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Pemex City, Tabasco P.O.B.

86720 20th April, 2013

Dear Brother,

How are you? I hope you and my nephew are doing well Last Week I had to stay at moms house, I could not go to work, I got very sick, I didnt know if it was FLU or COLD, but I had this symptoms: A 38oC fever, I was coughing a lot, I had a runny nose, headaches and body aches, chills, fatigue, nausea, vomiting. A doctor went to examine me and told me it was FLU, he told me that I had to take plenty rest, drink clear fluids like water, broth, sports drinks, or electrolyte beverages to prevent becoming dehydrated, placing a cool, damp washcloth on my forehead, arms, and legs to reduce discomfort associated with a fever and covering up with a warm blanket to calm chills, and some Tylenol caps every 8 hours. So I was like this for 1 week, But now I feel very good, our mom took care of me and made me feel like a child with all her cares. Well, we miss you a lot, take care of your wife and son, I hope well see you all very soon.


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