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Behavior Plan


Severe disruption immediately send to principal

Talk to student outside of class about behavior

Send to the Principal

Stay in for recess

Phone call to parent/guardian to discuss behavior

Individual rewards Classroom dollars will be given for the following:

When students are on task without having to be told When students are seen helping others Students are quiet in the hall Every two weeks students will have the opportunity to buy something from the treasure box. Coupons are in the treasure box with students being able to buy lunch with the teacher, stuffed animal day, free time in class, etc.

Small group rewards

Groups will receive group points for being on task

They will get points for being quiet Group points will be counted at the end of the week and the winning team will get to pick something out of the treasure box with multiple toys, pencils, etc.

Whole class rewards Whole class will receive marbles to put in classroom jar if they are all on task They will receive marbles when they line up quietly after only being asked once Receive marbles when the class is follow directions, quiet in the hallway throughout the day
Once they have received 20 marbles the class will be treated to 10 minutes of free time in class.

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