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2.1 Understanding cells 2.2 Understanding unicellular and multicellular organisms 2.3 Understanding that cells from tissues, organs and systems in the human body 2.4 Realising that humans are complex organisms
Prepared by: Lee Hock Tiang

2.1 What is a cell? 1. All living things consist of basic unit known as cells. 2. These cells are microscopic because they can only be seen under a microscope. 3. The cell discovery: a. In 1665, Robert Hooke, an English scientist, became the first person to study the cell. b. He studied a cork that has been sliced very thinly. He discovered that the cork consists of small units in the shape of bricks. These small units are called cells, which in Lantin means small rooms. 4. A human body is made up of million of cells which have different shapes and sizes.

An animal cell and a plant cell are shown in the following diagrams.

The General Structures of Animal and Plant Cells


a. b. c. 2.

a. b.

All living things consist of cells. Cell is the fundamental unit of all living things. Generally, each cell consists of: Cell membrane Cytoplasm Nucleus The cell membrane is a thin, semi-permeable layer which surrounds a cell to retain the contents of the cell. The cell membrane separates a cell from other cells. The cell membrane allows only certain substances to enter or exit the cell because of its semi-permeability.

The General Structures of Animal and Plant Cells


4. a. b. 5. 6. 7.

Cytoplasm is a semi-solid (jelly-like) substance which is a place where chemical processes in the cell take place. It consists mainly of water (90%). The nucleus is a compact body that looks like a big sphere in the cell. The nucleus which contains the thread-like genetic substances controls all the activities of the cell. Without the nucleus, cell would not live. Protoplasm is made up of nucleus and cytoplasm. Therefore, a cell can be said to consist of protoplasm and cell membrane. The general structures of animal and plant cells can be observed using a microscope.

The Functions of the Cell Structures

1. 2.

The cell structures help the cells to carry out and maintain the stability of life processes. The table below lists the structures of cells and their functions.
Function A place where chemical processes in the cell take place Controls all the activities of the cell and has genetic materials (chromosomes) Supports plant cell, gives a regular shape and protects the plant cell Animal cell contains air, liquid or food particles. Smaller than the vacuole of a plant cell and numerous Plant cell filled with cell sap and forms the biggest part of a plant cell Contains chlorophyll for the process of photosynthesis Controls the movement of substances in and out of the cell

Cell Structure Cytoplasm Nucleus Cell wall Vacuole

Chloroplast Cell membrane

The Similarities and Differences Between Animal and Plant Cells

Similarities Both of the cells have cell membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus Differences
Animal cell Small and has an irregular shapes Absence of cell wall Vacuoles exist only in animal cells of the lower category Absence of chloroplasts Plant cell Big and has a regular shape Has cell wall (made up of cellulose) and function to protect the cell and give it a regular shape Has big vacuoles that are spaces which have cell fluid and food Has chloroplasts which contain a green pigment called chlorophyll to absorb sunlight to make food during photosynthesis



2.2 Unicellular and Multicellular Organisms

What is a microorganism? 1. Organisms consist of living things (animals and plats). 2. Microorganisms are minute living things which can only be seen under microscope. 3. Microorganisms exist in various habitats including in the water, on a plant, in the air, in the solid and in a human body. 4. Microorganisms include bacteria, fungi, protozoa and viruses. 5. Microorganisms are also known as microbes.

Unicellular Organisms

2. 3. a. b.


Unicellular organisms are microorganisms which are made up of only one cell and can only be seen under a microscope. Unicellular organisms are normally found in damp places such as drains, ponds, rivers and other aquatic places. Examples of unicellular organisms: Animal such as Amoeba and Paramecium Plants such as Euglena, Chlamydomonas and Pleurococcus Unicellular organisms performs all life processes within the single cell. Euglena and Chlamydomonas have chlorophyll and can make their own food.

Examples of unicellular

Multicellular Organisms
1. Multicellular organisms include humans, animals 2. 3. 4.


and plants which consist of many cells. Hydra and Spirogyra are two examples of simple multicellular organisms. Hydra is a multicellular animal and Spirogyra is a multicellular plant. Multicellular organisms have many types of cells with distinct and special functions. These cause the multicellular organisms to be bigger in size. Each type of cell carries out a specific function or life process.

