in very ext ra-
or dtnary data about him.
~ i e r - Ny dear, that i s s uch. Is the situat ion indeed
so bad with him?
Quetzal - 125/ unf ortunately yes , beca use he has not
t roubled himself f or l e arning a l l. 126/ On the one hand
he is in l a ck o f the necessary initiat ive and energy,
and on the other hand, by intent i on he is so much tied
t o mater i a l c oncerns , that this part i s much rrore Im-
portant to him, than his life .
l-Eier- Scm?thing s imilar, I myself have thought, too,
and just in this res pect, I am sure, that today, he
wi. Ll not care once rrore, by sore mi serable excus e . An d
if s o r e ally behave s , then he nay be as l ong as broad,
as then I will just l e t him go. Ha y he care then and
see whe r e his next inc arnation wi ll l e ad him t o , and
as \\-el l the then f o.l Iowinq ones . As a lrea dy he has ...
to nake good for a ne g l ected ti.rre, and that within only
two rrorrths , then this does nean that he wi ll not obtain
success , as f or s ure , a l ready today he wi ll be missed
aga in, as I a l ready s a i d.
Quetza I- 127/ Gra dually even you seem to becane reason-
abl e wi thdn certain things .
~ e r - \'lhy?
Quetzal - 128/ As you do no l onge r concede with the U!1 -
r easonability of those one s by urmecessary l ength of
t i.rre , who do not care for all in a since re manne r' ,
129/You r e ally s hou l d be les s forbear i ng, but show a
certain harshness . 130/'Ihis \\'aY you wo u t d have t o
ove rccrre l e s s troubles and s orrows ,
~ i e r - Thi s I have r ecognized rreanwtu. Le and wi 11 con-
duct myseIf accor dingly, yet now IT!Y second question:
In respect to the performance of the \\'Ork: Are you
indeed convinced of being unci rcurrpassabl e , yourse lf
having to give the demanded orders?
Quetzal - 131/ There
unanirrous decision .
is no question, becaus e this is our
132/ Unf ortunately there are only a
few rresnoer 's of the group , \-on o I can exclude f rom these
order s , because the s e beccrre true ly cons c ious by them-
s e l ve s in r emarkable qood manne r and in great feel ing
of r esponse , and nonnally undemandedj .y, about thei r
obligat i ons , and wh o are El s a , Engelbert, Guido , Kal-
liope and 1-1ari a . Further educat ing themselves in gcod
mannee r is this r espect , t oo, are Berna de t t e , Jacobus
and Clair e .
Meier- So does it rrean , that you want; t o exclude the
narred one s fran out of your order s ?
Quetzal - 133/ This is correct , because the ir consci ous -
ness about obligations is very \-o'e ll expre s s ed, besi de s
Claire , .....'110 s t i ll has to troubl e her self very much, and
that not on ly wi thin thes e ccnce rns , 134/Her consci -
ousnes s about duty is starting t o wo r k , f or whi.ch rea-
s on I had to rrent i on her, teo.
l1:!i er- I r egard this f or very f air, my s on . But do
lis ten , you knave : Our dea r Elsa is not calle d Elsa
with us , but j us t simpl y El s i. Please you, 'too, do
ca ll the girl the sane. Know, Elsa s ounds so s t range .
Quetzal - 135/1 r e adi ly cor res pond wi th your wish, thus
Elsa is Elsi.
Meier- Roared .....'e ll , lion. Elsi will be delight e d about
that , as v.'e ll a s my Cannibal will , and a ll the other-
one s . And as I am already a t Elsi : D::> you have any
pres ent iIrent about , what way the narre of Kalonka or
Kalanka coul d have relation to her ?
Quetzal - 13 6/ You as k Ire for things whtch you yours e lf
s hou ld expl ore.
~ i e r - So I did , a s e lse I .....'ouI d not know this narre ,
Quetzal - 137/ - - - - - - I don ' t understand .
Meier- Is that r ea lly not under s tandabl e ? I just have
told you two narrea, and these I have found out by l abor
mys e lf.
Quetzal - 138/ 0h yes , of c ourse . 139/ You got IrE con-
fused . . 140/ 'Ihe narre of Kal anka is right . 141 /Around
t:v.u thousand ye ars a go, this ....'C!S a ni ckname f or Elsi.
142/'lhis is an o l d Rus sian-Greek narre, and i t is not
spoken by the wr i t ten "K" , but by the l e t t er "G" . 143/
3 68
'!his nickname was given to her because one called the
f amily of he r father "Kal anka " . 144/ He r C1>'-'n name was
This co I know, thank you , but neverthel es s you
veri fied this to Ire . Know, a t .reecy f or a l ong tirre , I
should have troubled myself f or the exploration
of the then dat.as of a ll of them, but until now, I
simply have not f ound the time f or this .
Quetzal - 14S/Until the middle of this year, you should
r ea ch out t o ther e . 146/ But the t .iIre for doing this
has beccrre very narrow f or you, for which r eas on I will
assist you in that performance . 147/ &J be in care of
having the nece s sary data on life of a ll rrembera of the
group by the 3rd of Apr il , then I will shoe... myself t o
be helpful t o you .
And what. wi ll happen if I don ' t have these dat a ,
by \<o'hic h you l ikely mean the lif e story, by the 3rd of
Jlpr il?
Quet zal - 148/About those ones , of wrio are not at hand
data by the rrent ioned time, \vi. ll not get done explor -
a tions, without exception. f inally have to be
consequent in a ll matters .
Quet zal , i s this your l ast word?
Quet zal - ISO/Doubtlessly. l SI / But l i s t en naN, I
have to tell you:
(He r e exp.lenat nons are told by Que t zal , that after a
short t.iIre Olgi and H3.rgareth will qui t the group, but
as \<o'ell Cla i re and
h'ith this I r e a lly a l ready counted, QuetzaL I
stil l do ve ry \\'el l r errember , that you , 5emj ase
and Ptaah as we .ll , expla ine d to ITe , that it would be a
l ong t ime, and still possibl y the mi ddle of 1978 unt il
thi s wou ld happen.
Quetzal - 15 2/'Ihi s you a lre ady s a i d , but now go and
s ti ll do get s ane hours s leep. 153/5ee you a gain, my
friend, and, bef or e I l e ave you: 15 4/ Very kind greet -
ings in l oving connectedness s hou l d I convey to a l l
members of the group , by Semjase and Ptaah,
toei er- Thank you, Quetzal , dear thanks . Tchys nC1>'-' ,
and co no rror e l et rre wai t f or you s o l ang a t .irre ,
Quetza1- will l ook out f or that . I 56/ Good-bye ,
and do not troubl e yourself about the event s t o carre
too much, s o as not about; thes e of this evening
t oday, because in spite o f this a ll , these p r esent l y
very mrch r egretable conce rns will t urn to good.
M:;!i er- Tchys, my f r i e nd . You are a quite confoundedly
good toy.
Que tzal - l 57/Especially s t i ll do convey t o your Cann i -
bal my dear greetings and wishes. I 5S/ She has been
very much encouraged and has per'forrred a wonde zfut
accarplishrrent in her self. l 59/ And what; e l s e I want
to say : l 60/ As we l I I greet I ovtnqky Elsi and Berna-
det t e and thank them, while es pecially for El s i i s
known , for wna t; I do. l6l /Yet as Enge lbert and
Jacobus should not be forgotten, l ike aar.te , t oo, \-on c
have been helpful to you in that night , wh en .
M:;!ier- xan, shut your rrouth . So as we I I this , you have
found out , too. But what do you s ay ebout; this , eh?
Quetzal- l62/lt is extremely remarkabte, hOW' rnich you
a ll are working during the day and night , apparent ly
without get ting t i r ed.
Is tha t a ll you rrean?
Quetzal- 163/1 have no rrore to explain about this.
Meier- You s imp l y ac cept i t?
Quetzal - l64/ l'I11Y s houldn' t I do, but as you a ll per-
famed. a l abor, whfc h i s se rvi ceable f or the mi ssion of
a ll of us , and apart f ran this, it has been on l y your
s olving .
Meier- Ouet.aal , you a re j ust a pi ece of gold. But why
at a ll do you know about thi s not just eas y work?
Quetza l - l65/ lligelbert has not kept his thoughts under
control , whf ch is \-on y I was abl e to regi ster thes e .. ...
l 66/ He too thought ITUch f or fiE .
Okay , then a ll is c lear.
Quetzal - l67/ But in spi t e of that , you a ll only in
case of emer gency s hould work so har d .
37 0
loEier- But this has been an absol utel y except iona l
easel 'teo, of this c razy manne r' . Engelbert name ly had
reached ccrrplete ly hi s (l imit ) and after working had
been fully wet. by sweat. , s o rnich he had drudged.
Que tzal - 168/This is understandable, t oo. 169/r-lyself,
I ....rou l d not be able t o perform s uch ha rd work , \..ny I
wo ujd take the rreans of my tools.
~ i e r - You can speak easi ly, but we s till have t o use
r a the r primitive tcors , But now, tchys , I am ve ry much
t ired.
Que tzal - 170/See- you- a ga in, my friend.
r ecove r ing s Ieep,
3 71
171/Enjoy a
The myste r ious "t i.me" photos of the future destiruc-
tion of San Franci s co in a gr eat earthquake have a Iways
been highly controversial . tee, that is Lee El der s ,
myself and Brit Ni e l s en, we re a t the farm in Schmid-
ruti one evening in 197 8 when xr , Nei er rrentioned. t irre
t ravel and a "tri p" he had taken with the Pleiadians
t o view the great San Franc i sco ear-thquake predicted
for the f uture , which he said he had been a i rocec to
photograph with his CMIl carrer a . he of cour se i nsis ted
on seeing the photogr aphs , an d continue d to do s o unt il
He i e r l eft the rccm and came back with one of thos e
photo shop return e nve l opes in his hand . I t containe d
the pictur e s still in i t , t ogether with the negat ives .
He ha d take n these pic tures on negat ive f i 1m in c on-
t r ast t o hi s earlie r photographing of the spacecraf t
on ASA 100 positi ve s lide t ransparency f i l m.
He opened the envelope and spread out e leven color
prints on the kitchen table the r e . He said the y were
pictures of the fut ure San Francisco quake . Then he
passed them around the tabl e one by one to a l l of us
t o examine . The r e we re a t l east nine to ten peop l e
s itting around that table a t the t irre, whtch included
us three, !-'ei e r and his wi f e Kalli ope, Eilge l bert and
his wi fe ~ 1 a r i a , Jacobus , Bernadette and a couple rrore
wh os e narres I don ' t rerrember .
