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Name: Kelly Hahn Grade level: 2nd Observation: 1 2 3 4

general goals of LESSON long term: Using known multiplication facts to find and solve other multiplication and division problems.

short term: Using skip-counting and dot paper strategies to represent learning multiplication facts for the number 3. Applying inverse relationships of multiplication, writing division sentences from related multiplication sentences. specific goals of lesson long term: Comprehend and understand different ways to count by threes (skip-counting, dot paper), and how it relates to multiplication and division. short term: Use dot paper to further the understanding of counting and multiplying by 3s.

1. title of Research Lesson: Multiplying 3: Using Dot Paper

2. standards addressed: CC.2.OA.1 Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction. Use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve one- and two-step word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem; CC.2.OA.4 Work with equal groups of objects to gain foundations for multiplication. Use addition to find the total number of objects arranged in rectangular arrays with up to 5 rows and up to 5 columns; write an equation to express the total as a sum of equal addends. CC.3.OA.1 Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division. Interpret products of whole numbers, e.g., interpret 5 7 as the total number of objects in 5 groups of 7 objects each. For example, describe a context in which a total number of objects can be expressed as 5 7.

3. background of the LESSON: The children have been learning skip-counting for a while now. They know how to skip-count by 2, 5, and 10. They
also understand how to rewrite sentences and know the differences between 4 twos and 2 fours. The children also know that multiplication is the same as repeated addition. As well, the children have learned that using known multiplication facts is a simple way to solve problems they may not know (ex: 8x2 is the same as 10x2, which they know is 20, and subtracting 2 sets of 2, which is 4so 20-4 = 16).

5. lesson procedures

page _________


(Divide this into sections. Sections might include: Set-up, Introduction, Teacher-guided instruction, Individual Practice, Group Work, Sharing Ideas, Summary, etc.)


(Teachers Questions; Anticipated Student Responses)


(Materials, Strategies, Adaptations)


8:30am Challenge Problem -Go over last two problems. -Ask students thoughts on problem, ask to solve problem -If no response, ask children to give more ideas about the problem. How could they solve something smaller? What is the first step? -Ask to turn and talk to a partner for about a minute discuss as a class after -Finish solving problem, check to see if children understand 8:36am *Transition* Use countdown from 20 quick countdown to get everyone settled. Review Game -Partner card game; pick

Ms. Muellers group, you need to pass down your challenge problem notebooks and a pencil. Nothing else. Were going to finish up our challenge problem today.

Challenge notebooks and pencils.

I will be at the Friends, were going to finish up our challenge board, writing problem today. So for number , what do we think is childrens Am I using the first step? Or who thinks they know how to solve responses on the classroom this? board. management techniques If no response. If no response properly? Well, what would be the first thing I would have to and students are find/do? stuck, write Why dont we take about a minute and turn and talk first step on with your neighbor. Talk about different ways you board. Explain. think we could solve this problem. Ask probing questions Give me a thumbs up if you have everything written Are children down. Turn to your partner for a few seconds and tell Turn and Talk focused on them what you learned from this challenge problem. methodchildren the lesson? talking to each other for a minute to discuss Alright friends, when you are done copying all of this strategies. information down, you can pass down your notebooks and pencils, and wait for directions. We dont need anything right now. So yesterday, we started to review and learn our skip-counting by 3s. Were going to play that same

Are the children following directions?

Children are

Do children

6. evaluation:

(How will you know whether or not you have achieved your short-term specific goals? What did the childrens responses to this lesson tell you about whether your goals were met? -The children will understand how to draw a dot graph and know how it is used -The children will ask questions and give responses that are appropriate to the topics learned about today -The children will be able to demonstrate skip counting and multiplication of problems they may not know by using words and what they do know

7. post-lesson reflection:
This lesson went really, really well! The things I need to work on most would be to keep on nurturing and encouraging the children for ideas and answers. I ran out of time to finish one of my activities, but I was able to pick and choose what I needed to keep and get rid of. I wish I got to the part about labels and telling them why they are so important in word problems. I am continuing to work on math language during the lesson.

What would you change about this lesson and why would those changes improve it?

How did your organization and materials affect the success of the lesson?

I was very organized and kept on schedule! Being able to keep organized and stay focused/on task during the lesson helped me get through the entire hour without the children really losing interest or getting restless. Im glad I was able to cut out something that was not as important in order to finish the lesson on time. My organization and planning of transitions was extremely helpful in keeping the children on task and engaged. The time was still a challenge. As well, I am continuing to work on nurturing and giving moments to children at the same time. Its challenging to remember constantly to praise children who are following your directions while giving moments to children the instant they do something to break the rules. Both aspects (time and classroom management) ended up going very well in my lesson, but I still need to work on them. I thought this lesson went extremely well! Im pretty sure this was my best lesson yet. I was able to give it a run-through the day before which helped me revise and re-plan this lesson. There is not much else that I would want to change about it.

What were some challenges with this lesson? What surprised you?

additional comments?

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