What Is An Automation Migration Strategy? Using A Diagram, Briefly Explain The Definition

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4. What is an automation migration strategy? Using a diagram, briefly explain the definition.

a manual production using single station manned cell

Phase 1: Manual production (Workers)

independently. It have advantage which is quick to set up and low cost tooling to get started.

Phase 2: Automated production (Workers and machines)

An automated production using single station automated cells operating independently. Because of product growth, automation must be used. Then, it will reduce labor rate and increase production rate.

An automated integrated production using a

Phase 3: Automated integration production (Machines)

multistation automated system with serial operations and automated transfer of work units between stations.

3. What is manufacturing? manufacturing can be defined as a material that go through a process to produce a product. The initial process consist of raw material that will be altered by physical or chemical process that will be give output of desired output or product. 5. What is the difference between consumer goods & capital good? Consumer goods are the goods which purchased directly by the customers. It does not further used for the others production. For example burger, shirt, laptop, tv, mobile phone and others. Capital goods are the goods which purchased by other companies for use to a new production. Capital goods would consist of items such as industrial buildings, equipment, and heavy machinery.

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