I carefully studied each picture as the y carre to Ire,
trying to r ecognize fami liar l andmar ks and bui ldings ,
and any prcminent new structur es I had never seen ther e
before. I l ooke d carefully at ca r s she;...n in the s treets
be l ow f or styl e and any confi gu r at ions not fami lia r at
the t .Irre, I did s ee smaller car s with srrcotjuy r ounded
corners and no exte rna l proje c t i ons , and sane o f these
had ha l f -gl as s and others ful l -gl as s cabi n t ops , mak-
i ng them l ook rmre like bugs than boxy ca rs .
I saw the Worl d Trade Center Buil ding c r acked through
i ts s t eep pyramidal shape from upper r i ght to 1OY.'er
l e f t , f r om the viecer vs angl e , and anothe r bi g rec-
tangul ar bUi lding with highe r rectangul a r ticscer 's on
either end, collapsing in the middle and taking the
tv.u trx...'era down wi th i t . '!here was shooting flarre ,
black and l i ght srroke, and wate.r and gas spewing fran
broken pipes , and there was a l ot of dust roil ing out
f ran the collaps ing r ectangular building "
\'le passed the pic ture s around a s econd t ime and we
all s tudied them a gain, and then xr, 1 - ~ i e r collected
them up, put them back in the envelope , and took the
envelope reck out of the kitchen once mere, \\"e ....e re
all in s hock at what we had just seen, and discussed
i t on ly br i e fly before that rreeting broke up and a ll
went; to bed f or the night "
A f ew days after that , gerer was surrrroned to a new
contact and was asked to bring the photographs wi th
him, which he did. The vi sitors wanted to ha ve their
scientists l ook at the pictures , too, and they t ook
the negat ives and prints wi .t.h them. Mlen Meier t ried.
t o ge t the pictures back, he was rebuke d f or showtnq
them t o us wf.thout; their appr oval , and agai nst their
instruc tions not to do s o until after the event. '!hose
pictures have never been returned t o him. '!hus today
lo. "e do not have any s o lid evidence that thos e pict ures
cer e ever taken.
A year l at e r , on another trip t o swit zert end , our
att enti on was cal l ed to an artieIe in a copy of the
European edit i on of GEO xaqaajne , whic h carried a
painting of the future des truction o f san Francisco
that was resnarkabfy s imilar t o one of Z>'eier 's photo-
graphs , the one showing the s t eep pyramidal t":Orld Trade
center building cc:ming down , I was amazed at the c lose
simi l arity t o the one I had seen in ~ E i e r ' s house the
year before, but could not r'e-vLsuaLize the detail
s een well enough t o make C! valid carpar ison.
I l a t e r obtai ned copies of the Gill magazine and then
r errembered that the article there carrie d on l y one
painting of the destruction b led ove r taco pages wher 'e-
as I had seen e leven pictures in r-:eier ' 5 hous e . Now
where did he get the other t en if, as his accusers say ,
"He c opi e d the pictures f r om the GOO magazine arti c le",
t1hen Meier himself asked the Pleiadians about this ,
they said that any artist s or rea l s ens i t i ve s seeking
s uch inf omation c ou l d tap into the same r e a lit y and
get the s ame pictures , because they do now exist in
our f uture t ine.
I don I t think a great many peopl e actually s aw those
dozen photographs in Heier ' 5 house , ....tlich l ooked very
r eal to rre , like r eal photographs , not photographs of
paintings , and maybe no rrore than the few a round the
kitchen tabl e that night . All other s ....'ou l d very l ike l y
care to the conclusi on that those pict ures ....sere one
and the s ane . But there are at l e as t tern people \ooTIO
do know otherwis e , and I am one of those.
Nr . } ~ i e r s incer e l y believes that he took a trip in
t ine during this contact , but this was not the first,
and so he was not ent i rely tmfami liar wi th the phenan-
enon o f t itre trave I .
'There a r e Th'O schools o f thought concerning this
exotic condition. One is that t iIre is a struct ured,
inflexibl e , l inear phenarenon that can not be a l t e r ed
or changed. 'Ihose wi. Lk choos e to believe tha t i f this
is not an out r ight falsificat ion , then i t i s a t best
a manipu l a t e d condition like the virtua l r e a lities we
are jus t beginning t o exper irrent; with, or that i t i s
a very real pr o j ection f rem s t ored merrory using quite
sophisti ca t ed 3- D v iewing sys t ems .
'The othe r concept i s that ti..rre indeed i s a flexibl e
non-linear phenorrenon that is navi gable like s pace ,
and that once ....te know what t i..rre is and how t o use i t ,
.... l?: can really go backwar d and f orward in t i..rre and
perceive event s there .
In another discussion of ti..rre and space , Nr . :>Ei e r
was told that just like the r e are mi lestones in space,
there are confl uences i n t ine; and just l ike we can
ge t to a given destination in space by many r outes , \oo"
can get to a given point in t iIre by different con-
f luences .
It was s uggested that sapee and t ine are oppos.Lte
aspects of the e erre phenarenon, like rratter and ene rgy,
and that once we tmderstand the phenanenon we can nav-
igat e tnrre as we now do wfth space. hh en we l earn i ts
nature \o.l?: will be able to conve rt space to t ine and
t i.rre to s pace as we choos e . I n f a c t it was s ugges t ed
that an unde rstanding of this phenomenon will be nec-
essary bef ore we can r ea lly unde rtake int erste llar
t r ave L We live between the extrerres of ti.rre and space,
and ....e can not trave l in one wi thout; infl uencing the
othe r . h'hen \oo" rrcve in space it takes t i.rre, and any
movement in t ime shifts space.
A new book, "AS'I'R<r}1E'IRICS o f Undiscovered Pl ane ts
and Intelligent Life Forms " . by Dr. Yuri Danjo and
Col. Ron Blackburn (USA Ret .) attenpts to apply new
f ormulas t o under s tand thes e rel ationships and other
exoti c phenorrena s uch as size and othe r apparent ly
l imiting conditions . You will need t o be a very qcod
matherna.tician t o unde r stand thes e concepts .
3 7 5
l05th Cpntact; wednesday, 5 April 1978
This was an af ter mi dni ght contact t ha t took pl ac e on t he dri ve in
fron t of the Center . Quetzal again came al one, and opene d thi s meet -
ing \'j i l h a corrment t hat t he center needs mo r e s e curity lighting .
ne rer is aga i n warned about weaknes s e s in the group of people a r ound
hi m, what; they non refer t o as the core group, and to ahem t hese
co omunicat i cn s are r eall y addressed . Quetzal says if these weaknes s
and mat e r i al i s t i c t endencies a re not brought under control, all
contact l'Ii ll be severed. Our vi s it s to t he group in Swi t aer Land a re
r e f erred to a nd the pos sibilit y o f our wa n ti ng t o ma ke a fil m doc-
ume n t a ry on the contact s, v,hic h the Pl eiadians h ave di s cus s ed and
tentat i vel y agreed t o, provided proper attent ion is gi ven to the
less ons o f spiri t to be learned. ne r e r is agai n warn ed not to
trave l i n large flight mach i nes. nore plots aga i ns t netcr ar e
menti oned, and especially if he vi s it s Ameri ca. FleLer s pe aks fi rst .
You are here qui t e s CXJn. But there has passed
jus t on ly one minut e s ince you had ca lled Ire.
Que t zal- 1/1 am he r e already f or a l onger t ime , and
have troubled mysel f f or the illumination of your build-
ings .
Meier- You rreen the outer lights?
Que tzal - 2/Yes , you s hou l d illuminate the envi r onrrent.
better. 3/L:xJk here , t o this p l ace here, there and
ove r ther e , you shoul d ins tall further l arrps .
Meier- I think, you wi Ll l augh , but j ust s orre days
ago, I have t old s orrebcdy, actua lly he r e onto the hi ll
wo uI d as weLl belong a light. He r e and he r e , we a l so
have provided a l arrp . But he r e at the p l ace f or park-
ing we had thought , that one wo u Ld s uffice, whi.ch nOW"
already stands the r e .
Quetzal- 4/ Bes i des at the house f or the dog, you still
s hould install a further one .
Mei er- my son , this s impl y does cos t us a little
arrount again. But tell Ire, you are speaking s o str ange-
ly, j ust like once rror e s omething is troubling your
hea rt. SUch things name l y , I am acquaint ed a t you, that
you wi ll expl ain those t o rre , wi thout that they event
in the beginning of our tal kings , f r om what reason they
are not joined into the l a t e r reports . It j ust appears
3 76
t o me, l ike you wo u I d have stored s arething special ,
sarething unde lightful .
Quetzal - 5/That is r i ght , but you truely shou l d better
i lluminat e the environs of your buildings .
Meier- 111is r a lready have under stood, Quetza l , but
nCM do finally t ell me, wh a t; rratte r i s troubling your
Quetzal - G/ r t is very much t o r egr e t , but the thing
feared by us has c are true. 7/An according l e t t e r i s
a l ready on i t s ""ay to you .
Mei er- You speak in r i dd l e s a t the rranent , I rea lly do
not understand .
Quetzal - 8/A s hort t ime ago ve talked about it . 9/ lt
i s very much regretabl e , sti l l in the present time be-
ing no reliabili ty in those human t:eings of Earth, \..no
in earlier tines have prepared themsel ves f or fulfil -
l ing a difficul t l abor . I O/ Instead of a troubling one -
s e lf a ll the rror e f or ful fi lling thi s time totally and
ccrrpl etely the ir overtaken ob liga t i on , rranyones have
entang l ed themse lve s s o rmch in outbroken and degene r -
ate rraterialism, that , ha rrred psychically, they rrore
indUlge in this l ike to a deity, than to be sincerely
troubled f or the ir O\I.U spiri t ual evolut i on. l1/Each
advice does use less ly and sensele s s ly collapse wztth
them, because their fee lings about r e s pons e does no
rrore of f e r the srna.. llest arrounts .
Meier- I unde r s tand you now, my s on . You a r e tal king
o f Cla i r e . Alr e ady at he r last s tay here, I had f e l t
that s he wi ll quit us . I felt s o , because she tol d Ire
untruths , whi .ch we r e c aused by rather evi l radiations
f ran inside he r . Now I on l y do ask mysel f , what s hould
happen now further on, because her l e aving is thra..,ting
the wrole p l anning into confusion.
