Sea-Floor Spreading Foldable Wks

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Name _____________________

Sea-Floor Spreading—Draw—Color—Label Figure #26 Pg 678

Explain the Following:

1. Where is new crust being created?
2. Where is a convergent boundary?
3. Where is Sea-Floor spreading?
4. Where is the ocean plate being sub-ducted beneath a continental plate?
5. At what point is the crust melting (Name the Zone)? What forms above that point?
6. How is the rock of the ocean floor formed?

Magnetic Strips of Earth —Draw—Color—Label Convection currents of Earth Draw

Figure #27 Pg 679 —Color—Label Figure #28 Pg 680

What do Convection currents of the mantle do to

the Tectonic Plates?

1. Explain what happens to the magnetism on both sided of the Mid-Ocean ridge:

2. Why is the pattern of stripes the same on both sides of the ridge?

3. What does this diagram support with evidence?

4. Where is the newest rock in the ocean and where is the oldest rock in the ocean?

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