Annotated Bibliography Final Paper

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Lindsay Davis ENC 1102 Professor Wolcott 15 March 2013 Robotics and Space Exploration All of my annotations focus around a central topic: Robotics in space exploration. Most of my articles had different things they wanted to accomplish but similar goals. I could see a conversation forming with all of my sources. I have come to think that a lot of scientists really want to focus on Mars and all of its potential. For scientists Mars is a great opportunity and research platform. Scientists are working to come up with ideas on how to better scope Mars. Some of the articles think that lots of small fast robots will be good. One article said that and then also came up with a certain way it would search for caves. They want to be able to find water in the soil. Lots of the scientists want to be able to have humans live on the Moon or Mars at some point. This research pertains to my major because I am an electrical engineer and robots need electricity to power what they do. I was on the robotics team in high school so I came to love robots. I think being able to figure out a robot thats going to be on Marss wiring design that would be amazing. I think what these scientists are discussing is really recent and optimistic. Many of the scientists papers wanted to do their experiment with their product out on the moon which would realistically be really expensive to do and for them to develop. All of my sources I kept come to the general conclusion that space exploration needs to be furthered and continued, which is something I definitely agree with. I think space exploration is a great thing. It gives us

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new stuff to research about and discover and help technology move forward. Michle Lavagna, et al. "A Mars Communication Constellation for Human Exploration and Network Science." Advances In Space Research 45.1 (2010): 183-199. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Mar. 2013. The cited author of this article is a professor in the aerospace engineering department at a university in Italy. She has written numerous articles on topics surrounding the subject of aerospace. This article is about researchers wanting to set up a communication constellation around Mars to be able to conduct a massive robotic exploration of Mars. The communication constellation is needed so that the robots will be able to transfer their video feed effectively. Another positive outcome of setting up this communication constellation is that it would give an opportunity to use this multi-platform infrastructure to perform other research tasks such as network science to learn more about the planet. The article goes on to describe in detail how many communication spacecrafts are needed. The communications between the satellites and earth are achieved though optical links. These optical links allow lower mass and power consumption with respect to traditional radio-frequency technology. P. Furgale, et al. "A Mission Control Architecture For Robotic Lunar Sample Return As Field Tested In An Analogue Deployment To The Sudbury Impact Structure." Advances In Space Research 50.12 (2012): 1666-1686. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Mar. 2013.

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The cited author is a professor at the University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace studies. He has done lots of research on space exploration technology. This article is about mission control architecture that was for a lunar sample robot return mission that would build on the previous NASA missions of the Mars exploration program. There are four separate parts to the architecture. There is a rover that will be used which was tested and it is capable of developing a network of locations that could be revisited using a teach and repeat method. Many rock samples were collected by the rover during their experiment. The rover traveled over 2200m and the rocks were collected by the rover while it was completing 43 command cycled. Khartov, V. "A New Stage in the Development of Robotic Spacecraft for Fundamental Space Research." Solar System Research 46.7 (2012): 451-457. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Mar. 2013. The author of this paper works at the Lavochkin Research and Production Association, which is a Russian aerospace company. This company was a major player in the Russian space program. It is headed by the author of this article, Victor Kharov. This article gives a good overview of the robotic spacecraft that were the prominent tools used by the Soviet Union in space research in the 20th Century. This article describes the current and future spacecraft designs, these spacecraft are for the study of the Moon, planets, and small bodies of the Solar System, and for astrophysics research. Khartov talks about the achievements of the Russian space program and what they accomplished through space exploration and the robotics that they built to achieve this.

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Aghili, Farhad. "A Prediction and Motion-Planning Scheme for Visually Guided Robotic Capturing Of Free-Floating Tumbling Objects With Uncertain Dynamics." IEEE Transactions on Robotics 28.3 (2012): 634-649. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Mar. 2013. Farhad Aghili is a research Scientist at the Canadian Space Agency and he is a senior member of IEEE. He also has a PhD in mechanical engineering from McGill University. This article is about robotic capture of free flying objects. This requires analysis of the object and a long term prediction of the object. This paper presents a combined prediction and motion planning scheme for the robot to capture drifting of a tumbling object. In this paper experiments are presented of the robot-motion planning scheme for autonomous, which means without a human controlling it, grasping of a tumbling satellite. Two robotics manipulators are used for the experiment. The first is an arm that drifts and tumbles a pretend satellite. The other arm is equipped with a robotic hang that tries to capture a grapple fixture on the satellite using the visual guidance system. Giovanni B. Palmerini, et al. "Adaptive and Robust Algorithms and Tests for Visual-Based Navigation of a Space Robotic Manipulator." Acta Astronautica 83.(2013): 65-84. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Mar. 2013. The cited author for this paper is a professor at the University of Rome in Italy. This article discussed the issues and bennifits with different camera mounting techniques and how they with aid in optical navigation and control of robotic systems. The first technique is the hand-in-eye camera. This camera is a fixed camera, external to the robot, which allows the position of the target object to be reached. The second camera

