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of a Fourth Grade Nothing Scrapbook Rubric

Student Name: ________________________________________ CATEGORY Neatness 4 The student took time to draw neatly and uses readable handwriting. The student uses correct grammar and punctuation. The student included setting, characters, and important events in the captions. Captions are detailed and accurate. The students followed the suggested format. The finished product looks like a scrapbook and has an attractive cover. 3 The student drew neatly and the handwriting is fairly neat. Some words are misspelled. 2 1 The student's work The student's has errors but an scrapbook is messy attempt at with many neatness was mistakes. made.

Detailed Captions

The student included setting, characters, and important events in the captions. Captions are accurate. The student followed some of the directions for format. Some mistakes were made.

The student did not include setting, character, or events in the captions. Or many mistakes were made. The student did not follow the required format.

The student did not include captions, or did not include accurate information in the captions.



All of the information included was correct. The student completed a page of the scrapbook with each chapter. Captions are included for each picture and more than one picture is on a page.

The students included mostly correct information. The students completed 90% of the pages. Multiple pictures are included on each page. 90% of pictures include captions.

The student included some correct information. The students are missing a few pages or have only included one picture per page. They also did not include some captions.

The student did not format the scrapbook correctly. Pages are out of order, and the scrapbook does not have an appearance of a scrapbook. The student did not include accurate information. Many pages and captions are missing.


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