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/* Sega Genesis Controller Test Written in 2013 by Scott W. Vincent http://www.lungStruck.

com To the extent possible under law, the author has dedicated all copyright and r elated and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty. You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along with this software. If not, see <>. The following webpages were helpful in writing this:,21263.0.html,49070.0.html */ //Constants const int UP_PIN = 7; const int DOWN_PIN = 3; const int LEFT_PIN = 4; const int RIGHT_PIN = 5; const int AB_PIN = 8; const int SELECT_PIN = 2; const int STARTC_PIN = 6; const int LED1_PIN = 9; const int LED2_PIN = 10; const int LED3_PIN = 11; const int LED4_PIN = 12; const int LED5_PIN = 13; void setup() { //Set Pin modes pinMode(UP_PIN, INPUT); pinMode(DOWN_PIN, INPUT); pinMode(LEFT_PIN, INPUT); pinMode(RIGHT_PIN, INPUT); pinMode(AB_PIN, INPUT); pinMode(SELECT_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(STARTC_PIN, INPUT); pinMode(LED1_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(LED2_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(LED3_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(LED4_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(LED5_PIN, OUTPUT); } void loop() { //SELECT=GND digitalWrite(SELECT_PIN, LOW); digitalWrite(LED2_PIN, !digitalRead(UP_PIN) || !digitalRead(DOWN_PIN)); digitalWrite(LED4_PIN, !digitalRead(AB_PIN) || !digitalRead(STARTC_PIN)); //A /Start

//SELECT=+5V digitalWrite(SELECT_PIN, HIGH); digitalWrite(LED1_PIN, !digitalRead(LEFT_PIN)); digitalWrite(LED3_PIN, !digitalRead(RIGHT_PIN)); digitalWrite(LED5_PIN, !digitalRead(AB_PIN) || !digitalRead(STARTC_PIN)); //B /C }

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