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style is called eye-in-hand, this one consists of a camera on an arm or end effector of the manipulator. Here the target object position is not determined in an absolute reference frame, but with respect to the image plane of the mobile camera. This paper shows experiments that use the eye-in-hand camera because its not very practical to have a fixed camera. These research groups are working on developing a good optic connection that doesnt fail. James Mantovani, et al. "Affordable, Rapid Bootstrapping of the Space Industry and Solar System Civilization." Journal of Aerospace Engineering 26.1 (2013): 18-29. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Mar. 2013. Dr. James Mantovani is a senior research scientist at NASA's Electrostatics and Surface Physics Laboratory. He received his Ph.D. in physics from Clemson University in the area of atom-surface scattering theory. Prior to joining NASA, he taught physics and conducted research in condensed matter physics in the Department of Physics and Space Sciences at the Florida Institute of Technology. This article is about advances in robotics. The authors of this article believe that the solar systems resources are the key to humanitys future. The authors have this elaborate plan that they can colonize the moon with robots and that the industry will grow because of the free land, i.e. the moon, no one owns the moons land. They have a strategy that involves new technology. The technology they are talking about would make it self-sustainable to live out in space. The article goes on to discuss everything needed and how they would build life on the moon. Matheson, Eloise, and Graham Brooker. "Augmented Robotic Device For EVA Hand Manoeuvres." Acta Astronautica 81.1 (2012): 51-61. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Mar.

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2013. Eloise Matheson is an engineer holding a Bachelor of Mechatronic (Space) Engineering (Honours) and a Bachelor of Science from the University of Sydney, Australia. Currently she is completing a Masters of Advanced Robotics as part of an Erasmus Mundus program between France, Italy and Poland. Her work experience includes a role as a systems engineer in the aerospace sector in Australia and in academia as a research assistant and teaching assistant. Graham Brooker got his PhD from the University of Sydney and has been a researcher at a number of companies. This article is about the space suits and advancements we can make to them to make them more effective. During extravehicular activities the pressurized space suits can lead to fatigue and make certain hand maneuvers difficult. Their soulution to this problem of having terminated EVAs or them taking longer would be assistive robotic gloves. These gloves will be able to augment the natural motion of a human hand, making things more efficient and with less stress to the astronaut. The article goes on to explain how these robotic gloves are deigned and how they would work and their findings. Boning, Peggy, and Steven Dubowsky. "Coordinated Control Of Space Robot Teams For The On-Orbit Construction Of Large Flexible Space Structures." Advanced Robotics 24.3 (2010): 303-323. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Mar. 2013. Peggy Boning is a researcher at MITs Lincoln Laboratory, where she has worked for over three years. She got her Bachelors degree in mechanical engineering at MIT and her masters at Stanford University. Steven Dubowsky received his Bachelors degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute of Troy, New York in 1963 and his M.S. and Sc.D.

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degrees from Columbia University in 1964 and 1971. He is currently a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at M.I.T. This article is about future space structures. The structures talked about include: solar power space stations, and space telescopes. These things require teams of autonomous space robots. In this paper they explain how you would organize robots to build these structures and what the robots designs are. The paper also includes theorized results from experiments.

Kevin K. Williams, et al. "Field Testing Of Robotic Technologies to Support Ground Ice Prospecting In Martian Polygonal Terrain." Planetary & Space Science 58.4 (2010): 671681. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Mar. 2013. The cited author is a Professor at Buffalo State College in the department of Earth Sciences. He has done a lot of research in planetary and space science. This article is about the terrain of Mars and how to overcome it. These scientists want to be able to pinpoint ground ice prior to subsurface sampling. There are explanations of how they want to achieve this in their paper. This includes a certain camera with radar suite. This paper is a unique collaboration between technological and scientific communities and has led to a deeper understanding of how such science-driven mission could actually be implemented robotically. The reason why Mars is so important is because of the widespread evidence for the presence of water in the geological past. Kisdi, ron, and Adrian R.L. Tatnall. "Future Robotic Exploration Using Honeybee Search Strategy: Example Search For Caves On Mars." Acta Astronautica 68.11/12 (2011): 1790-1799. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Mar. 2013.