Quetzal - 12/ Al r eady at an e a r l ier point in time , I had
explained t o you, that you have not t o s orrow about
this , because in cons equence of her a lready e a r lie r
fickleness of evi l size, has got provided , thus sub-
stituti on exists . 13/But thi s will not be on l y one
person , wno at ea r lier t imes lived in rros t c los e con-
necti on with you, but those three ones . 14/ 'Ihat ....By
the mat ter i s unfortunatel y becaning rrcr e s catte red,
3 77
And when, Clair wi ll quit?
Quetzal - IS/She a l ready has quit , already wh en she
last stood with you . 16/She has not told you the truth
when she spoke with you , as you your self jus t did ex-
p lain. 17/ But nCM she has fina lly f ound so rruch sin-
cerity, that she is telling this to you in wri t ing, at
l east so f ar, that f inal ly s he rroves a\\'aY fran the
group . 18/Unfortunately she i s pit ying her s e l f , and
r e a lly does not troubl e hersel f f or the f inding o f the
truth inside her s e lf, in cons eque nce of whi ch she not
on l y lives with doubt , but a l so in ideas of egoism.
19/In result of this egoism as v.'e ll , she does not find
the v.'ay o f truth, for wh i .ch her language is a lways in-
t e r spers ed with lies and semi- tnlths .
I do know - by regret . But I was nothing able
to do f or intr oducing any change within he r thinking .
She s iIrply did not want it. I t is s ure she wi ll l eave,
but that , which can not get changed, sirrply can 't be
changed. Confound i t . Poor' Claire .
Quetzal - 20/ Her a t titude is very t ypi ca l f or many
ea r-thhuman beings o f the mode rn t ime . 21/ But in spite
of a ll , everything will t urn t o be good, a lthough now
many things l ook very precar ious . 22/The leaving of
Clai re rreens , certain things once nore having to get
s tarted anew, where onl y i s t o hope yet , that the both
othe r human beings of this b loc hol d out t o the end and
fulfi ll un l irruted.ly their duty, because otherwise,
true ly everything collaps es . 23/For them, does not
exist a substitution. 24/Especially Elsie ought keep
ext.reme caution in this respect, because her worl d of
fee l ings i s get ting very often in an uproar and is
b locking by this , things she i s interpreting wrong ,
f ran where thought s and rrovings ari s e ins i de of her ,
....mi.ch can becorre dange r ous f or our whole task . 2S/But
not on ly wi th hex do such mat t e r s cane to appear, but
as wel I at e I l -rrembar s o f the group who l ose themsel ves
in childishm::xies of thinking and wh o interpret certain
events unwisely and Lmj us t i fiabl y for their disfavor .
26/Al ready one titre , I explained to you, that many facts
indicate that your group wou.ld be like a kindergarten,
and just this inpression is growing up very strong
aga in. earthhuman beings , though it i s
dea l ing here with wrong- l ed earthhuman bednqs , and human
beings , grown up, gener a lly, s hou l d be rrore reasonable
and conscious of duty, and that but quit e especia lly
then, if they bel ong t o your group and have ove rtaken
certain obligations . 28/t-ihen these concerns ought
not c hange very soon, then a ll is breaking asunder , and
a ll hitherto troublings have been in vain. 29/Finally
yet s hould be unde r s t ood, tha t our explanations have
not just been grasped from ou t o f nothing when we ex-
plained, f or your group rising seven very diffi cult
years , which to ove r ccme , each individual rrembe r' of the
group has t o troub l e himself a l one very mrch , 3D/ But
this fact is observe d in on ly a ve ry few cases , in which
r es u l t a l l i s j ust becoming a l l the instead of
becaning better. 31/ All our and your troublings wi.Ll.
be useless and in vain, and everything will break asun-
der for a l l t ime , if r e as on i s not f ina l l y taken by a l l
rremcer-s of the group , and thought and action right.
32/But if another time a de cay happens , then we do no
rmre see any nore chance , t o trouble our s e lves ever
f or a ll another time. 33/ As now the present t ime wi ll
became extremely hard f or a l l of you , s o final l y should
conque r the reasonability , and keep entrance a t every
single one . the present ly existing form of
connectedness inside of the group, eve rything is rren-
aced t o get destroyed . 35/ And if but now eac h indiv-
i dual nernoe r of the group wi ll not f ina lly trouble htrn-
s elf very soon and by full rreasure f or treating accord-
i ng t o our or de r s , t o obt a in reasonabi lity and t o be
dut iful from ou t of himsel f without; compromis e and
without selfishness , then f or the existence of the whole
group is given by regret sti ll a pit yabl e s hort l imit-
ation of time. 36/'The group rrernbers r e gard a ll mat t e r s
f or teo s imple, and their troublings are not according
to the evotutI on, because they do not want t o separate
themselves f r om the worl d ly and material spher e of life
by the treasur-e , as this wo u l d be demanded .
'These are ve ry pretty expectations. But what
shall I do?
Que tzal - 37/ You have done \..nat was pos s ib.le f or you.
38/1he rerraining part is l ying at the hands of the rrem-
bers of the group. 39/m cons equence , nobody s hould
hold you gui l t y f or the differences and any othe r bad
events .
Meier- You surely do know, in noon having been he r e
the television crew, and fran the Arrerican side should
be made a dccurrent.ary film. But what s hall I do the re
now? I f now the whoLe rnatter l ooks s o bad , as you have
explained, then i t woul d be very much risky, if this
T.V. - se nding wou l d ge t performed and the f ilm be made
as ~ ~ l l , f or which additional l y r would have t o go t o
South Merica .
Quetzal- 40/'Ihat i s cor r ect. 41/r wat ched the occur -
r ences, and discussed about them with the othe rones .
42/i;re keep the opinion, you shou l d a Lt cw run o f the
rnat ter s , and roth unde rtakement s are ve ry mach servi ce-
abl e in a ll r espec t s . 43/By thi s does exist the chance
that , in spite of everything , mat t e r s can sti ll be ar-
r anged in order on your wor-Ld, which hitherto we a lready
had t o scribe off in resu lt of the wrong informat ions
fran the s i de of the so-called ufo-r esearch groups.
44/By this does exis t the chance , tha t in spit e of
everything, intelligences f rom out s i de of the Earth
might s tart official contac t s to the earthhuman. beings,
but then these wi ll not be we nor our a llied people.
45/For that reason , you s hould do wha t you were asked
t o do, but wher e you should care ve ry much f or not to
under-cake travels in l a r ge f light machtnes , 46/This
does not rrean a hint f or your ave r s ion against s uch
apparati , but my advice i s bas ed on caut ion and s ecur-
i ty. 47/On the other hand, the member s of the
group have finally to l ea rn, to s ucceed wi.thout; you
and to fulfi ll their duty without your constant in-
structions . 48/'Ihis is a foretas te j ust for them of
the fact , when fina lly you l e ave f r om out of their field
of vi ew and thei r e nvironment , and have to l e ave them
a lone for avery, ve ry l ong t ime .
Meier- 'Thi s is a day whi.ch gives Ire sorr ows . Yet tell
me: here r have the demanded datas for you about the
group rrerncera, Are they right thi s ~ < J a Y ?
Quetzal - 49/ SO/ Here , this is
the list of data about your Carulibal : She ' s t oo much
inccmplet e . 51/1 wi.Ll copy them and r e turn them to you
s till during this ni ght . 52/'Ihis way by calmth 1 can
l ook over the data and read i t thoroughly.
Meier- i\"e ll , a fterwards sirrpl y put them into my office.
Still anothe r question: In our rronthly magazine , we two
times have brought an ar-t.Lcfe . wht c h was sent t o us
anonymous ly. It de a l s \v.lth .
Quetzal - 53/You once asked me about i t, and I did not
know an answer f or it. 54/Heantirres told
Ire , thi s piece of writing would be her pi ece of work ,
f or which s he addressed a person , unknown to you ,
f or t o wr -Lte this al l.
Meier- Jus t s o , I thought myself. Di f ferent peop l e got
quite exc i t ed about thi s arti c le.
Quetzal - 5S/Such was not nece s sary.
M2:ier- You may know, one cons idered the article in
magazina no. 18 being incor r ect , as we Ll as the one in
magazine no . 21, t oo. He rald as weLl meant having told
no word of, my eyes s eeming t o have l ooked into an
e terni ty. Apart from thi s . the number of peopl e present
is not right .
Que tzal - S6/ Fi r s t , the number of the peop le present i s
correct , because besides the group member s had been
there as well Menara and s ome othe rones of us . 57/ Sec-
and, Herald explained true t o the word , your eyes hav-
ing been very much widened and l ooke d anywhe r e t o eter-
ni ty, whi.ch fact as ve Ll I can wi tness, for I listened
to the r e cordings of Nenara. S8/ As we l I all the other
mentioned mat t e r s do correspond t o the t.ruth, l ike I
mys e lf could see from the recordings and the \vritings .
watched f or three very iInportant points , by
her doing, wh f ch were on the one hand, to witness -_t o
the group member s , that they have not expr es s ed their
abi lity of realizing by that form, as this wo u ld be
demanded of t.herru and on the othe r hand, that they give
on ly very little attent ion t o spoken or selfspoken
words , which i s why l ater does not exist and can not
exist an exact r eminis cence, frem what reason s hould
beccme learned, to listen rros t thoroughly for each
word, and for the thi rd r eason , wanted to make
the member s of the group attentive , that they see you
as l e s s in t.rue light , like outs tanding persons do.
60/l'l'oile now thes e or thos e peop le have c laimed about
the written f acts , then this way they wi tnes s their
insufficiency and incorrectnes s in r espec t to the rren-
t i one d concerns .
Your speech i s good, Quetzal , but whethe r this
wil l became accept ed , i s gi ven t o ques t i on .
Quetzal - 61/ Al r e a dy just befor e , I talked about this ,
that f inally r eason ought t o beccme l earned.
I a l r eady nCM am lis tening , that once rrcre one
wil l cur s e a t you .
Quetzal - 62/ 'lbi s i s known t o rre , but on l y those ones
addres s Ire by evil wo rds, who by thei r un reasonabi Li. t y
are inable to tth.i.nk far f orwards .
'!his is your matter. Sarething e l s e : ";hat about
ATf"Bta? Shoul .d I cont inue in gi ving the scripts to her ?
Quetzal - 63/All r i ght the rreaningl es s ones , but none
of thos e which occupy themse lves by inportna t mat t e r s .
Meier- Okay , then . . . . . . . .. . . .
