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Practice Problems Chapter 4 1. The half value layer of a superficial beam is between: A. 0-1 mm Al B. 1-10 mm Al C. 10-30 mm Al D. 30-50 mm Al 2.

In orthovoltage therapy, 90% of the dose occurs at an approximate depth of: A. 0.5 cm B. 1.0 cm C. 2.0 cm D. 5.0 cm 3. The output of a cobalt-60 therapy source decreases each month by about: A. 0.1% B. 1.0% C. 2.0% D. 5.0% 4. Which of the following is not an accelerator component: A. waveguide B. transducer C. circulator D. modulator E. thyratron 5. In a linear accelerator, the flattening filter is used to: A. flatten the front end of the accelerator head B. make the beam intensity uniform C. produce electron beams D. filter the neutrons from the beam

Practice Problems Chapter 5 1. Ionization implies: A. an excited state of the atom B. the production of x-rays C. the removal of an electron from the atom D. a neutral state of the atom 2. The amount of attenuation of a photon beam by a material depends upon: A. energy of the photon B. linear attenuation coefficient of the material C. thickness of the material D. all of the above 3. In coherent scattering the energy of the photon is: A. increased B. decreased C. unchanged D. none of the above 4. The photoelectric process is most significant in the energy range of: A. 1 keV to 100 keV B. 100 keV to 500 keV C. 500 keV to 1 MeV D. 1 MeV to 5 MeV 5. When a photon undergoes a Compton process: A. a photon of reduced energy is scattered B. it is completely absorbed C. characteristic x-rays are produced D. two Compton electrons are produced

6. The linear attenuation coefficient () for monoenergetic photons is equal to: A. HVL x 1.44 B. 0.693/HVL C. HVL x 0.693 D. (HVL) to the power half 7. Pair Production refers to: A. two orbital electrons are ejected from the atom B. one electron and one positron is ejected from the atom C. in the field of the nucleus, the energy of the interacting photon is converted into a positron and an electron D. any of the above

Practice Problems Dosimetry & Instrumentation Each question is worth 2 points. #9, 10, and 13 are BONUS questions worth 2 points each. 19 questions = 38 possible points 1. The process whereby energy is transferred from a photon beam to electrons in the medium is called: A. electron capture B. absorption C. bremsstrahlung D.scatter 2. Match the most appropriate instrument to the procedure in each question: I. Liquid scintillation counter II. NaI well counter III. Geiger-Mueller (GM) counter IV. Thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) V. Ionization chamber survey meter A. Gamma ray sealed source wipe test B. contamination survey for Tc-99m

C. radiation survey of a diagnostic x-ray installation D. personnel monitoring 3. Collecting all the negative ions produced by a beam of photons in a small volume of air, under conditions of electronic equilibrium, is a direct measure of: A. dose equivalent B. LET C. absorbed dose D. exposure E. specific ionization4. If the temperature is 22C and the pressure is 770 mm mercury, the correction to an ionization chamber reading would be _____: A. 1.013 B. 1.0 C. 0.994 D. 0.987 E. 0.974 5. Megavoltage photons can be detected by all of the following except: A. an ion chamber B. a Geiger counter C. a diode D. a thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) E. a flow meter 6. Exposure is ________ A. the energy absorbed in a given mass of a medium B. the air kerma of a photon beam C. measured in Sv D. the ionization in a given mass of air 7. Match the following units with the quantities below: (answers may be used more than once or not at all)

I. Bq II. Sv III. C/kg IV. Gy V. J A. absorbed dose B. activity C. exposure D. dose equivalent8. Ion chamber readings are corrected for temperature and pressure because: A. the chambers calibration factor is stated at 22C and 760 mmHg B. as temperature increases, the gas in the chamber expands, resulting in a higher collected charge C. as pressure increases, the gas in the chamber is compressed, resulting in a lower collected charge D. all of the above are true 9. A series of dosimeters are irradiated in water with Co-60 and then with 15 MV x-rays. In both cases the dose to the water at the position of the dosimeter was 1 Gy. For which dosimeter will the readings for the two energies differ the least? A. ionization chamber (air cavity) B. diode (silicon) C. film (silver halide) D. TLD (LiF) 10. In measuring beam profiles for small x-ray beams, which of the following is the detector with the bestspatial resolution? A. diodes B. film C. ionization chambers with detector dimensions equal to or greater than 2 mm11. Which of the following radiation detectors can be used to calibrate a linac photon beam?

1. TLD chip 2. therapy verification film 3. diode 4. farmer ion chamber A. 1,2,3 B. 1,3 C. 2,4 D. 4 only E. all of the above 12. Factors influencing the relationship of dose equivalent to absorbed dose for particulate radiation include: 1. atomic mass 2. electric charge 3. kinetic energy 4. linear energy transfer (LET) A. 1,3 B. 2,4 C. 3,4 D. 2,3,4 E. all of the above 13.Compared to a standard ionization-chamber survey meter, a pressurized ion-chamber meter: A. has equal energy dependence B. is more sensitive C. needs no temperature or pressure corrections D. uses air as its filling gas E. all of the above14. Ion-recombination can be a problem when using a: A. calorimeter B. Geiger counter

C. ionization chamber D. TLD 15. An unsealed ion chamber is exposed under identical condition to the same amount of radiation in cities A and B. It has a lower charge reading in city A than in city B because: A. the relative humidity might be higher in city B B. the temperature might be higher in city B C. the pressure might be lower in city A D. the stem effect might be more in city B E. background radiation could be higher in city B 16. For a cylindrical ion chamber with inner radius, r, the effective point of dose measurement in water is shifted: A. upstream by a distance of 2 r for electron beams B. upstream by a distance of r for electron beams C. downstream by a distance of 0.75 r for electron beams D. downstream by a distance of r for electron beams E. upstream by a distance of 0.5 r for electron beams 17. Exposure is defined for ionization produced in: A. water B. tissue C. air D. fat 18. One roentgen corresponds to a charge of: A. 3.7 x 1010 disintegrations/sec B. 2.58 x 10-4 coulomb/kg C. 0.03 esu of electrostatic charge D. 1 electron volt19. A free-air ionization chamber is an instrument used to measure: A. the charge of free electrons in a radiation beam B. ionization produced in a well specified volume of air according to the

definition of roentgen C. charge particle equilibrium D. number of ionization tracks produced by electrons 20. The most common wall material used for the outer wall of the ionization chamber is: A. aluminum B. copper C. graphite or nylon D. lead 21. Calibration of an ionization chamber means it has been: A. exposed to radiation to stabilize B. compared against a national standard to establish a correction factor C. tested against leakage and electrical shorts D. made waterproof 22. An electrometer is an instrument used to measure: A. charge, current B. voltage, resistance C. capacitance D. all of the above

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