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Aron Kisdi received his education from the University of Southampton. He is a systems engineer at RAL Space and he has published many works. Adrian R.L. Tatnall is a senior Lecturer at the University of Southampton in the department of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Before that he was a senior space systems engineer at British Aerospace. This article is about exploring planets in a more thorough and effective way. They want to employ and develop small and fully autonomous robots to be able to explore a larger surface area. They have established all of the problems they could run into with this type of plan. They have come up with several challenges but focuses mainly on one which is strategy. In this paper they discuss a computer program that they developed to simulate a way that they could find caves on Mars. They have found that using this technology could greatly improve the speed and range of a planetary exploration mission. The purpose they are trying to achieve is to be able to find a cave and potentially find evidence of life on Mars or other bodies in the solar system. Schmidt, George R., Geoffrey A. Landis, and Steven R. Oleson. "Human Exploration Using Real-Time Robotic Operations (HERRO): A Space Exploration Strategy For The 21St Century." Acta Astronautica 80.(2012): 105-113. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Mar. 2013. Dr. George R. Schmidt is Deputy Director of the Research and Technology Directorate at the National Aeronautics and Space Administrations John H. Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field in Cleveland, Ohio. Appointed to this position in March 2007, the organization is responsible for planning, advocating, coordinating, organizing, directing and supervising all phases of directorate research and business activities to meet NASA

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mission commitments. Prior to his current assignment, Dr. Schmidt served as Manager of the Propulsion Research Center at NASAs Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., where he led a variety of cutting-edge research projects covering a broad range of advanced propulsion technologies. This paper presents an exploration strategy for human missions beyond where we have gone already. This group of researchers wants to be able to send missions out to not land on the moon or Mars. They want to send piloted space crafts to orbit Mars and then send telerobots and remotely-controlled systems to explore Mars. This group of researchers has found many positive things about having this as a potential mission. They have reduced cost and risk through less complexity and fewer man-related elements. Their strategy named HERRO would also provide the space transportation infrastructure needed for eventual human landings in the future. Cohen, Barbara A., D. Gregory Chavers, and Benjamin W. Ballard. "NASA's Robotic Lunar Lander Development Project." Acta Astronautica 79.(2012): 221-240. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Mar. 2013. Dr. Barbara Cohen is a planetary scientist at NASAs Marshall Space Flight Center. She serves as the project scientist for the US nodes of the International Lunar Network, a science mission to provide geophysical information about the Moons interior structure and composition. She also supports NASA in various roles for the next phase of lunar planning, both human and robotic. Barbara's science interests focus on geochronology and geochemistry of planetary samples from the Moon, Mars and asteroids. In pursuit of these interests, Barbara works on the Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit and Opportunity and is currently building a next-generation planetary noble gas laboratory for continued

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geochronology studies. This paper is mainly about having multiple landers land on the moon or other airless bodies. The main author works for NASA and wrote this paper to explain her developmental ideas for small robotic landers for the moon and other airless bodies. They have built free-flying test article to create and integrated systems environment. These development investments will reduce mission cost and risk. Anthony C. Muscatello, et al. "Prototype Development Of An Integrated Mars Atmosphere And Soil-Processing System." Journal Of Aerospace Engineering 26.1 (2013): 5766. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Mar. 2013. Anthony C. Muscatello, Ph.D. is an In Situ Resource Utilization Chemist at the NASA Kennedy Space Center in Florida in the Engineering and Technology Directorate. His current work is focused on prospecting for lunar water ice, carbothermal reduction of regolith for oxygen production, and production of rocket propellants from the Martian atmosphere. This paper is about furthering the ability of being able to live on the Moon or Mars. The scientists believe there are lots of resources we could eventually harness with future technology. In the article they talk about a recent Mars study and how there are certain dangers of extracting water. They have come up with a plan to make it way better and safer. They designed a robot that would collect atmospheric and soil samples. In this article they also discussed their field demonstration.

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