Quetzal - 64/ By regre t I have to int e rrupt you, because
today my t ine is l imit ed, and I sti ll have to t e ll you
diffe rent things : 65/ 0i f ferently I net during
thought ana l y za t i on s of group rrembera with the f act , my
get t ing j udged for being un j ust , becaus e I usually f o l >
l CM the rea lis tic way and dis cove r those concerns ad-
visabl y , which are of nega tive f onn. 66/Assumpti ve ly,
as thos e unri ght ways of thinking t e ll , I he reby ....oul d
have neglected the pos i t ive thoughts and troubl ings .
67/ thi s does nei the r correspond wi th the r i ghtness nor
wi th the truth, becaus e I true ly ana lyze both forms of
i.npul s es , this way as well the nega t i ve and the posi-
t i ve ones . 68/ For t o avoi d in futur e s uch rnisjudge-
rrents within the ways of thoughts of the dif f erent
group rrerr.bers , I ....rant; to expl a in, that thes e should
troubl e themselves for thinking in rror e r ealist i c f orm
and to beccrre cons cious about , that f or a bet tering and
change of a negat ive worth I have t o t e 11 this and to
reve a l this , but whic h doesn not mean , that I ne g lect
her eby the posi t i ve l abor ing . 69/ I t i s not s ui t e d and
not possible, too, t e lling whi Ie explicat ion of faul t -
ful c oncerns as as the pcsitive aspects , because
this way the negat ive f acts wo u I d beccrre minimized in
Inpcrtance, f or which r eas on the pos i t i ve s ide has to
be spared, like a prophecy. 70/'Ihe indi v idua l group
rrembers fina lly ought to r e f l ect upon these matte rs in
reasonabl e f orm, and find the true worths fran
that . 71/But so can happen at first then, when the
insufficient earthly f orm of thinking by se l f-pf.tyfnq,
sel f - favor i tism and the constant i dea of being injured
final ly gets rerroved, 72/But not t rxcards further and
rrore inportant concerns , which refer on you , and that
on the evil-minded attack of the Baf a ths , the Gizeh-
Intelligences, agains t you in the a f ternoon of the 30th
of btar ch , 73/As a l r e a dy during our l as t confident ial
contact I made known t o you, I had to t urn to Ftaah f or
the co-cr e te expl orat ion of the mat ter , bu t she s till
continues in troubling for this thing , and hitherto has
not obtained s uccesses wo r-th rrentioning. 74/ Unti l now
a l one is fixed i rrevcx:ably, the a t tack having been done
a ga ins t you, when you l e t break dccn your b lockade in
consequence of a r oaring up of fear . 75/It i s
dealing here with a f orced upon you psycho-shocking of
inimaginabl e intensity, frem which strength you should
die f ran a heart a t tack . 76/As I a l r eady told you, it
i s inexplicable to ITe , and for Pt.aah, teo, that you are
s t i ll a live , and on l y have fallen f or a short time t o
an abso l ute incontr o llednes s . 77/Accor ding t o a ll our
calculat ions , you s hou ld have been dead . 78/Fixe d is,
t oo, that I have to answer your ques t ion of the l ast
contact, about the chance , that Bernade t t e and your
wife could have been influenced by the Gi zeh- Intelli-
gences , by a no . 79/Your Canndba I c lear ly recognizably
treated by full cons c i ousnes s agains t your agr eerrent ,
though later on she recognized this . 80/But it i s not
right , which conclusions you have deliberated fran out
of her behavior, though certain irrpulses have been con-
nected with this, wh i c h cor respond with a r ebelling of
unjust i f ied form. 8I /It is fixed as ..:ell , your not
having had any ITOr e contro l upon yourself, and you
could not do any j ot in that you t old and performed ,
but whi .Ie with your wif e this \ YaS not the case, by ab-
solute surenes s , in respect of your question f or he r
words . 82/tath her , this is onl y based on a non-
control of herself and on injustified erupt.Lon
of errot ion. 83/ I n spi t e of her over f I owinq t errper arrent
s he should have maintained her sel f-control , beca use
she should have recognized c learly and distinctly,
that by no form had you any l onger been yoursel f , and
that frem sarewhere els e you had becane controlled.
3 8 3
84/But this will not mean a rebuke for her , but just a
c l earing up, f rem wh dch she should recognize her mis -
take , and r errove i t f ran when an event of the sarre
sort can no rror e happen in future t irre. 85/ 'Ib be able
to tell further facts in thi s very regretabl e r e l a t i on ,
I f i rst have to wa i.t; for the r es ul ts of Ftaah1 S anal -
ys es , who s till troubles himseI f f or the explanati on s .
86/ It i s f ixed, that in such cases of cx:::cur r e nce , ....'e
can not of fer he l p t o you in any f orm, which is why in
this respect, you a lways are depending only on your CMJ1
for ces , whi ch fac t could be seen, that you coul d go out
of your lif e earl y , and by this your miss ion as ....'e ll
is becaning des troyed. 87/Frem that , it is advi s ed,
that not for another ti..rre in s ake of rebellion by in-
justice and unreasonability, you get brought to the
sarre or s imi l ar situa t i on by third persons . 88/'Ihat ,
....nat i s going to ge t done f r em our s ide, i s , that ....'e
cx:::cupy ourselves with the thought , to remove the Safath
c r e at ures out of the earthly system, taking posess i on
of them, e liminat ing thei r ....mot e s tations , and t o re-
lease them, depr i ved of such t echnologies , scrre....mere in
a strange and uncol on i ze d regi on of a f araway galaxy,
where they can spend their r erraining and built
on wickednes s life.
l-E i er- Nan a live, Quetzal , that .cu l d be the "hit " of
the one mi l lion next years . But , ny do you fina lly new
nevertheless want t o act by power against thes e knaves?
Quetzal- 89/Uleir danger suddenly is becaning much
bigge r , for wh f ch reason ,,"'e have to seize for the l ogi -
cal force .
l-Ei er- '!his is a wo r d, my son. ".hat ti.Ire s hould that
Quetza l- 90/ M1en the advice of the Hi gh Council does
a gree with ou r decisions , then the s tarting of this
unde rtaking will be in the run of the second half of
this rronth.
loEi er- '!hat is gcod, because a lit tle resting does not
harm us .
Quetzal- 91/You and the ....'hole mi ssion are nevertheless
very much menaced still , by other e l errent.s , by earthly
as we ll as by ext r aterrestrial ones.
~ e r - So I can think by mys e l f , but thes e s urely are
not so \vicked and dangerous , l ike the Gi zeh-fools?
Quetzal- 92/D::m't get infatuated, as the dangers are
partly sti ll greate r , because these e l ements do not
have t o take regard about , that; the i r existence becanes
Meier- So does it rrean , the troubles wi ll go on in
s pite of a ll.
Quet zal - 93/ 'Ihis i s correct ; he r e as we I I your geod
year does change nothing. 94/But new the t ime ha s
care for Ire t o go . 9S/ see- you- again, my f riend . 9S/Be
careful , even ve ry much care ful , beca use things are
being p lotted against you, wh i ch are r a ther unccmfor-t-.
abl e and full of int r igues . 97/For these r easons , we
have to l imit ou r contac ts f or the next whi l e , rraybe
even unti l the end of t hi s year.
Mei er- I see , and what about, s care ecccrrpany or s imi l ar
when I go t o Amer ica , etc . , because of the filming?
Que t zal - 98/ I n this, you wi.Ll be depending on your CMTl
protect ion, because for dif f e r ent reasons, we can not
l ook out for s uc h.
Meier- 'Ihus the usual mat .ter-, but thi s does not make
Ire hesitat e .
Quetzal - 99/ But there can care t o appear diff e rent
ve ry unde lightful event s .
Meier- So I a l r eady ass umed , but neverthe l es s you don 't
wor-ry ITe .
Quetzal - 100/ So is not my intention. 101/ Yet now,
far e we Ll , and see-you- again. l 02/ But wai.t. just .
s till convey l oving greetings to a ll of you, and s o
from Semjase, but as \\,=, 11 f rom Pteeh and a ll the other-
ones of us , including mys elf. l03/Al so explain to
your cannibal , that she s hou l d give he rse lf rrore of
ca lmth, because she i s much in need of s uch . l04/As
wel I El s i be dear ly greeted by ITe , if but here and then
she keeps doubts in my kind of acting. lOS/But she
should beccrre s ure about , that my tre a t ing is of fully
c orrec tness. lOG/And she has to beccme s ure and con-
sci ous about my not living wi thin your earthl y wor-Ld
of thinking, but further up in a position of develop-
rrent , whic h the earthhuman being first has t o s trive
for during the next centuries , wh i.Le at first then he
will l earn to understand my kind of acting being of
rightnes s . 107/And now gcod-bye, my f riend.
Meier- Tchys Quetzal , and dear greetings fran a ll of
us .
106th Contact Monday, 10 April 1978
This was a n afternoon me e t i ng Quet zal . Heier wa s guided to a
rendez vous point wher e he was picked up by Quet zal , Mo- Ped and all ,
and t hey took o f f . neter i s war-ned that the pe r sonal race-r.c-rece
contacts w.iLl be curtailed, because t he group membe r s arc becoming
too dependent upon them and ar e shifting their persona l burdens
on t o the Pleiadians fo r solut i ons , ins t ead of tryi ng to sol ve them
t hemselves . ne.t ec asks about the painting of the fut ure San Fran-
cisCO e a r t hqua ke published i n the GEO raaqa z i ne , a co rrmerr European
edition availabl e eve rve.tie re on the ne.vsst anos , In fact the t wo
sepa r a t e picture events are not exactl y the same, as GEO pub l i shed
on l y one painting bl ed over two pages , wher- nas ue t e r showed mys el f
and others several photographs he sai d he had taken of t he same
event. Quetzal has taken ne ter ' s no-Ped with t he m, under his s hip
he picked ne t e r up this time, and now he is put down i n a
d ifferent place wi th his "lo-Ped , for a short dri ve home.
Quetza l - l /Today wi ll be ve ry much stre ngthening for
you, beca use the things t o Learn demand your highest
concent r a t ion, while I can only be lit t l e ass i sting by
the apparatus .
I wi ll per-form i t , my s on , but at f irst I have
s ane ques t ions for you , i f you don ' t mind this ?
Quet zal - 2/ The t ime is s uf fic ient .
Okay , then f i r s t in s ake of the transmissions ,
whi.ch about; in .June s hall cane once rrore, But you do
knew, that f r an the middl e of Hay I shou l d arrange for
the f ilm, whe r eafte r like l y no t ime wi ll r erra dn for
this work , How do you imagine this can a ll ge t done?
Quetzal- 3/ These conce rns already became r egul at ed ,
for I Informed the Hi gh Council . 4/The tran smiss i ons
wil l be firs t done then, when you have per fonned your
new Labor .