Examples of Multicellular Organism

2.3 Cell Organization in the Human Body

Type of Human Cells and Their Functions 1. Human beings are complex multicellular organisms made up of millions of cells. 2. There are different types of cells with different shapes and sizes. 3. Each type of cell has own function. 4. A specialized cell is a cell that carries out a certain function and this is important in order to carry out and maintain the stability of the life processes.

Cells in the Human Body

The types of cells in the human body and their functions

Type of cells Function

Red blood cells

White blood cells Nerve cells Muscle cells Reproductive cells (sperm/ovum) Epithelial cells

Carry oxygen throughout the body

Protect the body from infections by destroying bacteria Send messages (nerve impulses) from one part of the body to another Control and enable movements of body parts Involved in reproduction Protect the surfaces of organs

Cell Organization in the Human Body

Human Tissue 1. A group of cells with the same structure and function is known as tissue. In humans, there are four main types of tissues. They are: a. Epithelial tissue which consists of epithelial cells that function to protect the cells beneath them b. Muscle tissue which consists of muscle cells that contract and relax to enable movements of body parts c. Nerve tissue which consists of nerve cells transmit information (nerve impulses) from one part of the body to another d. Connective tissue which connects and binds different tissues together as in blood, fat, cartilage and bone tissues.

Some examples of human tissues

Human Organs 1. An organ is a group of different tissues cooperating to carry out a certain task or function. 2. For examples, the heart is made up of blood tissues, muscle tissues, nerve tissues and connective tissues that cooperate to pump blood to the entire body. 3. The cell organization of the human heart is shown in the diagram below:

Human Systems 1. A group of different organs that cooperate to carry out a certain life process is known as a system. 2. For examples, the human digestive system is made up of different organs such as the mouth, oesophagus, stomach, pancreas, duodenum, small intestine and liver. This system helps in digesting and absorbing food. 3. The digestive process occurs in the digestive tract which begins from the mouth and ends at the anus. 4. The organs in the system help to digest large and complex food molecules such as starch, protein and fat into smaller food molecules so that they can be absorbed and utilized by the body.

Organisms 1. Human beings is an organism that is formed by a number of systems. 2. All the systems in the body work together to form an independent organism. 3. The cell organization can also be represented in the form of the following graph, from the simple to the complex form.
Organism System Organ Tissue Cell



Cell Tissue Organ System Organism

Human Systems

Respiratory system Nose, trachea, lungs Oxygen is inhaled into the body while carbon dioxide is exhaled out of the body During respiration, oxygen is drawn in and carbon dioxide is removed.

Human Systems

Excretory system Kidney, skin, lungs Disposes off waste products that are no longer needed by the body Lungs-carbon dioxide and water vapour Skin-urea, mineral salts and water Kidney-urea, mineral salts and water

Human Systems

Digestive system Mouth, stomach Digests and absorbs food for body usage

Human Systems

Muscular system Muscles Enables body movements Muscles usually react as opposing pairs to produce movements For examples, the movement of the human arm is caused by the action of a pair of muscle known as the biceps and triceps.

Human Systems

Skeletal system Bones Maintains the body shape Provides support for the body Provides protection to internal organs such as the heart and lungs

Human Systems

Reproductive system Reproduces offspring to continue the generation

Human Systems

Nervous system Brain, spinal cord, nerve Coordinates all activities in the body Receives stimuli from the surrounding and evaluates nerve impulses

Human Systems

Blood circulatory system Heart, blood vessels Carries oxygen and nutrients to the whole body Carries unwanted excretory materials to the excretory organs to be disposed off from the body

2.4 The Human Being A Complex Organism



b. c.


Humans are considered to be complex organisms because they have various types of cells that form tissues, organs and systems. A human is a special organism that has been blessed with common sense to: Think rationally Store knowledge Differentiate between good and bad Possess emotions and compassion Possess cultural and moral values

2.4 The Human Being A Complex Organism

3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

These special characteristics in human put them above all the other living organisms. As a complex multicellular organism, cell specialization is very important in order to carry out various functions efficiently. Division of labour allows the body to function more effectively as each cell does a specialized job. Division of labour ensures that different organs and systems perform different jobs. Many tasks can be carried out simultaneously because there are many systems in human body. All the systems are interrelated to one another to ensure that whole organism function effectively.


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