Yes , that I s wel L for I ....zouLd have net up wi.th
troubles e lse. By best wi ll f r an my side , I wroutd not
have known what. "By I s hould have done a ll this .
Quetzal- 5/You likely wi ll have t o us e s ane time for
our concerns , because during your ....orx, we wi ll often
be in telepathic contact t o you, which means , that in
s pi t e of a ll , you wi ll r eceive notices and explanations
wni.ch have t o be written down.
38 7
'!hen I have to take with me my typewriter IM-
chine, when I am outside the house .
Quet zal - 6/Thi s wi l l be necessary.
Mei e r - "\\ell , but what do you think: Will a ll have
s uc cess?
Quetzal - this , I have no cogni t ions , as v.'e ll I
do not want to care f or this, to explore in this re-
spect any things . 8/ It is this kind of wor x, which
obl i es t o you earthhuman beings a lone. 9/ For this
r e a s on , I can neither explain you anything about whether
the who le undertaking will start at a ll , nor whether- it
a ll wi ll obtain a success . 10/ But if the film gets
done, then this will change very many things , which
already we thought f or f ailing , because by the agains t
r i ghtness act ing conduc t of the so-ca lled ufologica l
groups, very many o f our conce rns have been brought t o
Meier- i t mean, that I wi ll miss you during the
fi lm ....-arks?
Quetzal - l1/Not this a l one, because in the f uture, the
personal contacts wi ll be rrore l imit ed, ",ilic h shoul d
get substituted by telepathic ways .
r-1an , thi s does not j ust evoke joy inside of Ire .
Quetzal - 12/ 'Ihe events of the c loser and farther future
demand such conduct . 13/ But the personal contacts wi ll
not stay away f or a ll time, as he r e and then s t i ll
saretirres \o,'e wi ll see one another, though rarely .
Meier- This fact i s hard, my son, but not t o change ,
1 a s s urre ?
Quetzal- 14/ Tha t' s keeping c or rectness . 15/ 1 know,
my mes s age s t r ikes you very much, but I a l so know i t
being rrore p leasant f or you, when I explain this t o you
this way .
Mei er- You are r i ght , Quetza l , c lear fronts 1 do l ike
rmre, 'This way 1 can digest this a ll better. Your ear-
lier explanations, that we s hould t e ll no rrore questi ons
and as we Ll write no more l e t t e r s t o you, likely is
connected, too, t o your decision, you a l l one s , isn't
Quetzal- l6/ You are ve ry s a gac i ous . l 7/ 'Ihi s i s of
r i ghtness , but my explanat ion has been onl y a part of
i t . l 8/But sti ll othe r things , too, are connected t o
thi s, as for example, that rrore and rror e got used dur-
i ng the l as t rronths , we rrore and rrore had to occupy
ourselves wi th c oncerns of the group and pr ivat e mat -
ters of i t ' s rrernbers , v..i thout our sti ll having
the chance for telling our own important expl anations .
19/'Ihe smallest s orrows and prob lems of the rrembera of
the group got carr ied towards us or forced upon us for
c l earing, which way the mi s s ion of our giving of ex-
p lanations s uffered in many ways , got neg lect ed and
put aside . 20/ 'Ihis i s and has been the beginning of,
that this \'laY the members of the group a lready rroved
to a s tate of making us responstbte , whic h rreans , they
a l ready s hi fted off their own response t o dif f e rent
things , and t CXJk thi s upon us , l ike this behaves at the
believers of the cul t ic religi ons , who l ay aside their
own r e spons ibi lity, and make a God or s aints liable
f or all. 2l / 'Ihis also i s the reason f or, that
di fferent group members rror e and rror e searched for
mistakes wi thin our treating and acting , a ccused us of
i nc orre c tness and faul t s , beca use in cons equence of
their shor-t- dcokdnq f orm of thinki ng and their insuf-
fic i ent mode of acting, they s till can not conceive and
under 'atend the evolved ways of our s tate of deve l oprrerrt ,
22/ They are s t il l tCXJ much entangled and boood t o thei r
earthly f orms of thinking and acting, than they ....roul.d
be able to elaborate themse lves into the hi gher forms
of our evo t ut.Lon , wi thout constantly using ccxrpari sons
t o the abso l ute l y insuffici ent s tatus of evoluti on of
the earthl y forms . 23/Each member of the group is
knowing very \\'ell , hi s earthl y forms of thinking and
acting being ve ry much unsuff.tc.tent. and untoqdcat , but
in s pite of thi s , they do not try for rerroving this
fault. 24/In contrarines s , very s ced.ul ous they main-
t ain their earthl y forms of thinking, and a l ways try t o
f ind mistakes v..i thi n our thinking and tre a t ing, only
because within their s hortsighted thinking they do not
want to unders tand and t o r ecogni ze, themselves being
responsi b l e for their thinking and acting . 25/1f,
unde r these reasons , ....B further on wo u f d maintain direct
c ontact with you, f or to arrange ourselve s thi s way
s til l rmr e with thes e very much regretable machinations ,
then a f ter at the l ate s t one or two years ....-e wcu.ld be
s o f ar, that ....-e wou I d get made res ponsible f or each
misfortune of a group ' 5 rre.mber , s o even f or each in-
c orrect thought . 26/ Fran thi s pofnt , it is no
rmre f ar away fron, tha t e i t he r we wi ll get ador ed as
Gcds, or yet be a ttacked by hate, and be r e f used.
Mei er- Do you r e a lly think this could happen? I s i.rrply
think, your s peech s ounding quite c onfoundedly Li ke
then, when you explained, that a ll contac ts to us would
get interrupted and s topped. xncw, a l r e ady s ince this
rrorning of today, I kept this condemned s trange f eel ing
like I had then. And now you t e ll rre a ll that , whi.ch
way I1 feelings once rrore quite l ousily get ver i f i ed.
Quet zal - 27/Your f eelings a r e very much expr ess ed ,
and in my expl ana tions is no doubt , because a view into
the f uture by two-per -spec t.Lve kind , did t e rrifyingl y
c l earl y shew us thes e r esu lts I s a i d . 28/ The r e does
not r emain a c hoice f or us . 29/ hTe have to s top the
direct contacts and to l imit ourselves int o the tel e-
pathic ways . 3D/For that reason as ....-ell ....xrul.d be use-
less, i f nov.' once mer e you ....'out d l e t rage up r ancor,
f or t o r a ise your voice , a s you r ecognize r i ghtly .
~ i e r - HCM do you knew, that I do not want t o . cry and
t o s hout ?
Quetzal - 31/ Beca us e you are recognizing correct l y the
rnat t er of the s itua tion , and because your r adiati ons
do reveal this to Ire .
reeter- But wha t e l s e s hou l d I do? Sc:xrEh0'N" sarething
insi de i s telling Ire , you being quite confoundedly in
the r i ght , though thi s does not want to penet.ra t e into
my s t ubborn s ku l L,
Quetzal - 32/ I t i s a l r e a dy inside , on l y you do not ....'ant
t o a cc ept the gi ven f a ct . 33/ You a l s o know very e n .
that ve c an not act othe rwi se.
~ e r - Unf ortunate ly this i s c lear t o Ire, a s e l se I
nanely coul d r e l ax myself, when Indeed I ....outd cry
around. Damn, confounded, . . . I .. . .
Quetzal - 34/ Your voi c e is s ounding very s t r ange , and
l ike f ran out of a grave . 35/ You should not ticrrrent;
yourse lf s o mach,
~ i e r - Han, Que t za l , I myself, too, am onl y a human
being. D:m't you understand, that s uddenly scrrething
i s strangling rre quite confoundedl y?
Quetzal - 36{ 'Therefore you .....zouI d have to open up your
b lockade, but just thi s , you can' t do, because you are
contrOlling yours e l f too rnich, than you .....'outd r eveal
your feelings by your f orms of thoughts . 37{But your
r adiations are fut Iy sufficient f or roe, to conceive ,
inside o f you r aging a l arge s torm, .....'hi ch gives great
pains t o you .
~ i e r - Okay , but by this as .....'=11, we don I t care f or-
wards . Do you really rreen, your decisi on being f i nal ?
Quetzal - 38/Your question is very un logica l , because
you do know, this t o behave l ike I said .
~ i e r - Shit, confounded. I f on l y I c ou l d s t i ll give
i llusions t o myself, then namely I s till woutd
have hope .
Quetzal - 39/You a r e too rmch a rea list, than you coul d
do 5 0 .
~ i e r - So l e t us stop a ll wtier eaboutis , According to
now, this a ll does not keep rror e .....u rth, still to talk
about i t . let us go t o another thelne : D::> you per haps
know a magazine by narre of Gill? As I realize here fran
my note, i t should dea I with a geogr aphical magazine
about; cul t ure , wtric h i s edited by the Heinrich-Bauer
Edition if HarPburg, Germany.
Qvetza l - 40{'!hi s is not known t o rre , but why co you
a sk?
~ i e r - I n the auturm o f l as t year, I believe it was
i n september , in one number of this magazine should
have been a picture by a paint e r , who painte d san Fran-
c isco in future form a f t e r i t s destruction by the earth-
quake. No\", Look at these pictur e s here , to.'hi c h I got
during our j ourney to Frisco , when you brought
rre into the f uture. '!hese pict ures here now s hould cor -
res pond very exactly t o parts of that p icture, wh f ch
this painter of the Bauer - Edi t ion produced. Like that
at l east i t .....'as exp l ained to rre yesterday . '!hi s i s
rreaning, .....'hen indeed this picture exists by this paint -
e r of the edit ion, that once rmr e I will get p laced for
39 1
being a liar and a cheater, wruI e another tnrre once
rror e wi ll be t old, that I wo uLd only have taken p ictures
f r an that othe r picture for purpos e of evidencing s ore
things .
Quetzal- 41/Your question has sane backgr ound . 42/
Sc:mething must have happened, that new you as k rre about
this. 43/And f ran where have you known about this
pi c ture naw, whi ch r eally exis ts?
~ i e r - Oh, I s ee, but so; yes t e rday this ....'as tol d IrE .
Kurt had gone t o a r e s taurant in zurich, where j ust
scrrebcdy was rea ding in thi s magazine , and there he saw
the pict ure , because ther e it was r e pr oduced.
Now of cours e he c erre and expl a i ned t o sarebody behind
my knowings , that likely I wo u Id have made photographs
from parts of this p icture.
Quetzal - 44/This is ve ry much regre table . 45/ 1 did
not kna.v that this picture, which got t r ansmit ted to--
wards this man inspira tionally, alre ady had got pub-
lished. 46/ He re rmist; have happened an a ccident because
fir s t in the aut umn of this year, i t shoul d have reached
the public.
Meier- Yes? 'lhis will be a pity f or rre , and that a mach
l ousy one , because na.v aga in I keep the s arre theate r ,
l ike then by the pi cture of the universal door . But
v.T10 did actua lly transmit this Jnpressi on 'towards that
painter ?
Quetzal - 47/ Thi s have done the Baawi - Int elli ge nces ,
who Y.t:>r k togethe r with us he r e on the Earth, and who
are .respons Lb.le f or many inspirationa l transmis s i ons . 48/
But they mus t have s uff e r ed a mi s t ake in respect to the
publica tion of the p ict ure , because firs t in connect ion
wi th ce rtain ccmni.ng events , the pict ure shou Id reach
publici ty in the autumn of thi s ye ar . 49/1 myself c on-
s i dered, when you ha d asked rre f or this journey , t his
then c ould j ust ge t c onnect ed t o your photos.
SO/ But unde r these circumstanc e s i t is l ike l y better,
t o protect you fran furthe r a t tacks , that I t ake the
pi ctures , a s v . ~ l l as the negative s o f the f i tm,too.
~ i e r - But the s e I don ' t have , because I have given
them to the photographer, s o that he can produce new
r eprints of them f or Ire .
Thi s pi cture r eproducti on fr om the r ight hand page of the GEO mag-
azi ne two pag e s pread. ShONS some of t he feat ur es r evea l ed i n t he
series of pictur es photographed by r'lei er aboa r d Quetzal 's sh i p on
the t ime t ravel into the future . As I and those membe r s of my team
and r'le i er's group who s a . ~ them r emember it. the dozen or so pho tos
~ l e i e r ha nded us to examine that night . showed the Transamer ica
Building . the t riangular one, break diagonally fr om upper r i ght t o
Icae r left , compl et e ly thr ough t he bui l ding. The rectangular bu ild-
ing i n t he mi d- cent e r was collapsing in the mi ddl e and t he two
t atters on either end eere falli ng into it . Also t he re was not as
much rubbl e in the street s and su rrounding area as is shown here.
Quetzal - 51/'Ihen I will destroy them, or take them
with Ire . have you given them t o?
loEier- 'Ib Bar at toet.z.ikon , But each t .irre he s ends them
t o Wadenswil t o a great l abor a t ory.
Quetzal - 53/'Iha t is s uff i cient f or Ire. 54/ 1 wi ll take
the material and store it.
loEi er- And what; s ha ll I tell t o the people? I have but
to t e ll the truth.
Quetzal - 55/You tell the t ruth . 56/011 the other hand,
last t ine I expl a ined to you, Kurt appearing t o me like
a constantly fl icke ring f I arre , whi ch always threatens
t o die of f . 57/Ris stay with you wi.Ll l ike l y not be of
l ong duration of time, as too of ten in hi s uns t eadines s
he i s t urning f ran one thing t o the other, whi.ch is
peculiar t o him, t o search truths there, where thos e
do not exist , by which wa y he i s falling t o untruthful
as sumptions .
loEier- I know what you a r e explaining to me. But do
conside r , Que t zal , has this really t o be the f ina l wo r d,
you a ll maintaining s t i ll t e l e pathical cont act ?
Quetzal- 58/'Ihis has not neces s ari ly t o behave like
that, no. 59/ But this wou Ld premis , that a ll rrember-s
of the group \"i11 fina lly trouble themse lves for the
forms of the steadi ly ascending evolut ion, and that
they do not satisfy themselve s with sham-truths and
with e vasions, but to be only ear'thhuman beings , wi th
whi ch one wouLd have t o keep indulgence . 60/ But for
I ndutqence , my f riend, the time has gone too f ar for -
wards , than sti ll we a r e a llowed to admit s uch , f ran
what reason s till only the steady and qcod pr ogress i s
va lid, under which each _rrereber' of the group has to
s ubj e c t himself by his 0\\"71 ini t iative s . 61/1f we
should continue our contacts in the ccrrrron o ld rranne r-,
then wi thi n a short time ins ide o f each rrernber of the
group a visible change has t o occur, which especia lly
expr es s es itself by hi s attitude of mind and bears
fnrit . 62/Only this way , a fte r sane t i.me, the contacts
could get continued again in the usua l manner . 63/
But unt il then we have t o keep in the conduct , s t i ll
only the telepathi ca l ; comrrunication is perfonnable.
64/ As we H photographic exposures , etc , , ought unt il
then, if a change is s till possibl e , be no IIDre a dmit-
ted, by wh.ic h fact i s said as well, that we wi ll keep
ours e l ves in a very narrow frarre wi thin s i ght contac t s ,
if at a l l still s uc h ones wi l l be enabl e d by us . 65/
Onto other groups , which are in connect ion wi th us ,
whe r e I a ddres s non-ea rthian i ntelli gences , we do not
have infl uences in thi s r espect, and wha t they are do-
ing in this t iIre, i s not our rret t e r .
~ i e r - l';hat do you rrean by that ? D:J per haps s ti ll
othe rones want. to start contact with rre? And whfch term
of t ine ahou Id I c onsi der for your "s am time"?
()uetzal - 66/For your last quest ion, thi s will rrean a t
l e ast '0.;0 years , f or thi s is the mi nimal l ength of tiIre
the rrembera of the group do nee d f or a sui t ed changing.
67/To your first ques t ion : 68/ I t is pos s ible, that
othe r i nt elligences care in contact with you , but this
i sn't our c oncern then. 69/Frem the side of us , it
will r emain irrevocable, ourselves maintaining on l y
t e l epathical c ontac ts wi th you in respect t o l es s ons
and explanations for the group, and s o on. 76/But the
per sonal contacts for you in r espect of the t o l earn
wo r-ths f or you rself wi ll cont inue like hitherto, but
about; which no r eports will be transmit t ed.
~ i e r - And what behaves about SeJnjase ? According t o
your notes , she will return in the midd l e of ;'1ay. Nil l
as v.'ell her e be , rre no IIDre getting a Ll .cwed t o s ee he r ?
Q,1etzal - 71/She will vis it you , but a fterwards as we ll
f r em her side still the tele pathical way of oammunica-
tion will get walked, besides when v.'e are needi ng you
f or courses you ought to run and t o acccrrp.li.sh ,
~ i e r - Thi s is a ll l ooking a bi t dim, my s on , but I
wi l l have t o accept it.
Quet zal - 72/'Iha t i s right. 73/ But be sure of having
done no faul t ful ac tivi t i es , that l e d to this . 74/'Ihe
faultful facts , which as v.'e ll shoul d get r erroced wi thin
s uited t ine, and changed, are a t the side of diffe r ent
rrembe rs of the group, who did not sati s fy the l es s ons
and who as v.'ell don 't want to conce i ve, that their rrcde
of thinking and ac ting has no l onger t o carry e a rthly
s tandards, i f they want to beccre j us t t o thei r
tas k and evolut i on. 75/'Ihey have t o br ing unde r control
39 5
thei r errotional drives and intent ions and no rrore to
mingle them at each chance with wrong interpretat ions
arrong the existing lessons of the s pirit. 76/'Ihe basic
l ess ons and the rros t deci sive bi ds are given a lready,
which offer to the earthhumm being, and s o especially
t o the member-s of the group, a s ufficient insi ght into
the very rros t inpJrtant concerns, whfch i s why finally
these s hou l d beccrre r e fl ected and observed. 77/ 'Ihi s is
rreaning, deep workdnq of the thoughts a lone will lead
t.cwarda an a im and goa l , and that a thorough del iber -
ation and e labor ation of the les s ons 'WOuld a l so l ead
tiowards rrore regarding of our advices and not take them
always to doubts , on l y for the reason, a s by the short-
l ooking earthly f orm of thinking they sti ll can not
be under a t cod, 78/'Ihey a re the earthhurnan beings , who
still have t o c lear and l earn a ll these heavy conce rns ,
by correct forms of thinking , but not we, becaus e a l -
r e ady a l ong time ago, we ove r came these mat t e rs , are
living within thei r good r e su lts and constant ly r ecog-
nize new lessons and r e su lts fran there . 79/But the
borders of the ccrpraincs against our advices do a l r e ady
t ouch the arrogance , only for the r e as on, the forms of
thinking of the different rrember s of the group still
carry too rmch of earthly standards . 80/But thi s matter
we no l onger can admit , f or which r e as on as "''ell this
i s one of the f nportant; ca us es , that we withdraw to the
telepathic form of c armuni ca t i on . 8i /But if as "''ell
this s hould not cause a useful change within the whole
f orm of thinking and activi ty of the group rrember s ,
that our advices are further on answered by earthly and
this way insuffi c i e nt objections because of a misunde r -
standing of the whole Lews an d bids , then we wo u I d
r e gard ours e l ve s coerced for finally stopping the con-
tac t , to leave the group rrember-s as "'ell as earthly
mankind t o their fat e , which decision wi ll be as ir-
r evokabl e as our decision to stop the di r ect contac t s .
821m this sake now, we wi ll program our watc hing and
controlling rreens stationed above your center , to store
a ll thought s and talkings , by whic h we a re always rros t
exact ly Informed, 83/But if is should s how itself f or
true, that not within a wo r-thwtu I e time the ways o f
thoughts and talking of that kind bef or e have been re-
rroved, then this wo u kd rrean the final break-off of the
s t ill l eft chances f or contact, as "'e ll as the de lay
of our mission , whic h we chos e by our own free sense of
obligation .
Meier- That ' s quite confounded hard, Quetzal ,
now shoul d become?
but this
86/NarrEl y
Quetzal - 84/'Ihis will r emain like hithe rto.
at a stop of our mi s sion would this change.
then all storages would become e liminated.
rea r, that is a hars h thing .
Quetzal - 87/By the unreasonabili t y of the group rrem-
bers, we got coerced t o this doing. 88/ But now, my
f rie nd, we shoul d dedica t e our s e lves t o a ll of that ,
'Which t oday you s hou l d learn. 89/Aft e rwards we s till
may have scrre minut es s pared , 'Which we can spend talk-
ing .
Quetzal- 90/ The t ime has proceeded far .
loEier- Yes , unfortunatel y s o ; my watch is j ust now
s howinq 17 :30 hours. By r egre t I have t o l e ave you now,
beca use a t 18: 00 hour s , the 'IV is s howing our film.
Que tzal- 91/ I t wi ll not just be highl y de lighting, but
for the i.magi nations o f your country, by which I mean
the h1..1!TBJ1 bei ngs ther e , it wi ll be worthful.
Moder- You a l r eady know that?
Que t za l - 92/ That is right , as of cours e I was inter -
ested in thi s mat ter . 93/ But let yours e l f get s urpri-
s ed; s o very bad the transmission wi ll not be.
Mei er- Oh, l ook dONTl the re, my s on , but that ' s the car
of Jacobus . Of cour s e; as v.'ell Elsi i s ins ide . Now they
j ust park the car a t the doghouse. May I perhaps s a l ut e
El s i by the radio set?
Quetzal - 94/1f you want; t o s o , then natura lly . 95/
h'ait, here s o , new you can t alk .
Meier- Thank you, Quetzal , - - - - - Hello Miranos 5.
sal u Elsi . .
Agapulla and Jacobus evident ly had tried calling me,
Quet za l. don ' t I hear anything? Ah, now Elsi evi-
dently tries s o , too.
Quetzal - 96/ 'Ihe waves f r an their radio means do get
3 97
5 shi p is not absorbed by our fl i ghts hip.
fit f or s uch . .
Unfortunatel y , - - - Hello Elsi , be wetccrre a t
hare. D::> not try t o reach Ire by the r adi o set . I can
not r eceive your sending.
QJetza. I - 98 / Now you have t o go, i f you s t ill want to
see the 'IV sending . 99/1 have to set you out over
ther e .
Oh yes , i t' s a l ready now ! twenty rrunut.esrto s ix
o le l ock . Can't you l et Ire down nearer t o our but l ding?
I t i s a hit far fran there unti l hare.
Quetzal- I OO/ I t is l ooking ve ry far onl y f r an above
here , because there are not rrore than about; 5 ki Icrre t ier a
f ran her e . IOl / You can over ccrre this distance easily.
Okay, oh, there we are a l ready. But do not a im-
p ly l et my rrotorcycle f a ll d(1,o;TI , because e lse it has
gone . Tchys Quetza l , and in spite o f i t a ll , see-you-
Quetzal- l 02/ Fare\','e ll, my f r i end , and as "''ell in spite
of it a ll : l03/ Convey to a ll group nembers my and sem-
jase's deares t greetings , and explain to them, new
truely they have everything in their own hands until
the l ast pint . 104/Fare we l l.
At last we have care near the e nd of the 1, 800 pages
of trans lat ed contact not es in thi s SWiss UFD contact
cas e . These now are al l the not es v.! brought back f r om
Switzerl and up tlrrough 1982. Those contacts of course
cont inued and rrore cont act notes were made , ~ t M ~ had
t o cut thi s of f s aneplace and this i s where we chos e
t o do s o .
Thi s 1995 canpl e t es the 20th year s ince this a ll
began, and in a ll this time neither we nor anybody
e lse has eve r disc overed any ver i f iabl e confede r a t e or
collaJ:::orator with r - ~ e i e r in perpetr ating a hoax of this
nature. tcor have any of the de t ractor s in this
case e ver s ucceeded in duplicat ing e ven one of the
beauti ful bearnship photographs that they accuse ~ t r .
Heier of f abricating. t\'e, ours e lves , went; to great
pains trying t o recreate s e veral of those picture s
us ing a perfect mode l built by the s peci al eff ects
laboratories of a well knOND mot.ion pict ure studio in
Ho l I ywcod. We tried t o suspend it in a f amiliar s ce ne
and had Hr . l-1ei e r shoot pictures from the s erre
pos Lt.Ions he t ook before, using the sarre carrera with
___ the---sarre s ettings and kind of fi lm. A Japanese video
dccurrent.ary t e am r ecorded a 11 this a s we exper iment ed
wi th i t. The m::::de l photographs , when examine d using
the s ane t echniques as on the or iginal pi c tures , ", 'ere
c l early di fferent in a number of significant respects .
I t was not even difficult to s ee tha t these p ictures
cere of rrodel s with t.he naked e ye. 'The edge definition
was s harper and the light scatter f rom smat I curves
was diffe rent.
But , putting the photographs ccmpf ete I y as ide , the
abundance of other Lnf ormat .Lon and evi dence in this
cas e woul d s tand in corroborative s upport of the
events des cr ibed anyway.
If we were t o l e ave out the physi ca l evi dence en-
t i r e ly, and rel y on ly on the message i n the contact
not es themse lves , we f ind the cas e quite convincing
to rros t students of s pirit ual and metaphysical phen-
cmena and concepts.
'!his cas e is unique in that was prepared
for thes e contacts wi th the human beings f r an the
Pleiades by other human bednqs frem another ext rater -
restrial s ource , ....e ll known t o the Pleiadians , and
this preparation took p lace s crre ten years earlier ,
including s one year stay a t the Ashoka Ashram
1..'1 India . In 1944 a United Nations r epr e-
sentiar t ve frem her hare country in the or ient, got in
t ouch with TIe and s a i d she was a t en year o ld gir l in
the Ashoka Ashram a t Nehrau li , liv ing \....ith her f ami ly
there while her grandfathe r was the head rronk and
s piritual t eacher at the as hram. She s a i d she knew Hr.
r-leier when he was there and that she had per sona lly
s een the celest i a l c raft and had watc he d r-:eier phot o-
graph i t , and had seen othe r photogra phs of those
s hips in his pos es s i on. 1his ....xman has impeccable
c redenti a l s today .
'!hi s was just one rrore of a l ong l ine of corrobor -
ati ve incident s c lear l y beyond the personal control of
As I have s a i d before, I still do not have the p::ls i -
tive c l inching evidence to prove this case s cientif ic-
a l l y , but the re i s a preponder ance of evidence in favor
of i ts validity . A considerabl e arrount o f supporting
evidence is c learly beyond control .
I persona lly have no problem in accepting the valid-
i ty of 'the contacts , because I have seem s ere very
convincing things with my ccn eyes in this case , but
to another per s on it wzruI d on ly be one rrore account
arrong many . '!hus I can not prove the case, even after
a ll this t .Ine, nor can I s ucces s fully disprove it. I
must l e ave this for each one of you to judge for your
con self, and I wi s h you ....
As this l as t vol ume on the Ple iadian contact notes
was being pr epared, I rece i ved a FAX rres s age f ran Bi lly
asking Ire not to publish any rrore English l anguage
trans lations of thos e ori ginal contact note s made by
Hr . Mei e r a f t er each contact event .
The group around him had asked me not t o publis h them
in the very beginning, but I rather naively, I now see,
fe l t that such profound infonnation was in the public
interest and that the public had a right t o knew, I
fee l t oday that my r e l e as e of this inf ornation may
have even resulted in sane of the rrore than fourteen
atterrpts on Hr. aeter ' 5 life ; once with Ire a l so in the
l ine of fi r e .
r knew fu 11 "'YO' II the e rrors that can be introduced
by tran s l a t i on , and have a tways urged my readers t o go
back to the ori ginal ver sion in German if they have
any questions on what is being said or intended. And
that is the r eas on for the numbering of each sentence
in these cont act notes , to f acilitate s uch searc h.
\\lell , in r eply I sent a l ong FAX mesaaqe back to
Bi lly point ing out the danger of stopping now in the
face o f a masa dve attack on hi s case befnq rrounted at
this time by hi s antagonists. Hi s repl y was quite
sirrply that they, the antagonists , were just not there
wnen the contacts were -be tnq car r ied out , that they
can on ly be ....u r king with half t.ruths , innuendo, mi s in-
terpretat ions , deliber ately f alse inte rpretations ,
cont r i ved lies, mi s per cepti ons and f a lsified evi dence
del iberatel y t aken out of cont ext to give i t a
desi red slant .
xeter, and the pecple around him, have lived the
events, have their ~ truths, and know ",'hat they knew
for a fact , and they are not in the l eas t worried about
what the agains ters have to say. I n fact , they a1.m::lst
....e t c crre this effort t o discredit their case in the
hopes that i t wi ll discourage the l es s s incere peopl e
fran caning there to Swt tzer l and to s eek t hem out .
'rtiey know that they a re a corrmuni t y with a mission
and a purpos e , that the objective is a l ong t e rm one ,
l as t ing hundreds of years , and ....'e ll beyond the lif e-
t iirres o f a ll the antagonists , and that they and their
F.U; . U. , semj a'W'-SII enler
Ot-649!1 Hlnlnu-nmidrtlll /ZH (S.nlzertandJ
Tel. 052 1H 1] 10 and 05 214527 01
f u. OH/454289
U RJlf:CAJ: O:(
H. r :
\lenee ll e L
P.O. So.
TUCSm; / 1\51 Hl
Dear \lenee l le,
ar e yov . do f ine as we ll ar e .
The of t hese thi s l ette r i s t he versi on of the contacl -
not H .
\Ie neve r ece ived a lot of froOl d ifferent reopi es
who know t he c ont act-n(ll es hove the poss i bi l l Hy
(If because of their knowl edge of both
;'11 of t bese r er S(lns a9a1n and aga i r. they find out. l"s t ab l i s hed t hat t he
cont er t -not e s H e f al s e t ranslated and tha t t he n- eest ett cr h f ull of
llli stakes .
Thes e co;cph int s a:> o:. t t he wr ong trans lat i on of the co nt act -n ot es Ol e qot
frOJ:! peopl es fr oo: di ff e r ent count ri e s: J apan , It alian. US.. , r er.eee
others . Peo ple a lways e">lhasl zed that t he engli s h venion publt sne d
by you , in no ..,ay t h> ori ginal of t he cont acr - not es .
l hrou gh the O".i s t akH i n t he false t ranslati on peopl e will he i nf or ..ed
incorr ect and wrong; t hr ough par t i a l l y contrad icti on5 wi l l
And - this has t o be avoi de d under all ct-ccest eoce s ,
\li th t hI s l ett er j r e ques t / as\; you not se l l ing COpl H Of t t.e ,"e n i lln
of the cont act -not es
In t be hope ynu wi ll and co,"" ty r:y r eq uc s t ,
t o you
;: "

! ,
.i :
40 2
TO h . 11\
.... ,
F. l. G . C .
Dea , B. lly:
J l' O<]r a s ' , i:> t o sell c r p'..:.. 'l \i. sh ,>:, ,'1 r e re c ! yccr C:nt ,,:; t ' ''' t es J.]'".
.. Iish trans \.tt i oo. ""\; 05 ' HI e"",' enough t o do . s the '.-c r( s:-,, I l p, ,,>t i nq is "' '''i'",''.,- .
C>gli s'l I "'.'lS USlll9 i " the on.- yo.> !<Old ,.... In 1979 Io....en you sol d ,.., ye<.:- '
s ..a.."ld->rc 1. S00 1ll the 100 l.>x-'< I" ,-s . I sL-.ol)" r e:u>.-ed
l te?i t ' t ' ctIl ....,c: ?'l ns p"nill.". 1ng to ,"J.' t t.-, cons ; &:>n::od
4.-x:l ca-'---- "'" 1"'0/$\ll-'-5. l'">::' '-'' S ... cha."'?"d:
K1lC'o' tl\ilt. ': . rc r r J USt p-'-"l1s'led h s P"1" a t t... ". 00 "'od yo." 9 r oo.:;o,
n....d u..< "-s in .... he- c la;"= is 4 """s t." t o ,...""" " Ule}' <,-".j !ool
tl>e '"'?rl d. lit' c1 aL-.. t Nl t he has visite(! yocr center no less t hil1'l 3 t lr<'S and b s hdn
h lm;e!f "idco--tap"'J your vis i t o rs l "':l under Ius ! lIbe nil."'" s --
.... lth " .K.K. i n ..e r:, 5:".. 11 l et.ters afte r the r.... ... He c lal..,.. h<! has r "" $C<\il-1
l11t.er"::'?'.-S ",. th -e-l..::r s o f yoJr grO-:? 1I. -x:l1l.dS tra.'1SCrl. e ,-e ,, : """rd Iic'- 15
/liso ol """ ho.1r dcc-.r-o=..,t4ry " a?" 00 <the "",,,"."e , ', s i t.s ,,-'1:! i nte!".l-'"A"'5. I;e
... -,,; is us,,, ; :.n these e f fo rts. $:' .100. 0 0 -....onh c f I>e c l a L..,... he h.-ls '""?
'to llC'o' ;:urcl-.asej sro- j"(7..;!" group "'''''re.
"orff al so ha s a ll notes ....,c ""te r i al ce a!'.O: yo.:r ga,.. ;' U-...t l:":-oS J a XlO left
he dl..-d . v,si ted and s ta:,,,,, ...... L" H""" J accl:>'s v roo, ,'l...d s'le ga.-e h l.- , a l l
",...tenlll ?..ans J "ccb posses s-.d. s-", a l so r e f "rr"" "o<f f t o t o ,,11 t.he ,r, ,,,,,:is H3!".s
Jacob ...."Y.> hIId ,...",-"ri" l. ""t es . or caTr.:l ts t o <".:l.<;'!! Crl i' our cas " . !<crt! 10"-5 ly
.. i.., a.-e .. ..+>O "",-...ts to destroy , 'OU a.'\d 1:5 . He , 1o"it.... h35 a l so
t "ted a clllSS a :-t i<:r. 1ltW' s ui t in cen rceue. "'l!.h t he ob]eo;:'t l""'" o r f : r <:i ng ,.... tQ re. Cl m
all t!",,; :xr.ey to e vcrycee has e--..,r PJ r<;ha.s....:! "'y i:".f C:""'".Jticn ! rcr 1,;.5 00 yoo.:r -F"' ter.tly
Col"" .. '"'" y<:U t o ,.,. ......... - _
.."" i n teen :..'le ally to du-r100 y:tJ. r c esc and t o ar" .lC i ts
-....=r lc-."k. apart f ren )"oo .-se1\""s, of o;our se, Mod Ra.",o::,. For '-'5 to 90
silent <Il your C" Ef' h>for e a n ""ala,,<:oe of il."ltl e i p.;1te j /IS a o! Ko.-ff ' "
e lforts "'''i" have tr<C! e ffect of cc:nf irr..ing t:c rH' s t o tl".e ,"X'." 10 . ..-.:;..' H Uh.
0 < nc:.h.lng at=t y""r c ase '-'? to no.:, and p"IT.ai'S t o Io'he <b ;.-.nc..; a
)"0> = t have a l .-eil=; tl-... t i.f. r:y r e;>ortln; 0: i'::>.lr -ea-,ta:t ::etes , I .. oileC
It......} p".-;;.cr>al nc:t "s of '""; 00""' t eW' ..i::-g to ClX' . f.r:' .......... you. _ re 5":""; . ....:r"r:enoe..
__ haC '_-::::.h l r.te ll ioencc " ="'-">Cics. """", n """". """ "'iL" c t.,"",r !' u:'".'.1lC'o- t o i"Q..:
... , ld e ! = inexPli"able :.....n COllI<:J cr.I " 1'-.1'.-.:' erre : rr.r:
' . n:: e f s O""rce 4,")..'! ccr COI", t .-ol.
I n e-! l:orff ' " au.. ",,:. 4...1 h i . ,,,,,,' I d.Xl<!<><i 6 ..:. " t hs " ",) t o .,"<J
t o t he l ils t c: those Z. BOO pa 't""s o f ccoee-t. 1 "nil I..." '"""i ! lls. ",...d t o
I n t r.'" ...... f.::c.I.os '"""i "ar lie r rcp: n " , :;. adC ,n<; nctes ......: c::rn ....t5 U1 0<.1 , 00' .
.. y",-,r c;l s e . expcr i = C<:"S ' ]eM t o ""n!y vdl,n:ty t o us
'"'" : r hi:X:;!:,- t h i.s ;-.i<;'1t lx< o f '.<l1UC' t c nl-.crs '" ,' :;r:!' s ;-." .jr
en }"O.;r Cd""" '-0 <lest .-C'J H cn:c<" Ol<:C fe r ;Ill '- !><: ,"c:.:ou: t 70 Cl :I!,.;
s ..:;.-o:crt. h , ,. . e ! f"n is s t: l l I n ,."" .. ;,,-,c wc>.Jl r. t ':> '.e :C'-' -,' =
! , '""' n:, to cc., t . ': r .. "lly do no t hs."- a le, t G: ">'" -' ,,.." '" !IllS. .,,-,,: ,""",J ,;
; .::- oc, ;;:; It n ,r c- ". Jo : .. ..o r t o 1..... -'5 a n... ""., ..".A" "'<.<" . lo-t r, 1.;........ ",' c'- W'"' u""c
40 3
Tetela" No.: 052/ 45 42 89
f relo Inte' flu flngflm oln, eh "h
Son,l a,o.Si lver-Stll r, Cll nl ol
CH8495 Hi nt e" ch midru ti
Tfltephon No .: 052 / 4513 10
052 / 45 21 01
Sehwelz Swi l u rlend Suiss e
Emol a., ge r,Recipiont
Wen::!;:; II;:; C.SU;v...,s
P_O B::: A17206
_ _ ___ _ _ L_. -j USA-Tucs on. Az. 85710
IFax Nr. (101 602 721 902 5
:"nza hl Se ite n:
QUllntily o r pag61 s:
PO$teh61 ck-Kont o: f roi e Int eru sen gemllinsch llh fur Grenz- und Geis18,wiu enscheh en,
CH8495 Schmldroti , PC 80- 137033, Zuri ch
Dear Wend;:; ll&
Tha'l k you tor your tax. Concaming the Contact rccres you possess. tne tacr is as

Probable the Conlact NOleSyou l ranSla:ad were not ye; corrected. Tn61' e we-e d,ffe' ent
m' S:;Ikes ,\ ere on one Side eerrectec late r t y Se-oiesc. Ouetlil l and Ptaan ar.c
on tne other s.ce I mace mi s:akes ,n v.ort! lI'l d numt Gr d u' in!il lhe te'ecemc ir.ccmm
ar'ld t ev en cn anced by rl ll sl al<e words or Ie!; 0..: " nole sentences . Furthermore you
trans lated Coma :! Notas ....t1i(:h ....ere COP;6:1by M .a:a Slenet . ....11:) part ly chan; e:: u.e
meanll'lg unauth:)riz&d i nd also co;>;,;:l ", rong. .....h at he dscov,;re:l a!:>OuI thr ee yea's
ag-:.. ACCO'd'r:;!y we had to correct and 10 or i'l: 6\"<')1hlfl g again. If you a' ll inler6s:ej . I
" j,1send you Ina ec-recsea Netos .
Concerning Kal Kort: v.e know. Inat l!'Ie wh ch he bOught ' rom Ine ""CY.l ... 01
Hans was a:f!; ady !al sit,e':l, and pt1::t::mO'lla; 6:l. teus man puI 3:;:'-:l in
d fi erenl ways. He 'ls Jakcb compla n" :l about tnat. ... -nen I mel mm et me hospital
cetcre he oL,,:llhlll :;IOtIS mean, I 50 0:0 Hans Jakcb ' ''9 mat e' ,all go: ca:;'; aoe (j r:m1
-eatee ,rr.mej ,ate' y tnat n ...as al'eady l a'si!,.;;:! Hs also rece vca my l als".6:1 r- e-e-e t
omer oecc e
I lh,nk II is "g"1. I accept ,I eee I lna"k YOJ l or ""hal YOJ coce-t ese ag3 nsl Kal Ko"': n
ycur and ocr matter. At out Kal Kor.1 \'0 9 d::: n' t "o'ry. cecav se v.e I< no','. u-e l'u:n
W,:h best ...
4 0 4
descendent s will still be there wnen all the againsters
a r e gone .
The group in switzerland cons i de r s the antagonists
"gadfl i es " at best, who only s erve to purge the r anks
of the true ly intereste d pers ons of the weaker inter-
ests, and thus they do serve a purpose .
The cont acts with the Pleiadians do continue and are
sti ll going on. I am told that a new t e am has been
trained to carry on rror e of the extensive dialogue
that character ized the contacts by semjase, who has
now all but r etired f ran this activity in Switzerland .
But , as I unders tand it now, little mor e will be
r e leased out of the group ther e in Swi t zerland, as the
infomation is nee, and a Iways has been , intended
s t r i c t l y f or them and their edifi cation.
Thi s concluded the l ast of the 1,800 pages of contac t
notes that I had in my poseasdcn, he stopped our CMn
acti ve investigation of this case in 1982, wh en Sem-
jase ' s team l eft the scene, and have no intention of
r es uming i t , as ve now see that it will last a very
l ong t iIre .
I apologi ze t o Billy and a ll his group of wonderf ul
peopl e there in Switze rland, f or not inrnediatel y can-
p lying with their r eques t t o cease publication
of their case , but now my friends you may consider it
done . I have no rrore c ontac t notes t o publish, and
other things are taking up my tiirre ,
l\endelle C. Stevens
40 5

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